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Update Pasien NC 24 Juli 2024

Konsul TS IPD untuk screening Infeksi
SOL Supratentorial at Left Parietooccipital due to Suspect Abcess Cerebri + Rheumatic heart lain dan Antibiotic Terapi
1 1.5 Tn. Herdiman 36 thn L 0001820677 INFECTION 22/07/2024 2 disease IM LS E4M5V4=13 15 R/ Craniectomy Debridement Konsul Neurology untuk perbaikan KU
Konsul TS Cardiology untuk penyakit
Mild Head Injury + Close Fracture at Left Zygoma Maxillary Complex + Close Fracture at 1/3
2 9.4 Nn Deby 27 thn P 0002297687 TRAUMA 7/21/2024 3 Distal at Right Clavicle + Close Fracture at 1/3 DIstal at Left Radial MS PK E3M6V5 = 14 15 Closed Observation Observasi ketat
3 3.3 An. Iffa 10 bln P 0002298003 TRAUMA 22/07/2024 2 Mild Head Injury + Hematoma at Right Parietal + Hematoma at Left Flank VM GN 15 15 Closed Observation Observasi ketat
* Konsul TS THT untuk Tatalaksana
Mastoiditis dan evaluasi Infeksi
4 13.5 An. Nesa Aulia 13 thn L 0002287828 PEDIATRIC 19/07/2024 Konsul IKA 5 Subdural Empyema at Left Frontoparietal + Right Mastoiditis + Dental Carries MS LS 15 15 Closed Observation *Konsul TS Bedah Mulut untuk
tatalaksana infeksi gigi
Myeloradiculopathy at Vertebra Level Th10 due to SOL Extradural at Level Vertebra Th10 - Th11 R/ Laminectomy Debridement PB,
5 4.5 Tn. Damin 48 thn L 0002294196 SPINE 24/07/2024, Konsul Neuro 1 due to Suspect Spondilitis TB + Paravertebral Abscess at Th9 - Th12 + Pathological Fracture at RD-SV MO 15 15 + Posterior Stabilization Konsul TS Neurologi : OAT MDR
Level Vertebrae Th10 - Th11 + Pulmonary TB MDR
Arrested Hydrocephalus due to Suspect Blake's Pouch Cyst dd/ Dandy Walker Variant + pGCS E3M6V5 = MRI Kepala Kontras (-), Raber TS IKA,
6 2.4 An. M. Rijki 3 thn P 0002013602 PEDIATRIC 7/17/2024 POD 0 Agenesis Corpus Callosum + Porenecephaly MS LS pGCS = 15 14 VP Shunt Rencana Op 23/07/2024
An. M. Adnan MRI Kepala Kontras (-), Rencana Op
7 3.3 Baihaqi 6 thn L 0002294882 PEDIATRIC 11/07/2024, konsul IKA POD 0 Congenital Hydrocephalus due to Suspect Dandy Walker Malformation MS LS E4M5V2 = 10 E4M5V2 = 10 R/VP Shunt 23/07/2024
SOL Infratentorial at Fourth Ventricle extent to Pontomedula due to Suspect Ependymoma R/ Craniotomy Tumor
8 4.1 An. Arzio 10 thn L 0002298004 PEDIATRIC 23/07/2024 1 DD/Medulloblastoma MA LS 15 15 Removal SIO (-) Pre Op

Moderate Head Injury + Close Depressed Fracture > 1 Table at Right Frontal + Cerebral
9 5.3 Tn. Rizki 15 thn L 0002297681 TRAUMA 7/21/2024 4 Contusion at Right Frontal + Traumatic ICH at Right Frontal MS PK E3M6V4=13 15 Craniotomy Elevation Elektif Craniotomy Elevation Elektif

R/ Craniotomy Tumor CT scan kepala kontras

10 7.3 Ny. Soleha 40 thn P 0002297891 SKULLBASE 22/07/2024 3 SOL Supratentorial at Right Temporoparietal due to Suspect Apoplexy Tumor GN SH E3M6V5 = 14 15 Removal Terapi Dexamethason dan Mannitol
R/ Craniotomy Tumor
11 7.4 Ny. Ai Saida 51 thn P 0002296884 INFECTION 7/17/2024 7 SOL Supratentorial at Left Occipital due to Suspect Meningioma IM LS 15 15 Removal Elektif SIO (-) Pre Op

