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Grid Simulator - Rs-Data-Sheet - Final

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California Instruments RS Series 90–2160 kVA

Overview 150-400 V
• High Power AC and DC Power Source
Programmable AC and DC power for frequency

0-4800A/ Phase
conversion and product test applications
• Expandable Power Levels
Available output power of 90 kVA per unit and
multi-unit configurations for power requirements
up to 2160 kVA
• Arbitrary & Harmonic Waveform Generation 208 230 380
User defined voltage waveform and distortion
• Regenerative, bidirectional “Green” Power 400 480 600
Automatic crossover between Source and Sink
power mode offers regenerative capabilities in AC
mode. Regenerate up to 100% of the rated output
power back to the utility grid during sink mode
operation. ( -SNK option )
• Remote Control
Standard IEEE-488 (GPIB), RS232C & USB along
with an optional LAN Interface are available for
automated test applications
The RS Series consists of multiple high-power AC
and DC power systems that provide controlled
AC and DC output for ATE and product test
applications. This high-power AC and DC test
system covers a wide spectrum of AC and DC
power applications at an affordable cost. Using Configurations
state-of-the-art PWM switching techniques, the Each RS90 cabinet delivers up to 90 kVA of AC or
RS series combines compactness, robustness, AC + DC power. In DC mode, 66.6% of the AC
and functionality in a compact floor-standing powerlevel is available.
chassis, no larger than a typical office copying
machine. This higher power density has been For higher power requirements, the RS180,
accomplished without the need to resort to RS270, RS360, and systems up to 2160 kVA
elaborate cooling schemes or additional are available. Available reconfigurable RS
installation wiring. Simply roll the RS unit to its models (-MB designation) provide multiple
designated location (using included casters), plug controllers which allow separation of the high-
it in, and the RS series is ready to work for you. power systems into individual RS90 units for
use in separate applications. This ability to
Simple Operation reconfigure the systemprovides an even
The RS Series can be operated completely from greater level of flexibility not commonly found
its menu driven front panel controller. A backlit in power systems.
LCD display shows menus, setup data, and read-
back measurements. IEEE-488, RS232C,USB and Product Evaluation and Test
LAN remote control interfaces and instrument Increasingly, manufacturers of high-power
drivers for popular ATE programming equipment and appliances are required to fully
evaluate and test their products over a wide AMETEK
environments are available. This allows the RS
Series to be easily integrated into an automated range of input line conditions. Programmable Power
test system. For advanced test applications, the Output voltage options, such as the -333 option, 9250 Brown Deer Road
programmable controller version offers full allow testing of high voltage 480VAC L-L San Diego, CA 92121-2267 USA
arbitrary waveform generation, time and products at 120% of nominal as required by IEEE
frequency domain measurements, and voltage 1547 (Table 1) “Interconnection system response
and current waveform capture. to abnormal voltages”.
The built-in output transient generation and
read-back measurement capability of the RS
Series offers the convenience of a powerful, and
easy to use, integrated test system.

858.458.0223 Rev.02042022

RS Series

option is available and is user defined and

Regenerative, bidirectional “Green” Power
offers up to 600VL-N (1,038VL-L)
The RS Series features the ability to both High Crest Factor
source and sink current, i.e., bi-directional With a crest factor of up to 3.0, the RS Series
current flow. The RS amplifier is designed to AC source can drive difficult nonlinear loads
reverse the phase relationship between the with ease. Since many modern products use
AC input voltage and current to feed power switching power supplies, they tend to pull
back onto the utility grid. This mode of high repetitive peak currents. The RS90 for
operation is particularly useful when testing example can deliver up to 600 Amps of
grid-tied products that feed energy back onto repetitive peak current (150 V AC range) per
the grid. Static Power Converters such as grid- phase to handle three phase loads.
tied and off-grid photovoltaic inverters are
tested for frequency variations and voltage Remote Control
transients. Standard RS232C & USB IEEE-488, and USB
along with optional LAN remote control
interfaces allow programming of all
instrument functions from an external
computer. The popular SCPI command
protocol is used for programming.

