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Gas To Power Project Summary

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Guyana Power & Light Inc. / the Government of Guyana

Lot 91 Duke Street, Kingston. Georgetown. Guyana

Contact details: Telephone #: 225-4618


Prepared by:
Mr. Renford Homer
Chief Executive Officer(ag)

Table of Contents
Glossery Of Terms: .......................................................................................................................... 3
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 4
2. Project Description .................................................................................................................... 4
2.1 Physical Location of Project: ..................................................................................................... 4
2.2 Distance of project from stipulated locations: ............................................................................ 9
2.3 Settlement/ Indigenous Communities: ....................................................................................... 9
2.4 Land Dispute: ............................................................................................................................ 9
2.5 General/ Predominant Land use currently ................................................................................. 9
2.6 Baseline Information on the Physical, Ecological and Social Environment .............................. 10
2.6.1 Physical Environment: ........................................................................................................... 10
2.6.2 Land: ..................................................................................................................................... 10
2.6.3 Drainage and Access Roads ................................................................................................. 10
2.6.4 Soil and Site Elevation .......................................................................................................... 10
2.7 Ecological Environment: ........................................................................................................... 11
2.8 Social Environment .................................................................................................................. 12
2.8.1 Human Habitation: ................................................................................................................ 12
2.8.2 Cultural and Traditional Use of project site: ........................................................................... 12
3 Project Layout ............................................................................................................................. 12
3.1 Land Size ................................................................................................................................ 12
4. Project Design ............................................................................................................................... 12
4.2.3 The Diesel fuel supply system will consist of the following major components:...................... 19
4.3.2 Environmental, Safety and Quality consideration for components: ........................................ 21
4.6 Development stages from construction to closure: ................................................................... 23
4.8 Project Duration: ...................................................................................................................... 29
4.9 Decommissioning plan: ............................................................................................................ 29
4. Borders and Boundaries ......................................................................................................... 40
6 Minutes Of Public Consultations/ Meetings Held By The Project ................................................. 40
7. Proponent With Key Stakeholders .............................................................................................. 40
8. A Non-Technical Project Summary ................................................................................................ 40

Glossary of Terms:

1. GTPP- Gas to Power Project

2. WPA– Wales Planning area- (the Entire Wales Development Zone)

3. Site- The specific location designated for the construction of the 300MW Gas-
fired Power Plant

4. WDZ- Wales Development Zone

5. WRD-Wales Regional Development Plan Report Final Draft Dec 2021

6. GLS& C- Guyana Lands and Surveys Commission

7. EPC- Engineering, procurement, and construction (contracts).

8. RFP – Request for Proposal

1. Introduction

The Guyana Power and Light Incorporated is submitting this Project Summary to furnish
the Environmental Protection Agency with all the required relevant information for the
processing of the Environmental Authorization application. The application seeks a
permit for the construction and operation of a 300MW Gas-Fired Power Plant within the
Wales Developmental Zone, West Bank Demerara. The project will result in the
establishment of a power generation facility to supply Guyana with cheaper, cleaner,
and stable electricity that will bolster national economic growth.

2. Project Description

The Gas to Power Project (GTPP), involves the construction and operation of a gross
installed generating capacity of 300MW of Combined Cycle Gas Turbine (CCGT). The
CCGTs will be capable of combusting rich and lean natural gas as their primary fuel.

The primary fuel will be supplied by an onsite Natural Gas Liquefaction (NGL) facility.
The NGL facility will be supplied with pipeline quality natural gas via a 12-inch diameter
pipeline, connecting to the Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessels
located in the Atlantic Ocean. Additionally, the current functional technical specifications
of the 300MW GTPP require the CCGTs to consume propane and/or diesel as their
back-up fuel. The definitive back-up fuel for the CCGTs will be known at the end of the
Engineering Procurement and Construction (EPC) bidding process.

2.1 Physical Location of Project:

The 300MW GTPP will be located within Zone HI-2 of Maria’s Lodge of the Wales
Development Zone (WDZ), West Bank Demerara. See Figure 1 for the location of
Maria’s Lodge. Zone HI-2 is defined in the 2022-2042 Wales Regional Development
Plan as the Heavy and Hazardous Industrial Zone. See Figure 2 for zoning details of
the 2022-2042 Wales Regional Development Plan.

As shown in Figure 2, the heavy and hazardous industrial zone (Zone H, Classification
HI) will be located at the south-west corner of the WDZ. The following coordinates define
the boundary lines of the plot identified to locate the 300 MW GTPP.

These coordinates of the corners of the plot are:

A. 363468.00 m E, 734612.00 m N;

B. 364146.00 m E, 734426.00 m N;

C. 363989.00 m E, 733882.00 m N;

D. 363294.00 m E, 734062.00 m N.

See Figure 3 for mapping details of the plot for the 300 MW GTPP.

Additional to the 300 MW GTPP located within this plot would be the Natural Gas
Liquefaction (NGL) facility and other related heavy industrial facilities. These includes
equipment that will be use in the processing, storage, transport, and handling of hazardous
industrial materials.

