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A B5 Week 9

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Week Ending
Class Five
Reference English Language curriculum Page
Learning Indicator(s) B5. B5. B5. B5. B5. B5.
Performance Indicator A. Learners can explain the central messages in songs
B. Learners can apply common phonic generalizations (e.g. hard and soft
“c” and “g”) when reading continuous texts.
C. Learners can identify and use nouns or noun phrases to refer to
quantities or units.
D. Learners can copy sentences clearly in joint script maintaining legible
E. Learners can follow appropriate mechanical convention
F. Learners can read a variety of age- and level appropriate books and
present at least a-three-paragraph summary of each book read
Teaching/ Learning Resources Word cards, sentence cards, letter cards and a class library
Core Competencies: Reading and Writing Skills Personal Development and Leadership and Collaboration


MINS (New Learning Including 10MINS
(Preparing The Brain For Assessment) (Learner And Teacher)
Play a recorded song for A.ORAL LANGUAGE Ask learners to tell you what
learners to listen. (Songs Pg.71) they have learnt and what they
Ask learners; will like to learn in the next
Have learners sing some lesson.
whether they have heard the familiar patriotic songs.
song before? Have learners to read and spell
Have learners listen to you sing the key words on the board
Where they heard that song? a selected song.

Have learners to sing any song Guide learners to sing lines of

they know and hence introduce the song with appropriate stress
the lesson. and rhythm.

Let them sing individually and

in groups.

Using questions discuss the

central message of the target
song: Who composed this song?
What is the song telling us?

Invite individuals to explain the

central message(s) of the song.
Gather 10 objects that can be B.READING Ask learners to tell you what
found in the classroom and lay (Phonics Pg.91) they have learnt and what they
them all Out on the desk. will like to learn in the next
Show them all to the students Review the hard form of the lesson.
and then cover everything with sound, e.g. “c” as in cut; “g” as
a blanket or a sheet after one in get. Have learners to read and spell
minute. the key words on the board
Ask learners to write down as Introduce the soft form using
many items they remember on a lots of examples, e.g. “c” as in
piece of paper. center, cent, circle; “g” as in
gent, gin, etc.

In groups, encourage learners to

come out with words in which
the sounds occur.

Have each group read their

words to the class and then
publish it on the walls of the
classroom for learners to go
round to read.
Engage learners in the “Change C.GRAMMAR Ask learners to tell you what
your style” game (Nouns Pg.105) they have learnt and what they
will like to learn in the next
Teacher calls out different Revise nouns briefly. lesson.
actions for learners to act.
Student have to mimic the Introduce quantities and units in Have learners to read and spell
action continuously without context. the key words on the board
breaking. e.g.: − Please, give me a piece
After a while teacher speeds up of paper. − I have a pair of
the tempo. trousers.
For example: jumping,
jumping, crazy dance, heading Have learners identify more
a ball etc. examples of these in text and
use them in sentences.

Learners make up their own

noun phrases and use them in
Write a CVC word on the D.WRITING Ask learners to tell you what
board. (Penmanship Pg.120) they have learnt and what they
will like to learn in the next
Invite the children to come up, lesson.
in turns, and change one letter Select sentences from texts
to make a new word. learners have read and write Have learners to read and spell
them on the board, using joint the key words on the board
They must read their new word. script. e.g.
If they are unsure of the word
encourage them to sound it out Have learners read out the
e.g. fun-sun-sin-sit-sat-cat-mat- sentence. (in pairs, small
pat-pan-pin etc. groups, large groups)

Have learners copy the

sentences into their exercise

Go round to support struggling

Engage learners in a debate on E.WRITING Ask learners to tell you what
the topic. CONVENTIONS & they have learnt and what they
“should children be allowed to GRAMMAR USAGE will like to learn in the next
use mobile phones in school” (Using Capitalization Pg.138) lesson.

In a guided composition, ask Have learners to read and spell

individual learners to write a the key words on the board
formal letter each on a given
topic, paying attention to
correct use of capital letters, the
full stop, comma, question
mark, exclamation mark,
quotation marks, apostrophe,
hyphen etc.
Week Ending
Class Five
Reference Mathematics curriculum Page 55
Learning Indicator(s) B5.
Performance Indicator Learners can model number quantities up to 1000000 using graph
sheets or multi base block
Learners can read and write number in figures and words up to
Identify numbers in different positions around a given number in a
number chart
Strand Number
Sub strand Counting, Representation & Cardinality
Teaching/ Learning Resources Counters, bundle and loose straws base ten cut square, patterns made
from Manila cards, Bundle of stick
Core Competencies: Problem Solving skills; Critical Thinking; Justification of Ideas; Collaborative Learning; Personal
Development and Leadership Attention to Precision


