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Update Pasien NC 18 Juli 2024

1 2.4 An. M. Rijki 3 thn P 0002013602 PEDIATRIC 7/17/2024 2 Arrested Hydrocephalus due to Suspect Blake's Pouch Cyst dd/ Dandy Walker Variant + MS LS pGCS = 15 pGCS E3M6V5 = R/ VP Shunt Elektif MRI Kepala Kontras (-), Raber TS IKA
Agenesis Corpus Callosum + Porenecephaly 14
An. M. Adnan
2 3.3 Baihaqi 6 thn L 0002294882 PEDIATRIC konsul IKA 11-07-2024 8 Congenital Hydrocephalus due to Suspect Dandy Walker Malformation MS LS E4M5V2 = 10 E4M5V2 = 10 R/VP Shunt MRI Kepala Kontras (-),

3 3.5 An. Alvia Nurul 14 thn P 0002295313 SKULLBASE 12/07/2024, Op POD 3 Post Laminectomy Tumor Removal due to Myeloradiculopathy at Level L4? Due to SOL RS SH 15 15 R/ Laminectomy Tumor Post Op Care
15/07/2024 Intradural-Extramedullary at Level Vertebrae L2-L5 due to Schwannoma Removal

4 5.2 An. Rapi 16 thn L 0002297106 SPINE 18/07/2024 1 Moderate Head Injury + Cerebral Edema + Lacerated Wound at Right Supraorbita + Multiple RD-SV MO E3M6V4 = 13 E3M6V4 = 13 Closed Observation PB
Excoriated Wound at Facial et Right Genu at Right Ankle
SOL Supratentorial at Mid Frontal due to Suspect Parasagittal Meningioma dd/ Convexity E4M5Vafasia= 9 E4M5Vafasia= 9 R/ Craniotomy Tumor MRI Kepala Kontras + Spectroscopy (-),
5 7.1 Ny. Tati 52 thn P 0002296027 INFECTION 7/13/2024 5 IM LS
Meningioma Afasia Afasia Removal Elektif konsul IPD (+), konsul Neuro (+)

-Terapi Dexamethasone dan Manitol

-MRI Kepala Kontras
SOL Supratentorial at Right Frontal due to Suspect High Grade Glioma DD/ Metastasis + Suspect R/ Craniotomy Tumor
6 7.3 Ny Ami 24 thn P 0002296402 ONCOLOGY 15/07/2024 3 Uterine Myoma AF MO 15 15 Removal -Konsul TS Obsgyn untuk Evaluasi USG
-Konsul TS Neurologi untuk Rawat

7 7.4 Ny. Ai Saida 51 thn P 0002296884 INFECTION 7/17/2024 2 SOL Supratentorial at Left Occipital due to Suspect Meningioma IM LS 15 15 R/ Craniotomy Tumor
Removal Elektif
8 8.3 Tn. Mansur 61 thn L 0002297088 VASCULAR 18/07/2024 1 SOL Supratentorial at Right Temporal due to Suspect Cerebral Abscess AD SH 15 15 MRI Kepala Kontras PB Pro MRI Kepala Kontras

Tn. X/ Nabil 09/07/2024, OP Post Craniotomy Elevation due to Moderate Head Injury + Closed Depressed Fracture > 1
9 8.4 20 thn L 0002295235 TRAUMA POD 21 Lamina at Midfrontal + Traumatic SDH at Left Frontal + Traumatic ICH at Right Frontal + MS PK E3M5V3= 11 15 Craniotomy Elevation Elective Craniotomy Elevation Elective 16072024
Pratama 16/07/2024
Cerebral Contusion at Bilateral Frontal + Traumatic SAB + Skullbase Fracture at Anterior Fossa

