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5 - Pharmacodynamics I

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Lecture (5)

Pharmacodynamics I

• Red : important
• Black : in male / female slides
• Pink : in girls slides only
• Blue : in male slides only
• Green : notes, Extra
Editing File:

• Identify different targets of drug

• Differentiate between their patterns
of action ; agonism vs antagonism
• Elaborate on drug binding to
What is Pharmacodynamics?
Study of biochemical and physiological effects of drugs and
their mechanism of action.

The mechanism of action Based on the drug target site:

Non receptor-
(binding with

- Receptors=
By chemical action: By physical action: E.g.
Osmosis, purgative Biomolecules
E.g. Neutralization of effect of MgSO4 =Target
gastric acidity by (treatment of
- Targets are mostly
Antacids. protein in nature

Where are receptors

Receptor: a special target
macromolecule that binds to
• Cell membrane
the drug to produce
• Cytoplasm
pharmacological actions.
• Nucleus
Target = Receptor = protein
Biomolecules = Site of action


Binding forces between Drugs

and Receptors:
1. Ionic Bond
2. Van-Dar-Waal
3. Hydrogen Bond
4. Covalent Bond
Ion Channel
Tubulin: is target for drugs such as anticancer drugs and anti gout
drugs. Tubulin is required for microtubules formation
(cytoskeleton). Carrier molecule
target for :
Vincristine : Anticancer drug that kills cancerous cells by
inhibiting microtubule formation and cell division.
Colchicine : Anti gout drug binds to tubulin and inhibit Enzyme
microtubule formation preventing neutrophil motility and
decreasing inflammation
The drug competes with the natural substrate for the enzyme.
E.g. Anticholinesterases inhibit acetyl cholinesterase thus producing cholinomimetic action.

A- Reversible: Neostigmine reversibly B- Irreversible: Organophosphates

competes with ACH for acetyl irreversibly competes with ACH for acetyl
cholinesterase at motor end plate cholinesterase.
(Effect lasts forever)
(neuromuscular junction). (Effect lasts for
short duration of time)

• Responsible for influx or out-flux of ions through cell membranes.
• They are activated by alteration in action potential.
• Drugs bind to alter channel function (opening or blockade) E.g.:

A-Local Anesthetics: B-Sulfonylurea drugs (Antidiabetic drug):

block sodium Na# influx through Block potassium K # channel in pancreatic
# #
Na channel in nerve fibers. (Na channel beta cells, resulting in depolarization and
Blockers) opening of calcium channels and insulin
Responsible for transport of ions and small organic molecules between intracellular
compartments, through cell membranes or in extracellular fluids. The drug binds to such
molecules altering their transport ability.

A- Digoxin: B- Cocaine:
blocks efflux of !"# via !"# /$ # pump blocks transport or reuptake of
(Na# /K # -ATPase). catecholamines mainly Dopamine at
Used in the treatment of heart failure. synaptic cleft. The dopamine transporter
(drugs used for treatment of heart Failure can’t perform its reuptake function therefore
increase the contraction of the heart) dopamine accumulates in the synaptic cleft
producing Euphoria.
Agonist Antagonist

Is a drug that combines with the receptor and Is a drug that combines with the receptor
elicit a response without producing a response (0) .
E.g. Ach acts upon muscarinic receptors It blocks the action of the agonist.
E.g. Atropine block the action of Ach on
muscarinic receptors.
Efficacy (intrinsic It has similar chemical structure to the Agonist.

Affinity BUT Efficacy (intrinsic

Ability of the drug -Capacity of a drug receptor NO activity) = 0
to combine with complex to produce action
the receptor - Is the maximal response
D+R -> D-R produced by a drug (E max)
complex - The value ranges from 0 to 1

Extra definitions found on girl’s slides only :

Affinity is the capacity of a drug Efficacy(Intrinsic activity) the ability Antagonist having full affinity
to form a complex with the of the drug once bound to the to the receptor but no
receptor(DR complex) receptor to trigger response intrinsic activity
Types of Agonist:
Full Agonist Partial Agonist

A drug that combines with its specific Combines with its receptor & evokes a
receptor to produce maximal effect (1) response that’s submaximal effect (< 1)
by increasing its concentration regardless of its concentration
E.g. Ach E.g. pindolol
Is a beta blocker which is a partial
agonist, produces less decrease in heart Partial Agonist: Even though the
Affinity HIGH Efficacy rate than pure antagonist such as drugs may combine with the same
propranolol. number of receptors, the
magnitude they can produce may
Affinity PARTIAL Efficacy differ

Extra definitions found on girl’s slides only :

Full agonist having a full Partial agonist having a full

affinity to the receptor affinity to the receptor but with
and a maximal intrinsic low intrinsic activity
Drug mechanism of action
antiacids Neutralization of gastric acidity
Neostigmine (cholinesterase inhibitor) competes with ACh for acetyl cholinesterase
enzyme at motor end plate (neuromuscular
Sulphunylurea (anti diabetic) block K+ outflux via the K channels in pancreatic
beta cells resulting in opening of calcium channels
and insulin secretion.
Digoxine ( drug of heart failure) blocks Na efflux via Na pump
Cocaine blocks transport or reuptake of catecholamines
(dopamine) at synaptic cleft
vincristine Anticancer agent
colchicine Drug for gout treatment
Atropine (anticholinergic) a drug that combines with a receptor without
producing responses. It blocks the action of the
Propranolol (Beta blocker) a partial agonist, produces less decrease in heart
rate than pure antagonists

Q1/ Receptors are located on all of the following except:

A- nucleus B- cell membrane C- ribosomes D- cytoplasm

Q2/ Digoxin is a drug used for treatment of heart failure , its mechanism of action is:
A- blocking Ca efflux B-Blocking K efflux C-Blocking Na efflux

Q3/ Tubulin is a target for which of these drugs?

A-Cocaine B- Colchicine C- Propranolol D- Digoxin

Q4/ dopamine accumulation in the synaptic cleft produces:

A- Heart contraction B-Euphoria C- Decreased heart rate

Q5/ Efficacy = 1 when the drug is:

A- Full Agonist B- Antagonist C- Partial Agonist

1-C 2-C 3-B 4-B 5-A

Good luck Thanks to the pharma team 435

Girls team leader Boys team leader

Nouf Alshammari Omar Alghadir
Girls team members Boys team members
Reema Almutawa Abdulaziz Alghamdi
Njoud Almutairi Alwaleed Alzunaidi
Najla Alkilani Abdulrahman Bedaiwi
Shahad Althaqeb Mohsen Almutairi
Shahad Alsahil Bader Aldhafeeri
Deana Awartani Abdullah Alassaf
Joud Alkhalifah Bassem Alkhuwaitir
Reema Alserhani Nasser Almutawa
Noura Almazrou Ziyad Alshareef
Mohammed Alshehri

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