A B5 Week 9
A B5 Week 9
A B5 Week 9
Week Ending
Class Five
Reference English Language curriculum Page
Learning Indicator(s) B5. B5. B5. B5. B5. B5.
Performance Indicator A. Learners can explain the central messages in songs
B. Learners can apply common phonic generalizations (e.g. hard and soft
“c” and “g”) when reading continuous texts.
C. Learners can identify and use nouns or noun phrases to refer to
quantities or units.
D. Learners can copy sentences clearly in joint script maintaining legible
E. Learners can follow appropriate mechanical convention
F. Learners can read a variety of age- and level appropriate books and
present at least a-three-paragraph summary of each book read
Teaching/ Learning Resources Word cards, sentence cards, letter cards and a class library
Core Competencies: Reading and Writing Skills Personal Development and Leadership and Collaboration
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