Status Epilepticus due to Subdural Hygroma due to Post Craniotomy Tumor removal + Omaya
Penjadwalan EEG (+), CT Kepala Kontras
10 9.4 An. Robi Maulana 10 thn L 0002256705 PEDIATRIC 26/06/2024 23 Shunt Placement due to SOL Supratentorial at Right Parasellar extend to Suprasellar et Right MS LS 15 15 R/ Craniotomy Debridement (-)
Frontotemporal due to Optic Nerve Glioma ar Right Frontotemporal
SOL Supratentorial at Left Parietaloccipital due to Suspect Mestastasis due to Suspect Left - Terapi Dexamethason dan Manitol
11 10.4 Tn. Saman 48 thn L 0002296258 ONCOLOGY 15/07/2024, 4 Lung Carcinoma FM MO 15 15 Closed Observation - MRI Kepala Kontras + Spectroscopy
28/06/2024, Konsul Post Craniotomy Tumor Resection due to Craniotomy Tumor Resection due to Multiple SOL
12 1.2 Ny. Maya 47 thn P 0002289529 INFECTION POD 9 IM BP 15 15 Craniotomy Tumor Resection Post Op Care
Neuro, op 09/07/2024 Supratentorial at Left Frontotemporal due to Cerebral Abscess + Caries Dentis
07/07/2024, Op Post Dural Repair due to Post Cele Resection + Defect Closure due to Cele Resection + Defect
13 3.2 By. Kyra Anindya 5 bln P 0002293840 PEDIATRIC 09/07/2024, OP II POD 21 MS JN pGCS 15 pGCS 15 Dural repair Post Op Care
16/07/2024 Closure due to Normocephaly + Lipomeningomyelocele at Lumbosacral

Post VP Shunt Cito due to Acute Non Communicating Hydrocephalus due to SOL Supratentorial
14 3.4 An. M. Adithama 4 thn L 0002294433 PEDIATRIC 05/07/2024, Op POD 13 at Sellar Region extend to Suprasellar and Third Ventricle due to suspect Craniopharyngioma RS BP GCS E3M6V5 = 15 VP Shunt CITO Perawatan Post Op
05/07/2024 14
DD/ Rathke Cleft Cyst
15 4.2 Ny. Nunung 83 thn P 0002295232 TRAUMA 09/07/2024, 10 Moderate Head Injury + Closed Linear Fracture at Left Periorbita MS PK E3M5V4= 12 E3M5V4= 12 Closed Observation CT Scan Kepala Kontras(+)
16/07/2024, OP SOL Supratentorial at Right Frontotemporal Extend to Orbit left Sphenoid due to Suspect
16 1.1 Ny. Asih 46 thn P 0002267640 ONCOLOGY POD 1 FM MO 15 15 Craniectomy Tumor Removal Perawatan Post Op
17/07/2024 Hemangiopericytoma dd/ Osteosarcoma + Hypertension Stage II
Mild Head Injury + SBF Anterior Fossa + Cerebral Edema + Right Inferior Orbital Rim Fracture +
17 4.5 Tn. Onip 46 thn L 0002296071 SPINE 7/14/2024 4 Right ZMC Fracture + Le Fort II Fracture + Closed Fracture of Right 1/3 Distal Antebrachii + RD-SV MO 15 15 Closed Observation Closed Observation
Dental Avulsion

18 5.3 Tn. Ferdi 24 thn L 0002296427 TRAUMA 16/07/2024 3 Moderate Head Injury + Close Linear Fracture at Left Temporal + EDH at Left Temporal + GN PK E2M5V2 = 9 E3M6V5 = 14 Closed Observation TS Plastik ORIF
Cerebral Contusion at Left Frontal + Close Linear Fracture at Right Maxilla
Post Laminectomy Tumor Removal + Posterior Stabilisation due to Myeloradiculophaty at Level
Laminectomy Tumor Removal Post Op
19 2.1 Ny. Oom Suparni 75 thn P 0002295198 SPINE 12/07/2024 Konsul Neuro POD 0 Vertebrae Th8 due to SOL Extradural at Level Vertebrae Th8 - Th10 due to Suspect Primary RD-SV MO 15 15 Perawatan Post Op
+ Posterior Stabilisation
Spinal Lymphoma DD/ Metastasis + Hypertension Stage 2 on Therapy
Multiple SOL Supratentorial et Infratentorial at Bilateral Frontal, Bilateral Temporal, Right R/ Craniotomy Tumor
20 5.3 Tn. Usman 68 thn L 0002292503 ONCOLOGY 7/17/2024 2 Parietal, Bilateral Occipital and Right Cerebellum due to Suspect Metastasis + Carcinoma AF MO 15 15 Sio(-), preop (-), raber TS Neuro dan BM
Mandibula + Suspect Lung Metastase + Hypokalemia
Multiple SOL Supratentorial at Right Frontoparietal et Left Parietal due to Suspect Metastasis E4M5Vaf = 9 E4M5Vaf = 9 R/ Craniectomy PB
21 7.3 Tn. Yusep Solihin 46 thn L 0002296899 ONCOLOGY 18/07/2024 KonsuL Neuro 1 FM MO
dd/ High Grade Glioma Afasia Afasia Decompression CITO Konsul
Myeloradiculopathy at Level Vertebrae Th5 due to Pathological Fracture at Level Vertebrae Th5 konsul Bedah Onko untuk staging
due to Multiple SOL Extradural at Level Vertebrae C7, Th5 and L1 extend to Paraspinal due to R/ Laminectomy Tumor tumor, konsul IPD untuk
22 3.1 Ny. Jaenatun 54 thn P 0002295734 SPINE 7/17/2024 2 Suspect Metastasis DD/ Spondylitis TB + Radiculopathy at Level Vertebrae C7 due to RD-SV MO 15 15 Removal + Posterior pleuropneumonia dan skrining
Pathological Fracture at Level Vertebrae C7 due to Suspect Metastasis DD/ Spondylitis TB + Stabilisation
Right Pleuropneumonia + Suspect Carcinoma Mammae metastasis
05-07-2024, konsul neuro SOL Supratentorial at Sellar Region Extend to Suprasellar et Sphenoid Sinus et Right Cavernosus R/ Perendoscopic Endonasal
23 11.2 Tn. Iin Solihin 48 thn L 0002294093 SKULLBASE 05/07/2024 13 Sinus due to Suspect Macroadenoma Hypophysis DD/ Tuberculum Sellae Meningioma RS SH 15 15 Transphenoid Tumor Removal Transphenoid 17/7/2024

