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Review Article - Senna Auriculata

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Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies 2024; 12(4): 248-255

ISSN (E): 2320-3862

ISSN (P): 2394-0530
Exploring the therapeutic potential- A
JMPS 2024; 12(4): 248-255
© 2024 JMPS
comprehensive review of the medicinal properties
Received: 13-04-2024
Accepted: 15-05-2024
of Senna auriculata Linn The god gifted plant
H Hema Nandhini
Assistant Professor, Department H Hema Nandhini, S Punithavathy, Lokesh A and Hariram S
of Pharmacy Practice, SSM
College of Pharmacy, Jambai, DOI:
Tamil Nadu, India

S Punithavathy
Pharm D Students, Department Senna auriculata L is well known for its enormous medicinal properties. Senna extracts are found in
of Pharmacy Practice, SSM leaves, stems, roots, flowers, buds, bark, seeds, and fruits. They are used in the treatment of various
College of Pharmacy, Jambai, ailments and chronic diseases such as diabetic mellitus, hyperlipidemia, sclerosis, cancer, nephritis, hyper
Tamil Nadu, India melanosis, inflammation, ulcers, fever, psoriasis, viral infection, helminth infection, hepatitis, etc. Still,
there are numerous ailments that can be controlled, prevented, or cured by extracts of Senna auriculata.
Lokesh A The purpose of the study is to investigate the potential concept and use of Senna auriculata Linn, which
Pharm D Students, Department has numerous phytochemicals like steroids, proteins, alkaloids, cytoprotective agents, secondary
of Pharmacy Practice, SSM metabolites, antioxidants, cardio protectants, etc. We also reviewed their phytopharmacological
College of Pharmacy, Jambai, properties. In this review, we had selected more than 50 original articles for review and the data was
Tamil Nadu, India aggregated based on its medicinal activity. We have also attached this review article with some home
remedies of Senna auriculata Linn. There are numerous marketed formulations that have plant extracts of
Hariram S
Senna auriculata as active pharmaceutical components. Senna auriculata is used as traditional remedies
Pharm D Students, Department
of Pharmacy Practice, SSM
by a smaller group of people. Our main goal is to enlighten the importance to professionals and the
College of Pharmacy, Jambai, public about the miraculous plant Senna auriculata L as a traditional medicine for future drug discovery.
Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Senna auriculata, potential of phytoconstituents, ethnopharmacology, decoction and
macerations, traditional healing, anti-diabetic, anti-bacterial, bio absorbent, hyperlipidemic, antioxidant,
anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective, anti-pyretic, anti-ulcer, anti-malarial, anti-arthritic

In recent years, the use of traditional medicinal herbs for therapeutic purposes has become
more and more common. Senna auriculata L (Fabaceae) widely synonyms Senna auriculata,
commonly known as "Tanner's Cassia" or "Avaram Senna," is a tall, evergreen shrub that
grows quickly and has many branches. It typically reaches a height of 1.2–3.0 m, but it can
occasionally exceed 6.0 m. [1]. It is one of these botanical jewels that is particularly valued for
its extensive history of ethnopharmacological uses. The purpose of this review is to examine
the many applications of Senna auriculata L in diverse cultures and geographical areas,
providing insight into its pharmacological characteristics, traditional usage, and possible
contemporary therapeutic uses. Senna auriculata has a rich history in traditional medicine, and
more investigation into its ethnomedicinal significance could reveal even more information
and avenues for future research and application. Traditional techniques of extracting the herbal
medicine from Senna auriculata L have been considered safe. However, technology-based
and/or solvent-based extracts should be recognized as novel entities and should not be deemed
safe for human usage [2]. Both the homoeopathic and allopathic fields are becoming more
interested in using plants that have medicinal qualities. Particularly in underdeveloped nations,
where it is thought that extensive use of plants with therapeutic effects does not result in
intoxication, these medicinal plants are vital to public health. Most people in this world
countries cannot afford the cost of the pharmaceuticals now in use; hence it is inevitable that
Corresponding Author: they will look for inexpensive sources of antibacterial compounds in nature. New safe,
H Hema Nandhini renewable, and biodegradable medications can be found in plants. Plants have historically been
Assistant Professor, Department
of Pharmacy Practice, SSM
utilized not only as food but also as medicinal substances. Senna auriculata L is appropriate
College of Pharmacy, Jambai, for household gardens and road landscaping. It can withstand some dryness and drought, but
Tamil Nadu, India not too much cold. Racemes of flowers are very visually appealing.
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Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies

This plant produces anthraquinones in its leaves, bark, and marginal ovules; the ten distinct anthers are barren; and there
sap; the latter contains tannins. It is also reported to have a are three upper stamens shown in fig1 [8].
cardiac glucoside called sensapicrin [3]. The root is utilized in
infusions to treat diabetes, fevers, kidney disorders, and
constipation. The leaves have diuretic qualities. For those
with diabetes, dried flowers and flower buds are used in place
of tea The production of Kalpa herbal tea (Avarai panchaga
chooranam) involves using the five plant parts like roots,
leaves, flowers, bark, and unripe fruits to make an herbal tea
. People in Asian countries are the primary consumers of
this tea because it helps lower blood sugar and manage
diabetes symptoms. The antidiabetic properties of C.
auriculata L. have been reported for its numerous
components, including leaves [5] and flowers [6]. However,
people have long consumed the plant's buds to help manage
their diabetes. It is also thought to make women's skin seem Fig 1: flowers of Senna auriculata Linn.
better. Applying the ground seed to the eye is another use for
it in the event of persistent purulent conjunctivitis. The fruit: A short, oblong, obtuse legume that is 1.5 cm
broad, 7.5–11 cm long, flat, thin, papery, undulate, crimpled,
Table 1: Plant description of Senna auriculata pilose, and pale brown in color. It is also topped with a long
Taxonomy of Senna auriculata Linn style base. Each fruit has 12–20 seeds, each of which is
Kingdom Plantae carried in a distinct cavity [10,11].
Clade Tracheophytes, Eudicots, Rosids.
Order Fabales
Family Fabaceae
Genus Senna
Species S. auriculata
Binomial name Senna auriculata (L.) Roxb.
Cassia auriculata L. and
Cassiadensistipulata Taub.

Regional and Other Names

Tanner’s Cassia, Tanner’s Senna, Mature Tea Tree (English)
Avartaki, Pitapuspa, Pitkalika, Manojyna, Pitkala,
Charmaranga (Sanskrit), Tarwar, Awal, Tarval (Hindi),
Tangedu, Merakatangeedu (Telegu), Arsual, Tara Vada,
Tarwad (Marathi) [1]
Fig 2: Fruits of Senna auriculata Linn.
Botanical description of Senna auriculata
Leaves: Leaves 16–24, very shortly stalked 2-2.5 cm long 1- Geographical distribution: It can be found all over India's
1.3 cm broad, slightly overlapping, oval oblong, obtuse, at hot deciduous forests. Wild in Tamil Nadu's and Madhya
both ends, mucronate, glabrous or minutely downy, dull Pradesh's arid regions Rajasthan and other Indian regions.
green, paler beneath; stipules extraordinary, reniform-rotund,
produced at based on side of subsequent petiole into a filiform Cultivation and collection: a plant native to primarily arid
point and persistent. alternating, stipulate, paripinnate tropical climates, yet it can also withstand much wetter
compound, very numerous, closely spaced, rachis 8.8–12.5 weather. It can withstand mean annual precipitation as low as
cm long, narrowly furrowed, slender, pubescent, with an erect 400 mm or as high as 4,300 mm and grows best in regions
linear gland between each pair of leaflets. The plant has with mean annual temperatures between 16 and 27 °C [9].
compound leaves, made up of 5–8 pairs of shortly stalked needs to be positioned in direct sunlight [9]. Acceptable in a
oval lanceolate leaflets (2.5 cm × 1.5 cm) and produce wide range of soil conditions, even salty ones, but favors a
successive flush of flowering shoots both in axillary and reasonably rich, well-drained soil [9]. With a stem diameter of
subterminal position 60–70 days after sowing [8]. 35 mm, plants can grow to a height of around 3 meters in 2
years and a height of approximately 5 meters in 4 years,
Flowers: Large (about 5 cm in diameter), bright yellow, according to certain sources [9]. Coppicing is positively
irregular, bisexual, and glabrous pedicels that are 2.5 cm long. received by plants [9]. After the third year, plants can be
To generate a huge terminal inflorescence, the racemes are picked for their tannins and colors.
short, erect, few, and packed in the axils of the top leaves
(leaves save stipules are suppressed at the upper nodes). With Substituents and adulterations: Senna auriculata drugs are
the two outer petals somewhat larger than the inner ones, the substituted with Cassia angustifolia, Cassia abovata [10]
five distinct, imbricate, glabrous, concave, membranous, and
unequal sepals are present. Additionally, there are five petals: Various parts and their phytoconstituents:
they are bright yellow with orange veins, free, imbricate, and
crisp along the margin. The ovary is superior, unilocular, with

