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what is “the Montauk Project” (last updated 10/29/2001)

StealthSkater note: The book that best describes it was written by Preston Nichols who alleges
that he was one of the co-directors and a principle engineer of the Project. It’s a small
paperback published by SkyBooks (ISBN 0-9631889-0-9) and is a good buy. To say it is
mind-boggling is an understatement. In fact – what started off as a simple effort and
expanded into so many far-reaching endeavors – it is almost TOO MUCH to believe! Lately
Mr. Nichols has acknowledged he probably was the victim of “memory implants” and can’t
guarantee what percentage of all this is true. (In a similar vein, UFO investigators maintain
that most of alien abductions have been revealed {under great and patient effort} to be false
memories implanted by “Orion” technology used by the military to keep their workers from
whistle-blowing on above top-secret black budget projects. So Nichols may be right there.) If
this is the case and Mr. Nichols is an innocent victim, then the problem remains just what
parts of it ARE true ?

The following is taken directly-or-indirectly from the book and are not my statements …

… the 1943 Philadelphia Experiment in which a U.S. Navy destroyer was heavily “cloaked” in static
and rotating magnetic fields in an attempt to make it invisible to radar, thereby giving the Allieds a big
advantage over the Germans. The actual name was "Project Rainbow" and the forerunner of today’s
stealth technology. An “electromagnetic bottle” was generated to encompass the entire ship and
divert radar waves. It seemed to work but with a totally unexpected additional result accompanied by a
horrible side effect.

The ship disappeared from even optical view and reportedly teleported hundreds-of-miles away to
Norfolk, Virginia before rematerializing in its Philadelphia harbor. But most of the surviving crew were
rendered insane. And there were even reports of crewmembers disappearing-and-rematerializing. A
few were said to have had their bodies fused with the ship’s steel structure upon rematerializing. The
Navy -- in the middle of a World War -- understandably pulled the plugs on the Project. But a part of
the military was so convinced in its potential rewards that it continued as a “black project” under the
name “Project Phoenix”.

Preston Nichols worked for the AIL subsidiary of Eaton Electronics on Long Island. He has a
degree in electrical engineering and is acknowledged to be an expert in all forms of radar. During his
employment, he obtained a grant to study mental telepathy. He initially sought to disprove it but was
surprised to find out that it did in fact exist. He asserts that telepathic communications operate on
principles that are similar to conventional radio waves. In fact, there was a “telepathic wave” that had a
wavelength. While it behaves like a normal radio wave, not all of “fits” into normal wave functions.
Nichols interest in metaphysics had just been launched. [StealthSkater note: The same thing
happened to Madam Curie who was ridiculed for declaring she had discovered mysterious “rays”
emanating from certain rare elements. That was absurd to the physicists of the day. Of course,
History remembers her for discovered radioactivity from Uranium.]

In 1974, he noticed a phenomena that was common to all of the psychics he worked with. At the
same hour on every day, all of their minds would be “jammed”. He thought this was due to some sort of
external electromagnetic interference. His equipment detected a 410-420 MHz cycle appearing on the
air as they were “jammed”. He traced the signal to a red-and-white radar antenna on the Air Force Sage
Radar base at Montauk Point, Long Island.

He visited the derelict base that was off-limits to the public [SS: more details in the book]. On one
of the trips, he was accompanied by a psychic friend. They came across a homeless man who appeared
to still be living on the base. The man recognized Nichols and said he used to be his boss on this secret
project. He told him details about the machinery that was used and how everything went haywire in the
end. The psychic friend was complaining about “funny vibrations” and reported past experiments into
weather manipulation and mind-control.

At this point Nichols said he couldn’t take any of this seriously. Another person named Duncan
Cameron came to visit Nichols for repair on some audio equipment. Cameron was keenly interested in
the metaphysics research Nichols had been doing. The two of them went to Montauk where Duncan fell
into a strange trance when they entered the former transmitter building. When Preston brought him out
of it and applied certain techniques, he helped Duncan to “unlock” his memories buried under what
seemed to be layers of "programming". Among many details by Cameron were that he and his brother
Edward had served aboard the USS Eldridge in the Philadelphia Experiment.

