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Hierarchical architecture of two-

dimensional Ti3C2 nanosheets@Metal-
Organic framework derivatives as
anode for hybrid li-ion capacitors
Wenling Wu & Chunhui Zhao & Hao Liu
& Tiantian Liu & Lei Wang &
Jianfeng Zhu
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Covalent Organic Framework Decorated TiO2 Nanotube

Arrays for Photoelectrochemical Cathodic Protection of
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Two-Dimensional-Materials-Based Membranes: Preparation,

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Efficient photocathodic protection enabled by a multi-

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precision judgments Jiali Liu & Tao Yu & Jinfeng Wu &
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Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 623 (2022) 216–225

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Hierarchical architecture of two-dimensional Ti3C2 nanosheets@Metal-

Organic framework derivatives as anode for hybrid li-ion capacitors
Wenling Wu a,b,⇑, Chunhui Zhao a, Hao Liu a, Tiantian Liu a, Lei Wang a, Jianfeng Zhu a
School of Material Science and Engineering, Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Green Preparation and Functionalization for Inorganic Materials, Shaanxi University of Science
and Technology, Xi’an 710021, PR China
Electronic Materials Research Laboratory, Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Education & International Center for Dielectric Research, School of Electronic Science and
Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, PR China

g r a p h i c a l a b s t r a c t

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Two-dimensional (2D) layered metal carbides materials called MXenes (e.g., Ti3C2) are significantly atten-
Received 24 January 2022 tioned as electrode material for lithium-ion capacitors (LICs) because of its large surface-to-volume ratio
Revised 29 April 2022 and ultra-high electronic conductivity. Whereas, as anode electrode material, the performance and appli-
Accepted 6 May 2022
cation prospects of Ti3C2 are severely restricted to its lower theoretical capacity. In this work, a straight-
Available online 11 May 2022
forward and effective strategy to surmount the restrictions was developed to combine layered Ti3C2
nanosheets with dual Co/Zn metal–organic framework (MOF) polyhedrons derivatives through electro-
static assembly. Co3O4/ZnO polyhedrons could prevent the stacking of Ti3C2 nanosheets and provide
MXene conductive network
MOF derivatives
prominent lithium storage capacity. Furthermore, the advanced structure of Ti3C2@Co3O4/ZnO as anode
Hierarchical structure material could provide short Li+ paths, large electrolyte channels and excellent structural stability to
Li-ion capacitor enhance the electrochemical performance for LICs. As a result, the prepared Ti3C2@Co3O4/ZnO composite
exhibited a specific capacity of 585.7 mAh/g at 0.1 A/g, and the electrode still delivered a capacity of 229
mAh/g at 2 A/g after 1000 cycles with 93% capacity retention in lithium-ion half cell. In addition, by
assembling with activated carbon (AC) as cathode and Ti3C2@Co3O4/ZnO as anode, the LIC revealed an
ultra-high energy density of 196.8 Wh/kg at a power density of 174.9 W/kg, and delivered a high energy
output of 87.5 Wh/kg even at a power density of 3500 W/kg. And its capacitance retention reaches 75%
after 6000 cycles at 2 A/g. The advanced structure, handy preparation, and outstanding performance of
layered carbon-based material Ti3C2@hollow polyhedrons composite might provide promising applica-
tions in LICs.
Ó 2022 Published by Elsevier Inc.

⇑ Corresponding author at: School of Material Science and Engineering, Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Green Preparation and Functionalization for Inorganic Materials, Shaanxi
University of Science and Technology, Xi’an 710021, PR China.
E-mail address: (W. Wu).
0021-9797/Ó 2022 Published by Elsevier Inc.
W. Wu, C. Zhao, H. Liu et al. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 623 (2022) 216–225