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Table 2: various parts of plant and their phytoconstituents

Part of Reference
plant number
Leaves Alkaloids, flavonoids, terpenoids, phenols, tannins, steroids, saponins
[11,15, 16]
Flowers Tannins, terpenoids, alkaloids, carbohydrates, steroids,
[12, 17]
Root 7,4-dihydroxyflavone-5-O-beta-D-galactopyranoside
Anthraquinones, triterpenoid glycosides, 3-hydroxy 6,8-dimethoxy-2methyl anthraquinone 1-0- [3,12, 18]
beta-d- Galactonide
benzoic acid, 2- hydroxyl methyl ester (0.07%), glycine, N-(trifluroacetyl), 1- methylbutyl ester
(0.10%), 2,3 dihydro-3,5 dihydroxy- 6 methyl-4H-pyran-4-one (0.12%), Capric acid, oleic acid,
steric acid, palmitic acid, [12, 19, 20]
ethyl ester (0.16%), Resorcinol (0.21%) Water soluble galactomannan from the seed of the plant
furnishedbeta-D-mannopyranosyl-(1to4)-O-beta-D-mannopyranosyl (1to4)-O-beta-D-
mannopyranose by partial hydrolysis
Kaempferol-3-O-rutinoside, Rutin, Kaempferol, Glycine, N-(trifluoro acetyl)-, 1-methylbutyl ester, [21]
Quercetin, Luteolin

