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Note: The minimum admission requirements reflected in this brochure are subject to changes in regulations relating to COVID-19. Amendments
will reflect in the digital version of this brochure, which can be downloaded from > Undergraduate > Faculty brochures.

FACULTY BROCHURE Make today matter
ii Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology 2023

Message from the Dean

Get ready for a dynamic digital future.

As we take our place on the front line of
innovation, the Faculty of Engineering,
Built Environment and Information
Technology (EBIT) at the University
of Pretoria is preparing to tackle the
challenges of the future with a generation
of problem-solvers and innovators who
are ready to change the world.

Prof Sunil Maharaj

Dean: Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment
and Information Technology

Our slogan, Innovating our Tomorrow, amplifies our thought leadership Our students can now also start their own businesses on campus
to stay relevant, to be globally competitive, to re-invent ourselves through the high-tech business incubator, TuksNovation.
and to deliver graduates who will be ready to embrace the disruptive
unknown with an awakened mind. By encouraging students to We also continuously improve our teaching and learning activities to
embrace disruptive technologies, we are preparing them for a new help our students to succeed in their studies. Our academic staff go
world beyond university; one that has been shaped by the principles to great lengths to bring the world of work to the lecture room. EBIT
of a post-pandemic way of life, work and education. offers 23 undergraduate degree programmes, and our degrees are
accredited by national and international statutory and professional
To ensure that we remain globally competitive in the Fourth Industrial bodies. We follow a hybrid teaching model and we have superb
Revolution (4IR), while maintaining our place as an innovation leader, laboratory facilities. Learning is facilitated by a motivated team
we actively collaborate with international universities, government consisting of dedicated academics, supported by highly competent
departments and industry. Our focus is on producing high-quality administrative staff and student advisors.
research to make UP a leading research-intensive university.
The Faculty strives to accommodate as many students as possible who
EBIT has more than 30 research chairs and entities, which attracts meet the admission criteria. Since places are limited, we recommend
high-quality students and researchers. Our work relates to fields that learners who excel in their studies apply early. Prospective
such as artificial intelligence (AI), big data science, robotics, machine students are also encouraged to visit our website for further
learning, green buildings planning and construction, urban citizenship, information and to submit their online applications without delay. We
information and communications technology (ICT), technology look forward to receiving your application to join one of our degree
innovation, water and environmental engineering, green energy, programmes for an enriching and rewarding experience in EBIT. I will
minerals and materials beneficiation, smart cities and intelligent be delighted to welcome you in 2023!
Tel +27 (0)12 420 5318
Our Faculty is one of the few in Africa to feature among the top 500 in Email
the world in six subject areas in the 2021 QS World University Rankings Website
by Subject, and our School of Engineering is ranked 356th out of
more than 10 000 engineering schools in the field of engineering and
technology. Our programmes in electrical and electronic engineering
continue to feature at the top of all South African universities. We are Congratulations to Prof Eloff who is
also particularly proud of the recognition received by our programmes the Acting Dean for the Faculty of
in mineral and mining engineering, which have been ranked among Engineering, Built Environment and
the top 50 world-wide. In addition, the Minerals Education Trust Fund Information Technology. Prof Maharaj
(METF) has named our programme in metallurgical engineering as the is currently the Acting Vice-Principal:
best in the country. Research and Postgraduate Studies.
Through our close ties with industry partners, we continuously search
for collaboration opportunities to enhance the relevance of our Read more here:
academic programmes and enable our students to acquire scarce and showcase/69770752/admin
highly specialised skills. This is why our graduates are in high demand.
University of Pretoria iii


Message from the Dean.............................................................................................................................................. ii

Undergraduate programmes........................................................................................................................................1
Online application process for studies in 2023...............................................................................................................7
School of Engineering................................................................................................................................................ 9
School for the Built Environment...............................................................................................................................29
School of Information Technology.............................................................................................................................. 37

Information systems Uwaiza Abdool Sattar

The thrill of knowledge

'Looking at the mesmerising world and listening to the voices of the

people around me made me wonder where I will eventually fit in and
what my contribution will be. I have come a long way since mumbling
my first few words, forcefully crawling towards my most wanted toy The Science Technology
and taking my first steps. The life cycle starts slowly, but with effort Engineering and Mathematics
great heights can be achieved. (STEM) programme promotes
creativity and encourages leaders
After completing school, I enrolled at the University of Pretoria to take risks in applying their
to study information technology. Suddenly, I was surrounded by knowledge. This will assist in
career-driven students walking haphazardly into lecture rooms, developing problem-solving
voices echoing in hallways, and students anxiously searching for analysis and encourage
information in the libraries. adaptation to different
scenarios. Programmes like
I AM a final-year BIT (Information Systems) student. This degree these increase students’
offers exciting opportunities in the new digital economy. I want to confidence and encourage
pursue my dream of becoming a systems analyst and driving the them to tackle problems with
development and design of different systems that will improve determination to become
the productivity of various businesses and organisations. The next-generation innovators.
programme is constantly changing as a result of continuous
innovation, and the consequent availability of new tools, resources Innovation is the gift that keeps on giving and is revolutionising the world.
and techniques. It is the result of continuous inspiring ideas, processes and developments
and keeps everyone on the edge of their seats. My dream for Africa is that its
As an EBIT student, I have been granted the opportunity to take on people should feel valued and proud, standing hand-in-hand in unity despite
various leadership roles. In my second year, I had the privilege of their differences. We should accept our flaws, celebrate our successes and
serving as the Secretary of the JuniorTukkie Student Ambassadors bring forth a remarkable generation. Africa has a rich cultural and ethnic
Society and of EBIT House. This year, I am the Chairperson of EBIT diversity, a unique heritage and much more. I would like to contribute to
House and the SRC Academics Representative. These roles have ensuring a better life for all and the dissemination of knowledge that will
taught me the value of good human relations, team-building skills equip people to make remarkable contributions.Everyone has the potential
and the fostering of potential. to make a difference, and today is the day to take the first step!'

29 146 69% 94 53 7

Produced by the Department of Enrolment and Student Administration in December 2021.

Comments and queries may be directed to or tel: +27 (0)12 420 3111.

Disclaimer: This publication contains information about regulations, policies, tuition fees, curricula and programmes of the University of Pretoria applicable at the time of
printing. Amendments to or updating of the information in this publication may be affected from time to time without prior notification. The accuracy, correctness or validity of
the information contained in this publication is therefore not guaranteed by the University at any given time and is always subject to verification. The user is kindly requested to
verify the correctness of the published information with the University at all times. Failure to do so will not give rise to any claim or action of any nature against the University by
any party whatsoever.
1 Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology 2023

Undergraduate programmes

Important information for all prospective students for 2023

� The admission requirements and general information in this brochure apply to students who apply for admission to the University of Pretoria
with a National Senior Certificate (NSC) and Independent Examination Board (IEB) qualifications.
� Applicants with qualifications other than the abovementioned should refer to:
– Brochure: Undergraduate Programme Information 2023: Qualifications other than the NSC and IEB, available at >
Undergraduate > Admission information.
– Brochure: Newcomers Guide 2022, available at > Undergraduate > Admission information.
– Website:
� School of Tomorrow (SOT) and Accelerated Christian Education (ACE): The University of Pretoria no longer accepts qualifications awarded by
these institutions.
� General Education Development (GED): South African GED graduates who graduated up to 2019 may be considered for admission provided
they qualify for an exemption certificate issued by USAf and comply with university admission requirements, as well as faculty subject
requirements. South African GED graduates who graduated after 2019 cannot be considered for admission to UP as the diploma is not accredited
by USAf and will not be considered for exemption. Applicants from the USA who completed the GED may apply for a Foreign Conditional
Exemption Certificate issued by USAf accompanied by their SAT/TOEFL/IELTS results.
� National Certificate (Vocational) (NCV) Level 4: The University of Pretoria may consider NCV candidates, provided they meet the exemption for
bachelor’s status criteria and the programme requirements.

Important faculty-specific information on undergraduate programmes for 2023

The closing date for all selection programmes is 30 June 2022. The University of Pretoria has decided not to set a specific closing date for
applications to non-selection programmes for 2023. Applications will close when the available study spaces are filled (close on availability
of space). Once the available number of study places for a specific programme are filled, no further applications for that particular
programme will be considered. All applicants are therefore strongly advised and encouraged to submit their applications as soon as
possible after 1 April 2022 and to check the application site (UP Student Portal) regularly.

� The following persons will be considered for admission: Candidates who have a certificate that is deemed by the University to be equivalent
to the required National Senior Certificate (NSC) with university endorsement; candidates who are graduates from another tertiary institution
or have been granted the status of a graduate of such an institution, and candidates who are graduates of another faculty at the University of
� Life Orientation is excluded when calculating the APS.
� Grade 11 results are used for the conditional admission of prospective students.
� A valid qualification with admission to degree studies is required.
� Minimum subject and achievement requirements, as set out in the table below, are required.
� Conditional admission to the four-year programmes in the School of Engineering is guaranteed only if a prospective student complies with ALL
the requirements as indicated in the undergraduate minimum admission requirements table on page 2.
� Admission to ENGAGE in the School of Engineering will be determined by the NSC results, achievement levels of 5 for Mathematics, Physical
Sciences and English, and an APS OF 30.
� Students may apply directly to be considered for the ENGAGE programme.
� All modules will be presented in English, as English is the language of tuition, communication and correspondence.

Second-choice programme: Should your Admission Point Score (APS) adhere to our entrance requirements for our engineering programmes,
and you are not accepted for your first-choice programme, then please consider an alternative engineering programme as your second-choice
programme. If your APS does not meet the entrance requirements, then consider the second-choice programme indicated in the tables on pages 2-5.

Accreditation: The various programmes in the School of Engineering are accredited by the Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA), and
our degrees meet the requirements for professional engineers in South Africa. All our programmes in the School for the Built Environment
are internationally recognised and accredited by their respective statutory councils, allowing students to register as members of their chosen
professions. All the degree offerings in the School of Information Technology (SIT) are highly sought after in the IT industry with a focus on industry-
related trends. The curriculum conforms to the highest international standards. We are very proud to be a member of the iSchools Organisation.
We are the only IT School in South Africa with Accreditation Board for Engineering & Technology (ABET) rating.
University of Pretoria 2

Undergraduate programmes

University of Pretoria website

Minimum requirements for NSC and IEB for 2023

Achievement level

English Home
Language or English
SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING Mathematics Physical Sciences
First Additional

BEng (Industrial Engineering)

[4 years]
Close on availability of space: 5 6 6 35
As soon as the number of places available for this programme are filled, it will be
closed for further applications.
The suggested second-choice programmes for BEng (Industrial Engineering) are BSc (Chemistry), BSc (Mathematics) and BSc (Physics) if your APS and subject requirements of your
first-choice programme are not obtained.
Careers: Industrial engineers design, test, implement and manage a wide range of man/machine systems for production and the delivery of services. Organisational matters that
require optimisation include site selection and layout of facilities, manufacturing, inventory control, materials handling, supply chain management, quality management, cost
control, financial services, maintenance, reliability, computer simulation, information systems, human resources and business law.
BEng (Chemical Engineering)
[4 years]
Close on availability of space: 5 6 6 35
As soon as the number of places available for this programme are filled, it will be
closed for further applications.
The suggested second-choice programmes for BEng (Chemical Engineering) are BSc (Chemistry), BSc (Mathematics) and BSc (Physics) if your APS and subject requirements of your
first-choice programme are not obtained.
Careers: Chemical engineers are involved in industrial processes that convert raw materials to products with a higher economic value. This is achieved using physical, thermal,
chemical, biochemical and mechanical changes and processes. Chemical engineers apply their specialised knowledge in the petroleum, food, minerals processing, power
generation and the paper and pulp industries, water and effluent treatment, and environmental engineering activities, including air pollution control. Like those in other
engineering disciplines, chemical engineers are involved in research and development, techno-economic evaluation, equipment and plant design, process control and optimisation,
construction, commissioning, operation and management, and the marketing and distribution of the final products.
BEng (Civil Engineering)
[4 years]
Close on availability of space: 5 6 6 35
As soon as the number of places available for this programme are filled, it will be
closed for further applications.
The suggested second-choice programmes for BEng (Civil Engineering) are BSc (Chemistry), BSc (Mathematics) and BSc (Physics) if your APS and subject requirements of your
first-choice programme are not obtained.
Careers: Civil engineers design, build and maintain constructions such as tower blocks and skyscrapers, dams, canals and pipelines, roads, bridges, tunnels, railways, airports,
power stations, towers, waterworks and outfall installations. They are involved in financial modelling, feasibility studies and the management and rehabilitation of large asset
BEng (Electrical Engineering)
[4 years]
Close on availability of space: 5 6 6 35
As soon as the number of places available for this programme are filled, it will be
closed for further applications.
The suggested second-choice programmes for BEng (Electrical Engineering) are BSc (Chemistry), BSc (Mathematics) and BSc (Physics) if your APS and subject requirements of your
first-choice programme are not obtained.
Careers: Electrical engineers are active in the generation, storage, transmission, distribution and utilisation of electrical energy. There is a bright future in renewable energy.
Electrical engineers design, supervise the construction, oversee the optimal operation and assure perfect and timely maintenance of all electrical installations for municipalities,
residential areas, commercial buildings, factories, mines and industries. Rail transport, water pumping, electrical grids, telecommunications, energy management and smart lighting
all fall within the scope of electrical engineering.
BEng (Electronic Engineering)
[4 years]
Close on availability of space: 5 6 6 35
As soon as the number of places available for this programme are filled, it will be
closed for further applications.
The suggested second-choice programmes for BEng (Electronic Engineering) are BSc (Chemistry), BSc (Mathematics) and BSc (Physics) if your APS and subject requirements of your
first-choice programme are not obtained.
Careers: Electronic engineers are active in various fields, such as telecommunications (fixed networks, wireless, satellite, television, radar and radio frequency networks),
entertainment and medicine (magnetic resonance imaging, X-rays, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, infrared tomography, electroencephalograms (EEGs), electrocardiograms (ECGs),
rehabilitation engineering and biokinetics), integrated circuit design, bioengineering, military equipment design (vehicle electronics, smart bombs, night vision, laser systems),
transport (e-tags, speed measuring, railway signalling, global positioning system (GPS) and mapping), ‘smart’ dust, safety and security systems (face and speech recognition),
banking (ATMs), commerce, robotics, education, environmental management, tourism and many more.
BEng (Mechanical Engineering)
[4 years]
Close on availability of space: 5 6 6 35
As soon as the number of places available for this programme are filled, it will be
closed for further applications.
The suggested second-choice programmes for BEng (Mechanical Engineering) are BSc (Chemistry), BSc (Mathematics) and BSc (Physics) if your APS and subject requirements of
your first-choice programme are not obtained.
Careers: Mechanical and aeronautical engineers are concerned with power-generating machines and systems such as vehicles, ships, air-conditioners, pebble-bed nuclear reactors,
aeroplanes, engines and turbines, robots and biomedical systems. Areas of specialisation include product design and manufacturing (such as the design, testing and improvement
of mechanical, electrical, pneumatic and hydraulic systems), marine engineering and naval architecture, biomedical engineering, air-conditioning and refrigeration, aerospace
systems and aircraft/missile engineering, vehicle engineering, maintenance engineering and energy management (gas and steam turbines, nuclear power reactors, petrol engines,
cooling towers and renewable energy systems).
3 Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology 2023

Undergraduate programmes

Minimum requirements for NSC and IEB for 2023

Achievement level

English Home
Language or English
SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING Mathematics Physical Sciences
First Additional

BEng (Metallurgical Engineering)

[4 years]
Close on availability of space: 5 6 6 35
As soon as the number of places available for this programme are filled, it will be
closed for further applications.

The suggested second-choice programmes for BEng (Metallurgical Engineering) are BSc (Chemistry), BSc (Mathematics) and BSc (Physics) if your APS and subject requirements of
your first-choice programme are not obtained.

Careers: Metallurgical engineers unlock the riches of deposits of metal ores and minerals and optimise the manufacture and performance of metallic components. You’ll
find metallurgical engineers where valuable minerals are recovered from ore, where metals are produced from the minerals and where the metals are converted into useful
materials as well as into high-performance products. Areas of specialisation include minerals processing, extractive metallurgy, materials engineering and performance, advanced
manufacturing processes, including laser-assisted additive manufacturing and welding, as well as failure analysis and forensic engineering.

BEng (Mining Engineering)

[4 years]
Close on availability of space: 5 6 6 35
As soon as the number of places available for this programme are filled, it will be
closed for further applications.

The suggested second-choice programmes for BEng (Mining Engineering) are BSc (Chemistry), BSc (Mathematics) and BSc (Physics) if your APS and subject requirements of your
first-choice programme are not obtained.

Careers: Mining engineers have a wide range of opportunities, namely mining (mine management, technical management of ventilation, rock mechanics, rock breaking, mineral
resources), financial evaluation and management (mine design, financial evaluation of mines, mine feasibility studies, mine environmental impact studies), mining and drilling
contracting (mining, tunnelling, shaft sinking, mine development, ore evaluation), mining research, mining equipment design and manufacture, mining marketing and mining
administration at national, provincial and international levels.

BEng (Computer Engineering)

[4 years]
Close on availability of space: 5 6 6 35
As soon as the number of places available for this programme are filled, it will be
closed for further applications.

