English Poetry Notes
English Poetry Notes
English Poetry Notes
◦ P – Point
◦ This is where you clearly link to the question / rephrase the question.
◦ If required, show agreement / disagreement.
◦ E – Explain
◦ State your argument / ideas.
◦ E – Evidence / example
◦ Give SPECIFIC references to the poem.
◦ If the question counts three marks, you need to give three examples.
◦ Link back to the question.
Possible Questions:
◦ Describe what the poet is trying to say in the lines you are being referred to.
◦ Make sure you look for enough facts according to the mark allocation.
◦ Mention the image in the lines
◦ When you must explain the image:
1. You must state what is being compared with what.
2. You must state what the comparison emphasises/means in the context
of the poem.
◦ Remember, tone is all about the emotion being conveyed by the speaker’s
◦ Always try to think with what tone of voice will the particular words would be
spoken and what emotion the speaker must be experiencing.
◦ When you answer this type of question always start your answer with “A tone
of…” and fill in the blank with the appropriate tone.
Do you think/Do you agree
◦ You must show agreement/disagreement – do it within the first sentence of
your answer.
◦ You must state your opinion based on the context of the poem.
◦ You must substantiate your opinion with examples from the poem. (If it does
not come from the poem or the lines you were referred to, you cannot get
How poems are made – Alice Walker
o Written in free verse
o Poem consists of five stanzas that vary in length.
o Punctuation: The use of enjambment signifies the end of a
relationship with a full stop.
o The rhythm is slow to emphasise her thought process.
o A tone of reflection, sentiment and nostalgia
o She comes to the realisation shown by the personal pronoun “I” – She
is sharing her own perspective or journey.
Poetic Device:
o Title: Repeated 5 times.
o Line 4, 15, 19 and 25.
o Her understanding grows with each repetition.
o Line 9: Metaphor – love is compared to fluid.
o Line 10: Metaphor – the cup is compared to her heart.
o Line 11: Personification – love is compared to a person who hides
when ashamed.
o Line 16: Metaphor – fast/fleeting memories.
o Line 17-18: Personification: Her heart is running to get away from
feelings of rejection.
o Line 20-21: Metaphor: Season is compared to spice.
Antithesis: Contrast between smile and tears to hide feelings
of hurt.
o Line 23: Metaphor: Laughter is compared to have a crowd in your
o Line 26-27: Repetition: Poetry is a safe place to keep her emotions.
o Self-discovery:
o Her experience is shared.
o It refers to the path she had to follow to get an answer.
o Heartache and hurt allow her to express herself best.
o Universal: speaker uses human body a way to show the emotions
linked to feelings.
o Poetry becomes the setting.
Where humans can express their emotions without the fear of
o Tells us why people write poetry.
o 1+2: Paradox – letting go in contrast with holding on. You must let go
to keep yourself from hurting more.
o 3: ‘gradually’ = slowly
‘understands’: now that the poet has dealt with her emotions,
she understands why certain experience are essential to her
discover herself.
o 4: process of understanding.
o Stanza 2: the image = compares love to a cup full of liquid.
English idiom: ‘my cup runs over’ = that someone feels lucky
and joyful. (Walker is saying the opposite).
She has too much love because it is overpowering.
The speaker has been rejected, so she feels heartbroken.
o 5-7: Metaphor: poetry becomes the sanctuary, a “place” where
emotions are captured.
o 5: ‘fear’ – she might experience fear of being alone or rejection.
o 6: ‘choice’ – she must decide how to respond to experience.
o 7: ‘loss’ – the loss of a loved one.
o 8: ‘leftover’ – love that she was unable to express is captured in her
o 9: metaphor: love is compared to fluid that cannot be contained and
o 10: metaphor: the cup refers to the heart that holds all her emotions
o 11: personification: love is like a person, who hides in moments of
o 12: ‘too’: this abundant love is so excessive that is causes the poet to
feel bashful/ashamed.
o 13: this may suggest unreciprocated love.
o 14+15: poet is coming to some sort of understanding
‘comprehend’ = understand