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Detection of Mutagens in water-distribution-HAA-Guzzella 2006

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Mutation Research 608 (2006) 72–81

Detection of mutagens in water-distribution

systems after disinfection
Licia Guzzella a,∗ , Filomena Di Caterino a , Silvano Monarca b , Claudia Zani c ,
Donatella Feretti c , Ilaria Zerbini c , Giuseppe Nardi c ,
Annamaria Buschini d , Paola Poli d , Carlo Rossi d
a Water Research Institute-National Research Council (IRSA-CNR), via della Mornera 25, 20047 Brugherio, Milan, Italy
b Department of Surgical and Medical Specialities and Public Health, University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy
c Department of Experimental and Applied Medicine, Hygiene Section, University of Brescia, Brescia, Italy
d Department of Genetic Anthropology Evolution, University of Parma, Parma, Italy

Received 18 January 2006; received in revised form 28 March 2006; accepted 5 May 2006
Available online 25 July 2006

This research examined the quality of water—before and after distribution—of four drinking-water production plants located
in Northern Italy, two of which collected water from local aquifers and two from the River Po. A battery of genotoxicity assays
for monitoring drinking-water was performed to assess the quality of the water produced by the treatment plants under study.
Three different sampling stations were selected at each plant, one right at the outlet of the treatment plant and two along with the
distribution pipelines. Raw river water was also sampled and analysed as a control. The water samples (500 l) were concentrated
on silica C18 cartridges and the extracts were tested in in vitro mutagenicity assays (Salmonella/microsome assay with strains TA
98 and TA 100; SOS Chromotest with Escherichia coli strain PQ37); gene conversion, point mutation and mitochondrial DNA
mutability assays with the diploid Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain D7 and a toxicity test using the bioluminescent bacterium Vibrio
fischeri (Microtox ).
The Microtox test and the mitochondrial DNA mutability assay showed the greatest sensitivity towards toxic or mutagenic
substances in the water extracts considered. The results show that this battery of short-term tests is applicable in the routine monitoring
of drinking-water quality before and after distribution.
© 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Drinking-water; Genotoxicity; Disinfection by-products; Salmonella/microsome test; SOS Chromotest; Saccharomyces cerevisiae assay;
Microtox test

1. Introduction techniques (e.g. advanced oxidation, ultrafiltration, treat-

ments with UV, chlorine dioxide, ozone) has eliminated
At present, in developed regions of the world, the use the main waterborne infectious diseases [1]. Other fac-
of advanced and streamlined drinking-water treatment tors of anthropic pressure that concern excessive sweat-
ing of the water sources and ageing and deterioration of
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +39 039 21694210; the water pipeline networks have allowed the appearance
fax: +39 039 2004692. of new forms of health risks due to particular organisms
E-mail address: (L. Guzzella). (e.g. Giardia’s cysts, Cryptosporidium, cyanobacteria

1383-5718/$ – see front matter © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
L. Guzzella et al. / Mutation Research 608 (2006) 72–81 73

