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Contemporary World Reviewer

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Contemporary World Reviewer

Contemporary world (University of Southern Mindanao)

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THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD Metaphors in the Concepts of Globalization

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION TO THE a. Heavy – pre-industrial and industrial


Globalization – interactive movement in different - difficult to move

spheres such as political, social, cultural, economic,
and technological. b. Light – brought by the advances in
transportation and technology which made
Globalization brought us to become sociable and everything lighter.
increases our awareness of technological aspects.
c. Weightless – an era lighter than light,
Solidity – common characteristics of people, increasingly weightlessness.
things, information, places, and objects before the
global age.

- People, things, information, places, and objects Different Definitions of Globalization from
tended to harden over time before the global age. Different Authors

- characteristic of being limited to one place. 1. Hamilton, 2008

Globalization is the worldwide integration of
- refers to the persistence of barriers that prevented economic, technological, political, cultural, and
the free movement of people, information, and social aspects between countries.
objects in the said period.
2. Appelbaum and Robinson, 2005
Liquidity – the face of the global age.
“Globalization is reshaping how we have
traditionally gone about studying the social world
- where solid has tended to melt and become
and human culture and a field of globalization
increasingly mobile to turn into liquid.
studies is now emerging across the disciplines.”

e.g technological developments in transportation - Globalization is the result of opening up the

and communication enabled far greater global global economy and concomitant increase in trade
movement of what was previously solid. between nations.
- When countries with hitherto close to trade and
- Globalization is increasingly characterized by foreign investments open up their economies and go
flows of what was liquid phenomena including global, the result is increasing interconnectedness
people, objects, decisions, information, and places. and integration of the economies of the world.
- Globalization can also mean that countries
- Globalization bypasses many locales in the less liberalize their import protocols and welcome
developed world and flows more easily through foreign investment into sectors that are mainstays of
developed ones – something that characterizes great their economy
inequality in spite of greater liquidity.

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c. Globalization in Culture – transmission of ideas,
meanings, and values around the world in such a
3. Schirato and Webb, 2003 way as to extend and intensify social relations.
“Globalization as a ‘discursive regime’, a kind of - marked by the common consumption of cultures
machine that eats up anyone and anything in its that have been diffused by the internet, popular
path. They suggest that globalization functions as a culture media, international level, and colonization.
set of texts, ideas, goals, values, narratives,
dispositions, and prohibitions, a veritable template d. Globalization in Religion – the impact of
for ordering and evaluating activities, which is globalization has brought into religious pluralism
‘filled in’ or inflected with the interest of whoever and it provides a fertile ground for a variety of
can access it.” noninstitutionalized religious manifestations and for
the development of religion as a political and
- Globalization is used to refer to the ongoing cultural resource.
growth of interconnections and
interdependencies in economics, politics, and e. Globalization in Technology – speeded in
culture in which social ties across boundaries have technological diffusion.
become more regularized and routinized.

4. Mittelman, 2000
“Manifestation of globalization includes the Global Issues
spatial reorganization of production, the 1. Population
interpenetration of industries across borders, the
spread of financial markets, the diffusion of 2. Food Production
identical consumer goods to distant countries, and 3. The Energy
massive transfers of population.
4. Military Issues
5. Economics
6. Environmental
1. Globalization is about the liberalization and
global integration of markets. 7. Poverty

2. Globalization is inevitable and irreversible.

3. NOBODY is in charge of globalization. Impact of Globalization

4. Globalization benefits everyone. Effects of Global Awareness:

5. Globalization furthers the spread of - growth of illicit cross-border activities –

democracy. facilitated the illegitimate transaction of activities
(i.e black market, human trafficking).
6. Globalization requires global war on terror.
- for people in deprived parts of the world –
increase expectations and lower their tolerance in

a. Globalization in Economics – refers to the - for people in richer countries – helps to forge a
prevalent international movement of goods, capital sense of global community and transnational
services, technology, and information. solidarity.

b. Globalization in Politics – can take place above - for unskilled and indigenous people – high rising
the state through political integration patterns. building and increase mobility of economic
enterprise lead them to be displaced