1. Introduction CoP/r-GO nanocomposite for LICs showed a capacitance of 70.5F/

g at current density of 0.1A/g owing to the CoP/r-GO capacitance
This has been a pressing problem that fossil energy was contribution and hierarchical structure. Carbon-based materials
depleted and sustainable energy storage demands for electronic in composite structure are served as conductive networks to
vehicles are increasing, due to the structural characteristics of enhance electrical conductivity and structural stability.
energy resources [1,2]. In recent years, renewable and clean energy Herein, hierarchical Ti3C2@MOF derivatives composite was
storage devices have been extensively explored and studied, designed by straightforward and controllable synthesis of dual Co
including fuel cells, lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) and electrochemi- and Zn MOF derivatives with layered carbon-based material of
cal supercapacitors (SCs) [3–6]. However, to better meet the needs Ti3C2. Porous Co3O4/ZnO polyhedrons were used as abundant
of energy storage in rapid development of society, lithium-ion active sites and open channels to accelerate Li+ transport, while
capacitors (LICs) [7–10] featuring LIBs’energy density, SCs’power Ti3C2Tx as conductive network can provide faster ion and electron
density and outstanding cycle life have become hot issues to transfer. The performance of LICs assembled with the distinctive
explore. The LICs, as advanced hybrid energy-torage devices, are structure of Ti3C2@Co3O4/ZnO as anode and AC as cathode is not
designed by combining a capacitive-type cathode to achieve high disappointing. The advanced Ti3C2@MOF derivatives material
power density and a battery-type anode to deliver high energy showed outstanding structural stability and highly promising for
density [11–14]. Due to the hybrid working mechanism, the LICs LICs practical applications.
contain the superiority of SCs and LIBs. In detail, charge-storage
processes of the LICs by ion adsorption/desorption on the surface
2. Experimental section
of capacitive cathode and via Li+ intercalation/deintercalation on
the anode, respectively. With the advent of this advanced hybrid
2.1. Materials
device, the development of LICs with excellent electrochemical
performance has become an excellent exploration space and chal-
Titanium aluminum carbon (Ti3AlC2), Hydrochloric acid (HCl,
lenge for researchers.
12 M), lithium fluoride (LiF), Zinc nitrate hexahydrate (Zn(NO3)2),
Significantly, as an integral part of LICs, electrode materials are
Cobalt nitrate hexahydrate (Co(NO3)2), 2-methylimidazole
essential for the performance applications. Activated carbon (AC)
(C4H6N2), and the methanol all were acquired from Sinopharm
with highly developed pore structure and excellent electrical con-
Group Reagentg Co. Ltd, China. All chemicals were analytically
ductivity, is a superior choice as a cathode material for LICs [15].
pure and were not further purified.
However, in the electrochemical reaction, anode electrode materi-
als of LICs have slower ion diffusion than capacitive cathode and
severe volume expansion accompanied by poor rate performance 2.2. Sample preparation
and cycle stability, and is accompanied by structural collapse lead-
ing to inferior rate performance and capacity retention. Accord- 2.2.1. Preparation of Ti3C2 nanosheet:
ingly, advanced anode materials need to be explored and Firstly, 0.99 g LiF was added into a mixed solution composed of
developed to enhance the electrochemical performance of LICs. 15 mL HCl and 5 mL deionized water (DI). Next, 1 g of Ti3AlC2 is
Particularly, two-dimensional (2D) transition metal carbides called gradually added to the acidic solution. The mixture was continu-
Mxenes [16], such as Ti3C2Tx, offer particular advantages of out- ously reacted at 35 °C for 24 h under magnetic stirring. Following
standing electric conductivity, abundant surface chemistry, low the end of the reaction, the precipitate was washed several times
diffusion barrier for Li+, and eminent mechanical stability. with DI (3500 r/min) until pH7. Next, the precipitate was dis-
Whereas, as anode electrode material, the performance and practi- tributed into 240 mL of DI, which was treated by ultrasonication
cal application of Ti3C2 was severely restricted to its lower theoret- (750 W) for 1 h. Finally, the sonicated solution was centrifuged
ical capacity. Therefore, the design of combining higher capacity for 50 min and the supernatant was taken. And Ti3C2 nanosheets
transition metal oxides (TMOs) and layered Ti3C2 nanosheets were prepared by freeze-drying.
assembly has been considered as an effective strategy to surmount
the restrictions of carbon-based anode materials [17–20]. Espe- 2.2.2. Preparation of Ti3C2@MOF derivatives:
cially, Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), which are formed by The synthesis process of hierarchical Ti3C2@MOF derivatives
combining organic ligands and metal ion junctions with different composite was shown in Fig. 1. Typically, 3.7 mmol Co(NO3)26H2-
linkage numbers [21–25], are a novel class of porous materials that O and 15 mmol C4H6N2 were dispersed in 15 mL methanol and
have demonstrated prospective application due to their ultra-high 30 mL methanol, respectively. Subsequently, the solution contain-
surface area, rich porosity and controllable structures. Conse- ing Co(NO3)26H2O was rapidly poured into other solution of
quently, MOFs-derived metal oxides usually exhibit their own C4H6N2 under stirring for 5 min. Next, 15 mL methanol solution
unique structural advantages over other template strategies. including 3.7 mmol Zn(NO3)26H2O was injected into the stirring
Recently, compositing MXene with single Co-based MOF deriva- solution and continued to be stirred for 5 min. The resulting mixed
tives have been the common strategy to improve the electrochem- solution was treated at 120 °C for 4 h by solvothermal reaction.
ical performance of Mxene [26–28]. However, construction of Then the obtained powders by centrifugation and drying was cal-
mixedmetal-organic frameworks (M’MOFs) would be an effecitive cinated in air at 350 °C for 2 h (1 ℃/min). Subsequently, prepared
method to improve the electrochemical performance of derivatives MOF derivatives, signed as Co3O4/ZnO, was immersed into 50 mL
electrodes. In addition, the most common construction in M’MOFs DI. Then 25 mg Ti3C2 dispersed in 20 mL DI was slowly poured into
structures is the mixture of Zn and Co MOF metals. And owing to the 50 mL solution containing Co3O4/ZnO. Finally, Ti3C2@ Co3O4/
high capacity and simple preparation, Zinc oxide (ZnO) and Cobalt ZnO composite was synthesized through magnetic stirring for
oxide (Co3O4) have been extensively investigated as electrode 10 min and centrifuging (3500 rpm, 3 min). The main synthesis
materials over recent years [29–33]. Xi et al. [34] designed hollow processes of Ti3C2@Co3O4/ZnO composite were displayed in
MOF-derived metal oxide@Mxene composite as anode material for Fig. 1. As demonstrated, MXene nanosheets possessed high nega-
LIBs, which displayed a capacity of 947.4 mAh/g at current density tive surface charge due to the presence of an abundant surface
of 0.1 A/g and exhibited excellent capacity retention. Li et al. [35] functional group Tx (-F, –OH). [34,36–38] And the surface of MOF
synthesized hierarchical CoP/r-GO material as anode for LICs. The derivatives owned positive charge and the composite was success-

W. Wu, C. Zhao, H. Liu et al. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 623 (2022) 216–225

Fig. 1. The schemamatic for the synthesis of Ti3C2@Co3O4/ZnO composite.

fully prepared by electrostatic assembly and partly hydrogen [16]. These results also further substantiated the successful prepa-
bonding. ration of Ti3C2@Co3O4/ZnO. In addition, the fourier transform infra-
red spectoscopy (FT-IR) spectra of prepared materials are shown in
Fig. S1, the peaks at  1439 and 1609 cm1 are attributed to the
3. Results and discussion
vibration of C@O and OAH bonds, respectively. The intensity of
OAH in Ti3C2@Co3O4/ZnO composite obviously was increased com-
In the process of Ti3C2@Co3O4/ZnO synthesis, X-ray diffraction
pared to Co3O4/ZnO. This phenomenon can be explained by the in-
(XRD) and Raman patterns were tested to characterize the phases
situ formation of the dipole–dipole hydrogen bonds (OAH  O) and
of the materials. XRD pattern (Fig. 2a) of Ti3C2 clearly displayed the
could contribute to the structure stability for enhanced lithium
peaks at 8.6° and 60.9°, indicating the 2D microstructure of Ti3C2.
In addition, all the diffraction peaks appearing in XRD pattern of
To detect surface elemental constituents and chemical bonding
Co3O4/ZnO distinctly disclose the coexistence of Co3O4 and ZnO
state of the Ti3C2@Co3O4/ZnO composite, X-ray photoelectron
phases. The peaks at 19.0°, 31.3°, 36.9°, 38.6°, 44.8°, 55.7°, 59.4°
spectroscopy (XPS) spectra of the composite were demonstrated
and 65.3° corresponded one by one to (1 1 1), (2 2 0), (3 1 1),
in Fig. 3. As a whole, the wide-scan survey XPS spectrum shown
(2 2 2), (4 0 0), (4 2 2), (5 1 1), (4 4 0) facets of Co3O4 (JCPDS No.76–
in Fig. 3a revealed the binding energy of Ti 2p, Co 2p, Zn 2p, C
1802). The other peaks at 31.8°, 34.5°, 36.3°, 47.6°, 56.7°, 63.0°
1 s and O 1 s, demonstrating the successful preparation of the Ti3-
and 66.5° corresponded to (1 1 0), (0 0 2), (1 0 1), (1 0 2), (1 1 0),
C2@Co3O4/ZnO composite. Furthermore, in the high-resolution Ti
(1 0 3), (2 0 0) facets of ZnO (JCPDS No.75–0576). In addition, XRD
2p spectrum region of the composite, distinct Ti–C covalent bonds
pattern of the composite contained the characteristic peaks of
located at 454.6 eV and 458.2 eV, validating the existence of Ti3C2.
Ti3C2, Co3O4 and ZnO with no impure phase. Moreover, Raman
The Ti-O peak at 460.3 eV can be ascribed to TiO2, revealing that
spectra were also characterized to demonstrate the Ti3C2 composi-
Ti3C2 was slightly oxidized over the preparation process.
tion of Ti3C2@Co3O4/ZnO composite. The composite displayed char-
[19,20,39] And the high-resolution spectrum of Co 2p (Fig. 3c)
acteristic Raman bands positioned at 1322 cm1 and 1578 cm1
were classified as two distinctive spin–orbit doublets of 2p1/2 and
corresponding to the D-band and G-band of Ti3C2, respectively

