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Q1 Quarterly Exam

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Republic of the Philippines

Region V (Bicol)
Visita, San Miguel Island, Tabaco City

1st SEM
GENERAL DIRECTIONS: Read the specific directions carefully and select the best answer.
I. Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write the letter of your choice in your
answer sheet.
1. “An unexamined life is not worth living. Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” Which
Greek Philosopher said this famous line?
a. Aristotle b. Socrates c. Rene Descartes d. Plato
2. One’s abstract and general idea about him/herself is _________.
a. self-image b. self-concept c. self-esteem d. ideal self
3. Which psychologist proposed the three components of personality?
a. Sigmund Freud b. Carl Rogers c. Lao Tzu d. William James
4. How you see yourself is which part of our self-concept?
a. self-image b. self-acceptance c. self-esteem d. ideal self
5. Which component of personality consists instincts and the pleasure-satisfying component
personality? a. Id b. Ego c. Super-ego d. Self-image
6. Ego: Reality:: Super-ego: _________
a. Instinct b. Reality c. Morality d. Judgements
7. A hungry baby cried until he was fed. Which component of personality shown here?
a. Id b. Ego c. Super-ego d. Self-image
8. Mary really wanted to borrow her mom’s necklace, but knew her mom would be angry if she
took it without asking, so she asked her mom if she could wear it. Which is applied in this
situation? a. Id b. Ego c. Super-ego d. Self-image
9. Which development aspect is tangible and obvious?
a. Body/ Physical Aspect b. Cognitive/ Mental Aspect c. Emotional Aspect d. Social Aspect
10. The following are aspects of holistic development EXCEPT:
a. Physical Development c. Biological Development
b. Cognitive Development d. Psychosocial Development
11. When we stand up for ourselves and communicate our needs in a constructive manner
without hurting others, we are ____________.
a. assertive b. peer pressured c. stubborn d. showing aggressive behaviour
12. Which is a negative attitude towards oneself or one’s abilities?
a. determination b. high self-esteem c. low self-esteem d. short-term goals
13. Physical growth and changes are important aspects of which type of development?
a. Physical development c. Psychosocial Development
b. Cognitive Development d. Spiritual Development
14. Finding your purpose and connecting yourself with the world around you is which type of
development? a. Physical development c. Psychosocial Development
b. Cognitive Development d. Spiritual Development
15. Who proposed the 8 Stages of Psychosocial Development?
a. Sigmund Freud b. Carl Rogers c. Jean Piaget d. Erik Erickson
16. The growth of a person’s ability to think and create reasoning is ______________.
a. Physical development c. Psychosocial Development
b. Cognitive Development d. Spiritual Development
17. “Sense of self”
a. egocentrism b. self-image c. self-concept d. identity
18. In each stage of psychosocial development, people experience __________ that serve as
turning points in the development. a. stress b. conflicts c. problems d. issues

19. To take care of his body, Moises decides to maintain the hours of good quality sleep. As a
teenager, how many hours should he sleep to have an effective physical development?
a. 11-14 hours b. 8-10 hours c. 7-9 hours d. 4-6 hours
20. Virtues of Love and friendship can be formed at which stage of psychosocial development?
a. Trust vs. Mistrust c. Intimacy vs. Isolation
b. Identity vs. Role Confusion d. Generativity vs. Stagnation
21. The period between the normal onset of puberty and the beginning of adulthood is called
_____________. a. Infancy b. Adolescence c. Adolescents d. Adulthood
22. Which of the following stages describe a seven-year old who is learning to distinguish right
from wrong? a. Early adulthood c. Infancy and Early childhood
b. Adolescence d. Middle childhood
23. Which of these characteristics describe late childhood?
a. Transition age from childhood to adulthood
b. Social skills, school skills and play are developed
c. Pre-gang age, exploratory and questioning
d. By Foundation age when basic behaviour are organized
24. The following are the stages of development EXCEPT:
a. Babyhood b. Middle Age c. Adolescence d. Old Age
25. Alex finds it hard to accept that another his classmates’ view or opinion may be different from
his. What is this characteristic? a. Ego b. Prejudice c. Identity Crisis d. Egocentrism
26. The following are significant people around an adolescent EXCEPT:
a. Peers b. Parents c. Teachers d. Gang members
27. As an adolescent, which is one way you can prepare for adult life?
a. Use your time for school to play with your friends.
b. Spend your time showing efforts to your boyfriend/girlfriend.
c. Study hard.
d. Spend most of your time playing mobile games.
28. Which is the most acceptable cause of stress?
a. School outputs b. Loss in mobile games c. Family problems d. Not being in a basketball game
29. A mental problem or tension resulting from factors that tend to alter an existing balance or
equilibrium in one’s state of mind. a. Stress b. Love quarrel c. Conflict d. Mental pressure
30. Which is NOT an effective way to cope with stress?
a. meditation b. talking with friends c. spending time with nature d. drinking alcohol

II. IDENTIFICATION: Complete the following sentences by filling it out with the following terms in
the box. Write your chosen terms in your answer sheets.
spiritual development physical development depression young people teachers
cognitive development biological challenges meditation parents social issues
holistic development psychological challenges suicide adolescents stress
31. One of the significant people that help in one’s development are ___________ who provides
financial and moral support at home. They provide guidance and teach basic behaviour during
early stages of development.
32. In one’s development, ____________ provides learning at schools and teach foundational skills
needed for life.
33. Growth of a person’s ability to think and create reasoning is ________________.
34. Finding one’s purpose and connecting one’s self and the world around him is
35. Individuals in the 10-19 year age group are _______________.
36. Emotions, moods and sexual feelings which are stronger falls under ______________.
37. Stress, pressure, depression and suicides are ____________.
38. Exercise, adequate sleep and eating healthy foods are ways to help ________________.
39. This is one way of improving spiritual development ______________.
40. Individuals that belong to 10-24 years age group are _______________.
41. According to WHO, _____________ is the third leading cause of death in 15-19 year-olds.

42. Global _________________ is one of the leading causes of illness and disability among
43. Drug addiction, inequality and economic discrimination are examples of _________________.
44. Development of the whole person is also called _______________.
45. Sharing your problems to supportive friends is one way to cope with _______________.

III. ESSAY. In one or two sentences answer the following questions.

46-49. Share four (4) unique habit/ characteristic / experience of yours as an adolescent.
1. ___________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________
50. Give 1 practice of yours that helps you cope with stress.

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