MINS (New Learning Including REFLECTION 10MINS
(Preparing The Brain For Assessment) (Learner And Teacher)
Monday Play show me a number game Have learners to model numbers What have we learnt today?
with learners (up to 10), with quantities up to 1000000 using Modeling number quantities
fingers. graph sheets or multi base using graph sheet.
Teacher mentions the number materials. Learners to model number
from (1 to 10). For instance, with multi base quantities written on the
Learners then show their fingers block. board.
up to show the number. A cube=1000unit, a rod=10000,
a flat=100000, and a

Learners model 436000 with the

appropriate materials.
Tuesday Paste a chart of base block on Ask learners to model the Review lesson with
the board for learners to number 137000 shading graph learners.
observe. Hand out sheet of sheet square. Have learner model number
papers to learners to draw what quantities for multi digit
they see on the chart. Distribute graph sheets to using multi base materials
Review the previous lesson learners and demonstrate how to
through examples model the number 12500 by
A cube=1000unit

A rod=10000unit

Have learners practice more


Give learners teacher made

token currency notes on
different colored paper and ask
them to model or pick given
amounts up to GHC100,000
Wednesday Review the previous lesson by; Read out number figures and What have we learnt today?
Bring real Ghana cedi currency have learners to write numbers
of different denominations to in words up to 100000. Have learners summarize
class. the important points of the
Put them in a box in front of the Assessment: Play the place lesson.
class. Call out an amount for value number wheel game: Use
learners to model it. Do it the hundred thousand number Engage pupils in a think
groups to create competition. wheel to generate 6-digit pair share activity to.
numbers and represent the
number generated on a place Write number in figures and
value frame. in words up to 100000
Throw a number of pebbles (or
stones) onto the number wheel,
identify the number of pebbles
landing in each place value ring,
and state the number generated
in the wheel (i.e. 2 landed in the
ten-thousand’ ring making the
number twenty-thousand or
Thursday Review the previous lesson by; Read out number figures and What have we learnt today?
Bring real Ghana cedi currency have learners write them in
of different denominations to words up to 10,000,000. Have learners summarize
class. the important points of the
Assessment: Engage learners to lesson.
Put them in a box in front of the play the place value number
class. wheel game. Engage pupils in a think
pair share activity to.
Call out an amount for learners Use the hundred thousand
to model it. Do it groups to number wheel to generate 6- Write number in figures and
create competition. digit numbers and represent the in words up to 1000000
number generated on a place
value frame.

Throw a number of pebbles (or

stones) onto the number wheel,
identify the number of pebbles
landing in each place value ring,
and state the number generated
in the wheel (i.e. 2 landed in the
ten-thousand’ ring making the
number twenty-thousand or
Friday Play clap that number (up to Display a number chart in Review the lesson with
10). multiples of 1,500 between learners.
10,000 and 1000,000 and lead
Have learner count in unison as learners identify numbers in Have pupils practice more
they clap the number. different positions around a examples.
Play show me game; given number.

Write a number on the board Put learners in pairs and give

and let learners show number each group a number grid and
with bundles of 10s and 1s have them identify numbers in
different positions around a
chosen number
Week Ending
Class Five
Reference Science curriculum Page
Learning Indicator(s) B5.
Performance Indicator Learners can know the life processes of living things (growth,
sensitivity to the environment, respiration and excretion)
Strand Diversity Of Matter
Sub strand Living and Non Living Things
Teaching/ Learning Resources Pictures of Plants and animals in the environment , plastics videos
paper, metal woods pencil
Core Competencies: Problem Solving skills; Critical Thinking; Justification of Ideas; Collaborative Learning; Personal
Development and Leadership Attention to Precision