Fig. 2. (a) X-ray diffraction patterns of Ti3C2, Co3O4/ZnO and Ti3C2@Co3O4/ZnO (b) Raman patterns of Ti3C2, Co3O4/ZnO and Ti3C2@Co3O4/ZnO.

W. Wu, C. Zhao, H. Liu et al. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 623 (2022) 216–225

Fig. 3. (a) X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy wide spectrum of Ti3C2@Co3O4/ZnO. High-resolution XPS spectra of Ti3C2@Co3O4/ZnO (b) Ti 2p, (c) Co 2p, (d) Zn 2p, (e) C 1 s, and
(f) O 1 s.

2p3/2 and obvious satellite peaks (named as Sat.). The peaks situ- The microstructure and morphology of the prepared materials
ated at 779.7 eV and 795.2 eV were assigned to Co3+ and the peaks could be observed well via the images of scanning electron micro-
located at 781.5 eV and 796.7 eV were allocated to Co2+ in Co3O4 scopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). It was
[37]. In addition, two prominent peaks of Zn 2p spectrum at observed in Fig. 4a that Ti3C2 of 2D microstructure is successfully
1021.6 eV. and 1044.7 eV were attributed to 2p3/2 and 2p1/2, prepared. The layered structure was complete and the surface of
respectively. The fitting results indicated that the chemical states the Ti3C2 was smooth. The SEM images in Fig. 4(d-f) showed poly-
of Zn in the composite are the same [29]. For the high-resolution hedron structure of MOF derivatives. The morphology of the
spectrum of O 1 s (Fig. 3d), two peaks centred at 529.6 eV and derivatives Co3O4/ZnO was uniform and the side length of the poly-
531.6 eV were matched with the lattice oxygen in Co3O4 and hedron was about 900 nm. Furthermore, the images of Ti3C2@Co3-
ZnO, which also further verifies the presence of MOF derivatives O4/ZnO composite were exhibited in Fig. 4(g-f). The Co3O4/ZnO
[41]. polyhedrons were uniformly loaded on the surface and interlayer

W. Wu, C. Zhao, H. Liu et al. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 623 (2022) 216–225

Fig. 4. The SEM images for (a-c) Ti3C2, (d-f) Co3O4/ZnO, (g-i) Ti3C2@Co3O4/ZnO, and (j) image of Ti3C2@Co3O4/ZnO and the corresponding mapping images.

of the layered Ti3C2. The polyhedron and layered structure of the In addition, the more visual morphology and lattice information
composite were well preserved, which also further suppressed of Co3O4/ZnO and Ti3C2@Co3O4/ZnO were analyzed by TEM. As can
the accumulation of Ti3C2 nanosheets. In addition, the energy- be observed in Fig. 6a and b, there was distinct polyhedron struc-
dispersive X-ray (EDX) elemental mappings of Ti3C2@Co3O4/ZnO ture composed of Co3O4/ZnO particles (MOF derivatives). Its partic-
was shown in Fig. 4j display the well-distributed Co, Zn, Ti, C and ular hollow polyhedron structure can provide abundant Li+
O through the composite. The positions of Co, Zn and O elements diffusion paths, accelerate the effective conduct of Li+ in electro-
in the EDX diagram indicated the successful synthesis of Co3O4/ chemical reactions, and hence could enhance the electrochemical
ZnO, and the presence of Ti element also indicated the loading of properties of Ti3C2@Co3O4/ZnO electrode materials. The magnified
Co3O4/ZnO on the surface of Ti3C2 sheet. TEM diagram (Fig. 6b) displayed that the Ti3C2 as a network struc-
Moreover, to study the specific surface area and pore volume of ture is connected to the Co3O4/ZnO polyhedrons, which is consis-
the prepared electrodes, the nitrogen adsorption–desorption iso- tent with the SEM images. Furthermore, in the high-resolution
therms and the pore size distribution were analyzed. As shown TEM (HRTEM) image, some distinct lattice fringes were displayed
in Fig. 5, Ti3C2, Co3O4/ZnO and Ti3C2@Co3O4/ZnO displayed typical in Fig. 6d with interplanar distances of 0.241 nm and 0.279 nm,
type-IV curves. Compared to the surface areas and pore volumes of matching with the (3 1 1) lattice planes of Co3O4 and the (1 0 0) lat-
Ti3C2 (2.6 m2 g1, 0.05 cm3 g1) and Co3O4/ZnO (38.1 m2 g1, tice planes of ZnO. Accordingly, the TEM results were consistent
0.16 cm3 g1), it was clear that the surface area and pore volume with the XRD and EDS data, proving the successful synthesis of Ti3-
of Ti3C2@Co3O4/ZnO composite (77.2 m2 g1, 0.32 cm3 g1) was C2@Co3O4/ZnO composite.
greatly increased. This result of the Brunauer-Emmett-Teller In addition, Fig. 7 described schematic illustration of Li+ paths
(BET) data could be attributed to the Co3O4/ZnO polyhedra inserted and electron transport on Ti3C2@Co3O4/ZnO electrode. Obviously,
on surface of Ti3C2 nanosheets, forming hierarchical structure com- polyhedrons structure can provide abundant Li+ diffusion paths,
posite fuhe and effectively preventing the agglomeration of Ti3C2 accelerate the effective conduct of Li+ in electrochemical reactions.
sheets. The increase in the specific surface area and pore volume Furtthermore, Ti3C2 nanosheet as stable and conductive substrate
of Ti3C2@Co3O4/ZnO electrode can provide large electrolyte chan- was served as a charge-transporting interconnector, further
nels and faster charge/Li+ transfer, which could enhance the elec- enhancing the charge transfer rate and structural stability of this
trochemical performance of the composite electrode. hierarchical architecture. The synergistic effect of MOF derivatives

W. Wu, C. Zhao, H. Liu et al. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 623 (2022) 216–225

Fig. 5. Nitrogen adsorption–desorption isotherms and the pore size distribution of Ti3C2, Co3O4/ZnO and Ti3C2@Co3O4/ZnO.

