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English Project - Order of The Project Submission

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Project Work + Viva-Voce

Choose one among the suggested project work under A,B,C & D

A. Interview-Based research: Example:

 Students can choose a topic on which to do their research/ interview, e.g. a student can choose
the topic: ―Evolving food tastes in my neighborhood‖ or ―Corona pandemic and the fallout on
families.‖ Read the available literature.
 The student then conducts interviews with a few neighbors on the topic. For an interview, with
the help of the teacher, student will frame questions based on the preliminary
 The student will then write an essay/ write up / report etc. up to 1000 words on his/her research
and submit it. He / She will then take a viva on the research project. The project can be done in
individually or in pairs/ groups

B. Listen to podcasts/ interviews/radio or TV documentary on a topic and prepare a report

countering or agreeing with the speakers. Write an 800 - 1000 words report and submit. Take a
viva on the report.

C. Students create their own video/ Audio, after writing a script. Before they decide on a format,
the following elements can be taken into consideration:

● Theme/topic of the audio / video. Would the child like to pick a current issue or something
artistic like theatre?
● What are the elements that need to be part of the script?
● Will the video/audio have an interview with one or more guests?
● Would they prefer to improvise while chatting with guests, or work from a script?
● What would be the duration?
● How would they present the script/report to the teacher, e.g. Can it be in the form of a narrative?

D. Write, direct and present a theatrical production, / One act play. This will be a project which
will be done as a team. It will involve planning, preparation and presentation. In short, various
language skills will be utilized. There will be researching, discussion, writing the script,
auditioning and ultimately producing the play. The project will end with a presentation and
subsequently a viva.

TOPIC :1 Gender issues ( Take any one Issue)

 Highlight the plight of oppressed Gender– inequality, injustice, deprivation, agony, pain faced
by them ( Infographics / Data).
 Women ideology towards gender inequality.
 Movements against Gender inequality.
 Discrimination at different places ( home, job, school etc).
 Kamala Das – and Indian writer throughout her literature career has fought for the rights of
women – ( Aunt Jennifer‘s Tigers) –mention the themes.
 Kamala Das: The Voice of Indian Woman‘s Quest For Liberation ( It is an autobiographical
verse ) Highlight.
 Me too movement.
 How can the change be brought in the mind set of the people.
 Recent Supreme court decision in America- Abort Crucial Rights.

TOPIC 2: Unleash your real potential – be bold, be resilient, be strong (Importance of a

resilient attitude)

 What do you mean by Resilient Attitude.

 Traits, qualities and characteristics of Resilient person.
 How personal choices help or hinder our resilience.
 Tips for Building and Cultivating Resilience.
 Why is resilience important?
 Is Resilience a skill or character strength?
 What are the seven C‘s of Resilience?
 Different types of resilience
 Key component and element of resilience life
 Take an example of the chapter— Deep Water
 Other examples of great personalities

TOPIC -3: Courage is not the absence of fear but triumph over it

 Introduction
 Origin of the quote
 Courage – a choice to act
 What can one learn from fear
 Benefits of having courage over fear
 How and why to overcome fear
 Fighting against fear is hard but worth it ( Examples)
 Mention some of your worst fears and how you managed to overcome them — A Questionnaire
 Famous personalities who overcame their fear ( Their motivation podcast/speech/stories

 Is Karma an infinite loop?

 What is karma?
 Karma- a matter of faith
 Doctrine of Karma
 Law of causation/ action and reaction/retribution
 Philosophy of Karma
 Theories about Karma
 The subtle cause and effect of Karma
 Reincarnation
 Delusion
 Power of karma in relation to destiny
 The Rational of spiritual healing
 Bhagvad Geeta- ( reference)
 Duty or motive of karma

TOPIC -5: Watch „CNN‟s award-winning Planet in Peril series and Anderson Cooper 3600
on the environment.

Write review in 500 to 1000 words highlighting the problems dealt.

