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Booklet Eco Titrator

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Eco Titrator

Application Booklet

Congratulations for choosing the Eco Titrator, the univer-

sal instrument for nearly all kinds of potentiometric titra-
tions. This booklet contains a collection of the most
common applications in the branches Food & Beverage,
Petrochemicals, Wine, Surfactants and Plating. All appli-
cations are described in detail and template methods are
included on the USB memory stick provided with the Eco
Table of content

1. General – Titer determination of c(Na2EDTA) = 0.1mol/L…….……………....………………….......6

2. General – Titer determination of c(NaOH) = 0.1 mol/L....................................................................8
3. General – Titer determination of c(HCl) = 0.1 mol/L......................................................................10
4. General – Titer determination of c(I2) = 0.01 mol/L.......................................................................12
5. General – Titer determination of c(AgNO3) = 0.1 mol/L.................................................................13
6. General – Titer determination of c(Na2S2O3) = 0.1 mol/L................................................................15
7. General – Titer determination of c(HClO4) = 0.1 mol/L in glacial acetic acid...................................17
8. General – Titer determination of c(KOH) = 0.1 mol/L in isopropanol.............................................18
9. General – Titer determination of c(TEGOtrant) = 0.005 mol/L........................................................19
10. General – Titer determination of c(SDS) = 0.005 mol/L..................................................................21
11. General – Calibration factor of c(STPB) = 0.01 mol/L.....................................................................23
12. General – Titer determination of c(KBr) = 0.1 mol/L......................................................................25
13. Food – Calcium and magnesium in water.....................................................................................27
14. Food – Calcium in milk.................................................................................................................29
15. Food – pH and alkalinity in water.................................................................................................31
16. Food – pH and acidity in milk and juices.......................................................................................33
17. Food – Chloride in water, milk and juices......................................................................................35
18. Food – Vitamin C in orange juice..................................................................................................37
19. Food – Peroxide value (PV) of edible fats and oils..........................................................................39
20. Food – Saponification number of edible fats and oils....................................................................41
21. Wine – pH and acidity..................................................................................................................43
22. Wine – Free sulfurous acid............................................................................................................45
23. Wine – Total sulfurous acid, orienting ripper method....................................................................47
24. Wine – Determination of ascorbic acid.........................................................................................49
25. Wine – Determination of calcium and magnesium........................................................................51
26. Wine – Determination of chloride.................................................................................................53
27. Oil – Determination of total base number.....................................................................................54
28. Oil – Determination of total acid number......................................................................................56
29. Oil – Determination of sulfur compounds in petrochemical products............................................58
30. Surf – Anionic surfactants and soaps in washing powder by potentiometric two-phase titration...61
31. Surf – Anionic surfactants in dishwashing concentrates by potentiometric aqueous titration.........64
32. Surf – Cationic surfactants in mouth rinses by potentiometric aqueous titration............................66
33. Surf – Cationic surfactants in hair conditioners by potentiometric two-phase titration...................68
34. Surf – Nonionic surfactants in wool shampoo...............................................................................70
35. Plate – Determination of the silver content in pure silver...............................................................72
36. Plate – Potentiometric determination of copper in copper bath....................................................74
37. Plate – Photometric determination of the zinc content.................................................................76
38. Plate – Simultaneous determination of HNO3, H3PO4 and CH3COOH.............................................78
Abbreviations for calculations
Formula Eco Titrator
mSample COO