Methods of extraction of active phytoconstituents from yielding a distinct fraction of ethyl acetate from the plant's
various parts of plant C. auriculata: Level or percentage of roots. Subsequently, the ethyl acetate extract was acidified
active constituents present in extract depends on two main using 0.1 N HCL to boost the extract yield. The plant's root
factors, namely they are type of solvent used for extraction ethyl acetate part was then evaporated to produce a
and method of extraction technique followed [11]. precipitate, which was later dissolved in methanol and gently
Leaves: Fresh C. auriculata leaves are collected, shade-dried evaporated to produce crystalline flavonoid powder [17]
for approximately a week, and then crushed into 100g. This powdered root is also extracted with hexane at room
powder is then used for extraction with several solvents, temperature [25].
including petroleum ether, chloroform, and methanol, using a Seed: Using a Soxhlet apparatus, 500g of Senna auriculata
Soxhlet’s apparatus at 40°C for 6–8 h. Distilled water was seeds were shade dried, ground into a powder, and extracted
used for the maceration to extract the polar and non-polar with ethanol over a period of 6 to 8 hours. After that, 2g of
compounds and then subjected to different solvent extraction sodium sulfate and Whatmann filter paper No. 41 were added
[11, 22, 23]
to the extract to help filter out any remaining sediments and
Flowers: There are different methods of extraction for flower water traces. Absolute alcohol is used to moisten the filter
extracts, fresh flowers are collected, and shade dried for about paper and sodium sulfate prior to filtering. After that, the
1week then 100 g of the dried powdered flowers of C. filtrate is concentrated by adding nitrogen gas to the mixture
auriculata were mixed with 500 mL of methanol and and lowering the volume to one milliliter. Both polar and non-
magnetically agitated. Filtration was used to get rid of the polar phytocomponents are present in the extract [19].
residue. 10 g of crude extract (10%) were produced by
condensing the filtrate at 60±10 ◦C in a rotary evaporator with Ethnopharmacological use of C. auriculata
decreased pressure [15, 23, 25, 27, 48], also Extract of dried flower Senna auriculata has a wide spectrum of
was carried out by continuous hot percolation method using ethnopharmacological use in our traditional medicinal system,
Soxhlet apparatus another method carried out [31], 90% various part of the plant has different medicinal values they
ethanol was steeped in 2 kg of fresh Senna auriculata flowers are isolated by different methods of separation which are
at room temperature (25–30 degrees Celsius). The ethanolic mentioned in above topic, the concentration of active
extract was filtered after 72 hours. This extract was constituent depends upon type of solvent used, the various
concentrated in a vacuum, and the resulting dry powder was ethnopharmacological uses of plants are enlisted below with
then dissolved in Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) to obtain the their references in Table:3.
necessary quantities, which were then applied to anti-cancer
activity screening [24]. Pharmaceutical action of extracts of Senna auriculata:
Root: The root was rinsed thoroughly in distilled water and Senna auriculata (L.) Roxb. was traditionally used to treat
alcohol, shade-dried, coarsely powdered in a hammer mill, inflammation, particularly in Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh,
Using the decoction process, the plant's powdered roots were and Gujarat. The leaf macerate of the plant effectively reduces
extracted with the use of water. A particular precaution was pain and inflammation in joint disorders. The flower, leaves,
taken throughout the decoction process to ensure that the roots, and seed were investigated with advanced spectroscopic
temperature did not rise over 40 °C or 5 °C since this could and chromatographic techniques, and various active
precipitate or crystallize some phytoconstituents that will metabolites with therapeutic implications against different
never dissolve in any solvents during the process. After diseases were found. The flowers of Senna auriculata (L.)
filtering the liquid extract, alcohol (ethanol) was gradually reported a considerable number of alkaloids, glycosides,
added to the liquid extract to precipitate out the saponins, polyphenols, tannins, phlorotannin, terpenoids,
polysaccharides found in each plant's roots. Following triterpenes, carbohydrates, proteins, amino acids and
filtering, the solution's filtrate was evaporated to one-fourth of sitosterol’s. These metabolites were attributed towards the
its original volume. Following the evaporation of one-fourth pharmacological action in diabetes mellitus muscle pain,
of the solution's volume, an equivalent volume of ethyl irregular muscle contraction, body pain, gastritis, skin sores
acetate after one-fourth of its total volume evaporated, and ulcers, and other ailments.

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Table 3: Various ethnopharmacological of various plant parts and their respective solvents of extraction
Part of Solvent for Phytoconstituent uses Mechanism of activity reference
plant extraction
Alpha glucosidase
Anti-diabetic activity Amylase inhibition
[11, 12, 15, 17, 23, 24,
Tannins, terpenoids, alkaloids, carbohydrates, Methanol Anti-plasmodial Inhibits Gram positive
26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31,
steroids Chloroform, activity, bacteria.
01 Flower 32, 33, 35, 43, 34, 35,
Hydroxylated phenolic substances, Alkaloids, ethyl acetate, Antibacterial Remove fluorine from
flavonoids, saponins acetone, ethanol Bio adsorbent wastewater.
Anti-hyperlipidemic Inhibit peroxidation,
inhibits TAG (Tri Acyl
Inhibits gram positive
Scavenges the free
Inhibit protein
Methanol action
denaturation. [11, 12, 22, 28, 34, 37,
Alkaloids, terpenoids, phenols, tannins, steroids, Methanol Anti-inflammatory
02 Leaves Same as in flower 38, 39, 40, 45, 22, 12]
saponins Ethylene acetate action, anti-pyretic
Invitro study states that
Dry powder Anti-diabetic
these extracts promote
Wound healing
wound healing rate.
Anti-ulcer -
increase T cell production,
integration of joints.
03 Root Polyphenols Methanol Diabetes mellitus Same as in flower
Anthraquinones, triterpenoid Anti-malarial, anti-
[41, 50]
04 Bark glycosides,3hydroxy 6,8-dimethoxy-2methyl Methanol hepatotoxic, anti- Same as in flower
anthraquinone 1-0-beta-galactonide diabetes
benzoic acid, 2- hydroxyl methyl ester (0.07%),
glycine, N-(trifluroacetyl), 1- methylbutyl ester
(0.10%), 2,3 dihydro-3,5 dihydroxy- 6 methyl-
4H-pyran-4-one (0.12%), Capric acid, oleic acid,
steric acid, palmitic acid, [19]
05 Seed Acetyl ether Anti-diabetic action Same as in flower
ethyl ester (0.16%), Resorcinol (0.21%) Water
soluble galactomannan from the seed of the plant
D-mannopyranosyl (1to4)-O-beta-D-
mannopyranose by partial hydrolysis