Fig. 7. Schematic illustration of electron transport and Li+ diffusion of Ti3C2@Co3O4/

ZnO electrode.

basically overlapped, indicating that Ti3C2@Co3O4/ZnO has good

reversibility during the electrochemical reaction as electrode
material. And the voltage platform of charge and discharge curves
Fig. 6. TEM images of (a) Co3O4/ZnO (b) Ti3C2@Co3O4/ZnO and (c-d) HRTEM image shown Fig. 8b were basically consistent with the results of CV
of Ti3C2@Co3O4/ZnO.
curves. The first discharge/charge specific capacities of Ti3C2@Co3-
O4/ZnO were 814 mAh/g and 598 mAh/g, respectively, with an irre-
versible loss of 36%, which was mainly due to the formation of
polyhedrons structure and Ti3C2 sheet structure effectively gener- solid electrolyte film (SEI film) during the first charge/discharge
ated better structural stability, provide short Li+ paths, large elec- process. But there was basically no irreversible capacity loss during
trolyte channels and faster charge transfer, which could enhance the subsequent charge/discharge process, indicating the structural
the electrochemical performance of Ti3C2@Co3O4/ZnO electrode. stability of Ti3C2@Co3O4/ZnO material. The energy storage process
Fig. 8a exhibited the first three cyclic voltammetry (CV) curves of Ti3C2@Co3O4/ZnO could be concluded by the reaction process
of Ti3C2@Co3O4/ZnO, with the test voltage range of 0.01 and 3 V (vs. [29,40,42]:
Li/Li+) at a scanning rate of 0.1 mV/s. The two redox peaks of CV þ
curves showed no obvious changes and the positions of the peaks Co3 O4 þ 8Li þ 8e $ 3Co þ 4Li2 O ð1Þ

W. Wu, C. Zhao, H. Liu et al. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 623 (2022) 216–225

Fig. 8. Electrochemical properties in Li-half cell (a) Cyclic voltammetry curves of Ti3C2@Co3O4/ZnO at a scan rate of 0.1 mV/s. (b) Galvanostatic discharge and charge curves in
the first three cycles for Ti3C2@Co3O4/ZnO at 0.1 A/g. (c) Rate performances of Ti3C2, Co3O4/ZnO and Ti3C2@Co3O4/ZnO at various current densities. (d) Cycling performances of
Ti3C2, Co3O4/ZnO and Ti3C2@Co3O4/ZnO electrodes over 1200 cycles at 2 A/g. (e) CV curves of the Ti3C2@Co3O4/ZnO anode at various scan rates from 0.1 to 2 mV/s. (f) The
determination of b-values based on cathodic and anodic peaks for Ti3C2@Co3O4/ZnO. (g, h) Contribution of capacitive-controlled capacities at various scan rates.

ZnO þ 2Li þ 2e ! Zno þ Li2 O ð2Þ Ti3C2 nanosheets, which enhanced the electrical conductivity of
electrode material. The discharge capacities of Ti3C2, Co3O4/ZnO
Zno þ Li þ e $ LiZn ð3Þ and Ti3C2@Co3O4/ZnO were tested to be 177.1 mAh/g, 401.2
mAh/g and 585.7 mAh/g at current density of 0.1 A/g. Furthermore,
þ after rate performance test, the capacities of the Ti3C2, Co3O4/ZnO
LiZn $ Zno þ Li þ e $ ZnO ð4Þ and Ti3C2@Co3O4/ZnO were also maintained at 155.5 mAh/g,
275.2 mAh/g and 401.4 mAh/g once the current density was
Ti3 C2 Tx þ yLi þ ye $ Liy Ti3 C2 Tx ð5Þ adjusted to 0.1 A/g. In addition, Fig. 8d exhibited the long cycle per-
formance of the prepared electrodes. It was particularly obvious
During the discharge process, the cathodic peak observed at
that as the current density increased to 2 A/g, the discharge capac-
around 1 V can be ascribed to the alloying reaction of LiZn, while
ity of single MOF derivatives electrode was greatly reduced, but
the anodic presented at 1.7 V corresponds to the de-alloying reac-
Ti3C2@MOF derivatives electrode could still deliver a discharge
tions of Li-Zn alloy and the formation of ZnO. Fig. 8c showed the
capacity of 229 mAh/g after 1000 cycle with 93% capacity reten-
rate capability of Ti3C2, Co3O4/ZnO and Ti3C2@Co3O4/ZnO from
tion. In addition, the electrochemical performance of Ti3C2@Co3O4
0.01 to 3 V at various current densities of 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2 A/g. It
were shown in Fig. S2 and the results indicated that Ti3C2@Co3O4/
can be obviously observed that Ti3C2@Co3O4/ZnO electrode dis-
ZnO electrode exhibted higher specific capacity and better cycle
played much higher capacity than the Ti3C2 and Co3O4/ZnO elec-
stability than Ti3C2@Co3O4 material. The excellent electrochemical
trodes at different current densities. This reason might be that
properties of the Ti3C2@Co3O4/ZnO composite indicated that with
hollow structure MOF derivative of Co3O4/ZnO were embedded in
W. Wu, C. Zhao, H. Liu et al. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 623 (2022) 216–225