As shown in Figure 3, the plot for the 300 MW GTPP and NGL and other heavy industrial
facilities will be located to the extreme south (leeward side) of the WDZ. As a result, it is
expected for the industrial activities within this zone to have low/no impact on the other
planning zones identified in the WDZ. Additionally, least to no impact to the commercial
airline travel route to and from the Cheddi Jagan and Eugene F Correia international

Figure 1: Location of Maria’s Lodge within the Wales Development Zone. (Source
WRDP 2022-2024).

Figure 2: Zoning details - 2022-2042 Wales Regional Development Plan. (Source WRDP

Figure 3: Location of Integrated NGL and Power Plant facilities within Zone HI-2

2.2 Distance of project from stipulated locations:

The closest town to the site is Georgetown. With reference to the Light House (in
Georgetown), the approximate distance from the earmarked site is 28.6 km – driving
distance and 22.3 km – liner/straight line distance.
2.3 Settlement/ Indigenous Communities:

As per “Land Tenure overlayed on Planning Zones for Wales”, provided by CH&PA, there
are no indigenous settlement/ Indigenous communities within the Wales Development
Zone. However, the closest settlement external to the WDZ Protected/Containment Area
is the Santa Aratak Mission.

2.4 Land Dispute:

All land related matters are currently under the purview of the Government of Guyana and
will be determined at the policy level.

2.5 General/ Predominant Land use currently

The land at the site for the proposed project is predominantly abandoned sugarcane
cultivation plots (agricultural lands). As such there are no, residential, Commercial,
Institutional, Industrial and Mix use of the land currently, relative to the earmarked project

Sensitive receptors likely to be affected by the proposed project are shown in Table 1.
Table 1: Proximity to various locations
<50 50m-100m 101m- 501m- >1km
Locations meters 500m 1000m
Sensitive ecosystems X
Protected Areas X
Major Water X
Threatened or X
endangered flora and
Residences X
Place of X
Schools X
Hospitals X
River / Sea X
Other – Town X
2.6 Baseline Information on the Physical, Ecological and Social Environment

2.6.1 Physical Environment:

The Wales Development Zone is defined by the Demerara River to the east; the
Boerasirie Conservancy and agriculture lands to the west; the Canal No. 2 Road to
the north and agriculture lands to the south. A section of this planning area,
categorized as Zone (H), Classification (HI) for Heavy Hazardous Industrial use will
accommodate the 300 MW Gas to Power Project and other related heavy industrial
facilities. This area is currently known as the “Wales Estate”, within the Wales
Development Zone.

2.6.2 Land:
The land at the site for the proposed project is predominantly abandoned sugarcane
cultivation plots (agricultural lands).

2.6.3 Drainage and Access Roads

A number of drainage and irrigation canals and undeveloped farm access roads
dissects the Wales Development Zone. The roads to access the site are essentially
part of the infrastructure system to support the former agricultural land use activities-
Sugar Cane Cultivation by GUYSCO.

2.6.4 Soil and Site Elevation

At this time, no geotechnical study or onsite surveys have been done for the
project site. Upon the completion of the geotechnical the results will be provided,
along with other relevant studies. Although, the geotechnical data is currently not
available for the “Project Site,” data for the Wales Planning Area/ Development Zone
is as followed:

The prevailing soil type is Canje Clay, which encompasses 90% of the Planning
Area, followed by the Lamaha Muck, Corentyne Clay, Cola Silt Loam, and Inki and
Mara Clay, which can be found to the northwestern and southernmost portions of
the Planning Area. The proposed zone for Industrial Activities (i.e., GTPP) is
generally flat with elevations reaching up to 10m above average sea level.

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Figure 4. Site Elevation (Source WRDP 2022-2024).
2.7 Ecological Environment:

2.7.1 Land use

The earmarked site, which was previously used for sugarcane production is currently

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underdeveloped and overgrown with herbaceous shrub and vegetation. However, there
may be some small-scale sugarcane farming and cattle rearing occurring at a section of
the site (This information is yet to be verified).

2.7.2 Flora at the Earmarked project site

The land at the site is populated with flora such as:

1. Jamoon
2. Moco- Moco
3. Bloodwood
4. Cecropi
5. Black Sagebrush and a variety of grasses.
2.7.3 Biodiversity:

There is no critical biodiversity expected at this area and the land is of low value to most
2.8 Social Environment
2.8.1 Human Habitation:
Currently there are no human habitation of the site, as it is controlled by GUYSUCO.As
mentioned in the section “Land Use” there may be some small-scale sugarcane farming and
cattle rearing occurring at a section of the site (This information is yet to be verified).
However, there are no other significant human use of this site at this point.

2.8.2 Cultural and Traditional Use of project site:

There are no known cultural or traditional uses of the proposed site

3 Project Layout
3.1 Land Size
The earmarked plot of land that is required for the 300 MW Natural Gas-fired Power Plant is
approximately 100 acres; this includes the substation and other critical power evacuation
facilities. However, at the time of project execution, the required project footprint may vary, but
not in such a manner that the project would exceed the available space described by the above-
mentioned boundaries.

4. Project Design
The Government of Guyana will be engaging a Contractor for the design, supply, construction,
startup, commissioning, and handover of a fully functional and complete Gross installed

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capacity of 300 MWe Combine Cycle Gas Turbine Power Plant that will form part of an
integrated facility shared with an average 50. MMSCFD Gas Conditioning and Natural Gas
Liquids (NGL) Fractionation Plant.