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and massive dislocation, environmental capital around the world. It led to the creation of
degradation, and violations of human rights. various global economic structures.
ITO – International Trade Organization
THEORIZATION OF GLOBALIZATION GATT – General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs
1. Imperialism – describes various methods WTO – World Trade Organization
employed by one country to gain territorial or
geographical control over another. GATS – General Agreement on Trade and Services
2. Colonialism – more formal mechanisms of Bretton Woods led to the creation of International
political control. Monetary Fund in order to create a stable monetary
Decolonization – the process of revealing and
dismantling colonialist power in all its forms. Hamilton, 2008 “Economic globalization involves
trading and investing between countries.”
3. Neo-Liberalism - neo-liberal and laissez- faire
economic ideologies favor free trade, free Global trade operates through various economic
circulation of capital, and freedom to invest networks such as supply chains, international
anywhere. production networks, global commodity chains, and
global value chains.
Global value chains follow the creation of value
through different stages – from the creation of a
CHAPTER II: STRUCTURES OF product to its disposal after use.
GLOBALIZATION Commodities are the first link to this chain.
“Race to the bottom” – is a result of some countries
THE GLOBAL ECONOMY stimulating trade and investment through low prices
and low wages.
Economy – basic foundation which should be given
importance and it also influences the condition of However, some theorize that after a point, there is
society as well as politics. a move towards industrial “upgrading”.

Economic mobility – is considered as the major

factor in competing in the global arena. where the CHARACTERISTICS COMPRISING THE
rich become richer and the poor become poorer. GLOBAL ECONOMY

Economic Relationship was established when: International Trade – exchange of goods and
- The Philippines bartered goods with China services between different countries.
(i.e porcelain, silk and other goods) International Finance – transfer of money between
- The Galleon Trade which is implemented by countries.
Spaniards in the Philippines - one of the primary features of a global economy.
- The Silk Road was introduced by China as the Global Investment – an investment strategy that is
oldest international trade route. not constrained by geographical boundaries.
- Bretton Woods System in 1944 was an attempt
to create institutional structures which would foster
international economic cooperation and
encourage the free flow of

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- mainly takes place by foreign direct investment
Microeconomics – refers to the study of the
behavior of households, individuals, and firms with ACTORS OF GLOBALIZATION
respect to the allocation of resources and decision-
Category of Organization:
- a branch of economics that studies how people
make decisions, what factors affect their decisions, a. Intergovernmental Organizations or
and how these decisions affect the price, demand, International Organization
and supply of goods in the market.
- composed primarily of sovereign states or of other
How does the global economy work? intergovernmental organizations.
- transactions - established by a treaty that acts as a charter
creating group.
- transaction mainly comprise trade taking place
between different countries - treaties are formed when lawful representatives
of several states go through a ratification process,
providing the IGO with an international personality.
a. Free trade – is an excellent method for countries
to exchange goods and services. It allows countries
to specialize in the production of goods in which - regulates and facilitates international trade
they have a comparative advantage.
- the only international organization dealing with
b. Movement of labor the global rules of trade.
c. Increased economies of scale – specialization
of goods produced in most countries has led to
advantageous economic factors such as lower • WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION
average costs and lower prices for customers. - responsible for providing leadership on global
d. Increased investment – due to the presence of a health matters, shaping the health research agenda,
global economy, it has become easier for countries setting norms and standards, articulating evidence-
to attract short-term and long-term investments. based policy options, providing technical support to
countries, and monitoring and assessing health
1. Population
2. Human Capital
b. Supranational Organization
3. Natural Resources
- extends beyond the borders of three or more states
4. Infrastructure that seeks to promote economic, political, or
cultural unity between members.
5. Technology
6. Law
- aims to maintain international peace and security,
the promotion of the well-being of the people of
the world, and international

