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Liu Yining Thesis

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Submitted to the Graduate Faculty

of Texas Tec University in
Partial Fulfillment of
the Requirements for
the Degree of



Purnendu K. Dasgupta
Chairperson of the Committee

Dimitri Pappas
Co-Chair of the Committee

Carol Korzeniewski
Member of the Committee


John Borrelli
Dean of the Graduate School

August, 2007
Copyright 2007, Yining Liu
Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007


I would like to express my deepest appreciation to Dr. Purnendu K.

Dasgupta, my dear mentor and advisor. Without his continuous guidance and

encouragement, my achievements towards a Master’s degree in Chemistry would

not have been possible. I would like also thank Dr. Dimitri Pappas and Dr. Carol

Korzeniewski for their assistance and valued comments on my thesis work.

I would like to express my great appreciation to those people in our group,

especially to Dr. Kalyani Martinelango, Dr. Qingyang Li, Dr. Takeuchi Masaki and

Mr. Jason V. Dyke. Those people gave me a lot of advice and guidance to assist

me to finish my research projects.

Last but not least, I would like to thank my family for their continuous support

and understanding of my studying thousands miles away from home. I love you

all. Finally, my deepest love would be expressed to my wife, Xia Wei, thank you

to be always along with me, patient and supportive. It’s my pleasure to enjoy the

great journey of life with you.

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007


ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS...…………………………………..….………...……...…… ii

ABSTRACT………………………………………………………………….…….….. viii

LIST OF TABLES…………………………………..………...….………...……............. x

LIST OF FIGURES…………………………………….....……..…..……………….… .xi

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS...………………………..…………….……….…..…. …xiv


I. INTRODUCTION: IODINE...………….……..............................……………….. 1

1.1 Historical Discovery…………………………………….................……… 1

1.2 Physical and Chemical Properties………..……………………...............1

1.3 Occurrence, Production and Uses....................................................... 2

1.4 Health Importance of Iodine…………………………………….…………3

1.4.1 Goiter.......................................................................................... 3

1.4.2 Neurological Disorder................................................................. 4

1.4.3 Hazard and Toxicity……............................................................. 4

1.5 Prevention of IDD Worldwide…............................................................ 4

1.5.1 Iodized Intake Regulation……………………..………….………...5

1.5.2 Iodized Salt in United States………………………………………..7

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007

1.6 Objectives of Present Work…………….................................................7

1.7 References............................................................................................9


PROGRAM IN THE UNITED STATES..................................................…….11

2.1 Introduction....................................................................................... 11

2.2 Analytical Methods for the Determination of Iodide………….……..…11

2.2.1 EPA Standard Method…………..…………………….……......... 11

2.2.2 Other Reported Methods……................................................... 12

2.3 Experimental Section….................................................................... 14

2.3.1 ICP-MS Condition…………...................................................... 14

2.3.2 Chemicals and Reagents......................................................... 14 Internal Standard…………………………………..………...14 Reference Standards and Sample Preparation…………..15

2.3.3 Measurements…………………………………........................... 16

2.4 Results and Discussion………………………………..…………...……17

2.4.1 Stability of Iodine in Table Salt.................................................. 17 Effect of Humidity..…........................................................ 17 Effect of Temperature....................................................... 18 Effect of Light................................................................... 18

2.4.2 Study of Iodized Salts Sold in US Market................................. 19

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007 Iodized Salt in US……..................................................... 19 Inhomogeneity of Iodine in Iodized Salt........................... 20 Study of Iodized Salt by States......................................... 20 Study of Iodized Salt by Brand…………….………..…..…21 Does Iodine Content Decay Over a Period of Time Under

Actual Use Conditions?....................................................21

2.5 Conclusion……………..….............................................................. 23

2.6 References....................................................................................... 24


3.1 Introduction....................................................................................... 38

3.2 Experimental Section……………………………….…….…….….……38

3.2.1 Instrument Setup…………………………….............................. 38 Amperometric Detector Cell………………….………...….38 NAFION Tube & Acid Penetration …..………………….…39 Data Acquisition………………………………..…...……….42

3.3 Result and Discussion part I:

Determination of Iodate in Chilean Caliche Soil.................................43

3.3.1 Standard Detection Method...................................................... 43

3.3.2 SCIC on Determining Iodate in Caliche Samples......................43

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007

3.3.3 Improved Iodate Amperometric Detection.................................44

3.3.4 Detector Interface to the Ion Chromatography System………..44

3.3.5 Preparation of Samples and Reagents......................................45 Sample Preparation..........................................................45 Chemicals and Reagents..................................................45

3.3.6 Optimization of Detection System.............................................45 Optimization of Applied Voltage........................................45 Gradient Eluent Protocol...................................................46

3.3.7 System Response.................................................................... 46 Calibration and Determination of Iodate………………..…46 Selective Detection of Iodate over Fluoride......................47 Iodate in the Chilean Caliche Samples…..…………….….47

3.4. Result and Discussion part II:

Determination of Iodate in Table Salt................................................49

3.4.1 Analytical Methods of Iodate Determination………...…………..49 Standard Methods…………………………...……………....49 Spectrometric and Electrochemical Methods………….….49 Sensitive Amperometric Detection of Iodate in Table

Salt Solution…...……………………………....………....…51

3.4.2 Preparation of Samples and Reagents……...……………….….51

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007 Sample Preparation……………………………...………….51 Chemicals and Reagents…………………….……………..52

3.4.3 Flow Injection Analysis System…………………....……………..52

3.4.4 Optimization of Detection System…………..………………..…..53 Optimization of Applied Voltage………………...…...……..53 Optimization of Flow Injection Variables………..…….......53

3.4.5 System Response……………………………..………….……….54 Calibration and Determination of Iodate in Iodized


3.4.6 Real Sample Result and Discussion………….………...……….54

3.5 Conclusion………………………..…………………………...………….55

3.6 References………………………………..………………………………56

IV. CONCLUSIONS...........................................................................................73

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007


Sufficient daily dietary iodine (I2) intake is necessary for the production of

thyroid hormones. Insufficient iodine intake or assimilation impairs the synthesis

of thyroid hormones and may result in hypothyroidism. If hypothyroidism occurs

early in life, a range of functional and physiological abnormalities collectively

termed “Iodine Deficiency Disorders” (IDD) may develop. Iodate and Iodide are

the only two forms in which iodine is added to table salt. Iodide is used in the US

but iodization has never been mandatory and iodine content of table salt has

never been determined independently. Potassium iodide (KI) added to table salt

may oxidize and then sublime at ambient humidity and temperature. Further

additives are sometimes added to salt, including silica or calcium silicate (to

maintain free flowing characteristics) and dextrose or sodium thiosulfate (as an

iodine preservative). We have collected table salt supplied by volunteers from

across the US. The iodine content of the salt samples was measured by ICP-MS

with Ge as an internal standard.

The determination of iodate is of great interest for the studies of an iodized

salt program in Asian countries because iodate is the iodization vector for salt in

Asia. Iodate is also naturally formed and the content of iodate in natural deposits

is of interest. We describe an electrochemical detection system in which

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007

aqueous iodate is reduced on a stainless steel working electrode with a platinum

auxiliary electrode in acidic medium. Under optimized applied voltage, the

electrochemical reduction current peak height is directly related to iodate

concentration in the samples. This method has been successfully applied to

determine iodate concentration in five Chilean Caliche samples and eight table

salt samples obtained from India, China, Thailand and Australia.

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007


1.1 Suggested Daily Iodine Intake by IOM.….....................................6

2.1 ICP-MS Operating Conditions and Measurement Parameters…………....26

2.2 Lab controlled Relative Humidity (RH) by Change the Density of H2SO4

Solution Stored in the Closed System.......................................................27

3.1 General Conditions for the Analysis…………………………….................. 57

3.2 Iodate Concentration in 13 Chilean Caliche Samples Solutions……..….. 58

3.3 Optimum Condition of the Flow Injection Amperometric Detection

System….…….......................................................................................... 59

3.4 Iodate Determined in the Table Salt...........................................................60

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007


2.1 A closed system is designed in order to control relative humidity (RH)......28

2.2 Iodized salt loses iodine when the environment is humid. This graph shows
the iodine decay in the lab controlled humidity of 40% -90%......... 29

2.3 Iodine in dry salt decays when heated for 5 minutes at 200oC..................30

2.4 Iodine decays slightly in the presence of light……………..........................31

2.5 Homogeneity of iodine in 4 iodized salt samples………….........................32

2.6 Iodide concentration in collected iodized salt samples in US. RDA,

Recommended Daily Allowance; 45% RDA = 45 mg/kg iodide in salt
(based on 1.5 g per serving, RDA=150 mg/kg).........................................33

2.7 Iodine concentration in salt samples from 37 states in US.........................34

2.8 Iodine content in 21 brands of newly purchased salt samples………....…35

2.9 1st and 2nd salt sample sent from 47 salt providers in US………..………36

2.10 1st, 2nd and 3rd salt samples sent from 24 salt sample providers in US.