The Power Plant will have the following main facilities:

• 300 MWe gas turbine combine cycle power plant comprising of multiple gas turbine
power generators, waste heat recovery steam generators, and one or more steam
turbine power generator that will operate in both simple and combined cycle modes

• A Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) consisting of rechargeable batteries that

stores energy generated by the combined cycle plant and discharges the stored
energy when one of the gas turbines trips offline. The BESS will have an optimum

The primary fuel will be supplied by an onsite Natural Gas Liquefaction (NGL) facility. The
NGL facility will be supplied with natural gas via a 12-inch diameter pipeline, connecting to
the Floating Production Storage and Offloading vessels located in the Atlantic Ocean.

Additionally, the current functional technical specifications of the 300MW GTPP require the
CCGTs to consume propane and/or diesel as the back-up fuel. All relevant stakeholders at
the end of the Engineering Procurement and Construction (EPC) bidding will know the
definitive back-up fuel type. Similarly, at the end of the Engineering Procurement and
Construction (EPC) bidding process a definitive position on the installation of a BESS will be

4.1 Configuration details for major Components of Power Plant:

The Power Generation project shall consist of a combined cycle configuration as

recommended by the EPC Contractor and accepted by the Employer, consisting of multiple
Gas Turbines (GTs) exhausting into Heat Recovery Steam Generators (HRSGs). The steam
produced from the HRSGs will power one or more Steam Turbine Generator(s) (STGs). The
STG exhaust steam will be condensed in a water-cooled condenser, which uses a circulating
water system and cooling tower to displace steam cycle heat.

A reference study was conducted to provide technical guidance to the EPC bidders on the
power plant configuration. While this study recommends the 3x (2+1) and 4x (2+1) as feasible
configurations (see Table 3 for further details on configuration), it is expected for the

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Engineering Procurement and Construction (EPC) bidding process to derive the most
competitive, technical, and environmental compliant configuration.

At this stage, it is proposed to include a BESS to provide electric power and grid stability
when one gas turbine trips off-line.

Table 2. Configuration details for major components of Power Plant


The 300 MW Gas to Power Project will comprise of combined

cycle generator units. The techno- economic and stability study,
which considered six commercially available combined cycle
gas turbines, resulted in two feasible power plant
configurations. These are 3x (2+1) and 4x (2+1).

Each feasible configuration consists of a block comprising two

(2) gas turbines and one (1) Heat Recovery Steam Generator,
hence the terminology 2+1. The difference between the two
feasible configurations is the number of blocks of the 2+1 Gas
Turbine/Steam Generator configuration. As elaborated below,
each configuration will result in different generator unit sizes.
• For the 3x (2+1), each gas turbine would be rated at 35MW
and the HRSG at 30 MW – resulting in 100 MW per block.
Three blocks will total 300 MW.

COMBINED CYCLE • For the 4x (2+1), each gas turbine would be rated at
GAS TURBINE 22.9MW and the HRSG at 21.9 MW
– resulting in 67.7 MW per block. Four blocks will total 270.8

While the above-mentioned technical plant configuration

specifics emanate from the results of a detailed study, the
procurement process will result in the definitive plant figuration

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to deliver the gross installed generation capacity of 300 MWe.
Given that the power plant will be equipped with combined cycle gas
turbines, each generator unit will be capable of operating in simple and
combined cycle. For the feasible power plant configurations, typical
heat rate values are:

• 3x (2+1) - Simple Cycle = 8,972 Btu/kWh and Combine cycle =

6,264 Btu/kWh.

• 4x (2+1) – Simple Cycle = 9,557 Btu/kWh and Combine cycle =

6,510 Btu/kWh.
Factory Acceptance test of the definitive CCGTs to be installed on site
will provide the preliminary simple and combined cycle heat rate
values. However, the definitive heat rate values for the simple and
combined cycle of the CCGT will be determined at the project
commissioning stage.
The HRSGs will be a multi-pressure natural circulation type with
horizontal gas turbine exhaust flow through vertical tube heat transfer
sections. The function of the HRSG will be to generate steam from the
gas turbine exhaust for producing power in the steam turbine generator.

Environmental consideration for the HRSG design:

The HRSGs will be designed for outdoors and set on concrete


The HRSG will have top supported tubes for expansion, and have
extended surface, and finned tubes. The units will be internally insulated
(HRSG): at the module seams.

Silencers will be provided for the safety valves and start-up vents.

The HRSGs will include a spool section for potential future installation of
a Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) system for the control of NOx
emissions to meet required limits, and catalyst for CO and VOC

The Stack will be equipped with ports for emissions sampling in

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accordance with regulatory requirements.

Platforms and ladders and personnel protection will be provided to permit

adequate access to the emissions sampling ports, as well as local
lighting and power outlets for sample equipment.

Electric hoist, lighting, and electrical service will be provided on the

Continuous Emissions Monitoring System (CEMS) platform.