Fig 3: Therapeutical use of Senna auriculata Linn.

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Anti-diabetic use: Among the many solvents used to extract Escherichia coli, a type of Gram-negative bacteria,
these phytoconstituents, methanol yields an excellent outperforms Staphylococcus aureus, a type of Gram-positive
percentage of drug concentration. These phytoconstituents, bacteria, while Candida tropicalalis, a type of fungus,
which are found in seeds, bark, roots, leaves, and flowers, outperforms Candida albicans. the various phytochemical
reduce hyperglycemia and act as an antidiabetic drug. They components found in the plant extracts. Terpenoids, phenol,
do this by inhibiting the enzymes alpha amylase and alpha and alkaloids are among the chemicals that oversee the
glucosidase, which both lower blood sugar levels by antibacterial activity that was obtained [12, 22, 32, 34]
preventing oxidative stress in beta cells. The study was
conducted within three groups of rats: one as the control, Anti-inflammatory action: In both acute and chronic animal
sample 1, and sample 2 (metformin drug as the control, dried models, methanolic extract of Senna auriculata flowers
flower extract as sample 1, and dried flower bud extract as (MECA) and leaves shown strong anti-inflammatory effect.
sample 2) This study demonstrates unequivocally that the Additionally, in rats with oedema caused by carrageenin, a
methanol extract of Senna auriculata flower buds extract 50% acetone extract of the C. auriculata flower was seen to
exhibit greater efficacy than the extract of mature dried show strong anti-inflammatory activity. The flavanol
flowers of Senna auriculata [17, 25, 27, 42] this antidiabetic action glycoside 5-O-methylquercetin 7-O-glucoside, as well as
also occurs by inhibiting PTP1B enzyme [43]. tannin and steroids, were found in the flowers and leaves,
which is why the effect occurred [12, 30, 32, 45].
Hepatoprotective action: In experimental hepatotoxicity,
supplementing with Senna auriculata leaf extract may Anti-arthritic action: In rats with arthritis produced by
provide protection against oxidative stress mediated by free Freund's complete adjuvants (FCA), the ethyl acetate fraction
radicals. Furthermore, research on the liver's histopathology of Senna auriculata leaves (EACA) proves a positive
supported the therapeutic effects of Senna auriculata leaf therapeutic effect on arthritis symptoms. EACA has the
extract [8]. Because root extract inhibits hepatic metabolic potential to reduce arthritis through several pathways,
pathways, it has strong hepatoprotective effects against including immune suppression, anti-inflammatory, analgesic,
ethanol and antitubercular drug-induced hepatotoxicity in rats and improved joint structural and functional integrity. Due to
. their ability to modulate bone erosion, the quercetin and gallic
acid found in the f ethyl acetate fraction of EACA have
Hyperlipidemic agent: Hydroalcoholic Senna extracts are promising anti-arthritic effect [47, 49].
prescribed to treat hyperlipidemia and can prevent rats from
gaining weight due to a high-fat diet. It was found that Anti-psoriatic activity: In an animal model generated by
consuming a high-fat diet (HFD) causes concentrations of formaldehyde and Freund's adjuvant, the anti-psoriatic effect
triglycerides, cholesterol, LDL-C, and HDL-C to fall and rise, of an ethanol extract derived from Senna auriculata flowers
respectively. was assessed. Following psoriasis induction, the animals were
However, more research is needed to find the mechanism given an ointment (0.5% and 1% w/w) holding an ethanol
underlying these effects. The biological and pharmacological extract of Senna auriculata flowers. The ointment's
qualities, antioxidant activities, and other protective qualities preparation reduced mean PSI and psoriasis signs, which may
of Senna extract may oversee some of these benefits [12, 36, 40, have been caused by the polyphenols (tannins and flavonoids)
it held. Thus, we deduce that the plant Senna auriculata
flowers have anti-psoriatic action consistent with its
Antioxidant activity: Alkaloids, flavonoids, terpenoids, and traditional application.
phenolic compounds were found in Senna auriculata (L)
ethanolic extract based on preliminary phytochemical Adverse effects of prolonged use: there is no clinical
screening. These chemicals are vital for preventing diseases evidence known by us on adverse effects of prolonged use of
and preserving health. Current research has concentrated on C. auriculata extract.
showing the natural part of medicinal plants that can
counteract macromolecular damage by reducing oxidative Marketed formulation: the various formulations which
stress and inflammation. Reactive oxygen species are known holds C. auriculata extracts as their major active
to interact with important molecules, including proteins and pharmaceutical ingredients they are enlisted below in table
enzymes, to modulate essential metabolic pathways and Table:4.
reduce their functional efficiency. There are many bioactive
chemicals in Senna auriculata that have antioxidant Homemade remedies [1]
properties. The results of the quantitative study showed that • Decorticated seeds are finely powdered and made into
Senna auriculata is rich in flavonoids and phenolic paste is used for ophthalmia purulent discharge and
compounds. It is commonly known that flavonoids found in conjunctivitis known as country’s sore eye [1].
plants and phenols in general are particularly good at • Seeds with their Testa and kernels are Powdered and
protecting live cells from free radical damage and scavenging mixed with coconut oil or gingelly oil is also used for
them. Many disorders that are primarily linked to free radicals country’s sore eye [1].
have been treated and prevented with polyphenols and • Flower buds are powdered and mixed with honey and
flavonoids that have been extracted from medicinal plants [41, made into tea or decoction used in chylous urine and
45, 46]
diabetes mellitus [1].
• Tea leaves can be substituted with these leaves for daily
Anti-microbial activity: Senna auriculata-flower extract consumption [1].
from Avaram exhibits potent antibacterial properties in