Ti3C2 nanosheets as stable conducting substrates, the Ti3C2@Co3O4/ AC as a cathode to form an LIC (Fig. 9a). The morphology and struc-
ZnO electrode material could remain relatively intact structurally ture information about activated carbon were shown in Fig. S3. To
and the material was not deactivated under different current den- explore the practical applications of the LIC, the electrochemical
sity impacts. performance of LIC device was characterized by galvanostatic
Moreover, to better study the capacity behavior of Ti3C2@Co3O4/ charge and discharge (GCD) and impedance spectroscopy (EIS)
ZnO electrode material, CV curves of the material were measured measurement. Fig. 9b showed the CV curves of the Ti3C2@Co3O4/
at diverse scan rates. The charge storage mechanism could be char- ZnO//AC LIC at different scan rates from 2 mV/s to 100 mV/s with-
acterized by analyzing the peak currents (i) and scan rates (m) of out obvious deviation. In addition, GCD curves of the LIC at differ-
the CV curves using Eqs. (6) and (7): ent current densities (1 A/g to 10 A/g) were exhibited in Fig. 9c. For
LIC, the electrochemical performance was calculated by the follow-
i ¼ av b ð6Þ ing equations:

log i ¼ b log v þ log a ð7Þ I Dt

C¼ ð10Þ
Where b was 0.5 means a diffusion-controlled process, while b
was 1.0 represents a capacitive-controlled behavior. As shown in
Fig. 8f, the b values of peak 1, peak 2, peak 3 and peak 4 are C DU 2
E¼ ð11Þ
0.85, 0.87, 0.74 and 0.72, indicating the coexistence of two charge 7:2
storage mechanisms. Furthermore, the capacitive and diffusion-
controlled contributions of the composite were also calculated E
P¼  3600 ð12Þ
from Eq (8) and Eq (9). Dt
iðV Þ ¼ k1 v þ k2 v 1=2 ð8Þ The device showed the outstanding capacitance of 116F/g at
current density of 0.1 A/g, calculated from Eq (10). And the specific
capacity at various current densities was presented on Table S1.
iðV Þ=v 1=2 ¼ k1 v 1=2 þ k2 ð9Þ
Besides, the electrochemical kinetics of prepared materials were
in which i (V) was the current response at a specific voltage(V). also investigated by electrochemical EIS in Fig. 9d. The Ti3C2@Co3-
And k1m refered to the surface capacitive-controlled supercapaci- O4/ZnO displayed a much smaller charge transfer resistance and
tive current, while k2m1/2 related to the faradaic current controlled lower diffusion impedance through EIS plots, which suggested that
by diffusion. As shown in Fig. 8g, the capacitive-controlled propor- the hierarchical architecture composite was beneficial for electro-
tion rised as the sweep rate increases from 0.1 to 2 mV/s, with a chemical kinetics. Moreover, energy density (E) and power density
maximum value of 74%. The large pseudocapacitance contribution (P) were quite essential parameters to evaluate practicability of LIC
ratio promoted high-rate Li+ storage in Ti3C2@Co3O4/ZnO electrode devices. Thus, the calculation results of E and P for the LIC was
material. In addition, the capacity contribution evaluation curve derived (Table S2) using GCD curves data by Eq (11) and (12).
(shaded part) of the composite at 2 mV/s was displayed in Fig. 8h. Encouragingly, the Ti3C2@Co3O4/ZnO//AC LIC revealed an excellent
Due to the outstanding electrochemical properties of the pre- energy density of 197 Wh/kg at a power density of 175 W/kg. Even
pared Ti3C2@Co3O4/ZnO composite, it was used as an anode with at a power density of 3500 W/kg, it still delivered a high energy

Fig. 9. (a) Schematic representation of the construction of Ti3C2@Co3O4/ZnO//AC LIC. (b) CV curves of Ti3C2@Co3O4/ZnO//AC LIC at different scan rates; (c) charge  discharge
curves of Ti3C2@Co3O4/ZnO//AC LIC at different current densities from 0.1 A/g to 2 A/g; (d) Nyquist plots of Ti3C2, Co3O4/ZnO and Ti3C2@Co3O4/ZnO (e) Ragone plots of
Ti3C2@Co3O4/ZnO//AC LIC; (f) cycle performance of Ti3C2@Co3O4/ZnO//AC LIC at a current density of 2A/g.