and cyanophyceae) and the presence of organic disin- of the disinfectant used to control microbial contami-
fection by-products (DBPs) in drinking-water [2]. In nation and avoid bacterial re-growth in the distribution
1974 it was first reported that water chlorination can system.
form many mutagenic/carcinogenic by-products derived To ensure a good quality of the distributed drinking-
from the reaction of chlorine with organic compounds water it is important to monitor its microbial and chem-
(humic and fulvic acids) naturally present in surface ical characteristics, thereby preventing adverse health
water [3]. Many subsequent studies showed the presence effects; risk assessment is the cornerstone of the World
of mutagenic compounds in drinking-water [4–8]. Since Health Organization’s guidelines for drinking-water
1980s, numerous studies have been carried out on quality [21,25].
chlorinated water and on populations using disinfected In order to assess the mutagenic and/or genotoxic haz-
water. Several epidemiological studies have found a ards of drinking-water, a battery of in vitro short-term
correlation between chlorinated drinking-water con- assays was conducted on different drinking-water sam-
sumption and cancer of the urinary and gastrointestinal ples before and after distribution in order to detect a
tracts [9–15]; other studies have focused on the damage wide range of chemical substances capable of producing
that DBPs causes to the reproductive and the nervous genetic damage in different organisms. All water sam-
systems [16]. For this reason many studies have been ples were concentrated by adsorption on tri-functional
conducted to find alternative disinfectants to chlorine in C18 silica cartridges, a solid-phase extraction system that
order to reduce the impact on human health [17–20]. has been widely used in previous studies on drinking-
The disinfection of water may produce toxic com- water mutagenicity [19,26–28], and has shown to be
pounds, particularly if the water is obtained from surface more efficient than XAD resins in the recovery of organic
sources [21]: it has been found that the presence of micro-pollutants in water samples [29,30]. The water
these toxic compounds is not only due to treatments extracts were analysed for total organic carbon (TOC),
with disinfectants, but also to the water-distribution sys- total trihalomethane (TTHM) and haloacetic acid (HAA)
tems. Waterborne diseases due to contamination of the content, and the extent of THM formation potential
distribution system in the USA [22], the UK [1] and (THMFP). The extracts were also used to perform a bat-
Scandinavia [23] have been reported. Efficient man- tery of in vitro assays: the Salmonella/microsome test
agement of a distribution system involves maintaining with strains TA98 and TA100; the SOS Chromotest with
water quality and minimizing the risk of contamina- Escherichia coli strain PQ37; gene conversion, point
tion and deterioration in quality during transport. Fre- mutation and mitochondrial DNA mutability assays with
quently, distribution systems are complex networks of Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain D7, and the Microtox®
pipes and tanks where the disinfected water flows at assay with Vibrio fischeri.
different speeds. Diverse factors can cause microbial The Microtox test and the mitochondrial DNA
and chemical changes in water-distribution systems; mutability assay showed the greatest sensitivity towards
hydraulic variations, the characteristics of the water toxic or mutagenic substances in the water extracts con-
(temperature, pH, presence of particulates and nutri- sidered. The results show that this battery of short-term
ents, oxygen content, disinfectant residue), as well as tests is applicable in the routine monitoring of drinking-
the type, quality, age and structure of the pipe materi- water quality before and after distribution.
als (deposits and corrosion) may contribute to bio-film
formation. Many micro-organisms that are potentially 2. Materials and methods
dangerous to human health, such as bacteria, fungi, pro-
tozoa, worms and algae, can develop in the bio-film layer 2.1. Water sampling
[24]. Human health risks are related not only to the pres-
ence of micro-organisms, but also to the formation of Water sampling was carried out at four treatment plants in
disinfection by-products along the distribution system Northern Italy. Two plants provide drinking-water for about
and of toxic substances produced by bio-film-producing 190,000 (Plant 1) and 50,000 inhabitants (Plant 2), respec-
tively, from local aquifers located in the sub-Alpine area and on
micro-organisms. DBP formation depends on the type
the Po plain, respectively. The other plants produce drinking-
and quality of the water source and on various water
water from surface river water for about 130,000 (Plant 3) and
parameters, such as disinfectant concentration, contact 900,000 inhabitants (Plant 4), respectively. Chlorine dioxide
time and residue of disinfectants, total organic carbon is used as a disinfectant at all the plants. The drinking-water
(TOC), pH and temperature. DBPs are related to the was sampled at different pipeline stations, before and after dis-
pollution of the water supply, to the disinfection pro- tribution. The water samples were collected after disinfection
cess before distribution, and to the presence of residues with ClO2 , just before the distribution point (Station A) and
74 L. Guzzella et al. / Mutation Research 608 (2006) 72–81