24 7.1 Nn. Anna 19 thn P 0002283485 VASCULAR 7/17/2024 POD 0 Post DSA due to Suspect Carotid Cavernous Fistula at Right Oculi AD SH 15 15 DSA Post Op Perawatan Post Op

Recurrent Right Trigeminal Neuralgia due to Post Microvascular Decompression due to Right
25 17.2 Tn. MS Syailendra 48 thn L 0002088928 FUNCTIONAL 18/07/2024 1 Trigeminal Neuralgia + Hypertension on Therapy IM LS 15 15 R/ MVD PB Pre Op
Post VP Shunt Cito due to Acute Non Communicating Hydrocephalus due to Spontaneous ICH
02/07/2024, Konsul
26 B. 1.1 Ny. Une 26 thn P 0002293517 VASCULAR POD 15 at Sellar Region due to Susp. Tumor Apoplexy susp MAH + IVH due to susp Hypertension + FZ SH GCS E3M5V4=12 15 VP Shunt Cito MRI (+), pasien gelisah
Neuro, Op 03/07/2024 Hypertension Grade 2
Post Laminectomy Tumor Removal due to Cauda Equina Syndrome due to SOL Extradural at
27 314 Ny. Michelle 37 thn P 00021763644 SPINE 08/07/2024, Konsul POD 7 Level Vertebrae L5-S2 extends to Paraspinal due to Suspect Metastasis DD/Primary Bone Tumor
Neuro, OP 11/07/2024 + Post Chemoradiation due to Dermatofibrosarcoma + Left Lung Atelectasis + Suspect Right RD-SV MO GCS 15 GCS 15 Laminectomy Tumor Removal Pantau nyeri post op
Lung Tumor

Moderate Head Injury + Close Depressed Fracture < 1 Table at Right Occipital + Traumatic IVH +
28 322 dr. Army, Sp.BS 35 thn L 0002295974 TRAUMA 12/07/2024 7 Cerebral Edema + Intraabdominal Bleeding due to Abdominal Blunt Trauma with Stable AB CV E3M6V5=14 15 Closed Observation R/ BLPL jika Digestif setuju
Hemodynamic + Suspect Right Achilles Tendon Rupture
SOL Supratentorial at Right Parietal due to Suspect Metastasis dd/ High Grade Glioma + Post
Tn. Rasman R/ Craniotomy Tumor
29 402D 59 thn L 0001880480 ONCOLOGY 13/07/2024, Konsul Neuro 6 Resection Right Renal Carcinoma due to Clear Cell Renal Carcinoma Grade 2 + Suspect Right FM MO 15 15 R/ Craniotomy Tumor Removal
Sitorus Lung Carcinoma Removal

30 410D Tn. Saepul Anwar 27 thn L 0002294968 TRAUMA 7/8/2024 10 Post Craniectomy Decompression and Evacuation due to Traumatic ICH at Left Frontal + Blow FM SH E3M5V3 = 11 15 Closed Observation R/ CT Scan Kepala Non Kontras, pindah
Out Fracture at Right Orbita ruang biasa