Nichols continued to be recognized by people he didn’t know and became convinced that he too had
been the victim of memory suppression. During his job at AIL, he became more-and-more convinced he
was (or had been) working on 2 different “time tracks”. It was hard to conceive working 2 different
jobs at the same time. But it was the only explanation for some of the events that happened to him. For
instance, a band-aid would suddenly appear on his hand with an accompanying bruise-or-cut when he
had been sitting at his desk for hours. He states now in his “alternate reality”, he frequently had to
move different equipment and on more than one occasion suffered bruises as a result [SS: more
examples are given in the book].

In 1990, Nichols began to construct a makeshift “Delta-T” (for "Changing Time") antenna on the
roof of his residential laboratory. During the process, more of his memory began to be restored. He
surmised the Delta-T antenna was storing up “time flux waves” and stressing (bending) time enough so
that he was subconsciously in 2 different “timelines”. This was his memory breakthrough. By June of
1990, all of his key memories had come back. One month later, he was laid-off from work despite his
technical superiority in all phases of modern radar. He feels his chats with employees to help him
restore his “memories” led to him being let go as a security risk.

Nichols discovered that the U.S. Government began a weather-control project in the later 1940s
under the code name “Phoenix”. Its technology was based on the work from Dr. Wilhelm Reich, an
Austrian scientist who was Freud’s protégé and also studied under Carl Jung. He was brilliant but
highly controversial. Not much of his research can be “officially” found because in a trial with the Food
and Drug Administration and American Medical Association as the plaintiffs, the Government accused
Reich of “quackery” in his contention that he had found another form of energy that was in all living
things and which could be controlled to treat certain diseases. He was given a very stiff prison sentence
for "Contempt of Court". He died there. The subsequent burning of all his books and destruction of
his equipment may be paralleled in modern times in a supposedly “free society” only by the Nazi book-
burning campaigns.

Reich termed this new form of energy “orgone” which is orgasmic or life energy. He revealed it to
be distinctly different from ordinary electromagnetic energy (as Nichols found telepathetic waveforms to
be). He then associated “orgone” with “cosmic energy” and the Newtonian concept of the “ether”.
Einstein never said static “ether” didn’t actually exist. He said it just wasn’t necessary to explain the
propagation of light waves. Reich considered the ether to be wave-like in nature and not static at all. In
fact, Einstein himself verified a fundamental parameter in one of Reich’s equations. [StealthSkater
note: Some physicists have equated today's Zero-Point Energy field to be the "reincarnation" of
the old aether/ether concept.]

Reich found “positive” and “negative” orgone energies. The latter was found to be useful in
reducing the intensity of weather storms. The military, of course, was interested in how to intensify bad
weather for their operations. The Government began launching thousands of “radiosondes” to test this
technology. They were passed-off as high-altitude recording instruments. But one of its sensors acted
as a negative (or “Dead”) antenna while another acted as an positive) orgone antenna. If the DOR
(Deadly Orgone) was sensed by the antenna, the transmitter would be broadcast out-of-phase and bust
up the DOR and take the violence out of a storm. Conversely, transmitting in-phase would cause the
DOR to build up. DOR also was noticed to create negative psychological effects while Orgone created
positive ones.

The Government immediately saw the advantages of the ability to create a “mood altering” effect
out of thin air. These attempts complimented the on-going task of developing a functional PSI Corps
operation. {As early as 1950, the United States had been attempting to establish a PSI Corps. It was a
group of psychics to aid in espionage and warfare. To facilitate this, the human psyche and the powers
of the mind would need to be examined and carefully mapped and harvested. The American initiative
into metaphysical applications began from necessity. The Russians had been investigating and
developing psychic warfare tactics for almost 20 years. Today these organizations are called “remote-

