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Check List of Butterflies

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The Pharma Innovation Journal 2023; SP-12(10): 434-438

ISSN (E): 2277-7695

ISSN (P): 2349-8242
NAAS Rating: 5.23
Check-list of butterflies (Lepidoptera) in Agra District
TPI 2023; SP-12(10): 434-438
© 2023 TPI
of Uttar Pradesh
Received: 26-07-2023
Accepted: 09-09-2023
Ram Ajeet Chaudhary, Pradeep Kumar Verma, Md. Nayeem, Mojammil
Abedin, Devendra Singh and Dr. Jagatpal
Ram Ajeet Chaudhary
Ph.D. Scholar, Chandra Shekhar Abstract
Azad University University of Butterflies, renowned for their stunning colors, hold significant importance in preserving ecosystems and
Agriculture and Technology,
serving as indicators of climate change. This study aimed to investigate the diversity of butterflies in the
Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India
Agra District of Uttar Pradesh within the Sudurpaschim Province. The present study was carried out from
Pradeep Kumar Verma Agra District of Uttar Pradesh India during 2018-2020. According to this checklist, the total number of
Assistant Professor, College of 05 families and 40 species of butterfly were recorded, 18 species are belonging to the family
Smart Agriculture, COER Nymphalidae, 10 species to Pieridae, 03 species to Papilionidae, 07 species to Lycaenidae, and 02
University, Roorkee, species of Hesperiidae. The highest numbers of butterflies were recorded during the summer in the
Uttarakhand, India months of March to June. The present study provides a preliminary report on the butterfly diversity of
Agra District of Uttar Pradesh which in turn may generate awareness among the local people and
Md. Nayeem government, the importance of this study is essential for pollinators and their conservation.
Department of Plant Protection,
Aligarh Muslim University, Keywords: Butterfly species, check list, conservation pollinator and Uttar Pradesh
Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, India
Mojammil Abedin
Department of Plant Protection, Lepidoptera represents an insect order encompassing both butterflies and moths, commonly
Aligarh Muslim University, referred to as scaly-winged insects or lepidopterans. Within this order, butterflies belong to the
Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, India sub-order Rhopalocera. There are approximately 255,000 to 265,000 documented species
across 126 families of Lepidoptera worldwide, with butterflies accounting for 7.5% of these
Devendra Singh species (Saini P, 2021) [23]. Kunte (2001) [26] conducted a study on butterfly diversity in Pune
Professor, Department of
Agriculture, JBIT College of city, analyzing variations along a human impact gradient. Additionally, Singh AP and Panday
Applied Sciences, Dehradun, R (2004) [18] proposed a model to estimate butterfly species richness across the Indian
Uttarakhand, India subcontinent, using the Papilionidae family as an indicator. Paul M. and Sultana A. (2020) [16]
conducted research on butterfly diversity in different urban landscapes of Delhi, India.
Dr. Jagatpal Butterflies are valuable model organisms for studying evolution, genetics, mimicry, and
Assistant Professor, College of
Smart Agriculture, COER biodiversity conservation. They also serve as indicators of a healthy environment. The
University, Roorkee, conservation of butterflies has broader implications for wildlife and the well-being of current
Uttarakhand, India and future generations. Butterflies belong to the group of insects that have undergone
extensive taxonomic research, and their coloration and patterns can function as indicators of
the environment (Mayur et al., 2013) [15].
In Uttar Pradesh, research on butterflies is still in its early stages, with limited work conducted
by various researchers in different regions of the state. Notably, no previous studies on
butterfly populations have been conducted in the Agra district. This research involves morning
butterfly sampling, observation, photography, and the creation of a checklist based on the
collected photographs, as detailed in this paper.

Materials and Methods

a) Study area
The study area was carried out in Agra, District of Uttar Pradesh. Agra is one of the most
populous cities in Uttar Pradesh and the 24th most populous city in India. Agra district is a
part of the Agra division. It is situated on the bank’s river bank of Yamuna in the northern
state of Uttar Pradesh, India. It geographically lies between 27°18' North of Latitude and
78°02' East of Longitude. Its Altitude is 169 meters above sea level. On the North it is
Corresponding Author: bounded by Mathura District, On the South, it is bounded by Dhaulpur District, Rajasthan. On
Ram Ajeet Chaudhary the East, it is bounded by Firozabad District and On the West, it is bounded by Bharatpur. The
Ph.D. Scholar, Chandra Shekhar
total area of the Agra district is 4027 Km2 and the total population according to the 2011
Azad University University of
Agriculture and Technology, census has a 4,418,797+2.01%. It is 378 kilometres west of the state capital, Lucknow, and
Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India 206 kilometers south of the national capital New Delhi.
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b) Methodology settlements, i.e., urban parks areas, agriculture areas,

