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Rahayuningsih 2019 J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 1321 032035

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5th ICMSE2018 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1321 (2019) 032035 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1321/3/032035

Species richness of the butterflies (order: Lepidoptera) in

Mount Ungaran, Central Java

M Rahayuningsih 1*, T Azinar Ahmad2 and A Mukaromah3

Biology Department of Mathematics and Natural Science Faculty Universitas Negeri
Semarang, Indonesia
History Education Department of Social Science Faculty Universitas Negeri
Semarang, Indonesia
Student of Biology Department of Mathematics and Natural Science Faculty
Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia

*Corresponding author:

Abstract. Mount Ungaran is an area that has a relatively high biodiversity potential, including
butterflies. The diversity of ecosystems in the Ungaran Mountains such as natural forests,
plantations, fields, and settlements are the factors for diverse of biodiversity. Butterflies are one
of the most important assemblages of insects that act as biodiversity indicators as well as the
ecosytems. The objective of the research was to analyze the species richness of the butterfly
(order Lepidoptera) in Mount Ungaran and their conservation status. The research was conducted
on five (4) station, there are Medini, Gadjah Mungkur, Semirang and Banyuwindu. Time of the
research start from January to June 2018. The method of the research using point count method
and analysis by description qualitative. The Result showed that total 62 species (5 Family) of
Lepidoptera was recorded, followed by Nymphalidae (39 species), Papilionidae (11 species),
Pieridae (9 species), Lycaenidae (3 species), and Hesperidae (2 species). There was one species
was protected by Indonesian ruler and CITES appendix II (Troides helena), two species were
endemic of Java (Prioneris autothisbe and Mycalesis sudra), and two species was LC (Least
Concern) by IUCN red list data (Lampides boeticus and Vanesa cardui).

1. Introduction
Mount Ungaran Central Java is one of the area that has remaining natural forest and also has a potential
biodiversity such as flora, fauna, fungi, microorganisme, and diverse of ecosytem [1]. Established for
AZE (Alliance for Zero Extinction) to designate and effectively conserve the most important sites for
global biodiversity conservation. Mount Ungaran AZE site in Mount Ungaran triggered by Philautus
jacobsoni (Amphibia) which are the areas that hold the last-remaining populations and evaluated to be
Critically Endangered on the IUCN Red List. Disruption of natural forest, such as habitat fragmentation,
forest clearing for coffee or tea plantations, illegal logging, hunting, and trading, has become a serious
threat that could interfere with the presence of biodiversity at Mount Ungaran [2]. The natural forest dry
land in Central Java (include area on Mount Ungaran) was decreasing and being fragmented at an
alarming rate. This consequently will affect the survival of biodiversity that inhabit inside the natural
forest dry land [3]. Habitat lost and fragmentation is a major threat to global biodiversity [4].
The habitat change of green open space functions also can be a threat to butterflies on Mount
Ungaran. It can be eliminate the presence of plants that are hosts of butterflies in the area. Most
butterfly’s species depend on one or two species of host plants, so the threat to these species of plants is

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5th ICMSE2018 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1321 (2019) 032035 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1321/3/032035

the same as threatening the existence of butterflies [5]. Plants whose pollination or seed dispersal must
be assisted by animals (butterflies, birds, bat, other insect), the structure and composition of vegetation
must be able to support the preservation of these animals [6]. Butterfly is part of biological variety that
should be kept the preservation from extinction or descent kinds variety. The effort is need because
butterfly have important values such as: ecology value, endemic value, conservation value, education
value, culture value, aesthetic value, and economic value [7]. Butterflies will leave their habitats because
the increasing human activities, particularly in excessive exploitations of natural resources, result in
changes of organism compositions in the ecosystem [8]
Nowadays, the knowledge base of Lepidopteran fauna and their distribution in different habitats is
uneven and considering there is no complete data species richness in Mount Ungaran. This research
was important to complete information scientifics about the species richness of butterfly on Mount
Ungaran especially on the Forest area, settlement, coffe and tea plantation, and also around the water
fall ecosystem around Mount Ungaran. The objective of the research was to analyze the species richness
of the butterflies in Mount Ungaran Central Java.