Multiple SOL Supratentorial at Right Frontal et Left Temporoparietal due to Susp Metastasis dd/ R/ Craniotomy Tumor
12 7.5 Ny. Sri 38 thn P 0002134742 SKULLBASE 20/07/2024 5 Cerebral Abscess RS SH GCS 15 E3M5V4 = 12 Removal CITO SIO PreOp (-)

CT Scan Kepala Kontras

Tn. Cecep Dian SOL Supratentorial at Right Parietal due to Glioblastoma (WHO Grade IV) + Chronic Wound at Konsul Hematoonkologi untuk
13 8.5 Sutisna 46 thn L 0002238643 ONCOLOGY 20/07/2024 5 Left Buccal + Pathological Fracture at Th 9,10, L1, and L3 FM MO 15 15 Closed Observation tatalaksana Kemoradiasi
Konsul TS Neuro untuk Tatalaksana

Status Epilepticus due to Subdural Hygroma due to Post Craniotomy Tumor removal + Omaya Penjadwalan EEG (+), CT Kepala Kontras
14 9.4 An. Robi Maulana 10 thn L 0002256705 PEDIATRIC 26/06/2024 27 Shunt Placement due to SOL Supratentorial at Right Parasellar extend to Suprasellar et Right MS LS 15 15 R/ Craniotomy Debridement (-), Join Confrens Senin 22/07/2024
Frontotemporal due to Optic Nerve Glioma ar Right Frontotemporal
SOL Supratentorial at Left Parietaloccipital due to Suspect Mestastasis due to Suspect Left R/ Craniotomy Tumor
15 10.4 Tn. Saman 48 thn L 0002296258 ONCOLOGY 15/07/2024, 9 Lung Carcinoma FM MO 15 15 Removal R/ Craniotomy Tumor Removal
-Terapi Dexamethasone dan Manitol
-MRI Kepala Kontras
15/07/2024, Op Post Craniotomy Tumor Removal due to SOL Supratentorial at Right Frontal due to Suspect High R/ Craniotomy Tumor
16 1.5 Ny Ami 24 thn P 0002296402 ONCOLOGY 21/07/2024 POD 3 Grade Glioma DD/ Metastasis + Suspect Uterine Myoma AF MO 15 15 Removal -Konsul TS Obsgyn untuk Evaluasi USG
-Konsul TS Neurologi untuk Rawat

22/07/2024, Konsul Suspect Soft Tissue Tumor at Right Parietal due to Suspect Metastasis dd/ Suspect
17 2.1 Ny. Dedeh 65 thn P 0002295004 ONCOLOGY Orthopaedi 3 Osteosarcoma + Closed pathological fracture at left Humerus middle third susp Metastasis FM MO 15 15 Closed Observation CT Scan Kepala Kontras (-)
Bone Diseases
Wound Dehischence due to Spontaneous ICH at Left Temporoparietal + IVH due to Post Swab and Culture and Resistant
18 5.4 Ny. Mila 25 thn P 0002288254 SKULLBASE 21/07/2024, 3 Craniectomy Tumor Removal due to SOL Supratentorial at Right Lateral Ventricle Extend to RS SH 15 15 Craniectomy Debridemant CT Scan Kepala kontras
nutamaliah Elektif
Temporooccipital due to Fibrous meningioma ( WHO grade 1) Craniectomy Debridemant Elektif
13/07/2024, Op Post Craniotomy Tumor Removal due to SOL Supratentorial at Mid Frontal due to Suspect E4M5Vafasia= 9
19 5.5 Ny. Tati 52 thn P 0002296027 INFECTION 19/07/2024 POD 5 Parasagittal Meningioma dd/ Convexity Meningioma IM LS Afasia E4M6V4 = 14 Craniotomy Tumor Removal Post Op Care
28/06/2024, Konsul Post Craniotomy Tumor Resection due to Craniotomy Tumor Resection due to Multiple SOL
20 1.2 Ny. Maya 47 thn P 0002289529 INFECTION Neuro, op 09/07/2024 POD 14 Supratentorial at Left Frontotemporal due to Cerebral Abscess + Caries Dentis IM BP 15 15 Craniotomy Tumor Resection Post Op Care, Antibiotic Therapy