31 415W Tn. Hilman 25 thn L 0002294622 ONCOLOGY 09/07/2024, konsul neuro 8 SOL Supratentorial at Right Frontal due to Suspect Low Grade Giloma DD/ Metastase FM MO 15 15 Craniotomy Tumor Removal SIO Penolakan (-)
32 Kamar 3 By. Ny. Maria 10 hari L 0002296654 PEDIATRIC 7/17/2024 2 Macrocephaly due to Meningocele at Cervical + Term Infant 38 weeks MS LS pGCS = 15 pGCS = 15 R/ Cele Resection Observasi Lingkar Kepala, MRI Cervical
Tengah Contrast
33 Bed 4 Tn. Azril 22 thn L 0002296109 TRAUMA 7/15/2024 3 Severe Head Injury + Suspect Blunt Thoracal Trauma + Suspect Closed Fracture at Right Cruris + SV-RD MO E2M4V2=8 E3M5V3 = 11 Closed Observation Alih leader ke ortho
Suspect Alcohol Intoxication
34 2.3 By. Ny. Novia 6 hari P 0002293927 PEDIATRIC 04/07/2024, Op POD 7 Post EVD due to Macrocephaly due to Suspect Congenital Hydrocephalus + Preterm Infant 37 MS LS pGCS 15 E4M6VT=10T EVD Observasi LK, CT Scan Kepala non
Risdiawati 11/07/2024 week Kontras
Post VP Shunt due to Suspect Serous Meningitis dd/Meningitis TB + Myeloradiculopathy at VP Shunt, R/ Laminectomy
35 Bed 4 Tn. Ali Yudin 28 Th L 0002293958 SPINE 09/07/2024, Konsul Neuro POD 1 Level L1 due to SOL Extradural at Level Vertebrae L1-L2, L4 + Pathological Fracture at L1-L2 + IM/RD- MO E3M5V3=11 E3M5V3=11 Debridement + Posterior Laminectomy Debridement + Posterior
09/07/2024 SV Stabilization Elektif
Paravertebral Abscess due to Suspect Spondylitis TB + Lung TB On Theraphy Stabilization Elektif

Post Shunt Externalisation + EVD due to Status Epilepticus + Suspect Shunt Malfunction due to
Post Repair Shunt due to Post Shunt Removal + VP Shunt Contralateral due to Shunt
36 1.1 An. Fauzi Nur 2,5 thn L 0002290968 PEDIATRIC 6/18/2024 POD 0 Malfunction due to Post Repair Shunt due to Spontaneous SDH at Bilateral Frontotemporal + MS LS E2M5V2 = 9 DPO Shunt Externalisation + EVD Post Op Perawatan Post Op
Pneumocephalus due to Post Vp Shunt due to ACute Non Communicating Hydrocephalus due
to Suspect Meningitis TB + Meningitis TB Grade IV + Anemia + Hyponatremia

Congenital Hydrocephalus + Mega Cisterna Magna + Subdural Hygroma at Left Frontopariatal

37 1.4 By. Ny. Yuliani 56 hari L 0002284032 PEDIATRIC 03/07/2024, konsul IKA 15 et Right Frontal + Cephalohematoma due to Suspect Bilirubin Encephalopathy due to Neonatal MS LS pGCS 15 DPO Close Observation -Observasi Lingkar Kepala + TTIK
Monika Hyperbilirubinemia + Preterm Infant 34 Weeks + Undescended Testis + Micropenis + Anemia +

Post Transphenoid Tumor Removal due to to SOL Supratentorial at Sellar Region Extends to
27/06/2024, Konsul Neuro Perbaikan KU, IPD Evaluasi
38 2.2 Tn. Yulianto 39 thn L 0002070280 SKULLBASE Neuro, Op 15/07/2024 POD 2 Suprasellar, Third Ventricle and Lateral Ventricle due to Suspect Macroadenoma Hypophysis RS NR E3M5V4=12 15 Transphenoid Tumor Removal Hormonal, Urine tampung 24 jam
DD/ Craniopharyngioma