The Stack will be self-supporting. The Stack will be equipped with ports
for emissions sampling in accordance with regulatory requirements.
Platforms and ladders and personnel protection will be provided to
permit adequate access to the emissions sampling ports, as well as local
lighting and power outlets for sample equipment. Electric hoist, lighting,
and electrical service will be provided on the Continuous Emissions
Monitoring System (CEMS) platform by Contractor. The stack inside
surfaces will be painted by the HRSG supplier at the manufacturing
facility. The Contractor will be responsible for painting the field seams
and the reinforcement support steel locations with corrosion resistant
paint on-site. The stack height and diameter are identified in the Guyana
air emissions regulations.

The steam turbine generator(s) will be a multi-stage condensing turbine.

The STG(s) will be located on an elevated foundation, enclosed in an
GENERATOR (STG) acoustical enclosure. The Contractor will supply access platforms
around the operating elevation.

With the power plant exporting electricity at 13.8 kV, the GTPP will be
equipped with a 230/69/13.8 kV substation on site.

The concept layout of the substation indicates that it will be comprise:

SUBSTATION 4 – 230/13.8 kV voltage step-up transformer

3 – 230/69 kV voltage step-down transformers

Air insulated buses operating at 230 kV and 69 kV

SF6 circuit breakers rated at 230 kV and 69 kV

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Other relevant equipment that includes, but not limited to gantry/take-off
structures, circuit breakers, disconnect switches, electrical bus,
equipment support structures, surge arresters, current and potential
transformers, metering, protective relaying, control building, ground grid,
security and surveillance, lighting, and fence.

All indoor electrical equipment will be accommodated within enclosed

buildings on site

The transformers to be used on the site will be oil immersed type. The
oil is specifically used to transfer heat from the transformer windings and
core to the radiators through convection current. It is estimated that each
230/13.8 kV transformer will contain a total of 86,943 liters of oil and
69/13.8 kV, 69,554 liters. As such, the estimated total amount of oil
associated with transformers on site would be 556,434 liters.

NB: The power plant configurations mentioned herein are subject to review and evaluation as per the EPC
tendering process. As such, all results presented herein, based on these plant configurations will be subject
to review.

4.2 Fuels

The power plant will be designed for the full operating range while for natural gas, diesel
fuel oil and propane firing, while maintaining emission requirements. The plant will be
designed for sustained “simple cycle” operation to accommodate conditions where the
steam turbine(s) are unavailable due to a forced outage or schedule maintained.
Contractor will identify minimum plant turndown.

4.2.1 Fuel types:

The CCGT will be capable of combusting rich and lean natural gas as the primary fuel.
The primary fuel will be supplied by an onsite Natural Gas Liquefaction (NGL) facility. The
NGL facility will be supplied with natural gas via a 12 inch diameter pipeline, connecting
to the Floating Production Storage and Offloading vessels located in the Atlantic Ocean.

Additionally, the current functional technical specifications of the 300MW GTPP require
the CCGTs to consume propane and/or diesel as the back-up fuel. The definitive back-up
fuel type(s) will be known to all relevant stakeholders at the end of the Engineering

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Procurement and Construction (EPC) bidding process.

Table 3: Fuel used by CCGT

Primary Fuel for CCGT: Secondary/ Backup Fuel for CCGT
1. Rich Natural Gas 1. Diesel Fuel Oil; and/or
2. Lean Natural Gas 2. Propane.
3. Blend Rich and Lean Natural Gas

4.2.2 Projected amount of natural gas and components of the gas to be used as
A combined-cycle gas turbine will have lower aggregated heat rate value or
fuel/electricity ratio (BTU/MWh). Therefore, for the same amount of fuel, more electricity
(MWh) will be produced, thus an increase in plant efficiency. Table 4 below shows
preliminary natural gas consumption rates for each of the feasible power plant
configuration, operating in simple and combine cycle modes. The CCGTs would only
operate in simple cycle mode due to a forced outage on a gas turbine or due to planned
gas turbine outage for maintenance.

Table 4. Estimated Natural Gas Consumption

NB: The power plant configurations mentioned herein are subject to review and evaluation as per the EPC
tendering process. As such, all results presented herein, based on these plant configurations will be subject
to review.

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4.2.3 The Diesel fuel supply system will consist of the following major

1. Diesel Fuel Oil Storage Tank(s) with a minimum aggregate capacity equivalent to
3 days of fuels for the maximum continuous rating of the power plant. The planned
minimum storage capacity for 3 days of fuel is expected to be 22,364 UK barrels,
which is equivalent to 1,073,471 imperial gallons.

2. Fuel Oil Unloading Pumps, 2 x 100%

3. Diesel Fuel Oil Forwarding Pumps, 1 for each combustion turbine generator
(CTG), each pump sized to supply diesel to one CTG at maximum firing rate

4. Control valves, 1 for each CTG

5. One 100% meter for each CTG

6. Fuel oil recirculation system

7. The diesel fuel oil system will be a permanent system.

8. Emergency/Black-Start Diesel Generator Day Tank (sized to accommodate

the black- start of the power plant) supplied with Diesel Generator.

9. All fuel piping will be above ground, unless otherwise approved by the
Employer. Fuel piping will be carbon steel or equal.

4.2.4 Propane

Propane will be supplied onsite by the NGL facility and stored onsite in ISO tanks.
Storage capacity would be for 4 days to support continuous plant operation at full
capacity. Given the Propane (C 3 ) composition shown in Table 6, it allows a small
quantity of C 4 +. As such, the Lower Heating Value of propane having a composition of
97.5% of C 3 and 2.5% of C 4 result to 618,538 Btu/ft3.