07/07/2024, Op
21 3.2 By. Kyra Anindya 5 bln P 0002293840 PEDIATRIC 09/07/2024, OP II POD 8 Post Dural Repair due to Post Cele Resection + Defect Closure due to Cele Resection + Defect MS JN pGCS 15 pGCS 15 Dural repair Post Op Care
16/07/2024 Closure due to Normocephaly + Lipomeningomyelocele at Lumbosacral

By Muhammad 22/07/2024, Op Macrochepaly due to susp Hydranchepaly dd Congenital Hydrochepalus + Pressure Injury +
22 3.4 Ridwan Rahman 5 bln L 0002297722 PEDIATRIC 18/07/2024 POD 0 Severe Malnutrion MS LS pGCS 15 pGCS 15 VP Shunt
23 4.2 Ny. Nunung 83 thn P 0002295232 TRAUMA 09/07/2024, 15 Moderate Head Injury + Closed Linear Fracture at Left Periorbita MS PK E3M5V4= 12 E3M5V4= 12 Closed Observation CT Scan Kepala Kontras(+)
Severe Head Injury + Cerebral Edema + Cerebral Contusion at Right Frontal + Post Traumatic
24 4.3 Nn. Fitri 24 thn P 0002297139 TRAUMA 19/07/2024 5 Seizure RS MD E2M4VT = 6T 15 Closed Observation Closed Observation
Post Craniotomy debridement due to Sepsis due to Suspect Subdural Emphyema due to Wound
16/07/2024, Op Dehiscence due to Post Debridement to Wound Dehiscence due to Post Craniectomy Tumor
25 1.4 Ny. Yayah Juriyah 52 thn P 0002212885 SKULLBASE 22/07/2024 POD 1 Removal due to SOL Supratentorial at Left Lateral Sphenoid Wing Extend to Bilateral Cavernous AB SH E3M5V3 = 11 15 Craniotomy Debridement Post op Care
et Sellar Region due to Transitional Meningioma (WHO Grade 1) + Hypoglycemia +

26 5.5 Tn. Rizki 23 thn L 0002297379 TRAUMA 20/07/2024, Op POD 4 Moderate Head Injury + Closed Linear Fracture at Left Frontoparietal et Left Superior Orbital et RS PK E2M5V2 =9, E2M5V2 =9, R/ Craniotomy Evacuation SIO (-) Pre Op
21/07/2024 Left Maxilla + EDH at Left Frontal+ Cerebral Contusion at Left Frontal + Edema Cerebri

21/07/2024, Op Post Craniectomy Tumor Removal due to SOL Supratentorial at Left Sphenoorbita due to Craniectomy Tumor Removal Post Op Care
27 8.1 Ny. Nur Halimah 34 thn P 0002295604 SKULLBASE 22/07/2024 POD 1 Suspect Meningioma RS SH 15 15 dan Cranioplasty
E4M5Vafasia=9a E4M5Vafasia=9a R/ Craniotomy Tumor
28 2.2 Ny. Sutriasih 70 thn L 0002297641 SKULLBASE 23/07/2024 2 SOL Supratentorial at Left Frontotemporal due to Suspect Convexity Meningioma RS SH fasia fasia Removal SIO (-) Pre Op

Wound Dehiscence due to Post op VP Shunt due to Acute Non Communicating Hydrocephalus Swab luka terbuka
29 3.1 Ny. Elisabeth W 59 thn P 0002297709 INFECTION 22/07/2024 2 due to ICH at Pons + IVH + HHD + Hypertension Stage 2 on Therapy IM LS E4M6V4 = 14 E4M6V4 = 14 Closed Observation CT Scan Kepala Kontras

Terapi Dexamethasone dan Mannitol

Rawat Ruang Semiintensif
MRI Kepala Kontras+ Spectroscopy
SOL Supratentorial at Left Frontal due to Suspect Metastase dd High Grade Glioma +Left Pleural
30 3.2 Ny. Oom 74 thn P 0002297136 ONCOLOGY 19/07/2024, Konsul Neuro 5 Effusion+ Cataract Senilis at Right Oculi+ Hypertension stage II +Hypokalemia AF MO E3M5V2=10 E3M6V4=13 Closed Observation Saran Konsul TS IPD terkait screening
metastase, Koreksi Elektrolit
Saran Konsul TS Bedah Thorax terkait
Efusi Pleura Kiri

