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CWORLD030: Contemporary World Globalization, Internationalization and

Introduction to Globalization Westernization

Contemporary World
- the speed up of movements and exchanges
- a complex state, characterized by rapid
of human resources, goods and services,
scientific and technological advancements,
capital, technologies and cultural practices
colorful transfer of culture, and thriving
between countries in the world or expansion
and intensification of economic, political and
- the circumstances and ideas of the present
social relations and consciousness across
the world.
- describes designing a product in a way that
- the increased interconnectedness and
it may readily be consumed across multiple
interdependence of people and countries
through opening of international borders to
increasingly fast flows of goods, services,
- is a process whereby societies come under
finance, people and the ideas and the
or adopt western culture in areas such as
changes in institutions and policies of
industry, technology, politics, economics,
national and international levels that
lifestyle, law, norms, mores, customs and
facilitates or promote such flows. (WHO)
- "the shrinkage of distance on a large scale.
It can be contrasted with localization,
4 Types of Globalization
nationalization or regionalization." (keohane
1. Economic Globalization - refers to the
and Nyw, 2000)
interconnectedness of economies through trade
- refers to the widening, deepening and
and exchange of resources.
speeding up of Global interconnectedness
2. Political Globalization - refers to the amount of
such that events and interactions in one
political cooperation that exists between different
place have a growing impact on people
elsewhere. (Held, et al. 1999)
3. Social Globalization - refers to the sharing of
ideas and information between and through
Globalization and the Global Village
different countries.
4. Education - increasing mobility of students and
It has been suggested that because of
teachers across the world, and the need for
Globalization, the world is reduced to a "Global
educators to be more inclusive.
Village", where time and space seem to become
increasingly irrelevant.
3 Views in the Analysis of Globalization
1. Hyperglobalist View
Global Village
- holds that Globalization may not be entirely
- The whole world is considered as being
new, but what is new is how it has
closely connected by modern
denationalized human affairs.
telecommunications and as being
- The Nation-State will be replaced by
interdependent economically, socially and
institutions of Global Governance, thus
weakening the power of National
- The world is considered as a single
Governments (i.e. UN, WTO, IMF-World
community in which
Bank, ASEAN, etc.)
telecommunication/social media link the
- Free trade (Liberalization) and economic
inhabitants together.
integration will make the world borderless.
CWORLD030_Notes: Daph
2. Skeptical View Historical Foundation of Globalization
- holds that National Governments are ● The origins of globalization trace its history
essential to the regulation of international long before the European Age of Discovery
economic activity and the continued (Silk Trade) and voyages to the New World.
Liberalization of the economy can only be ● Large scale globalization began in 1820s
made possible by the power of National (Industrial Revolution).
3. Transformational View I. Pre-World War 1 (before 1914)
- holds that there is a long term and 1. European trade and territorial expansion (spice,
continuous process that is characterized by silk and slave trade)
uncertainties, crisis, and contradictions 2. Use of gold standard as medium of exchange
which makes it impossible to predict. (mercantilism)
- the direction of the Contemporary 3. Industrial Revolution (18th - 19th Centuries)
Globalization is either Integration or

Causes of Globalization

1. Economic 6. Technological

2. Financial 7. Geographical

3. Cultural 8. Ecological
Industrial Revolution
4. Political 9. Military* ● Period of scientific and technological
changes that led to Global trade expansion
5. Sociological 10. Educational* with Great Britain, France and Germany as
the leading nations (Imperialism)
Symbols of Globalization Imperialism - is a policy of extending the
1. Solid. Solidity also refers to the barriers that rule or authority of a nation over foreign
prevent or make difficult the movement of things countries or acquiring colonies and
Solid can either natural or man-made blocks. dependencies.
2. Liquid. Liquids are not fixed. Liquidity, therefore 4. Treaty of Westphalia (Germany)
refers to the increasing ease of movement of - recognized the principles of sovereignty
people, things, information, and place in the (power of states to rule themselves without
contemporary world interference from other States)
3. Flows. Flows are movement of people, things, 5. The Concert of Europe
places, and information brought about by the - the world's first International Organization. It
growing "porosity" of global limitations. was organized in order for European states
to prevent and resolve conflict. The
development of international negotiations
and diplomacy.

CWORLD030_Notes: Daph
II. The Inter-war Period (1919- 1939)
● The inter-war period saw the important
development in Global Governance.
● States adopted a new international financial
system called the Gold exchange
standards. It facilitated international trade
and worked well until World War II.
● Trauma of World War II induced
Governments to pursue Peace at whatever
costs and this overwhelming desire of
States for collective security and the
prevention of future wars, finds fulfillment in
the founding of the League of Nations - the
forerunner of the United Nations.

III. Post-World War II and the Cold War (1945 –

● The Bretton Woods Conference in New
Hampshire USA (1944) paved the way for
Global institutions that would govern Global
Finance and Trade up to the present.
● The United Nations (UN) was established
in 1945 to pick up what the League of
Nations failed to achieve "lasting Peace
based on Justice."
● The UN is also mandated to achieve
economic and social development. Member
States adopted both binding and non-
binding conventions, treaties and

IV. Post-Cold War (1992 - present)

● The struggle between Capitalism and
Marxist socialism led to the Cold War
between its main proponents, the US for
capitalism and Soviet Union for
● Cold War is non-confrontational low
intensity warfare between superpowers
characterized by intense propaganda,
espionage, arms race and the use of
proxies and allies to fight one's war.

CWORLD030_Notes: Daph

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