3.1 Homemade Amperometric Detection System……………..……….……….61

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007

3.2 Ion Chromatography Coupled Amperometric Detection………..……....….62

3.3 Applied voltage on the working electrode was scanning with 500 μg/L
iodate standards (Triplet injections). Signal to Noise ratio (S/N) was
calculated when applied voltage was increased from100 mV to 700 mV in
50 mV steps. The error bars represent ±1 standard deviation. At 250-300
mV the detection reaches maximum sensitivity…………………………….63

3.4 Typical system output for iodate standards concentrations (μg/L) are
indicated on top of each triplicate set. The graph shows magnified view of
response iodate standards range from 0 to 1500 μg/L……….……...…….64

3.5 Calibration of iodate standards: 0 – 1500 μg/L, where y and x respectively

represent signal output and iodate concentration…………………….…....65

3.6 In SCIC chromatogram, iodate signal is overlapped by that of fluoride

because both of them have conductivity response. The first peak is fluoride,
iodate elutes as a shoulder. The amperometric detection gives iodate a
selective current signal. Gradient eluent protocol: 6 mM NaOH Eluent is
running in the IC system in the first 8 minutes. After that the Eluent
concentration is increased to 35 mM in two minutes. 35 mM NaOH is
running for the next 15 minutes until the last anion, Perchlorate, is running

3.7 Figure 3.7 Flow Injection Analysis Coupled Amperometric Detection

System (a). Schematic diagram of FIA system (b). NAFION Device: The
carrier stream is acidified when it passes through the 20 cm long NAFION
tube. Flow rate of sulfuric acid is 0.1 mL/mi (Detailed dimension information
of NAFION tube was discussed in ………………………...…….....67

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007

3.8 Applied voltage on the working electrode was scanning with 2 mg/L iodate
standard solution (triplet injections). Signal to Noise ratio (S/N) was
calculated when applied voltage was increased from 50 mV to 800 mV (50
mV step). At 300 mV the detection reaches maximum

3.9 Flow rate of 1% NaCl carrier was studied in the range from 0.2 ml/min to
2.0 mL/min. Both of the signal peak height and background noise
decreases as the flow rate increases. At 1.5 mL/min flow rate, S/N of 1
mg/L iodate standard reaches the maximum…….…………..…….……….69

3.10 Sample injection volumes are studied in the range from 100 μL to 1000
μL. 500μL is selected to be the optimal injection volume………...........….70

3.11 Typical system output for iodate standards: Concentration (μg/L) are
indicated on top of each triplicate set. The graph shows magnified view of
response iodate standards range from 0 to 2000 μg/L…………………….71

3.12 Calibration of iodate standards: 0 – 2000 μg/L, where y and x respectively

represent signal output and iodate concentration…………………………..72

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007


ABS Absorbance

A Ampere

AR Analytical reagent grade

oC Degree celsius

cm Centimeter

DI Deionized water

FDA Food and Drug Administration

FIA Flow Injection Analysis

Hz Hertz

I Iodine

IC Ion Chromatography

ICP/MS Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry

IDD Iodine Deficiency Disorder

LOD Limit of detection

L Liter

mg Miligram

mL Mililiter

MS Mass spectrometry

N.D. Not detected

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007

PC Personal Computer

RDA Recommend Daily Allowance

s Second

TH Thyroid Hormones

THS Thyroid Stimulating Hormone

μA Microampere

μL Microliter

μg Microgram

USEPA United States Environmental Protection Agency

v/v Volume in the volume

V Volt

WHO World Health Organization

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007



1.1 Historical Discovery

The ancient Chinese people recognized the effectiveness of seaweed and

burnt sea sponge in the treatment of goiter. Such treatment reduced its size and

caused its disappearance. However, there was no knowledge of iodine or iodine

deficiency available at that time1. Iodine was discovered by a French scientist,

Bernard Courtois, in 1811.1,2 Courtois obtained the element by treating seaweed

ash with concentrated sulfuric acid. The name “iode” was proposed by J. L.

Gay-Lussac in 1813.2 The word iode/iodine (element symbol I) is derived from

the Greek word “ioeides” and reflects its most characteristic property: the color


1.2 Physical and Chemical Properties

Iodine is a bluish-black, lustrous solid metal (solid density 4.93 g/cm3 at 300

K) found throughout the environment in a stable form, I-127. It is a Group 7

element in the periodic table. It has an atomic number 53 and an atomic weight

of 126.9045 g /mol. Iodine sublimes at room temperature in to a blue-violet

vapor (gas density 11.2 g/L, 1 atm) with an irritating odor. Its electronic

configuration, [Kr] 5s24d105p5, suggests the valence of +1,+3, +5… are


Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007

Iodine is found throughout the environment as the stable isotope, I-127.

I-131 and I-129 are two common radioactive forms of iodine. The radioisotope

I-131 is used often in clinical medicine. It has a half life of 8 days while I-129 has

a much longer half life of 15 million years.5,6

1.3 Occurrence, Production and Uses

Iodine is found in inorganic forms in ground water and soil. The form in

which iodine compounds are found is mainly decided by the matrices in which

they occur. Organic iodine in the seawater is transformed in the biogeochemical

cycle eventually to iodate (IO3-) in the atmospheric aerosol and deposited on land

via rain. Iodate, a soluble oxidation product is often considered to be the only

stable species of iodine converted to the aerosol phase7 and it is the dominant

form of inorganic iodine in precipitation.8 Some very recent work, however,

questioned the relative importance of iodate domination.9-10 It is known that the

Chilean Caliche Nitrate bed is rich in iodine (~0.02-1 wt% I) in the form of

Laurarite, Ca(IO3)2 and Dietzeite, 7Ca(IO3)2.8CaCrO3.2 Studying the

environmental occurrence of iodate helps us understand the transport and

chemical influence of iodine oxides in the troposphere, including the destruction

and depletion of ozone.11 It is generally held that iodide and iodate are the only

iodine species in natural water, with total iodine equaling the combined

concentrations of iodate and iodide.12

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007

1.4 Health Importance of Iodine

Today, iodine is well known as an essential trace element required for the

synthesis of thyroid hormones (TH). Iodine is present in the body in minute

amounts and is stored in the thyroid gland. The thyroid gland removes iodine

from the circulating bloodstream. Iodine normally enters the bloodstream as

iodide after ingestion in food or water. When iodine intake is not adequate, the

thyroid may not be able to synthesize sufficient amounts of thyroid hormones to

meet one’s physiological needs.

The only clearly known need for iodine is for the formation of thyroid

hormones. Insufficient thyroid hormone synthesis results in hypothyroidism and

a range of functional and developmental abnormalities collectively termed “Iodine

Deficiency Disorders” (IDD). Iodine deficiency has the potential to increase the

prevalence of goiter and increases the risk of intellectual deficiency.

1.4.1 Goiter

The name “goiter” refers to those patients with a greatly swollen thyroid,

when the diet is deficient in iodine, the thyroid gland may become very large.

The pituitary attempts to increase iodide trapping by increasing its excretion of

thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH). TSH stimulates the thyroid and its growth.

Ordinary and endemic goiters are termed “nontoxic” and can be treated with

iodine supplementation. However, “toxic” goiters, such as Graves’s or

Basedow’s disease, are caused by autoimmune problems. Improving iodine

intake does not help such patients.13

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007

1.4.2 Neurological Disorder

Iodine deficiency leads to reduced production of the two thyroid hormones

thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). Insufficient levels of these two thyroid

hormones during early life may result in abnormal development. The brain and

neurological system may be severely affected14 as T4 and T3 hormones are

essential for pre- and postnatal brain development. 14-15 Congenital

hypothyroidism results in mental retardation, ataxia, spasticity and deafness.14 If

TH insufficiency occurs in early pregnancy, the offspring display problems in

visual attention and visual processing. If TH insufficiency occurs after birth,

language and memory skills are most predominantly affected.13-16

1.4.3 Hazard and Toxicity

Although iodine is essential for proper nutrition, care is needed when

handling the element, as skin contact can cause lesions and the vapor is highly

irritating to the eyes and mucous membranes.4,6

1.5 Prevention of IDD Worldwide

Iodine deficiency is a major threat to the health and development of people

worldwide. Iodine deficiency is common when the environment is poor in iodine,

resulting in low iodine concentrations in food products. One of the best and least

expensive methods of preventing IDD is supplementation of table salt with iodine.

Iodine is added to salt in the form of potassium iodide (KI) or potassium iodate

(KIO3) either as a dry solid or as a sprayed aqueous solution at the point of

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007

production. In more than 100 countries throughout the world, the iodine content

of the food supply is supplemented by adding iodine to table salt.17-18 These salt

iodization programs have been very successful in improving thyroid health status

in populations where salt iodization programs have been in effect of several years

have been overwhelming. The number of countries with high prevalence of

iodine deficiency has decreased from 110 in 1993 to 54 in 2003.17

1.5.1 Iodized Intake Regulation

Both the World Health Organization (WHO) and the US Food and Drug

administration (FDA) suggest a Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) of 130

μg/day for adolescents and adults and 65 μg/day for school age children.17-20 In

2002, the WHO revised the recommended daily iodine intake for pregnant women

to 200 μg/day in consideration of the fact that iodine requirements increase during

pregnancy to provide for the needs of the fetus.20 In 2001, the Institute of

Medicine (IOM) released detailed RDA values for iodine for groups of people of

varying ages (Table 1.1).21 According to the US National Academy of Sciences

Press report in 2004, the tolerable Upper Intake iodine level for adults (UL) is

1,100 μg/day.

