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Paper I

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(The High Court Of Assam, Nagaland, Mizoram and Arunachal Pmdesh)

Main Written Examination for Direct Recruitment in Grade-III of Arunachal Pradesh
Judicial Seruicer 2O2L


Date: 18.09.2021 (Saturday) Time: 9.00 a.m. to 12.00 n(xrn

Total marks: 1O0 Duration: 3 hours

1. Write an essay on any one of the following topics: 20xL=20

(a) Donestic violence

(b) Justice delayed is justice denied

(c) Role of media in protecting democratic values in India

2. Read the passage below and make a pr6cis of it. Also give a suitable tite. (10 marks)

Deforestation is the permanent destruction of natural forests and woodlands. The

rate at which deforestation is happening is a matter of great concern. The phenomenon
is the result of large-scale cutting down of forests in order to make more land available
for agriculture, industries and housing. There is also a great demand for wood as both
fuel and building material. Wide spread deforestation leads to a huge increase in carbon
dioxide, which is produced when trees are burnt or allowed to rot. Secondly, with
vegetation disappearing from the surlace of the eafth, there is soil erosion. This is
therefore also one of the causes for deseftification. Finally, many species arc in danger
of becoming o<tinct due to loss of natural habitats. If steps to prevent deforestation are
not taken soon, we arc likely to lose all our tropical forests in few years from now.

3. Choose the appropriate preposition from the choices given 1x10= 10

1. She was a devoted wife and looked her husband.

(a)at (b) upon (c) after (d) for

2, Good sleep is necessary good health.

(a)from (b) for (c) of (d) at

3. My voice reverberated the wall of the castle.

(a)from (b) on (c) with (d) in

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4, A steady mind triumphs _ difficulties.
(a) with (b) at (c) in (d) over

5. Jack's mind was attuned music.

(a) on (b) at (c) with (d) to

6. I bought him _ with great difticulty.

(a) round (b) up (c) in (d) about

7. My uncle has invested a lot of money farming.

(a) in (b) on (c) for (d) into

8. India is committed _ a policy of peaceful existence

(a) with (d) of (c) for (d) to

9. Exercise is beneficial health.

(a) towards (b) in (c) for (d) to

10. There is no exception _ this rule.

(a) in (b) to (c) for (d) about

4. Pick the correct antonyms for each of the words in capital letters: 1x10= 10

(a) Democratic victory (b) successful crowd (c) winning group (d) largest number

(a) Scold (b) honour (c) encourage (d) praise

(a) Solo (b) novel (c) pantomime (d) dialogue

(a) Unequal (b) one-sided (c) preplanned (d) overeager

(a) End disagreement (b) begin new methods (c) stir up anger (d) ty quietly

(a) Doctor (b) loser (c) winner (d) student


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(a) thoughtless (b) careless (c) eager (d) penitent

(a) safeguard (b) endanger (c) hazard (d) jeopardize

(a) baffling (b) obvious (c) confuse (d) reduce

10. AD-LIB
(a) improvise (b) extemporizecj (c) deiiberate (d) sponianeous

5. Pick the correct Synonyms for each of the following words in capital letters: 1X10=10

(a) unconcern (b) inquisitive (c) disinterested (d) ordinary

(a) Souvenir (b) precious metal (c) religious relic (d) large medal

(a) repetition (b) artlessness (c) double-dealing (d) cleverness

(a) biographical sketrh (b) grotesque likeness (c) eccentricity (d) personality trait

(a) abominable (b) obscure (c) treasonable (d) ugly

(a) to keep out (b) give off (c) acknowledge (d) let in
(a) condition (b) shackles (c) humour (d) problem

(a) chain of commands (b) prestige (c) ancestry (d) rigging

(a) undisciplined (b) usurious (c) wild (d) unjustified


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(a) to take less severe (b) challenge (c) have weight or influence (d) arbitrate

6. Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate word/words: 1X30=30

1. Challenges must be _ to realize the _ of a greater regional economic integration

(a) overcome......potential (b) suppressed....power
(c) ignored.......benefits (d) susbined.,...advantages

2. He's got a sharp_. He might just get into trouble, if he isn'tcareful.

(a) tongue (b) mouth (c) intellect (d) vision

3. We had lunch a Chinese restaurant yesterday

(a) in (b) on (c) at (d) inside

4. Vinod is clearly_ when it comes to speaking English.

(a) to a disadvantage (b) at a disadvantage
(c) from a disadvantage (d) in a disadvantage

5. It was clear that there was no rationale behind his act, he went solely by his _
and somehow succeeded.
(a) logic (b) interpretation (c) intuition (d) analysis

6, For silent movies to succeed, the quality of acting has to be _ as there are no
dialogues or music for support.
(a)medicore........engaging (b) sublime......intimate
(c)realistic.....melodramatic (d)enraordinary....,..mesmerizing

7. Sports for the visually challenged their confidence and help them to mingle
with the of society.
(a) enrich........stalwarts (b) plummet.......elite
(c) boost...,..mainstream (d) abate.......cream