The suggested second-choice programmes for BEng (Computer Engineering) are BSc (Chemistry), BSc (Mathematics) and BSc (Physics) if your APS and subject requirements of your
first-choice programme are not obtained.

Careers: Computer engineers are active in all fields of the information superhighway and the information and communication technology (ICT) world, which include computer
systems, software engineering, computer and communications networks, wireless sensor networks, embedded software, electronics, smart control systems and automation,
data security, e-commerce, pattern recognition (face and speech recognition) and artificial intelligence. They specialise in combining hardware, software and communication
technologies to optimise system performance.

Engineering Augmented Degree Programme (ENGAGE)

ENGAGE is a supporting programme for Engineering disciplines
[5 years]
5 5 5 30
Close on availability of space:
As soon as the number of places available for this programme are filled, it will be
closed for further applications.

For advice on a second-choice programme, please consult a Student Advisor. To make an appointment, send an email to

Note: The admission requirements above are relevant to prospective students who will commence their studies in 2023.
Admission to ENGAGE in the School of Engineering will be determined by the NSC results, achievement levels of 5 for Mathematics, Physical Sciences and English, and an APS OF 30.
2022 entries, will be determined by NSC results, achievement levels of 5 for Mathematics, Physical Sciences and English, and an APS of minimum 30.
The National Benchmark Test (NBT) is no longer a requirement for any undergraduate programme in 2023.
University of Pretoria 4

Undergraduate programmes

Minimum requirements for NSC and IEB for 2023

Achievement level

English Home
Language or English
SCHOOL FOR THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT Mathematics Physical Sciences
First Additional

BSc (Architecture)
[3 years] 5 4 4 27
Closing date: 30 June

For advice on a second-choice programme, please consult a Student Advisor. To make an appointment, send an email to

Will only be considered as first study choice.

Selection programme: Selection includes an interview.
Careers: The BSc (Architecture) degree programme enables graduates to register with the South African Council for the Architectural Profession (SACAP) as candidate architectural
technologists. The qualification is the first step to future registration as a candidate senior architectural technologist or a candidate architect.

BSc (Construction Management)

or Accounting
[3 years]
Close on availability of space: 5 5 30
As soon as the number of places available for this programme are filled, it will be 4
closed for further applications.

The suggested second-choice programme for BSc (Construction Management) is BSc (Real Estate).

Careers: After completing the three-year undergraduate degree programme, graduates could enter careers in, among others, construction site management or subcontracting. On
completion of the ensuing one-year honours programme, graduates can register as professional construction managers and opportunities become much wider, including project
management, property development, portfolio management, commercial marketing and managerial positions in the corporate environment.

BSc (Real Estate)

or Accounting
[3 years]
Close on availability of space: 5 5 30
As soon as the number of places available for this programme are filled, it will be 4
closed for further applications.

The suggested second-choice programme for BSc (Real Estate) is BCom (Investment Management).

Careers: Apart from a future in areas such as property investment, property finance and facilities, and property management, further studies to obtain an honours degree in real
estate can lead to registration as professional property valuers. Career opportunities encompass the entire spectrum of the property sector, whether as entrepreneurs in the
private sector or as employees in the private, government or semi-government sectors.

BSc (Quantity Surveying) or Accounting

[3 years]
Close on availability of space: 5 5 30
As soon as the number of places available for this programme are filled, it will be 4
closed for further applications.

The suggested second-choice programmes for BSc (Quantity Surveying) are BSc (Construction Management) and BSc (Real Estate).

Careers: Quantity surveying is the science that delivers specialised financial and contractual services and advice to clients in the building and construction industry, as well as
related industries. The three-year undergraduate degree is the first step towards registration as quantity surveyors. The ensuing one-year honours programme leads to registration
as candidate professional quantity surveyors. Career opportunities, apart from those in the private, government or semi-government sectors, also exist in the property, banking,
mining and manufacturing industries.

BTRP – Bachelor of Town and Regional Planning

[4 years]
Close on availability of space: 5 4 - 27
As soon as the number of places available for this programme are filled, it will be
closed for further applications.

For advice on a second-choice programme, please consult a Student Advisor. To make an appointment, send an email to

Careers: Town and regional planners, development practitioners, urban managers, real estate analysts and researchers. While many town and regional planners act as private
consultants to the public and private sectors, the majority are employed by government, research agencies (such as the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) and the
Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC)), non-governmental organisations, community-based organisations, major financial institutions and property development groups. The
qualification will enable graduates to register as professional town and regional planners with the South African Council for Planners.
5 Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology 2023

Undergraduate programmes

Minimum requirements for NSC and IEB for 2023

Achievement level

English Home
Language or English
First Additional

BIT (Information Systems)

[3 years]
5 5 30
Close on availability of space:
As soon as the number of places available for this programme are filled, it will be closed for further applications.

The suggested second-choice programme for BIT (Information Systems) is BIS (Information Science).

This programme is administered by the Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology.
Careers: Data scientist, IT auditor, IT entrepreneur, IT tax specialist, e-business consultant, programmer, business analyst, project manager, CIO, CTO and knowledge manager

BSc (Computer Science)

[3 years]
5 5 30
Close on availability of space:
As soon as the number of places available for this programme are filled, it will be closed for further applications.

The suggested second-choice programmes for BSc (Computer Science) are BSc (Information and Knowledge Systems) and BCom (Informatics).

Careers: Programmers, systems analysts, systems architects, consultants, database administrators, network analysts and researchers

BIS (Multimedia)
[3 years]
4 5 30
Close on availability of space:
As soon as the number of places available for this programme are filled, it will be closed for further applications.

The suggested second-choice programmes for BIS (Multimedia) are BIS (Information Science), BIS (Publishing), BSc (Information and Knowledge Systems) and BCom (Informatics).

Careers: Programmers, web designers, animation specialists, video editors and electronic artists. The programme prepares candidates for positions at any of the following content
producers: paper publications, television, radio, phone technologies and the web. Graduates can become coders and work for programming companies. They can develop skills in
their particular areas of interest, such as digital music or video programming, or graphic, games or web development.

BSc (Information and Knowledge Systems)

[3 years]
4 5 30
Close on availability of space:
As soon as the number of places available for this programme are filled, it will be closed for further applications.

The suggested second-choice programme for BSc (Information and Knowledge Systems) is BSc (Computer Science).

Careers: Graduates will differentiate themselves in an application environment by choosing one of the following options: data science, genetics, geographical information systems,
IT and enterprises, IT and law, IT and music or software development.

BIS (Information Science)

[3 years]
4 - 28
Close on availability of space:
As soon as the number of places available for this programme are filled, it will be closed for further applications.

The suggested second-choice programmes for BIS (Information Science) are BIS (Publishing), BCom (Informatics) and BA.

If informatics is selected as a subject at the first-year level, an achievement level of 5 is required in Mathematics.
Careers: Information and knowledge managers (manage information and knowledge resources), information or e-commerce specialists (organise, retrieve and add value to
information), consultants on information products (services and systems), information brokers (act as infopreneurs and buy and sell information products and services), and system
specialists/analysts/technologists (develop information systems).

BIS (Publishing)
[3 years]
5 - 28
Close on availability of space:
As soon as the number of places available for this programme are filled, it will be closed for further applications.

The suggested second-choice programmes for BIS (Publishing) are BIS (Information Science), BA (Languages) and BA.

Careers: Entry-level job opportunities include assisting specific role-players in the publishing value chain (such as MDs of publishing houses, commissioning editors, editors and
production or marketing managers), market or picture research, copyright negotiations, copy-editing and proofreading, marketing and promotion, distribution and delivery.

BCom (Informatics) Focus area: Information Systems

[3 years]
5 5 30
Close on availability of space:
As soon as the number of places available for this programme are filled, it will be closed for further applications.

This programme is administered by the Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences.

Careers: Data scientist, IT auditor, IT entrepreneur, IT tax specialist, e-business consultant, programmer, business analyst, project manager, CIO, CTO and knowledge manager
University of Pretoria 6

Undergraduate programmes

Paballo Matabane

'I AM a BIT student at the University of Pretoria. I come from

Lebowakgomo in Limpopo, and only knew IT as programming
games or websites. However, studying in this field has exposed
me to different IT disciplines, such as informatics, information
science and computer science. I was triggered by the flexibility
of the BIT degree, because one can pursue any career in the IT
industry, from becoming a programmer to becoming an analyst
of data, businesses or systems. The industry-based learning
programming in your third year really prepares you for the
challenges and complexities you will face in industry.

I can now apply my IT skills in any business or industrial

environment. My studies have taught me to integrate IT in the
business sector, and my final-year project has taught me to
approach companies to develop feasible systems. By joining
various student structures on campus and within the Faculty,
I have also developed leadership skills. EBIT has provided me
with the support structure and the stability I needed to focus on
my studies.'

Although the Faculty expects total The University hosts a wide range All the Faculty’s students automatically become part of EBIT House, which represents
commitment from its students with of student life activities through students and acts as a communication channel between the Faculty and its students.
regard to their academic work, campus organisations like the Within EBIT House, students can find a variety of discipline-specific sub-houses
it encourages them to actively Student Representative Council through which to become involved in more specialised student activities.
participate in university student (SRC), Student Culture (STUKU),
life. This supports the development the Student Sport Committee (SSC) EBIT House
of well-rounded future leaders. and RAG.
7 Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology 2023

Online application process for studies in 2023

Please read through all the steps below to determine which actions are relevant for your application to study at the University of Pretoria in 2023. Citizens from countries other than
South Africa* should also take note of the steps below with specific reference to the important information above the tables in the brochure: Undergraduate programme information
for National Senior Certificate (NSC) and Independent Examination Board (IEB) available at > Undergraduate > Admission information.

Choose a programme
Read about all undergraduate programmes offered at UP in the brochure:
Undergraduate programme information for National Senior Certificate (NSC) and Independent Examination Board (IEB) available at > Undergraduate > Admission information.

� It is important to indicate a first- as well as a second-choice programme � Ensure that your first- and second-choice programmes meet the
on your Online Application. The Online Application Form only makes minimum admission requirements as well as the faculty’s selection
provision for two study choices. If you want to add a third choice, or if guidelines.
you want to change your study choice after you have already submitted � Please note that certain programmes will not be considered if
your online application, please forward your request to indicated as your second choice. Refer to the faculty tables in the
� Your second-choice programme will automatically be considered should abovementioned brochure available at
your application for your first-choice programme be unsuccessful or if > Undergraduate > Admission information.
your first choice is a selection programme. � For study advice, make an appointment with a Student Advisor via
More information is available at > Ms Carol Bosch at
Undergraduate > Admission information.

Tuition and residence fees

For more information on tuition and residence fees, go to

� Fee quotation: Please go to to get an placement in a UP residence. For residence room fees, go to
estimation of the study fees for the programme/s that you are
interested in. � Fees paid by bursaries: Students must submit written proof from the
� Family discount: When two or more dependent children of the same sponsor of the bursary awarded to them prior to registration, otherwise
family are registered simultaneously at the University of Pretoria, they they are responsible for the initial payment. The final decision regarding
may apply for a rebate on tuition fees. the acceptance of a bursary letter rests with the University.
� The 2.5% discount: If the student account is paid in full (ie 100%) by � How and where to pay: We encourage you to make EFT or Credit card
30 April, a 2.5% discount is applicable. payments. Please allow at least 5 working days for the payment to
� Initial payment: This payment is not an additional amount payable, but reflect on your student account.
the first payment towards the tuition fees. � UP banking details: Refer to
� Residence reservation fee: This fee will be payable within 30 days after article/2735940/up-bank-details.
More information is available at

Apply to study at UP in 2023

Apply ONLINE at from 1 April in the year preceding studies.

� The closing date for all selection programmes is 30 June 2022. The � Ensure that the email address that you indicate on your Online
University of Pretoria has decided not to set a specific closing date for Application is correct as your temporary password and T-number
applications to non-selection programmes for 2023. Applications will will be sent to this email address.
close when the available study spaces are filled (close on availability � Ensure that you apply before the closing dates of both your first- and
of space). Once the available number of study places for a specific second-choice programmes. The closing dates are indicated in the
programme are filled, no further applications for that particular faculty tables or go to > Closing dates.
programme will be considered. All applicants are therefore strongly � You will receive your student number within 10 working days after you
advised and encouraged to submit their applications as soon as have submitted your Online Application.
possible after 1 April 2022 and to check the application site (UP Student � On receipt of your student number, you will be able to track your
Portal) regularly. application status on the UP Student Portal. Refer to Step 7 for
� Before you start to complete the Online Application, please watch an instructions on how to gain access to your UP Student Portal.
online application demonstration at >
Study at UP.

Apply for residence placement

The Online Application has a section to be completed if you are interested in residence placement.

� Residence placement is based on academic merit and date of application. � Academic achievers will receive guaranteed residence placement if they
� The demand for accommodation by far exceeds the available spaces. meet the following criteria:
Applications open on 1 April 2022. The earlier you apply the better – applied before 1 May in the year preceding studies;
your chances. – obtained a minimum average of 85% in the examination with which
� Preference is given to students with an academic average of 70% the student applies to study at UP; and
and above. – received conditional admission to a study programme.
More information is available at

Apply for bursaries and loans

Visit the relevant website for closing dates.

UP bursaries and loans Fundi (previously known as Eduloan)

� Applications must be submitted via the UP Student Portal or As a registered credit provider, Fundi covers a wide range of student- No late applications will related necessities such as books, accessories, laptops, university and
be accepted. private accommodation, as well as study tuition with a fixed monthly
� UP sports bursaries: instalment. Anyone can apply for a loan (students, parents or guardians),
provided that the applicant is in full-time employment or has a registered
National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) business. For more information, visit
� For applications and comprehensive information, visit Other bursary options
*Applicants who � Bursaries according to field of study:
are not South � The Bursary Register: Contact or +27 (0)11 672 6559
African citizens.
University of Pretoria 8

Online application process for studies in 2023

National Benchmark Test (NBT)

The National Benchmark Test (NBT) is not required for any undergraduate programme in 2023.

How to access the UP Student Portal

Go to and click on My UP Login.

Note: A T-number is a temporary number and NOT a student number. � Set up your new password and confirm the password in the second
This T-number is issued to the applicant at the beginning of the Online block. Click the “Proceed” button.
Application process. An applicant will receive a UP student number within � A message is displayed to inform the user that the password was set
10 working days after his/her application has been submitted successfully. successfully. Click the “OK” button.
� A list of challenge questions appears. Select any three of these challenge
Applicants will only be able to access the UP Student Portal once they have questions and then click on the “Submit” button. Enter your answer on
received a UP student number, eg u23123456. the three challenge questions you chose and click on the “Save” button.
� A message will be displayed to inform you that your challenge questions
Please watch a video demonstration on: ‘How to access the UP Student have been set up. Click the “OK” button.
Portal’ at � You are now ready to access the UP Student Portal.
� Sign in again with your username and password.
Go to and click on the “New user” link.
� Type in your Username (u followed by your student number) and your
National ID or Passport number. Click the “Proceed” button.

Veterinary Science Value-added Form (VSVAF) and

Veterinary Nurse Value-added Form (VNVAF)

� These documents will be made available on the UP Student Portal, only � Be sure to complete and submit the relevant document before the due
for prospective students in the Faculty of Veterinary Science, who meet date. The Faculty will communicate the due date to applicants on the
the minimum admission requirements. Visit the UP Student Portal UP Student Portal under ”Communications”.
regularly for notices in this regard. � Enquiries may be directed to
� For detailed information about the VSVAF and VNVAF, please refer
to the Faculty of Veterinary Science undergraduate brochure at > Undergraduate > Faculty brochures.

UP Student Contract
Before a student will be able to register, a contract needs to be concluded between the student and the University of Pretoria.

� Students must access the contract online on the UP Student Portal at – You can also post your contract to the Student Service Centre, > My UP Login. University of Pretoria, Private Bag X20, Hatfield, 0028.
� The contract should be completed online, and then printed and signed. – Or you can courier your contract to University of Pretoria (Contracts),
� Due to COVID-19 restrictions, clients are not allowed onto campus yet. University Road entrance, Hatfield, Pretoria, 0083.
– We however have a contract drop-off box at Security at the following � The University of Pretoria does not accept faxed, scanned or emailed
entrances to the Hatfield Campus: Prospect Street, Roper Street, contracts.
University Road, where your completed and signed original contract � Before you start to complete the UP Student Contract, please watch a
can be dropped off. video demonstration on ‘How to complete the UP Student Contract’ at > Study at UP.

Orientation and Registration for new first-year students

� The Orientation Programme will be available on � Online Registration information will be available on by the end of December 2022. online-registration by the end of December 2022.

Special package offer to academic achievers

The special package offer to new first-year students is based on the academic average percentage obtained in
the final school year end examination.

The special package offer includes: � Guaranteed placement in a UP residence to prospective students with
� Guaranteed achievement awards (FLY@UP Assist First-year awards) an academic average percentage of between 85% and 100% if:
to students who qualify. – your application is received no later than 1 May of the year preceding
� Guaranteed admission to first- or second-choice non-selection commencement of studies; and
programmes for prospective students with an academic average – you have been conditionally admitted to a programme.
percentage of between 85% and 100%, if the application is received no
later than 1 May of the year preceding commencement of studies. More information is available at
> Fly@UP Assist 1st Year Awards.
9 Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology 2023

School of Engineering

School of Engineering: Highlights

The Engineering Council of South Africa has granted all programmes

offered by the School of Engineering at the University of Pretoria
accreditation. The School is one of the largest of its kind in the
country in terms of student numbers, graduates and research
contributions. It offers programmes in all the major engineering
disciplines. Many specialisations are also offered at both the
undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

Through the innovative and relevant research undertaken in its

seven departments, the School of Engineering provides its students
with the necessary training to enable them to make a considerable
contribution to engineering in South Africa and abroad. The
departments are Chemical Engineering; Civil Engineering; Electrical,
Electronic and Computer Engineering; Industrial and Systems
Engineering; Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering;
Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering; and Mining Engineering.