Programming sink (-SNK) mode operation Hardware In the Loop

Optional External Drive (-EXTD) allows
external analog signal control of the source
With an output frequency range to 819 Hz (or while in AC operation, essentially turning the
905 Hz with -HF option), the RS Series is well source into a high bandwidth amplifier. Most
suited for aerospace applications. Precise common applications include hardware in the
frequency control and accurate load loop (HIL) simulation of power plants, hybrid
regulation are key requirements in these electric vehicles and most recently renewable
applications. The available IEEE-488 remote energy generation and their effect on the
control interface and SCPI command language utility grid. Reference EXTD white paper for
provide for easy integration into existing ATE additional performance details by visiting our
systems. The RS Series eliminates the need website.
for several additional pieces of test
equipment, saving cost and space. Instrument Application Software
drivers for popular programming • Windows® application software (*) is
environments such as National Instruments included. This software provides easy access
LabViewTM are available to speed up system to the power source’s capabilities without
integration. the need to develop any custom code. The
following functions are available through this
Regulatory Testing
GUI program:
As governments are moving to enforce
* Requires PC running WindowsTM 7, 8.x, or
product quality standards, regulatory
compliance testing is becoming a requirement
• Steady state output control (all parameters)
for a growing number of manufacturers. The
• Create, run, save, reload and print transient
RS Series is designed to meet AC source
requirements for use in compliance testing
• Generate and save harmonic waveforms.
such as IEC 61000, 3-2, 3-3, 3-11, 3-12, to
name a few. • Generate and save arbitrary waveforms.
• Measure and log standard measurements
Choice of voltage ranges • Capture and display output voltage and
The RS Series includes 0 - 150V & 0 - 300V or current waveforms.
optionally, 0 - 166V & 0 - 333V line to neutral. • Measure, display, print and log harmonic
These models provide a maximum 3 phase voltage and current measurements.
output capability of 260 Vac & 520 Vac or 287 • Display IEEE-488, RS232C, USB and LAN bus
& 576V line to line respectively. traffic to and from the AC Source to help you
For applications requiring more than 333 V L- develop your own test programs.
N (or 576 V L-L), the optional -HV output
transformer provides an additional 0 - 400 V
L-N and 0 - 693 V L-L output range for use in
AC mode only. For custom applications the XV

RS Series 90–2160 kVA

RS Series - AC and DC Transient Generation

The RS Series controller has a powerful AC
and DC transient generation system that
allows complex sequences of voltage,
frequency and waveshapes to be generated.
This further enhances the RS’s capability to
simulate AC line conditions or DC
disturbances. When combined with the
multiphase arbitrary waveform capabilities,
the AC and DC output possibilities are truly
WindowsTM application software. exceptional. Transient generation is
controlled independently yet time
Harmonic Waveform Generation synchronized on all three phases. Accurate
Using the latest DSP technology, the RS Series phase angle control and synchronized
programmable controller can generate transient list execution provide unparalleled
harmonic waveforms to test for harmonics accuracy in positioning AC output events.
susceptibility. The Windows Graphical User
Interface program can be used to define
harmonic waveforms by specifying amplitude
and phase for up to 50 harmonics. The
waveform data points are generated and
downloaded by the GUI to the AC source The front panel provides a convenient listing
through the IEEE-488 , USB, or RS232C bus. of the programmed transient sequence and
Up to 200 waveforms can be stored in allows for transient execution Start, Stop,
nonvolatile memory and given a user defined Abort and Resume operations. User defined
name for easy recall. transient sequences can be saved to non-
volatile memory for instant recall and
All RS Series configurations offer three phase
execution later. The included Graphical User
waveform generation, allowing independent
phase anomalies to be programmed. It also Interface program supports transient
definitions using a spreadsheet-like data entry
allows simulation of unbalanced harmonic
grid. A library of frequently used transient
line conditions.
programs can be created on disk using this
Arbitrary Waveform Generation GUI program
Using the provided GUI program or custom
software, the user also can define arbitrary
AC waveforms. The arbitrary waveform
method of data entry provides an alternative
method of specifying AC anomalies by
providing specific waveform data points. The Transient List Data Entry from the front panel.
GUI program provides a catalog of custom
waveforms and allows real-world waveforms
captured on a digital oscilloscope to be
downloaded to one of the many AC source’s
waveform memories. Arbitrary waveform
capability is a flexible way of simulating the
effect of real-world AC power line conditions
on a unit under test in both engineering and
production environments.