04 VSample
cSolution CONC
tSolution TITER

Recommendations for the most common titrants

Titrant Recommendations for Recommendations for Recommendations for
storage adsorbing tube titrant concentration deter-
Sodium ethylenediaminetet- No special recommendations Fill with cotton to adsorb dust Depending on the accuracy
raacetic acid required, determine the con-
(Na2EDTA) centration of the titrant weekly
to monthly
Sodium hydroxide Do not allow to stand open Fill with soda lime to adsorb Depending on the accuracy
(NaOH) as otherwise CO2 will be CO2 from the air. required, determine the con-
adsorbed. Keep in a plastic centration of the titrant daily
bottle. to weekly
Hydrochloric acid No special recommendations Fill with cotton to adsorb dust Depending on the accuracy
(HCl) required, determine the con-
centration of the titrant weekly
to monthly
Iodine solution Use a brown-glass bottle and No absorber material, as oth- Depending on the accuracy
(I2) store in a dark place if not in erwise the material takes up required, determine the con-
use the iodine (e.g., cotton gets centration of the titrant daily
colored) to weekly
Silver nitrate Use a brown-glass bottle and Fill with cotton to adsorb dust Depending on the accuracy
(AgNO3) store in a dark place if not in required, determine the con-
use centration of the titrant weekly
to monthly
Sodium thiosulfate No special recommendations Fill with cotton to adsorb dust Depending on the accuracy
(Na2S2O3) required, determine the con-
centration of the titrant weekly
to monthly
Perchloric acid Store in a tightly sealed bottle, Fill with molecular sieve Depending on the accuracy
(HClO4) as perchloric acid is hygrosco- required, determine the con-
pic centration of the titrant daily
to weekly
Potassium hydroxide Don’t allow to stand open as Fill with soda lime to adsorb Depending on the accuracy
(KOH) otherwise CO2 will be CO2 from the air. required, determine the con-
adsorbed. Keep in a plastic centration of the titrant daily
bottle. to weekly
TEGOtrant No special recommendations Fill with cotton to adsorb dust Depending on the accuracy
required, determine the con-
centration of the titrant weekly
to monthly
Sodium dodecyl sulfate No special recommendations Fill with cotton to adsorb dust Depending on the accuracy
(SDS) required, determine the con-
centration of the titrant weekly
to monthly
Sodium tetraphenyl borate No special recommendations Fill with cotton to adsorb dust Depending on the accuracy
(STPB) required, determine the con-
centration of the titrant weekly
to monthly
Potassium bromide Use a brown-glass bottle Fill with cotton to adsorb dust Depending on the accuracy
(KBr) and store in a dark place as required, determine the con-
otherwise bromine might centration of the titrant weekly
be formed. to monthly
Recommendations for electrodes used in this Booklet
Electrode Specifics Recommendations for cleaning and storage
Ordering Number
For solutions not containing
precipitates, proteins or
Check the filling level of c(KCl) = 3 mol/L ( in the
electrode regularly, refill if necessary and store the electrode in 05
sulfides storage solution (6.2323.000).
Unitrode with Pt1000 For universal use, even in dyes, Check the filling level of c(KCl) = 3 mol/L (6.23xxxxx) in the
6.0258.600 pigments, inks, suspensions, electrode regularly, refill if necessary and store the electrode in
resins and polymers storage solution (6.2323.000).
For samples at high tempera-
tures or high pH
Ecotrode plus For acid/base titrations in vari-Check the filling level of c(KCl) = 3 mol/L (623xxxx) in the
6.0262.100 ous kinds of solutions electrode regularly, refill if necessary and store the electrode
in storage solution (6.2323.000).
Aquatrode plus with Pt1000 For measurements in ion-defi- Check the filling level of c(KCl) = 3 mol/L (623xxxx) in the
6.0257.600 cient or weakly buffered solu- electrode regularly, refill if necessary and store the electrode
tions in storage solution (6.2323.000).
Porotrode For measurements in very con- Check the filling level of Porolyte (6.2318.000) in the electrode
6.0235.200 taminated, protein-containing regularly, refill if necessary and store the electrode in Porolyte.
or viscous samples
Solvotrode easy clean For determination in non- Check the filling level of the corresponding electrolyte in the
6.0229.010 aqueous media electrode regularly, refill if necessary and store the electrode in
the same solution. If titrations with alkaline titrants are carried
out, use c(TEABr) = 0.4 mol/L in ethylene glycol, if the titrations
are done with acidic titrants use c(LiCl) = 2 mol/L in ethanol.
Ag Titrode For precipitation reactions with The electrode is stored in deionized water when not in use.
6.00430.100 AgNO3 under constant pH Electrodes without coatings can be polished by using the
Optional available with AgCl, conditions polishing set 6.2802.010 or by dipping the electrode into
AgBr or Ag2S coating w(NH3) = 1%.Make sure that the pH membrane of the elec-
trode is not touched while polishing the ring.
Pt Titrode For redox titrations under pH The electrode is stored in deionized water when not in use.
6.0431.100 constant conditions The Pt ring can be polished by using the polishing set
6.2802.010. Make sure the pH membrane of the electrode
is not touched while polishing the ring.
Double Pt sheet electrode For titrations in Ipol mode The electrode is stored dry when not in use. When using a
6.0309.100 new electrode the titration curve might be flat. The platinum
is passivated in this case. 2–3 titrations with iodine showed
an activation of the platinum.
Surfactrode Refill For titrations of anionic and The electrode is stored dry when not in use. The active part
6.0507.140 cationic surfactants in non- of the electrode can be refilled by using the Surfactrode refill
aqueous medium and for two- paste (6.2319.000) and the filling tool (6.2826.010).
phase titrations
Ionic surfactant electrode For titrations of anionic and The electrode is stored dry when not in use. If the titration
6.0507.120 cationic surfactants in aqueous curve gets flat, regenerate the electrode by immersing it for
matrices approx. 30 min in c(SDS) = 0.004 mol/L. This electrode must
not be used in organic solvents.
NIO surfactant electrode For titration of non-ionic sur- The electrode is stored dry when not in use. If the titration
6.0507.010 factants and of pharmaceutical curve gets flat, regenerate the electrode by immersing it for
ingredients with sodium tetra- approx. 30 min in c(STPB) = 0.01 mol/L. The electrode should
phenylborate be used for titration of pharmaceutical ingredients or for NIO
surfactant titrations, but not for both. This electrode must no
be used in organic solvents.
LL-ISE Reference electrode Reference electrode for almost The electrode is stored in c(KCl) = 3 mol/L.
6.0750.100 all applications
1. General – Titer determination of c(Na2EDTA) =
0.1 mol/L

