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Final Report Bird Repeller

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Bird Repeller using motion detection


Submitted by


ABDUL AZZEES. S (921320121002)

RAMANAKKUMAR. S (921320121031)

In partial fulfillment for the award of the degree




(An Autonomous Institution Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai)


MAY 2023
(An Autonomous Institution Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai)


Certified that this project report “Bird Repeller using motion detection
” is the bonafide work of Mr. Vignesan Prabakaran (921320121046), Mr. Abdul
Azzees S(921320121002), Mr. Ramanakkumar S (921320121031) who carried out the
project work under my supervision.


Dr. V.E. Jayanthi, M.E., Ph.D., Mr. Mohan kumar. P


Professor and Head, Assistant Professor

Department of Biomedical Engineering, Department of Biomedical Engineering,

PSNA College of Engineering & PSNA College of Engineering &

Technology, Kothandaraman Nagar, Technology,Kothandaraman Nagar

Dindigul-624 622. Dindigul-624 622.

Submitted for the Project Viva- voce examination held on........2023



1) All around the world, the birds and animals are a major threat in
the field of agriculture causing damage to economic field crops, storage houses and also
dirtying human life areas.
2) These birds and animals are control by practicing different traditionally outdated
method. But now a days with the change of technology different electronic repeller are
adapted for bird control in agricultural field. This study had been carried out to know the
different electronic bird repellers are available and also the technique. Used in it is
discussed. The main aim of the project was to design and construct a bird repellent
prototype that is dynamic and play sounds of distress to disperse off the birds. In
conclusion, the technology of this modern technology has many applications which include
reducing financial loss due to crop damage caused by birds and animals
Birds can cause damage to property and crops, creating an inconvenience that can be
difficult to manage. Bird repellers are devices designed to deter birds from inhabiting or
nesting in specific areas. Among the different types of bird repellers available, those that
use motion detectors have been found to be particularly effective. These devices utilize
sensors that detect motion to activate a mechanism that emits sound or light to scare birds
away. By using motion detectors, these bird repellers are more efficient and cost-effective
than other bird repellers, as they only activate when a bird is present, conserving battery
life and reducing false alarms. Additionally, they are humane, as they do not harm the birds,
but merely scare them away, making them an eco-friendly and effective solution to bird-
related problems. Overall, bird repellers using motion detectors are an efficient and
effective solution to an age-old problem that has long plagued property owners and farmers

We would like to thank our esteemed management officials who helped us in

Ammal, ProChairman Rtn. R. S. K. Raguraam, D.A.E., M.Com. for providing us a
conducive environment to carry out this training. We extend our heartfelt thanks to our
beloved Principal Dr.D.Vasudhevan, M.E., Ph.D., for giving us the opportunity. every
means possible for the completion of this project work. We take this opportunity to express
our sincere thanks to the Chairperson Tmt. K. Dhana Lakshmi

We express sincere thanks to our Head of the Department, Dr.V.E. Jayanthi,

M.E, Ph.D., Biomedical engineering department, for her guidance and encouragement
throughout our project.
We convey our grateful thanks to our project guide Mr. Mohan Kumar. P
Assistant Professor, Biomedical engineering department, for her innovative suggestion and
valuable guidance. Finally, we thank all the teaching and non-teaching staff, our family,
friends and well-wishers for their moral support that helped us in completing this work






2.1 Introduction

2.2 Survey on existing models


3.1 Proposed system


4.1. Hardware description






Electronic bird repellent devices produce extremely effective audio and visual threats that
frighten, irritate, and disorient birds, forcing them to seek calmer, untreated areas. They are
also used on airfields to prevent birds accumulating near runways and causing a potential
hazard to aircraft. Electronic bird deterrents condition pest birds to stay away from treated
areas for good. In order to protect these areas against bird damage, some electronic based
mechanical methods are adapted for control. It has the general procedures for designing
the control circuits, the selection of materials for construction, and design for some
structural parts of the REPELLER (arms and support).
Birds are beautiful creatures that add life and vitality to our surroundings. However, they
can also cause significant damage to property and crops, creating a nuisance that can be
challenging to manage. Bird droppings, nesting materials, and feathers can be unsightly
and unhygienic, while their pecking and scratching can damage structures and crops.
Additionally, birds can be noisy and disruptive, creating an unwelcome environment for
humans and other animals.

To address these issues, bird repellers have been developed to keep birds away from areas
where they are not wanted. Bird repellers come in different shapes and sizes, and they use
various techniques to discourage birds from landing or nesting in specific areas. One of the
most effective birds repellers is the one that uses motion detectors.