Harmonically distorted waveform.

Transient List Data Entry in GUI program.

858.458.0223 3
RS Series
Waveform Acquisition
RS Series - Measurement and Analysis
The RS Series is much more than a
programmable AC, DC or AC+DC power
source. It also incorporates an advanced
digital signal processor-based data acquisition
system that continuously monitors all AC
source and load parameters.
This data acquisition system forms the basis
for all measurement and analysis functions.
These functions are accessible from the front
panel and the remote-control interface for
the RS Series. The front panel LCD displays captured
waveforms with cursor readouts. The
Conventional Measurements [All included GUI program also allows acquired
controllers] waveform data to be displayed, printed, and
Common AC and DC measurement saved to disk.
parameters are automatically provided by the
data acquisition system. These values are
displayed in numeric form on the front panel
LCD display. The following measurements are
available: Frequency, Vrms, Irms, Ipk, Crest
Factor, Real Power (Watts), Apparent Power
Acquired Current waveform.
(VA) and Power Factor.
Harmonic Analysis
The RS Series provides detailed amplitude and
phase information on up to 50 harmonics of
the fundamental voltage and current (up to
16 kHz in three phase mode) for either one or
three phases. Harmonic content can be Acquired Voltage waveform.
displayed in both tabular and graphical
formats on the front panel LCD for immediate
feedback to the operator. Alternatively, the
included GUI program can be used to display,
print and save harmonic measurement data.
Total harmonic distortion of both voltage and
current is calculated from the harmonic data.

Absolute amplitude bar graph display of current harmonics

with cursor positioned at the fundamental .

Voltage harmonic measurement table display in absolute


RS Series 90-2160 kVA

Model -XV Adds other AC-only output range.

Refer to tables shown for model numbers and Consult factory for details.
configurations -XVC Adds other AC only output range with
constant power mode.
Supplied with Consult Factory for details
User/Programming Manual and Software on -LKM Clock/Lock Master
CD ROM. RS232C serial cable.
-LKS Clock/Lock Auxiliary
Input Voltage Settings -WHM Watt-Hour Measurement option.
Specify input voltage (L-L) setting for each RS
-SNK Bidirectional auto source and sink
system at time of order: mode. Offers up to 100% power sink
208 Configured for 208 V ±10 % L-L, 4 wire capability in AC mode of operation..
input. -SNK-DC Sink DC current mode.
230 Configured for 230 V ±10 % L-L, 4 wire -EXTD External Drive allows external signal
input. control.
380 Configured for 380V +/- 10% L-L, 4
Wire Input Avionics Test Routine Options *
400 Configured for 400 V ±10 % L-L, 4 wire -ABD ABD0100.1.8 Test Option.
input. -AMD Airbus AMD24 Test
480 Configured for 480 V ±10 % L-L, 4 wire -A350 Airbus Test Software
-B787 Boeing 787 Test Software
600 Configured for 600 V V ±10 % L-L, 4
wire input -160 RTCA/DO-160D, DO-160E, DO-160G,
and EUROCAE test firmware.
Model Options
-704 MIL-STD-704 A - F test -
-333 Configured for 166VAC and 333VAC firmware/software.
L-N and 220/440 V DC output ranges.
-1399 MIL-STD-1399-300B shipboard power
-ES Emergency Stop with Key Release test software.
-411 IEC 1000-4-11 test firmware. * Note: Reference the Avionics Test User
Manual P/N 4994-971 for a complete listing
-413 IEC 1000-4-13 Harmonics & of performance capabilities.
Interharmonics test firmware.
-LF Limits maximum frequency to 500 Hz. Packaging and Shipment
All RS systems are packaged in re-usable
-FC Modifies output frequency control to
± 0.25% protective wooden crates for shipment.
-LAN Ethernet Interface.
-HF Increases max frequency to 905 Hz.
-HV Adds 400 V L-N AC-only output range.
-HVC Adds 0-400V L-N AC only output range
with constant power mode.