06 Summary
Na2EDTA is a chelating agent and is used for the determi-
solution data like concentration and cylinder unit
nation of metals by complexometric titration. Its titer is 4. Add the electrode Ca-ISE under System  Sensors
relatively stable and there are no special recommendations to the sensor list.
for storage. 5. Prepare the sample solution as defined under
Adsorbing material Cotton
Frequency of titer Weekly to monthly
Material of storage No special recommendations
Weigh approx. 100 mg dried CaCO3 into a 100 mL
bottle beaker, suspend it in approx. 20 mL deionized water and
dissolve it by dropwise addition of c(HCl) = 5 mol/L. After
dissolution, add 40 mL deionized water and 5 mL buffer
Solutions pH 10 and start the titration by pressing the start button.
Titrant Should be bought from a
Enter all requested sample data and titrate with
c(Na2EDTA) = 0.1 mol/L supplier. c(Na2EDTA) = 0.1 mol/L until after the first equivalence
point. All other parameters and calculations are already
Buffer pH 10 Weigh 54 g NH4Cl into a 1 L defined within the method
volumetric flask and add
350 mL w(NH3) = 25%. After
dissolution, fill up to the mark
with deionized water.
c(HCl) = 5 mol/L Weigh 492 g w(HCl) = 37%
into a 1 L volumetric flask,
already containing 200 mL tEDTA: titer of EDTA solution
deionized water. Then, allow
to cool down and fill up to mCaCO3: mass of CaCO3 used for analysis in mg
the mark with deionized cEDTA: concentration of EDTA solution;
water. here: 0.1 mol/L
M(CaCO3): molar mass of calcium carbonate;
Standard substance 100.09 g/mol
Dry calcium carbonate for at least 2 h at 105 °C and allow VEP1: consumption of titrant up to
to cool down in a desiccator. the first equivalence point in mL

Cylinder unit
Eco Cylinder unit 20 mL 6.03002.220 Example curve

Combined polymer 6.0510.100
membrane electrode, Ca

Sample preparation
No sample preparation is required.

