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DLL Tle 7 Q2W1

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GONZALES Grade Level 7

DAILY LESSON Teacher Learning Area ACP
Teaching Dates and
Time FEBRUARY 4, 2022 Quarter 2 Week 1
8:00 AM-9:00 AM


A. Content Standard Demonstrate understanding in farm tools and equipment used in animal production.

B. Performance The learner independently uses and maintains farm tools and equipment in poultry and livestock production.
C. Learning Recognize tools and Determine when to use Make description on Describe the function Determine how to
Competency/Objectiv equipment used in appropriate tools and how to use farm tools of each of the farm maintain the usability
e poultry and livestock equipment and equipment in tools and equipment of farm tools and
(Write the LC code for production poultry and livestock used in poultry and equipment
each.) TLE_9-12UT-0a-1 livestock production

I. CONTENT Use of farm tools and their maintenance Safety Measures in using Farm tools Maintenance of tools
and equipment
A. References
1. Curriculum Guide
2. Learner’s Materials K-12 Learner’s Page 5 Pages 5-6
pages Material pages 3-4
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (LR)portal
B. Other Learning Resource
A. Reviewing the previous Elicit the differences of Follow up the given Recall the different tips Review on the Recall the different
lesson or presenting the tools and equipment. additional activity. Ask and procedures in different PPEs. tools/equipment and
new lesson (Elicit) at least 5 learners to caring and maintaining PPEs.
share their works. tools and equipment.
B. . Establishing a purpose for Guide the class in Present pictures of Let the class sing the Follow up the given Bring the class to the
the lesson (ENGAGED) singing the old poultry houses or farms song “Sampung Mga additional activity. storage area of tools
McDonald’s Farm with fences. Daliri” and equipment .
C. Presenting Let the class identify How do you secure Establish connection of Let each learner show Let them wear their
examples/Instances of the the different farm your livestock/farm the song to the use of and describe their PPEs properly.
new lesson (Explore) animals mentioned in animals? PPE as protection to PPEs.
the song. body parts while
working in the farm.

D. Discussing new concepts Establish connection Find Me Activity Complete the “Fill it Let them check and
and practicing new skills # of successful rearing of
Distribute the names as Present a fully geared In” activity to determine for tools
1 farm animals to
well as the uses of tools and secured farm establish a concrete -with rust
(Explain) complete farm tools and equipment written worker with PPEs. connection of - worn out tools
and equipment. in separate sheets. Let tools/equipment to the - unclean tools
the learners find their right PPEs to be use in
partner by matching the farm activities.
names to their uses.
E. Discussing new concepts Present the different Discuss the proper time How to protect the Process their answers Demonstrate how to
and practicing new skills # farm tools and and place to use each different body parts and present the remove rust using
2 equipment used in tool and equipment in while working in the purpose of each PPE sand paper and wire
animal production. animal production. livestock related jobs? in accordance to the brush.
-eyes - head proper uses of
-nose - lungs tools/equipment.
- arms - feet
F. Developing mastery Pic-to-drill activity. Extract information Present PPT regarding Present activities and Let the learners have
(leads to Formative from the class on how the proper PPEs used in let learners identify their buddy in
Assessment 3) to care and prolong the animal raising. the tools and PPEs to cleaning tools.
life span of each tool. be used.
Present the maintance
tips and procedures.
G. Finding practical The music played game Bring the class in the Extract from the class Let them clean with
application of concepts and Students will pick storage area of tools the connection of the teacher’s guidance
skills in daily living names of tools and and show them the PPEs in maintaining and monitoring.
identify if it is useful in specific tools. the safety of the
animal production or workplace
H. Making generalizations Why is it important to Why do we need to use Extract the Cause and Reiterate the Remind the
and abstractions about the have complete set of each tool properly and Effect of wearing importance of wearing Occupational Health
lesson tools and equipment accordingly? Proper PPEs in the PPEs according to the and Safety tips.
before starting animal Reiterate the work field. required farm
production activities? disadvantages of labor/work.
improper handling or
using of tools and
equipment in animal
I. Evaluating learning Let the class answer the Give a 10-item quiz. Assess learning by Assess learning by Evaluate performance
Activity I on page 5. giving 10-item quiz. giving 5-item quiz. with a well-design
J. Additional activities for Write down 5 tools Bring at least one PPE Bring PPEs for
application or remediation and equipment in base from the cleaning tools and
animal production discussion. equipment.
that can be found in
your home or

A. No. of learners who earned

80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I American singer, actress,
use/discover which I wish
to share with other comedienne, dancer, and activist

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted:


Subject Teacher HT-III T.L.E.-MAPEH Principal III

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