858.458.0223 5
RS Series Specifications
AC Input
Must be specified at time of order. All inputs are specified as VAC Line to Line, ± 10%, 3ø, , 3 wire + Ground.
208 VAC, 230 VAC, 380 VAC, 400 VAC, 480 VAC, 600 VAC.
Input Line Current Current Per RS90 Cabinet (Input Selection) Systems 180 kVA to 2160 kVA
(per phase) Steady
208 VAC 230VAC 380VAC 400VAC 480VAC 600VAC
State at full power
load 350 ARMS 314 ARMS 177 ARMS 180 ARMS 150 ARMS 112 ARMS Multiply the rated input line currents by the number of 90 kVA cabinets in the system
460 Apk @ 440 Apk @ 277 Apk @ 264 Apk @ 220 Apk @ 177 Apk @
Inrush Current Multiply the rated peak inrush currents by the number of 90 kVA cabinets in the system
208VLL 230VLL 380VLL 400VLL 480VLL 600VLL
Input VA 112 kVA per 90kVA cabinet, multiply by the number of cabinets for systems above 90 kvA
NOTE Each 90 kVA cabinet requires its own AC service
Distortion < 8% at full power, <20% below 35%of power
Line Frequency 47 - 63 Hz
Efficiency 85 % typical
Power Factor 0.95 typical /0.99 at full power
Hold Up Time > 10mS
Isolation Voltage 2200 VAC Input to Output, 1350 VAC Input to Chassis
AC Service
Inputs/Outputs Rear panel access
Regulatory IEC/EN 61010-1
EMI CISPR 11 / EN 55011, Class A, , EN 61326-1, CE EMC (400 Vinput only -400 option)
AC Input & Output terminal block behind rear access cover. Rear Panel Connections: IEEE-488 (GPIB) connector Option, 9 pin Sub-D RS232C connector*, Remote voltage sense terminal block , System
Interface Connector, DB-37, Ethernet connector Option. *RS232 DB9 to DB9 cable supplied,
Physical Dimensions / Environmental
Height: 76” (1930 mm)
RS90 Dimensions Width: 32.0” (812mm)
Depth: 40.0” (1016mm )
RS90 Net Weight 2250 lbs 748 Kg approximately,
RS90 Shipping Weight 2500 lbs 785 Kg approximately
Chassis Casters and forklift openings
Vibration and Shock Designed to meet NSTA project 1A transportation levels. Units are shipped in wooden crate with forklift slots
Air Intake/ Exhaust Forced air cooling, front air intake, rear exhaust
Operating Humidity 0 to 95 %RAH, non-condensing
Temperature Operating 0 to 35° C (30° max in CP mode), Storage: -20 to +85° C

RS Series Specifications 90-2160 kVA
Operating Modes
AC, DC and AC+DC
AC Mode Output
Range: 16.00-819.0 Hz, -LF Option: 16.00-500.0 Hz, -HF Option: 16.00-905 Hz (supplemental specifications apply above
819 Hz). Resolution: 0.01 Hz: 16.00 - 81.91 Hz, 0.1 Hz: 82.0 Hz - 819.1 Hz, SNK16-500Hz, EXTD 16-819Hz

Phase Outputs 3 Phase, Neutral: Floating, Coupling: DC (except for -HV, -XV, -HVC, and -XVC options that are transformer coupled.)

Total Power 90 to 2160 kVA in multiples of 90 kVA

Load Power Factor 0 to unity at full output current

Mode Voltage
Range VLow V High Regulation
Voltage Ranges 0-150V 0-300V
AC Load Regulation < 0.25 % FS DC to 100 Hz, < 0.5 % FS 100 Hz to 819 Hz
(Std Unit has 150 and 300VAC , 0-166V 0-333 V
333 Option has 166 and 333VAC) 0-150V 0-300V
AC+DC Line Regulation < 0.1% FS for a 10 %line change
0-166V 0-333V
External Sense Voltage drop compensation (5% Full Scale).