System configuration
1. Load Method_1 from the USB Stick under System
 File management.
2. Load the corresponding method in the home
3. Add the solution EDTA_0.1 to the solution list
under System  Solutions and enter all necessary
Mean value (n = 3) 1.0027
s(abs) 0.0020
s(rel) 0.20%


• The combined Ca ISE electrode can be used out of

the box without any special treatment for condi-
tioning. It is stored dry with some residual moisture
(e.g., some drops of deionized water) if not in use.
• Make sure that all calcium carbonate is dissolved
before you start the titration.
• If no c(HCl) = 5 mol/L is available, also other con-
centrations of HCl can be used. However, the added
volume has to be adjusted to ensure that the calci-
um carbonate fully dissolves.
2. General – Titer determination of c(NaOH) =
0.1 mol/L

08 Summary
NaOH is used as alkaline titrant for the titration of many
5. Choose the defined electrode under Parameters 
Titration parameters
different acids. Alkaline titrants do not have a stable titer 6. Prepare the sample solution as defined under
and might absorb CO2 from the atmosphere to form car- Analysis
bonates. Therefore, the titer has to be determined daily to
weekly to know its exact concentration.
Weigh approx. 200 mg dried KHP into a 100 mL beaker
Adsorbing material Soda lime
and dissolve it in about 60 mL deionized water. Then start
Frequency of titer Daily to weekly
determination the titration by pressing the start button and enter the
Material of storage Plastic (e.g. HD-PE) attacks requested sample data. Titrate with c(NaOH) = 0.1 mol/L
bottle glass until after the first equivalence point. All other parameters
and calculations are already defined within the method.

Titrant Should be bought from a
c(NaOH) = 0.1 mol/L supplier

tNaOH: titer of NaOH solution

Standard substance
mKHP: mass of KHP used for analysis in mg
Dry potassium hydrogen phthalate (KHP) for at least 2 h at
cNaOH: concentration of NaOH solution; here: 0.1 mol/L
105 °C and allow to cool down in a desiccator.
M(KHP): molar mass of KHP; 204.22 g/mol
VEP1: consumption of titrant up to the first
Cylinder unit equivalence point in mL

Eco Cylinder unit 20 mL 6.03002.220

Example curve
e.g., Solitrode 6.0220.100
(or any other suitable com-
bined pH electrode )

Sample preparation
No sample preparation is required.

System configuration
1. Load the method Method_2 from the USB Stick
under System  File management.
2. Load the corresponding method in the home
3. Add the solution NaOH_0.1 to the solution list
under System  Solutions and enter all necessary
solution data like concentration and cylinder unit Mean value (n = 3) 0.9254
volume. s(abs) 0.0026
4. Add the corresponding electrode (e.g., Solitrode) s(rel) 0.29%
to the sensor list under System  Sensors.
• Make sure that the electrolyte filling level of the
electrode is higher than the level of the sample
solution as otherwise sample might diffuse into the
electrode and contaminate the reference system.
• Two equivalent points might be visible because of
the dissolved CO2. The difference between the first
and second equivalence point corresponds to the
• In order to reduce CO2 absorption as much as possi-
ble, fill soda lime into the drying/absorber tube
mounted on the bottle.
• A start volume might be used to reduce the analysis
3. General – Titer determination of c(HCl) =
0.1 mol/L

10 Summary
HCl is an acidic titrant, which is used for determination of
Weigh approx. 100 mg dried TRIS into a 100 mL beaker.
many different bases. Its titer is relatively stable and needs Dissolve it in about 60 mL deionized water and press the
to be determined weekly to monthly only. start button. Enter all requested sample data and titrate
wth c(HCl) = 0.1 mol/L until after the first equivalence
Adsorbing material Cotton point. All the other parameters and calculations are already
Frequency of titer Weekly to monthly defined within the method.
Material of storage No special recommendations Calculation

tHCl: titer of HCl solution
Titrant Should be bought from a
c(HCl) = 0.1 mol/L supplier. mTRIS: mass of TRIS used for analysis in mg
cHCl: concentration of HCl solution; here: 0.1 mol/L
M(TRIS): molar mass of TRIS; 121.14 g/mol
VEP1: consumption of titrant up to the first
Standard substance
equivalence point mL
Dry TRIS (Tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane) for 2 h at
105 °C and allow to cool down in a desiccator.

Example curve
Cylinder unit
Eco Cylinder unit 20 mL 6.03002.220

e.g., Solitrode 6.0220.100
(or any other suitable com-
bined pH electrode )

Sample preparation
No sample preparation is required.