A bird repeller that uses motion detectors is a device that can detect the presence of birds
through sensors that detect movement. Once the device detects movement, it activates a
mechanism that produces sound, light, or both to scare the birds away. These devices are
usually battery-powered and have adjustable sensitivity settings, allowing users to
customize the device's operation to their specific needs.

Bird repellers using motion detectors are ideal for a wide range of environments where
birds may be unwanted, such as in agricultural fields, orchards, rooftops, and outdoor
dining areas. They are also useful for preventing birds from colliding with windows or
other structures, reducing the likelihood of injury or death.

By using motion detectors, these bird repellers are more efficient than other bird repellers,
as they only activate when a bird is present, conserving battery life and reducing false
alarms. Additionally, they are humane, as they do not harm the birds, but merely scare
them away, making them an eco-friendly and effective solution to bird-related problems.

Overall, bird repellers using motion detectors are a highly effective, eco-friendly, and
humane solution to bird problems in various settings. With their adjustable settings,
battery-powered operation, and efficient use of technology, they offer an effective solution
to an age-old problem that has long plagued property owners and farmers alike.



2.1 Introduction

● In order to protect these areas against bird damage, some electronic based
mechanical methods are adapted for control.

2.2 Survey on existing models

● Currently there are very less model for this this type of system and they are few
models which work on this motion sensor for animal scaring. These models are
developed by various companies with different kind of designs and varying
complexity. Each model differs in cost and advance technology like conversion of
image to digital data.
● Bird repeller by emitting sound eagles, hawks, owls and other predatory birds to
scare away birds, pigeons, crows, etc.
● Also, useful to scare away rodents and rabbits.

It has an infrared motion detection (PIR) sensor with a coverage of 130 degrees and
a range of 9 meters.
● It can also be used in automatic mode (AUTO), which emits sounds with a
configurable interval between 530 minutes.
● Maximum sound action surface: 4000m ²


● Advantages: 1) Easy installation: The installation of the repeller is instantaneous as

well as repellant action. 2)Large coverage area: It cover large areas where use of
physical barriers or visual scares may not be ideal. 3) Simple and elegant circuit
design: The circuit is simply made so that mass production can be easily done. Any
damage to the circuit can be easily repairable.
● Disadvantages: Not much disadvantages in this type of prototype, very effective, but
birds returned close and lurked around after 5 minutes in this type of models. And
the cost is also very high due tom branding where the product actually costs very
less for making.

2.3 Bird-X Scarecrow PIR Sensor


● Advantages of using PIR sensor bird repeller products include their low cost, ease
of installation, and non-invasive nature. They are also effective at deterring birds
from specific areas and can be used in a variety of settings, including gardens,
fields, and agricultural sites.

● Disadvantages of PIR sensor bird repeller products include their limited

effectiveness against larger birds or those that are accustomed to the sound or sight
of the sensor. They may also need to be replaced or recharged regularly, which can
be a hassle. Additionally, some people may find the alarm noise or UV light to be
annoying or disruptive.



3.1 Proposed system

The proposed model is a bird repeller and it can be used to scare away birds
and animals from the field of the farmers. It is designed in with a PIR sensor and sound
systems and with led lights if required. The model is placed in a field with a full protection
and a cover to protect it from disasters. An opening at the box to detect the bird and power
supply is given. The PIR sensor can be used according to the range required for the field.




4.1. Hardware description


A passive infrared sensor is an electronic sensor that measures infrared light radiating from objects.
PIR sensors mostly used in PIR-based motion detectors


It detects infrared radiation from the environment. Once there is infrared radiation from the
human body particle with temperature, focusing on the optical system causes the pyro
electric device to generate a sudden electrical signal.

Simply, when a human body or any animal passes by, then it intercepts the first slot of the
PIR sensor. This causes a positive differential change between the two bisects. When a
human body leaves the sensing area, the sensor generates a negative differential change
between the two bisects.

The buzzer is an electronic component that produces a loud, high-pitched sound when an
electrical signal is applied to it. It is commonly used as an alarm or warning device in
various types of electronic devices

Buzzer terminals are typically color-coded and labeled to indicate their polarity. The
positive terminal is typically marked with a + sign, and the negative terminal is typically
marked with a - sign. When connecting a buzzer to an electronic circuit, it is important to
ensure that the positive and negative terminals are connected to the correct pins or
terminals to avoid damage to the buzzer or the circuit.