W. Wu, C. Zhao, H. Liu et al. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 623 (2022) 216–225

output of 88 Wh/kg. Furthermore, Fig. 9e also showed the perfor- 2016GBJ-10), and China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (Grant
mance comparison of the prepared Ti3C2@Co3O4/ZnO and other No. 2019M653611).
materials used as LICs anode, such as CNT@pLTO//GF (101.8 Wh/
kg at 436.1 W/kg) [8], Co3O4@TiO2-2//AC (72 Wh/kg at 420 W/
kg) [43], Co3O4-NS//JFAC (118 Wh/kg at 120 W/kg) [44], CoP/r- Appendix A. Supplementary data
GO//AC (119.3 Wh/kg at 175 W/kg) [45], and NiMn-LDH/MXene//
AC (122.7 Wh/kg at 199 W/kg) [35]. And the cycle stability of the Supplementary data to this article can be found online at
LIC was shown in Fig. 9f; the capacity could maintain 75% after
6000 cycles. Further exploring practicality, the Ti3C2@Co3O4/
ZnO//AC LIC could light a blue light-emitting diode (LED) light. References
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Another random document with
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Yorkshireman likes to be complimented on his foresight and good
sense by an acknowledged expert.
“I wonder if he would paint my wife,” said Mr. Crosby of the Foreign
“You can ask him, my dear fellow,” said the expert.
“Would he want a stiff figure?” said Mr. Crosby, who had a very
practical mind.
“It would cost you a cool thousand, I dare say,” said Cheriton, before
Kendal could announce that it had cost him five hundred.
“Stiff, ain’t it, for an unknown man?” said Mr. Crosby.
“He is going to be the man, my dear fellow,” said Cheriton. “What do
you say, Caroline? You have seen some of his work.”
“I agree with you, Cheriton,” said the flattered Caroline, who knew as
much about pictures as Ponto did. “He has painted two of my nieces,
and in my opinion they are excellent likenesses.”
“Have you two nieces, Caroline?” said the Marquis. “That is
interesting. When are we to have the opportunity of seeing the other
“Next season—perhaps.”
As yet there had been no formal announcement of Cheriton’s
engagement, but it was known to many. It is true that those who
were best acquainted with him maintained an attitude of incredulity.
So many times in the past had there been talk of entertaining at
Cheriton House. Yet there was a consensus of opinion that he really
meant to settle down at last; and while all disinterested people could
not fail to admire his taste, the critical were a little inclined to doubt
his wisdom. Still, there was no doubt about the beauty and the
docility of his choice, and in her quaint way she had unmistakably
the bel air. She was a good honest girl, a Wargrave, and the old
woman of Hill Street could well afford to do something in the matter.
Still, the knowing ones “could not see it at all”; those who were not
so knowing thought that “Cheriton might have done worse.”
All the same, Miss Perry was famous and she was popular. Her
simplicity was something that was growing very rare; she was
unaffectedly good to everybody, and everybody could not help being
grateful to her for her goodness, because it sprang straight from the
heart. No matter whether people were important or unimportant, it
made no difference to her. Great beauty and an absolute friendliness
which is extended to all, which keeps the same gracious smile for
the odd man about the stables that it has for the wearer of the
Garter, will go far towards the conquest of the world.
Miss Perry had conquered her world. All agreed that Cheriton had
done well. Yet the creature was not in the least happy. So much
practice, however, had the Wargraves had in the course of the
centuries in dissembling their unhappiness and in offering their
heads to the block, that only four persons were able to suspect that a
brave, smiling, and bountiful exterior concealed a broken heart.
Jim Lascelles was one. He knew for certain. Miss Burden was
another. Caroline Crewkerne was no believer in broken hearts. For
one thing, she had never had a heart of any sort to break. But she
had seen those great damp splotches on the correspondence with
her father, she had noticed that the creature’s appetite was not what
it was; and there were half a dozen other symptoms that enabled her
to put two and two together. As for the fourth person, it was Cheriton
himself. He was a man of immense practical sagacity. The Lascelles
affair was perfectly familiar to him in all its bearings. He himself was
primarily responsible for it. And none knew better than did he that
youth will be served.
During Jim’s stay at Barne Moor, Cheriton went out of his way to
show him consideration. He behaved like a habitually courteous and
broad-minded man of the world, who, so to speak, knew the whole
alphabet of life, and if necessary could repeat it backwards.
“You have no right to be here, my dear fellow,” he said tacitly to Jim
Lascelles; “but since my Yorkshire friend, Kendal, has blundered, as
one’s Yorkshire friends generally do, and you find yourself in the
wrong galley, behave just as you would under ordinary
circumstances, and, if you have the courage, take up the parable
more or less where you left it. After all, you were brought up together,
and I am only an interloper, and an old one at that.”
It was bold and it was generous of Cheriton to take this course. But
the young fellow Lascelles had behaved so well that he was bound
to respect him. And he had a genuine liking for him too. Therefore he
raised no objection to their spending long hours upon the moors with
only one another for company, while he gossiped and shot birds, and
fribbled and idled away his time indoors among more mature
Still, it was trying Jim Lascelles somewhat highly. The test was a
severer one than perhaps Cheriton knew. For Jim was confident that
he had only to speak the word for the Goose Girl to marry him by
special license at Barne Moor parish church. Once, indeed, they
found themselves in it, since the Goose Girl was by way of being a
connoisseur in churches; and they had a pleasant and instructive
conversation with the vicar.
However, all’s well that ends well, as Shakespeare informs us. Jim
Lascelles did not obtain a special license, but returned to his mother
like a good son and, shall we say, a man of honor. For it would have
been such a fatally easy and natural thing to marry the Goose Girl at
Barne Moor parish church. If you came to think about it, why should
she be offered for sacrifice? Dickie, of course, would be able to go to
Sandhurst, and Milly would be able to go to the boarding school; but
all the same, it was desperately hard on the Goose Girl.

