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Ell Lesson Plan

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Lesson Plan Template 2

STANDARDS: CC.1.2.5.L.: Read and comprehend literary non-fiction and informational text on
grade level, reading independently and proficiently.
THEME: Language Art
LESSON TOPIC: Let! "e an Art Critic#
$he tudent %ill &e a&le to accuratly %rite an art criti'ue uing ne% voca&ulary.
$he tudent %ill &e a&le to criti'ue variou element a piece of art through %riting their
o%n criti'ue.
LEARNING STRATEGIES: (iual, Auditory, )inethetic
KEY VOCABULARY: Criti'ue, analy*e, opinion, exhi&ition, artit, element, mood, vie%er,
MATERIALS: +or,heet, Art%or,, Reading, -reentation .lide
(Building background)
/ave you ever &een to a mueum or exhi&ition &efore0 $hee are place %here piece of art are
ho%n for people to ee. $oday %e are going to have our o%n art exh&ition in the claroom.
(Language and content objectives, comprehensible input, strategies, interaction, feedback)
- $he tudent %ill &e provided %ith a authentic reading that inform them of the content and
voca&ulary %ord of thi leon.
- $he tudent and the teacher %ill alternate reading aloud.
- 1ollo%ing thi reading, the teacher %ill preent lide on the content and voca&ulary firt
een in the reading.
- -reentation .lide
- 2ach lide contain a voca&ulary %ord, definition and picture.
- $hee voca&ulary %ord %ill help the tudent undertand the meaning of the art critic
profeion a %ell a the variou element of art.
- $he teacher %ill preent the lide to the tudent and continuouly a, comprehenion
'uetion uch a:
- Criti'ue: +hat doe it mean to criti'ue omething0 3oe thi al%ay have to apply
to art0
- Analy*e
- 4pinion
- 2xhi&ition
- Artit
- 2lement
- 5ood
6 2778 -earon 2ducation, 9nc.

Lesson Plan Template 2

- (ie%er
- Art Criti'ue a a cla
- $he tudent %ill &e ho%n a painted at the end of the preentation lide. $hi painting
%ill contain a title and the name of the artit.
- $he tudent %ill &e give the art critic %or,heet and the cla %ill complete the %or,heet
on thi particular painting together.
- $hi %ill allo% the tudent to model %hat they %ill &e doing on their o%n and develop a
&etter undertanding.
(Meaningful activities, interaction, strategies, practice and application, feedback)
- Art 2xh&ition
- $he tudent %ill &e intructed to ta,e a 'uiet %al, around the claroom exhi&ition and
pic, a painting that they %ould li,e to critic.
- 4nce the tudent have chooen a painting, they %ill complete another art critic
%or,heet on their o%n.
- $hi %ill allo% the tudent to ue their undertanding of the voca&ulary and the
previou intruction to complete thi %or,heet.
- After a&out 5 min, the tudent %ill hare ome of their criti'ue %ith the cla.

(Review objectives and vocabulary, assess learning)
- $he aement of thi leon occur in the comprehenion 'uetion, and the completion of
their o%n %or,heet. $hi allo% the teacher to ee ho% %ell the tudent not only graped the
information in the preentation, &ut alo if they undertood the original reading. $he information
ha &een preentated to the tudent in multiple %ay in order to achieve &oth the language and
content o&:ective.
- $hi leon aim to have the tudent vei% art in a different %ay. 2xplain to the tudent that
an artit! painting i a reflection of themelve. /ave the tudent go home and loo, up at leat
; fact a&out the artit %ho! painting they criti'ued.
<Reproduction of thi material i retricted to ue %ith 2chevarria, (ogt, and .hort, 2778. Making ontent
omprehensible for !nglish Learners" #he $%&'
6 2778 -earon 2ducation, 9nc.

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