 Like Climate change

 Vanishing habitats
 Disappearing species
 Human population growth
 Collect pictures and articles from the journals, newspaper and science magazines showing the
 Make a comparative report showing the changes from past 20 years.
 Mention Role of Eight year old girl Licy priya, known as Indian ‗Greta‘ for her passion towards
the fight against climate change. ( Take any other example)

TOPIC-6: Watch short film “Positive all the way” ( how people with undeterred
determination face the obstacles of life and leave a mark for themselves)
 Give examples of people in different sphere of life who have shown positive attitude and
reached the pinnacle of success
 obstacles faced
 their undeterred determination
 lesson and message their efforts give to others
 values learnt -can co relate it with the chapter ‗DEEP WATER‘
TOPIC -7: Watch the „The Story of Plastic‟ it is a searing expose. Make a project on “Plastic
 Uncover the ugly truth behind plastic pollution
 Environmental damage created by plastic
 Human Rights abused that occur throughout the lifecycle of plastic
 False solution of plastic recycling.
 Initiative launched by Union Environment Minister to stop the plastic menace
 infographic to show the increase of the use of plastic
 some state/ countries who are successful in reducing the use of plastic
 cutting from Newspaper/Journals to show the impact of Plastic
 views about plastic ban

TOPIC -8: Social Issues in India


 Reason/causes for disparity

 Gender gap in Education/labour force/employment
 Economic survey
 Rank of India as per World Economic Forum
 Schemes launched by Indian Government to bridge the gap
 Campaigns launched to bring in behavioural change in society


 Changing Pattern of Migration

 women migration in India is increasing at a faster pace than men Why?
 Plight of Migrants ( even talk of the plight of the migrants during the pandemic)
 Infographic description ( No., reason, condition)
 Take incident from (lost spring) talk of the callousness of society and the political class towards
the sufferings of the poor



 cycle of abuse
 intergenerational violence
 effects
 causes
 prevention
 types of abuses
 legal way to approach
 Satyamav Jayate ( Episodes)
 ex-Aunt Jennifer‘s Tigers
TOPIC-9: “When a people are enslaved, as long as they hold fast to their language it is as if
they had the key to their prison.”

 Importance of Language
 Meaning of ‗Linguistic chauvinism‘
 Find examples in history where conquered people had their language taken away from them or
had a language imposed of them—What was the result/outcome
 Problems faced by linguistic minority
 How can they keep their language alive
 Linguistic human rights
 Linguistic Chauvinism examples from English literature

Project-Portfolio/ Project Report

The Project-Portfolios is a compilation of the work that the students produce during the
process of working on their ALS Project.

The Project-Portfolio may include the following:

● Cover page, with title of project, school details/details of students.
● Statement of purpose/objectives/goals
● Certificate of completion under the guidance of the teacher.
● Action plan for the completion of assigned tasks.
● Materials such as scripts for the theatre/role play, questionnaires for interview, written
assignments, essays, survey-reports and other material evidence of learning progress and academic
● The 800-1000 words essay/Script/Report.
● Student/group reflections.
● If possible, Photographs that capture the positive learning experiences of the student(s).
● List of resources/bibliography.

The following order sequence should be followed while submission of the project hard copy.
1. Cover Page
2. Index
3. Acknowledgement
4. Certificate
5. Action plan
6. Objectives
7. Introduction
8. Interview
Response of the questionnaire
Report - Analysis and Interpretation
9. Student‘s Reflection
10. Bibliography
Follow Times New Roman, Font Size 14, Line spacing 1.5
The Total Protection With Affection


Poraiyur, Villianur, Puducherry – 605110

CBSE AISSCE: XII – 2021 - 2022




Name : __________________________ Std & Sec: ___________________

Registration Number

Title of the Project: _______________________________________________________________

Certified that this is a bonafide project work done by the above mentioned student in our school
during Senior Secondary course, in the year 2023– 2024


Project Submitted for the CBSE – AISSCE Practical examination held on ___/____/2024.



I would like to extend my sincere and heartfelt obligation towards all those who
have helped me in making this project. Without their active guidance, help,
cooperation and encouragement, I would not have been able to present the
project on time.

I am extremely thankful and pay my sincere gratitude to my teacher

Mr. Deepan Chakravarthy for his valuable guidance and support for
completion of this project.

I extend my sincere gratitude to my Principal Mr. Nadesan Kangueyan for the

moral support extended during tenure of this project.

I also acknowledge with a deep sense of reverence, my gratitude towards my

parents, other faculty members of the school and friends for their valuable
suggestions given to me in completing the project.

Place: Signature of the Student

This is to certify that the project work on

______________________________based on the curriculum of CBSE has
been completed by ___________________________________ of Class-XII of
Aditya Vidyashram Residential School, Pondicherry.

The above mentioned project work has been completed under my guidance
during the academic year 2023-24.

Signature of the Guide Teacher

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