8. I have never _such a problem and therefore confess I have no to it. _

(a) left alone......inhibitions (b) chickened at.......solution
(c) dreaded.......panacea (d) come across.......ready-made answer

9. Technology may have changed the way alliances are fixed in India (now at the click
of a bution) but the _
still is arranged marriages with even most youngsters the _
(a) norm.....endorsing (b) practice..,..customizing
(c)convention.......disdaining (d)tradition......avoiding

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10. The Maruti car has become so _ that snobbish customers, who believe their
tastes are superior to others, are _ buy this car of the masses.
(a) reputed.......shirking from (b) sought after....queuing to
(c)ubiquitous.,...disinclinedto (d)affordable....waitingto

11. I _ an i-Pod last month.

(a) have bought (b) buy (c) bought (d) am buying

12. We went to the _ to see how coins are made

(a) mint (b) winery (c) tannery (d) arsenal

13. Sheusually the baby down for sleep at this time.

(a) lies (b) lied (c) lay (d) lays

14. Her thinking leans _ democracy.

(a) with (b) towards (c) for (d) none of these

15. He got too tired _ overwork.

(a) because of (b) because off (c) on (d) for

16. They came here quite by

(a) accident (b) chance (c) fotune (d) plan

_ the thirst for knowledge and

17. Our job as teachers is to the spark of
(a) quench.......ignite (b) substantiate.......quell
(c) sensitized.....,.douse (d) sustain.,.....mitigate

18. At a time when most charities seem to think of

increasing their capital,
Warren Buffefs stipulation that what he gifts must be spent within ten years comes as a
(a)perennially,....contradictory (b)merely....surprise
(c)sporadically.....refreshing (d)constantly.......landmark

19. They were a herd of

(a) Chinese deer (b) English deer (c) Pe're David deer (d) Spanish deer
20. Their exisEnce was first discovered by a _
(a) American (b) English(c) French (d) Irish

21. An innocuous staEment is one which is _.

(a) forceful
(b) harmless (c) offensive (d) brief

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22. People believe others because they are
(a) credible (b) credulous (c) critical (d) creditable

23. It is doubtful whether such a policy would be _.

(a) exacted (b) expressed (c) expedient (d) expendable

24. During the interrogation of the criminal impoftant information was _,

(a) illicit (b) eliminated (c) elicited (d) illegitimate

25. If an indelible ink is used this will not be _.

(a) obliterated (b) obligated (c) obviated (d) observed

26. Every MinisEr must be made

to the public for his/her acts of omission and
(a) menacing (b) acceptable (c) approachable (d) accountable

27. Suresh is a_ who can dupe even the not so gullible.

(a) smooth opemtor (b) perfect gentleman
person (d) jack of all trades
(c) knowledgeable

28. The news is too good

(a) to be bad (b) to be acceptable (c) to be true (d) and can be credible

29. One of you must help ffi€, _.

(a) Musn't you? (b) Won't you? (c) Wouldn't you? (d) Shan't you?

30. She held the bag _, even though her arm hurt _.
(a) tight...... badly (b) tightly....... bad
(c) tight....... bad (d) tightly........ badly

7 Choose the correct meaning of the idioms/phnses in iblics from the choices given:
lX10= 10

1. A fair weather friend always tries &a fish in troubled waterc of his friends and
(a) to borrow money (b) to steal belonging of
(c) to get beneflt in bad situation (d) to extend a helping hand

2. His arrogant behavior with others has left him high and dry.
(a) to be penniless (b) to be very sick
(c) to be famous (d) isolated

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3. All the residents of the colony paintd the town red on the eve of festival.
(a) to white wash buildings (b) to renovate buildings
(c) to celebrate noisily in public places (d) to create nuisances

4. The chairman pulld a long faewhen the house did not accept the suggestions put
forth by him.
(a) to look disappointed (b) to get annoyed
(c) to be agitated (d) to make a quarrel

5. The fair and square policy of the chairman of the committee has made him very
popular among the residents of the town.
(a) clever and (b) honest
(c)ambiguous (d) relevant and practical

6. Due to his bad habit of borrowing money from others, he will be in the mire one
(a) to be punished (b) to be imprisoned
(c) to be insulted (d) to be in trouble

7. I do not like his habit of mincing mafferc.

(a) not to speakplainly (b) to brag about
(c) to be talkative (d) to show off

B. In order to become a succssful administrator in the office, an executive hasto keep

his arc to the ground.
(a) to be very polite (b) to encourage backbiting
(c) to be kept informed about the happening in the sunounding
(d) to have a sBict control over all

9. He had to go through the motion of stafting with this new project as he was least
interested to take it up.
(a) to complete quickly (b) to do a work without enthusiasm
(c) to do without any (d) to work at a slow speed

10. An honest person never plays fastand loose with his friends.
(a) delay (b) to be inconsistent
(c)deceives (d) ignores

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