The School maintains close ties with industry through several

research chairs in all its departments. These include chairs in
Maintenance Engineering, Pyrometallurgy, Fluoro-material
Science and Process Integration, Carbon Technology and
Materials, Reaction Engineering, Water Utilisation and
Environmental Engineering, Railway Engineering, Industry
Leadership 4.0 and Broadband Multimedia Communications.
It also has a number of research centres and institutes, such as
the Hub for Energy Efficiency and Demand-side Management, the
Advanced Engineering Centre of Excellence, the Industrial Metals
and Minerals Research Institute, the Centre for Telecommunications
Engineering for the Information Society, the Centre for Asset Integrity
Management, the SAIW Centre for Welding Engineering and the Carl
and Emily Fuchs Institute for Microelectronics, to name but a few.
Each department excels in its own research, but the consolidation of
research activities is encouraged, and several sustainable research
groups have been formed to make an impact worldwide.
University of Pretoria 10

School of Engineering

Department of Chemical Engineering

BEng (Chemical Engineering) Chemical Engineering at UP
In addition to producing sought-after graduates in chemical
What does the programme entail? engineering, we conduct research that has led to world-class
The American Institution of Chemical Engineers (AICHE) defines contributions in water utilisation and environmental engineering,
chemical engineering as a branch of engineering that is concerned advanced materials development and applications, bioreaction
with the application of physical and natural sciences that is gained engineering and process systems design, control and optimisation.
through study, experience, and practice with good judgment to
develop economic ways of using materials and energy for the benefit People with widely divergent interests and temperaments can
of humankind. Thus the discipline involves all aspects of the industrial find themselves in interesting and challenging careers in chemical
processes that, in the broadest sense, convert raw materials into engineering. Many projects require teamwork, where the ability to act
higher-value products using combinations of physical, chemical, as a team member and as a team leader is important. This discipline
thermal, biochemical and mechanical changes. is exceptionally suited to women, and the number of females in our
student complement is continuously growing. In the past three years,
The programme provides you with the necessary foundation to ensure 40% of the Department’s graduates were female.
that once you graduate, you will be able to make creative contributions
to the world’s ever-increasing needs by: Contact information
ƒ converting natural resources into efficient and useable forms of Prof Michael Daramola (Head of Department)
energy; Tel +27 (0)12 420 2475
ƒ developing more durable, lighter and renewable materials; Email
ƒ designing more efficient, environmentally friendly processing plants; Website
ƒ applying biotechnology to convert raw materials into products in a
sustainable way;
First year
ƒ designing processes to ensure that limited natural resources, such as
water, can be reused; and First semester Second semester
ƒ leaving a clean and sustainable environment behind for future ƒ Graphical communication ƒ Mathematics
generations. ƒ Calculus ƒ Electricity and electronics
ƒ Physics ƒ Statics
A solid foundation in chemistry, physics, mathematics and biology ƒ General chemistry ƒ General chemistry
is combined with the principles of the conservation of mass, energy ƒ Chemical engineering ƒ Chemical engineering
and momentum, followed by the application of the economic tenets ƒ Humanities and social ƒ Humanities and social
when designing equipment so as to ensure lucrative processes that sciences 1 sciences 2
will contribute to economic and industrial growth. The programme is
ƒ Workshop practice
aimed at producing graduates who can develop new and innovative
processes, ensuring continued growth to satisfy the abovementioned
needs. Second year
First semester Second semester
Career opportunities ƒ Calculus ƒ Mathematics
Chemical engineers are increasingly making their unique abilities ƒ Differential equations ƒ Numerical methods
available in areas as diverse as the automotive industry and the ƒ Chemistry ƒ Chemistry
biomedical field, in addition to the traditional areas where their ƒ Programming and information ƒ Electrical engineering
unique approach and understanding of the relevant principles lead technology ƒ Engineering statistics
to development in the petroleum, minerals, paper, food and textile ƒ Strength of materials ƒ Thermodynamics
industries. These industries are collectively referred to as the process ƒ Chemical engineering ƒ Community-based project
industries, which is why chemical engineers are often called process ƒ Chemical engineering materials
engineers. Water purification and water treatment, biorefinery/ ƒ Community-based project
waste valorisation, the design and operation of such processes and
the protection of the environment from pollution are further areas in
which chemical engineers make invaluable contributions. Third year
First semester Second semester
One of the characteristic qualities of chemical engineers is their ability ƒ Engineering management ƒ Engineering activity and
to examine an engineering problem at different levels, from using ƒ Transfer processes group work
their detailed knowledge to manipulate the behaviour of molecules ƒ Biochemical engineering ƒ Process dynamics
under very specific conditions applying their expertise to study and ƒ Mass transfer ƒ Kinetics
explain the effect of large chemical plants on a country’s economy ƒ Chemical engineering ƒ Laboratory
and environment. Apart from the opportunity to be part of a team ƒ Professional and technical ƒ Chemical engineering design
that successfully plans, designs and operates large processing plants, communication
chemical engineers can also specialise in the development and ƒ Practical training
application of advanced computer-based methods to design, control
and optimise processes.
Fourth year
A chemical engineer may be involved in any of the stages of a typical First semester Second semester
project, which are: ƒ Particle technology ƒ Design project
ƒ research and development; ƒ Process synthesis ƒ Process analysis
ƒ techno-economic evaluation; ƒ Process control ƒ Research project
ƒ modelling, design and optimisation; ƒ Reactor design ƒ Specialisation
ƒ plant construction and commissioning; ƒ Research project ƒ Chemical engineering
ƒ plant operation and management; ƒ Practical training practice
ƒ problem-solving in manufacturing or in product applications; and
ƒ manufacturing and marketing of equipment and products.
11 Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology 2023

School of Engineering

Department of Civil Engineering

BEng (Civil Engineering) methods. Information technology, and environmental engineering and
management, increasingly form a greater part of the training, so that a
Civil engineers create facilities that improve the quality of people’s lives civil engineer can still be provided with a broad-based qualification that
and environments. This process entails research into the proposed offers challenging, fulfilling and highly adjustable career opportunities
facility, followed by the planning, design and construction of the facility, throughout a career lifespan of from 40 to 50 years.
as well as its continued maintenance. Civil engineers design, build and
maintain constructions such as tower blocks and skyscrapers, dams, In 2020, the Department inaugurated its new Engineering 4.0 facility,
canals and pipelines, roads, bridges, tunnels, railway lines, airports, which includes state-of-the-art laboratories and training facilities to
power stations, towers, waterworks and outfall installations. support the training and education of the engineers of the future.

Since these facilities have a long lifespan and a direct impact on the Contact information
community and environment, civil engineers are trained to deal not Prof Wynand J v d M Steyn (Head of Department)
only with the analytical aspects of design but also to liaise and consult Tel +27 (0)12 420 2171
directly with communities and individuals to design, build and maintain Email
such facilities cost-effectively and to the benefit of humankind. Facilities Website
designed by civil engineers form the infrastructure for wealth and job
creation, for instance, in the manufacturing and housing industries. First year

The development of information technology and computer software First semester Second semester
that make continuous data collection, mathematical modelling ƒ Graphical communication ƒ Mathematics
and designs more effective has drastically changed the nature of ƒ Calculus ƒ Physics
civil engineering in that it enables civil engineers to concentrate ƒ General chemistry ƒ Statics
on the more fundamental aspects of developmental work and ƒ Materials science ƒ Electricity and electronics
design. Continuous evaluation of infrastructure health supports the ƒ Humanities and social ƒ Humanities and social
extension of the functional life of infrastructure through its inputs into sciences 1 sciences 2
maintenance engineering. The worldwide trend towards environmental ƒ Workshop practice
awareness increasingly impacts on the civil engineer’s working

Second year
First semester Second semester
ƒ Calculus ƒ Mathematics
ƒ Differential equations ƒ Numerical methods
ƒ Strength of materials I ƒ Structural analysis
ƒ Geology for engineering ƒ Pavement materials and design
ƒ Programming and information ƒ Engineering statistics
technology ƒ Community-based project
ƒ Strength of materials II
ƒ Community-based project

Third year
First semester Second semester
ƒ Professional and technical ƒ Hydraulics
communication ƒ Geotechnical engineering
ƒ Hydraulics ƒ Civil building materials
ƒ Structural analysis ƒ Reinforced concrete design
ƒ Civil engineering economics ƒ Transportation engineering
ƒ Soil mechanics ƒ Steel design
ƒ Timber design
ƒ Civil engineering measurement

Fourth year
First semester Second semester
ƒ Hydraulics ƒ Civil environmental
ƒ Research project management
ƒ Steel design ƒ Civil engineering
ƒ Reinforced concrete design ƒ Construction management
ƒ Infrastructure planning ƒ Computer applications in civil
ƒ Engineering professionalism engineering
ƒ Practical training ƒ Detailed design
University of Pretoria 12

School of Engineering

Department of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering

BEng (Computer Engineering) banking, security systems, consumer equipment, modems, hand-held
scanners, voting, medical systems (portable and remote diagnostic
What does the programme entail? recorders), robotics, entertainment equipment, global positioning
Computer engineering is one of the three internationally accepted system (GPS) navigation, measurement and control software, and fibre-
and closely related subdisciplines of the traditional field of electrical optic (self-healing) networks.
engineering (electrical engineering, electronic engineering and
computer engineering). Computer engineering is the most dynamic A computer engineer has to be innovative and must keep abreast of
and rapidly growing engineering discipline in the vast and constantly new technologies and developments in both software and hardware.
expanding field of information and communication technology (ICT). Some computer engineers move very quickly into management, where
There is hardly a technological system in the world that does not rely their analytical, synthetic, managerial and leadership skills enable them
on computer engineering. It involves a combination of electronics, to reach the highest levels of corporate management.
computer systems (hardware and software) and communication
systems. A computer engineer is someone with a talent for optimising The aim of computer engineering is to integrate electronics, computing
electronic systems with dedicated computing systems and control and control systems in the best way possible to ensure fast, small and
software. This includes computer and communication networks of powerful systems. Typical subsystems include sophisticated software
all sizes—from a couple of microcontrollers to the worldwide web. It for artificial intelligence, biometrics, radio frequency (RF) subsystems
is essential to know what this career entails before enrolling for the and real-time applications, software engineering, human language
programme. technologies, e-commerce, m-commerce, billing software, data security
and various networking applications, such as storage area networks.
A computer engineer has a good understanding of the basic sciences
and a sound education in the theoretical and practical aspects Career opportunities
(including design methodology) of electronics, digital systems, Computer engineering graduates have access to a wide range of job
computer systems and control software. With the dramatic increase in opportunities. These include working for a company (large or small)
computing and storage capabilities, as well as a decrease in size and anywhere in the world as an employee, being an entrepreneur or being
cost, most technological systems include components of computer self-employed. Research and development opportunities are available
engineering. in the fields of communication, computer systems, networking and
peace-keeping operations, and in medical, transportation, software
The computer engineering degree at the University of Pretoria was and electronics companies in South Africa and all over the world. This
developed in 1998 to deliver graduates able to undertake the most provides opportunities for innovation: thinking of a problem to be
demanding challenges of the ICT world in all its forms. Examples of solved and coming up with a solution and even possibly patenting the
computer engineering include cell phone technology, car-control idea. The academic programme at the University of Pretoria prepares
computers for engine management, entertainment systems, security students to become leaders in the field of computer engineering—with
systems, air-conditioning systems, active suspension and anti-lock excellent financial rewards and professional satisfaction.
braking systems (ABSs), which all use the principles of sensing,
computing and actuation under optimised software control. This is the Contact information
fastest-growing new discipline in engineering, and job opportunities for Email
graduates exist all over the world. Website

Computer engineering is used in the following fields in particular: Prof Herman Myburgh (Function Head: Marketing)
telecommunications, computer networking, cell phone operations, Tel +27 (0)12 420 4540
computer system companies, military technologies (avionics, night Email
vision, electronic warfare, drones), transport technologies, internet
continues on page 13 >>
13 Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology 2023

School of Engineering

First year Third year

First semester Second semester First semester Second semester
ƒ Physics ƒ Mathematics ƒ Engineering management ƒ Engineering activity and group
ƒ Calculus ƒ Statics ƒ Microprocessors work
ƒ Electricity and electronics ƒ Program design: Introduction ƒ Analogue electronics ƒ Computer engineering design
ƒ Imperative programming ƒ Humanities and social ƒ Intelligent systems ƒ Software engineering
ƒ Humanities and social sciences 2 ƒ Electromagnetic compatibility ƒ Control systems
sciences 1 ƒ Operating systems ƒ Digital communications
Recess Training:
Recess Training: ƒ Information technology
ƒ Information technology practice
Fourth year
Second year
First semester Second semester
First semester Second semester
ƒ Project ƒ Project
ƒ Calculus ƒ Mathematics
ƒ Engineering professionalism ƒ Research project
ƒ Differential equations ƒ Numerical methods
ƒ DSP programming and
ƒ Data structures and algorithms ƒ Linear systems
ƒ Electrical engineering ƒ Digital systems
ƒ Computer engineering:
ƒ Materials science ƒ Engineering statistics
architecture and systems
ƒ Professional and technical ƒ Community-based project
ƒ e-Business and network
ƒ Community-based project
Recess Training:
Recess Training:
ƒ Practical training and report
ƒ Introduction to programming
and computer simulations
ƒ Information technology

Armand Steyn

'I AM a BEng Electronic Engineering student at the University of

Pretoria. My fascination in innovation and technology fuels my
desire to constantly seek knowledge and expand my mind. EBIT
not only enables, but also encourages this.
The manipulation of electricity to create technology is captivating
and I’ve been able to experience this in action at the Department
of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering (EECE).
The Faculty prioritises the overall development of its students.
The academic staff members continually encourage us to strive
beyond our limits. The Faculty is also incredibly interactive and
hosts numerous events such as career exhibitions, health and
fitness gatherings, and community outreaches.

My department offers world-class facilities to aid in our learning

experience. One event I especially enjoyed was the highly
anticipated annual robot race day, where I was a track official.
Bearing witness to the knowledge acquired by the students to
produce fully functioning microcontroller-based autonomous
robotic vehicles was awe-inspiring. From my experience, the
Faculty truly cares about and supports its students’ progress in
their studies.

I enjoy my course and look forward to my future learning FROM EBIT

experience. My dream is to bring innovative technology to the
world and to further my knowledge in bioengineering technology
in order to make a career out of it. EBIT is undoubtedly the best
platform to bring this dream to fruition.' 356 #1 1%
University of Pretoria 14

School of Engineering

BEng (Electronic Engineering) to be innovative, ie to identify real-life problems and to come up

with solutions, which they might be able to patent. The academic
What does the programme entail? programme at the University of Pretoria prepares students to become
Electronic engineering is one of the three internationally accepted leaders in the field of electronic engineering—with excellent financial
and closely related subdisciplines in the traditional field of electrical rewards and professional satisfaction.
engineering (electrical engineering, electronic engineering and
computer engineering). Electronic engineering entails the vast and Contact information
continuously expanding field of the ‘electronic world and era’. There Email
is hardly a technological system in the world that does not rely Website
on electronics and electronic engineering. An electronic engineer
is someone with a talent for introducing new and upgrading old Prof Herman Myburgh (Function Head: Marketing)
technologies. Tel +27 (0)12 420 4540
An electronic engineer has a good understanding of the basic
sciences and a sound education in the theoretical and practical First year
aspects (including design methodology) of electronics and electronic
engineering systems. The drastic increase in the development of new First semester Second semester
electronic systems globally makes it essential for electronic engineers ƒ Graphical communication ƒ Mathematics
to be well prepared for the work. ƒ Calculus ƒ Physics
ƒ General chemistry ƒ Statics
Our electronic engineering degree programme was developed over ƒ Materials science ƒ Electricity and electronics
many years to provide exactly what the industry expects from such ƒ Humanities and social ƒ Humanities and social
an engineer. This is an exciting world, and since the ‘half-life’ of sciences 1 sciences 2
microelectronics and photonics is only approximately two-and-a-half
years, there are constant improvements and developments.
Second year
Electronic engineering is used in almost all information, First semester Second semester
communication and technology (ICT) application fields, especially
those of telecommunications (cell phones, broadcasting, internet ƒ Calculus ƒ Mathematics
service providers (ISPs), telecommunications companies (Telcos), ƒ Differential equations ƒ Numerical methods
global positioning systems (GPSs), transport (aeroplanes, ships, trains, ƒ Dynamics ƒ Engineering statistics
motor cars), consumer equipment (iPods, induction stoves, fridges, ƒ Electrical engineering ƒ Linear systems
microwaves, television sets), peace-keeping operations (avionics, night ƒ Imperative programming ƒ Digital systems
vision, electronic warfare, drones), medicine (bioengineering, diagnostic ƒ Professional and technical ƒ Community-based project
systems, rehabilitation engineering, intensive care units, laser surgery), communication
robotics (mechatronics, mine robots, spacecraft), entertainment ƒ Community-based project
(video games, shows, casinos), mining, manufacturing, navigation,
communication, satellite surveillance (day and night), access control Recess Training:
(face recognition) and photonics (lasers, optical fibres, networking). ƒ Introduction to programming
and computer simulations
Electronic engineers need to be innovative and have to ensure that
they keep abreast of new technologies. Some electronic engineers Third year
move very quickly into management, where their analytical, synthesis,
managerial and leadership skills are used to reach the highest levels of First semester Second semester
corporate management. Several of this Department’s graduates have ƒ Engineering management ƒ Engineering activity and group
sold their ideas (patents) for vast sums. ƒ Electromagnetism work
ƒ Analogue electronics ƒ Microwaves and antennas
Electronic engineering aims to do things faster, cheaper, in smaller ƒ Microprocessors ƒ Stochastic communication
sizes and with much more control and artificial intelligence. Typical ƒ Modulation systems systems
subsystems that form part of larger electronic systems are amplifiers, ƒ Control systems
transmitters, receivers, control systems, sensor systems, power ƒ Electronic engineering design
supplies, radio frequency (RF) subsystems, micro and nanoelectronics
and microprocessors, digital signal processors (DSPs) and field-
programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). Most electronic systems use a Fourth year
standard process of measurement (sensing) and calculate/compare/ First semester Second semester
store information and controlled outputs (actuators) with extensive
ƒ Project ƒ Project
computing and communication power.
ƒ Engineering professionalism ƒ Research project
ƒ DSP Programming and
Career opportunities
Electronic engineering graduates have access to a wide range of job
ƒ Advanced electronics
opportunities, which include working for companies (large or small)
ƒ Automation
anywhere in the world as employees, or being entrepreneurs or self-
employed. Research and development opportunities are available
Recess Training:
at South African electronics and microelectronics companies and
ƒ Practical training and report
research institutes (such as the CSIR), and at universities all over the
world. Graduates in electronic engineering have the opportunity
15 Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology 2023


Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering (EECE)

This is the largest department of its kind at a university in South Africa and we have the largest number of
specialisation fields in electrical, electronic and computer engineering.