Harmonic Distortion (Linear) Less than 0.5% from 16 - 66 Hz; Less than 1% from 66 - 500 Hz; Less than 1.5% above 500 Hz.

DC Offset < 20 mV

Load Regulation 0.25% FS @ DC - 100 Hz, 0.5% FS > 100 Hz

External Amplitude Modulation Depth: 0 - 10 %, Frequency: DC - 2 KHz

Voltage slew rate 200 µs for 10% to 90% of full scale change into resistive load, 0.5V/ µSec.
AC Mode Current
Steady State AC Current @ FS V(Std Unit has 150 and 300VAC -333 Option has 166 and 333VAC)
Model Range Std/Option RS90 RS180 RS270 RS360 RS450 RS540 RS630 RS720
150VRange Standard 200 A/Ø 400 A/Ø 600 A/Ø 800 A/Ø 1000 A/Ø 1200 A/Ø 1400 A/Ø 1600 A/Ø
300VRange Standard 100 A/Ø 200 A/Ø 300 A/Ø 400 A/ Ø 500 A/Ø 600 A/Ø 700 A/Ø 800 A/Ø
166VRange -333 Option 180.2 A/Ø 360.4 A/ Ø 540.6 A/Ø 720.8 A/ Ø 901 A/ Ø 1081.2 A/ Ø 1261.4 A/ Ø 1441.6 A/ Ø
333VRange -333 Option 90.1 A/Ø 180.2 A/Ø 270.3 A/Ø 360.4 A/ Ø 451A/ Ø 540.6 A/ Ø 630.7 A/ Ø 720.8 A/ Ø
Model Range Std/Option RS810 RS900 RS990 RS1080 RS1170 RS1260 RS1350 RS1440
150VRange Standard 1800 A/Ø 2000 A/Ø 2200 A/Ø 2400 A/Ø 2600 A/Ø 2800 A/Ø 3000 A/Ø 3200 A/Ø
300VRange Standard 900 A/Ø 1000 A/Ø 1100 A/Ø 1200 A/Ø 1300 A/Ø 1400 A/Ø 1500 A/Ø 1600 A/Ø
166VRange -333 Option 1621.8 A/Ø 1802 A/Ø 1982.2A/Ø 2162.4 A/Ø 2342.6 A/Ø 2522.8 A/Ø 2703 A/Ø 2883.2 A/Ø
333VRange -333 Option 810.9 A/Ø 901 A/Ø 991.1 A/Ø 1081.2 A/Ø 1171.3 A/Ø 1261.4 A/Ø 1352 A/Ø 1441.6 A/Ø
Model Range Std/Option RS1530 RS1620 RS1710 RS1800 RS1890 RS1980 RS2070 RS2160
150VRange Standard 3400 A/Ø 3600 A/Ø 3800 A/Ø 4000 A/Ø 4200 A/Ø 4400 A/Ø 4600 A/Ø 4800 A/Ø
300VRange Standard 1700 A/Ø 1800 A/Ø 1900 A/Ø 2000 A/Ø 2100 A/Ø 2200 A/Ø 2300 A/Ø 2400 A/Ø
166VRange -333 Option 3063.4 A/Ø 3243.6 A/Ø 3423.8 A/Ø 3604 A/Ø 3784.2 A/Ø 3964.4 A/Ø 4144.6A/Ø 4324.8 A/Ø
333VRange -333 Option 1531.7 A/Ø 1621.8 A/Ø 1711.9 A/Ø 1802 A/Ø 1892 A/Ø 1982.2 A/Ø 2072.3 A/Ø 2162.4 A/Ø
Note: Constant power mode provides increased current at reduced voltage. See chart below.

Peak Repetitive AC Current Up to 3.0 x rms current at full scale voltage.