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Table 6. Components of the Natural Gas to be used.

Given the above and considering the capacity factor of each power plant configuration as
per the 300 MW Gas Fired PP_Technoeconomic Study - Stage 1, the minimum daily
propane consumption for combine cycle is:

A. For the 3x (2+1) Configuration:

• 58,697 ft3/day at an average capacity factor of 80.5%;
• Minimum 4 days storage capacity is 234,788 ft3
B. 4x (2+1) Configuration:
• 58.964 ft3/day at an average capacity factor of 86.2%.
• Minimum 4 days storage capacity is 235,855 ft3
However, as per GPL production cost modelling results, the average capacity factor for the
3x (2+1) configuration would be approximately 92% and the 4x (2+1), 98%. As a result, the
minimum daily propane consumption for combine cycle would be 67,191 ft3/day for each
plant configuration. As such, the minimum 4 days propane storage capacity on site would
be 268,764 ft3.Notwithstanding the above, daily consumption rates and storage capacity
are expected to be refined at the end of the EPC tender evaluation stage.

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4.3 Emission rates of exhaust gases and typical makeup of such:
Combined-cycle generation unit’s produce electricity and capture normally wasted heat
energy. Like cogeneration applications, this increases energy efficiency of the power plant.
In other words, for every MW generated, a combined cycles burns about 35% less fuel
than a simple cycle and, consequently, produces 35% less carbon dioxide.

4.3.1The makeup of exhaust gas is as followed:

Table 7. The Types of air emissions


Carbon Dioxide (CO2)

Methane (CH4)
Carbon Monoxide (CO)
Nitrogen Oxides (NO2)
Sulfur Dioxide (SO2)
(Please note these values are to be used as a guide and does not represent actual emissions of the proposed
300MW Gas-fired power plant).
(Data Source: Spath, P. L., & Mann, M. K. (2000). Life cycle assessment of a natural gas combined cycle power generation system
(No. NREL/TP-570-27715). National Renewable Energy Lab.(NREL), Golden, CO (United States).

4.3.2 Environmental, Safety and Quality consideration for components:

Contractor will be responsible to provide the following performance guarantees.
1. Rich Natural Gas - Net Unit Electrical Output and Heat Rate at full-load, ISO
2. Lean Natural Gas - Net Unit Electrical Output and Heat Rate at full-load, at ISO
3. Blend Rich and Lean Natural Gas – Net Unit Electrical Output and Heat Rate at
full- load, ISO Conditions
4. Diesel Fuel Oil – Net Unit Electrical Output and Heat Rate at full-load, unfired,
ISO Conditions
5. Propane – Net Unit Electrical Output and Heat Rate at full-load, unfired, ISO
6. Combined cycle and simple cycle operations. BESS operation and integration
with the power plant operations
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7. Contractor will be responsible to provide heat balances demonstrating the full
range of service and guarantee conditions, simple cycle operation, as well as
identify start-up and shutdown ramp rates with associated emissions.

8. Diesel Fuel System Low Sulphur Diesel (LSD) or Ultra Low Sulphur Diesel
(ULSD) meeting the specification requirements of ASTM D-975 (Grade No. 2 -
S500 (LSD) or S15 (ULSD)) will be used as fuel for the emergency generator and
as a back-up fuel for the Power Plant during start- up, commissioning and
possibly during initial operation.

9. The system will include an unloading station designed to allow the unloading of two
trucks simultaneously, located within a curbed unloading area to contain any

10. The diesel fuel oil system will consist of an adequate numbers fuel oil storage
tank for the specified storage capacity, forwarding pumps, and controls to convey
the diesel to the suction of the high-pressure oil pumps for each combustion

11. Spill/Secondary containment will also be provided for pumps. The diesel fuel oil
storage tanks will be in accordance with (Functional requirements for Atmospheric
Storage Tanks).

4.4 Project Size

4.4.1 Capital Investment:
The estimated capital investment for the development of both power generation
and inclusive of water supply and treatment, is currently pegged at
US$300,000,000 and is subject to review based on tenders’ submission
4.4.2 Production Rate:
Regarding production, the project will be executed by end of 2024 in one phase
with installation of the 300 MW Gas- fired Power Plant Project.
4.4.3 Number of Employees projected for each stage:
Information will be provided at the end of the tender evaluation process.
4.5 Source of Utility Services:
Initially, the project site will be supported with water supply from planned extended

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GWI service lines – from the nearest point to site. Later into the project
development stage, intended to construct a minimum of two water wells and a
treatment facility, which will be project specific. The Guyana Power & Light Inc.
(GPL) will supply electricity to the site, by extending the nearest 13.8 kV primary
distribution line to the site. Lower voltages that are site and project specific will be
furnished by GPL. With the current remoteness of the site, cellular and wireless
services will be used to facilitate all communication needs of the Project.

