B2 WK10 Play Base
B2 WK10 Play Base
B2 WK10 Play Base
Monday Engage learners to sing songs A.ORAL LANGUAGE Give learners task to complete
and recite rhymes (Giving and Responding to Commands) while you go round the class to
Ding dong bell. support those who might need
Pussy's at the well. Introduce instructions by having extra help.
Who took her there? learners respond to typical classroom
Little Johnny Hare. instructions. Have learners to read and spell
some of the keywords in the
Who’ll bring her in?
Create situations for learners to lesson
Little Tommy Thin. practice giving and responding to
What a jolly boy was that instruction.
To get some milk for pussy
cat, Let learners role-play parents,
Who ne'er did any harm? teachers, prefects, learners giving and
But played with the mice in responding to instructions, etc.
his father's barn e. g. Instruction: 1. Draw a circle in a
2. Write the letter ‘A’ in the circle.
Tuesday Have learners to the alphabet B.READING Using guided questions, have
song and dance to it. (Comprehension) learners answer some questions
based on the story read.
Have them perform the action Revise some previous stories told.
for each letter sound. Have learners summarize the
Have learners retell a story using story orally in pairs.
simple herring-bone strategies.
Wednesday Play games and recite rhymes C.WRITING Give learners task to complete
that learners are familiar with to (Narrative Writing) while you go round the class to
begin the lesson. Ask learners simple questions on their support those who might need
daily routines. extra help.
Ask learners questions to
review their understanding in Let learners brainstorm and choose a Have learners to read and spell
the previous lesson. topic for the day. some of the keywords in the
e. g. "A visit to the market" lesson
Using questions, assist learners to
write a paragraph or two about their
e. g. i. What is the name of the market?
ii. Where is the market?
iii. What did you buy from the market?
Thursday Engage learners to play “Back D.WRITING CONVENTIONS & Give learners task to complete
to the Board” game. GRAMMAR USAGE while you go round the class to
Display word cards on the (Using Simple Sentences) support those who might need
teachers table in front of the extra help.
class. Use questions and samples for learners
to identify nouns and verbs in the Have learners to read and spell
Group class into three or four. structure of simple sentences. some of the keywords in the
Invite each leader from the e. g. i. Ofori danced. (Who danced? What lesson
group in turns to face the class did Ofori do?)
with his/her back to the board. ii. Ama laughed. (Who danced? What did
Ama do?)
Write a letter on the board for
the others to make its sound.
The leader then search through have learners use the simple sentences
the word cards to identify the in forming compound and complex
letter. sentences orally with the aid of
Monday Engage learners to sing the Revise with learners on the names Ask learners to tell you
songs and rhymes to begin the of ghanaian currency (coins). what they have learnt
Let learners mention the names of Give learners individual or
the various coins and its value. home task
Example: the one pesewa, five
pesewas, ten pesewas, twenty pesewas
and fifty pesewa
Engage learners to sing songs Learners mention sources of light What have we learnt today?
and recite familiar rhymes at home and at the school.
Sources of light to the Earth
STAR LIGHT, STAR BRIGHT. Assemble different sources of
Star light, star bright. light (realia and pictures): stars, Ask learners to summarize
The first star I see tonight torch, lantern, lightning, fireflies, the main points in the lesson
I wish I may, I wish I might, forest fires and light bulbs, candle
Have the wish I wish tonight. light etc.
Have learners to watch videos Learners explain the elements What have we learnt today?
of weather, e.g. rainfall and
and pictures about weather precipitation Elements of weather
Precipitation is a form of water in Have learners to summarize
the atmosphere that falls to the the main points of the lesson
earth; it is formed as a result of
Learners to talk about the part
rapid condensation of moisture
Learners to tell the part of the
of the videos or pictures that lesson they wish to learn again
interest them most. Learners draw weather chart
using symbols.
Have learners to listen to stories Group learners to discuss the What have we learnt today?
about God and creation. usefulness of plants and animals
to humankind. Ask learners to summarize
Learners to watch pictures and the main points of the
videos about creation. Let learners identify the uses of lesson.
animals and plants.
Have learners to talk about the Give learners task to match
videos/pictures and tell the part Assessment: Let learners draw pictures of plants and
that interest them most. and color useful plants and animals to their uses
Week Ending: 08-12-2023 DAY: Subject: History
Duration: 60mins per lesson Strand: My Country Ghana
Class: B2 Class Size: Sub Strand: The People of Ghana
Content Standard:
B2.2.1.1. Show understanding of the Indicator: Lesson:
B2. identify the ethnic groups in each region of
characteristics of some of the ethnic Ghana 1 OF 1
groups in Ghana
Performance Indicator: Core Competencies:
Learners can identify the ethnic groups in each region of Ghana Global citizenship, and digital literacy
Teaching/ Learning Resources A map of Ghana indicating the various ethnic groups.