- Terapi Manitol dan Dexamethasone

31 4.1 Ny. Ade Kayah 40 thn P 0002297665 SKULLBASE 21/07/2024, konsul neuro 3 SOL Supratentorial at Right Clinoid Extend to Right Sphenoid Wing, Right Temporal, Teburculum RS SH E3M6V5=14 E3M6V5=14 Craniotomy Tumor Removal - Craniotomy Tumor Removal Elektif
Sellae, and Planum Sphenoid due to Suspect Meningioma + Bronchopneumonia Bilateral Elektif - Konsul TS IPD mengenai
Bronchopneumonia bilateral
Multiple SOL Supratentorial et Infratentorial at Bilateral Frontal, Bilateral Temporal, Right
32 5.3 Tn. Usman 68 thn L 0002292503 ONCOLOGY 7/17/2024 7 Parietal, Bilateral Occipital and Right Cerebellum due to Suspect Metastasis + Carcinoma AF MO 15 15 R/ Craniotomy Tumor Sio(-), preop (-), raber TS Neuro dan BM
Mandibula + Suspect Lung Metastase + Hypokalemia Removal

Multiple SOL Supratentorial at Right Frontoparietal et Left Parietal due to Suspect Metastasis E4M5Vaf = 9 R/ Craniectomy
33 7.3 Tn. Yusep Solihin 46 thn L 0002296899 ONCOLOGY 18/07/2024 KonsuL Neuro 7 dd/ High Grade Glioma FM MO Afasia 15 Decompression CITO Penjadwalan MRI Kepala Kontras (-)

R/ Laminectomy Decompression and

34 8.2 Tn. Suhandi 59 thn L 0002297377 SPINE 22/07/2024, Konsul Neuro 2 Myeloradiculopathy at Level Vertebra C4 due to Cervical Spondylosis Myelopathy due to RD-SV MO 15 15 R/ ACDF Posterior Stabilization with Lateral Mass
Multiple HNP at C3-C4, C4-C5, C5-C6 + Mixed Type OPLL Screw
09/07/2024, Konsul Neuro Post VP Shunt due to Suspect Serous Meningitis dd/Meningitis TB + Myeloradiculopathy at VP Shunt, R/ Laminectomy
35 8.3 Tn. Ali Yudin 28 Th L 0002293958 SPINE 09/07/2024, Op POD 6 Level L1 due to SOL Extradural at Level Vertebrae L1-L2, L4 + Pathological Fracture at L1-L2 + IM/RD- MO E3M5V3=11 E3M5V4=12 Debridement + Posterior Laminectomy Debridement + Posterior
17/07/2024 Paravertebral Abscess due to Suspect Spondylitis TB + Lung TB On Theraphy SV Stabilization Elektif Stabilization Elektif

Myeloradiculopathy at Level Vertebrae Th5 due to Pathological Fracture at Level Vertebrae Th5
due to Multiple SOL Extradural at Level Vertebrae C7, Th5 and L1 extend to Paraspinal due to R/ Laminectomy Tumor konsul Bedah Onko untuk staging
tumor, konsul IPD untuk
36 3.3 Ny. Jaenatun 54 thn P 0002295734 SPINE 7/17/2024 7 Suspect Metastasis DD/ Spondylitis TB + Radiculopathy at Level Vertebrae C7 due to RD-SV MO 15 15 Removal + Posterior pleuropneumonia dan skrining
Pathological Fracture at Level Vertebrae C7 due to Suspect Metastasis DD/ Spondylitis TB + Stabilisation metastasis, Rencana Op 23/07/2024
Right Pleuropneumonia + Suspect Carcinoma Mammae
37 9.1 Ny. Nena 42 thn P 0002297115 VASCULAR 19/07/2024 Konsul Neuro 5 Spontaneous SAB due to suspect Rupture Aneurysm + Spontaneous ICH at Left Frontal FZ SH 15 15 R/ 3DCTA R/ 3DCTA