4.6 Development stages from construction to closure:

The planned activities associated with all development stages from construction to
closure are, but not limited to the following:

Table 8. Development stages from construction to closure

Project Stage Activity
Construction of a Material Offloading
Facility (MOF) – Demerara River (To be
constructed by EEPGL)

Stage 1 Early work Construction of access road(s) to site

Site Clearing and Preparation for the 300

MW Gas-fired Power Generation and
Power Evacuation Facilities.

Civil/Construction works for constructing

Natural Gas- Fired Power Plant
(Inclusive of a water well and water
Stage 2 Construction of Gas-fired treatment facility – for plant cooling
Power Plant and support facilities purposes) and Power Evacuation

Equipment Installation/Assembling on site

for both Power Plant and Evacuation

Power Generation and Evacuation

Facilities Testing

Pre-Commissioning of both Power

Generation and Evacuation Facilities

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Stage 3 Operations Commissioning of both Power Generation
and Evacuation Facilities

Operation of Power Generating facilities

Subject to decommissioning plans for the

pipeline under the purview of EEPGL, at
this time there are no plans for
Stage 4 Decommissioning
decommissioning of the power plant. Any
future or preparatory plans shall be in
accordance with the EPA Act.

4.7 Waste production and Management:

Since the Combine Cycle Turbines will utilize Natural Gas, the majority of oily residue
will come from used Lube Oils and grease during maintenance. Major maintenance is
expected to take place at intervals of 48,000 to 50,000 Operating Hours (OH) that is
approximately every 5 years. The OEM would determine additional planned
maintenance activities that is specific to auxiliary equipment. Therefore, the quality of
oily waste (Lube oil and water) from the system will be minimal.

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Table 9. Waste Management (Hazardous and Non-Hazardous Waste)


Graywater • Sinks Graywater and Black water (Sewage) will be stored in tanks To be determined
onsite until removal via local waste disposal provider.
Black Water • pipes
• Toilets

Runoffs from • Runoffs from During the course of construction, the contactor will perform, To be determined
construction road construct, and maintain on-site soil erosion and sediment
process control measures.
(Sediments) These measures shall be consistent with the provisions of the
applicable Erosion / Sediment Control and Stormwater
Management Plans, while utilizing the existing site drainage
patterns to the maximum extent feasible, and to promote the
protection of groundwater, surface water, adjacent properties,
and any wetlands encountered.
Wastewater • Cooling water Cooling water functions on a closed system. Dependent on the amount
containing oily systems of lube oils used during
Cooling Tower Blowdown will be pumped to wastewater
residues maintenance.
• Cooling Tower collection tank
Blowdown Others to be determined

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• Gas turbine Gas turbine compressor wash water will be collected in the
compressor water wash drains tank and trucked off site for disposal.

• HRSG HRSG blowdown shall be quenched, and cooled with service

water, prior to being sent to the wastewater collection tank.
• Evaporative
Evaporative cooler blowdown shall be sent to the wastewater
• Equipment collection tank.
The equipment drains, process floor drains, safety showers,
• Safety showers lab sinks, and miscellaneous plant drains system shall collect

• lab sinks plant and equipment drains and route them to sumps. The
sumps shall discharge this drainage to the oily water separator
• Other Machinery
system/ unit to remove oil, grease, and gross suspended
solids. Drainage shall be designed for gravity flow to sumps
• Hot processes for pumping to the oily water treatment system. The oily waste
from the oil/water separator shall be collected in a separate
accumulation tank.

Water output from the oil/water separator shall be directed to

the wastewater collection tank.

Hot process drain piping shall be carbon steel with cathodic

protection where the temperature exceeds HDPE limits.
Graywater • Sinks Sanitary waste shall be directed to the septic tank then routed To be determined
to the on-site above ground septic system. Two separate

26 | P a g e
Sanitary Water • Pipes septic systems should be on site. One for the control room
(Sewage) building and one for the substation control building. Sewage
• Toilets
will be removed via local waste disposal provider when

Storm Water • Compound The site storm drainage system shall include all the necessary To be determined
run-off components to collect, convey, treat and discharge stormwater
• Transformer Pit
as required by local permits and local/international standards,
• Secondary to prevent on-site ponding, soil erosion, soil collapse, wash
containment out, flooding, and polluting the receiving environment.

The site shall be graded to drain stormwater away from

buildings and equipment, and to prevent localized ponding.
The site drainage system shall consist of site grading, catch
basins, manholes, piping, oil/water separators and detention
ponds, as necessary to collect and treat site stormwater prior
to discharging to the receiving environment.

Hydrocarbon-contaminated stormwater runoff shall be treated

through oil/water separators to achieve oil and grease
concentrations below applicable local/international standards.

Stormwater should be separated from process and sanitary

wastewater streams in order to reduce the volume of
wastewater to be treated prior to discharge.

27 | P a g e
Surface runoff from process areas or potential sources of
contamination should be prevented. However, where this
approach is not practical, runoff from process and storage
areas should be segregated from potentially less contaminated

A stormwater pollution prevention plan for industrial water

discharges that complies with applicable permits and
standards shall be prepared.

Oily Rags • From the Incineration either onsite or at other GPL facilities Approx. 50lbs of rags per
cleaning of maintenance intervals.