Electrical Engineering Electronic Engineering Computer Engineering

Electrical Engineering focuses on the Electronic Engineering deals with Computer Engineering focuses on
generation, distribution, conversion and applications of electronics and this hardware and software.
efficient utilisation of electrical energy includes: ƒ Hardware includes the field of robotics,
to the electrical grid; for industrial, ƒ Telecommunications (television, radio, digital signal processing, optical networks
commercial and residential applications; cellular) and communication systems.
power line communications as well as coal- ƒ Bioengineering ƒ Software includes artificial intelligence,
fired, hydro and nuclear power stations. ƒ Signal processing e-commerce systems, network security,
ƒ Optics and the design of operating and
ƒ Power electronics embedded systems.
ƒ Electromagnetism
ƒ Control systems Computer Engineering focuses on the
ƒ Microelectronics combination of hardware and software
ƒ Electronic design to provide optimal solutions to real-world
ƒ Embedded systems problems.

Robot race car day.
Watch the video here:
University of Pretoria 16


Industries at which you can expect to find a career:

Electrical Engineering Electronic Engineering Computer Engineering

Applications of Electrical Engineering Electronic Engineering can be applied In short, computer engineers design
extend to coal-fired, hydro and to telecommunications (television, and optimise computers and computing
nuclear power stations; power line radio, cellular communications, optical systems for use in robots, cell phones,
communications and building and railway communication and more), industry cars, wireless networks and cyber security.
wiring. There is now also an intense focus (control systems and power electronics),
on demand side management and energy military, transport and bioengineering. Computer engineers specialise in
efficiency to ensure effective and efficient combining hardware and software to
use of our valuable energy resources both produce optimal solutions to problems.
renewable and non-renewable.

Minimum admission requirements

Minimum requirements for NSC and IEB for 2023
Achievement level
English Home
Language or English
SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING Mathematics Physical Sciences
First Additional
BEng (Electrical Engineering)
[4 years]
5 6 6 35
Close on availability of space: As soon as the number of places available for this
programme are filled, it will be closed for further applications.
The suggested second-choice programmes for BEng (Electrical Engineering) are BSc (Chemistry), BSc (Mathematics) and BSc (Physics).
Careers: Electrical engineers are active in the generation, storage, transmission, distribution and utilisation of electrical energy. There is a bright future in renewable energy.
Electrical engineers design, supervise the construction, oversee the optimal operation and assure perfect and timely maintenance of all electrical installations for municipalities,
residential areas, commercial buildings, factories, mines and industries. Rail transport, water pumping, electrical grids, telecommunications, energy management and smart lighting
all fall within the scope of electrical engineering.
BEng (Electronic Engineering)
[4 years]
5 6 6 35
Close on availability of space: As soon as the number of places available for this
programme are filled, it will be closed for further applications.
The suggested second-choice programmes for BEng (Electronic Engineering) are BSc (Chemistry), BSc (Mathematics) and BSc (Physics).
Careers: Electronic engineers are active in various fields, such as telecommunications (fixed networks, wireless, satellite, television, radar and radio frequency networks),
entertainment and medicine (magnetic resonance imaging, X-rays, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, infrared tomography, electroencephalograms (EEGs), electrocardiograms (ECGs),
rehabilitation engineering and biokinetics), integrated circuit design, bioengineering, military equipment design (vehicle electronics, smart bombs, night vision, laser systems),
transport (e-tags, speed measuring, railway signalling, global positioning system (GPS) and mapping), ‘smart’ dust, safety and security systems (face and speech recognition),
banking (ATMs), commerce, robotics, education, environmental management, tourism and many more.
BEng (Computer Engineering)
[4 years]
5 6 6 35
Close on availability of space: As soon as the number of places available for this
programme are filled, it will be closed for further applications.
The suggested second-choice programmes for BEng (Computer Engineering) are BSc (Chemistry), BSc (Mathematics) and BSc (Physics).
Careers: Computer engineers are active in all fields of the information superhighway and the information and communication technology (ICT) world, which include computer
systems, software engineering, computer and communications networks, wireless sensor networks, embedded software, electronics, smart control systems and automation,
data security, e-commerce, pattern recognition (face and speech recognition) and artificial intelligence. They specialise in combining hardware, software and communication
technologies to optimise system performance.
Engineering Augmented Degree Programme (ENGAGE)
[5 years]
5 5 5 30
Close on availability of space: As soon as the number of places available for this
programme are filled, it will be closed for further applications.
For advice on a second-choice programme, please consult a Student Advisor. To make an appointment, send an email to
Note: The admission requirements above are relevant to prospective students who will commence their studies in 2023.
Admission to ENGAGE in the School of Engineering will be determined by the NSC results, achievement levels of 5 for Mathematics, Physical Sciences and English, and an APS OF 30.
2022 entries, will be determined by NSC results, achievement levels of 5 for Mathematics, Physical Sciences and English, and an APS of minimum 30.
The National Benchmark Test (NBT) is no longer a requirement for any undergraduate programme in 2023.

Note: The Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA) accredits our programmes and our degrees meet the requirements for Professional Engineers in SA.

Contact information Prof Herman Myburgh (Function Head: Marketing)

Tel +27 (0)12 420 4540 | Email or | Website or
17 Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology 2023

School of Engineering

BEng (Electrical Engineering) sizes and shapes, power electronics, control systems, power system
components, power quality and network stability, lamps and lighting,
What does the programme entail? power supplies, photovoltaic (PV) cells, solar geysers, space systems,
Electrical engineering is one of the three internationally accepted robotics and energy management systems.
and closely related subdisciplines in the traditional field of electrical
engineering (electrical engineering, electronic engineering and Career opportunities
computer engineering). This programme covers the vast and Electrical engineering graduates have access to a wide range of job
continuously expanding field of the ‘electrical energy world’. Practically opportunities, which include working for electricity utility companies,
all technological systems in the world rely on electrical power as a mining houses, municipalities, consulting engineers, transportation (rail
source of energy. An electrical engineer is someone with a talent for and sea) companies and research organisations, locally and abroad.
introducing alternative and renewable sources of electrical energy into The advances in electrical energy generation and distribution create
everyday life. tremendous opportunities for entrepreneurs in South Africa and in
the rest of the world. Research and development opportunities are
Enormous challenges exist for utilising and storing electrical energy available locally at institutions such as Denel, Eskom, the Council for
derived from such sources as the sun (solar energy), wind, biomass Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) and Transnet.
and water (hydro-energy), and even nuclear energy. In South Africa,
pumped storage systems are extensively used, and new systems Contact information
are under construction. The next steps in the chain from generating Email
to utilising electrical energy are the transmission and distribution Website
systems. The most cost-effective way of saving electrical energy is to
spend a great deal of research and development time and money on Prof Herman Myburgh (Function Head: Marketing)
sustainable energy-efficient equipment, from electrical machines to Tel +27 (0)12 420 4540
geysers and lighting. Email

There is a shortage of qualified electrical engineers all over the world. continues on page 18 >>
An electrical engineer has a thorough understanding of the basic
sciences and a good education in the theoretical and practical aspects
(including design, installation and maintenance methodology) of
electrical engineering. Due to the current worldwide power crisis, there
is an urgent need for environmentally friendly ways to generate power
and energy.

Our programme in electrical engineering was developed over many

years to provide exactly what the industry expects from such an
engineer. There are fascinating opportunities worldwide for electrical
(high-current) engineers who are capable of taking the lead in
respect of sustainable and environmentally friendly electrical energy
generation, transmission and utilisation. Most car manufacturers have
already introduced electric cars (including series and parallel hybrid
vehicles), and there are many new entrants to the market.

Electrical engineering is prevalent in almost all application fields

and technologies where electrical energy is consumed. Every known
piece of equipment requires a source of energy—powered by mains,
batteries or photovoltaic (PV) cells—and needs the skill of an electrical
engineer. The transport and manufacturing industries are excellent
examples of industries in which electrical engineers use their superior
skills to design, develop and maintain electrical machines (motors and
generators) with control systems for optimal performance. Most ships
and trains are electrically powered.

Other applications of electrical engineering include power reticulation

in cities, townships, shopping malls and factories. The lighting of
indoor and outdoor areas forms the basis of our daily activities. It
includes lighting at sports stadiums, street lighting, safety and security
lighting, task and ambient lighting, as well as lighting for offices,
entertainment and many other specialist applications. Regardless of
whether it is medicine, the military, entertainment, sports, education
or any other field of technology, electrical engineers will be there to
provide the energy and control required. An electrical engineer needs
to be innovative and has to keep abreast of new developments in the
field of technology. Many electrical engineers move into management
positions very quickly and use analytical, synthesis, managerial and
leadership skills to reach the highest levels of corporate management.

Electrical engineering aims to change the world by discovering ways

to generate, transmit, distribute and utilise electrical energy in an
environmentally friendly and sustainable way. Typical subsystems that
may form part of larger electrical systems are electrical machines of all
University of Pretoria 18

School of Engineering

First year Third year

First semester Second semester First semester Second semester

ƒ Graphical communication ƒ Mathematics ƒ Engineering management ƒ Power system components

ƒ Calculus ƒ Physics ƒ Electromagnetism ƒ Engineering activity and group
ƒ General chemistry ƒ Statics ƒ Microprocessors work
ƒ Materials science ƒ Electricity and electronics ƒ Analogue electronics ƒ Control systems
ƒ Humanities and social ƒ Humanities and social ƒ Electrical machines ƒ Power electronics
sciences 1 sciences 2 ƒ Electrical engineering design
Recess Training:
ƒ DSP Programming
Second year

First semester Second semester Fourth year

ƒ Calculus ƒ Mathematics First semester Second semester
ƒ Differential equations ƒ Numerical methods
ƒ Dynamics ƒ Engineering statistics ƒ Project ƒ Project
ƒ Electrical engineering ƒ Linear systems ƒ Engineering professionalism ƒ Research project
ƒ Imperative programming ƒ Digital systems ƒ Electrical drives
ƒ Professional and technical ƒ Community-based project ƒ Power system analysis
communication ƒ Automation
ƒ Community-based project
Recess Training:
Recess Training: ƒ Practical training and report
ƒ Introduction to programming
and computer simulations
ƒ Practical wiring
19 Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology 2023

School of Engineering

Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering

BEng (Industrial Engineering) Contact information
Prof Sarma Yadavalli (Head of Department)
What does the programme entail? Tel +27 (0)12 420 2979
Industrial engineers are generally responsible for the analysis, design, Email
planning, implementation, operation, management and maintenance Website
of integrated systems. These systems consist of people, capital,
materials, equipment, information and energy. They aim to increase First year
the productivity of organisations and to create wealth.
First semester Second semester
Career opportunities ƒ Graphical communication ƒ Mathematics
Since almost any organisation could benefit from the services ƒ Physics ƒ General chemistry
of industrial engineers, they are employed in a wide variety of ƒ Calculus ƒ Statics
organisations in the industrial, business and service sectors. ƒ Humanities and social ƒ Materials science
sciences 1 ƒ Humanities and social
Typical activities of an industrial engineer are: ƒ Electricity and electronics sciences 2
designing, implementing and managing production processes and ƒ Workshop practice
ƒ designing and improving plant layout;
ƒ designing and improving business processes; Second year
ƒ functional design and implementation of information systems; First semester Second semester
ƒ developing and implementing performance criteria and standards;
ƒ providing support with decision-making; ƒ Calculus ƒ Mathematics
ƒ scheduling activities; ƒ Differential equations ƒ Numerical methods
ƒ analysing systems with the aid of mathematical and simulation ƒ Dynamics ƒ Engineering statistics
models; ƒ Programming and information ƒ Productivity
ƒ undertaking economic evaluations of alternatives; and technology ƒ Thermodynamics
ƒ integrating new systems in an existing environment. ƒ Manufacturing and design ƒ Community-based project
ƒ Professional and technical
Is engineering a profession intended mainly for men? As far as communication
industrial engineering is concerned, the answer to this question ƒ Community-based project
is a resounding ’No’. Women who have completed their industrial
engineering degrees at the University of Pretoria have come into their Third year
own in this profession and are counted among the top achievers, both
as academics and as practising engineers. First semester Second semester
ƒ Engineering management ƒ Engineering activity and group
This Department is the largest of its kind in South Africa and currently ƒ Manufacturing systems work
has more than 500 students. Academic staff are specialists in their ƒ Operational management ƒ Industrial logistics
respective fields. Alumni of the Department have made major ƒ Operations research ƒ Information systems design
contributions in several spheres of society and occupy important ƒ Financial management ƒ Simulation modelling
positions in organisations throughout South Africa, while many others ƒ Industrial analysis ƒ Facilities planning
are employed overseas. Currently, the demand for industrial engineers ƒ Practical training ƒ Business engineering
exceeds the supply, and young graduates are virtually assured of
Fourth year
First semester Second semester
ƒ Operations research ƒ Project
ƒ Quality assurance ƒ Labour relations
ƒ Management accounting ƒ Systems engineering
ƒ Engineering professionalism ƒ Engineering economics
ƒ Business law
ƒ Project
ƒ Practical training
University of Pretoria 20

School of Engineering

Department of Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering

BEng (Metallurgical Engineering)
What does the programme entail?
South Africa is not only blessed with the world’s largest deposits of gold,
chromium, platinum, vanadium and manganese but also has extensive
reserves of iron, lead, zinc, copper, nickel, coal and diamonds. The
minerals industry contributes 50% of South Africa’s exports and is one
of the largest employers in the country. Metallurgical engineers play a
key role in the production of minerals and metals and help to process
metals into final products with added value. In this way, the maximum
income is generated in local and international markets. Components
made from metals and other materials are designed to perform
optimally in all aspects of modern life.