JIM LASCELLES returned to Balham exactly nine days after he had

left that friendly but uninspired suburb. He had worked hard during
his absence in Yorkshire; the picture of the fair Priscilla had made
excellent progress, and there was a check for five hundred pounds in
prospect on completion. Further, by the interest and undoubted
talent for commerce of his friend Lord Cheriton, Mr. Crosby of the
Foreign Office had been induced to rise to seven hundred and fifty
pounds for the portrait of Mrs. Crosby and her children.
So far as the things of this world were concerned, Jim really returned
to his mother in high feather. The progress he was making in his
profession he felt was out of all proportion to his talent. But it is a
great thing to have a friend at court. So much is done in that way. It
is not always the best picture, or the best oratorio, or the best play,
or the best novel that makes the most guineas in the market-square.
It is one thing to create a masterpiece, and it is another to translate it
into pounds, shillings, and pence. There can be no doubt that Jim
Lascelles had made amazing strides in his art; but all the same, he
was a lucky fellow to have a man like Cheriton to go round with a bell
to call the attention of the picture-buying public to the quality of his
Jim Lascelles would have been less than human had he not been
immensely grateful to Cheriton. And yet he would not have been
human either had he not hated him very sorely. After all, what is the
use of material prosperity if the man who confers it upon you robs
you of the only girl in the world you feel you will ever be able to
marry? Certainly he would now have the means to buy his mother a
new frock or so in order to deprive her of her favorite excuse for not
looking older. But life, even with professional success, was going to
be a hollow business.
However, Jim Lascelles contrived in this crisis to behave with a
discretion that was very creditable to his character. He had gone
down to the depths of late, and, as is often the case with such divers
in deep seas, he had brought up a few pearls. One of these was
resolution. He finished the picture of Priscilla out of hand and drew
his check; and although the season was November, he paid several
visits to Eaton Square and did his best for Mrs. Crosby and her
youthful family. And ever and anon he took his courage in his hands
and spent an hour in further devotion to the masterpiece that was to
make him famous.
It was not until early in January that Jim Lascelles made the
announcement to his patron that the portrait of Miss Perry was
complete. Thereupon quite a number of people interested in art
found their way to the Acacias. They were by no means unanimous
in their opinion regarding its intrinsic merit, but they all agreed that it
was bound to prove one of the sensations of the year.
“An extraordinarily clever fake,” said a critic of the fine arts privately.
“Mr. Lascelles,” said a dealer, “I should like you to give me an option
on all the work you produce during the next five years. I feel sure I
could sell it.”
“We have a new Gainsborough here,” said a third person, who spoke
in an unofficial capacity, “and that is all there is to be said about it.”
About the end of the month Cheriton himself appeared, duly armed
with expert opinion, to see for himself. He was accompanied by Miss
Burden and his fiancée, who was looking thin and unhappy. It was a
beautiful day for the time of year; and in regard to his appearance,
the happy wooer was as fastidious as usual. Never had he seemed
more faultless in his attire or more scrupulously paternal in his
demeanor. He looked long at the masterpiece, and he looked
“Lascelles, my good fellow,” said he, “I am forced to arrive at one
conclusion. If you were to paint a thousand pictures, this is
something you will never surpass.”
“Why do you think so?” said Jim.
“Because, my dear fellow, there is growth in it. You began it a callow
stripling; you have finished it, shall I say, a strong man in the
plenitude of his power. I have watched you and the picture grow
together from month to month. It is given to no man to do that sort of
thing twice.”
Jim Lascelles, however, was a robust young fellow—at least, it was
his ideal to be so. He was apt to be on his guard against high-flown
sentiment, yet he knew that Cheriton had spoken the truth.
“You are right,” he said simply. “That canvas has got all I have or all I
ever shall have. I am older now than when I began it, and I hope I’m
“Not wiser really, my dear fellow; we never get wiser. But you have
found yourself. A great career lies before you.”
“You may be right,” said Jim, “or you may not be right, but either way
it doesn’t matter.”
Cheriton inspected the young fellow with the greatest coolness and
impartiality. There was no mistaking that the words were tragic.
Cheriton’s penetration declared them to be so. He took some little
time for reflection, and then he slowly drew a check out of his
pocket-book with an air that was really unfathomable.
“There must be no misunderstanding, Lascelles,” said he, with an air
that was brisk and businesslike. “There is every reason to believe
that the picture of Miss Perry will prove a valuable property. But at
the same time, I hold your promise that I may purchase it on my own
terms. Is not that the case?”
“It is, Lord Cheriton,” said Jim, with indifference.
“I hope the bargain I drove with you may not prove too hard,” said
Cheriton, with an enigmatic smile that Jim Lascelles took not the
least pains to fathom. “But if I may say so, your conduct in allowing
me to drive such a bargain was curiously injudicious. For everybody
tells me that your picture is magnificent.”
“I don’t think it matters,” said Jim, who was looking tired. “Although
one is glad you like it, of course.”
“It must always be pleasant to the artist to have his work admired.
My own comment upon your work is this. I hope, my dear fellow, you
will be able to forgive its extravagance.”
As he spoke he gave the check to Jim Lascelles. The painter,
however, paid no heed to it at first. His instinct was to crush it in his
hands and fling it away, so repugnant was the piece of paper to the
touch. Now that the time had come to part with the sole remaining
solace he possessed, he felt unable to yield it.
This, however, was a weakness he must not indulge. He looked at
the paper perfunctorily, and then he gave a little exclamation. The
check was made out in his favor for ten thousand pounds.
“I don’t understand,” said Jim. “Is there not some mistake?”
“You must constrain your modesty a little, that is all,” said Cheriton.
“People tell me it will be worth every penny of this sum to the next
generation. It is pleasant sometimes to anticipate the verdict of
Jim Lascelles did not know how to act or what to say. In his judgment
this was the most Quixotic proceeding he had ever encountered.
“Really, Lord Cheriton,” he said, “I don’t feel that there are sufficient
grounds upon which I can accept such a sum as this.”
“A bargain is a bargain,” said Cheriton. “I hold your promise that I am
to purchase the picture on my own terms.”
In the flood tide of his bewilderment Jim Lascelles had perforce to
remain silent.
“Don’t forget, my dear Lascelles, that the highest pleasure that is
given to any man is to adopt the role of Mæcenas. And are you
aware that the Red House at Widdiford is in the market, and that six
thousand pounds will purchase it?”
Jim flinched a little. A deep flush overspread his face. This was
sacred ground, upon which it behoved the outside world to tread
“I hope you don’t mean that the Red House at Widdiford means
nothing to you?”
Jim was not proof against the assault.
“I’m not sure that it does,” he said miserably.
“I wouldn’t be too sure about that if I were you.”
Jim began to look decidedly fierce. In spite of the check for ten
thousand pounds, which he viewed as somewhat in the nature of a
mockery, he showed no disposition to be baited.
“Perhaps it would be wise, Lord Cheriton, not to pursue the subject.”
Cheriton laughed outright at the solemnity of the young fellow’s
“On the contrary,” said he, “one feels that the subject of the Red
House at Widdiford should be discussed at length. Miss Perry and I
have been over to look at the old place before completing the
“Ah! that is interesting,” said Jim, who was more bewildered than
“It seems that, in addition to its other lures, the Red House at
Widdiford has peaches in season.”
“Of course it has,” said Jim, who was beginning to feel that Cheriton
was making a rather long excursion in the realms of bad taste.
“Well, my dear fellow, I put it to you—what is the use of having
peaches in season if one has not the appetite to eat them?”
“What, indeed!” said Jim.
“And again, my dear fellow—what, pray, is the use of giving Buszard
a contract for the large size when cream buns lose their savor?”
Jim made no reply, but merely looked miserable.
“Let me tell you in confidence, Lascelles,” said his patron, in a
becomingly low tone, “that even the circus has begun to pall. And as
for Joseph Wright of Derby, the question of his permanent merit is
beginning to appear almost a matter of indifference. Do you feel
competent to give advice in regard to what ought to be done?”
“I am afraid I don’t, Lord Cheriton,” said Jim, rather feebly.
“That is disappointing, for in the past you have shown such a