2. Methods
The research was done in Mount Ungaran and conducted on four (4) station, there are Medini, Semirang
and Banyuwindu. Time of collecting data start from January to June 2018. The research used by point
count method [7]. In this method observer was stand up in a location that decided during 10 minutes and
recorded also counted the species of butterfly. Observation was done in point count which is placed on
the line that decided before. Every point count have radius limit of 25 m from the observer standing
position. The distance between point count was minimum 100 m, it is intended to minimize the
possibility of double counting [8].
Observation time stated from 6.30 to 11.00 AM. It was done, when butterfly activity is high enough
and the sun was illuminate enough or to dry their wings. In taking sample of each one butterfly specimen
was collected for one species. If a similar specimen was found butterfly specimen has been released. To
avoid double calculation, which had been caught were marked/labelled and then released. The
identification and classification of butterflies’ specimen used by an identification book of butterflies’
species [9,10,11]. Data analysis of the richness of the species was based on the number of species present
at the study site and done by qualitative description.

3. Results and Discussion

The results of species richness analysis showed total 62 species which belong to 5 families: Papilionidae,
Nymphalidae, Pieridae, Hesperiidae, and Lycaenidae was recorded in four station of Mount Ungaran,
(Table 1). Family-wise distribution of butterflies showed that members of Nymphalidae was the biggest
species (39) followed by Papilionidae (11 species), Pieridae (9 species), Lycaenidae (3 species), and
Hesperidae (2 species) (Figure 1). There was one species was protected by Indonesian ruler and CITES
appendix II (Troides helena), two species were endemic of Java (Prioneris autothisbe and Mycalesis
sudra), and two species was LC (Least Concern) by IUCN red list data (Lampides boeticus and Vanesa
cardui) (Figure 1). Troides helena species widely hunted for commercial use because of its beauty and
rarity [12].

Table 1. Species richness of butterflies in 4 (four) station of Mount Ungaran

Medini Curug Semirang Banyuwindu Gadjah Mungkur Total
Species 52 26 26 11 62
Famili 4 4 5 3 5

Troides helena host plants, including Aristolochia sp. and Thottea sp. (Figure 1) only found in
primary and secondary forests in Medini and few in number. This condition can threaten the survival of
Troides helena, because in addition to rare host plants, the ability to breed this type is low. Troides

5th ICMSE2018 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1321 (2019) 032035 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1321/3/032035

helena zise are large, the low eggs produced, and the reproduction time is quite long. Based on research
before, the female of Troides helena produces 35-150 eggs, and the success rate until the imago phase
is only 8-12% [13]. This condition causes the number of individuals Troides helena smaller and the
frequency of meetings with their image is rare. This phenomenon showed that this area needs to be
preserved. The population of butterflies is limited in nature, and its sensitivity is high to disturbances
when the environment is disturbed, its survival will be threatened, even causing the extinction of
butterfly in the area.

dok.Samsul Arif/GC dok.Teguh Heny/GC

Figure 1. Conservation status buterflies species CITES appendix II Troides Helena (A), host plant
Aristolochia sp

The distribution of butterflies species showed that Nymphalidae was the most dominant family in 4
station area (Medini, Curug Semirang, Banyuwindu, and Gadjah Mungkur) followed by Papilionidae
and Pieridae. Hesperidae family have recorded on Medini, Curug Semirang, and Banyuwindu but
Lycaenidae only recorded on the Banyuwindu station (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Species richess compotition of family in 4 (four) station

The result showed that Medini station have diversity of species richness than another station. Medini
area support by diversity habitat such as tea plantation, coffee plantation, edge area of natural forest and
secundary forest, and settlement. Butterfly habitat is a humid place that has lots of flower vegetation,
water source and lots of sunlight. Most types live in open land, fruit gardens, agricultural areas, primary
and secondary forests, also edge area [14]. This condition because of Nymphalidae has the most
members in the Rhopalocera suborder, so the possibility of encounters with more diverse species of this
family is greater. Nymphalidae is the family with the highest number of species in the Rhopalocera
suborder. Another factor is the type of flower plant and the host Nymphalidae is the most in the area.

5th ICMSE2018 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1321 (2019) 032035 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1321/3/032035

Also, larvae of Nymphalidae Family is a polifag thus it can spread all over the world [15]. The presence
of of butterfly species somewhere also was determined by the availability of host plants from the
caterpillar [16].

4. Conclusion
Total 62 species (5 Family) of Lepidoptera was recorded in four station area of Mount Ungaran and
Nymphalidae was the dominnat family which 39 species. There were one species was protected by
Indonesian ruler and CITES appendix II (Troides helena), two species was endemic of Java (Prioneris
autothisbe and Mycalesis sudra), and two species was LC (Least Concern) by IUCN red list data
(Lampides boeticus and Vanesa cardui)

The author would like thank to the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the
Republic of Indonesia for the funding. Also thank to all those who have assisted in this study for their
input and suggestions, the informants both primary and secondary data.

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