General non- • Kitchenette, Utilizing external registered waste disposal company. GPL To be determined
hazardous currently utilizes Cevons Waste Disposal Services-.
• Compound,
• Offices,

• Control rooms

28 | P a g e
4.8 Project Duration:

The project is expected to enter commercial operation by July 2024. Given the required completion timeline, each project
phase is expected to have an estimated execution duration of 2 years. Please utilize the attached the Project Schedule Draft
for the Gas-Fired Power Plant to view a more detailed description of each phase:

4.9 Decommissioning plan:

Subject to decommissioning plans for the pipeline under the purview of EEPGL, at this time there are no plans for
decommissioning of the power plant. Any future or preparatory plans shall be in accordance with the EPA Act.

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Table 10. Potential Environmental impacts from construction and operation of proposed project and Mitigation

Receptor(s) Source of Impact Possible Effects of Impact Mitigation Measures

on Human Life and
Land Preparation and construction of access Road leading to Site
Soil 1. Land clearing. Earthworks/ land clearing to Mitigation measures during construction stage
install road will disturb soils/ include reusing of the excavated topsoil (where
2. Excavation. ecosystems, which could have practicable) as backfilling materials near or within
associated effects to receptors the proximity of the project. Materials suitable for
utilizing that soils/land. backfill, landscaping and site grading shall be
stockpiled at designated locations using proper
erosion protection, moisture control, and safety

Air Quality 1. Emissions Air emissions resulting from The roads will be soaked with water to limit dust
from the Project have the potential circulation.
construction to affect ambient air quality in
equipment and the Project area on a localized Emissions from vehicles and generators are too
Generators. basis and to contribute to minimal to manage.

30 | P a g e
2. Dust from greenhouse gas (GHG) Person involved in construction will be equipped
vehicles emissions. with PPE (Respirators and Mask where necessary)
traversing The decreased ambient air Emissions from equipment, vehicles and
roads. quality can pose potential generators are too minimal to manage.
3. Construction health risk to humans and
of access wildlife in close proximity to
roads (Land construction site.
clearing, Combustion from hydrocarbons
excavation, can contribute to greenhouse
laying of sand gas emissions
and stone).
Noise Quality 1. Operation of The noise from construction The majority of construction work will not be in
Construction can potentially affect wildlife. close proximity to residents. However, activities will
Machines Any construction activity in be limited to daylight hours, where practicable.
2. Operation of close proximity to residents can
Generators create noise pollution.
Water Quality 1. Runoffs from Earthworks related to During the course of construction, The contactor
(Ground and construction construction of the access will perform, construct, and maintain on-site soil
Surface Water) process roads and the Power Plant can erosion and sediment control measures.
2. Wastewater (Gray result in the discharge of These measures shall be consistent with the
water and sediment to canals or drainage provisions of the applicable Erosion / Sediment
Sewage) features. This can lead to Control and Stormwater Management Plans, while
accumulated sedimentation in drains, canals utilizing the existing site drainage patterns to the

31 | P a g e
during and trenches. This can affect maximum extent feasible, and to promote the
construction aquatic ecosystems and can protection of groundwater, surface water, adjacent
process. affect human health. properties, and any wetlands encountered.
The Project has the potential to Graywater and Black water (Sewage) will be stored
affect groundwater quality. in tanks onsite until removal via local waste
disposal provider.
Flora and 1. Removal of The clearing of plants and Where practicable, trees, shrubbery, topsoil, grass,
Fauna Vegetation. trees can disturb and other landscape materials shall be replanted/
ecosystems. reapplied.
Construction of Generating facility
Land Use 1. Site preparation Construction of Project The area is unoccupied
facilities and associated
temporary changes to land
Humans or other receptors
utilizing land within the Project
construction or operational
footprint could experience
changes to or loss of benefits
deriving from that land use.
Air Quality 1. Emissions from Air emissions resulting from the The project site is not within close proximity to
construction Project have the potential to residents.
affect ambient air quality in the

32 | P a g e
equipment and Project area on a localized Person involved in construction will be equipped
Generators. basis and to contribute to with PPE (Respirators and Mask where necessary)
2. Dust from vehicles greenhouse gas (GHG) Emissions from equipment, vehicles and
traversing roads emissions. generators are too minimal to manage.
3. Construction The decreased ambient air
process of power quality can pose potential
plant health risk to humans and
wildlife in close proximity to
construction site.
Combustion from hydrocarbons
can contribute to greenhouse
gas emissions
Noise Quality 1. Operation of The noise from There is no significant amount of wildlife at site
Construction construction can The majority of construction work will not be in
Machines potentially affect wildlife close proximity to residents.
cranes, Any construction activity
excavators, in close proximity to
trucks, pumps, residents can create
drills, jack noise pollution.
2. Operation of

33 | P a g e
Waste water 1. Sinks, pipes and Can result in water pollution Waste water (Graywater) and sewage will be
Management Toilets and Eutrophication. stored in tanks onsite until removal via local
waste authorized disposal provider
and Sewage)
Water (Ground 1. Runoffs from Runoffs can lead to During the course of construction, The contactor
and Surface construction sedimentation in drains and will perform, construct, and maintain on-site soil
water) process trenches. erosion and sediment control measures.
These measures shall be consistent with the
provisions of the applicable Erosion / Sediment
Control and Stormwater Management Plans, while
utilizing the existing site drainage patterns to the
maximum extent feasible, and to promote the
protection of groundwater, surface water, adjacent
properties, and any wetlands encountered.

