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Grade 8 Midterm-Question-Bank

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The City School

Question Bank
Unit 1: Britain Rules India – The Jewel in the Crown
1. Analyze the social and economic changes that were brought by the Industrial Revolution. 10m
2. What is meant by the Industrial Revolution? 4m
3. How did the Industrial revolution bring change in Europe? 6m
4. Discuss how the invention of the Steam engine proved to be beneficial in cotton production? 6m
5. Britain wasn’t the only place that had deposits of coal. So why didn’t the Industrial Revolution begin in
China? Justify your answer by giving reasons why Industrialization began in Britain. 10m
6. When and how did the Industrial revolution started in Europe? 6m
7. How has industrialization spread in different nations and countries? Discuss and give your judgment on
this development as to what impact it had. 10m
8. Describe briefly the causes of Industrialization. 4m
9. Why were the Europeans attracted towards India? 6m
10. “The condition of the sub-continent supported Europeans’ arrival in India.” To what extent do you agree?
Support your answer with references. 10m
11. Why had the British preferred to establish their trading posts on coastal regions? 4m
12. Analyze the problem British had to encounter in each of the presidencies. 6m
13. The Company was interested in trade with India in spite of long distances’. Do you agree? Give reasons for
your answer. 10m
14. Why did the British get interested in Arcot? 4m
15. Black hole of Calcutta proved to be one of the most terrifying incidents of Anglo-Indian conflicts. Do you
agree? Justify it with reasoning highlighting the incident and its results. 10 m
16. Explain the rivalries that existed between different European nations in India.
17. The Battle of Buxar proved to be a turning point in the history of India. Prove the statement with reasoning
and its results. 10m
18. “The revolutions in America and France had a far reaching impact in Europe.” Do you agree? Give reasons
19. Why were the Europeans attracted towards India? 6m
20. “The condition of the sub-continent supported Europeans’ arrival in India.” To what extent do you agree?
Support your answer with references. 10 m
21. What is the most common feature observed in all the British trading settlements and why had the British
preferred to establish their trading posts in coastal regions? 4m
22. Explain the rivalries that existed between different European nations in India. 10m
23. How the British were able to gain supremacy in India. 6m
24. Describe the causes, result and impact of the battle of Delhi 1803. 10m.
25. How important was the battle of Delhi 1803? 6m
26. Why did the Indians lose the war of 1857? 6m
27. Discuss the reasons and the impacts of wars fought by the British in India. 6m
28. The military issue was the most important reason for the 1857 war outbreak.’ Do you agree? Give reasons
29. Critically analyze the reasons for the Indian defeat in the war of 1857. 10m
30. ‘The administrative and economic policies of the British were of great importance in India.’ Do you agree?
Give reasons. 10m
31. Analyze how the British took strongholds in India with their policies. 10m
Unit 2 – Muslim Renaissance- Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
1. Explain the importance of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan’s writings on the Muslim community in India. 6m
2- How Sir Syed did improve the relationship between the Muslims and the British. 4m
2. Interpret Sir Syed Ahmed Khan’s views on the basis of his reading interests. 6m
3. How far do you think Sir Syed was able to bring the British and the Muslims on friendly terms? 10m
4. Explain the importance of Muhammadan Educational Conferences. 6M
5. Why Sir Syed did write ‘Causes of the Indian Revolt’ and ‘Loyal Mohammadans of India’. 6m
6. What factors had Sir Syed identified for the outbreak of the 1857 war? 4m
7. What is the concept of Two Nation Theory? 4m
8. Why did Sir Syed focused on the enhancement of educational sector for Muslim? 6m
9. “Sir Syed Ahmed Khan’s political services were more important than the educational ones”. Do you agree?
Give reasons. 10m
10. Assess the achievement of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan in the field of education and politics. 10m
11. How was the Sindh Madressa –tul- Islam set up? 4m
12. What was the role of Darul-Uloom Deoband? 4m
13. Discuss the improvement Nadvat-ul-Ulema brought into its curriculum. 6m
14. Evaluate the transformation the educational works brought on the Muslim society. 10m
15. Sir Syed Ahmed khan brought renaissance or rebirth among Indians. Prove the statement with reasons and
your judgment. 10m
Section A: (practice the pictorial sources from the textbook too)
‘Do not show the face of Islam to others……………………… tolerance and piety.’
 What do you think Sir Syed Ahmed Khan wanted Muslims to understand?
 Comment on the religious ideology of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan on the basis of these lines.