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cooperation to these ends, develop friendly relations • INTERNATIONAL CHAMBER OF
among nations, promote social progress, better COMMERCE
living standards, and human rights.
- aims to foster international trade and commerce
• INTERNATIONAL LABOR UNION to promote and protect open markets for goods and
- devoted to promoting social justice and services and the free flow of capital.
internationally recognized human and labor rights,
pursuing its founding mission that social justice is
essential to universal and lasting peace. d. Multinational Corporation (MNC)
• EUROPEAN UNION - global corporation
- created to ensure, peace, prosperity, and stability - an entity that owns and controls the production
on the continent of goods and services in one or more countries
aside from their home country.
aims to:
e. Transnational Corporation (TNC)
- offer European Union freedom, security, and
justice, without internal borders, while also - a commercial enterprise that operates substantial
controlling external borders facilities that do business in more than one country.
- work towards the sustainable development of Two Characteristics of TNCs
Europe, promoting equality and social justice
1. large size
- establish an economic union, with the euro as its 2. their worldwide activities are centrally
currency controlled by parent companies

They are often:

c. International Non-Government
Organizations - importing and exporting goods and services
- organizations which extends the concept of a non-
- making significant investments in a foreign
government organization to an international scope
- independent of governments and can be seen as
two types of advocacy: (1) to influence government - buying and selling licenses in foreign markets
with a specific goal, and (2) provide services
- engaging in contract manufacturing – permitting
local manufacturer in a foreign country to produce
their products
- campaign to end abuses of human rights - opening manufacturing facilities or assembly
operations in foreign countries
- aims to protect and assist victims of armed MODERN WORLD SYSTEM
conflict and promote understanding and respect for
international humanitarian law. World System Theory – social system is known as
world system which one that has boundaries,
structures, member groups, rules of legitimation and
coherence. (Wallerstein. 1979)

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- its life is made up of conflicting forces which hold 3. Foreign Direct Investment – an investment in the
it together by tension and tear it apart as each group form of controlling ownership in a business in one
seeks eternally to remold it to its advantage. country by an entity based in another country.
- a way of categorizing the countries in our world 4. Trade Liberalization – removal or reduction of
based on their economic power restrictions or barriers on the free exchange of goofs
between nations.
- countries are categorized as either
Barriers: tariffs and nontariff
core countries – capitalist countries that exploit
peripheral countries for cheap labor and raw 5. Regional Integration – the process by which two
materials. or more nation-states agree to co-operate and work
closely together to achieve a good flow of goods,
- hold a disproportionate amount of power on the services, capital and ideas.
world economic and social stage.

peripheral countries – dependent on core countries

for capital and have underdeveloped industry MARKET INTEGRATION
- they hold far less power on a global scale than - a phenomenon in which markets of goods and
their counterparts. services that are somehow related to one another to
experience similar patterns if increase or decrease in
semi-peripheral – nations that hold some terms of the prices of those products.
characteristics of core countries and some
characteristics of peripheral countries Effects of Integration on Market

- provides an opportunity to expand market

THE BRANDT LINE coverage by selling local products in the global
- an invisible line across the world that divides the
rich north from the poor south. - helps reduce market failure
- corresponds with the divide between - the difference in the prices in the integrated
economically developed and industrialized market should be equal if they are well integrated
countries and those countries that are less
economically developed.


FACTORS THAT CONTRIBUTES The central banks of countries except the United
TO GLOBAL ECONOMIC GROWTH States were given the task of maintaining fixed
exchange rates between their currencies and the
1. Privatization – the transfer of ownership, dollar which they did by intervening in foreign
property or business from the government to the exchange markets.
private sector.
In terms of:
2. Deregulation – process of removing or reducing
state regulations of laws and demands of a. global trade – unconditional most favored nation
governmental control which required governments to offer the same trade
concessions to all.