along the distribution system at increasing distance from the and TA100, with and without in vitro microsomal activation
potabilization plant and with increasing contact time between (S9 liver extract of rats treated with enzyme inductors) to
the water and the pipelines (Stations B and C). The stages detect indirect and direct mutagenic activity [33]. Positive
of treatment were similar in both plants supplied with river controls were 2-nitrofluorene (10 ␮g/plate) for TA98-S9 and
water: water sedimentation, flocculation, rapid sand filtration, sodium azide (10 ␮g/plate) for TA100-S9 and 2-aminofluorene
pre-disinfection with ozone, granular activated carbon (GAC) (10 ␮g/plate) for both strains with S9. DMSO was used as a
filtration and post-disinfection with ClO2 . Raw river water was negative control (200 ␮g/plate). The results of the Salmonella
also sampled in these plants (Station D). One hundred litres assays are given as mean and S.D. of the number of rever-
of water were taken weekly for 5 weeks at each sampling tants per plate. In accordance with the guidelines published
point (500 l/station/town). The water samples were immedi- in the Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and
ately taken to the laboratory, acidified with hydrochloric acid Wastewater [31], the results were considered positive if two
(pH 2–2.5) and filtered through tri-functional C18 cartridges. consecutive dose levels or the highest non-toxic dose level
Untreated and treated water (1-l) were also sampled for chem- produced a response at least twice that of the solvent control
ical analysis. and when at least two of these consecutive doses showed a
dose–response relationship. The results were also expressed as
2.2. Chemical analysis net number of revertants/litre of water sample tested by means
of a linear regression analysis of net revertants/plate and lequiv
Untreated and treated water sampled along the distribution of the sample assayed.
system was analysed to determine total organic carbon (TOC),
total trihalomethane (TTHM) and haloacetic acid (HAA) con-
2.4.2. SOS Chromotest
centrations [31]. The main by-products of the disinfectant
The SOS Chromotest is a colorimetric assay of enzymatic
chlorine dioxide, i.e. chlorite (ClO2 − ) and chlorate (ClO3 − )
activities that employs the error-prone DNA-repair pathway of
were also analysed [31]. THM formation potential (THMFP)
E. coli strain PQ37, also known as the SOS response, a com-
was also determined, as this parameter estimates the expected
plex regulatory network that is induced by DNA-damaging
concentration of THM in water samples treated with an excess
substances [34]. The strain used in this study was E. coli PQ
of free chlorine [31].
37, which is constitutive for alkaline-phosphatase synthesis.
This strain exhibits sfiA:lacZ fusion and has a deletion of the
2.3. Solid-phase extraction of water samples normal lac region, so ␤-galactosidase activity is strictly depen-
dent on sfiA expression. This test involves incubation of the
Water samples were concentrated, after acidification, bacteria with the sample under investigation and subsequent
by means of a solid-phase extraction system using 10 g tri- determination of ␤-galactosidase (␤-gal) activity. Phosphatase
functional C18 (Sep-Pak Plus tC18 Environmental Cartridges, alkaline activity (PAL) was also measured as a toxicity con-
Waters Chromatography, Milford, MA, USA), according to trol [35]. An overnight culture of E. coli PQ37 in LA-medium
the US Environmental Protection Agency’s method 525.2 was diluted in 5 ml of fresh LA-medium for 2 h at 37 ◦ C to a
[32], with some modifications [28]. Cartridge activation was density of 2 × 108 bacteria/ml. One millilitre of the culture was
performed with ethyl acetate, acetone, methyl alcohol and then diluted in a further 9 ml of fresh LA-medium for the assay
distilled water (40 ml/solvent/cartridge). Twenty litres of without metabolic activation, or in 9 ml of S9 mix for the assay
sampled water was passed through the cartridge at a constant with metabolic activation. Fractions (600 ␮l) were distributed
flow of about 20 ml/min; the cartridges were eluted with 40 ml into test tubes containing 32 ␮l of the samples to be tested and
of ethyl acetate, 40 ml of acetone and 40 ml of methanol. positive controls (4-nitroquinoline-N-oxide, 1–5 ␮g/ml, and
The eluates were reduced to a small volume by means of a 2-amino-anthracene, 125–500 ␮g/ml) for the test without or
rotating vacuum evaporator at 45 ◦ C and the solvent residues with metabolic activation, respectively. Ten dilutions 1:2 v/v
were exchanged with dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO). The of the sample extracts were tested in duplicate, starting from
resulting water extracts were used for in vitro genotoxic- 1.6 l/equiv for each tube. After 2 h of incubation at 37 ◦ C, two
ity tests (Salmonella/microsome assay; SOS Chromotest; 300-␮l aliquots were drawn from each tube for ␤-galactosidase
gene conversion; point mutation and mitochondrial DNA and alkaline phosphatase assays. For the ␤-galactosidase assay,
mutability assays with S. cerevisiae) and for a toxicity test 2.7 ml of ␤-galactosidase buffer (pH 7.7) was added to one
(Microtox ). of the tube series, followed by 600 ␮l of 4-nitrophenyl-␤-d-
galactopyranoside solution (4 mg/ml). For the alkaline phos-
2.4. Mutagenicity tests phatase assay, 2.7 ml of alkaline phosphatase buffer (pH 8.8)
was added to the other tube series, followed by 600 ␮l of 4-
2.4.1. Salmonella/microsome test nitrophenyl phosphate solution (4 mg/ml). The two tube series
The water extracts dissolved in DMSO were tested in were incubated for 30 and 60 min at 37 ◦ C and ␤-galactosidase
the Salmonella/microsome assay in duplicate at increasing and alkaline phosphatase activity was quantified/determined by
concentrations—1, 2 and 3 l of equivalent volume per plate photometric measurement at 420 nm. All media and reagents
(lequiv /plate)—using Salmonella typhimurium strains TA98 used for the SOS Chromotest are described by Quillardet and
L. Guzzella et al. / Mutation Research 608 (2006) 72–81 75