World-class mathematician Dr. John von Neumann had inherited “Project Rainbow” from Nikola
Tesla. He was in charge on that fateful day when the Eldridge disappeared and the crew went crazy. In
1950, von Neumann and his research team were called back to work on a new endeavor. This was
similar to the Rainbow project but was to find out what went wrong with the “human factor” of the
experiment. It was decided that the remnants of Project Rainbow and the radiosonde project
should be included under the same umbrella with the human factor study. After that point, the title
of “Phoenix Project” was used to refer to all of these activities. The project headquarters was at
Brookhaven Labs on Long Island. Von Neumann quickly learned that was going to have to study
metaphysics for this research. [StealthSkater note: It has been rumored that von Neumann was one
of the investigators who interviewed the dying alien at the Roswell crash and was “told” that
human science needed to research metaphysics to comprehend how the saucers functioned.] Von
Neumann and his team spent about 10 years discovering how human beings were affected with
electromagnetic fields that shifted them through different places and times [SS: Macroscopic
quantum tunneling as proposed by UNITEL (see the "UNITEL" page at => doc pdf URL )? ]

The Rainbow technology creates what can be called an alternate or artificial reality. It creates a
stealth effect by not only isolating the ship but also the individual beings as well within a “bottle
effect”. The alternate reality thus created has no time references at all because it is not part of the
normal time stream. It is entire out-of-time. The Phoenix Project was faced with solving the problem
of bringing human beings into the “bottle” (and eventually out again) while at the same time connecting
them to their real time reference.

Von Neumann was the ideal candidate for the job since he was the innovator of today’s modern
computers. A computer had to be used if they were going to calculate the time references of specific

people and replicate those references while they were passing through an alternate reality. The people
inside the reality would be going through “zero time” and essential a “no reality” or a disoriented one at
best. The computer had to generate an electromagnetic background (or phony stage) that the physical
being would synchronize with as well. If that wasn’t done, the spirit and the physical body would go
out-of-synch resulting in insanity.

When this project was complete, a report was submitted to Congress who had funded it so far. They
were told that the consciousness of man could definitely be affected by electromagnetics and that it
could be possible to develop equipment that could change the way a person thinks. Not surprisingly,
Congress said ‘no’, concerned that if the wrong people got hold of this technology they themselves
could lose their minds and be controlled. The project was ordered to be disbanded in 1969.

But the group at Brookhaven had already built an entire “kingdom” around this project. They had
Reichian and stealth technologies which could definitely affect the mind of man. They went to the
military and informed them about this fantastic new piece of technology. They told them about a device
that could make the enemy surrender without a battle by merely throwing a switch – every general’s
dream! The group at Brookhaven had secret funds to continue but they needed a place. Most important
they needed a huge radiosonde that would operate around 420-450 MHz. From earlier research, it was
known that this was one of the “window frequencies” into the human consciousness. A very high-
powered radar device was needed.

The military had just what they were looking for -- a mothballed Air Force SAGE Radar base at
Montauk Point. It already had the RF sections and the modulator that would be required to build a
huge radiosonde. The name for this project was known as “Phoenix II”. It has since been colloquially
named by others as the "Montauk Project”. Like other “black” programs, it was being done without the
supervision of elected officials and in spite of their objections. The strictest security measures were
employed, part of which were entirely valid.

Although confidential stealth technology was involved, it is no secret that the stealth aircraft were
designed with a radar resistant absorbine coating and a reduced surface cross section. What is secret
are certain aspects of the “electromagnetic bottle” technology and how that was propagated. The
staff was a mixture of military and government employees and personnel supplied by various
corporations. Nichols says he was one of the latter and came to the project in 1973 (in this “alternate
timeline”). The former base technicians told the Phoenix group that they could change the general mood
of the base by changing the frequency and pulse duration of the radar. They had noticed this as a
professional curiosity after years of working with radar. This was what the Phoenix researchers were
looking for.

This started what Nichols refers to as “Microwave Oven” experiments. They took the radar reflector
and point to a shielded room where someone would be sitting in a chair. Then they would open and
close the door to determine how much UHF/microwave energy was getting into the room. They
experimented by running the transmitter at different pulse widths & rates and frequencies. They
observed that certain changes made the human guinea pig sleep, cry, laugh, get angry, etc. They
wanted to see if they could train and change brain waves to control a person’s actual thoughts!

Many “volunteers” were killed sustaining serious brain and tissue damage as a result of continuous
exposure to 100 kilowatts of RF power at a distance of 100 yards. Duncan Cameron was one of these
subjects. A later discovery found out that stealth technology dealt with the actual non-burning radiation
which actually went through the reflector and would be opposite to the focal point of the antenna. They
tried it and turned the antenna around 180 degrees to aim the burning rays into the sky and propagate the

subject with the non-burning rays. They found they had the same mood-altering capabilities if not more
so. And this did not damage the people. But at what cost to the persons previously experimented on!