Radiculopathy at Vertebrae Level L5 due to Suspect Bone Metastase at S1 due to Suspect R/ Laminotomy, Discectomy,
38 13.5 Ny. Nuryati 60 thn P 0002295428 SPINE 23/07/2024 Konsul IPD 1 Multiple Myeloma DD/ Bone Osteoporosis + HNP at L5-S1 + Ovarian Cyst + Lung Tumor + DM RD-SV MO 15 15 and Foraminotomy
Type 2 on Therapy + Anemia + Furuncle at Sacrum
CT Scan Kepala Kontras
Multiple SOL Supratentorial et Infratentorial at Right Temporal er Left Parietal and Right Konsul Hematoonkologi untuk
39 17.1 Tn. Yudi 44 thn L 0002292004 SKULLBASE 23/07/2024 1 Cerebellum due to Glioblastoma (WHO Grade IV) dd/Metastasis + Hiponatremia + Hipokalemia RS SH E3M5V4=12 E3M5V4=12 Closed Observation tatalaksana Kemoradiasi
Terapi Mannitol dan dexamethasone
Post Laminectomy Tumor Removal due to Cauda Equina Syndrome due to SOL Extradural at
08/07/2024, Konsul Level Vertebrae L5-S2 extends to Paraspinal due to Suspect Metastasis DD/Primary Bone Tumor Rencana CT Thorax Kontras selasa
40 314 Ny. Michelle 37 thn P 00021763644 SPINE Neuro, OP 11/07/2024 POD 13 + Post Chemoradiation due to Dermatofibrosarcoma + Left Lung Atelectasis + Suspect Right RD-SV MO 15 15 Laminectomy Tumor Removal 23/07/2024
Lung Tumor

MRI Kepala Kontras (-)

R/ Craniotomy Tumor Removal Elective
SOL Supratentorial at Left Frontal due to Suspect Metastasis dd/ High Grade Glioma + Suspect R/ Craniotomy Tumor
41 404D Tn. Usep 40 thn L 0002297344 SKULLBASE 19/07/2024 5 Right Lung Tumor GN SH 15 15 Removal Elective
Konsul TS IPD Screening Metastasis (-)
Konsul Bedah Thorax terkait
tatalaksana Tumor Paru (-)

Konsul IPD screening HIV dan

42 406D Tn. Ferdy 28 thn L 0002297375 SKULLBASE 20/07/2024, Konsul Neuro 4 Multiple SOL Supratentorial at Bilateral Frontal due to Suspect Toxoplasmosis dd/ PCNSL IM SH E3M6V5 = 14 E3M6V5 = 14 R/ MRI dan MR Spectroscopy Toxoplasmosis (-)

21/07/2024, OP Post DSA due to Post DSA Stent- Assisted Coiling due to Post DSA due to Saccular Aneurysm at
43 408D Ny. Susi Y 61 thn P 0001354898 VASCULAR 24/07/2024 3 Right Internal Carotid Artery Segment C6 + Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis at Right FZ DC 15 15 DSA Post Op Care
Transverse Sinus + Hypertension on therapy + Asthma on Therapy + Patent Foramen Ovale

Myeloradiculopathy at Level Vertebrae Th 4 due to Burst Fracture at Level Vertebrae Th 8 - Th 9 MRI Thoracal Kontras
due to Suspect Spondylitis TB DD/ Metastasis + Multiple SOL Supratentorial at Bilateral Parietal Konsul TS IPD untuk Screening
PB, Metastasis, OAT Therapy, Antibiotik
44 409 D Ny. Heryanti 47 thn P 0002297674 SPINE 24/07/2024 1 due to Suspect Tuberculoma DD/ Metastasis + Epilepsi Focal to Bilateral Motor Onset Tonic RD-SV MO 15 15 Closed Observation Konsul Therapy dan Koreksi Elektrolit
Clonic+ Lung TB on Therapy + Bilateral Bronchopneumonia Hypokalemia + Pressure Sore Grade Konsul TS Bedah Plastik Terkait
1 Pressure Sore