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007

Table 1.1 Suggested daily iodine intake by IOM

Group Iodine intake

Age 0-6 months 110 (AI*)
Age 7-12 months 130 (AI)

Age 1-8 yr 90 (RDA**)

Age 9-13 yr 120 (RDA)

Age ≥ 14 yr 150 (RDA)
Pregnant woman 220 (RDA)
Lactating woman 290 (RDA)

AI*, Adequate Intake

RDA**, Recommended Daily Allowance
The RDA is the intake of a nutrient expected to meet the needs of 97-98% of
healthy individuals. The AI is an approximation of the dietary intake when there is
not enough evidence to determine the RDA, which always exceeds the RDA.21

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007

1.5.2 Iodized Salt in United States

Voluntary fortification of salt with iodine was introduced in 1924 and resulted

in a virtual elimination of endemic goiter in the US. However, salt iodization is

still not mandatory in the US. Potassium iodide (KI) is used as the iodization

vector rather than iodate (KIO3).22 KI is normally added at a concentration of

60-100 mg/kg. Stabilizing agents such as sodium thiosulfate (Na2S2O3), pH

buffers, such as sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) and drying agents such as silicon

dioxide (SiO2) or calcium silicate are added at concentration of 0.04% or 0.05% to

table salt to prevent iodide sublimation. Anti-caking agents are normally added

in concentrations of 1-1.5 %.23

1.6 Objectives of Present Work

We wanted to develop a fast interference-free method to determine iodide in

salt when iodide is used as the iodization vector. Studying the iodide

concentration in many salt samples collected from across United States helps us

understand how the storage conditions affect the iodide sublimation from salt.

We analyzed all archived salt samples, stored in the dark at -20 °C, by ICP-MS.

In chapter II, we report the ICP-MS instrumentation and method setup for iodide

determination in iodized salt solution. Chapter II also discusses how the storage

environment affects iodide loss and the iodide concentrations of salt samples

collected in 37 US states.

We also wanted to develop a simple, fast, interference-free, detection

scheme for aqueous iodate in different matrices. When connected in a

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007

post-column configuration in ion chromatography (IC), the analyzer can work

selectively detect iodate without interference from fluoride. When used in a

flow-injection analysis (FIA) system, it can determine iodate in a sample made

from table salt that is iodized with iodate. Chapter III of this dissertation

describes the water-phase amperometric detection of iodate, and how it has been

adapted for a post-IC column system and FIA system. The conclusions are

summarized in Chapter IV.

The experiments described in Chapter II were conducted at the University of

Texas at Arlington, Arlington, Texas. The experiments described in Chapter III

were conducted at Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas.

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007

1.7 References

1. Rosenfeld, L. Journal of Chemical Education, 2000, 77, 984-987.

2. Chemistry of the Elements, Green wood, N.N.; Earnshaw, A. 2nd Ed.;

Pergamon Press: New York, 1997, p 794.

3. Natural Health Doc Homepage.'S-INFORMATION/IODINE

-What-Is-Iodine-Why-Iodine__protected~.htm (5/12/2007).

4. Radical Chemsitry Homepage. (5/12/2007).

5. “Fact About Iodine”, EPA report, July 2002:

resources/radiation/pdf/iodine.pdf (5/12/2007)

6. All Info About Chemistry Homepage.

periodic/i.html (6/11/2007)

7. Vogt, R.; Sander, R.; Glasow, V.R.; Crutzen, J.P. Journal of Atmospheric

Chemistry 1999, 32, 375-395.

8. Baker, A.R.; Thompson, D.; Campos, M.L.A.M.; Parry, S.J.; Jickells, T.D.

Journal of Geophysical Research, 2001, 106, 28743.

9. Gildeffer, B.S.; Petri, M.; Biester, H. Journal of Geophysical Research-

-Atmospheres 2007, 112 (D7): Art. No. D07301

10. Gildeffer, B.S.; Petri, M.; Biester, H. Atmos. Chem. Phys. 2007, 7, 2661-2669.

11. Carpenter, L.J. Chem. Rev. 2003, 103, 4953-4962.

12. Edmonds, J.S.; Morita, M. Pure & Appl. Chem. 1998, 70, (8) 1567-1584.

13. Carpenter, K.J. The Journal of Nutrition, 2005, 135, 675-680.

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007

14. Thompson, C.C.; Potter, G. B. Cerebral Cortex, 2000, 10, 939-945.

15. Pearce, E.N.; Pino, S.; He, X.; Bazrafshan, H.R.; Lee, S.L.; Braverman, L.E. J.

Clin. Endocrinol. Metabol. 2004, 89, 3421-3424.

16. Zoeller, R.R; Rovet, J. Journal of Neuroendocrinology, 2004, 16, 809-818.

17. WHO document, Iodine status worldwide: WHO Global Database on Iodine

Deficiency. World Health Organization, Geneva. 2004

18. WHO document, Iodine status worldwide: WHO Global Database on Iodine

Deficiency. World Health Organization, Geneva. 1999

19. Report of FAO/WHO Expert Consultation. Human Vitamin and Mineral

requirements. World Health Organization, Geneva. 2002.

20. US Department of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration

Guidance potassium iodide as a thyroid blocking agent in Radiation Emergencies,

Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, Rockville MD. 2001.

21. Food and Nutrition Board Institute of Medicine 2001 Dietary reference in-takes.

National Academy Press: Washington, DC., 2001; p 258.

22. Aquaron, R. Iodine content of non iodized salts and iodized salts obtained

from the retail markets worldwide. 8th World Salt Symposium: Hague, the

Netherlands., 2000; 2, p 235-240.

23. Salt Institute Homepage. (5/12/2007).

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007





2.1 Introduction

This chapter describes the result of measurement of iodide in iodized table

salt in various parts of the US as supplied by volunteers. The purpose of this

research is to determine if iodized salt in the US contains the level of iodine that it

purportedly does. We also wanted to determine if iodine is lost from the salt over

a period of several months. We also directly assessed the effects of humidity,

light and temperature on iodine loss from iodized salt.

2.2 Analytical Methods for the Determination of Iodide

2.2.1 EPA Standard Method

The present USEPA approved detection method is based on Iodine Titration.

This method1 (EPA 345.1) is applicable to iodide determination in different

matrices, including drinking water, surface water, saline water, sewage and

industrial waste effluents. Iodide in the sample solution is converted to iodate

with bromine water and then titrated with Phenylarsine Oxide (PAO) or Sodium

Thiosulfate (Na2S2O3). A relatively strict sample handling and preservation

protocol, e.g., storage at 4 oC and analysis as soon as possible are required.

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007

The applicable concentration range is 2-20 mg/L; the range of iodide that would

be obtained by dissolving a real iodized salt sample without getting problems from

chloride does not correspond well to this. The execution of the method is

onerous: while details are not given here, some eighteen different reagents are

needed to carry out the method. To avoid interference, visible excess of CaO

need to be added to the sample through a complex pretreatment procedure.

This method is not likely the best choice to determine iodide in large number of

salt samples.

2.2.2 Other Reported Methods

Ion Chromatography (IC) is routinely applied for the speciation of anions in

aqueous samples. There have been several reports of IC-based methods

coupled with different detectors for the determination of iodide. Dionex Corp.

reported pulsed amperometric detection of iodide coupled to Ion

Chromatography.2 A disposable silver working electrode was used to determine

sulfide, iodide and other common anions in water that form insoluble silver salts.

Detection Limit was as low as 5 μg/L iodide with 10 μL sample. Bichsel reported

the determination of iodide by IC with post-column reaction and UV-Vis detection.3

Iodide was determined as IBr2- at 249 nm, which was formed after the IC

separation step in a bromide-containing eluent. Detection limit was excellent,

0.1 μg/L iodide. Dudoit and Perganits reported a IC method with conductivity

detection coupled on-line with Induction Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer

(ICP-MS) for the purpose of multi-anion speciation in drinking water.4 It was

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007

possible to measure iodide at the sub-μg/L level. ICP-MS is one of the most

reliable and sensitive methods to measure iodine. Gilfedder et al.5 used ion

chromatography coupled ICP-MS (IC-ICP-MS) to measure iodine species in

precipitation (rain and snow) collected from various locations. Their results

suggest that iodate may not be the most common iodine species. Haldimann et

al.6 measured iodine content of various food groups in the Swiss market using

I-129 as an internal standard. These authors also looked at the iodide catalyzed

reaction (Sandell-Kolthoff reaction) between Ce4+ and As3+ for the determination

of iodine in salt and concluded that iodine can be successfully determined

whether or not the salt is iodine fortified. 7 Another Catalytic reaction, the

Moxon-Dixon method, involves the loss of color from the Fe3+-SCN- complex due

to the slow reduction of Fe3+ to Fe2+by NO2-; this is a process that is catalyzed by

I-. If sufficient Cl- is present, iodate is quantitatively reduced to I- and is

measured as well. The correspondence of this method to ICP-MS results have

been demonstrated as well for various culinary products. 8

ICP-MS methods generally require an internal standard. I-129 has been

used as an internal standard6,7,9 but some maintain that the isobaric 127IH2+ poses

a problem.10 Others have successfully used 74Ge, 113In, 85Rb, or 89Y as an

internal standard.11-14 We have chosen here an ICP-MS method with

Germanium (Ge) as internal standard.