Time was spent monitoring different pulse types etc. They would note and categorize different
effects. Once they had enough data, they began to make some sense out of which functions did what.
They also experimented with ”frequency hopping” or randomly shifting the transmitter to different
frequencies. This point became very important later on as it was the key to bending time. Very fast
frequency hops made the modulations more psychoactive. A control panel of sorts was set up that could
generate pulses at anything they wanted and an expected desired effect would take place. One of the
things found by accident was that certain modulations would stop all electric functions on an
automobile. [StealthSkater note: similar to reports of UFO effects?]

Nichols says that in the 1950s, ITT developed sensor technology that could literally display what a
person was thinking. It consisted of a special “chair” in which a person would sit. Coils were placed
around the chair in addition to 3 receivers, 6 channels, and a Cray-1 supercomputer. Nichols cannot find
out where this technology came from, although he said it was suggested by confidants that it originated
from an alien Sirian race [SS: shades of the movie “Contact”!].

Based on his research into metaphysics, Nichols said the device was actually reading the human
“aura” -- i.e., the electromagnetic field that surrounds the human body. When the people at Montauk
heard about this mind-reading device, they wanted to use it and turn it into a transmitter. A person
would sit in the chair and transmit an alternate reality to the crew (like in the Philadelphia Experiment).
When the ship became invisible, the crew would then be in synchronization with the alternate reality and
wouldn’t become disoriented or mentally lost. It has since been referred to as the famous “Montauk
Chair”. [SS: note: Nichols says the “chair” in the movie “Total Recall” is hauntingly familiar to
the Montauk Chair] The chair was hooked up to the coil set-up from ITT. The Cray 1 decoded the
transmission generated by the person in the chair and sent them to an IBM 360 computer. This in turn
interfaced with the Montauk transmitter.

Nichols said he joined the project at this time to work the radio frequencies and transmitter, taking
advantage of his proficiency with all forms of classified high-powered radar. Psychics were chosen to
occupy the chair. Duncan Cameron was the main one picked, although he had back-ups in case he was
too ill on a certain test day. The set-up of the Montauk Chair was also enhanced by using Hemholtz
coils. They possess a unique property in that they can be phased to create a constant field (of energy)
inside the coils.

At Montauk, the researches extrapolated upon the principles of Hemholtz coils. They used 3 sets of
coils (X,Y, and Z) and phased them so that while a constant energy could be maintained inside the coils,
there was absolutely no effect on the outside. The coil structure in the receivers was designed by Nikola
Tesla. They are also known as “Delta-T” or “Delta Time” coil structures. The property of shielding an
energy field is part of what enabled a “bottle effect” to be created around the Eldridge in the
Philadelphia Experiment. These Delta-T coils were actually picking up 3 axes of time signals. More
pertinent to the project, they no longer had a microwave link that would malfunction during a reality
shift (or time “glitch”).

By late 1977, the system would receive and transmit all psychoactive functions. It was reproducing
thought forms without glitches and with a very high degree of fidelity. Then they tried something new.
They had Duncan concentrate on a solid object. And the solid object actually precipitated out of the
ether! In further experiments, whatever Duncan could think of would appear. Many times it would only
be visible and not solid to the touch -- like a ghost. Sometimes it was a real solid object that was stable
and would stay. Other times it would remain as long as the transmitter was ‘on’ and then fade out.
[StealthSkater note: refer to "The Science behind the Materialization of Thought Forms" by Tom
Bearden (see the "Bearden" page at => doc pdf URL ) ]

They tried “seeing eye” experiments. With a lock of hair of somebody, Duncan would concentrate
on that person and be able to “see” as if he was seeing through their eyes and hearing through their ears.
[SS: same thing reported by modern remote-viewers] Then they were interested in seeing if they
could implant thoughts into the minds of others [SS: this may have led to the off-shoot MK-
ULTRA mind-control project of the CIA]. They found that they could control another person and
make them do anything -- far beyond what could be done with ordinary hypnosis.