Observe the picture:

● Who is the personality shown in the picture?

● How do you associate the other two pictures with him?

● Elaborate upon his work for Muslim Renaissance.

Q-1 When did M.A.O college become a university?
Q-2 What was the complete name of the university you can see in the picture?
Q-3 How would you associate the person given in picture A with the building shown in picture B?
Q-4 What was the aim for setting up this college?
Unit 3 - Beginnings of Hindu and Muslim Nationalism
1. Who were Moplahs? 4m
2. Discuss the impact of the work of Muslim reformers on the society. 6m
3. What was the basic fundamental approach of the Arya Samaj movement? 4m
4. Discuss the impact and importance of the Ilbert bill. 6m
5. Comment on the impact of Hindu reformative movements in India. 10m
6. Explain the reasons for the founding of Indian National Congress and the changes that took place within
Indian National Congress. 6m
7. What was the Urdu-Hindi Controversy? 4m
8. How important was the Two Nation Theory?
9. Discuss how the Two Nation Theory influenced the minds of the Muslims. 6m
10. Do you think the creation of the Indian National Congress was inevitable? Justify your answer. 10m
11. Discuss the reasons that led to the establishment of All India Muslim League. 6m
12. Evaluate the importance of All India Muslim League for Indian Muslims. 10m
13. What were the objectives of All India Muslim League 4m
14. How is the Simla Deputation important for the Indian Muslim? 4m
15. How did the Morley Minto Reforms affect the Indian Muslims? 4m
16. Discuss the reforms of Morley-Minto along with the reaction of Indians towards it? 6m
17. Evaluate the factors for the annulment of Bengal partition in 1905. 10m

Source: Page 25; ‘Although some Muslims had joined the Congress ………………….. safeguard the Muslim
1- According to Sir Syed, what is the main point that Muslims needed to work upon?
2- Why did Sir Syed want collaboration between the Muslims and the British?

Partition of Bengal 1905 1906 Muslim league’s first

session 1906
Q- What is the link between these sources?

Sir Aga Khan Nawab Mohsin ul Mulk Lord Minto

Q Which event does these important personalities remind you of?
Q What was the importance of this event ?
Q What were the outcomes of this event?

Unit 4 - The Great Conflict – World War 1914-18

1- Define the concept of nationalism and imperialism. 4m
2- Discuss the changes in the attitude of People and government due to nationalism. 6m
3- ‘Industrial revolution was the main cause of outbreak of World War I.’ Do you agree? Give reasons.
4- What was the outcome of the Treaty of Sevres? 4m
5- Discuss the impact of Treaty of Versailles on Germany. 6m
6- Analyze the changes taken place after World War I had ended. 10m
7- Discuss Indians’ response towards the outbreak of the First World War. 10m
8- What was the response of Indians towards the outbreak of World War I? 4m
9- Why were the Indian Muslims critical towards the Treaty of Sevres? 6m
10- Describe the concept of communism? 4m
11- Why were the Indian Muslims critical towards the Treaty of Sevres? 6m
12- How had World War I affected Europe? 6m
13- Explain the connection between the Khilafat Movement in India and World War I? 6m
14- How important were the treaties signed at the end of World War I? 6m

According to the given source, what idea can we get about the war?
Describe the given picture.

Unit 5 – The Rise of Nationalist Turkey

1- What was decided in the Treaty of Lausanne? 4m
2- ‘The Treaty of Lausanne was of great importance in history.’ Do you agree? Give reasons. 10m
3- Who was Mustafa Kemal Pasha? 4m
4- Discuss how the educational and social reforms of Mustafa Kemal benefitted Turkey? 6m

1- When did the nationalist movement start in Turkey?

2- Why did the people give him the title of ‘Ghazi’?
Written Source:
Atatürk rescued the surviving Turkish remnant of the defeated Ottoman Empire at the end of World War I. He
galvanized his people against invading Greek forces who sought to impose the Allied will upon the war-weary
Turks and repulsed aggression by British, French, and Italian troops. Through these struggles, he founded the
modern Republic of Turkey, for which he is still revered by the Turks. He succeeded in restoring the pride of his
people, coupled with a new sense of accomplishment as their nation was brought into the modern world.
1- How Mustafa Kemal helped his people militarily?
2- What two things he developed in this people that brought them into the modern world

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