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Fluid Mechanics Model Question Paper

Question 1
a. What are the dimensions, in both the FLT system and the MLT system, of the following quantities
(a) acceleration, (b) stress, (c) moment of a force, (d) volume, and (e) work
b. If the pressure at the top of a closed, 5-m-tall
5 tall tank filled with water to a depth of 4 m is 20 kpa,
what is the pressure at the bottom.
c. On a streamline when all assumptions necessary for Bernoulli’s equation are satisfies, how do the
following quantities vary along it. a) Stagnation pressure b) Static pressure c) Dynamic Pressure
d. What is meant by control volume approach? Explain.
e. Sound
ound wave is observed to travel through a liquid with a speed of 1500 m/s. The specific gravity
of the liquid is 1.5. Determin
Determine the bulk modulus for this fluid
f. Explain Metacentric Height
g. What is Hagen Poiseuille flow? Explain briefly

Question 2
a) A long, vertical wall separates seawater from fresh water. If the seawater stands at a depth of 7
m, what depth of freshwater is required to give a zero resultant force on the wall? When the
resultant force is zero, will the moment due to the fluid forces be zero? Explain.
b) Cross-section
section of an object (having same section normal to the paper) submerged into a fluid
consists of a square of sides 2 m and triangle as shown in the figure. The object is hinged at point
P that is one meter below the fluid free surface. If the object is to be kept in the position
determine ‘x’. (Figure 1)

(Figure 1)

Question 3
a) Derive the Bernoulli equation
uation for flow along a stream line. State clearly the assumptions. How
would the equation be modified if the assumptions are not met?
b) A smooth plastic, 10-m-long long garden hose with an inside diameter of 20 mm is used to drain a
pool. If viscous effects are neglected, what is the flowrate from the pool? (Figure 2)

Figure 2
Question 4
a. Write in detail about Streamlines, Streaklines and Path lines.
b. The velocity field of a flow is given by 𝑢 = and 𝑣 = where 𝑉 is a constant. At what
point in the flow field is the speed equal to 𝑉 ? Determine the equation of the streamlines and
discuss the various characteristics of this flow.
Question 5
a. Explain the concept of entrance length. What is the entrance length for a pipe of 60 mm, carrying
water (𝜈 = 1.3 × 10 𝑚 /𝑠𝑠)) at a velocity 1 m/s? What would be the value if velocity = 0.01 m/s
b. A 40 m long, 12 mm diameter pipe with a friction factor of 0.020 is used to siphon water at 30 oC
from a tank. Determine the maximum value of ℎ allowed if there is to be no cavitation within the
hose. Neglect minor losses. Take vapou
vapour pressure of water = 4.24 kPa (Figure 3)

Figure 3 Figure 4
Question 6
a. Explain the concept of hydraulic diameter. What is the Dh for the following shapes (a) Circular
tube (b) Annulus, (c) Square duct (d) Rectangular duct (fully filled).
b. A liquid with 𝑆𝐺 = 0.96,, 𝜈 = 9.2 × 10 𝑁. 𝑠/𝑚 , and vapor pressure 𝑝 = 1.2 × 10 𝑁/
𝑚 (𝑎𝑏𝑠) is drawn into the syringe. What is the maximum flowrate if cavitation is not to occur in
the syringe? (Figure 4)

Question 7
a. A sphere of diameter D and density 𝜌 falls at a steady rate through a liquid of density 𝜌 and
viscosity 𝜇. If thee Reynolds number, Re, is less than 1, What is the visocity in terms of the above
b. Derive an expression for the wall shear stress using Blassius profile starting from fundamentals.
Question 8
a. Explain the concept of shock flow.
b. The stagnation pressure indicated by a Pitot tube mounted on an airplane in flight is 45 kPa(abs).
If the aircraft is cruising in standard atmosphere at an altitude of 10,000 m, determine the speed
and Mach number involved...

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