References: History Curriculum Pg. 10
Share some few jokes with Engage learners to sing songs in Ask learners questions to
learners. You can two their relation to the lesson. review their understanding
jokes as well of the lessson.
e.g. An American girl farts and Paste the regional chart on the
says “Excuse me”. board and let learners identify the Give learners task to do
regions in ghana. whiles you go round to
A Ghanaian girl farts and you guide those who need help.
will hear “Ohh! beans wei Employ a ghana map to aid
koraa” learners identify the regions and
their capitals in Ghana.
Learners to sing songs and Learners are to recall and organize Use questions to review
play games to get them ready ideas on visual artworks and their understanding of the
for the lesson topical issues in Ghana. lesson
Example: poverty
Show pictures of visual Ask learners to summarize
artworks to learners for them Have learners to recall images of what they have learnt
to observe and talk about them visual artworks on the topical
Write words on th board and Let learners demonstrate the Ask learners questions to
cover parts with a smiley for morning greeting. review their understanding
learners to guess the word of the lessson.
Write simple sentences that are
Have learners sing songs to well punctuated on a card (the Give learners task to do
begin the lesson sentence should have full stops whiles you go round to
and comma). guide those who need help.
Review the previous knowledge Encourage learners to keep fit Ask learners questions to
of the learners by making them regularly atleast once every review their understanding
answer questions on the previous week and record the time taken. of the lessson.
Cross check and give them Give learners task to do
Engage learners to play games encouragement to improve upon whiles you go round to
and sing songs to begin the their physical fitness. guide those who need help
Discuss why people participate
in physical activities three to
four times each week, for at least
30 minutes as to improve their
fitness, endurance, cardio-
vascular endurance, etc.
Name of School……………………………………………….……………………….…………………
Monday Engage learners to sing songs and A.ORAL LANGUAGE Give learners task to complete
recite some familiar rhymes they (Giving and Responding to Instructions) while you go round the class to
know support those who might need
Revise verbs (action words) by extra help.
One potato, two potatoes, three
having learners identify the present
potatoes, four form of verbs and use them in Have learners to read and spell
sentences, e.g. come, go, sit, etc. some of the keywords in the
Five potatoes, six potatoes, seven (action). lesson
potatoes, more.
Have several learners obey
One potato, two potatoes, three commands such as ‘stand up’, ‘close
potatoes, four the door’.
Five potatoes, six potatoes, seven
potatoes, more The teacher gives commands which
the class/individuals promptly obey.
Monday Engage learners to count the Guide learners to find the missing Ask learners to tell you what
dots and write each number terms in the following: they have learnt
beside 9, 1, 3, 5, 9, 1, 3, 5, ___ ; ___
2, 4, 6, 8, 10, ___ ; ___, Give learners individual or
__ 5, 10, 15, 20___ , ___ ; or
54, 55, 56, 57, ___ , ___ .
home task
Engage Learners to sing the
with several examples
Guide learners to find the missing Ask learners to tell you what
song terms in the following: they have learnt
WE CAN COUNT 9, 1, 3, 5, 9, 1, 3, 5, ___ ; ___
We class two 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, ___ ; ___, Give learners individual or
We can count 5, 10, 15, 20___ , ___ ; or home task
We count 1,2,3,4,5 54, 55, 56, 57, ___ , ___ .
We count 6,7,8,9,10
We class two can count very Assessment: Let learners practice
well. with several examples
Wednesday Engage learners to complete Guide learners to Identify and Ask learners to tell you what
the pattern. describe the rules for the following they have learnt
Which shape comes next? patterns
Draw it - 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, … (the rule is “add Give learners individual or
two”) home task
Let learners find the rules for the
following patterns.
- 5, 10, 15, 20, …
- 20, 18, 16, 14, …
Have learners play games and Learners mention the sources of Ask learners questions to
recite familiar rhymes to begin water we drink and use in their review their understanding
the lesson homes and communities. of the lessson.
Using questions and answers, Some of the sources of water are; Give learners task to do
review their understanding of Well water whiles you go round to
the previous lesson. Stream water guide those who need help.
Tap water
Bore hole
Have learners play games and Learners identify and talk about Ask learners questions to
recite familiar rhymes to begin crops like cocoa, yam, maize, review their understanding
the lesson shea butter, etc, and talk about of the lessson.
why they are important to the
Using questions and answers, community. e.g. they give us Give learners task to do
review their understanding of the money and food whiles you go round to
previous lesson guide those who need help.
Learners see the real crops,
watch pictures/videos of these
important crops
Have learners play games and Learners draw and color the Ask learners to summarize
recite familiar rhymes to begin important crops in their what they have learnt.
the lesson community.
Let learners say 5 words
Using questions and answers, Learners talk about the they remember from the
review their understanding of the importance of the crops they lesson.
previous lesson have drawn to the community
Have learners to listen to stories Group learners to discuss the What have we learnt today?
about God and creation. usefulness of plants and animals
to humankind. Ask learners to summarize
Learners to watch pictures and the main points of the
videos about creation. Let learners identify the uses of lesson.
animals and plants.
Have learners to talk about the Give learners task to match
videos/pictures and tell the part Assessment: Let learners draw pictures of plants and
that interest them most. and color useful plants and animals to their uses