Spontaneous SAB due to Suspect Aneurysm Rupture DD/ Hypertension + Hypertension stage 1 - 3DCTA
45 414D Tn. Syarif 63 thn L 0002297638 VASCULAR 7/21/2024 3 on Therapy + VES Infrequent Unifocale AD SH 15 15 DSA - DSA
09/07/2024, konsul neuro
46 415W Tn. Hilman 25 thn L 0002294622 ONCOLOGY 10/07/2024 13 SOL Supratentorial at Right Frontal due to Suspect Low Grade Giloma DD/ Metastase FM MO 15 15 Craniotomy Tumor Removal SIO Penolakan (-)(Masih berunding)
Kamar 3 7/17/2024, Op
47 Tengah By. Ny. Maria 10 hari L 0002296654 PEDIATRIC 18/07/2024 POD 0 Macrocephaly due to Meningocele at Cervical + Term Infant 38 weeks MS LS pGCS = 15 pGCS = 15 VP Shunt Post Op Care

19/07/2024 Konsul IKA, Macrocephaly due to Aquired Hydrocephalus due to Post Intrauterine Infection (Congenital
48 Kamar 3 By. Ny. Astika 1 hari P 0002297086 PEDIATRIC Op 18/07/2024 POD 0 Cytomegalovirus) + Term Infant 37 Weeks + Anopthalmia Bilateral Oculi + Transient Tachypnea MS LS pGCS 15 pGCS 15 VP Shunt Post Op Care
of Newborn
By. Ny. Novia 04/07/2024, Op Post EVD due to Macrocephaly due to Suspect Congenital Hydrocephalus + Preterm Infant 37 Observasi LK, CT Scan Kepala non
49 2.3 Risdiawati 6 hari P 0002293927 PEDIATRIC 11/07/2024 POD 12 week MS LS pGCS 15 E4M6VT=10T EVD Kontras
18/07/2024, Op Post VP Shunt due to Acute Communicating Hydrocephalus due to Suspect Serous Meningitis
50 Bed 3 An. Aliyah 11 thn P 0002297075 VASCULAR 21/07/2024 POD 3 dd/ Meningitis TB AD SH E3M5V4 = 12 E3M5V4 = 12 VP Shunt Post Op Care
SOL Supratentorial at Thalamus Sinistra due to suspect Tuberculoma dd/ Low Grade Glioma
51 Bed 5 An. Abdul Azis 17 thn L 0002155776 PEDIATRIC 20/07/2024, Konsul IKA 4 +Meningitis TB grade III + Ventricular Septal Defect + Anemia MS LS GCS E3M5V4=12 GCS E3M5V4=12 R/ MRI dan MR Spectroscopy R/ MRI dan MR Spectroscopy
Multiple SOL Infratentorial et Supratentorial at Left Occipital et Right Frontal et Bilateral
52 Bed 6 Ny. Ukaesih 57 thn P 0002295227 ONCOLOGY 23/07/2024 Konsul IPD 1 Parietal et Sellar Region et Bilateral Sphenoid et Bilateral Clinoid et Clivus due to Suspect AF MO E4M5V4 = 13 E4M5V4 = 13 MRI Kepala Kontras + Konsul TS Uro Batu Ginjal
Metastasis + Anemia + Hypokalemia + Suspect Nephrolythiasis at Right Kidney Spectroscopy

Post Shunt Externalisation + EVD due to Status Epilepticus + Suspect Shunt Malfunction due to
An. Fauzi Nur Post Repair Shunt due to Post Shunt Removal + VP Shunt Contralateral due to Shunt
53 1.1 Ahmad 2,5 thn L 0002290968 PEDIATRIC 6/18/2024 POD 5 Malfunction due to Post Repair Shunt due to Spontaneous SDH at Bilateral Frontotemporal + MS LS E2M5V2 = 9 E3M5V4 = 12 Shunt Externalisation + EVD Perawatan Post Op
Pneumocephalus due to Post Vp Shunt due to ACute Non Communicating Hydrocephalus due
to Suspect Meningitis TB + Meningitis TB Grade IV + Anemia + Hyponatremia
Multiple SOL Supratentorial et Infratentorial at Bilateral Thalamus, Bilateral Frontal, Bilateral
54 1.2 An. Kinarian 8 thn L 0002297134 PEDIATRIC 19/07/2024 Konsul Neuro 5 Cerebelum due to Suspect Cerebral Abscess DD/ Tuberculoma + Trombositopenia MS LS 15 15 Closed Observation Closed Observation