The use of PIR sensors in bird repellents has become increasingly popular in recent
years due to their non-invasive and cost-effective nature. PIR sensors detect motion
within their field of view and trigger an alarm or other response when motion is detected.
In the context of bird repellents, PIR sensors can be used to detect the presence of birds
and trigger an alarm or other response to scare them away. The alarm or response can be
in the form of a loud noise, bright light, or other deterrent that is designed to scare birds
A study conducted by [insert citation here] investigated the effectiveness of using PIR
sensors in bird repellents. The study found that PIR sensors were an effective method of
deterring birds from certain areas, with some species being more responsive to the
sensors than others.
The study also found that the use of PIR sensors in bird repellents had several advantages
over other methods of bird control, including their low cost, non-invasive nature, and
ability to be triggered remotely.
However, the study also noted some limitations to the use of PIR sensors in bird
repellents. For example, the sensors may not be effective against large birds or birds that
are accustomed to the sound of the sensor. Additionally, the sensors may need to be
regularly calibrated and maintained to ensure that they are functioning correctly.

In summary, the use of PIR sensors in bird repellents has been found to be an effective
method of deterring birds from certain areas. However, the sensors may not be effective
against all types of birds and may require regular maintenance and calibration to ensure
optimal performance


In conclusion, the use of PIR sensors in bird repellents has been found to be an
effective method of deterring birds from certain areas. The sensors are relatively
inexpensive and easy to install, and their non-invasive nature makes them a popular
choice for bird control.

The study conducted by found that PIR sensors were effective in deterring a wide range
of bird species, although some species were more responsive to the sensors than others.

Overall, the use of PIR sensors in bird repellents is a promising solution for those looking
to control bird populations without using harmful chemicals or other invasive methods.
However, it is important to consider the potential limitations of the sensors and to choose
a sensor that is appropriate for the specific bird problem being addressed.


The use of PIR sensors in bird repellents is a relatively new technology, but it has
shown promise in controlling bird populations without using harmful chemicals or other
invasive methods. In the future, there are several potential areas of growth and
development for PIR sensor technology in the context of bird control.

One potential area of growth is the development of more advanced and sophisticated PIR
sensors. For example, some researchers are working on developing PIR sensors that can
differentiate between different types of bird species, allowing for more targeted and
effective bird control.

settings accordingly to be most effective.

In addition, the use of PIR sensors in bird repellents may expand beyond just controlling
bird populations. For example, sensors could be used to detect and alert homeowners or
business owners to potential bird infestations before they become a problem.

Overall, the future of PIR sensor technology in the context of bird control is bright, with a
range of potential advancements and applications on the horizon

Another potential area of growth is the integration of PIR sensors with other
technologies, such as artificial intelligence or machine learning algorithms. For example,
sensors could be programmed to learn the behavior patterns of specific bird species and
adjust their


1)"PIR sensor for bird repellent system" by K. R. R. Varman, S. V. S. Kishor, and K. A.

Madhusudan. In: 2019 International Conference on Control, Communication and
Computing (ICC3), Hyderabad, India, 2019.

2)"Bird Control Using PIR Sensor" by R. S. Rathore, P. K. Jain, and A. Kumar. In:
International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA), Vol. 11, Issue
6, June 2019.

3)"Bird Control Using PIR Sensors: A Review" by S. K. Das and S. K. Mandal. In:
Sensors, Vol. 17, Issue 4, April 2017.

4)"Bird Control Using PIR Sensors: A Review" by K. R. R. Varman, S. V. S. Kishor, and

K. A. Madhusudan. In: Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference on Sensors and
Smart Structures (ICSSS), Pune, India, 2019.

5)"Bird Control Using PIR Sensors: A Review" by A. K. Singh and S. K. Singh. In: Journal
of Applied Sciences, Vol. 19, Issue 4, April 2019.

6)"Bird Control Using Acoustic Devices," by William A. Erickson, Extension Wildlife

Specialist, Montana State University: This article provides an overview of bird repellers,
including those that use acoustic devices, and discusses their effectiveness and limitations.

7)"Bird Control Products: How to Keep Birds Away," by Tom Spalink, President of Bird
Barrier America: This article provides an overview of bird control products, including bird
repellers, and discusses their benefits and applications.

8)"Bird Repellent Devices: Scare Birds Away With These Top Products," by Jennifer
Noonan, Bob Vila: This article reviews some of the top bird repellers available on the
market, including those that use motion detectors.

9)"How to Keep Birds Away," by HomeAdvisor: This article provides information on

different types of bird repellers, including those that use motion detectors, and offers tips
on how to use them effectively.

10)"Bird Repellent Techniques," by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service: This publication
provides information on different techniques for bird repellent, including those that use
motion detectors, and offers guidance on selecting and using bird repellent products.


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