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Selling Process

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■ An art of ■ It is the art of ●Flow of products,

persuading the
closing the services &
customer to
deal. information from
believe that seller to buyer in
purchase of the exchange of
product or service money.
will actually
benefit him or
● The Marketing concept holds that ● The Selling concept holds that
the key to achieve the customers and businesses, if left
organizational goals consist of alone will ordinarily not buy
company being more effective enough of the organization’s
than competitors in creating, products. The organizations
communicating and delivering must therefore, undertake an
customer value to it’s chosen aggressive selling and promotion
target market. effort.
● Marketing shows how to reach to ● Ultimate result of marketing is
the Customers and build long selling.
lasting relationships.
➢Modern sales manager have to play the role
of a Team Leader in implementing strategic
plans -
❖By giving key inputs for developing long term
sales plans
❖Sales forecasting
❖Sales force management
❖Evolving sales & marketing strategies
❖Building long term relationship with key clients
■ The key to the entire selling concept is effectively
understood when, where to dig & what to look for, is

■ Finding prospects from different sources and out of

diverse options available is called as suspecting

■ Suspecting of prospects can be done through:-

- Blogs - Social Networks
- Partner sites - Yellow Pages
- Industrial directories - Telephone Directories
●A prospect is an individual or organization who seeks the
product or service a sales person offers with an ability to
pay for the same.

● Prospecting is process of segregating individuals or

organization from the suspecting list who have actual
requirement of the product or service and who are able to
buy that product or service.

● How to reach prospects:

- Direct phone calls - e-mail
- Direct mail - Search marketing
Identification of
major buying
motive that
generally a prospect
has appeal for.

sincerely and
The details of the product are communicated
to the customer

■AIDA- Formula
Gaining Attention
Holding Interest
Arouse Desire
Obtaining Action
■ Features
■ Advantages
■ Benefits
■ Value
Two kindsof Resistances
■ Psychological Resistance- ■ Logical Resistance-
this includes interference, objection to price,
preference for established delivery schedule,
brands, reluctance to give product features etc.
up something,
pre-determined ideas etc.
■ Listen
■ Agree/ restate without any
■ Get clear about the real issue
■ Discuss solution
■ Ask for commitments
■ Non verbalYes’s
■ Summarize
■ Execution
■ Successful sales people turn
today’s customers into
tomorrow’s by reinforcing the
purchase decision.

The Process of Selling

STEP 1—The Pre-Approach
A good salesperson must study his products ahead of time.
Manufacturers send literature, brochures and booklets to
retailers so that their salespeople can become familiar with the
construction, workmanship and uses of a product. Even
packaging and labels can be of use to a professional salesperson.
A salesperson must also be neat in appearance and dress.
When a customer enters a store, an alert salesperson
will watch a customer for a few seconds and try
to gain information on what the customer is
looking for. He may see a customer checking
prices, colors, styles. With this info in mind, a
salesperson can then make the approach.
STEP 2—The Approach
The approach begins with a greeting. There are 3 type of approach.
How often have you been asked, “Can I help you?” Wasn’t
your answer 95% of the time, “No, I’m just looking.” So why
would a salesperson ask you a question that he know will get a
“NO” answer.
2. This called the “Service Approach.” It offers assistance to the
customer. This approach is probably the most widely used and
is the most overused approach. Other sayings are “Has
someone helped you?” or “May I help you find your size?”
A professional salesperson will not ask that question unless he sees
you during the pre-approach in a rush or if this is a routine sale.
Approaches Used by Professional

1. The “Merchandise Approach” is one of the most effective

because it directs the customer’s attention and interest to an
item. After a salesperson has watched a customer for a few
seconds looking at a sports coat (for example), he might walk
up and say, “That sports coat has been on of our best selling
coats this fall.” Can a customer now say, “No, I’m just
looking. No. They must now engage in conversation.
Approaches Used by
Professional Salespeople

1. The “Welcome Approach” is used to greet customers on an

informational basis. Its purpose is to welcome customers to
the store. “Good morning,” “Good afternoon,” or “Good
Evening,” followed by a brief pause will encourage a
customer to tell you about their needs. If you know the
customer’s name, use it with the greeting.
Retail Approach Methods

Hurried Routine Browsing Fixated

Customer Purchase Customer Customer

Service Greeting Merchandise

Approach Approach Approach
STEP 3—Determining Needs & Wants
Once you have a customer looking at a product, you must begin
questioning them to find out what they need or want. A
salesperson must listen carefully in order to select the
best features of the product you will present to the
customer. Questions like “Is this for a special
occasion?” or “What features are your looking
for?” or “Do you have a favorite color/style?” will
help you determine the customer’s needs/wants.
If you are familiar with Maslow’s Hierarchy of
Needs, this can help you find the motivation behind
a customer’s potential purchase.
STEP 4—Feature/Benefit Presentation
When you speak to a customer, you must tell
them how the product will be an advantage
to them. Having the product demonstrated is
also a good way to show its uses.
A good salesperson studies everything about
the products he sells. A lot of thought is put
into knowing the features of each product.
Simply telling a customer a feature, though,
will not suffice. Many salespeople spent
time thinking up ways to tell a customer a
feature in terms of how it will benefit him.
This is called giving the customer the
“Benefit” of the product.
Take a feature, change it into a benefit, and
say it to a customer.

Feature--A 22 inch computer monitor
Benefit—“Have you ever strained your eyes
on one of those small 15 inch computer monitors. This one
has a 22 inch viewing screen which will make it so much
easier for you to view your documents.”
Doesn’t this statement make more sense? It gives the
customer something to think about.
STEP 5—Handling Customer
When you hear the word “objection,” your first
instinct is of something negative. To a
salesperson an objection is a good thing.
It tells the salesperson that a customer is
An example of an objection is a customer saying,
“I really don’t like black.” To overcome this
objection, a salesperson might say,
“Oh, this sweaters comes in many other
colors. Let me show you the red ones
(or blue ones, etc.)”

An excuse is not an objection. When a customer gives a

salesperson an excuse, he is saying he is not really interested
in buying today. A professional salesperson will recognize
excuses over objections and realize he needs to move on to
the next customer.
An example of an excuse is “I’ll have to think about it,” or “I
can’t afford it” or “I never buy before I shop around.” “I
can’t afford it” may be viewed as an objection, and a
salesperson may describe a line of credit available to the
customer. Generally, though, when you hear an excuse,
finish up with the customer quickly and move on.
STEP 6—Closing
the Sale
The close of a sale may come along at any
step of a sale. As soon as a salesperson senses a strong,
positive desire for the product, he should begin the close.
Clues to a salesperson to start closing may be visual, like a
customer nodding “yes” to you or it could be verbal. If the
salesperson has completed all steps, he may then need to
force the close by saying something like, “Will that be

cash or charge?” or “Would you

like to have this gift-wrapped?” or

“Do you want the red one or the

black one?”
STEP 7—Suggestion Selling and
Suggestion selling is the process of selling customers
an item to go with their purchase. How often have you
purchased a hamburger sandwich at a quick-serve store

and were asked, “Would you like fries with your

order?” Have you ever made a purchase of a pair of

pants and was asked, “Would you like some

matching socks (or a belt or a blouse/shirt) to go
with your pants?” This is suggestion selling. Its
purpose is to increase the total of the final sale and
Suggestion Selling
every business relies heavily on it.

Reassuring the customer that he has made a wise decision

is also a very important step in a sale. This also may be
the appropriate time to hand the customer a business card
and tell them to call if they have any questions.
Some businesses will send cards or call a customer after a
sale to reassure them and/or answer any of their
Thank You

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