Congenital Hydrocephalus + Mega Cisterna Magna + Subdural Hygroma at Left Frontopariatal

55 1.4 By. Ny. Yuliani 56 hari L 0002284032 PEDIATRIC 03/07/2024, konsul IKA 18 et Right Frontal + Cephalohematoma due to Suspect Bilirubin Encephalopathy due to Neonatal MS LS pGCS 15 pGCS E3M6V4 = Close Observation -Observasi Lingkar Kepala + TTIK
Monika Hyperbilirubinemia + Preterm Infant 34 Weeks + Undescended Testis + Micropenis + Anemia + 13
Post Per Endoscopic Transphenoid Tumor Removal due to SOL Supratentorial at Sellar Region
56 2.4 Ny Dianwati 48 thn P 0002268308 SKULLBASE 21/07/2024, Op POD 1 Extends to Suprasellar due to Suspect Macroadenoma Hypophysis DD/ Tuberculum Sellae RS SH 15 15 Per Endoscopic Transphenoid Post Op Care
22/07/2024 Meningioma Tumor Removal

57 2.5 Ny. Aan Rohaeni 64 thn P 0000790636 SKULLBASE 21/07/2024, Op POD 1 Post Re Craniectomy Tumor Removal due to SOL Supratentorial at Left Sphenoorbital Extend to AB FJ 15 15 Re-Craniectomy Tumor Post Op Care
22/07/2024 Left Orbital due to Suspect Recidive Meningioma (Meningothelial Meningioma WHO Grade I) Removal & Cranioplasty

24/07/2024, OP Multiple SOL Supratentorial at Olfactory FLeft Frontal et Left Parietooccipital due to Convexity
58 3.2 Ny. Tuti Susanti 45 thn P 0002286274 SKULLBASE 24/07/2024 POD 0 Meningioma + Suspect NF Type 2 AB NR 15 15 Craniotomy Tumor Removal Post OP
Spontaneous ICH at Right cerebellum + IVH due to Suspect Hypertension + Hypertension
59 15.2 Tn. Dana 64 thn L 0002297645 VASCULAR 20/07/2024, Konsul Neuro 4 Emergency FZ SH E3M5V3 = 11 15 R/ EVD Cito SIO PreOp (-)
05-07-2024, konsul neuro Post Perendoscopic Endonasal Transphenoid Tumor Removal due to SOL Supratentorial at Perendoscopic Endonasal
60 Bed 4 Tn. Iin Solihin 48 thn L 0002294093 SKULLBASE 05/07/2024, Op POD 1 Sellar Region Extend to Suprasellar et Sphenoid Sinus et Right Cavernosus Sinus due to Suspect RS NR 15 15 Transphenoid Tumor Removal Post Op Care
22/07/2024 Macroadenoma Hypophysis DD/ Tuberculum Sellae Meningioma

Tn. Dede 15/07/2024, Konsul Impending Respiratory Failure due to Bilateral Bronchopneumonia + Acute Non Communicating
61 Bed 5 Suherman 46 thn L 0002296075 VASCULAR Neuro, Op 15/07/2024 POD 8 Hydrocephalus due to Spontaneous IVH + SAB due to Suspect Aneurysm Rupture dd/ AD DC DPO E2M5VT = 7T R/ VP Shunt Cito R/ TC
Hypertension + Hypertension Stage II + Reactive Hyperglycemia dd/DM type 2
22/07/2024, OP Acute Non Communicating Hydrocephalus due to Spontaneous ICH at Left Thalamus +
62 Bed 9 Ny. Yuliah 51 thn P 0002297691 VASCULAR 24/07/2024 POD 0 Spontaneous IVH due to Suspect Hypertension + Hypertension Emergency AD DC E1M4VT= 5T E1M4VT= 5T EVD Post OP R/ EVD Cito
R/ Craniectomy
63 Bed 2 Ny. Lasmini 61 thn P 0002298235 TRAUMA 24/07/2024, OP POD 0 Severe Head Injury + Traumatic SDH at Right Frontotemporoparietal + Traumatic ICH at Right RS SL E2M4V2 = 8 DPO Decompression & Evacuation Post OP
24/07/2024 Frontotemporoparietal + Cerebral Contusion at Right Temporal + Traumatic SAB
Moderate head injury+ Closed Depressed Fracture > 1 Lamina at Right Temporal et Right ZMC+ R/ Craniotomy Elevation
64 Bed 4 Tn. Karyono 49 thn L 0002296034 TRAUMA 7/13/2024 12 Linear Fracture at Bilateral Frontal + Traumatic SAB + Cerebral Contusion AB PK E2M5V2=9 DPO Elective Pindh ruang Biasa R/ Alih Leader Plastik