System configuration
1. Load the method Method_3 from the USB Stick
under System  File management.
2. Load the corresponding method in the home Results
screen. Mean value (n = 3) 1.0001
3. Add the solution HCl_0.1 to the solution list under s(abs) 0.0013
System  Solutions and enter all necessary solution s(rel) 0.13%
data like concentration and cylinder unit volume.
4. Add the corresponding electrode (e.g., Solitrode)
to the sensor list under System  Sensors.
5. Change the electrode under Parameters  Titration
6. Prepare the sample solution as defined under
• Make sure that the electrolyte filling level of the
electrode is higher than the level of your sample
solution as otherwise solution might diffuse into the
electrode and destroy the reference system.
• At the beginning of the titration curve an equiva-
lence point is often observed. This EP can be
removed from the titration curve by using a start
• Make sure that the level of solution is high enough
that the diaphragm is immersed into the solution.
4. General – Titer determination of c(I2) =
0.01 mol/L

12 Summary
Over time, the iodine concentration changes due to the
sample data. Titrate afterwards with c(I2) = 0.01 mol/L until
after the first equivalence point. All other parameters and
volatile nature of iodine and degradation by UV light. calculations are already defined within the method.
Therefore, the titer has to be determined at least weekly.
Adsorbing material Cotton
Frequency of titer Daily to weekly
Material of storage Brown glass bottle VNa2S2O3: volume of standard solution; here 1 mL
10: conversion factor from 0.01 mol/L to 0.1 mol/L
Store the solution in the dark when not in use as otherwise VEP1: consumption of titrant up to the first
the iodine decomposes. equivalence point in mL
2: stoichiometric factor
Titrant Pipette 200 mL c(I2) =
c(I2) = 0.01 mol/L 0.05 mol/L (should be bought Example curve
from a supplier) into a 1 L
volumetric flask and fill up to
the mark with deionized

Standard solution
c(Na2S2O3) = 0.1 mol/L Should be bought from a

Cylinder unit
Eco Cylinder unit 20 mL 6.03002.220

Pt Titrode 6.0431.100

Sample preparation
No sample preparation is required. Results
Mean value (n = 3) 1.0001
System configuration s(abs) 0.0013
1. Load the method Method 4 from the USB Stick s(rel) 0.13%
under System  File management.
2. Load the corresponding method in the home Comments
3. Add the solution I2_0.01 to the solution list under • The Pt Titrode is stored in deionized water to keep
System  Solutions and enter all necessary solution the glass membrane ready for use.
data like concentration and cylinder unit volume. • Solid sodium thiosulfate can also be used as solid
4. Add the electrode Pt Titrode to the sensor list standard, however, it is not recommended as thio-
under System  Sensors. sulfate is hygroscopic and therefore more difficult to
5. Prepare the sample solution as defined under handle. If a solution is used, make sure that it is
Analysis bought from a supplier and has a known concentra-
tion so that it can be used directly for standardiza-
Analysis tion. Should you make the solution by yourself
Pipette 1.0 mL standard solution c(Na2S2O3) = 0.1 mol/L into determine the titer by using Method_6.
a 100 mL beaker and fill up to approx. 60 mL with deion- • Iodine is very volatile. The titer is not very stable and
ized water. Press the start button and enter all requested should be determined at least once a week.
5. General – Titer determination of c(AgNO3) =
0.1 mol/L
Silver nitrate is a common titrant for the determination of
5. Prepare the sample solution as defined under
anions like chloride, bromide, sulfide and iodide. Its titer is
relatively stable; however, the UV/light may degrade it. Analysis
Therefore it is necessary to determine the titer frequently Weigh approx. 30 mg NaCl into a 100 mL beaker, dissolve
and store it away from UV light. it in about 60 mL deionized water, add 2 mL c(HNO3) =
2 mol/L and press the start button. Enter all requested
Adsorbing material Cotton sample data and titrate with c(AgNO3) = 0.1 mol/L until
Frequency of titer Daily to weekly after the first equivalence point. All other parameters and
determination calculations are already defined within the method.
Material of storage Brown glass bottle

Titrant Should be bought from a
c(AgNO3) = 0.1 mol/L supplier.
tAgNO3: titer of AgNO3 solution
c(HNO3) = 2 mol/L Weigh 194 g c(HNO3) = 65%
into a 1 L volumetric flask mNaCl: mass of NaCl used for analysis in mg
already containing 500 mL cAgNO3: concentration of AgNO3 solution;
deionized water, allow to
here: 0.1 mol/L
cool down and fill it up to
the mark with deionized M(NaCl): molar mass of sodium chloride; 58.44 g/mol
water. VEP1: consumption of titrant up to the first
equivalence point in mL
Standard substance
Dry NaCl for at least 2 h at 105 °C and allow to cool down Example curve
in a desiccator.