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007

2.3 Experimental Section

2.3.1 ICP-MS Condition

The ICP–MS used was an X Series II ICP-MS with nebulizer peltier cooling

option (Thermo Electron Corporation). Samples were introduced to the ICP via

an autosampler (Cetac ASX-520). Thermo PlasmaLab (version

software was used to optimize the ICP-MS operating parameters, control the auto

sampler and acquire the mass data. The optimized operating parameters and

data acquisition parameters are shown in Table 2.1.

2.3.2 Chemicals and Reagents

All chemicals used were analytical reagent grade and deionized (DI) water

(18.3 MΩ/cm, Millipore) was used. Internal Standard

An internal standard was added to all samples and used to quantify iodide.

The internal standard was made from Germanium (IV) Oxide (Strem Chemicals,

99.999%). A 3700 ppm stock solution was made by dissolving 0.37g GeO2 in

100mL of 40 mM NaOH. The stock solution was further diluted to a 3.7ppm

working solution.

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007 Reference Standards and Sample Preparation

Sodium chloride (Mallinckrodt, AR) was used as a non-iodized salt

reference. Potassium iodide (KI, Baxter Scientific Products, AR) was used to

prepare iodide standard. A 1000 mg/L stock iodide standard was prepared by

dissolving 0.1307 g of KI in 100 mL of DI water. A 5% NaCl solution was

prepared by diluting 25 g solid NaCl to a 500 mL final volume with DI water. The

iodide standards were prepared by spiking various amounts of the 1000 mg/L

iodide stock solution into 10 mL of the 5% NaCl solution. Six iodide standards

were prepared from 0 to 5 mg/L in 5% NaCl solution.

Iodized salt samples were sealed in a plastic zip lock bag and wrapped in

aluminum foil and stored in a freezer (-20oC) until the time of analysis. Sample

solutions were prepared by dissolving 0.5 gram of sample salt in 10 mL DI water

in each 15 mL screw-capped culture tube. The samples solution were allowed to

stand for 8 hours in a dark location to allow the salts to fully dissolve and then they

were filtered through a 0.45 μm Nylon syringe filter (FisherBrand) to remove any

insoluble particles present.

The samples and standards injected and analyzed by the ICP-MS were

made by diluting the 5% salt sample solution to a final concentration of 0.05%.

This was done by adding 9.8 mL DI water to 0.1 mL of the 5% salt solution in a 15

mL culture tube. All samples and standard were then spiked with 0.1 mL of the

3.7 mg/L Ge internal standard solution to give a final concentration of 7 μg/L 72Ge

in the 10 mL solution. The iodide calibration standards ranged from 0 to 50 μg/L

in the final diluted solutions.

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007

2.3.3 Measurements

Samples and standards were loaded into the auto sampler rack and the

automated analysis procedure was initiated. A peristaltic pump built into the

ICP-MS was used to prime the sample into the nebulizer at 1.6 mL/min for 45

seconds and then continuously aspirate the sample into the nebulizer at 0.8

mL/min. Each measurement cycle consisted of a 20 seconds qualitative mass

survey scan followed by three 32 seconds quantitative mass scans. After

sampling was complete, the auto sampler probe was washed in DI water for 1


The calibration of the iodide standards showed excellent linearity over the

calibration range (R2=0.9985). The limit of detection (LOD, 3σ, where σ is the

standard deviation of the blank) routinely obtained by the ICP-MS was 0.047 μg/L.

Iodide recovery was measured by means of spike recovery. The measured and

recovered iodide content was generally in good agreement and the overall

recovery of iodide was found to be 93.78% ± 0.078%. Therefore described

method was the used to determine iodide content in salt samples collected within

the US.

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007

2.4 Results and Discussion

2.4.1 Stability of Iodine in Table Salt

Elemental iodine readily sublimes and is thus rapidly lost.15 Potassium

iodide (KI) is less stable than potassium iodate (KIO3) because it can be oxidized

to elemental iodine by oxygen, especially in the presence of moisture16. The rate

of iodide loss may be increased by moisture in the salt and presumably by

exposure to light and heat. Storage conditions will affect iodine stability in table

salt. Effect of Humidity.

“Wegmans” iodized salt was used to study the humidity effect, dextrose was

added in as stabilizing agent from the production point. Humidity was controlled

by adding different concentrations of sulfuric acid to a closed system (Table 2.2).

In the closed system in Figure 2.1, 20 grams of iodized salt were placed on a

watch glass, which is located on a 25 mL glass beaker. All of them were placed

in a 500 mL glass beaker, which contained 50 mL sulfuric acid in it, and the beaker

was sealed with plastic wrap. The real-time humidity was monitored by

Hygrometer (Extech, RH-45400). The relative humidity (RH) in the three closed

500 mL glass beakers was measured as 90.1%, 81.8% and 67.6% at about 25 oC

room temperature. The results confirm the significant effect of ambient humidity

on iodine stability (Figure 2.2). Iodine in table salt was not detectable after six

weeks storage at RH 90%. The iodide content of salt decreased from 75 mg/kg

by to about half (39 mg/kg) at RH 67.6% and to 1/5 the original content (15 mg/kg)

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007

at 81.9% after the same length of time (6 weeks). Note that the rate of loss was

essentially the same at 40% RH compared to 65% RH but accelerated markedly

by the time 80% RH is reached. The deliquescence point of NaCl is 75% RH,

and our observations thus indicate that actual uptake of liquid water may be

important in accelerating iodine loss. Effect of Temperature.

Four iodized salt samples were purchased from local grocery stores

(Lubbock, TX). The four brands of iodized salt used in this experiment, Salt

sense, Rich food, Morton and Hain sea iodized salt were all added with dextrose

as stabilizing agent from the production point. About 5 grams of each salt was

placed in an oven preheated to 200 oC for 5 minutes. This thus simulated dry

heating to which iodized salt may be exposed to during cooking. The iodine

concentrations in these samples were determined and compared to their original

respective concentrations (Figure 2.3). The two samples with the highest

original iodine concentrations lost 10- 20% of their iodine during heating.

However, the other two samples showed no discernible loss. Effect of Light

“Wegmans” iodized salt was used to study the light effect. Each of 20

grams of salt was stored exposed to ambient air (mean RH over the period was

36 %) with or without room fluorescent lighting, which was kept on 24 hours a day.

The iodine concentration in iodized salt decreased from 75 mg/kg to about 40

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007

mg/kg after 42 days exposure to ambient air. Iodine in the salt sample stored in

ambient air and under light lost only slightly more iodine than the sample stored

without light (Figure 2.4). The iodine decay rates were very similar in both

conditions. These results suggest that photo-exposure is less important than

exposure to air in loss of iodine from in table salt.

2.4.2 Study of Iodized Salts Sold in US. Market Iodized Salt in US

Voluntary fortification of salt with iodine was introduced in 1924 and resulted

in a virtual elimination of endemic goiter in the US However, salt iodization is still

not mandatory in the US Iodine is added to salt in the form of potassium iodide

(KI) or potassium iodate (KIO3) either as a dry solid powder (dry mixing) or in

water dissolved with salt solutions (spray mixing or drip feed mixing) at the point

of production.17 Potassium iodide (KI) is reportedly added at a concentration of

60-100 mg/kg to salt that is sold in the US market labeled as “Iodized Salt”.

Stabilizing agents such as sodium thiosulfate (Na2S2O3) and Dextrose are added

at concentrations of 0.04% or 0.05% to table salt to prevent iodine loss.

Anti-caking agents such as sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) and magnesium

carbonate (MgCO3) are normally added in concentrations of 1-1.5%.18

Potassium iodide used in iodizing salt is reportedly produced by only a few

companies, among them are INQIUM, FRANMAR and IODINEX in Chile and

Calibre Chemicals in India.18

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007 Inhomogeneity of Iodine in Iodized Salt

Iodine is added to table salt by dry or wet methods. There are no reports in

the literature as to how homogeneously the added iodine is distributed in

marketed iodized salt. To study this, four brands of iodized salt were purchased

at local grocery stores. Five salt samples of 1.25 g each were taken from each of

the 4 new salt containers from the very top, very bottom, and three more evenly

spaced depth settings. Figure 2.5 shows the homogeneity (or lack thereof) of

iodine concentrations in each of the 4 brands of iodized salt tested. The results

obviously indicate that iodine distribution homogeneity differs from one sample to

another. Although it may be premature to distinguish between brands on the

basis of the analysis of a single can, it is clear that the iodine was not uniformly

distributed in the Wegman’s can, the concentration monotonically increased from

the top to the bottom. Study of Iodized Salt by States

The graph in Figure 2.6 summarizes the results of iodine determination in 94

newly purchased table salt samples collected across 42 states in the US.

Participating in a campaign that we initiated, volunteers sent us 5 g or more salt

samples from the top when they newly purchased a can/box. The sample was

put in a Zip-lock bag with care taken to not leave too much air in the bag, and then

wrapped in Al foil prior to sending us, along with brand, batch and date of

purchase information. Our volunteers not only took the trouble to do this, all

expenses for this enterprise was borne by them and we thank them for this.

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007

Upon arrivals the samples were catalogued, acknowledged and immediately put

in dark at -20 °C until analysis.