Career opportunities Contact information

Metallurgical engineers play a key role in the process of extracting Prof Roelf J Mostert (Head of Department)
wealth from the resources of South Africa and can be involved in three Tel +27 (0)12 420 3182/4551
major fields of specialisation: Email or
ƒ Minerals processing. Processing the ore to release and concentrate Website
the valuable minerals from the mineral resources.
ƒ Extractive metallurgy. The processing of mineral concentrates to
metals through pyrometallurgy or hydrometallurgy as recovery steps. First year
ƒ Materials production, performance and integrity. The First semester Second semester
development of new alloys, the production of useful materials from
ƒ Graphical communication ƒ Mathematics
raw metals, forming through casting and laser-assisted 3D printing,
ƒ General chemistry ƒ Electricity and electronics
as well as joining through welding are examples of metallurgical
ƒ Materials science ƒ Statics
applications. The forensic investigation of failures is also of great
ƒ Calculus ƒ Physics
importance as it contributes to insight into how materials function
ƒ Humanities and social ƒ Humanities and social
and fail.
sciences 1 sciences 2
ƒ Workshop practice
Graduates in metallurgical engineering are responsible for process/
component design and optimisation, commissioning, marketing,
business analysis and research. There is a place for everyone with the Second year
right attitude and interest in the field of metallurgical engineering!
First semester Second semester
Behind the scenes ƒ Calculus ƒ Mathematics
As the leading metallurgical engineering department in South Africa, ƒ Differential equations ƒ Numerical methods
the Department of Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering ƒ Dynamics ƒ Electrical engineering
currently plays a prominent role in the education of metallurgical ƒ Programming and information ƒ Materials science
engineers for the South African metallurgical and mining industries, technology ƒ Process thermodynamics
and its graduate students are in high demand. Many graduate ƒ Mineralogy ƒ Engineering statistics
engineers from other disciplines take postgraduate programmes in the ƒ Professional and technical
Department to enhance their skills in the rich minerals industry in South communication
Africa and abroad. ƒ Community-based project

Unconditional accreditation by the Engineering Council of South Africa

Third year
(ECSA) is a confirmation of the quality of undergraduate teaching in the
Department, and the degree currently enjoys international recognition. First semester Second semester
Staff members consult with and conduct research for industry and
ƒ Materials science ƒ Hydrometallurgy
maintain close contact with local metallurgical industries to ensure that
ƒ Minerals processing ƒ Pyrometallurgy
teaching and research are in line with industry needs. Sophisticated
ƒ Engineering management ƒ Refractory materials
research equipment is available in the Department, as well as in the
ƒ Thermoflow ƒ Mechanical metallurgy
Industrial Metals and Minerals Institute (IMMRI), which is situated in
ƒ Electrochemistry ƒ Engineering activity and
the Department. Bursaries for metallurgical engineering students are
ƒ Practical training group work
available from various industry partners (see the website for additional
ƒ Excursions

Students are supported in several ways by the Department. Fourth year

To help them to overcome problems, a member of staff is appointed
First semester Second semester
as a mentor for each student year group. For first-year students, in
particular, there is an intensive mentorship programme. The normal ƒ Process metallurgy and control ƒ Project
programme runs over four years, but we also offer a five-year ƒ Literature survey ƒ Process design
programme (ENGAGE) for students who require additional support and ƒ Hydrometallurgy
mentoring. ƒ Mineral’s processing
ƒ Metals processing
The Metallurgical Student Association is elected by the student body ƒ Engineering professionalism
and organises social and sports functions. ƒ Practical training
21 Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology 2023


Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering

South Africa has the world’s largest mineral deposits of gold, chromium, platinum, vanadium and
manganese. We also have large reserves of iron, lead, zinc, copper, nickel, coal and diamonds. The
minerals industry contributes to some 50% of South Africa’s exports and is one of the largest employers in
the country.

The Department of Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering, established in 1958, offers the BEng (Metallurgical Engineering) degree
programme, fully accredited by ECSA (2017-2021). Professional metallurgical engineers who graduate from this programme, take minerals
from the phase of exploration into successful utilisation of high-performance products.

The three main fields of specialisation in metallurgical engineering are:

Minerals processing

Processing the ore to release and concentrate the valuable minerals contained in it.

Extractive metallurgy

The processing of mineral concentrates to metals through pyrometallurgy (including smelting) or hydrometallurgy (including
leaching) as refining steps.

Materials production, performance and integrity

This field entails the development of new alloys, the production of useful materials and products from raw metals, including
forming through casting, 3D printing using lasers and joining through welding. The forensic investigation of failures is also of
great importance.
University of Pretoria 22


Design, manage and optimise Extract and process metals Minimise the environmental
Develop plans to optimally
processing plants where from minerals into products impact of processing plants
extract minerals and metals
minerals are beneficiated and that have commercial value and their manufacturing
from the earth.
metals produced. and generate income. processes.

Fields in which
their expertise

Research the best methods

Develop manufacturing
Investigate the reasons for to manufacture components
processes and monitor Design innovative new
the failure of components and products for various
the production and use of components and products
through forensic analysis applications, including
components and products for the future.
and testing. aerospace and medical
made from metals and alloys.

Metallurgical engineers unlock the riches of deposits of metal ores and minerals and optimise the manufacture and performance of
metallic components. You’ll find metallurgical engineers where valuable minerals are recovered from ore, where metals are produced
from the minerals and where the metals are converted into useful materials as well as into high-performance products. Areas of
specialisation include minerals processing, extractive metallurgy, materials engineering and performance, advanced manufacturing
processes, including laser-assisted additive manufacturing and welding, as well as failure analysis and forensic engineering.

Careers include production engineers, plant managers, consultants, forensic engineers and researchers.

Minimum admission requirements

Minimum requirements for NSC and IEB for 2023
Achievement level

English Home
Language or English
SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING Mathematics Physical Sciences
First Additional

BEng (Metallurgical Engineering) [4 years]

Close on availability of space: As soon as the number of places available for this 5 6 6 35
programme are filled, it will be closed for further applications.
The suggested second-choice programmes for BEng (Metallurgical Engineering) are BSc (Chemistry), BSc (Mathematics) and BSc (Physics).

Note: The Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA) accredits our programmes and our degrees meet the requirements for Professional Engineers in SA.

Contact information Prof Roelf J Mostert (Head of Department)

Tel +27 (0)12 420 3182/4551 | Email | Website
23 Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology 2023

School of Engineering

Department of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering

BEng (Mechanical Engineering) Contact information
Prof Josua Meyer (Head of Department)
What does the programme entail? Tel +27 (0)12 420 3104
Mechanical and aeronautical engineering entails the application of Email
science to design, manufacture, operate and maintain mechanical Website
and aeronautical equipment and processes. The undergraduate
programme focuses on the establishment of a broad knowledge The curriculum is summarised in the tables below (students
of engineering and includes topics such as dynamics, strength of specialising in aeronautical engineering conduct their final-year
materials, thermodynamics, fluid mechanics and design. research and complete design projects on aeronautical topics):

The outputs of mechanical and aeronautical engineers include First year

products and services that add value to the economy of the country.
Mechanical and aeronautical expertise is instrumental in the design First semester Second semester
and manufacture of products and services such as the provision of
electricity and water, transport (road, rail and air), mining activities, ƒ Graphical communication ƒ Mathematics
mechatronics and air conditioning. ƒ Calculus ƒ Statics
ƒ Physics ƒ Materials science
As a result of their broad technical background, mechanical and ƒ Electricity and electronics ƒ Humanities and social
aeronautical engineers either pursue professional careers in these ƒ Humanities and social sciences 2
fields or become very successful senior managers in these industries. sciences 1 ƒ General chemistry
ƒ Workshop practice
Behind the scenes
The Department of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering is the Second year
largest of its kind in South Africa and has modern and fully equipped
laboratories and computer facilities. Prospective students may rest First semester Second semester
assured that they will receive first-class education that is comparable
ƒ Manufacturing and design ƒ Structural design
to the best in the world, as attested by the international accreditation
ƒ Programming and information ƒ Thermodynamics
of the undergraduate programme by the Engineering Council of South
technology ƒ Mathematics
Africa (ECSA). Lecturers in the Department are all actively involved
ƒ Dynamics ƒ Numerical methods
in the industry, either as consultants or as researchers, and the
ƒ Calculus ƒ Engineering statistics
Department has already received eight design awards from the South
ƒ Differential equations ƒ Community-based project
African Bureau of Standards.
ƒ Professional and technical
Our student body is diverse, and at the undergraduate level,
ƒ Community-based project
approximately 20% of the students are female. Alumni of the
Department have made valuable contributions in several spheres of
society and occupy important positions in organisations throughout
Third year
South Africa. Others are employed overseas.
First semester Second semester

ƒ Structural mechanics ƒ Vibration and noise

ƒ Thermodynamics ƒ Solid mechanics
ƒ Engineering management ƒ Engineering activity and
ƒ Machine design group work
ƒ Fluid mechanics ƒ Simulation-based design
ƒ Practical training ƒ Electrical engineering

Fourth year

First semester Second semester

ƒ Computational fluid dynamics ƒ Research project

ƒ Heat Transfer ƒ Thermal and fluid machines
ƒ Engineering professionalism ƒ Mechatronics and Control
ƒ Practical training Systems
ƒ Design project
ƒ Research project Electives:
ƒ Aeronautics
ƒ Maintenance engineering
ƒ Nuclear engineering
ƒ Mechatronics
ƒ Heat and mass transfer
ƒ Optimum design
ƒ Fossil-fuel power stations
University of Pretoria 24

School of Engineering

EBIT’s BEng Mechanical Engineering twins are ready to

take the music and motorsport worlds by storm. Justin
and Darren Oates share identical interests in engineering, #ChooseUP
music and motorsport. They play the piano and have
recorded music in English under the name Telepathy, and
in Afrikaans under the name Alter Ego.

Justin and Darren specialised in motor vehicle

engineering, which studies the behavioral characteristics
of motor vehicles to predict or enhance specific dynamic
or performance effects. Motorsport is about precision,
which appeals to the brothers’ calculated perfectionist
personalities. They hit the main motor racing circuit in
2015, competing in the VW Polo GTI Cup Series, which is
the most competitive level of racing in the country, with
Total as their sponsor.

Much of our passion in motor vehicles is centred

on performance: acceleration, braking, cornering
Justin and Darren Oates
and riding. With our passion for motorsport
and the physics of vehicle behaviour, we finally
decided that engineering was the way to go.
We have always been entrepreneurial and are
continuously thinking of new ideas. To our
pleasant surprise, we learnt that engineering
builds a solid platform for innovation and getting
ideas into the real world.
25 Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology 2023

School of Engineering

Department of Mining Engineering

BEng (Mining Engineering) Behind the scenes
Classes are still relatively small, making it possible for staff to give
What does the programme entail? individual attention to students. The many technical visits that are
As a profession, mining engineering encompasses a broad spectrum organised offer students the opportunity to become acquainted with
of engineering work—from mine evaluation to industrial control. For every aspect of the mining industry. A characteristic of the mining
instance, mining engineers may assess a new mining project as soon engineering programme is the close group cohesion that develops
as the geological confirmation of a newly discovered mineral deposit among students and continues long after graduation.
has been completed. If such a mineral deposit is found to be viable,
mining engineers will design the mine to exploit the mineral deposit. Note: Prospective mining engineering students are advised to
Where the mineral deposit is close to the surface, an opencast mine verify that they are medically compliant with the government
is preferred, but for deeper deposits, an underground mine will be requirements for working on a mine. More information can be
planned. Mining engineers will coordinate the construction of such a found at
mine and bring it to the stage where it starts producing.
Contact information
A typical mine has a lifespan of 15 to perhaps 100 years. The design Prof Ronny Webber-Youngman (Head of Department)
of the mining excavations, with their equipment and services, the Tel +27 (0)12 420 3763
planning of all the activities and the management of the operation at Email
all levels is the responsibility of the mining engineer. This professional Website
will also provide expert advice on rock breaking, blasting, materials
transport systems, mine planning and scheduling, mechanical tunnel First year
development, mine climate control, rock mechanics, support of
excavations, devising mining methods, as well as the design and First semester Second semester
development of equipment. ƒ Graphical communication ƒ Mathematics
ƒ General chemistry ƒ Electricity and electronics
Career opportunities ƒ Materials science ƒ Statics
In addition to operational management, mining engineers are often ƒ Calculus ƒ Physics
involved in the planning and execution of research and development ƒ Humanities and social ƒ Humanities and social
work. To maintain the proud position of the South African mining sciences 1 sciences 2
industry as a world leader, it is necessary to accept the challenges ƒ Workshop practice
of technological development through extensive research and
development programmes. Mining engineers fulfil the role of expert
consulting engineers in various mining groups, as well as in private Second year
practice. Universities, government departments and financial First semester Second semester
institutions also employ mining engineers.
ƒ Dynamics ƒ Surveying
The mining industry is one of the largest industries in the country and ƒ Programming and information ƒ Numerical methods
certainly one of the most important. It supplies raw materials and technology ƒ Engineering statistics
energy minerals to a large variety of domestic industries, while precious ƒ Calculus ƒ Thermodynamics
metals, non-precious minerals, energy minerals and diamonds are ƒ Differential equations ƒ Mathematics
exported to earn foreign exchange. More than 70 different minerals ƒ Strength of materials ƒ Experiential training
are currently produced in South Africa and contribute directly to ƒ Geology for engineering ƒ Community-based project
the gross domestic product. The mining industry provides job ƒ Professional and technical ƒ Introduction to mining
opportunities to more than 400 000 people. Among these, there are communication
obviously many employment opportunities for professionals. ƒ Community-based project

Third year
First semester Second semester
ƒ Surface mining and geotechnics ƒ Explosive engineering
ƒ Thermofluids ƒ Mineral economics
ƒ Minerals processing ƒ Engineering activity and
ƒ Engineering management group work
ƒ Experiential training ƒ Mining
ƒ Industrial excursions ƒ Introduction to project
ƒ Historical geology

Fourth year
First semester Second semester
ƒ Mine ventilation engineering ƒ Mine design
ƒ Mine operational risk ƒ Geodynamics ore formation
management ƒ Industrial excursions
ƒ Engineering professionalism ƒ Project
ƒ Strata control
ƒ Structural geology
ƒ Mining
University of Pretoria 26

School of Engineering

The Engineering Augmented Degree Programme (ENGAGE)

An engineering degree is very demanding. The workload is high, the In the second year, ENGAGE students take all the introductory
pace is fast, and the modules are academically challenging. Many (100-level) engineering modules, as well as a compulsory additional
students also face challenges regarding background knowledge in module for each. They also take one 200-level mathematics module per
mathematics and physical sciences, academic literacy and information semester. In the third year, they take the remaining 200-level modules,
technology. They may not have the study skills to cope with the but since they have already completed two 200-level mathematics
mainstream four-year programme. Furthermore, many students—even modules, their workload is slightly lighter than that of the four-year
some of those who attended high-performing schools—struggle with degree programme students. For the last two years of their studies,
the transition to university life due to the very large first-year classes, ENGAGE students follow exactly the same programme as the four-year
freedom from strict discipline and many social activities. degree programme students.

For this reason, the School of Engineering offers a five-year All the prescribed components of ENGAGE are compulsory. Attendance
programme, called the Engineering Augmented Degree Programme at all lectures and discussion classes in the modules is also mandatory.
(ENGAGE). ENGAGE is available in all the engineering disciplines. It
provides a carefully structured curriculum that helps students to adjust
Four-year programme modules Foundation modules
to university life and cope with the academic demands of engineering
studies. In ENGAGE, the volume of work is gradually increased while the First and second years
support provided is decreased over a period of three years. However, ƒ 100-level science modules ƒ An additional module for
the workload—the time students must spend on their studies—is high ƒ 100-level engineering modules each science and engineering
from the very beginning, so ENGAGE is not for students who do not ƒ 200-level mathematics modules module
want to work! ƒ No additional module (for
200-level Mathematics
Structure of the programme modules)
In ENGAGE, students take the same first-year modules and attend the
same classes as the four-year degree programme students, but the Third year
modules are spread out over two years. In addition, for every 16-credit ƒ 200-level engineering modules ƒ None
100-level (first-year) module, students also take an 8-credit augmented
additional module. For example, in the first year, students take the Fourth year
same mathematics modules (16 credits) as the four-year degree ƒ 300-level engineering modules ƒ None
programme students, as well as additional mathematics modules
(8 credits). In additional modules, students are divided into groups of Fifth year
approximately 50 members to work on strengthening their problem- ƒ 400-level engineering modules ƒ None
solving and other cognitive skills, developing conceptual understanding
and acquiring the background knowledge needed for both the Who may register for ENGAGE?
additional module and the corresponding four-year module. Students may apply for ENGAGE if:
ƒ their marks in the National Senior Certificate meet the minimum
In the first year of study, ENGAGE students take the basic sciences admission requirements for the four-year programme, but they
modules that form the foundation of engineering, namely chemistry, would like more support.
physics and mathematics. However, computer engineering students ƒ Please refer to the table on page 3 for the 2023 admission
take mechanics instead of chemistry. ENGAGE students also requirements.
take Professional Orientation, which provides an introduction to
information technology skills and practice and develops their academic Contact information
and communication skills. Furthermore, first-year engineering students Dr Erika Müller (Programme Coordinator: ENGAGE Programme)
are required to take a module in humanities and social sciences—the Tel +27 (0)12 420 4109
HAS module. Email
27 Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology 2023


Mining Engineering
Southern Africa is abundant in platinum, Currently, massive infrastructures 758 students; has 252 workstations,
gold, chrome, copper, cobalt, diamonds, advancements are taking place with new 30 CDIO-type (conceive, design, implement
coal and iron ore. technologies being pursued. Automation and operate) venues and 296 study cubicles.
and modernisation is taking place to access
The South African mining industry is future ore bodies. The Department of Virtual Reality applications
in transition and will require fresh and Mining Engineering in this regard explores in mining
inspired minds to transform the industry all potential new interventions so as to The Department also involves students
from a labour-intensive and low productive facilitate the learning experience. We also in immersive technology for mining
industry to a motivated and productive offer instructionally designed material for its applications. The Virtual Reality Centre in the
industry capable of mining in excess of 4 000 mining-related subjects. This enhances the Department allows this to be an important
metres below the surface in the gold mining learning experience of students. The Mining feature in mining engineering education.
sector and in excess of 2 000 metres in the Industry Study Centre, which opened its
platinum mining sector. doors in October 2013, accommodates

The rewarding profession of being a mining engineer

Mining engineers will design the mine

Mining Engineering is the study Mining engineers conduct mine
itself. If the mineral deposit is close to
and application of technological methods evaluations as soon as geological
the surface, an opencast mine will be
to effectively and safely operate a mining confirmation of a mineral deposit,
preferred, but for deeper deposits, an
operation. are confirmed.
underground mine will be required.