Cylinder unit
Eco Cylinder unit 20 mL 6.03002.210

Ag Titrode 6.00430.100

Sample preparation
No sample preparation is required.

System configuration
1. Load the method Method_5 from the USB Stick
under System  File management.
2. Load the corresponding method in the home
3. Add the solution AgNO3_0.1 to the solution list Mean value (n = 3) 1.0015
under System  Solutions and enter all necessary s(abs) 0.0011
solution data like concentration and cylinder unit s(rel) 0.11%
4. Add the electrode Ag Titrode to the sensor list
under System  Sensors.
• The Ag Titrode is stored in deionized water to keep
the glass membrane ready for use.
• Silver nitrate can lead to black spots if it is spilled
onto the skin or equipment. It can be removed by
using an appropriate cleaning solution or sodium
bisulfite solution.
• The remaining silver ions must be removed from the
waste solution by adding e.g., sodium chloride.
• The use of the Ag ring electrode is only recom-
mended if the pH is significantly changing during
titration because a diaphragm free electrode is easi-
er to handle in argentometric titrations.
6. General – Titer determination of c(Na2S2O3) =
0.1 mol/L
Sodium thiosulfate is used for redox titrations, in particular
Weigh approx. 50 mg KIO3 into a 100 mL beaker, dissolve
for titrations of iodine. This titrant is relatively stable and no it in about 60 mL deionized water and add 1 g KI to the
special treatment is necessary. solution. After addition of 10 mL w(H2SO4) = 25%, press
the start button, enter all requested sample data and titrate
Adsorbing material Cotton with c(Na2S2O3) = 0.1 mol/L until after the first equivalence
Frequency of titer Weekly to monthly point. All other parameters and calculations are already
defined within the method.
Material of storage No special recommendations
Titrant Should be bought from a
c(Na2S2O3) = 0.1 mol/L supplier.
w(H2SO4) = 25% Transfer 255 g w(H2SO4) = tNa2S2O3: titer of sodium thiosulfate solution
98% into a 1 L volumetric mKIO3: mass of potassium iodate used for
flask, already containing
analysis in mg
400 mL deionized water.
After cooling down, fill the z*: stoichiometric factor; here 6
solution up to the mark with cNa2S2O3: concentration of sodium thiosulfate
deionized water.
solution; here: 0.1 mol/L
M(KIO3): molar mass of KIO3; 214.00 g/mol
VEP1: consumption of titrant up to the first
Standard substance equivalence point mL
Dry KIO3 for at least 2 h at 105 °C and allow to cool down
in a desiccator.
Example curve
Cylinder unit
Eco Cylinder unit 20 mL 6.03002.220

Pt Titrode 6.0431.100

Sample preparation
No sample preparation is required.

System configuration
1. Load the method Method_6 from the USB Stick
under System  File management.
2. Load the corresponding method in the home
3. Add the solution Na2S2O3_0.1 to the solution list Results
under System  Solutions and enter all necessary
Mean value (n = 3) 1.0067
solution data like concentration and cylinder unit
s(abs) 0.0014
s(rel) 0.11%
4. Add the electrode Pt Titrode to the sensor list
under System  Sensors.
5. Prepare the sample solution as defined under
• Store the Pt Titrode in deionized water to keep the
glass membrane ready for use.
• Iodine is not used as standard as it sublimates rapidly.
Instead, iodine is formed by comproportionation
reaction of iodide and iodate.
• z* has to be set to 6 due to the following reaction
equation for titer determination:
KIO3 + 5 I-  3 I2
I2 + 2 S2O3  2 I- + S4O62-
7. General – Titer determination of c(HClO4) =
0.1 mol/L in glacial acetic acid
Perchloric acid is one of the strongest acid and used in non-
aqueous titration to obtain a sharp and steep potential
jump at the equivalence point. As glacial acetic acid is rela-
tively volatile and hygroscopic, the bottle has to be tightly tHClO4: titer of HClO4 solution
closed when stored. mKHP: mass of KHP used for analysis in mg
cHClO4: concentration of HClO4 solution; here: 0.1 mol/L
Adsorbing material Molecular sieve M(KHP): molar mass of KHP; 204.22 g/mol
Frequency of titer Daily to weekly VEP1: consumption of titrant up to the first
equivalence point in mL
Material of storage No special recommendations
Example curve
Titrant Should be bought from a
c(HClO4) = 0.1 mol/L in glacial supplier.
acetic acid

Standard substance
Dry potassium hydrogen phthalate (KHP) for at least 2 h
at 105 °C and allow to cool down in a desiccator.