The standard level of salt iodization is 45 % of the RDA (150 μg/day) of

iodine per serving size (1.5 g). That is, the iodine concentration should be

approximately 45 mg/kg in each salt sample. The experimental result indicates

that more than half the samples had iodine concentrations below the 45 mg/kg

standard. Of the received 94 first iodized salt samples from 37 states, the mean

iodide concentration was 43.96 ± 20.50 mg/kg. Concentrations ranged from 2.78

± 0.30 mg/kg to 149.97 ± 0.87 mg/kg. The sample with the lowest iodine

concentration was purchased in Washington (WA) and the highest came from

Delaware (DE). Figure 2.7 shows average iodine concentrations by states.

Half are less than the RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance). Study of Iodized Salt by Brand

Iodine concentrations were studied by brands (Figure 2.8). There is of

course the caveat that the number of samples studied for a given brand is not

statistically meaningful and no conclusions should be drawn. Does Iodine Content Decay Over a Period of Time Under Actual Use


Although laboratory experiments showed that iodine loss occurs with

storage, especially under humid conditions, this does not directly answer the

question whether iodine loss similarly occurs during actual use since an average

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007

can of salt typically lasts several months in an average household. The humidity

in most homes may be controlled because of air conditioning and individual

practices of how a container of salt is kept (spout open, spout closed, etc.) may

differ greatly. Note that if we got our daily iodine requirement solely from salt, it

will require a family of three 2.5 months to finish a 737 g container of salt

(containing 45 mg I /kg salt). In practice, much less is consumed and the

residence time of a can of salt in an average household is significantly longer. At

our request, several of our volunteers not only sent a ~ 5 g sample aliquot when

they first purchased a new container of salt, they similarly sent additional sample

aliquots when the container was approximately half empty and sent a final sample

when the container was nearly empty. The dates were noted and recorded.

Our data showed it required between 17 and 225 days for the salt container to be

half emptied (112.83±53.25 days) and between 38 and 349 days from the

beginning for the salt container to be consumed (179.69±81.84 days).

Forty-seven salt providers sent us the two salt samples obtained when the

salt container was just purchased and when half empty. Eleven of the 47 second

samples had less than 15% the iodine present in the first samples (Figure 2.9).

Twenty-four providers sent third samples from their containers. Ten of these

showed an additional 15% loss of iodine (Figure 2.10). However, it is still

premature to conclude that iodide decay during the period of time in household

storage condition because previous experiment showed that the iodide added in

the salt is not homogeneous distributed.

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007

2.5 Conclusion

We have confirmed that moisture plays an important role in the stability of

iodine in iodized table salt in the US where the iodization vector is iodide. Iodine

loss from salt may occur, especially when stored under high humidity. Additionally

our experiments suggest that more iodine may be lost during cooking.

It is clear that there is a very broad variation range of iodine concentrations

in different iodized salt samples sold in US markets. More than half of the

samples tested have inadequate iodine concentrations and cannot reliably

provide 45% RDA per serving.

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007

2.6 References

1. EPA method.


2. Cheng, J.; Jandik, P.; Avdalovic, N. Anal. Chim. Acta. 2005, 536, 267-274

3. Bichsel, Y.; Gunten, V. U. Anal. Chem. 1999, 71, 34-38.

4. Dudoit, A.; Pergantis, A. S. J. Anal. At. Spectrom, 2001, 16, 575-580.

5. Gilfedder BS.; Petri, M.; Biester H. Journal of Geophysical

Research-Atmosphere, 2007, 112 (D7).

6. Haldimann, M.; Alt, A.; Blanc A.; Blondeau, K. Journal of Food Composition and

Analysis, 2005, 18 (6), 461-471.

7. Haldimann, M.; Wegmuller, R.; Zimmermann, M. European Food Research and

Technology, 2003, 218 (1), 96-98.

8. Perring, L.; Basic-Dvorzak, M.; Andrey, D. Analyst, 2001, 126 (7), 985-988.

9. Gelinas, Y.; Iyengar, GV.; Barnes, RM. Fresenius Journal of Analytical

Chemistry, 1998, 362 (5), 483-488.

10. Bienvenu, P.; Brochard, E.; Excoffier, E.; Piccione, M. Canadian Journal of

Analytical Sciences and Spectroscopy, 2004, 49 (6), 423-428.

11. Eickhorst, T.; Seubert, A. Journal of Chromatography A, 2004, 1050 (1),


12. Yamada, H.; Kiriyama, T.; Yonebayashi, K. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition,

1996, 42 (4), 859-866.

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007

13. Poluzzi, V.; Cavalchi, B.; Mazzoli, A.; Alberini, G.; Lutman, A.; Coan, P.; Ciani,

I,; Trentini, P.; Ascanelli, M.; Daovoli, V. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry,

1996, 11 (9), 731-734.

14. Nobrega, JA.; Genlinas, Y.; Krushevska, A.; Barnes, RM. Journal of Analytical

Atomic Spectrometry, 1997, 12 (10), 1243-1246.

15. Chemistry of the Elements, Green wood, N.N.; Earnshaw, A. 2nd Ed.;

Pergamon Press: New York, 1997, p 794.





18. Salt Institute Homepage. (5/12/2007)

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007

Table 2.1 ICP-MS Operating Conditions and Measurement Parameters

Power: 1430 (W)

Cool gas: 13 (L min-1)
Aux gas: 0.7 (L min-1)
Neb gas: 0.92-0.95 (L min-1)
Spray Chamber Temperature: 3 (oC)
Peristaltic Pump Flow Rate: 0.8 (mL min-1)
Sample and Skimmer Cone: Nickel
Detector mode: Pulse Counting
Operating pressure:
Expansion Chamber Pressure: 1.9 (mbar)
Analyzer Chamber Pressure: 3.6 x 10-7 (mbar)
Nebulizer Back Pressure: 2.1 (bar)
Software: Thermo PlasmaLab (version
Data Acquisition Parameters:
Mode: Peakjump
Sweeps: 800
Dwell Time: 10 (ms)
Mass Separation: 0.02 (amu)
127 72
Elements Monitored: I, Ge, 74Ge

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007

Table 2.2 Lab Controlled Relative Humidity (RH) by Change the Density of H2SO4
Solution Stored in the Closed System. (Handbook of Chemistry and Physics,
55th Ed. CRC press)

Density of H2SO4 solution Theoretical RH (%) Measured RH (%)

1.00 100 90.1
1.20 80.5 81.8
1.30 58.3 67.6

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007

Plastic Wrap

500 mL Glass (Air humidity is

Beaker controlled in the
closed system.)

Iodized Salt
Watch Glass

25 mL Glass
Sulfuric Acid

Figure 2.1 A closed system is designed in order to control relative humidity (RH).
20 grams of Iodized salt was placed on a watch glass on a 25 mL glass beaker.
All of them were placed in a 500 mL glass beaker, which contained 50 mL sulfuric
acid. The RH is controlled by changing sulfuric acid concentration in the closed
system, which is sealed with plastic cover.

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007

Effect of Moisture
90% RH
80% RH
65% RH
40% (RH in our lab, Lubbock,TX)
Iodide concentration (mg/kg)




0 10 20 30 40 50
Time (day)

Figure 2.2 Iodized salt loses iodine when the environment is humid. This graph
shows the iodine decay in the lab controlled humidity of 40% - 90%. Under room
temperature (22oC)

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007


Original content
After heating
Iodide content (mg/kg)



Salt Sense Richfood Morton Hain
Sea Salt

Figure 2.3 Iodine in dry salt comparison before and after being heated for 5
minutes at 200 oC.

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007

Light Effect
No Light
With Light
Iodide Concentration (mg/kg)




0 10 20 30 40 50
Time (day)

Figure 2.4 Iodine decays slightly in the presence of light, under room temperature
(22oC) and humidity (RH=40%)

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007

Average (SD)

Average (SD)

Average (SD)

Average (SD)
Iodide content, mg/kg



Hain Rich Wegman's Salt
Sea Food Sense

Figure 2.5 Homogeneity of iodine in 4 iodized salt samples

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007


Iodide content (mg/kg)


45% RDA

94 new purchased iodized salt in 37 states of US

Fig 2.6 Iodide concentration in collected iodized salt samples in US. RDA,
Recommended Daily Allowance; 45% RDA = 45 mg/kg iodide in salt (based
on 1.5 g per serving, RDA=150 mg/kg)

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007

Iodide Concentration (mg/kg) 160



45% RDA

Salt purchased from 37 States in US
Figure 2.7 Iodine concentration in salt samples from 37 states in US

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007


Iodide Concentration (mg/kg)




21 Brands of iodized salt purchased in US

Figure 2.8 Iodine content in 21 brands of newly purchased salt samples

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007


1st sample
2nd sample
Iodine Concentration (mg/kg)




1st salt sample vs. 2nd salt sample

Figure 2.9 1st and 2nd salt samples sent from 47 salt providers in US.

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007


200 1st sample

Iodide Concentration (mg/kg)

2nd sample
3rd sample




1st samples vs. 2nd samples vs. 3rd samples

Figure 2.10 1st, 2nd and 3rd salt samples sent from 24 salt sample providers
in US.

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007




3.1 Introduction

This chapter describes a simple and selective amperometric detection

system for the determination of iodate (IO3-) in aqueous solution. Iodate is

reduced at a stainless steel working electrode with a platinum auxiliary electrode,

the latter also serving as a virtual reference electrode. The peak height

response is directly related to the iodate concentration. This detector was

operated directly in a flow injection analysis (FIA) system and also in conjunction

with Ion Chromatography (IC) system. It provides a simple and sensitive

approach to measuring iodate in solution with different matrices.