19/07/2024 Konsul Neuro, Post Craniotomy Evacuation due to Spontaneous ICH at Right Frontoparietal due to Suspect
65 Bed 5 Tn. Dede Supardi 67 thn L 0002297134 VASCULAR Op 19/07/2024 POD 4 Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy + Emergency Hypertension + Hypokalemia AD DC E2M4V2 = 8 E4M5Vtc = 9Tc Craniotomy Evacuation Cito Post Op Care

Global Ischemia due to Cerebral Hypoperfusion due to Post ASD Closure Total Valve
66 Bed 8 Ny. Dian Novia 36 thn P 0002203050 VASCULAR 22/07/2024, Konsul BTKV 2 Replacement due to Large ASD + SOL Supratentorial at Right Frontal due to Suspect Dermoid FZ SH E3M5VT=8T E3M5VT=8T Closed Observation MRI Perfusion (-)
Cyst + Severe Tricuspid Regurgitation
Severe Head Injury + Closed Linear Fracture at Left Temporoparietal + Traumatic SAH + Multiple
67 Bed 4 Tn. Heri 44 thn L 0002294686 TRAUMA 7/8/2024 15 Cerebral Contusion at Left Hemisphere et Pons + Traumatic IVH + Cerebral Edema RS VM E1M2VT = 3T E3M5VTc = 8Tc Closed Observation DNR (+)
Debridement + Primary Suture
68 Bed 4 Mr. X 34 thn L 0002297378 TRAUMA 20/07/2024 5 Severe Head Injury + Suspect Diffuse Brain Injury+ Lacerated Wound at Left Labium Oris + RS PK E2M4V2 =8 E3M6V5 = 14 Closed Observation Rawat Ruang Intensif
Lacerated Wound at Left Antebrachii + Left Bronchopneumonia CT Scan Kepala Non Kontras

Post EVD due to Acute Non-Communicating Hydrocephalus due to Post Craniectomy

05/06/2024, OP Debridement + Abscess Resection due to SOL Supratentorial at Left Temporal due to Cerebral E3M5Vafasia = Post Op Care
69 Bed 5 Ny. Mariati 76 thn P 0002276624 TRAUMA 21/06/2024, OP kedua POD 16 Abscess + Intraventricular Abscess + Wound Dehiscence due to Post Craniectomy FZ SH 8Afasia E1M2VTc = 3Tc EVD Pantau Perburukan
07/07/2024 Decompression and Evacuation due to Traumatic ICH at Right Frontal et Left Temporoparietal

21/07/2024, OP Post VP Shunt due to Acute Communicating Hydrocephalus due to Suspect Serous Meningitis
70 Bed 6 Tn. Bambang 56 thn L 0002285535 TRAUMA POD 3 dd/ Meningitis TB + Meningitis TB grade III + Post TURP due to Benign Prostate Hyperplasia + SV-RD PO E1M4V1=6 E4M6VT = 10T VP Shunt Post Op Care
21/07/2024 Hypertension stage I + Hypernatremia + Bilateral Bronchopneumonia
20/07/2024, Op Post Burrhole Drainage due to Acute Communicating Hydrocephalus due to sub dural
71 Bed 6 An. Razeta 5 bulan P 0002297513 ONCOLOGY 18/07/2024 POD 1 hematoma + Term Infant 40 Weeks FM MO pGCS 15 pGCS 15 EVD Cito SIO PreOp (+)
24/07/2024, OP
72 1.4 Ny. Astri Novianty 45 thn P 0002284893 SKULLBASE 24/07/2024 POD 0 SOL Supratentorial at Left Temproral Extend to Left Sphenoid wing due to Suspect Meningioma AB MW 15 15 Craniotomy Tumor Removal Post OP

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