Mining engineers do mine

Mining engineers design mining excavations; manage operations
Mining engineers coordinate planning and design.
at all levels; provide expert advice on rock breaking, blasting
the construction of such They also oversee mining
materials, transport systems and scheduling; mechanical
a mine, from the planning projects. As consultants,
tunnel development, mine ventilation, rock mechanics, support
phase to full production they provide crucial
of excavations, mining methods, as well as the design and
phase. information to
development of equipment.
University of Pretoria 28


What career opportunities exist for

The University of Pretoria provides
excellent facilities to our Mining
mining engineers?
The mining industry is one of the largest
Engineering students and these include
industries in South Africa, producing more than
access to the:
60 different minerals in over 1 000 mines and
� Kumba Mine Design Laboratory
quarries. Mining amounts to one eighth of the
� Kumba Virtual Reality 3D360 cylinder
gross national product.
� Kumba Virtual Reality 3D theatre
� ARM Laboratory
Mining engineers are employed at a wide range
� Virtual Blasting Wall; and
of companies, both locally and internationally.
� The Metallurgical, civil and mechanical
They are responsible for the effective, safe and
engineering laboratories on the Hatfield
profitable operation of mining undertakings.
Mining engineering careers include that of rock engineer; mine ventilation engineer;
explosives engineer; rock breaking engineer; drill and blast engineer; project engineer; mine
planner and environmental engineer to mention but a few.
The aptitudes and skills of ƒ Mining engineers are mining experts and they are engineers, who have a background in
successful engineers include geology as well as in civil, mechanical and electrical engineering.
the following: ƒ Mining engineers research mining-related topics in order to improve safety and find better
ƒ Be able to visualise objects in three ways to extract minerals.
dimensions ƒ Mining engineers also work in the banking sector and at the Stock Exchange, where they
ƒ Have good health and stamina specialise in risk analysis and investment.
ƒ Have mathematical and scientific ability ƒ Mining engineers are also needed for sales and marketing as well as business development
ƒ Be curious of mining companies or supporting industries.
ƒ Be disciplined
ƒ Be passionate about mining There is a shift in mining as it progresses towards mechanisation and automation through
ƒ Have creativity and initiative robotics. Mechanisation requires in-depth engineering skills to support and operate mobile
ƒ Be responsible mechanised equipment.
ƒ Have self-confidence
ƒ Have organisational skills The Mining Engineering Leadership Academy
ƒ Command respect Our students have a sound academic foundation. To that, we add skills such as self-
ƒ Maintain a cool head and take charge of awareness, communication skills and the ability to work in multi-disciplinary settings and
a situation groups. The philosophy of the Leadership Academy programme is to expose final-year
ƒ Have listening, speech and writing skills students to experiential situations, which teaches them intrapersonal and interpersonal skills.
Psychometric assessments and real-life case studies hone well-rounded leadership habits.

Minimum admission requirements

Minimum requirements for NSC and IEB for 2023
Achievement level
English Home
Language or English
SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING Mathematics Physical Sciences
First Additional
BEng (Mining Engineering)
[4 years]
Close on availability of space: 5 6 6 35
As soon as the number of places available for this programme are filled, it will be
closed for further applications.
The suggested second-choice programmes for BEng (Mining Engineering) are BSc (Chemistry), BSc (Mathematics) and BSc (Physics).
Careers: Mining engineers have a wide range of opportunities, namely mining (mine management, technical management of ventilation, rock mechanics, rock breaking, mineral
resources), financial evaluation and management (mine design, financial evaluation of mines, mine feasibility studies, mine environmental impact studies), mining and drilling
contracting (mining, tunnelling, shaft sinking, mine development, ore evaluation), mining research, mining equipment design and manufacture, mining marketing and mining
administration at national, provincial and international levels.
Engineering Augmented Degree Programme (ENGAGE)
[5 years]
Close on availability of space: 5 5 5 30
As soon as the number of places available for this programme are filled, it will be
closed for further applications.
For advice on a second-choice programme, please consult a Student Advisor. To make an appointment, send an email to
Note: The admission requirements above are relevant to prospective students who will commence their studies in 2023.
Admission to ENGAGE in the School of Engineering will be determined by the NSC results, achievement levels of 5 for Mathematics, Physical Sciences and English, and an APS OF 30.
2022 entries, will be determined by NSC results, achievement levels of 5 for Mathematics, Physical Sciences and English, and an APS of minimum 30.
The National Benchmark Test (NBT) is no longer a requirement for any undergraduate programme in 2023.

Note: The Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA) accredits our programmes and our degrees meet the requirements for Professional Engineers in SA.

Contact information Prof Ronny Webber-Youngman (Head of Department)

Tel +27 (0)12 420 3763 | Email | Website
Departmental administrator Tel +27 (0)12 420 3763 | Email
29 Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology 2023

School for the Built Environment

School for the Built Environment: Highlights

The School for the Built Environment offers professional degree

programmes in architecture, quantity surveying, construction
management, real estate and town and regional planning. All these
programmes are internationally recognised and accredited by
their respective statutory councils, allowing students to register as
members of their chosen professions.

As a School, we pursue the equitable and sustainable development of

people through:
� accredited undergraduate and postgraduate programmes as
professional qualifications;
� active and constructive involvement of students and lecturers in
community development and service;
� academically rigorous and socially relevant research conducted by
students and lecturers;
� contracted service provision to the local, provincial and national
government as well as the private sector; and
� accredited continued professional development (CPD)
opportunities for professionals.

Close relationships with industry and government expose students

to regular engagements with practitioners and real-life projects
and ensure curricula that are relevant to current and future
challenges. These relationships also open doors to exciting research
opportunities at the honours, master’s and doctoral levels in fields
such as environment behaviour studies; climate change adaptation;
urban resilience; urban citizenship; green building; regenerative
design and development; heritage and cultural landscapes; safe
and sustainable housing and urban spaces; strategic development
planning; construction cost databases, escalation and indices; well-
being in the built environment; and contracts and property law.
University of Pretoria 30

School for the Built Environment

Department of Architecture
The Department of Architecture presents an undergraduate History of the Environment
programme in architecture that explores the design of meaningful History of the environment prepares students to define their role
environments across varying scales, from intimate interior spaces to in society and find meaning in history through the study of the self
more significant interventions in landscapes. Specialised programmes and the cultures of others. It investigates the context and meaning
in architecture, interior architecture and landscape architecture are of cultural artefacts, including space and place, to relate form and
introduced at the postgraduate level. order to the environmental, political and philosophical conditions that
influenced their making. It culminates in a reading of southern Africa in
Our vision is to provide a learning environment that fosters critical and the third year of study.
independent thinking, encourages social-ecological accountability and
inspires responsive and responsible problem-solving that contributes Theory of Structures
to the improvement of society and its environment. We engage with The theory of structures equips students with the theoretical
spatial design with academic rigour that is theoretically grounded and knowledge and practical understanding required to analyse, plan and
technologically informed, and our academic programmes are locally design critical structural components such as beams, columns and
and internationally accredited. trusses from a structural engineering perspective, using timber, steel,
concrete and other materials.
What does the programme entail?
The curriculum for the BSc (Architecture) programme integrates Career opportunities
knowledge from the humanities and the natural sciences to develop The BSc (Architecture) degree is accredited by the South African
students’ spatial design skills, and aims to instil a culture of lifelong Council for the Architectural Professions and allows graduates to
learning in graduates. Students attend classes in the following subject enter professional practice as technologists. To be able to register
streams: as a candidate architect, landscape architect or interior architect,
they need to complete two additional professional postgraduate
Design and Applied Theory programmes. Note that the Department recommends at least one
Architecture students attain half of the credits for every year of year of work or travel before postgraduate studies are undertaken.
study in the significant module of design, which is presented in Through a commitment to innovation and internationally recognised
tandem with architectural theory to equip students with a pertinent programmes, the Department maintains professional qualifications of
vocabulary and theoretical underpinning. Design is a studio-based a high standard. The graduates of the Department are highly regarded
module in which projects over a range of scales and complexities are both locally and abroad, in academia as well as in practice.
undertaken to encourage students to develop critical and independent
design thinking, the ability to evaluate design within a social, Architects design spaces and buildings to satisfy our daily needs
cultural and ecological framework, and to explore imaginative and and improve the environment in which we live. They need abilities
appropriate solutions. In the studio, design discernment is fostered and skills that range from the practical to the artistic, and from the
through ongoing discussion, peer learning, and formal and informal technical to the theoretical. As professionals, they conceptualise,
assessment. The Department promotes design that is generative rather design and document building projects and oversee quality control
than stylistically or iconically driven, and students are encouraged to during construction. Architects are ethically and legally bound through
appreciate the universal (global) while engaging with the particular institutes and a government-controlled council, which protects the
(local). interests of the public. Architects may manage their own practices
or work for other—often multidisciplinary—firms, or can make
Community and Practice contributions to the government sector and education.
Students participate in collaborative community projects that are
directed by our research and initiatives in urban citizenship, as well The majority of our graduates work in professional practice, often in
as the Faculty’s community engagement module. In the third year of multidisciplinary firms. Still, there is a wide range of other possibilities
study, the focus turns to the management of a professional practice that branch out from the spatial design disciplines: from furniture to
and the legal context of construction contract law. urban design, ecological planning to entrepreneurship, as well as in
research and advisory positions in the public and private sector.
The study of construction theory, materials and methods is presented Admission by selection
as an extension of design to enable the designer to give tangible A limited number of students are admitted to the Department
expression to built form and realisation to an architectural concept. annually. Admission is determined by a three-part selection process
explicitly developed to level the playing field between students coming
Design Communication from different educational and cultural backgrounds. Please refer to
Design communication offers students the opportunity to develop skills for information on the selection requirements
in harnessing especially the digital tools that are essential to designers and process.
in the twenty-first century. It deals with visual communication, digital
visualisation and representation, and the management of document Important dates
and building information. Applications open on 1 April and close on 30 June.

Earth Studies Contact information

Earth studies introduce students to ecosystemic accountability and Dr Nico Botes
systems thinking to guide them towards designing for well-being in (Coordinator: Undergraduate Programme in Architecture)
the built environment from social, cultural and environmental points Tel +27 (0)12 420 4600
of view. It includes ecological themes that extend to approaches that Email
underpin and inform inclusive, ecological, passive and responsive Website
Academic enquiries: Prospective students
continues on page 31 >>
31 Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology 2023

School for the Built Environment

Undergraduate Minimum duration Outcome (registration with SACAP)

BSc (Architecture) Three years (full-time, studio-based) Candidate Architectural Technologist
At least one year of work or travel recommended before postgraduate studies are undertaken.
Professional Postgraduate Minimum duration Outcome
Bachelor of Architecture Honours One year (full-time, studio-based) Candidate Senior Architectural Technologist
Bachelor of Landscape Architecture Candidate Senior Landscape Architectural
One year (full-time, studio-based)
Honours Technologist
Bachelor of Interior Architecture Honours One year (full-time, studio-based) Candidate Senior Interior Designer
Master of Architecture One year (full-time, studio-based) Candidate Architect
Master of Landscape Architecture One year (full-time, studio-based) Candidate Landscape Architect
Master of Interior Architecture One year (full-time, studio-based) Candidate Interior Architect

Department of Construction Economics

BSc (Construction Management) The Department also offers master’s and doctoral degrees,
which can be obtained by submitting a thesis and passing an
What does the programme entail? oral examination.
Construction management is the management of the physical
construction process within the built environment and includes the Contact information
coordination, administration and management of resources. The Mr Derick Booyens
construction manager takes full responsibility in this process and can (Programme Leader: Construction Management)
work as either the contractor or the project manager. Tel +27 (0)12 420 4433
Career opportunities Website
Various job opportunities exist in the construction industry. On
successful completion of the three-year programme, students can First year
enter a career in construction management, or undertake subcontract
and main contract work. On successful completion of the one-year First semester Second semester
honours degree, opportunities become far wider. The one-year ƒ Building drawings ƒ Academic literacy
honours degree focuses on further training in aspects such as financial, ƒ Building science ƒ Building organisation
project and strategic management. ƒ Academic information ƒ Building science
management ƒ Building services
After registration with the South African Council for the Project and ƒ Academic literacy ƒ Quantities
Construction Management Professions (SACPCMP), students will be ƒ Building services ƒ Structures
able to become professional construction project managers. ƒ Quantities ƒ Economics
ƒ Introduction to structures
Duration of programme ƒ Economics
ƒ BSc (Construction Management): The three-year programme ƒ Mathematics
will qualify BSc (Construction Management) graduates to support
professionals in the construction industry with all types of
construction work. Second year
ƒ BScHons (Construction Management): The one-year BScHons First semester Second semester
(Construction Management) programme qualifies graduates to start
a professional construction management career in the construction ƒ Building science ƒ Property law
industry and related industries. After submitting proof of prescribed ƒ Statistics ƒ Building science
professional practical experience and the successful completion of ƒ Financial management ƒ Statistics
an assessment of professional competence, graduates may register ƒ Building services ƒ Building services
with the South African Council for the Project and Construction ƒ Construction quantities ƒ Construction quantities
Management Profession (SACPCMP). The honours degree requires ƒ Civil engineering services
students to work part-time at approved construction companies/ ƒ Community-based project
firms for at least 240 hours to supplement their theoretical studies ƒ Site surveying
with hands-on practical experience. Students will be required to keep
and submit a logbook on the prescribed template. Third year

Selection process First semester Second semester

Only a limited number of candidates can be accommodated, and ƒ Business law ƒ Housing
admission is subject to selection. ƒ Building science ƒ Building science
ƒ Building services ƒ Sustainable construction
Behind the scenes ƒ Construction management ƒ Construction management
The BSc (Construction Management) and BScHons (Construction ƒ Financial management ƒ Construction quantities
Management) programmes are accredited nationally by the SACPCMP ƒ Construction quantities ƒ Financial management
and internationally by the Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB) in the ƒ Labour Law ƒ Introduction to construction
UK. The CIOB has a worldwide footprint and provides our degrees in contract law
construction management with international recognition.
University of Pretoria 32

School for the Built Environment

BSc (Quantity Surveying) Behind the scenes

The three-year BSc (Quantity Surveying) and BScHons (Quantity
What does the programme entail? Surveying) programmes are accredited nationally by the SACQSP and
Quantity surveyors are independent, professional consultants who are internationally by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS).
responsible for the financial management of construction projects. The RICS has a worldwide footprint, which provides our degrees in
They provide specialised financial and contractual services, as well as quantity surveying with international recognition. The Department
advice to clients in the construction industry. They act in collaboration also offers master’s and doctoral degrees, which can be obtained by
with, among others, architects, consulting engineers and contractors to submitting a thesis and passing an oral examination.
promote the interests of the building client.
Contact information
Career opportunities Mr Danie Hoffman (Programme Leader: Quantity Surveying)
Various job opportunities exist in the construction industry. The Tel +27 (0)12 420 2551
majority of quantity surveyors are employed in quantity surveying Email
practices in the private sector. Website

After registration with the South African Council for the Quantity First year
Surveying Profession (SACQSP), quantity surveyors may become
partners or directors, or they could start their own professional First semester Second semester
practices. Quantity surveyors also act as project managers and valuers, ƒ Building drawings ƒ Building organisation
provided that they are registered with the relevant councils. ƒ Building science ƒ Building science
ƒ Academic information ƒ Building services
Various government departments employ quantity surveyors. The management ƒ Quantities
property sector, banking, engineering and manufacturing industries ƒ Academic literacy ƒ Structures
offer further career options. Quantity surveyors also work for ƒ Building services ƒ Economics
construction firms or establish their own building enterprises and ƒ Quantities
construction companies. ƒ Introduction to structures
ƒ Economics
Duration of the programme ƒ Mathematics
ƒ BSc (Quantity Surveying): This three-year programme qualifies
BSc (Quantity Surveying) graduates to support professional quantity
surveyors with all types of construction work, particularly buildings Second year
and infrastructure. First semester Second semester
ƒ BScHons (Quantity Surveying): The one-year BScHons (Quantity
Surveying) programme qualifies graduates to start a professional ƒ Building science ƒ Building science
quantity surveying career in the construction industry and related ƒ Statistics ƒ Statistics
industries. After submitting proof of the prescribed professional ƒ Financial management ƒ Building services
practical experience and the successful completion of an assessment ƒ Building services ƒ Quantities
of professional competence, graduates may register with the South ƒ Quantities ƒ Civil engineering services
African Council for the Quantity Surveying Profession (SACQSP). The ƒ Property law
honours degree requires students to work part-time at approved ƒ Community-based project
quantity surveying firms for at least 240 hours to supplement their ƒ Site surveying
theoretical studies with hands-on practical experience. Students
will be expected to keep and submit a logbook on the prescribed Third year
First semester Second semester
Selection process ƒ Business law ƒ Housing
Only a limited number of candidates can be accommodated, and ƒ Quantity surveying practice ƒ Quantity surveying practice
admission is subject to selection. ƒ Building science ƒ Building science
ƒ Building services ƒ Sustainable construction
ƒ Quantities ƒ Quantities
ƒ Financial management ƒ Introduction to construction
contract law
33 Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology 2023

School for the Built Environment

BSc (Real Estate) First year

What does the programme entail? First semester Second semester

The study of real estate covers all aspects relating to land and buildings, ƒ Building drawings ƒ Building organisation
including the development of land, the management of buildings ƒ Building science ƒ Building science
(including shopping centres), the valuation of land and buildings and ƒ Academic information ƒ Building services
decision making regarding the financing of, and investment in land and management ƒ Quantities
buildings. Real estate/Property practitioners are professional people ƒ Academic literacy ƒ Economics
who work in all spheres of the property industry—also as professional ƒ Building services ƒ Real estate
property valuers. ƒ Quantities
ƒ Economics
Career opportunities ƒ Real estate
Real estate (or property) studies has developed into a specialised ƒ Mathematics
field requiring unique expertise in areas where the property sector
represents a significant part of the South African economy. Worldwide
property/real estate comprises between 40% and 50% of the world’s Second year
total assets. First semester Second semester

Apart from a future in areas such as property investment, property ƒ Building science ƒ Building science
finance and facilities management, further studies to obtain an ƒ Statistics ƒ Statistics
honours degree in real estate can lead to registration as a professional ƒ Financial management ƒ Building services
property valuer. ƒ Building services ƒ Civil engineering services
ƒ Real estate ƒ Real estate
Career opportunities exist in the entire spectrum of the property ƒ Property law
sector, and individuals with a qualification in real estate can work as ƒ Community-based project
entrepreneurs in the private sector, or as employees in the private, ƒ Site surveying
government or semi-governmental sectors.
Third year
Duration of the programme
ƒ BSc (Real Estate): This is a three-year programme that will qualify First semester Second semester
graduates to work in the various spheres of the property industry, ƒ Business law ƒ Housing
including management, development and marketing. ƒ Building science ƒ Building science
ƒ BScHons (Real Estate): Students who complete this one-year ƒ Building services ƒ Sustainable construction
programme will be qualified to start a professional career in the ƒ Property valuation ƒ Property valuation
property industry. After submitting proof of having gained the ƒ Real estate ƒ Real estate
prescribed professional practical experience, and the successful ƒ Financial management ƒ Introduction to construction
completion of a professional examination, graduates may register contract law
with the South African Council for the Property Valuers Profession

The honours degree requires students to work part-time at approved

property companies or related businesses for at least 240 hours
to supplement their theoretical studies with hands-on practical
experience. They will be expected to keep and submit a logbook
on the prescribed template.