3.2 Experimental Section

3.2.1 Instrument Setup Amperometric Detector Cell

An amperometric detector cell (Figure 3.1 a), was composed of a 2.5 cm

long stainless steel tube (i.d. 0.5 mm, o.d. 0.75 mm, Small Part Inc.), functioning

as a working electrode. One end of the stainless steel tube was inserted into a

Teflon tube (0.8 mm i.d., 1.4 mm o.d. and 1.5 cm long, Zeus products). The

platinum counter electrode was 1 mm in diameter and was inserted through the

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007

wall of the Teflon tube and epoxied in place. The distance between the two

electrodes was 1 mm. The other end of stainless steel tube was connected to a

Teflon tube (0.71mm i.d. and 1.30 mm o.d.) and both inserted into a flexible PVC

tube (0.74 mm i.d., 2.45 mm o.d., and ~0.5 cm long, Cole-Parmer). Referring to

Figure 3.1 b, the power source for the electrodes was a 9 V battery, connected

across a 300 KΩ potentiometer. The negative terminal of the battery was

connected to the electronic system ground (GND). The slider of the

potentiometer, providing variable positive potential was connected to the counter

electrode, while the working electrode was at virtual ground, being connected

through a current to voltage converter (a low-noise JFET operational amplifier, 1/2

TL072CN) to ground. The first stage of the amplifier functioned as a 1 V/μA I →V

converter but inverted the sign of the signal; the second stage (1/2 TL072CN)

merely corrected the sign; both stages had a time constant of 1 s. NAFION Tube & Acid Penetration

The reduction of iodate is facilitated in an acid medium:

IO3- + 6 H+ + 6e → I- + 3 H2O …(1)

To acidify the iodate sample flow stream prior to detection, it will thus be

beneficial to add acid so that the reduction can be efficiently accomplished at a

lower applied voltage. In addition, having a finite concentration of H+ defines the

reference potential at the counter electrode through the electrolytic breakdown of

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007

H2O → 2 H+ + ½ O2 + 2e …(2)

It would have been possible to use a merging stream of acid. However, this

would involve sample dilution and necessitate an additional pump. We designed

instead a device to allow acid to be introduced without a pump and without

volumetric dilution. The scheme involves the introduction of sulfuric through a

NAFION membrane into the flow stream. Although the penetration of sulfate

through a negatively charged perfluorosulfonate NAFION membrane is

Donnan-forbidden, this barrier is overcome if a large concentration gradient exists

across the membrane.

NAFION ionomers were developed and produced by DuPont Company in

the early 70’s as Proton-Exchange Membrane. This material is generated by

copolymerization of a perfluorinated vinyl ether comonomer with TFE

(tetrafluoroethlene).1-3 Below is the chemical structure of NAFION:

Naf ion (R)

(CF2-CF2)x (CF2-CF)y
F3 C C F

SO3 -

The sulfonate groups (-SO3-) facilitate the electrostatic binding of cations.

Cations can exchange through those active sites. For example, the film can be

saturated with protons (H+) when immersed in acid solution.3 Permitted and
Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007

Donnan Forbidden ion penetration rate through small diameter ion exchange

membrane tube had been studied two decades ago.4 An ion similarly charged

as the membrane matrix (cation exchange membrane, sulfonate group) is

retarded as referred to Donnan Forbidden. However, the barrier to the forbidden

ion is not sufficient to completely eliminate its penetration when the difference of

the concentrations across the membrane is high enough.4 That is, the sulfate

ion can penetrate the membrane wall to the other side as sulfuric acid if the

membrane contains sulfuric acid on one side and water on the other and the

sulfuric acid concentration is high enough.

A NAFION acid penetrating device (Figure 3.2 b) was made by inserting a

20 cm long NAFION tube (0.60 mm i.d., 0.80 mm o.d., into

a Teflon tube jacket (1.5 mm i.d., 2.3 mm o.d. and 25 cm long, Zeus Products).

Each of the two ends of NAFION tube was inserted into another two Teflon tubes

(1.30 mm o.d., 0.72 mm i.d., and 10 cm long of each). One connected to the

amperometric detector and the other one is to the iodate sample solution inlet.

Each of the two ends of Teflon tube jacket was connected with Teflon Tee (~2.0

mm i.d., Ark-Plas Products), in which the sulfuric acid flowed in and out. All the

Tee-Tube and Tube-Tube connections were naturally tube-size-fitted and fortified

by epoxy in places. The iodate sample carrier stream flows (1 mL/min) through

in the NAFION tube and 1 M sulfuric acid flows countercurrent by gravity (~0.1

mL/min) in the Teflon jacket tube and out of the NAFION tube. The carrier

stream was thus acidified through the device; the effluent pH was measured to be

~2.0 (Φ71 pH meter, Beckman Corp.).

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007 Data Acquisition (Figure 3.1 b)

The voltage output from the homemade amperometric detection system was

acquired by a data acquisition card (PC-CARD-DAS16/12AO, Measurement

Computing Inc., Middleboro, MA) housed in an IBM laptop personal computer

model A22m.

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007

3.3 Result and Discussion part I:

Determination of Iodate in Chilean Caliche Soil

3.3.1 Standard Detection Method

Present USEPA approved detection method for anion analysis in water is

based on Suppressed conductometric ion chromatography (SCIC) (EPA method

300.1).5 Anions in solution are separated on an IC column and determined after

ion exchange suppression by a conductivity detector.6,7 The method is very

sensitive (the detection limit is in the μg/L level for most anions) and the

conductivity signal corresponds to the anion concentration.

3.3.2 SCIC on Determining Iodate in Caliche Samples

The SCIC method is generally reliable for the determination of anions in

Chilean Caliche soil samples. Iodate is a hard ion with a low charge density.

As such on most ion exchange columns it is very poorly retained. It is thus

difficult to separate iodate from other poorly retained ions, most notably fluoride.

Fluoride is a common ion in many samples, including Chilean Caliche.

Under most IC conditions, fluoride and iodate elute virtually together, almost with

little or no retention on the column and thus constitutes a mutual interference.

Separation is possible on specialized high capacity columns with very low

concentration eluents but if the measurement of other strongly retained anions in

the same sample is also necessary, analysis time is greatly prolonged. Gradient

elution protocols with a long re-equilibration time become essential, making the

analysis of large number of samples very time consuming.

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007

3.3.3 Improved Iodate Amperometric Detection

Iodate is a reducible anion while fluoride is not. Here, we have taken

advantage of the electrochemical reducibility of iodate to perform selective

detection using a simple flow-through two-electrode amperometric detector cell.

The reduction current peak height is directly related to the iodate concentration in

samples. The amperometric detection system described above was connected

in the IC system after the conductivity detector.

3.3.4 Detector Interface to the Ion Chromatography System

Figure 3.2 (a) shows the general schematic outline of the IC system and the

placement of the amperometric detector. Sample injection volume was 200 μL.

Anions in the Chilean Caliche sample solution were eluted by a KOH eluent at a

flow rate of 1 mL/min and separated on a Dionex 4 mm IonPac® AS16 column

and then suppressed in Dionex ASRS Ultra II 4mm Anion Self-Regenerating

Suppressor. The conductivity measurement of all the anions was then carried

out by a conductivity detector integral to the ICS 2000 system. Software

Chromeleon Client (version 6.60) was used to optimize the ICS2000 system

operating parameters, control the sample injection value, suppressor and gradient

concentration eluent and acquire the conductometric data. The details of the IC

separation system parameters were shown in Table 3.1.

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007

3.3.5 Preparation of Samples and Reagents Sample Preparation

Chilean Caliche samples were extracted into DI water. Ten mL DI water

was added to a 50 mg aliquot of Caliche sample, which was then shaken well and

decanted. This was repeated an additional 4 time so that all the soluble ions

were dissolved in 50 mL of solution. The extract was then filtered through 0.45

μm nylon syringe filters (FisherBrand) prior to injection on to the IC separation

column. Three solutions were prepared for each solid Caliche sample because

these powdered ore sample is inherently not homogeneous. Chemicals and Reagents

All chemicals were analytical reagent (AR) grade. The standard iodate

solutions and acid reagent were prepared with DI water (Millipore, 18.3 MΩ). A

standard stock solution of 2 g/L iodate was prepared by dissolving 0.6143 g

potassium iodate (MCB Chemicals) in DI water to give a final volume of 250 mL.

The stock solution was further diluted to obtain iodate standard solutions, ranging

from 50 μg/L to 1 mg/L.

3.3.6 Optimization of Detection System Optimization of Applied Voltage

Voltage scanning was used to study and optimize iodate detection sensitivity.

The applied voltage on the working electrode was increased in 50 mV step from

100 mV to 800 mV to find the optimum signal to noise ratio for detection of iodate.

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007

At each applied voltage, 500 μg/L iodate standard solution was then injected and

the current measured three times. The current signal (peak height) to noise ratio

reaches a maximum at an applied voltage of 250 mV (Figure 3.3). An applied

voltage of 250 mV was then fixed to the amperometric detector electrodes for

iodate detection. Gradient Eluent Protocol (Table 3.1)

Sodium hydroxide eluent runs through the IC system during the first 8

minutes. After this point the eluent concentration is increased to 35 mM in two

minutes. 35 mM KOH eluent runs for the remaining 15 minutes until the last

anion, perchlorate, exits from the detector.