Hofnung [36]. Genotoxic activity for a concentration c of the 2.5. Toxicity test
sample is expressed by the ratio RC = ␤-gal/PAL. The induc-
tion factor (IF) for a concentration c of the sample is defined The Microtox® test was carried out with a Model 500
as RC /R0 , where R0 is the ratio measured in the solvent con- analyser (Environmental Azur, Carlsbad, California, USA) fol-
trol (sterile distilled water). The results of the SOS Chromotest lowing the basic test protocol [43] in which V. fischeri colonies
were considered positive if two consecutive dose levels or the underwent a series of sequential dilutions. The bacteria (V. fis-
highest non-toxic dose level showed an IF higher than 1.5 and cheri; NRL-B-11177) and reagents required for the Microtox®
at least two of these consecutive doses showed a dose–effect assay were obtained from Azur Environment (Carlsbad, Cal-
relationship. ifornia, USA). In the Microtox® system, the inhibition of
Lower eukaryotic cell systems, such as the yeast S. cere- bacterial light emission was taken as the endpoint, and it was
visiae are able to show genetic end-points other than gene measured in duplicate experiments at 15 ◦ C after 15 and 30 min
mutations, such as gene conversion, mitotic crossing over of exposure: eight different 1:2 v/v dilutions of water extracts
and mitochondrial mutation [26,37,38]. It was thus possible were tested after exchange with Milli-Q water, starting from
to detect the presence of xenobiotics that are ineffective on a concentration of 3 l/equiv by diluting 0.5 ml of the extract
prokaryotic organisms or specifically effective on mitochon- with an equal volume of bacterial suspension. Microtox® data
drial DNA. acquisition software version 6.1 was then used to calculate the
ECF50 value (the concentration factor of the sample able to
reduce bacterial light emission by 50%) according to Bulich
2.4.3. Saccharomyces cerevisiae assays and Isenberg [44].
Gene conversion, point mutation and mitochondrial DNA The yeast strain D7 was also used for toxicity evaluation
mutability assays were conducted using S. cerevisiae diploid by measuring the viability of treated cells plated on a solid
strain D7 [39] to determine the reversion frequencies at the complete medium (2% glucose).
ilv1–92 locus and the frequencies of mitotic gene conver-
sion at the trp5 locus, with or without endogenous activa-
tion. As an alternative to the microsomal assay, yeast cells 3. Results
were harvested during the logarithmic phase of growth in
YEP 20% glucose (yeast extract and bacto-peptone from 3.1. Chemical analysis
Difco) at maximum activation of P-450 complex [38]. Both
with and without endogenous metabolic activation, the cells The results of the chemical analyses performed on
(108 cell/ml) were inoculated in phosphate buffer 0.1 M, pH
the water samples (considered) are presented in Table 1.
7.4, in the presence of different concentrations of test sam-
Most of the TOC values for the drinking-water were
ples, and kept in an alternating shaker (110 rpm) at 37 ◦ C
for 2 h. The yeast cells were then plated on solid agar
<1 mg/l; higher values (1–2 mg/l) were found for the raw
(Difco) selective mineral medium [40] to detect gene con- untreated river-water samples only. All THM and HAA
version and mutant reversion frequencies. DMSO (50 ␮l/ml) concentrations were below the detection levels of the
was used as a negative control; 2-aminofluorene (50 ␮g/ml) analytical method adopted (3 and 1 ␮g/l, respectively).
and ethylmethane sulfonate (100 mM) were used as posi- Total THM formation potential was higher in the sam-
tive controls when P-450 was or was not induced, respec- ples collected from the plants supplied with surface river
tively. Mitochondrial DNA mutation induction was evaluated water (Plants 3 and 4) than in those from plants sup-
by determining the frequency of petite colonies in the strain plied from underground sources. This is in agreement
D7 (respiratory-deficient, RD). The cells with and without with the fact that many precursors of trihalomethanes
metabolic activation were inoculated (108 cell/ml) in phos-
and other by-products are naturally present in surface
phate buffer 0.1 M, pH 7.4, at different sample concentra-
water, as confirmed by the higher TOC concentra-
tions, kept in an alternating shaker (110 rpm) at 37 ◦ C for
2 h and then plated on a solid complete medium with glu-
cose as a sole carbon source. To detect petite mutants, the Chlorite and chlorate concentrations were very low
plates were overlaid with soft agar containing 2,3,5-triphenyl- in all the water samples considered.
tetrazolium chloride (Sigma) after 5 days of incubation [41].
After about 1 h the respiratory-deficient colonies turned red, 3.2. Salmonella/microsome assay
whereas the respiratory-proficient colonies remained white.
DMSO (50 ␮g/ml) was used a negative control; ethidium bro-
The treated water samples from all the plants were
mide (1 ␮g/ml) was used as a positive control, both when P-450
was or was not induced. The data from all assays were anal- not found to be mutagenic at any doses with both strains
ysed using the modified two-fold rule [42], in which a result (TA98 and TA100) with and without metabolic activa-
is considered positive if the average response for at least two tion. Without S9 addition, greater toxicity was observed
consecutive dose levels was more than twice the spontaneous for both bacterial strains in the samples collected from
frequencies. Plant 2 at all doses tested, and in those from Plant 3 for
76 L. Guzzella et al. / Mutation Research 608 (2006) 72–81