39 3.2 Tn. Karyono 49 thn L 0002296034 TRAUMA 7/13/2024 5 Moderate head injury+ Closed Depressed Fracture > 1 Lamina at Right Temporal et Right ZMC+ AB PK E2M5V2=9 E3M6V5 = 14 R/ Craniotomy Elevation R/ Craniotomy Elevation Elective
Linear Fracture at Bilateral Frontal + Traumatic SAB + Cerebral Contusion Elective
14-07-2024, OP Post Craniotomy Tumor Removal due to SOL Supratentorial at Left Cavernous Extend to Left
40 4.3 Ny. Utin 76 thn P 0002286290 SKULLBASE POD 1 GN SH 15 15 Craniotomy Tumor Removal Perawatan Post Op
17/07/2024 Temporal due to Suspect Meningioma
41 Bed 3 Ny. Suhaeni 54 thn P 0002294575 VASCULAR 05/07/2024, Op POD 11 Post EVD due to Acute Non Communicating Hydrocephalus due to ICH at Left Thalamus + IVH AD DC E2M5V2 = 9 E3M5VTc = 8Tc EVD Pantau perburukan, weaning
06/07/2024 due to suspect Hypertension
- VP Shunt Cito
Impending Respiratory Failure due to Bilateral Bronchopneumonia + Acute Non Communicating - 3DCTA
Tn. Dede 15/07/2024, Konsul
42 Bed 5 Suherman 46 thn L 0002296075 VASCULAR Neuro, Op 15/07/2024 POD 2 Hydrocephalus due to Spontaneous IVH + SAB due to Suspect Aneurysm Rupture dd/ AD SH DPO E2M5VT = 7T R/ VP Shunt Cito - Konsul TS IPD terkait tatalaksana
Hypertension + Hypertension Stage II + Reactive Hyperglycemia dd/DM type 2 Bronchopneumonia dan Regulasi gula

43 Bed 6 Ny. Aan Darwati 31 thn P 0002295902 SKULLBASE 12/07/2024 Konsul Neuro, POD 1 SOL Supratentorial at Left Frontoparietal due to Suspect Convexity Meningioma dd/ Apoplexy AB NR E3M5V4 = 12 15 R/ Craniotomy Tumor removal CTR Cito
OP 16/07/2024 Tumor
Post Craniotomy Tumor Removal due to Multiple SOL Supratentorial at Olfactory groove extend
44 Bed 10 Ny. Eulis Rohaeni 38 thn P 0002225871 SKULLBASE 16/07/2024 POD 1 to Right Frontal et Left Clinoid extend to Left Sphenoid Wing et Left Parietal due to Suspect AB SH 15 E4M6VT = 10T Craniotomy Tumor Removal Post Op Care
Meningioma + Suspect NF 2

24/06/2024, OP Post EVD due to Acute Non Communicating Hydrocephalus due to Spontaneous ICH at Left
45 Bed 11 Ny. Tarni 65 thn P 0002291923 VASCULAR 25/06/2024 POD 22 Basal Ganglia (Globus Pallidus, Putamen), Spontaneous SAB + IVH due to Suspect Hypertension FZ SH E2M4V2= 8 E1M1VTc = 2Tc EVD Cito Pantau Perburukan
+ Hypertension Stage II
GICU 1 Wing B
46 2.6 Ny. Daimah 48 thn P 0002128374 SKULLBASE 16/07/2024 POD 0 Post Craniotomy Tumor Removal due to SOL Supratentorial at Left Cavernous extend to supra GN SH 15 DPO Craniotomy Tumor Removal Post Op Lagi main
sellar due to Suspect Meningioma

Severe Head Injury + Closed Linear Fracture at Left Temporoparietal + Traumatic SAH + Multiple
47 Bed 4 Tn. Heri 44 thn L 0002294686 TRAUMA 7/8/2024 10 Cerebral Contusion at Left Hemisphere et Pons + Traumatic IVH + Cerebral Edema RS VM E1M2VT = 3T E1M4VTc = 5Tc Closed Observation TC (+)


Post EVD due to Acute Non-Communicating Hydrocephalus due to Post Craniectomy

05/06/2024, OP
48 Bed 5 Ny. Mariati 76 thn P 0002276624 TRAUMA 21/06/2024, OP kedua POD 11 Debridement + Abscess Resection due to SOL Supratentorial at Left Temporal due to Cerebral
Abscess + Intraventricular Abscess + Wound Dehiscence due to Post Craniectomy FZ SH E3M5Vafasia = E1M2VTc = 3Tc
8Afasia EVD Post Op Care
Pantau Perburukan
Decompression and Evacuation due to Traumatic ICH at Right Frontal et Left Temporoparietal


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