Flora and 1. Clearing of The Project has the potential Where practicable, trees, shrubbery, topsoil, grass,
Fauna vegetation for the to affect terrestrial habitats at and other landscape materials shall be replanted/
construction of the project site. reapplied.
Power Plant.
Operation of Generating facility
Air Quality 1. Electricity The production process can Utilizing a Combined-cycle generation Unit for
Production result in a decreased in electricity production. The Combined-cycle
process. ambient air quality, which can generation unit’s produce electricity and capture

34 | P a g e
pose potential health risk to normally wasted heat energy. Like cogeneration
humans and wildlife in close applications, this increases energy efficiency of the
proximity to construction site. power plant. In other words, for every MW
generated, a combined cycles burns about 35%
Combustion from hydrocarbons less fuel than a simple cycle and, consequently,
can contribute to greenhouse produces 35% less carbon dioxide.
gas emissions.
Use of heat recovery system
Steam Generator (HRSG) shall be provided with a
sufficient level of air emissions control equipment
to meet the requirements of the Guyana
Environment Protection Agency (EPA) and the
project’s Environmental Authorization Permit’s Air
Management requirements. At a minimum, once
finalised this equipment should include but not
limited to:
1. Dry Low NOx (DLN) combustors.
2. The Heat Recovery Steam Generator
(HRSG) shall include a spool section
sized for future installation of Selective
Catalytic Reduction (SCR) for CO and
VOC reduction.

35 | P a g e
3. CO Catalyst’s emission control systems
if necessary should emission limits be
less than what is obtainable with DLN
Ancillary equipment such as the black start diesel
generator(s), and natural gas dew point heater (if
required) shall be equipped with emission controls
as required to meet the requirements contained in
the Environmental Authorization Permit’s Air
Management requirements.
Sound • Operation of Natural Excessive noise can The gas turbine shall, as a minimum, be provided
Gas Fired Combined create noise pollution with the following.
Cycle Turbines and This can affect humans and • Inlet silencers
other. wildlife. • Outdoor acoustical enclosures including
• Silencers shall be provided for the safety
• Steam Turbine valves and start-up vents.
Steam Turbine:
• Noise producing • enclosed in an acoustical enclosure
noise reduction panel for the engine hall
and solid concrete walls, curb height,
perimeter fencing. These noise deflection

36 | P a g e
structures are intended to be done using
Industry best practices.
Water (Ground • From cooling Contamination of ground water Oily wastewater will be processed in Oily water
and Surface water sources separator.
water) • Oily water from Pollution of surface water.
The discharge from the oil/water separator shall
maintenance Damage to ecosystems
be collected in a sump and pumped to a storage
tank and disposed of in accordance with
• Run-offs from
applicable regulations.
storm water
The site storm drainage system shall include all
the necessary components to collect, convey,
treat and discharge stormwater as required by
local permits and local/international standards, to
prevent on-site ponding, soil erosion, soil
collapse, wash out, flooding, and polluting the
receiving environment.

The site shall be graded to drain stormwater

away from buildings and equipment, and to
prevent localized ponding. The site drainage
system shall consist of site grading, catch basins,
manholes, piping, oil/water separators and
detention ponds, as necessary to collect and treat

37 | P a g e
site stormwater prior to discharging to the
receiving environment.

Hydrocarbon-contaminated stormwater runoff

shall be treated through oil/water separators to
achieve oil and grease concentrations below
applicable local/international standards.
Stormwater should be separated from process
and sanitary wastewater streams in order to
reduce the volume of wastewater to be treated
prior to discharge.

Surface runoff from process areas or potential

sources of contamination should be prevented.
However, where this approach is not practical,
runoff from process and storage areas should be
segregated from potentially less contaminated

A stormwater pollution prevention plan for

industrial water discharges that complies with
applicable permits and standards shall be
Flora and • From discharge Damage to aquatic organisms. Oily wastewater will be processed in Oily water
Fauna points Polluting water source. separator before being discharged. Regular testing

38 | P a g e
of effluent discharge will be done to ensure
discharge is free of contaminants.

Soil • From cooling Soil pollution and Oily wastewater will be processed in Oily water
water Damage to ecosystems separator.
• Oily water from Testing of effluent discharge will be done to ensure
maintenance discharge is free of contaminants.
Extracted Oily residue will be Incinerated
• Machinery

39 | P a g e
4. Borders and Boundaries

The Project does not cross-country borders or boundaries

6 Minutes of Public Consultations/ Meetings Held By The Project

7. Proponent with Key Stakeholders

Given the current stage of the Project such, a hearing/activity is still to be conducted.

8. A Non-Technical Project Summary

The project is strategically aimed at utilizing piped natural gas from the Floating Production
Storage and Offloading (FPSOs), which will be processed by a Natural Gas Liquids (NGL)
facility which will generate lean gas that will be used to fuel a power plant that will generate
and deliver electricity into GPL’s existing power grid (Demerara Berbice Interconnected
System – DBIS). The completed project is expected to deliver on a monthly basis 187.56
GWh of electricity into the Demerara Berbice Interconnected System to support Guyana’s
current and projected economic development

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