Cylinder unit
Eco Cylinder unit 20 mL 6.03002.220

Solvotrode easyClean 6.0229.010

Sample preparation
No sample preparation is required. Results
Mean value (n = 3) 0.9960
System configuration s(abs) 0.0006
1. Load the method Method_7 from the USB Stick s(rel) 0.064%
under System  File management.
2. Load the corresponding method in the home screen.
3. Add the solution HClO4_0.1 to the solution list under Comments
System  Solutions and enter all necessary solution • Store the Solvotrode easyClean in the corresponding
data like concentration and cylinder unit volume. electrolyte (c(TEABr) = 0.4 mol/L in ethylene glycol
4. Add the electrode Solvotrode to the sensor list or c(LiCl) = 2 mol/L in ethanol).
under System  Sensors. • Between measurements, regenerate the electrode
5. Prepare the sample solution as defined under Analysis by immersing the glass bulb of the electrode for
1 min into deionized water.
Analysis • Open the diaphragm from time to time by pressing
Weigh approx. 200 mg KHP into a 150 mL beaker and add the electrode head to release some electrolyte. This
40 mL glacial acetic acid. After everything is dissolved, add ensures that the diaphragm is not blocked.
40 mL toluene, press start and enter all requested sample
Potassium hydrogen phthalate has two carboxylic functional
data. Titrate with c(HClO4) = 0.1 mol/L in glacial acetic acid
groups, one in its acidic and the other in its alkaline form.
until after the first equivalence point. All other parameters
Therefore it can be used for the titer determination of acids
and calculations are already defined within the method.
as well as for bases.
8. General – Titer determination of c(KOH) =
0.1 mol/L in isopropanol

18 Summary
Potassium hydroxide has a good solubility in ethanol and

isopropanol. Therefore, it is often used for non-aqueous titra-

tions. KOH solutions tend to absorb CO2 from the air, there-
fore soda lime has to be used as adsorber filling material. tKOH: titer of KOH solution
mKHP: mass of KHP used for analysis in mg
Adsorbing material Soda lime
cKOH: concentration of KOH solution; here: 0.1 mol/L
Frequency of titer Daily to weekly
M(KHP): molar mass of KHP; 204.22 g/mol
VEP1: consumption of titrant up to the first
Material of storage Plastic bottle (e.g. HD-PE);
bottle KOH attacks glass equivalence point in mL

Titrant Should be bought from a Example curve
c(KOH) = 0.1 mol/L in isopro- supplier.

Standard substance
Dry potassium hydrogen phthalate (KHP) for at least 2 h
at 105 °C and allow to cool down in a desiccator.