3.3.7 System Response Calibration and Determination of Iodate

The calibration curve for iodate was obtained under an applied voltage of

250 mV. It was found that the amperometric signal is linear with iodate

concentration in the range studied: 50-1500 μg/L. Figure 3.4 shows the typical

amperometric detector response (triplicate injection peaks). The signal

response fits a nice linear relation with concentration (Figure 3.5) and the best-fit

linear equation is:

Peak height, V = 5.91E-5 (± 3.32E-7) μg/L + 0.3197 (± 2.57E-4), r2 =0.9998 …..(3)

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007

The detection limit (based on S/N=3) was 17.6 μg/L. The relative standard

deviation was 2.13 % for 10 repeated injections of a 500 μg/L iodate standard. Selective Detection of Iodate over Fluoride

The electrochemical response from the amperometric detector is selective

for the iodate anion relative to fluoride whereas both anions respond in

conductivity detection. The iodate signal is overlapped with that of fluoride in the

SCIC chromatogram (Figure 3.6, blue line). In contrast, the amperometric

detector output (red line) selectively responds to iodate. There are minor

apparent responses to the other anion peaks which are present in very large

concentration. The detector shows small response to these amperometrically

inactive ions (chloride, nitrate, and sulfate) because the simple two-electrode

detection system does not have any additional background electrolyte in the

system and the large increase in solution conductance reduces the solution

resistance. Iodate in the Chilean Caliche Samples

Chilean Caliche samples were made available by Dr. Jason Rech from the

Department of Geology, Miami University of Ohio. Table 3.2 shows the relevant

data. Iodate concentrations in 13 solutions made from five Chilean Caliche soil

samples ranges from 215.72±4.74 μg/L to 1409.65±48.26 μg/L. Considering the

dilution factor, the range of iodate in solid soil samples was 215.72 ± 4.74 mg/kg

to 1409.65 ± 48.26 mg/kg. A recovery study was performed by spiking the

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007

sample solutions with various amount of iodate. The measured and recovered

iodate concentration was generally in good agreement and the overall recovery of

iodide was found to be 93.78% ± 0.78%. The IC-CD data ids always higher than

that observed amperometrically because the peak area calculation software

cannot calculate the area of the iodate peak accurately when it is overlapped with

the fluoride peak in this manner.

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007

3.4. Result and Discussion part II:

Determination of Iodate in Table Salt

3.4.1 Analytical Methods of Iodate Determination Standard Methods

In the past few years, several analytical methods and techniques have been

reported for the determination of aqueous iodate. Iodate and other

halide/oxyhalide anion have been determined by IC with spectrophotometric

methods8,9, or conductivity detection.5,6 These methods can be applied to iodate

detection in different matrices, but require expensive equipment. Spectrometric and Electrochemical Methods

Flow Injection Analysis (FIA) systems are inherently simple and represent a

fast and inexpensive means for the determination of iodate in table salt. Xie and

Zhao reported a reversed-flow injection spectrophotometric method for the

determination of iodate and iodide in table salt10; the method cannot distinguish

between the two iodine species, iodate and iodide.

Electrochemical methods for iodate detection have been much studied in

recent years. Grudpan and Jakmunee reported an amperometric detector

designed to connect with a FIA system for the determination of iodate in table

salt11. They used a single line system with acidic iodide solution as a carrier.

Injected iodate was converted to iodine (triiodide) according to

8 I- + IO3- + 6 H+ → 3 I3- + 3 H2O …(4)

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007

The formed triiodide was reduced to iodide and the process was monitored

amperometrically on a glassy carbon electrode using a commercial cell and

commercial detector with a three-electrode system, using Ag/AgCl as reference.

The sample throughput was 35/hour. A limit of detection of 0.5 mg iodate/L was

reached in 1.0 % (w/v) salt solution, equal to an LOD of 50 mg iodate /kg salt.

However, some iodized salts may have iodate concentrations lower than this.

Tian et al. have published a great number of papers on the amperometric

determination of iodate, coating an electrode with different agents. Chen and

Tian et. al. reported the detection of iodate on a inorganic-organic hybrid

polyoxometalate (Bu4N)2Mo6O19 layer that was formed on a sodium-3-

-mercapto-1-pro-panesulfonate (MPPS)-covered gold electrode surface.12 The

LOD was reported to be 8 x10-8 M. Tian and Chen13 et. al. similarly reported on

iodate determination based on an electrode containing mixed-valent molybdenum

oxide film grown on a glassy carbon electrode by electrodeposition. The LOD

was 5 x 10-7 M. Tian et al.14 cast an organic gel film containing LixMoOy and

polypropylene carbonate on a gold electrode. The iodate LOD was 10-7 M.

Sun et al.15,16 reported on a 9,10-phenanthrene -quinone modified carbon

nanotube composite electrode, for iodate determination. It is doubtful that any

practical approach will result from such involved method of electrode fabrication.

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007 Sensitive Amperometric Detection of Iodate in Table Salt solution

We have built a flow-through amperometric detector connected to a Flow

Injection Analysis (FIA) system to determine iodate in table salt solution; table salt

is simply dissolved in water to a concentration of 1%, w/v. Iodate is reduced on a

stainless steel working electrode with a platinum counter electrode serving as a

virtual reference. The resulting current peak is linearly proportional to the iodate

concentration. Based on injection of iodate standards from 50 μg/L to 2 mg/L, a

detection limit of below 10 μg/L is reached; the linear r2 over this concentration

range is 0.9961. Iodate is the main form of supplementary iodine in table salt

sold in Asian countries and is the preferred iodization vector recommended by the

World Health Organization. The present method was successfully applied to

determine iodate in 24 samples of iodized salt taken in triplicate from eight solid

salt samples obtained variously from India, China, Thailand and Australia.

3.4.2 Preparation of Samples and Reagents Sample Preparation

Eight iodized table salt samples were obtained from providers in India,

China, Thailand and Australia. Three subsamples were taken from each solid

salt container, respectively from top, middle and bottom. Each of three 0.5

gram-portions were then dissolved in 50 mL DI water and filtered through 0.45 μm

nylon syringe filters (FisherBrand). A total of 24 sample solutions (1%, w/w)

were thus prepared.

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007 Chemicals and Reagents

All chemicals were analytical reagent grade and were used without further

purification. All solutions were prepared with deionized (DI) water (Milliipore,

18.3 MΩ). A standard stock solution containing 2 g/L iodate was prepared by

dissolving 0.6143 g potassium iodate (KIO3, Baxter Scientific Products, AR) in DI

water to give a final volume of 250 mL. The stock solution was diluted with 1 %

NaCl solution to make 2 mg/L, 1 mg/L, 500 μg/L, 250 μg/L, 100 μg/L and 50 μg/L

iodate standards.

3.4.3 Flow Injection Analysis System

The arrangement is typical of a FIA system (Figure 3.7 a). The carrier

solution (1% w/v reagent grade NaCl) was peristaltically pumped (Dynamax RP-1,

Rainin Inc.) peristaltic pump at a flow rate of 1.5 mL/min and samples were

injected with a 6-port distribution valve. A fixed 500 μL sample volume was then

injected into the stream. The flow stream was acidified to pH ~1 by passing it

through a 20 cm NAFION tube (Figure 3.7 b) before samples reached the

amperometric detector cell (same NAFION tube and detector cell devices

previously described in 3.2.1). Sulfuric acid (1 M) stored in a gravity bottle flows

through a Teflon tube jacket (flow rate = 0.1 mL/min). In the present case, the

high concentration of NaCl in the sample/carrier is efficiently ion exchanged by the

membrane and thus far more acid is introduced compared to when water is

pumped through the NAFION tube as in the chromatographic detector application.

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007

3.4.4 Optimization of Detection System Optimization of Applied Voltage

The optimal applied voltage was determined by varying the applied voltage

in 50 mV steps from 50 mV to 800 mV and injecting 2 mg/L iodate standard in 1%

NaCl in triplicate under the same FIA conditions described above. The signal to

noise ratio reached a maximum at 300 mV (Figure 3.8). A voltage of 300 mV was

henceforth applied to the working electrode for further studies. Optimization of Flow Injection Variables

A univariate optimization procedure was used for system optimization (Table

3.3). A series of 1 mg/L iodate standards were injected into the system and the

signal to noise ratio (S/N) was monitored. The best S/N was observed at a flow

rate of 1.5 mL/min when the flow rate was varied from 0.2 to 2.0 mL/min (Figure


The sample injection volume was varied from 100 μL to 1000 μL by altering

the length of the sample injection loop (Figure 3.10). Increased injection volume

causes an increase in signal (and S/N) until an injection volume of 500 μL and

shows no further increase. An injection volume of 500 μL was henceforth used

for each sample injection.

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007

3.4.5 System Response Calibration and Determination of Iodate in Iodized Salts

The calibration curve for iodate was obtained under optimum conditions as

determined above. The amperometric signal was linear with the iodate

concentration in the range of 50-2000 μg/L in 1% salt solution. Figure 3.11 shows

data traces for the optimized instrument for an iodate calibration series with each

concentration run in triplicate. The best fit linear equation is:

Peak height, V = 0.0001 (± 2.8E-6) μg/L + 0.0296 (± 2.45E-3), r2=0.9961 ….…(5)

(Figure 3.12.). The detection limit (3 times the noise level) was 7.7 μg/L (4.4 x

10-8 M, the best reported to our knowledge) and the relative standard deviation

(RSD) was 0.911% for 15 repeated injections of 1 mg/L iodate standard.