Later, a peculiar phenomenon was noticed. As Duncan’s thoughts were projected out through the
transmitter, they would suddenly cease. It appeared to be a malfunction until it was noticed they hadn’t
ceased after all. They were just occurring out of the normal time stream! For example, he would
concentrate on something at 8:00 pm and the occurrence would happen a 6:00 am. It now appeared to
the Montauk scientists that psychic powers enhanced by powerful apparatus could bend time!

Additional changes had to be made to some equipment. Pyramid-based geometry was incorporated
to better bend the time field. The key clue to our understanding time was a suggestion that we use a
particular type of antenna structure which Nichols calls an “Orion” Delta-T antenna. He says “Orion”
comes from a persistent rumor that the design was given to the project by aliens from the Orion
constellation who had their own agenda for helping humans.

The Orion Delta-T was a huge octahedronal antenna placed underground. The Montauk Chair was
placed under the transmitter and above the Delta-T. This was done in order to phase the above-ground
RF antenna with the below-ground loop antenna so that the chair was in a ‘null’ point them. It
eliminated any interference out of the chair. These basic techniques were the same as those employed in
the Philadelphia Experiment. On the Eldridge, the RF transmissions were on the main mast. The coils
were placed around the deck and were driven by pulses. The Montauk researchers essentially duplicated
but upgraded the Rainbow Project machine making the project far more controllable.

In the new experiments, Duncan would sit in the chair and be directed to concentrate on an opening
in time. At this point a “hole” or time portal would appear right in the center of the Delta-T antenna
and you could walk through the portal from present-day 1980 to whatever. It would remain “open” as
long as Duncan maintained concentration. Sometimes Duncan lost concentration and the portals would
suddenly close, leaving stranded in limbo anyone who had entered them. Eventually they were able to
digitize Duncan’s thoughts and record them on tape, eliminating the need for psychics to open-up a
particular time portal.

Up to this point everyone operated on a “need-to-know” basis. Security was already tight. But they
wanted even higher security. They didn’t want the military to know what they were doing with time. A
new technical crew was brought in. Nichols called them the “Secret Crew”. The project was re-
launched and referred to as “Phoenix III”. This lasted from February 1981 to 1983. The objective was
to explore time itself. The crew began to look at Past history and to the Future. Through the vortex,
they could sample the air and the terrain. [StealthSkater note: reminiscent of Bob Lazar’s assertions
of “Project Looking Glass” at Area S4. See the "Lazar" page at => doc pdf URL ]

Nichols said it became routine to grab somebody off-the-street and send them down one of these
time tunnels. If they returned, they would make a full report on what they encountered. Many were
lost. Nichols said he doesn’t know for sure how many people are still floating around in time whenever,
wherever, and however. As Phoenix III developed, the individuals so chosen for this research would be

wired up with all sorts of TV and radio equipment so they could report back “live”. [SS: shades of the
popular movie & TV-series “Stargate”!]

Those controlling the project began to play all sorts of games, manipulating the Past and Future
along alternate timelines. In addition to derelict “volunteers”, the researchers also used kids for some
reason, usually between the ages of 10 and 16. They were normally blond, blue-eyed, tall and light-
skinned fitting the Aryan stereotype. To his knowledge, there were no girls in this group. A later
investigation showed that Montauk had a Neo-Nazi connection.

Nichols doesn’t know where the kids (sometimes called the “Montauk Boys”) went or what they
were educated-in or programmed-for. Every raw recruit was sent into the Future to 6037 AD, always to
the same point to what appeared to be a dead city in ruins. In the center of the city was a square with a
gold horse on a pedestal. Inscriptions were on that pedestal, and the recruits had to report what they
said. Nichols says he still doesn’t know what the researchers were after.

A lot of time-monitoring was done with World Wars I and II. They could make up a secondary
vortex to observe what was going on. They called this a “seeing eye” function. The original vortex was
such that you could drive a truck through it. But the secondary vortex was an energetic vortex with no
physical solidity. One could however “beam” through it. Using phase conjugations through the
elaborate computer set-up, Past and Future history could actually be transmitted through the portal and
viewed on television. Nichols said even off-planet expeditions took place. Viewing ancient
civilizations on Mars, for example. [StealthSkater note: more details in the book, including rumors
of a pyramid discovered to contain a transmitter generating some sort of field for our Solar
System. When it was shut-off retroactive to 1943, many UFOs all of-a-sudden appeared to be
reported on Earth.]