Selection process
Only a limited number of candidates can be accommodated, and
admission is subject to selection.

Behind the scenes

The BSc (Real Estate) and BScHons (Real Estate) programmes are
accredited nationally by the SACPVP and, apart from qualifying
students to work in all spheres of the property industry, enable them to
become professional property valuers.

The Department also offers an MSc (Real Estate) coursework degree,

as well as master’s and doctoral degrees, which can be obtained by
submitting a thesis and passing an oral examination.

Internationally, the MSc RE Coursework degree is accredited by

the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS). The worldwide
footprint of the RICS provides our real estate degrees with international

Contact information
Ms Vita Wilkens (Programme Leader: Real Estate)
Tel +27 (0)12 420 3599
University of Pretoria 34

School for the Built Environment

Mashoto Tsogae

'I AM a BSc Construction Management student at the University

of Pretoria. I am looking forward to graduating and starting the
honours programme in EBIT.

Initially, it was difficult for me to decide which degree
programme would suit me best. Fortunately, the Faculty has
various options to guide one. I chose to study construction
management because of the poor infrastructure, or lack
thereof, in the township in which I grew up. I am passionate
about ensuring that quality construction is provided in our
communities, because people’s safety should always be of the
utmost importance.

My Department is located on the University’s South Campus,

which is always in close proximity to active construction projects.
Construction is an ever-changing industry, which allows room for
innovation. I look forward to forging my path in this field.

The Faculty aims to produce well-rounded students by

encouraging us to not only excel academically, but also
to engage in community outreach projects. EBIT serves
students who are inquisitive, open minded, independent and
hardworking. It has been a privilege to be lectured by experts in In this module, all EBIT students engage with a
their respective fields, because they are always willing to shed
section of society that is different from their own
light on current issues and how we should equip ourselves for
the future.' social background. The goal is for students to
develop an awareness of personal, social and cultural
values, as well as multidisciplinary and life skills, like
communication, interpersonal and leadership skills.
35 Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology 2023

School for the Built Environment

Department of Town and Regional Planning

BTRP – Bachelor of Town and Regional Planning Given the enormous backlogs in the areas of housing and social
services and the deep levels of poverty, marginalisation and despair in
What does the profession entail? the country, planners also need a strongly developed sense of social
Town and Regional Planning is a profession that promotes and and environmental justice. They should be committed to human and
manages societal transformation and progressive change through the community development.
planning, design, implementation and management of interventions in
the development and use of land. These interventions range from site Career opportunities
to supranational level, and have as their aim the widening of choice, While most town and regional planners are employed in the three
promotion of equity, ensuring sustainable human settlements and spheres of government, or act as private consultants to the public
improving people’s quality of life. and the private sectors, they are also employed by research agencies
such as the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) and
The guiding motive of the profession is the pursuit of innovative, the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC), non-governmental and
inclusive, sustainable and affordable alternatives to existing settlement development organisations, community-based organisations, major
types. At the current juncture in South Africa’s history, town and financial institutions and property development groups.
regional planning is a crucial profession in the correction of the many
spatial and other imbalances in both urban and rural areas, as well as The professional four-year BTRP qualification enables graduates
the improvement of inefficient, unjust and underperforming human to register as professional town and regional planners with the
settlements. South African Council for Planners (SACPLAN), which is an official
body established in terms of an Act of Parliament. The degree is
The challenge for planning lies in the fact that the different interests internationally recognised.
and expectations of stakeholders, role-players and participants for the
future are often contradictory and conflict-ridden. Duration of the programme
The minimum period of study is four years’ full-time study.
A professional approach that combines sensitivity, empathy and
care, coupled with strong analytical and strategic skills, is required Selection process
to manage the various political, social, environmental and economic Only a limited number of candidates can be accommodated, and
issues at stake. The ideal town and regional planner is a creative admission is subject to selection.
person who can put forward innovative solutions to complex problems.
This mediator can reconcile diverse points of view, a strategic thinker, a Behind the scenes
passionate people’s person and a good manager. Practice and theory are integrated into the programme. Lectures,
practical projects and studio work focus on stimulating critical thinking,
engaging students in discussion, and applying theory to real-world
situations using practical problem-solving exercises. Instruction
is student-centred, and the progress of each student is carefully

One of the characteristics of the Department is its desire to take

on new challenges and develop innovative ways of serving the
reconstruction and development of the country. We are actively
immersed and involved in, and committed to inclusive and
transformative community development in South Africa, mainly
through research and contract work for a range of clients in all three
spheres of government.

The programme
The programme in Town and Regional Planning equips planners with
the necessary knowledge and skills to present interventions to deal
with many problems on properties and in settlements and regions by
focusing on the following themes: planning theory and history, land-
use management and land development; settlement planning and
design; strategic and integrated development planning; urban and
rural regeneration; public policy preparation and review; and planning
methods and techniques.

Several modules in related fields are also prescribed to ensure that

students acquire a multidisciplinary perspective and the knowledge
base that is necessary to provide innovative, inclusive, affordable and
appropriate solutions to complex urban and rural problems.

For a list of all modules, visit:


Contact information
Prof Mark Oranje (Head of Department)
Tel +27 (0)12 420 3531
University of Pretoria 36

School for the Built Environment

First year Third year

First semester Second semester First semester Second semester
ƒ Planning and settlement ƒ Planning and settlement ƒ Regional development planning ƒ Rural development planning
histories before the Industrial histories since the Industrial ƒ Institutional and legal ƒ Planning prospects
Revolution Revolution structures for planning ƒ Transport planning
ƒ Site analysis and assessment ƒ Settlement analysis and ƒ Spatial concepts ƒ Municipal services provision
ƒ Introduction to planning assessment ƒ Sociology or economics ƒ Sociology or economics
ƒ Academic literacy for town and ƒ Principles of settlement design
regional planning ƒ Economics Fourth year
ƒ Academic information ƒ Statistics
management ƒ Sociology First semester Second semester
ƒ Economics
ƒ Planning interventions: ƒ Planning interventions:
ƒ Statistics
Peri-urban and rural scales Metropolitan scale
ƒ Sociology
ƒ Planning interventions: ƒ Planning interventions:
Supranational, national and Supranational precinct scale
Second year regional scales ƒ Research report
ƒ Research methodology
First semester Second semester ƒ Professional practice
ƒ Settlement design concepts ƒ Settlement establishment,
ƒ Introduction to development planning and housing delivery
planning ƒ Municipal development
ƒ Plan and policy analysis and planning
assessment ƒ Land use management practice
ƒ Theory and practice of land use ƒ Urban land development
management economics
ƒ Sociology or economics ƒ Sociology or economics
ƒ Community-based project ƒ Community-based project
37 Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology 2023

School of Information Technology

School of Information Technology: Highlights

The School of Information Technology (SIT) is unique and the first of

its kind in South Africa. With modern laboratories and programmes
in computer science, informatics and information science it offers
students the advantage of an integrated approach to IT. The School,
offers cross-disciplinary degrees such as MIT and PhD (IT), and each
of the departments also has its own selection of undergraduate and
postgraduate degrees. Staff members collaborate with industry and
academic partners from the African continent and the rest of the
world on a variety of research projects.

The research focus areas of the Department of Informatics are data

science, IS and education, IS and organisations, ICT for sustainable
development and human-computer interaction. The Department
of Informatics has a fully-equipped User Experience (UX) Lab with
sophisticated eye-tracking equipment and software. A coursework
master’s degree in ICT management, as well as research master’s and
doctoral degrees, are offered.

The Department of Information Science offers a two-year coursework

master’s degree in information technology (MIT), as well as research
master’s and doctoral degrees. It hosts the African Centre of
Excellence for Information Ethics (ACEIE), which produces research on
information ethics and presents awareness-raising workshops across
Africa. The Department also hosts the Virtual Reality and Interaction
Lab, which provides students with access to cutting-edge virtual
reality equipment and is used for interaction and user experience
research in virtual reality. The lab concentrates on using XR (extended
reality) technology to create interactive user experiences for various
applications. The main aim is to use commercial XR technologies
to create user-centred solutions for complex problems from both
academic and industry perspectives (

The Department of Computer Science is internationally recognised

for its research in the fields of artificial intelligence, data science
and digital forensics and computer and information security, and
hosts the South African Initiative Chair in Artificial Intelligence, the
DRS Chair in Cybersecurity, the ABSA Chair in Data Science and the
Multichoice Joint Chair in Machine Learning. The Department offers
a two-year coursework master’s degree in big data science (MIT), as
well as research master’s and doctoral degrees.
University of Pretoria 38

School of Information Technology

Department of Informatics
BIT (Information Systems) Contact information
Dr Marié Hattingh (Programme Coordinator)
Students who enrol for this programme study the application and use Tel +27 (0)12 420 3798
of computer and information systems in organisations. The use of Email
information technology by organisations is growing exponentially, and Website
new, more complex and challenging applications are being explored
and developed all the time. First year

Informatics specialists are trained to analyse business problems of First and second semesters
organisations, which are associated with improving the efficiency, Compulsory modules Elective module
effectiveness and control of their business processes for commercial ƒ Academic information (Choose one stream)
organisations, government, government departments, non-profit management ƒ Computer auditing
organisations or any other organisation where information is crucial. ƒ Academic literacy for ƒ Information science
They not only analyse the needs but also address them by designing information technology ƒ Entrepreneurship
and implementing information systems. ƒ Informatics ƒ e-Business
ƒ Business management ƒ Geography
Nowadays, the term information systems is used to refer to ƒ Data science management
computer-based systems (including mobile applications) that store ƒ e-Taxation
and manipulate data so that people can understand and interpret
information and use it for decision-making.
Second year
What does the programme entail? First and second semesters
What makes the Informatics degree at the University of Pretoria unique
is the Capstone Project, which gives third-year exposure to working Compulsory modules Elective modules
with a real-life client. ƒ Informatics (Choose one stream)
ƒ Business ethics ƒ Computer auditing
In addition to the obvious fact that the work environment of the ƒ Community-based project ƒ Information science
informatics specialist is particularly interesting, well-qualified ƒ Entrepreneurship
informatics specialists can choose between many excellent job ƒ e-Business
opportunities. The superiority of graduates in this field lies in their ƒ Geography
specialist stream, which may be computer auditing, information ƒ Data science management
science, entrepreneurship, e-business, geography, data science ƒ e-Taxation
management or e-taxation.
Third year
Duration of the programme
The BIT (Information Systems) programme takes a minimum of three First and second semesters
years to complete. Compulsory module Elective modules
ƒ Informatics (Choose one stream)
ƒ Computer auditing
ƒ Information science
ƒ Entrepreneurship
ƒ e-Business
ƒ Geography
ƒ Data science management
ƒ e-Taxation
39 Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology 2023

School of Information Technology

BCom (Informatics) First year

Focus area: Information Systems First and second semesters

What does the programme entail? Compulsory modules Elective module

The BCom (Informatics) focus area is Information Systems, which is the ƒ Computer and information ƒ Marketing management
study of the application and use of computer and information systems literacy
in organisations. The superiority of students in this field lies in their ƒ Academic literacy levels An elective module that is taken
broad background in the field of economic and management sciences, ƒ Informatics only if chosen as an elective
which implies familiarity with the world of business. ƒ Financial accounting at the second- and third-year
ƒ Economics levels.
The use of information technology by organisations is growing ƒ Statistics
exponentially, and new, more complex and challenging applications ƒ Business management
are being continuously explored and developed. In addition to the
fact that their work environment is particularly interesting, many job Second year
opportunities are available to well-qualified informatics specialists.
First and second semesters
Informatics specialists are trained to analyse the information needs Compulsory modules Elective modules
of businesses, government departments, non-profit organisations ƒ Statistics (Choose one)
or any other organisation where information is crucial. They not only ƒ Informatics ƒ Business management
analyse the needs but also address those needs by designing and ƒ Business law ƒ Financial accounting
implementing information systems. The term information systems ƒ Community-based project ƒ Taxation
is used nowadays to refer to computer-based systems (including ƒ Statistics
mobile applications) that store and manipulate data so that people can ƒ Internal auditing
understand, interpret information and use it for decision making. ƒ Marketing management

The BCom (Informatics) focus area: Information Systems degree

offered by the University of Pretoria is the only degree in Africa that is Third year
internationally accredited by the Accreditation Board for Engineering First and second semesters
and Technology (ABET) of the USA.
Compulsory module Elective modules
Duration of the programme ƒ Informatics (Choose one)
The BCom (Informatics) programme takes a minimum of three years ƒ Business management
to complete. ƒ Financial accounting
ƒ Statistics
Contact information ƒ Internal auditing
Dr Riana Steyn (Programme Coordinator) ƒ Marketing management
Tel +27 (0)12 420 3798 ƒ Taxation
University of Pretoria 40

School of Information Technology

First year
First and second semesters
ƒ Academic information Mathematics
management ƒ Mathematics
ƒ Academic literacy for IT ƒ Discrete structures
ƒ Dynamical processes or
Computer science mathematical modelling
ƒ Program design
ƒ Computers and algorithms
ƒ Operating systems
Department of Computer Science
Specified modules from:
ƒ Statistics
BSc (Computer Science) ƒ Science

BSc (Computer Science) is the ideal programme for students who are Second year
curious about how computers work, enjoy building things carefully
and systematically, have logical minds, are good at reasoning in a step- First and second semesters
by-step way, find it fun to design things that others can use, can pay Computer science Mathematics
attention to detail, can recognise good style and keep working at a task ƒ Computer organisation and ƒ Discrete structures
until they succeed. architecture
ƒ Data structures and algorithms Community-based project
A BSc (Computer Science) degree from the University of Pretoria ƒ Netcentric computer systems
provides breadth and depth in computing skills. It equips students with ƒ Theoretical computer science
problem-solving abilities and ensures that they have a solid foundation ƒ Introduction to database systems
for continued learning in an IT career and for producing high-quality ƒ Concurrent systems
software. ƒ Software modelling

What does the programme entail? Specified modules from:

The BSc (Computer Science) degree can be completed in a minimum ƒ Chemistry
of three years. The curriculum conforms to the highest international ƒ Mathematics
standards and will give students a foundation in all the important ƒ Mathematical statistics or statistics
areas of computer science. Students will study a wide variety of ƒ Physics
computer science modules that emphasise the most up-to-date ways
of developing software for use in the IT industry. Third year

This programme includes a significant number of mathematics and First and second semesters
natural sciences modules to strengthen the kind of thinking needed for Computer science
the development of software and the enhancement of problem-solving ƒ Software engineering
abilities. It also provides a basis for research in computer science, ƒ Computer security and ethics
which often relies on a certain level of mathematical skill and maturity. ƒ Computer networks
ƒ Programming languages
Career possibilities ƒ Compiler construction
Graduates follow careers in programming, system analysis, system
Specified modules from:
architecture, consulting, database administration and network analysis.
ƒ Computer science
They can also be employed as researchers.
ƒ Data science
ƒ Information science
Contact information
ƒ Mathematics
Dr Linda Marshall (Programme Coordinator)
ƒ Mathematical statistics or statistics
Tel +27 (0)12 420 2361
ƒ Physics
ƒ Chemistry
41 Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology 2023