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Table 4: list of marketed formulation of Senna auriculata

S. Price
Drug name Formulation type Marketed name Dose Indication/ Therapy
No (INR.)
1 Diasulin Inj Diasulin® 40IU/ml 120-150/inj Diabetes mellitus
Microvascular complications
2 Sugnil Tab Sugnil plus 25gm 270
in Diabetes mellitus
Kalpa 1teaspoon powder in 8 ounces Diabetes mellitus Diabetes
3 Powder Ayush Kalp™ 319.20/
herbal tea of water (BD) mellitus, Obesity
Polycystic ovarian syndrome,
4 Hyponidd Tab Hyponidd® 45mg 120/30 Tabs
5 Diamed Capsule Diamos™ 2Cap-BD 297 Diabetes mellitus
6 Día Sakthi Tab Dia Sakthi™ 25mg 130 Diabetes
7 Mersina Tab Mersina™ 70mg 49 Diabetes mellitus
Pravek Diabkalp
8 Diabkil Capsule 1-2 cap /day 595 Diabetes mellitus
9 Diakyur Capsule Diakyur Cap 1-2 cap /day 169 Diabetes mellitus
Diabetes mellitus, Rheumatoid
10 Dianex Tab Dianex 50mg 111.0
Avarai Skm Avarai 1teaspoon powder in 8 ounces
11 Powder 520 Microbial and fungal infection
kudineer Kudineer of water (BD)
12 Diazen Tab Diazen™ 50/750/250mg 140 Diabetes mellitus
Talapotaka Talapotaka
13 Powder 300-600mg/kg 97 Diabetes mellitus, Obesity
churna Churna®

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