Table 1
Chemical analyses of water samples collected at different pipeline Stations (A, B and C) and the raw river water (D) (n.d. = not determined)

1 2 3 4


TOC (mg/l) 0.89 1.10 0.90 1.18 1.15 1.45 1.09 1.07 1.07 1.63 0.81 0.89 0.58 2.01
THM (␮g/l) <3.00 <3.00 <3.00 <3.00 <3.00 <3.00 <3.00 <3.00 <3.00 <3.00 <3.00 <3.00 <3.00 <3.00
HAA (␮g/l) <1.00 <1.00 <1.00 <1.00 <1.00 <1.00 <1.00 <1.00 <1.00 <1.00 <1.00 <1.00 <1.00 <1.00
ClO2 − (mg/l) 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.01 0.05 0.04 0.19 0.07 0.31 n.d. 0.16 0.16 0.03 n.d.
ClO3 − (mg/l) n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. 0.03 0.13 0.53 0.25 n.d. 0.25 0.27 0.06 n.d.
TTHMFP (␮g/l) 12.10 10.40 5.40 10.10 10.40 11.10 21.00 34.90 20.60 49.60 16.10 15.30 12.60 46.30

TOC: total organic carbon; THM: total trihalomethane; HAA: haloacetic acids; ClO2 − : chlorite; ClO3 − : chlorate; TTHMFP: THM formation

Table 2
Numbers of revertants/plate with the Salmonella/microsome assay of raw river water (Station D) at Plant 3
Dose (lequiv /plate) Revertants/plate (mean ± S.D.)

TA98 TA100

+S9 −S9 +S9 −S9

Negative control (DMSO) 23.7 ± 2.1 19.3 ± 6.9 92.0 ± 28.8 63.0 ± 17.0
Station D
1 37.0 ± 12.7 57.0 ± 0.0 99.5 ± 0.7 62.5 ± 16.3
2 69.0 ± 2.8 44.0 ± 5.7 88.0 ± 21.2 67.0 ± 2.8
3 59.0 ± 9.9 43.5 ± 2.1 127.5 ± 79.9 83.0 ± 35.4

the highest doses only. The addition of the enzyme mix- had an I.F. value that passed the positive threshold
ture seemed, therefore, to induce sample detoxification. for two successive doses (1.74 for 400 mlequiv /cuvette
A mutagenic effect was found with strain TA98 both and 2.37 for 800 mlequiv /cuvette), therefore the sam-
with and without S9 addition only for the river water ple must be considered positive. The minimum positive
(Station D) of Plant 3 (Table 2), highlighting the pres- dose was calculated as 374 mlequiv /cuvette as shown in
ence of direct and indirect mutagenic compounds induc- Fig. 1.
ing frame-shift and base-pair substitution mutations. A
dose–response relationship, however, was evident only
for the assay with S9 addition. The net number of rever-
tants/litre of water tested, calculated by linear regression
analysis, was 22.1, and the minimum positive dose was
1.17 lequiv /plate.