Programming Accuracy Voltage (rms): ± 0.3 Vrms, Frequency: ± 0.01 % of programmed value, Current Limit: - 0 % to + 5 % of programmed value + 1A, Phase: <0.5°+0.2°/100Hz with balanced load.
Programming Resolution Voltage (rms): 100 mV, Frequency:0.01 Hz from 16 - 81.91 Hz, 0.1 Hz from 82.0 - 819 Hz, Current Limit: 0.1A, 3 phase mode, 1.0A, 1 phase mode, Phase: 0.1°
Constant Power AC Mode - Available Max. AC Current

858.458.0223 7
RS Series Specifications
Measurements (per output phase)


Parameter Frequency Real Power Apparent Power Power Factor Phase
Voltage Current Current Factor Voltage Current Power
Range 16 - 820 Hz 300 V 0-250 A 0-750 A 0.00-6.00 0-90 kW 0-30 kVA 0.00-1.00 0-400 V 0-200 A 0-20kW
0.01% + 0.01 Hz
Accuracy* 0.1% FS, < 100 Hz 0.5% FS, < 100 Hz 2% FS, < 100 Hz 0.05 1% FS , < 100 Hz 1% FS , < 100 Hz 0.01, <100Hz 0.25%
±0.25 % for the 2.0° typ. 0.5% FS 1% FS
(±) 0.2% FS, > 100 Hz 1.0% FS, > 100 Hz 4% FS, > 100 Hz 0.05 2% FS, > 100 Hz 2% FS, > 100 Hz 0.02, 100-820Hz FS
FC option
0.01 to 81.91Hz
Resolution 0.1 to 500Hz
0.01 V 0.1 A 0.1 A 0.01 10 W 10 VA 0.01 0.5° 0.1 V 0.01 A 10 W
* 1Hz above
* Measurement system bandwidth = DC to 6.7 kHz. Accuracy specifications are valid above 100 counts. Current and Power Accuracy and Range specifications are multiplied by the number of 90 kVA cabinets in the system. PF accuracy
applies for PF > 0.5 and VA > 50 % of range
** Power Factor measurements valid >0.5 and VA > 50% of full scale.)
Measurements - Harmonics
Parameter Frequency Fundamental / Harmonics Phase Voltage Current
Range 16.00-820 Hz / 32.00 Hz - 16 kHz 0.0 - 360.0° Fundamental / Harmonics 2-50 Fundamental Harmonics 2-50
0.03% + 0.03 Hz / 0.01 Hz 0.5% FS, < 100 Hz
Accuracy* (±) 2° typ. 0.1% FS /0.1% + 0.1%/kHz FS
±0.25 % for the FC option 1.0% FS, > 100 Hz / 1.0%+ 0.5%/kHz FS
Resolution 0.01 Hz 0.5° 10 mV/ 10 mV 0.1 A / 0.1 A
* Accuracy specifications are valid above 100 counts. Accuracy specifications are for three phase mode.
DC Mode Output
Power Max DC power at full scale of DC voltage range. 20 kWeach phase, 60 kWtotal for each RS90 system, multiply by the number of 90 kVA cabinets in the system
Voltage Ranges Range: Low (0 - 200 V), High (0 - 400 V) -333 Option has 0 - 220 and 0 - 440VDC in place of these ranges.
Output Accuracy ± 1 Vdc
Load Regulation < 0.25 % FS
Line Regulation < 0.1% FS for 10 % input line change
Ripple < 2 Vrms Lo Range, < 3 Vrms Hi Range
Max DC Current @ Full Scale Voltage per output. (Std. Unit has 0 - 200 and 0 - 400VDC, -333 Option has 0 - 220 and 0 - 440VDC ranges)
Model Range Std/Option RS90 RS180 RS270 RS360 RS450 RS540 RS630 RS720
200VRange Standard 100 A/Ø 200 A/Ø 300 A/Ø 400 A/Ø 500 A/Ø 600 A/Ø 700 A/Ø 800 A/Ø
400VRange Standard 50 A/Ø 100 A/Ø 150 A/Ø 200 A/ Ø 250 A/Ø 300 A/Ø 350 A/Ø 400 A/Ø
220VRange -333 Option 90.8 A/Ø 181.6 A/ Ø 272.4 A/Ø 363.2 A/ Ø 454 A/ Ø 544.8 A/ Ø 635.6 A/ Ø 726.4 A/ Ø