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example: reduction and trade barriers, non- GATT was simply a forum for the meeting of
discrimination against a nation’s products representative countries while the WTO is an
independent organization.
b. monetary order – the goal was to provide
security as well as the flexibility to the monetary GATT focused on tariff reduction, and WTO focus
order. more on non-tariff-related barriers to trade.
c. global investment – a key development in terms
of investment involved MNCs, especially
American-based firms in fields like automobiles International Monetary Fund (IMF)
and computers, constructing their own plans and/or
investing in indigenous companies in other - macroeconomic stability for both member
countries. nations and the global economy

World Bank

General Agreement of Tariffs and Trade (GATT) - a specialized agency of the UN

- an agreement made by the member states to - officially the International Bank for
eliminate restrictions on the use of currency for Reconstruction and Development
international trade.
- the most important element of the World Bank
Trade-Related Aspect of Intellectual Property Group
Rights (TRIPS)
- was established in 1944 at Bretton Woods and
- involves intangible ideas and knowledge, and began operations in 1946
expressions that require their users to be approved
by their owner.

example: movies, books, music recordings, and ATTRIBUTES OF GLOBAL CORPORATION

computer software
Global Corporations – governed by laws of the
Trade-Related Investment Measures (TRIMs) country where they are incorporated.

- range of operating or performance measures that - it is the one that has significant investments and
the host country governments impose on foreign facilities in multiple countries and lack dominant
firms to keep them from having a distorting effect headquarters
on trade in goods and services.
Global Business – connects its talent, resources, and
World Trade Organization (WTO) opportunities across political boundaries.

- a multilateral organization headquartered in A global corporation is more invested in its

Geneva, Switzerland with 152 member nations (as overseas locations and can be more sensitive to
of 2008) local opportunities and vulnerable to threats.

- focus on trade places at the heart of economic Global Companies or MNCs operate on a global
globalization and has made it a magnet for those scale which means they have huge assets in almost
opposed either to the broader process of trade all countries they operate.
liberalization and promotion or to some specific
aspect of WTO operations management of offices in other countries is
controlled by one head office located in the home
GATT vs WTO country.

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one of the most effective survival strategies of - a relatively modern phenomenon in human
global corporations is spending a huge amount of history whereby it is composed of two non-
money on marketing, advertising, and promotional interchangeable terms: nation and state
Nation – an imagined community that does not go
ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF beyond a given “official boundary”
- limited and sovereign
State – refers to a country and its government where
- the investment of - least concern for a community of persons more or less numerous
foreign capital priorities of host occupying a definite territory completely free of
countries external control and possessing an organized
- generation of government to which the great body of inhabitants
employment - adverse effect on render habitual obedience.
domestic enterprises
- use of advanced
technology - change in culture
- growth of ancillary
units Nationalism – a doctrine and/or a political
movement that seeks to make the nation the basis of
- increase in the a political movement that seeks to make the nation
exports and inflow of the basis of a political structure.
foreign exchange
Internationalism – the desire for greater cooperation
- healthy competition and unity among states and people

- a political principle that places the interests of the

entire world above those of individual nations and
GLOBAL INTERSTATE SYSTEM argues for cooperation among nations for the
common good.
- a system of competing and allying states

Attributes of Global System

- countries or states are independent and GOVERNMENT
govern themselves;
- Political Globalization
- these countries interact with each other
through diplomacy - Nation States and Intergovernmental
- international organizations facilitate these
interactions - The End of Nation State

- international organizations also take on lives of

their own



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International Institutions – form a vital part of United Nations was created for many
contemporary international relations. they are the reasons:
central focus of policy-making efforts around the
world these are organizations with an international - there should be peace and security after
membership, scope or presence WW2

- countries should be friendly to each other

Two types of international organizations: - countries should help each solve problems
- International non-governmental organizations - human rights should be respected
(INGO) everywhere in the world
- Intergovernmental organizations (IGO) Main Organs of United Nations:
- General Assembly


- Economic and Social Council
Internationalism involves the decisions of other
nations to cooperate with one another in political, - Trusteeship Council
economic, and cultural aspects for the promotion of
- International Court of Justice
the common good and welfare
- UN Secretariat
Globalism is an ideology based on the belief that
people, goods, and information ought to be able to all the above-mentioned organs were
cross national borders unfettered. It is putting the established in 1945 when the UN was founded.
interest of the entire world above the interest of
individual nations. Achievements of United Nations:

Contemporary Global Governance - UN has helped many countries become

democratic and peaceful states.
Governance – establishment of policies and - UN plays an important role in protecting our
continuous monitoring of their implementation by environment.
members of the governing body.
- the International Atomic Energy Agency is a UN
Global Governance – a collection of governance- organization that controls over nuclear weapons of
related activities, rules, and mechanisms, formal countries and sees to it that they don’t build an
and informal, existing at a variety of levels in the atomic bomb.
- since 1950, the UN has given help to over 50
Effective global governance – allow us to end million refugees.
armed conflict and achieve levels of prosperity and - UN has given African countries money and other
progress. kinds of help so that they can feed people and give
them work to do.
Roles and Functions of the United Nations
- helps give developing countries safe and clean
United Nations – intergovernmental organization water
that promotes international cooperation and creates
and maintains international order. - fights drug abuse and improve lives of children
who live in poverty
- helps people learn how to read and write.

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- helps farmers in poor countries where it is too hot
or too dry.

Challenges of Global Governance in

The goal of global governance, roughly defined, is
to provide global public goods, particularly peace
and security, justice, and mediation systems for Global Divides
conflict, functioning markets, and unified
standards for trade and industry. The North-South Divide – the socio-economic and
political division that exist between the wealthy
(Weiss,2015) developed countries, aka “the North”, and the
poorer developing countries (least developed
- knowledge countries) or “the South”.

- normative The North – mostly correlated with the Western

world and the First world, along with much of the
- policy Second World.
- institutional The South – corresponds with the Third world and
Eastern world.
- compliance
SOME OF THE PROBLEMS OF THIS TIME: The two worlds are often defined in terms of their
drifting levels of wealth, development, income
- terrorism
inequality, democracy, political and economic
- nuclear proliferation freedom, as defined by freedom indices.
-humanitarian crises
- climate change
North and South
- development aid
- considered as a socio-political division which
- human rights
created a development gap among nation- states.
borderless diseases (pandemic)
- the division between rich and poor countries
Berucci,2001 – “to ensure that globalization
benefits are enjoyed equally by both developed and most of the developed countries are located at the
developing countries, good governance is a must. Northern Hemisphere

most of the developing countries is in the Northern


The North-South Divide is a socio-economic and

political division of Earth popularized in the late
20th century and early 21st century.

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Global North – characterized by established
democracy, wealth, technological
advancement, political stability, aging population Global South vs. The Third World
growth, and the dominance of world trade and
politics. Global divide was made official during Cold War,
with the West Power (US and Allied countries) and
Global South – refers to the less developed the East Power (Soviet Union and China)
countries of the world. Tend to be characterized by
turmoil, war, conflict, poverty, anarchy, and The World was divided into three categories: First
tyranny. World, Second World, Third World

Third world – referred as underdeveloped or

developing countries.
- non-aligned world, distinct from the First world
- comprised of only one quarter (25%) of the total (capitalist) and Second
global population (socialist/communist).

- richer and more economically developed region - became a quick-and-easy referent for the “poor
world” because it has been underdeveloped by the
- accounts for over 90% of all manufacturing rich or first world, through processes of
industries globalization and capitalist expansion.
- about 95% of the population have enough basic
needs and have access to functioning education
systems. The “Three Worlds Theory”

First World – composed of industrialized and

democratic countries, which most members are
GLOBAL SOUTH assumed to be allied with the US against Soviet
Union. (Canada, Australia, Japan, Western Europe,
- accounts for three quarters (75%) of global
population BUT only accounts a fifth (20%) of
globally earned income Second World – former communist countries that
aren’t quite in poverty but aren’t prosperous either.
- poor and less developed region
(East Germany, Georgia, Poland, Ukraine, etc.)
- relatively low GDP and high population
Third World – non-aligned world and as the global
- only 5% of country’s population has enough food realm of poverty and under- development.
and shelter (Afghanistan, Latin America, Asian countries, etc.)

-source of raw materials and labor for “the North”

- economies of most countries in the South rely on The “three world theory” made no longer sense in
imports from the North and have low technological 1989-1991 – second world ceased to exist as the
penetration Soviet Union collapsed.