3.3. SOS Chromotest

The results of the SOS Chromotest without S9 addi-

tion showed no direct mutagenic activity, with the excep-
tion of the sample collected at Station C of Plant
3; in the other cases, the induction factor (I.F.) was
never higher than 1.5 and a dose–response relation-
ship for at least two consecutive doses was not mea- Fig. 1. Dose–response curve with SOS Chromotest of Station C water
sured. The sample collected at Station C of Plant 3 samples from Plant 3.
L. Guzzella et al. / Mutation Research 608 (2006) 72–81 77

The SOS Chromotest with S9 addition showed no the other hand, all the water samples after disinfection
positive response in any of the water samples. There- with chlorine dioxide showed mutagenic effects in the
fore, the presence of compounds with indirect mutagenic mitochondrial DNA, confirming previous studies on
activity was not detected by the assay. chlorine dioxide genotoxicity that showed the induction
of mitochondrial mutants [45].
3.4. Saccharomyces cerevisiae test The cellular system used allowed detection of both
direct mutagens (in stationary growth phase cells, i.e.
None of the water extracts (Fig. 2) was able to induce without P-450 expression) and pro-mutagens (in loga-
nuclear DNA alterations (i.e. convertant and revertant rithmic growth phase cells, presenting a high cytoplas-
colonies) in S. cerevisiae, either with or without matic rate of P-450). The results reveal the presence of
endogenous metabolic activation (P-450 complex). On direct genotoxic compounds in all the water samples

Fig. 2. Different genetic effects, i.e. convertants (GC), revertants (PM) and respiratory-deficient (RD) cells, produced in the P-450 non-induced
(stationary phase of growth, STAT) or induced (logarithmic phase of growth, LOG) S. cerevisiae strain D7 by extracts of water sampled in different
pipeline Stations (A, B and C) and untreated raw river water (D).
78 L. Guzzella et al. / Mutation Research 608 (2006) 72–81

Fig. 2. (Continued).

from Plant 2 and from Station A of Plant 4. Pro-mutagens to be more toxic than those of other plants. The samples
were found in drinking-water from Plants 1, 3 and 4 and collected from the stations of Plant 4 were found to be
at Station A of Plant 2. non-toxic because the measured ECF50 values were sim-
In some cases (Plant 2: cells with activation of P- ilar to that of the negative control. In this plant the raw
450; Plant 4: cells in stationary phase) the disappearance river water (Station D) was the only toxic sample. On the
of significant mutagenic effects was observed as water contrary, the raw water extract of Plant 3 was found to
moved along the pipe. The data showed that river water be less toxic compared with the drinking-water samples.
did not present any genotoxic activity, whereas signifi- No significant difference was observed between 15 and
cant effects were noticed after water disinfection. 30 min of exposure time.
As regards the yeast assay, eukaryotic cell survival
3.5. Toxicity assays did not appear to be significantly affected by treatment
with water extracts. A significant decrease (about 50%)
The results of the Microtox® test are presented in was found only for raw river water of Plant 3 for con-
Table 3. The samples from Plants 2 and 3 were found centrations >1.0 lequiv /ml.
L. Guzzella et al. / Mutation Research 608 (2006) 72–81 79

Table 3
ECF50 values at 15 and 30 min with the V. fischeri assay
Plant Station EC50 at 15 min (ml/cuvette) EC50 at 30 min (ml/cuvette)

A 90 (70–117) 86 (67–110)
B 30 (25–36) 31 (24–38)
C 95 (66–136) 84 (61–115)
Negative control 116 (94–142) 125 (98–159)
A 17 (13–22) 20 (15–28)
2 B 19 (14–26) 18 (13–25)
C 21 (16–28) 23 (18–29)
D 48 (36–66) 55 (41–75)
A 20 (15–27) 23 (18–30)
B 38 (32–45) 38 (25–58)
C 64 (49–84) 67 (56–81)
D 31 (25–37) 37 (30–45)
A 203 (179–229) 144 (122–169)
4 B 145 (116–181) 137 (115–164)
C 230 (171–309) 177 (128–246)
Negative control 105 (79–137) n.d.

n.d.: not determined.