In each forest range, five study sites were randomly selected agroforestry areas, orchards, roads, houses, factories, etc.
by leaving three to four kilometre distance between them, so
that it could cover possible different vegetation types and Results and Discussion
topography of each range as per . Butterflies were observed A total of 52 butterfly species were identified, with the
during 6.00 to 10.00 hours and 15.00 to 18.00 hours as per the Nymphalidae family being the most prevalent. The prevalence
method of by traversing slowly with a phase of 30 minutes of the Nymphalidae family can be attributed to its status as
per transect by visual counting within three meter radius of one of the largest families in terms of species diversity and its
the observer as per [30-32]. Field photographed butterflies were wide distribution in nature (Khyade et al., 2018) [10]. This
identified with the help of field guides as per [13, 33-35]. Since, dominance is likely a result of their ecological adaptability
capturing of butterflies is strictly prohibited in NNP as per and strong dispersal capabilities. It was observed that
Wildlife Act, (1972), fast flying butterflies were not butterfly diversity and distribution decrease as human
considered during the present investigation. Statistical disturbances, habitat fragmentation, and forest fires increase
Analysis: The collected data was compiled and the checklists (Khanal et al., 2013) [12]. Since butterflies serve as ecological
of the butterflies were prepared. The density and abundance indicators, a declining population can signal habitat
was calculated as per. Percentage compositions of the degradation (Bourn & Thomas, 2002) [4]. Throughout the
different families at different locations of Agra district were study, it became evident that further exploratory work is
calculated by following standard methods and the data were needed to estimate the population size and abundance of these
graphically plotted. For identification of butterflies, we insects. The region's abundant flora provides an ideal
looked for a reference book "Butterflies of Begnas and Rupa
environment and location for biodiversity. A total number of
Watershed area" (Smith et al., 2016) [21] and some reputed
05 families and 40 species of butterfly are recorded, 18
internet websites like Butterflies of India
( was visited. species are belonging to the family Nymphalidae, 10 species
to Pieridine, 03 species to Papilionidae, 07 species to
c) Vegetation and Habitat Area Lycaenidae, and 02 species to Hesperiidae. Were recorded in
Many butterflies are localized or restricted to specific habitat the Agra district. The highest number of butterflies is
types. For this survey, the butterflies were collected from recorded during the summer in the months of March to June.
different habitats. Habitat was diverse vegetation. It consists The diagnostic characters, distribution, and ecology of
of grasslands, cultivated lands, bushes woodlands, and human butterflies species were observed.
Table 1: Checklist of Butterflies in Agra
Family Sub-family Tribes Scientific Name Common Name Author, Year Relative Abundance%
Biblidinae Biblidini Ariadne merione Common Castor Cramer,1777 3.38
Danaus genutia Striped Tiger Cramer, 1779 1.88
Danainae Danaini Danaus chrysippus Plain Tiger Linnaeus, 1758 3.76
Euploea core Indian Common Crow Cramer, 1780 1.50
Acraeini Acraea terpsicore Tawny Coster Linnaeus, 1758 1.50
Vagrantini Phalanta phalantha Common Leopard Drury, 1773 3.57
Limenitidinae Neptini Neptis hylas Common Sailer Linnaeus, 1758 0.94
Junonia lemonias Lemon Pansy Linnaeus, 1758 2.44
Junonia almana Peacock Pansy Linnaeus, 1758 3.95
I). Nymphalidae
Junonia atlites atlites Oriental Grey Pansy Linnaeus, 1763 1.12
Junonia iphita Chocolate Pansy Cramer, 1779 0.94
Nymphalinae Junoniini Hypolimnas anomala Anomalous Eggfly Wallace, 1869 0.75
Vanessa cardui Painted Lady Linnaeus, 1758 0.75
Hypolimnas misippus Danaid Eggfly Linnaeus, 1764 1.31
Hypolimnas bolina Great Eggfly Linnaeus, 1758 2.63
Junonia hierta Yellow Pansy Fabricius, 1798 0.75
Satyrinae Elymniini Elymnias hypermnestra Common Palmfly Linnaeus, 1763 0.94
Melanitini Melanitis leda Common Evening Brown Linnaeus, 1758 2.07
Catopsilia pomona Lemon Emigrant Fabricius, 1775 2.63
Eurema hecabe Common Grass Yellow Linnaeus, 1758 6.96
Nepheroniini Pareronia hippia Indian Wanderer Fabricius, 1787 3.20
Cepora nerissa Common Gull Fabricius, 1775 8.47
Pieris brassicae Large Cabbage White Gray, 1846 1.31
II). Pieridae Pierini
Pieris canidia Asian Cabbage White Linnaeus, 1768 8.47
Delias eucharis Indian Jezebel Drury, 1773 1.88
Colotis fausta Large Salmon Arab Olivier, 1804 0.56
Teracolini Colotis vestalis White Arab Butler, 1876 0.75
Colotis amata Small Salmon Arab Fabricius, 1775 1.69
Leptocircini Graphium doson Common Jay Fruhstorfe 1907 2.07
III). Papilionidae Papilioninae Papilio polytes Common Mormon Cramer, 1775 1.88
Papilio demoleus Lime Swallowtail Linnaeus, 1758 7.15
Acytolepis puspa Common Hedge Blue Horsfield, 1828 0.56
Pseudozizeeria maha Pale Grass Blue Kollar, 1844 3.38
Chilades pandava Plains Cupid Horsfield, 1829 3.76
IV). Lycaenidae Polyommatinae Polyommatini Chilades lajus Indian Lime Blue Stoll, 1780 3.38
Catochrysops panormus Silver Forget-me-not C. Felder, 1860 0.56
Leptotes plinius Zebra Blue Fabricius, 1793 1.88
Zizeeria karsandra Dark Grass Blue Moore, 1865 3.01
Hesperiinae Taractrocerini Potanthus omaha Lesser Dart Skipper E.Edwards, 1863 0.56
V). Hesperiidae
Pyrginae Carcharodini Spialia galba Asian Grizzled Skipper Fabricius, 1793 1.50
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Photo plates of butterflies listed at Agra district of U.P.

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Conclusion fauna with heterogeneous habitats in Jhansi, India. Int. J

The current butterfly checklist is not comprehensive, and Adv. Res. Biol. Sci. 2017;4(7):104-110.
ongoing research will keep it up to date. This research aims to 8. Kumar P. Handbook on Common Butterflies of
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