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The demise of second world brought about new areas, and to promote the use of surplus and
terms for the socio-economically divided planet – marginal lands.
that is the wealthy “Global North” and the
impoverished “Global South”. Characteristics of Developed Country
Global North mostly covers the First World, with - Human Development Index
mush of the Second World. - Per Capita Income
Global South covers countries from Third World. - Industrialization

The emergence of the term Global South is - Political Stability

normally used to mean countries that are faced with - Freedom
social, political, and economic challenges.
- Better Living Conditions
- Gross Domestic Product
Major Indicators of Socio-economic - Education
1. Material Living Conditions
Common Characteristics of Developing
2. Education and Work
3. Economic Risks
- Low Per Capita Income
4. Health
- High Population Growth Rate
5. Social Relations
- High Rates of Unemployment
6. Participation and Trust
- Dependence on Primary Sector
7. Safety
- Dependence on Exports of Primary
8. Environment Commodities

Socio-economic Factors Characteristics of LDCs

1. Occupation - Inadequate Technology and Capital
2. Education - Low Saving Rates
3. Income - Dual Economy
4. Wealth - Varying Dependence on International Trade
5. Where someone lives - Rapid Population Growth (1.6% to DC’s 0.1%

Socioeconomic benefits are expected from the - Low Literacy and School Enrollment Rates
development of new markets to promote regional
- Unskilled Labor Force
economic structures to provide alternative sources
of employment in rural - Poorly Developed Institutions

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Regionalism – political process characterized by
economic policy cooperation and coordination
among countries (Claudio, 2018)

Asian Regionalism
Difference between Regionalization and
- is the product of economic interaction, not
political planning.
NATURE divides and area promotes
- it does not only make Asian economies richer but into smaller integration of
also make Asian countries closer together. segments called economies
regions across state
borders around
the world
MARKET monopolies are allows many
Asia was colonized by variety of major powers that more likely to corporations to
had left behind specific social, political, and develop – one trade on
economic legacies. producer control international
supply of good or level; allows
The multiplicity of colonial experiences served to services, and entry free market
emphasize differences among countries and of new producer is
societies of Asia. prevented of highly
Cold War also divided the Asian Region. does not support Acceleration to
CULTURAL multiculturalism multiculturalism
ASEAN – the first major regional player to emerge AND through free and
and has been the center of regional developments, inexpensive
including: APEC, ARF, ASEAN Plus Three, and
move of people
the East Asian Summit. regionalized area globalized
does not get international
involved in the communities
AID affairs of other are more willing
Regionalization vs. Globalization
areas. to aid countries
Processes of globalization and regionalization stricken by
reemerge during the 1980s and heightened after the
advance globalization
end of Cold War in the 1990s. TECHNOLOGICAL technology is has driven
ADVANCEMENT rarely available in great advances
Globalization – global. The increased flows of one country or in technology
goods, services, capita, people, and region
information across borders. (Jacoby and
Meunier, 2010)
Integration of Asia
Regionalization – regional. The societal
integration and often undirected process of societal Regional Integration – process by which two or
economic interaction. (Hurrell, 2007) more nation-states agree to co-operate and work
closely together to achieve peace, stability, and
- is the formal process of intergovernmental wealth.
collaboration between two or more states
(Ravenhill, 2008) In Asia, Southeast Asian countries have already

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ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nation),
including APEC (Asia Pacific Economic Council),
ARF ( ASEAN Regional Forum) ASEAN Plus
Three and the East Asian Summit.
The regional power block appears to work fine,
member states fit very well together due to the
following factors that leads the Asian Region
into greater Integration:

1. TRADE – world economy is intertwined with

each other and we all want and need something
from each other, including global trade facilities.
And since these nations are geographically located
near each other, they can readily supply each
other’s needs.
2. SIMILAR CULTURES - cultures of Asia is
diverse, but they do share many things. This makes
it an easier fit during times of negotiations.
3. COMMON GOALS – Asian region recognizes
the mutual benefit of a slow integration, and that is
to accelerate economic growth, social progress and
cultural development and to promote peace.
small localized rebels, this association needs only to
contend with foreign-supported terrorist groups
which are usually handled well.

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