4. Discussion and conclusion samples. The organic matter responsible for this toxic-
ity probably has only a weak mutagenic effect detectable
No correlation whatsoever was observed between the with strain TA98 of S. typhimurium (Plant 3), or the toxic
results of the chemical analyses performed on unconcen- effect may mask the genotoxic activity.
trated water samples (Table 1) and those of mutagenicity In the S. cerevisiae tests, no toxicity was found in
assays (Table 2 and Figs. 1 and 2); the river samples any of the samples analysed; this fact is probably due to
with the highest values of TOC and TTHMPF showed the presence of the cell wall, which may protect the cell
no mutagenic activity. by inhibiting or slowing the uptake of certain molecules
In comparison with the Salmonella/microsome test from the complex mixture tested, thus allowing a better
and the SOS Chromotest, the assay with S. cerevisiae identification of genotoxic compounds.
clearly showed the presence of mutagenic compounds The use of in vitro assays with different genetic end-
in the disinfected water samples. All drinking-water points and the use of metabolic activation gave com-
extracts revealed the presence of genotoxic compounds, plementary results, leading to the conclusion that disin-
mainly affecting mitochondrial activity (RD) (Fig. 2). fection processes in the drinking-water plants cause the
Genotoxicity in drinking-water produced from formation of mutagenic substances. Of the in vitro geno-
aquifer water (Plants 1 and 2) was found in all the toxicity assays, the S. cerevisiae test showed the highest
samples (Station A, B and C samples) without corre- sensitivity for drinking-water, being the only test capa-
lation with the distance in pipelines, when tested in ble of revealing significant mutagenic effects, whereas
S. cerevisiae. The S. cerevisiae test, however, revealed the toxicity test with V. fischeri proved to be a powerful
differences between the two plants: whereas only pro- assay to show significant toxic effects.
mutagens were detected for Plant 1, mainly direct muta- This study confirmed the presence of DBPs acting
gens were present in the drinking-water of Plant 2. The specifically on mitochondrial DNA, as demonstrated
raw river waters (Plants 3 and 4) did not show any by other studies with chlorinated waters [26,45]. The
detectable effect on the yeast. The disinfection process presence of compounds able to induce specific cellular
used for the same waters produced by-products mainly enzymatic activities provides useful information on the
acting as pro-mutagens. Water quality along the distri- possible co-mutagenic and co-carcinogenic action of the
bution system did not appear to be negatively affected. substances contained in drinking-waters.
The results of the acute test with V. fischeri confirmed This research allowed us to select a battery of bio-
the findings of the chemical analyses; the raw river water, logical in vitro short-term assays to detect a wide range
being rich in organic substances, was also character- of chemical substances that may produce different types
ized by greater toxicity compared with that of the other of genetic damage. This battery of tests was useful in
80 L. Guzzella et al. / Mutation Research 608 (2006) 72–81

assessing the mutagenic and/or genotoxic hazards of [16] M.J. Nieuwenhuijsen, M.B. Toledano, N.E. Eaton, J. Fawell, P.
drinking-water used for human consumption. Elliott, Chlorination disinfection byproducts in water and their
association with adverse reproductive outcomes: a review, Occup.
Environ. Med. 57 (2000) 73–85.
Acknowledgements [17] T.K. Nissinen, I.T. Miettinen, P.J. Martikainen, T. Vartiainen, Dis-
infection by-products in Finnish drinking water, Chemosphere 48
This research was supported by the Ministero (2002) 9–20.
dell’Università e della Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnolog- [18] L. Guzzella, D. Feretti, S. Monarca, Advanced oxidation and
adsorption technologies for organic micropollutant removal from
ica (40% funds, MURST 2001, Prof. S. Monarca and
lake water used as drinking-water supply, Water Res. 36 (2002)
Prof. C. Rossi). 4307–4318.
[19] S. Monarca, S.D. Richardson, D. Feretti, M. Grottolo, A.D. Thrus-
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