MINS (New Learning Including REFLECTION 10MINS
(Preparing The Brain For Assessment) (Learner And Teacher)
Have learners watch a Learners go outside the classroom What have we learnt today?
documentary on the life to observe and identify various
processes of some animals living and non-living things and classify animals into insects,
discuss their observation. birds , mammals and
Engage learners to watch pictures
or animated videos of different Have learners to summarize
living things (e.g. birds, insects, the important points of the
trees, reptiles, mammals, etc.) and lesson
comment on them.
Give learners task to draw
Ask learners to identify the some insects, birds and
names of the living things from color them
the video
Display word cards o the Use relevant examples and What have we learnt today?
teachers table in front of the illustrations to demonstrate or
class explain sensitivity, respiration Have learners to summarize
and excretion as life processes. the important points of the
Put students into groups of lesson.
three 3 and number them 1-3. Learners go on a nature walk to
Put three number statements up observe sensitivity in the mimosa
to the white board and ask plant when touched
students to explain the
corresponding statements to Assist learners to understand
their group. growth by observing a seedling
and a mature plant of the same
The group who explains well kind.
Let learners breathe air in and out
to demonstrate respiration
Week Ending
Class Five
Reference OWOP curriculum Page
Learning Indicator(s) B5.
Performance Indicator Learners can explain that human beings are unique compared to other
Strand All About Us
Sub strand Nature of God
Teaching/ Learning Resources Pictures, Charts, Video Clips
Core Competencies: Communication and Collaboration Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Cultural Identity and
Global Citizenship


MINS (New Learning Including REFLECTION 10MINS
(Preparing The Brain For Assessment) (Learner And Teacher)
Take a nature walk with learners Learners recall and retell stories What did we learn today?
around the school to observe about Creation. They talk about
things in the natural the nature of God as the Creator, How human beings are
environment. the all-knowing, powerful and different from other
creator of all things. creatures.
Use questions and answers to Have learners to summarize
have learners talk about some of Learners look at themselves, the main points of the
the natural things they observed. pictures of different human lesson.
beings, and animals and reflect
on how they are different from Give learners a task to
animals and present their match pictures of different
findings to the class for creatures with their names
Engage learners to sing songs Learners in groups reflect and Have learners to summarize
about nature make a poster on the the important points of the
characteristics of human beings lesson
that make them different from
other creatures Use pupil as teachers to
Example: review the lesson.
- Having a unique personality
- Ability to be creative and think Group class into three and
rationally. appoint a leader from each
- Ability to communicate and group to teach to the whole
collaborate. class
- Ability to exercise judgment
and make choices between right
and wrong, ability to learn.
Week Ending
Class Five
Reference RME curriculum Page
Learning Indicator(s) B2.
Performance Indicator Learners can mention the attributes of god that reveal his nature
Strand God’s Creation & Attributes
Sub strand God The Creator
Teaching/ Learning Resources Wall charts, wall words, posters, video clip, etc.
Core Competencies: Cultural Identity, Sharing Reconciliation, Togetherness, Unity Communication and Collaboration,
Critical Thinking Creativity and Innovation Digital Literacy


MINS (New Learning Including REFLECTION 10MINS
(Preparing The Brain For Assessment) (Learner And Teacher)
Start with a related song. Put learners into groups of three. Review the lesson with
Example: My God is so Big In groups, lead learners to discuss
the attributes of God as the Ask pupils to summarize the
My God is so big Sustainer of life: important points in the
So strong and so mighty - Giver of rain and sunshine, lesson
There is nothing my God - the One who makes plants grow,
cannot do. - The Giver of air, etc. Ask learners to draw and
colure two things God
Let learners mention other created
attributes of God in their local

Let learners explain the attributes

of God relevant to their daily life,
e.g. God gives life, rain and air.
Week Ending
Class Five
Reference History curriculum Page 30
Learning Indicator(s) B5.
Performance Indicator Describe how our ancestors lived in ancient times (before the 15th
century) and compare it with how we live today.
Strand My Country Ghana
Sub strand The People Of Ghana
Teaching/ Learning Resources Wall charts, wall words, poster, etc.
Core Competencies: The use of evidence to appreciate the significance of historical locations help learners to
become critical thinkers and digital literates


MINS (New Learning Including REFLECTION 10MINS
(Preparing The Brain For Assessment) (Learner And Teacher)
Tell learners stories about how Identify the kinds of food they What have we learnt today?
our ancestors lived ate, the clothes they wore and
how they travelled etc. How our ancestors lived
Have learners to watch videos of
how our ancestors lived Compare life today to life in Have learners to summarize
ancient days. E.g. Food eaten, the important points in the
Clothes worn, Mode of travel, lesson
buildings Communication,
Trading, Professions and
Have learners visit a palace near Produce a photo album (Tactile What have we learnt today?
them to see how our ancestors photo album for visually
lived impaired) of family members How our ancestors lived
including learners
Have learners to summarize
Visit ancient sites and museums the important points in the
Use videos/ documentaries
/internet to highlight how life
today has changed from the past
Week Ending
Class Five
Reference Ghanaian Language curriculum Page
Learning Indicator(s) B5. B5.
Performance Indicator Sing cradle songs/lullaby with the correct rhythms and discuss
importance of songs
Read and answer questions on the narratives/passage read.
Strand Oral Language/Extensive Reading
Sub strand Songs / Reading Texts, And Short Stories
Teaching/ Learning Resources Word cards, sentence cards, letter cards, handwriting on a manila card
Core Competencies: Creativity and innovation, Communication and collaboration, Critical thinking


