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Nationalism in India

Very short answer questions (1 mark)

1. When did Mahatma Gandhi return to India?
2. Name any four places where Satyagraha was launched by Gandhiji.
3. Name the Act which gave enormous powers to the government to repress political
4. Name the general who was responsible for the Jallianwala Bagh incident.
5. Who announced a vague offer of ‘Dominion Status’ for India in 1929?
6. Why the rich peasants became enthusiastic supporters of the Civil Disobedience
7. What is the importance of the Lahore Congress Session of 1929?
8. What was the Inland Emigration Act of 1859?
9. Who was the author of the novel Anandamath?
10. When was Gandhi Irwin Pact signed?

Short answer questions (3 marks)

1. Explain the ideas of Gandhiji as he expressed in the famous book ‘Hindi Swaraj’
regarding Non-cooperation.
2. What was the impact of the First World War on the economic conditions in India?
3. Why did Gandhiji decide to launch a nationwide ‘Satyagraha’ against the proposed
Rowlatt Act 1919? Explain any three reasons.
4. How was the Non-Cooperation Movement converted into a national movement by
5. Why Gandhi supported the Khilafat Movement?
6. Why did the Non-Cooperation Movement gradually slowdown in the cities? Give
7. “Plantation workers too had their own understanding of Gandhiji’s notion of
Swaraj.” Explain
8. Why did the business class participate in the Civil Disobedience Movement?

Long answer questions (5 marks)

1. What was the reaction of the people against the Rowlatt Act?
2. Under what circumstances the Civil Disobedience or the Salt Movement was
launched? Explain
3. Describe any three features of the Civil Disobedience Movement of 1930.
4. Examine the main features of ‘Poona Pact’
5. How did the idea of nationalism develop a movement to revive Indian folklore? Give
three points.
6. Explain any four limitations of Civil Disobedience Movement of 1930.
The Rise of Nationalism in Europe
Very short answer questions (1 mark)
1. When was the customs union known as 'Zollverin' formed and with what
2. What were the immediate results of the Revolution of 1830 in France?
3. Artist of the French Revolution Personified liberty by symbols. Give two such
4. What were the allegory of the German Nation and republic of France known
5. Nationalism aligned with which factor led Europe to disaster in 1914.
6. What factors gave rise to spirit of nationalism?
7. When was the Act of Union passed and with what results?
8. Mention 2 territorial changes that occurred due to the Congress of Vienna?
9. How did France benefit from the Revolution?
10. Name the Famous hall when Otto von Bismarck gathered to proclaim the
German Empire headed by Kaiser William?
Short answer questions (3 marks)
1. What views did Giuseppe Mazzini have about Italy?
2. When and why was the Zollverein formed?
3. Enumerate any three features of conservative regimes set up in Europe
following the
defeat of Napoleon in 1815.
4. What has made the Balkan a source of nationalist tension?
5. What kind of life did the aristocrats lead?
6. How did the Treaty of Vienna (1815) come into being?
Long answer questions (5 marks)
1. How did French territory undergo changes due to the Treaty of Vienna in
2. What views did the conservatives hold?
3. What was the Romantic Imagination about a nation?
4. On what basis the female allegories were given names?
5. How did nationalism and the idea of the nation-state emerge?
Minerals and Energy Resources

Very short answer questions (1 mark)

1. Name four important iron ore-producing states of India.

2. Name four manganese ore-producing states of India.
3. What are commercial sources of energy?
4. Mention three most important coal producing states of India.
5. Name six non-commercial sources of energy?
6. Give three examples of metallic and three examples of non-metallic minerals?
7. Name three states which are known for the production of mica.?
8. Name four bauxite producing states?

Short answer questions (3 marks)

1. (i) What are ores? Give example.

(ii) What are ‘placer deposits’? Give examples of minerals found in such deposits.
2. Mention any four uses of manganese ore. Name three areas where manganese is
3. Which types of minerals have provided a strong base for development of
metallurgical industries in India? Which particular mineral is termed as the backbone
of industrial development and why?
4. Why is mica considered to be an indispensable mineral for the electronics industry?
Mention the names of the main mica-producing areas of India.
5. Why are petroleum refineries termed as ‘nodal industries’?
6. What is a mine? Name the different types of mining prevalent in India. What is rat-
hole mining and where in India is this type of mining done?
Long answer questions (5 marks)

1. Name the two varieties of iron ore in India having high content of iron. Mention the
names of places in India which have the richest iron ore deposits. Explain two effects
on our economy due to export of good quality ores in large quantities.
2. Name the ore from which aluminum is obtained. Why is aluminum considered to be
an important metal? Name the areas which have rich deposits of the ore of
3. How is petroleum an important source of both energy and raw material? Mention the
names of the areas which have rich petroleum deposits.
4. In recent years, use of which fuel for transport vehicles is gaining popularity? What
development has provided impetus to India’s gas production?
5. Why do we need to conserve our mineral resources? Explain any three methods of
conservation of minerals.

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