440VRange -333 Option 45.4 A/Ø 90.8 A/Ø 136.2 A/Ø 181.6 A/ Ø 227A/ Ø 272.4 A/ Ø 317.8 A/ Ø 363.2 A/ Ø
Model Range Std/Option RS810 RS900 RS990 RS1080 RS1170 RS1260 RS1350 RS1440
200VRange Standard 900 A/Ø 1000 A/Ø 1100 A/Ø 1200 A/Ø 1300 A/Ø 1400 A/Ø 1500 A/Ø 1600 A/Ø
400VRange Standard 450 A/Ø 500 A/Ø 550 A/Ø 600 A/Ø 650 A/Ø 700 A/Ø 750 A/Ø 800 A/Ø
220VRange -333 Option 817.2 A/Ø 908 A/Ø 998.8A/Ø 1089.6 A/Ø 1180.4 A/Ø 1271.2 A/Ø 1362 A/Ø 1452.8 A/Ø
440VRange -333 Option 408.6 A/Ø 454 A/Ø 499.4 A/Ø 544.8 A/Ø 590.2 A/Ø 635.6 A/Ø 681 A/Ø 726.4 A/Ø
Model Range Std/Option RS1530 RS1620 RS1710 RS1800 RS1890 RS1980 RS2070 RS2160
200VRange Standard 1700 A/Ø 1800 A/Ø 1900 A/Ø 2000 A/Ø 2100 A/Ø 2200 A/Ø 2300 A/Ø 2400 A/Ø
400VRange Standard 850 A/Ø 900 A/Ø 9500 A/Ø 1000 A/Ø 1050 A/Ø 1100 A/Ø 1150 A/Ø 1200 A/Ø
220VRange -333 Option 1543.6 A/Ø 1634.4 A/Ø 1725.2 A/Ø 1816 A/Ø 1906.8 A/Ø 1997.6 A/Ø 2088.4A/Ø 2179.2 A/Ø
440VRange -333 Option 771.8 A/Ø 817.2 A/Ø 862.6 A/Ø 908 A/Ø 953.4 A/Ø 998.8 A/Ø 1044.2 A/Ø 1089.6 A/Ø
Note: Constant power mode provides increased current at reduced voltage. See chart below
Current Limit Programmable from 0 A to max. current for selected range
AC+DC Mode Output
Output Power Maximum current and power in AC+DC mode is same as DC mode
Over Load Constant Current or Constant Voltage mode
Over Temperature Automatic shutdown
Non Volatile Mem. Storage 16 instrument setups, 200 user defined waveforms
Waveform Types Std: Sine, Pi: Sine, Square, Clipped sine, User defined
User defined waveform storage Four groups of 50 user defined arbitrary waveforms of 1024 points for a total of 200. One group can be active at a time
System Interface
Inputs Remote shutdown, External Sync, Clock/Lock
Outputs Function Strobe / Trigger out, Clock/Lock
Remote Control
IEEE-488 Interface IEEE-488 (GPIB) talker listener. Subset: AH1, C0, DC1, DT1, L3, PP0, RL2, SH1, SR1, T6, IEEE-488.2 SCPI Syntax
RS232C Interface 9 pin Sub-D connector (Supplied with RS232C cable)
LAN (-LAN Opt. ) Ethernet Interface: 10BaseT, 100BaseT, RJ45
USB Version: USB 1.1; Speed: 460 Kb/s maximum
Output Relay Push button controlled or bus controlled output relay
Note: Specifications are subject to change without notice. Specifications are warranted over an ambient temperature range of 25°± 5° C. Unless otherwise noted, specifications are
per phase for a sinewave with a resistive load and apply after a 30 minute warm-up period. For three phase configurations, all specifications are for L-N. Phase angle specifications
are valid under balanced load conditions only.
© 2021 AMETEKProgrammable Power All rights reserved. AMETEKProgrammable Power is the trademark of AMETEKInc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Elgar,
Sorensen, and California Instruments, are trademarks of AMETEKInc., registered in the U.S.

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