surprising fertility of ideas and resources. The problem is so serious.
Can one conceive a world in which cream buns have no savor,
circuses no glamor, and in which the Joseph Wrights of Derby are
allowed to ruffle it unquestioned among their betters? Frankly, the
feat is beyond me, Lascelles. And then, too, my dear fellow, the
news that Muffin is to have a new mauve from London to wear in the
spring has excited hardly any enthusiasm.”
“Indeed?” said Jim.
“That is so, I assure you. And to my mind, that is not the least
sinister symptom. I have conferred with the wise woman of Hill
Street, and during my sojourn in the west country also with the
presiding genius of Slocum Magna. And after some discussion of the
pros and cons of the situation, for mon père and ma tante do not
appear to see eye to eye in all things, we are at last in agreement
that something ought to be done to restore the savor to the best
confectionery, and also to insure that no upstart shall occupy without
question the same kind of fauteuil as Rembrandt and Velasquez.
The result of our deliberations is, my dear fellow, that we have come
to the conclusion that you are the man to help us.”
“I!” said Jim, impotently.
“Have you any objection to undertaking such a scheme of
“If I could do anything to add to Miss Perry’s happiness,” said Jim, “I
should be just about the proudest chap in the world.”
“Well, it seems, my dear fellow, that you can do so. At least, that is
the opinion that has been arrived at by the experts who have
communed over her case.”
Jim’s heart beat painfully.
“Tell me what I can do,” he said rather hoarsely, “for the best, the
truest-hearted, the most absolutely genuine girl in the world.”
“You can marry her.”
“Marry her?” said Jim, weakly.
“Yes, in the afternoon of April the First, at Saint Sepulchre’s Church.”
“But——” said Jim.
“The oracle of Hill Street thinks the First of June is preferable,
because there will be more people in town, and the presents are
likely to be more numerous. But personally I agree with Mrs.
Lascelles and mon père that April is as good a time as any other for
visiting the Prado.”
“But——” said Jim.
“I forget the inn I stayed at when I was last at Madrid. It was ‘El’
Something, and for some obscure reason it had no aspirate. But one
Ford is the authority for Spain, although, to be sure, a certain Borrow
wrote a famous work upon the subject. By the way, we must not
overlook one important argument in favor of June.”
“What is it?” said Jim, mechanically.
“It is hardly right to expect a new mauve to make its début on the
First of April. Yet there seems no help for it. No ceremony could
possibly be considered complete without it.”
“Am I to understand——?” said Jim, who stopped with ridiculous
abruptness right in the middle of his question.
“By the way, my dear fellow, I have taken the liberty of suggesting to
your accomplished mother that it might help her literary career if she
moved a little nearer to the center. A little flat in Knightsbridge might
be a judicious investment. As you may be aware, publishers as a
race are highly susceptible, and an address in Knightsbridge might
favorably impress them.”
“Do you think so?” said Jim, who did not know in the least what he
was saying.
But there is really no reason to persist in this history. In spite of
scruples, which were as much due to pride as to generosity, Jim
Lascelles married the Goose Girl at Saint Sepulchre’s Church on the
First of April. On that significant occasion the presiding genius of Hill
Street displayed an amount of Christian feeling which, in the opinion
of a contemporary, was without parallel in his experience.
The entire family of Slocum Magna, including Milly, whose pigtail
was the color of a yellow chrysanthemum, and was tied with a
ribbon, came up to London and stayed a whole week at Morley’s
Hotel. Among other things, they all went one day to see the
Exhibition, and found there wasn’t one. Papa dined twice in Hill
Street, and met dukes and people; and he brought back the report
that Aunt Caroline was less worldly than he had feared she was. He
gave his daughter away on the glorious First; and Muffin wore her
new mauve on that occasion. In the opinion of all qualified persons it
was quite as successful as the peerless original. Polly, who took
after her papa, and had more intellect than all the rest of the family
put together, Dickie and Doggo included, looked charmingly proper
in a “costume” more reticent than Muffin’s. Her young man assisted
the Dean of Dunstable, the uncle of the bride, in performing the
Jim Lascelles and the Goose Girl spent a month in the land of
Cervantes and Velasquez. They are living now at the Red House at
Widdiford. Jim is quite likely to be elected to an Associateship of the
Royal Academy before long. At least, he is getting very good prices
for his work, and his “Miss Perry” has been esteemed a rare triumph
for British art. His “Naiad” also, purchased by the Chantrey Bequest,
has been generally and justly admired.
The accomplished mother of the rising artist took the disinterested
advice of a well-wisher, and a fortnight after her son’s brilliant
marriage—the Morning Mirror described it as such—she left “P.P.C.”
cards on the Miss Champneys at the Chestnuts, and moved “nearer
to the center.” It may have been coincidence, or it may have been
cause and effect, but within a fortnight of her installation at No. 5,
Beaufort Mansions, W., “The Fair Immortal” was accepted on a
royalty by an eminent firm of publishers, and made its appearance in
the course of the summer. It won such unanimous approval from the
Press and the public, that it can now be purchased for sixpence of
any self-respecting bookseller in the United Kingdom; its fortunate
authoress has signed contracts for work for the next three years and
has been elected a member of three of the best ladies’ clubs in the
Muffin’s season at Hill Street was an even greater triumph than her
sister’s—but thereby hangs a tale for a wet afternoon. Aunt Caroline,
in spite of her advanced years, is worth “a good many dead ones” at
present, and in the opinion of her oldest friend her manner has more
amenity. Perhaps it is that the influence of youth has been a good
one in her life. It is right to think so since there is no reason to
believe that she has altered her opinion of the clergy.
Polly has not yet married her parson, but she is certain to do so.
Serious people, however, “make haste slowly,” as the wise Italians
say. It is well that they should. Charley has found his way to
Sandhurst all right, and feels himself to be a field-marshal already.
Dickie has lately been presented to a living worth eleven hundred a
year—a really preposterous emolument, considering the widespread
depression in things ecclesiastical. However, in justice to Dickie, it
should be stated that he was always quietly confident that something
would come of his left-arm bowling. And so it ought if you break both
Milly has been two terms already at her Brighton boarding school. In
the opinion of her mistresses she is the best inside right at hockey
on the South Coast. If she is not chosen to play against Wales in the
forthcoming international match she will be much disappointed.
Entertaining at Cheriton House is still to seek. The thing threatens to
become a national scandal. Comparisons, highly unfavorable to the
present peer, are being constantly drawn by convinced free-fooders
and the praisers of past times. The noble earl, however, is fully
occupied at present in steering a course between the Scylla of Hill
Street on the one hand, and the Charybdis of No. 5, Beaufort
Mansions on the other. The presiding genius of the former locality,
however, defines a coxcomb as a person who never means
anything. Still, it doesn’t do to be too sure in these days.
As an instance of the need for honest doubt, George Betterton did
not lead the fair Priscilla to the altar after all. The world understood
that a religious difference was the rock which sundered them.
Whether George had too little religion and Priscilla had too much, is
one of those things that has never been elucidated clearly. But,
beyond all shade of controversy, they were never brought to the
question. Priscilla made quite a good marriage, all the same. As for
George—well, what really happened to him is a story for one of
those typical English afternoons in which it is really not fit for a dog to
be out. People say that George is much improved lately.
In conclusion, we feel bound to record our opinion that it is gravely to
be doubted whether Jim Lascelles will make as great a painter as
Velasquez. Considering his youth, his attainments, and his temper,
we were among those who predicted a high destiny for the young
fellow, but that was before “the wicket rolled out so plumb.”
Authorities upon the subject are not slow to inform us, however, that
it is better to marry the girl you want to, and to live at the Red House
at Widdiford, and be a county magistrate, and to have a couple of
expensive sons in the Services, and to have your girls dressed by
Redfern and presented at Court, than to appear on a pedestal by
public subscription in front of the National Gallery three centuries
after you have ceased to take an interest in the verdict of posterity.
Quot homines tot sententiæ. These wiseacres may be right, or they
may not be right. It is only the Caroline Crewkernes who are
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