However, on August 5, 1983 they were given a directive to run the transmitter non-stop. Nothing
happened until August 12. The equipment appeared to drop into ‘synch’ with something else. Then
the USS Eldridge appeared through the portal. They had locked-up with the Philadelphia Experiment.
Nichols isn’t sure if this was a pure accident or if the researchers were trying to deliberately to hook-up
with the Eldridge due to the 20-year “biorhythm” cycle of planet Earth. The Eldridge experiment was
on August 12, 1943.

At this point, the “Duncan” from 1943 appeared and could be seen through the time portal along
with his own brother. Both were crewmembers of the Eldridge. Efforts were made to keep the
“Duncan” of 1983 from seeing himself so as to avoid a time paradox and resultant negative effects. The
system had gone into a “free energy” mode. Both the 1943 Eldridge generators and the l983
Montauk generators were locked together. There was a tremendous amount of energy bouncing
between them.

A stable vortex was created from 1983 to 1943. Nichols said there were apparently a couple of
UFOs sighted in the area of the Eldridge. And one of them got sucked-up in this time vortex and was
partially embedded in solid rock in the underground levels of 1983 Montauk. [StealthSkater note: is
this what Col. Corso referred to in his NBC DATELINE interview as the only other time besides
Roswell that he saw a crashed alien saucer and this one “involved a time machine”?]

Nichols said the project had now reached apocalyptic proportions. Natural laws were being violated.
In addition to Nichols, there were 3 other colleagues who had been privately voicing misgivings about
the project for months. With help from Duncan, a “monster” was created and turned loose on the base.
[SS note: reminds me of monsters from the “id” in the sci-fi classic “Forbidden Planet”] Nichols
supervisors panicked and ordered us to shut off the generations in order to stop whatever type of
phenomena was occurring. That didn’t work. It was then decided both generators had to be shut -- the
one in 1983 Montauk and the one on the 1943 Eldridge. Legend has it that Duncan entered the portal to
go back to 1943 and smash the transmitters on the Eldridge before returning to present-day. [SS:
exactly what was depicted in the video hit “The Philadelphia Experiment” starring Michael Pare.]

Things came back to ‘normal’ when equipment and power lines were smashed and cut. Shortly
thereafter the unofficial project shut-down and the major parts of the underground bunkers sealed with
concrete. Nichols said that all participants were evidently programmed with false memories as part of
their debriefing. He is also intent on believing this occurred on an alternate “timeline” to the one he was
working on at his normal ob at AIL.

He closes by saying it appears as irreversible effects took place by haphazard experimenting and
we are living in a recurring “time-loop” that appears unalterable. He says an effort is being
planned to attempt to correct some of what happened in the year 2003 (= 1983 + 20-yr-cycle). In the
meantime he alluded to a project “K.O.A.L.A” in Colorado as helping to “contain” some ramifications
of the Project [StealthSkater note: co-author Peter Moon describes this in another book in the
series Encounter in the Pleiades: an inside look at UFOs ISBN 0-9631889-3-3.]

StealthSkater final remarks: The book is actually fascinating reading and was an eye-opener for
me about even the mere discussion (let alone possible existence) of such technologies. Some
people have told me if anything happened at Montauk, it was probably the mind-control
applications. Any time-travel stuff probably occurred at Plattsburgh AFB under the
auspices of Brookhaven National Labs. Apparently you need nuclear materials to make
things work {is that why all the atomic bomb testing have abruptly stopped because they wee
causing rifts in time???}. And Plattsburgh is/was home to SAC strategic bombers and
missiles and nuclear weapons storage and reportedly a 20-story underground above-top-
secret research facility {big enough to hold a Delta-T antenna?}.

Like I said – regardless of whether this research physically occurred at Montauk or whether
a UFO actually crashed at Roswell as opposed to somewhere else – the fact that so many of
these projects purport to their existence suggests it could have happened somewhere! And
that is the real point to be made ...

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