MINS (New Learning Including REFLECTION 10MINS
(Preparing The Brain For Assessment) (Learner And Teacher)
Let learners find the rhyming Show a clip of a baby crying to Learners to tell what was
pairs for these words. First learners. interesting about the lesson.
unscramble the words
Ask learners to tell you what a Have learners to read and
1. THIGR & EIGHTH mother does when a child is spell the key words written
2. OWELT & LOWRG crying. on the board.
4. OCRK & ALKHC Discuss the answers with the
learners and talk about what a
Answers: Right & Height lullaby is.
Towel & Growl
Four & Roar Play a recorded cradle song or
Rock & Chalk lullaby to the hearing of learners.

Lead learners to sing cradle

songs/lullaby with correct

Allow individual learners to sing

a lullaby.

Let learners brainstorm the

importance of lullaby.
Tell learners a few jokes to get Lead them to discuss the Learners to tell what was
their attention. importance of cradle songs to the interesting about the lesson.
Call two learners to share their Have learners to read and
jokes as well Write some of the benefits spell the key words written
discussed on the board, and on the board.
allow learners to copy them into
books. E.g. It makes the baby
sleep. It makes the baby happy.
It enables the baby to play.

Assist learners to discuss the

importance of cradle songs to the
mother and caretaker. E.g.
It allows the mother to do her
work. It helps the mother to rest

Write the outcome from the

discussion with the learners.

Let learners role play mother

singing a lullaby and holding a
Engage learners to play the Read a text aloud to the hearing Learners to tell what was
“What letter am I writing” game. of learners. interesting about the lesson.
Put learners into groups of two.
The teacher writes a letter in the Guide learners to read short Have learners to read and
air. texts, narratives or stories from spell the key words written
Learners makes the letter sound other materials with correct on the board.
and tell the teacher the sound intonation.
that has been written
Let learners read paragraph each
of the text to the class.

Learners read a passage to the

hearing of others learners.

Lead learners to answer

questions on the passage read
orally then write them into their
Week Ending
Class Five
Reference PE curriculum Page 57
Learning Indicator(s) B5.
Performance Indicator Walk on straight lines edges.
Strand Motor Skill And Movement Patterns
Sub strand Locomotive skills
Teaching/ Learning Resources Pictures and Videos
Core Competencies: Learners develop personal skills and competencies such as accuracy, precision,
coordination strength, balance, courage, patience, teamwork, fair-play


(Preparing The Brain For (New Learning Including 10MINS
Learning) Assessment) (Learner And Teacher)
Take learners out to the field. Draw a straight line on the floor Have learners to express
for learners to walk on it. their satisfaction for the
Let learners run or jog within a lesson by talking about how
demarcated area to warm Learners walk as individually they enjoyed the dancing
themselves up. and in a groups under the watch moves of their partners.
of the teacher.
Let learners perform some
general and specific warm ups. Organize competition for

End the lesson with cool down

and use questions to end the
Week Ending
Class Five
Reference Computing curriculum Page 11
Learning Indicator(s) B5. -3
Performance Indicator Describe the types of output device and identify their uses.
Distinguish the difference and similarities between analogue and digital
Strand Introduction To Computing
Sub strand Generation Of Computers
Teaching/ Learning Resources Pictures of telephone, mobile phone, radio, tablets,
Core Competencies: Creativity and innovation. 2. Communication and collaboration. 3. Cultural identity and global citizenship. 4.
Personal development and leadership. 5. Digital literacy


MINS (New Learning Including REFLECTION 10MINS
(Preparing The Brain For Assessment) (Learner And Teacher)
Get a viral picture, a trending Guide learners to identify types Ask learners to talk about
news on twitter, Facebook, of output devices and their uses. what they have learnt.
YouTube and other social media Assist them to list them on the
handles. board as well as their uses. Pose questions to learners to
review their understanding
Discuss what is trending and Guide the learners to identify the of the lesson
invite learners to share their similarities and differences
opinions on them. between analogue and digital

Present examples of analogue

and digital devices to learners.

Aid them to mention other

examples of analogue devices
and digital devices as well as
noticing the differences.

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