3.4.6 Real Sample Result and Discussion

Three replicates of each of the eight iodized table salt samples were

prepared as previously described. Each sample solution was injected and

analyzed under the same conditions as the standards. The iodate concentration

was calculated from the calibration equation. The relative standard deviation

(RSD) of the three sample solutions prepared from each solid salt was calculated

to show the degree of homogeneity of iodate distribution in individual salt samples

(Table 3.4). Concentrations spiked and recovered were generally in good

agreement and the overall recovery of iodate was 95.67% ± 1.95%.

We attempted to use conventional Ag/AgCl reference electrodes in our

system. There was no improvement in performance noted.

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007

3.5 Conclusion

A simple, inexpensive and sensitive flow injection amperometric detection

system was developed for the determination of iodate in solution. This method

utilizes the reduction of iodate in an acidic medium under optimum applied voltage

with a platinum electrode functioning as a virtual reference. The system

parameters were studied to optimized IC and FIA applications. The methods

were successfully applied to determine iodate concentrations in Chilean Caliche

samples and in iodized table salt samples from India, China, Thailand and

Australia, three of which were found to contain no iodate.

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007

3.6 References

1. Kenneth, A.; Mauritz, R.; Moore, B. Chem. Rev. 2004, 104, 4535-4585.

2. Dupont. (6/11/2007)

3. Seger, B.; Vinodgopal, K.; Kamat, P.V. Langmuir, 2007, 23, 5471-5476.

4. Dasgupta, P. K.; Bligh, R. Q.; Lee, J.; D’Agostino, V. Anal. Chem. 1985, 57,


5. EPA. (6/11/2007)

6. Kumar, S.D; Maiti, B.; Mathur,P.K. Talanta, 2001, 53, 701-705.

7. Salimi, A.; Mamkhezri, H.; Mohebbi, S. Electrochemistry Communications,

2006, 8 (5), 688-696.

8. Weinberg, H.; Yamada, H. Anal. Chem. 1998, 70, 1-6.

9. Bichsel, Y.; Gunten, U.V. Anal. Chem. 1999, 71, 34-38.

10. Xie, Z.; Zhao, J. Talanta, 2004, 63, 339-343.

11. Jakmunee, J.; Grudpan, K. Anal. Chim. Acta. 2001, 438, 299-304.

12. Chen, L.; Tian, X.; Tian, L.; Liu, L.; Song W.; Xu, H. Analytical and

Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2005, 384 (4), 1187-1195.

13. Chen, L.; Liu L.; Tian, L.; Lu, N.; Xu, H. Sensor and Acuators B-Chemical,

2005, 105 (2), 484-489.

14. Tian, L.; Chen, L.; Liu, L. ; Lu, N.; Xu, H. Analytical and Bioanalytical

Chemistry, 2005, 381 (3), 769-774.

15. Sun, D; Zhu, L; Huang, H.; Zhu, G. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry,

2006, 579, 39-42.

16. Sun, D.; Zhu, L.; Zhu, G. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2006, 564, 243-247.

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007

Table 3.2. Iodate Concentration in 13 Chilean Caliche Samples Solutions

Sample IC-CD (μg/L) AD (μg/L)

Sp3#9-a 1247.6±14.01 850.90±41.77
Sp3#9-b 1256.1±18.95 777.81±59.46
Sp3#9-NEW N.A. 617.04±44.45
Sp4#2-a N.A. 428.60±3.17
Sp4#2-b N.A. 215.72±4.74
Sp5#1-a N.A. 776.22±62.08
Sp5#1-b 1231.8±182.29 804.294±32.20
Sp5#1-NEW N.A. 264.26±3.76
Sp6#4-a 354.2±11.46 250.11±28.55
Sp6#4-b 1355.9±1.67 728.40±71.69
Sp6#4-N N.A. 1023.23±27.85
Sp7#3-a N.A. 1409.65±48.26
Sp7#3-b N.A. 954.57±8.64

*N.A. sample was not analyze

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007

Table 3.3 Optimum Condition of the Flow Injection Amperometric Detection


Parameter Studied range Optimum condition

Applied voltage (mV) 0-800 300

Flow rate (mL/min) 0.2-2.0 1.5
Sample loop volume (μL) 100-1000 500
Measurement base -- Time based
Working Electrode -- Stainless Steel tube, 0.5 mm ID
Gain (V/μA) 1

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007

Table 3.4. Iodate Determined in the Table Salt

Sample Found iodate content in salt (mg/kg) (1) RSD (2)

(mean ± sd)

Thailand (I) 104.2 ± 4.218 4.22%

India 86.2 ± 4.548 5.28%
China (I) 57.4 ± 6.409 11.16%
China (II) N.D.(3)
Thailand (II) N.D.
Thailand (III) 88.21 ± 2.276 2.60%
Australia (I) 99.62 ± 5.809 5.83%
Australia (II) N.D.

(1) Iodate content was recalculated from ppb (1% salt solution) to mg/kg (in solid
(2) Relative standard deviation of iodate concentration in the three solutions made
from each salt sample, which indicates the homogeneity (or lack thereof) of the
iodate distribution.
(3) Not Detectable, samples in which iodate cannot be detected, samples were
not specifically labeled as iodized.

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007


Signal / Noise





0 200 400 600 800

Applied Voltage (mV)

Figure 3.3 Applied voltage on the working electrode was scanned with 500 μg/L
iodate standards (Triplet injections). Signal to Noise ratio (S/N) was calculated
when applied voltage was increased from 100 mV to 700 mV in 50 mV steps. The
error bars represent ±1 standard deviation. At 250-300 mV the detection
reaches maximum sensitivity.

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007


1500 ppb

Detector Output (V)

1000 ppb


500 ppb
250 ppb
100 ppb
0.38 50 ppb


0 2000 4000 6000

Time (s)

Figure 3.4 Typical system output for iodate standards concentrations (μg/L) are
indicated on top of each triplicate set. The graph shows magnified view of
response iodate standards range from 0 to 1500 μg/L.

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007

Y = 5.923*10-5 * X + 0.3706
R2 = 0.9998

Output (V)




0 400 800 1200 1600
Concentration (μg/L)

Figure 3.5 Calibration of iodate standards: 0 – 1500 μg/L, where y and x

respectively represent signal output and iodate concentration.

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007

4 0.4

Amperometric Signal (μA)

Conductometric Signal (μS)


2 0.36

0 0.32


0 200 400 600 800 1000

Time (s)

Figure 3.6 In SCIC chromatogram iodate signal is overlapped by that of fluoride

because both of them have conductivity response. The first peak is fluoride,
iodate elutes as a shoulder. The amperometric detection gives iodate a selective
current signal. Gradient eluent protocol: 6 mM KOH eluent is running in the IC
system in the first 8 minutes. After that the eluent concentration is increased to 35
mM in two minutes. 35 mM KOH is running for the next 15 minutes until the last
anion, Perchlorate, is running out.

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007


Applied Voltage vs. S/N





0 200 400 600 800
Applied Voltage (mV)

Figure 3.8. Applied voltage on the working electrode was scanned with 2 mg/L
iodate standard solution (triplet injections). Signal to Noise ratio (S/N) was
calculated when applied voltage was increased from 50 mV to 800 mV (50 mV
step). At 300 mV the detection reaches maximum sensitivity.

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007


Flow rate vs. S/N

Signal / Noise




0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2

Flow rate (mL/min)

Figure 3.9 Flow rate of 1% NaCl carrier was studied in the range from 0.2 ml/min
to 2.0 mL/min. Both of the signal peak height and background noise decreases
as the flow rate increases. At 1.5 mL/min flow rate, S/N of 1 mg/L iodate standard
reaches the maximum.

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007


Sample injection volume vs. S/N





0 200 400 600 800 1000

Sample volume (μL)

Figure 3.10 Sample injection volumes are studied in the range from 100 μL to
1000 μL. 500μL is selected to be the optimal injection volume.

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007


Detector Output, V

0.15 1000



0.05 100

0 2000 4000 6000 8000
Time (s)

Figure 3.11 Typical system output for iodate standards: Concentration (μg/L) are
indicated on top of each triplicate set. The graph shows magnified view of
response iodate standards range from 0 to 2000 μg/L

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007

Y = 1.010*10-4*X + 0.0296
R2 = 0.9961

Detector Output (V)




0 400 800 1200 1600
Concentration (μg/L) 7

Figure 3.12 Calibration of iodate standards: 0 – 2000 μg/L, where y and x

respectively represent signal output and iodate concentration.

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007



The amperometric detector presented here for the determination of aqueous

iodate has substantially greater selectivity and sensitivity than a conductivity

detector. The method utilized the electrochemical reducibility of iodate ion in

acid medium under applied voltage. When connected to an IC system, this

detector gives a good selective response for iodate without interference from

fluoride. When used in a Flow Injection Analysis system, the detector gives very

sensitive response to iodate in a table salt matrix.

In the study of iodide stability in iodized table salt, we have confirmed the

loss of iodine from salt under humid conditions and high temperature. Based on

the analysis of many samples from providers across the US, a large fraction of

salt samples do not contain the amount of iodine stated on the labels.

Texas Tech University, Yining Liu, August, 2007


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