School of Information Technology

BSc (Information and Knowledge Systems) Second year

BSc (Information and Knowledge Systems) is the ideal programme First and second semesters
for students who are interested in computer science, and specifically Computer science Mathematics
in one of the following areas of specialisation: data science, genetics, ƒ Computer organisation and ƒ Discrete structures
geographical information systems, IT and enterprises, law, music or architecture
software development. ƒ Data structures and
What does the programme entail? ƒ Computer systems
The minimum period for the completion of the BSc (Information and ƒ Concurrent systems
Knowledge Systems) programme, which aims to prepare students for ƒ Theoretical computer science
careers in the IT industry, is three years. ƒ Software modelling
ƒ Introduction to database
Computer science has a multidisciplinary application domain, and systems
the purpose of the programme is reflected in the composition of the
curriculum, which combines computer science with other fields of Community-based project Community-based project
study. The possibility of taking a second major other than computer
science broadens the scope of the curriculum for students.
Third year
Contact information First and second semesters
Dr Linda Marshall (Programme Coordinator)
Tel +27 (0)12 420 2361 Computer science Information science
Email ƒ Software engineering ƒ Multimedia: Human-computer
Website ƒ Computer security and ethics interaction
ƒ Computer networks
ƒ Programming languages
First year
Additional modules, as needed for the application environment
First and second semesters options at the first-, second- and third-year
ƒ Academic information Mathematics levels can be chosen from one of the following fields:
management ƒ Calculus ƒ Data science
ƒ Academic literacy for IT ƒ Discrete structures ƒ Genetics
ƒ Geographic information systems
Computer science ƒ IT and enterprises
ƒ Program design ƒ IT and law
ƒ Computers and algorithms ƒ IT and music
ƒ Operating systems ƒ Software development
University of Pretoria 42

School of Information Technology

Department of Information Science

First year
First semester Second semester
Fundamental modules Fundamental module
ƒ Academic information ƒ Academic literacy levels
ƒ Academic literacy levels
Core modules Core modules
ƒ Information science ƒ Information science
ƒ Introduction to information ƒ Organisation and
science representation of information
ƒ Information and
communication technology
Multimedia Multimedia
ƒ Mark-up languages ƒ Multimedia for the web
Computer science Computer science
ƒ Imperative programming ƒ Introduction to program design
ƒ Introduction to computer ƒ Operating systems
Other compulsory module Other compulsory modules
ƒ Visual design ƒ Visual design
ƒ Computer architecture

Second year
First semester Second semester
Fundamental module Fundamental module
ƒ Community-based project ƒ Community-based project
BIS (Multimedia) Core modules Core modules
ƒ Multimedia ƒ Multimedia
BIS (Multimedia) is the ideal programme for students who enjoy
ƒ Advanced mark-up languages I ƒ Advanced mark-up languages II
working with computers and programming for multiple platforms, are
ƒ Multimedia and hypermedia
interested in web design and development, would like to learn how to
do animation and create computer games, and to do image, audio and
video editing. Publishing
ƒ Copy-editing
What does the programme entail?
Information can be communicated through various media, such Computer science Computer science
as printed text, text with images, photographs, video, sound and ƒ Data structures and algorithms ƒ Software modelling
animation. The information can be delivered in many different ways: ƒ Netcentric computer systems ƒ Concurrent systems
from using a network-based technology such as the web to using Other compulsory module Other compulsory module
personal computers and mobile devices. Information can thus be ƒ Visual design ƒ Visual design
delivered in many different media (multimedia). The multimedia degree
aims to provide students with the theoretical and technical know-how
needed to build information products that use a variety of media and Third year
delivery systems. First semester Second semester

Career possibilities Core modules Core modules

With the advent of all kinds of new devices that enable connection ƒ Multimedia ƒ Multimedia
with information sources such as the web, there is a global shortage of ƒ Multimedia project ƒ Multimedia project
content producers and developers. ƒ Human-computer interaction ƒ Trends
Computer science*
The BIS (Multimedia) programme prepares graduates for employment Select at least two of the following
in companies that require insight into both development and design. semester modules:
They could also become dedicated programmers or choose to ƒ Software engineering
further develop their skills in particular areas of interest, for example, ƒ Artificial intelligence
digital video, front-end development, user experience design, game ƒ Computer networks
development or web development. ƒ Programming languages
ƒ Compiler construction
Contact information ƒ Computer security and ethics
Ms. Annique Smith (Programme Coordinator) ƒ Computer graphics
Tel +27 (0)12 420 4681 ƒ Database systems
* The semester in which the modules are offered may vary from year to year.
43 Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology 2023

School of Information Technology

BIS (Information Science) Contact information

Prof Marlene Holmner (Programme Coordinator)
The type of student for whom this qualification is ideal is interested in Tel +27 (0)12 420 5215
engaging with information and creating and sharing new knowledge Email
across platforms, primarily digitally, but also in analogue formats. Website

This qualification will enable graduates to discover, organise, manage

and utilise information in an ethical manner. Graduates with skills First year
in this field are highly sought after to help information-intensive First semester Second semester
industries to meet their visions and missions and become globally
competitive. Fundamental modules Fundamental module
ƒ Academic information ƒ Academic literacy levels
What does the programme entail? management
The high prevalence of information and technology in the modern ƒ Academic literacy levels
world implies that graduates are needed with specific competencies Core modules Core modules
and skills related to the interaction between humans and information Information science Information science
technologies. This is especially relevant concerning the technologies ƒ Introduction to information ƒ Organisation and
associated with the Fourth Industrial Revolution (and any further science representation of information
similar innovations). ƒ Personal information ƒ Information and
management communication technology
This programme focuses on the use of information technology and
the processing of information products. It is designed to train students Business management Business management
in the management, retrieval and organisation of information, as well
Elective modules Elective modules
as teach them to package, distribute and add value to information.
ƒ Group A: *Informatics or ƒ Group A: *Informatics or
Students will also have the opportunity to develop their knowledge and
ƒ Group B: Any subject(s) at the ƒ Group B: Any subject(s) at the
skills in the management of information and knowledge, which are the
first-year level first-year level
most important resources of enterprises.
* If Informatics is selected as a subject at the first-year level, a minimum
Career opportunities of 5 (60-69%) must be obtained for Mathematics.
ƒ Information managers (manage information and knowledge
resources) Second year
ƒ Information specialists (organise, retrieve and add value to
information) First semester Second semester
ƒ Information consultants (consult on information products, services Fundamental module Fundamental module
and systems) ƒ Community-based project ƒ Community-based project
ƒ Information brokers (become an infopreneur and buy and sell
information products and services) Core modules Core modules
ƒ Systems specialists (analyse and develop information systems) Information science Information science
ƒ Information seeking and ƒ Representation and
Duration of the programme retrieval organisation
The minimum period for the completion of the BIS (Information ƒ Social and ethical impact
Science) programme is three years.
Business management Business management
Elective modules Elective modules
ƒ Group A: *Informatics or ƒ Group A: *Informatics or
ƒ Group B: Information science ƒ Group B: Information science
* If Informatics is selected as a subject at the first-year level, a minimum
of 5 (60-69%) must be obtained for Mathematics.

Third year
First semester Second semester
Core modules Core modules
Information science Information science
ƒ Information organisation ƒ Information and knowledge
ƒ Experimental learning project management
ƒ Experimental learning project
Elective modules Elective modules
ƒ Group A: *Informatics and ƒ Group A: *Informatics and
Business management or Business management or
ƒ Group B: Information science ƒ Group B: Information science
or or
ƒ Group C: *Informatics and ƒ Group C: *Informatics and
Information science Information science
* If Informatics is selected as a subject at first-year level, a minimum of
5 (60-69%) must be obtained for Mathematics.
University of Pretoria 44


BIS (Information Science) Who is the ideal candidate?

The type of student for whom this qualification is ideal is

The high prevalence of information and technology in the modern interested in engaging with information and creating and
world implies that graduates are needed with specific competencies sharing new knowledge across platforms, primarily digitally and
and skills related to the interaction between humans and in analogue formats.
information technologies. This is especially relevant concerning the
technologies associated with the Fourth Industrial Revolution (and This qualification will enable graduates to discover, organise,
any further similar innovations). manage and utilise information in an ethical manner.

This programme focuses on the use of information technology Graduates with skills in this field are highly sought after to
and the processing of information products. It is designed to help information-intensive industries to meet their visions and
train students in the management, retrieval and organisation of missions and become globally competitive.
information and teach them to package, distribute and add value to

Students will also have the opportunity to develop their knowledge Which companies employ our graduates?
and skills in managing information and knowledge, which are the
most critical resources of enterprises—information and knowledge. Banks, telecommunication companies, consultancy agencies and
This will include knowledge management, competitive intelligence information-intensive industries.
and also digitisation and digital repositories.

Career opportunities

Information Information Information Information brokers Systems

managers specialists consultants (become an specialists
(manage information (organise, retrieve (consult on infopreneur and buy (analyse and develop
and knowledge and add value to information products, and sell information information systems)
resources) information) services and systems) products and services)

Minimum admission requirements

Minimum requirements for NSC and IEB for 2023
Achievement level

English Home
Language or English
First Additional

BIS (Information Science)

[3 years]
4 - 28
Close on availability of space:
As soon as the number of places available for this programme are filled, it will be closed for further applications.

The suggested second-choice programmes for BIS (Information Science) are BIS (Publishing), BCom (Informatics) and BA.

If informatics is selected as a subject at the first-year level, an achievement level of 4 is required in Mathematics.
Careers: Information and knowledge managers (manage information and knowledge resources), information or e-commerce specialists (organise, retrieve and add value to
information), consultants on information products (services and systems), information brokers (act as infopreneurs and buy and sell information products and services), and system
specialists/analysts/technologists (develop information systems).

Contact information Prof Marlene Holmner (Programme Coordinator) | Tel +27 (0)12 420 5215 | Email
45 Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology 2023


BIS (Multimedia) Who is the ideal candidate?

The ideal candidate is someone who is:

Modern information technology offers the possibility ƒ Passionate about computing and technological advancements.
ƒ Happy to spend many hours in front of a computer.
of information products being designed and created ƒ Interested in creating and maintaining websites (both front-
comprising various types of media over and above and back-end).
the traditional text medium. Information technology, ƒ Interested in learning about animation, image, sound and video
therefore, results in the convergence of various editing.
ƒ Interested in the intersection between technical aspects
previously separate traditional media. There is not (programming) and design aspects (user experience, visual
a single discipline that handles the combination of design).
information products. ƒ Interested in understanding how people interact with
computing systems and how to design them based on this
The Multimedia qualification in the Department of Information knowledge (user experience and interaction design).
Science addresses this shortcoming. Institutions in any economic
sphere, including government, may profit from a multimedia
approach to information design, organisation and retrieval.
What makes this programme unique?
Multimedia documents include text, graphics, sound, video and
animation. This qualification aims to enable students to understand A student with this degree will work in a team of developers and
the necessary concepts to build multimedia products and maintain designers and communicate easily with both groups. They will
the products. also have the skills to move between these two types of roles
within a company.
This programme is, therefore, a combination of theory and practice.
The explosion of the web and the exponential growth and power They will also be able to further their understanding of design,
of information technology require the introduction of this degree animation, and game design and development and then work in
following international trends. those fields.

Career opportunities

Full-stack Multimedia User

Software Front-end
web content experience
engineer designer
developer creator designer
University of Pretoria 46


Structure of the programme

Core modules Elective modules

ƒ Theory of information science (3rd year computer science only)
ƒ Mark-up languages ƒ Software engineering
ƒ Multimedia theory and trends ƒ Artificial intelligence
ƒ Multimedia authoring tools ƒ Computer networks
ƒ Human-computer interaction ƒ Programming languages
ƒ Programming and program design ƒ Compiler construction
ƒ Computer science theory ƒ Computer security
ƒ Visual design ƒ Database systems
ƒ Computer graphics

Which companies employ our


ƒ RetroRabbit
ƒ Gendac
ƒ EPI-USE Labs
ƒ Derivco
ƒ bizAR Reality
ƒ 5DT

Minimum admission requirements

Minimum requirements for NSC and IEB for 2023
Achievement level

English Home
Language or English
First Additional

BIS (Multimedia)
[3 years]
4 5 30
Close on availability of space:
As soon as the number of places available for this programme are filled, it will be closed for further applications.

The suggested second-choice programmes for BIS (Multimedia) are BIS (Information Science), BIS (Publishing), BSc (Information and Knowledge Systems) and BCom (Informatics).

Careers: Programmers, web designers, animation specialists, video editors and electronic artists. The programme prepares candidates for positions at any of the following content
producers: paper publications, television, radio, phone technologies and the web. Graduates can become coders and work for programming companies. They can develop skills in
their particular areas of interest, such as digital music or video programming, or graphic, games or web development.

Contact information Ms Annique Smith | Email | Website > multimedia
47 Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology 2023

School of Information Technology

BIS (Publishing) First year

The BIS (Publishing) programmes teaches publishing theory and skills: First semester Second semester
selecting and developing content based on the needs of the user, and Fundamental modules Fundamental modules
appropriately packaging this content through a process of adding ƒ Academic information ƒ Academic literacy levels
value. Publishing can happen in both paper-based and electronic management ƒ English for specific purposes
format and includes a range of products such as books for the trade ƒ Academic literacy levels
market, and publications for educational, academic and corporate ƒ Visual culture studies
readers. Publishing processes are also used in the production of mass
media products such as newspapers and magazines. Core modules Core modules
Information science Information science
What does the programme entail? ƒ Introduction to information ƒ Information and
This programme aims to: science communication technology
ƒ provide students with knowledge of the publishing process and role- ƒ Personal information
players, as well as trends and initiatives in the local and international management Publishing
publishing industry; ƒ Publishing: Introduction to ƒ The book publishing
ƒ provide students with the skills needed to perform specific tasks publishing environment
related to the publishing process; ƒ Visual culture studies
ƒ assist students in becoming responsible information intermediaries
who add value to the production and dissemination of content; and Marketing Marketing
ƒ make students aware of the social, ethical and legal responsibilities Elective modules Elective modules
involved in the publishing process. Select a modern language of your Select a modern language of your
choice in consultation with the choice in consultation with the
Career possibilities programme coordinator. programme coordinator.
A variety of career opportunities are available in the book publishing
industry, the book retail industry and the corporate publishing
environment. Content production for media houses, including Second year
magazines and other content creators, is also possible. Goal-oriented First semester Second semester
candidates can become part of this highly competitive environment
Fundamental module Fundamental module
at the entrance level. On-the-job experience will be needed for
ƒ Community-based project ƒ Community-based project
subsequent career development.
Core modules Core modules
Some entrance-level career opportunities include the following: Information science
ƒ assisting specific role-players in the publishing value chain (for ƒ Social and ethical impact
example, the managing director or the commissioning editor of a
media house, or the editorial, production or marketing manager); Publishing Publishing
ƒ market or picture research; ƒ Copy-editing ƒ The visual and production
ƒ copyright negotiations; dimensions of publishing
ƒ copy-editing and proofreading;
ƒ marketing and promotion; and Type, image and applications Text design
ƒ distribution and delivery.
Elective modules Elective modules
Continue with the language Continue with the language
These career opportunities are available at the following places:
selected earlier and select selected earlier and select
ƒ local and international book publishing houses;
modules in consultation with the modules in consultation with the
ƒ bookshops and e-commerce vendors, journals, newspapers or
programme coordinator. programme coordinator.
ƒ the media and publicity industries;
ƒ national and local government departments; Third year
ƒ the corporate and business environment;
First semester Second semester
ƒ civil society;
ƒ community-based publication initiatives; and Core modules Core modules
ƒ self-publishing and consultancy enterprises. Publishing Publishing
ƒ Publishing in the digital ƒ Management in the publishing
Duration of the programme environment environment
The BIS (Publishing) takes a minimum of three years to complete. ƒ Commissioning ƒ Publishing in the magazine and
corporate environment
Contact information Elective modules
Dr Beth le Roux (Programme Coordinator) Continue with the same language as selected in the first year of study
Tel +27 (0)12 420 2426 and select one first- or second-semester module in consultation with
Email the programme coordinator.
University of Pretoria 48


EBIT Weeks are a four-day holiday programme presented by the Faculty of

Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology (EBIT) bi-annually
for learners in Grade 10, 11 and 12.
Prospective students are offered this hands-on opportunity to obtain information regarding all the
disciplines offered in the School of Engineering, Built Environment and the School of Information
Technology. During this event, learners are introduced to the practical as well as the theoretical aspects
in order to help them make sound career choices. Learners also obtain industry exposure on-site, or

Programmes presented by the Programmes presented by the Programmes presented by the

School of Engineering during the School for the Built Environment School of IT during the second
first and second EBIT Week are during the first EBIT Week are EBIT Week are listed below:
listed below: listed below: � Computer Science
� Chemical Engineering � Architecture � Publishing
� Civil Engineering � Construction Management � Information and Knowledge
� Computer Engineering � Real Estate Systems
� Electrical Engineering � Quantity Surveying � Information Science
� Electronic Engineering � Town and Regional Planning � Information Systems
� Industrial Engineering � Informatics
� Mechanical Engineering � Multimedia
� Metallurgical Engineering
� Mining Engineering

Apply online at | Facebook page


disruptive virtual and internet of machine additive

technology augmented reality things learning manufacturing

green artificial digitisation society 5.0 big data

building intelligence

smart grids automation smart cities robotics

University of Pretoria
Private Bag X20, Hatfield, 0028, South Africa
Tel +27 (0)12 420 3111

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