Cylinder unit
Eco Cylinder unit 20 mL 6.03002.220

Solvotrode easyClean 6.0229.010

Sample preparation
No sample preparation is required.
Mean value (n = 3) 0.9960
System configuration
s(abs) 0.0006
1. Load the method Method_8 from the USB Stick
s(rel) 0.064%
under System  File management.
2. Load the corresponding method in the home
screen. Comments
3. Add the solution KOH_0.1 to the solution list under • Store the Solvotrode easyClean in the corresponding
System  Solutions and enter all necessary solution electrolyte (c(TEABr) = 0.4 mol/L in ethylene glycol
data like concentration and cylinder unit volume. or c(LiCl) = 2 mol/L in ethanol).
4. Add the electrode Solvotrode to the sensor list • Between measurements, regenerate the electrode
under System  Sensors. by immersing the glass bulb of the electrode for
5. Prepare the sample solution as defined under 1 min into deionized water.
Analysis • Open the diaphragm from time to time by pressing
the electrode head to release some electrolyte. This
ensures, that the diaphragm is not blocked.
• KOH in IPA is very corrosive against glass and may
Weigh approx. 200 mg KHP into a 100 mL beaker and dis-
attack the cylinder unit. It is recommended to
solve it in about 40 mL deionized water. After dissolution,
empty the glass cylinder and rinse it with deionized
add 20 mL isopropanol and titrate with c(KOH) = 0.1 mol/L
water if the device is not in use for one week.
in IPA until after the first equivalence point. All other param-
eters and calculations are already defined within the method.
9. General – Titer determination of c(TEGOtrant) =
0.005 mol/L
The titer has to be determined frequently to assure that the
Sample preparation
No sample preparation is required.
concentration of the solution remains the same or at least
to know the exact concentration of the used titrant. In case
System configuration
of the surfactant titer determination, the cationic surfactant
1. Load the method Method_9 from the USB Stick
is used as standard for the anionic titer determination and
under System  File management.
the other way round. Therefore, it is recommended to buy
2. Load the corresponding method in the home
at least the standard solution from a supplier where the
concentration is already determined.
3. Add the solution TEGO_0.005 to the solution list
Adsorbing material Cotton
under System  Solutions and enter all necessary
Frequency of titer Weekly to monthly solution data like concentration and cylinder unit
determination volume.
Material of storage No special recommendations 4. Add the electrode Surf Refill to the sensor list under
bottle System  Sensors.
5. Prepare the sample solution as defined under
Solutions Analysis.
Titrant Weigh approx. 2.2 g
c(TEGOtrant) = 0.005 mol/L TEGOtrant (6.2317.030) into Analysis
a 1 L volumetric flask and
Fill the cylinder unit on the evening before the first titra-
add 150 mL deionized water.
After dissolution, fill the solu- tion. On the next day, carry out a “PREP” before the first
tion up to the mark with titration.
deionized water. Make sure Pipette 10 mL c(SDS) = 0.005 mol/L into a 100 mL beaker
that no foam is present any-
more when filling the solu- and add 50 mL deionized water as well as 0.2 mL TEGOadd.
tion up to the mark with Adjust the pH of the mixture with c(HCl) = 0.5 mol/L to
deionized water. pH 2. After the addition of 20 mL solvent mixture, press
TEGOadd Metrohm 6.2317.120 start and enter all requested sample data. Titrate with
c(HCl) = 0.5 mol/L Weigh 49.3 g w(HCl) = 37% c(TEGOtrant) = 0.005 mol/L until after the first equiva-
into a 1 L volumetric flask
containing already 500 mL lence point. All other parameters and calculations are
deionized water. After allow- already defined within the method.
ing to cool down, fill the
solution up to the mark with
deionized water. Calculation
Solvent mixture Transfer 500 mL MIBK and
Methyl isobutyl ketone : eth- 500 mL ethanol into a glass
anol (1:1 (v:v)) bottle and mix thoroughly.
TTEGO: titer of TEGOtrant solution
Standard solution VSDS: volume sodium lauryl sulfate solution
c(SDS) = 0.005 mol/L Should be bought from a added; here 10 mL
supplier. VEP1: consumption of titrant up to the first
equivalence point in mL

Cylinder unit
Eco Cylinder unit 20 mL 6.03002.220

Surfactrode Refill 6.0507.140
LL ISE Reference electrode 6.0750.100
20 Example curve

Mean value (n = 3) 0.9892
s(abs) 0.0010
s(rel) 0.10%

• The Surfactrode Refill is stored dry when not in use.
• The active part of the electrode can be renewed
with the Surfactrode refill paste 6.2319.000 and the
Filling tool 6.2826.010. This guarantees almost
unlimited lifetime.
• Use the first titration of a titration series for condi-
tioning the electrode and discard the result.
• Surfactants tend to adhere to the wall of the glass
and the tubes. It is therefore necessary to condition
the system overnight. Before the first titration, dis-
card the solution that is used for conditioning by
using the “PREP” function of the device.
10. General – Titer determination of c(SDS) =
0.005 mol/L
The titer has to be determined frequently to assure that the
Sample preparation
No sample preparation is required.
concentration of the solution remains the same or at least
to know the exact concentration of the used titrant. In case System configuration
of the surfactant titer determination, the cationic surfactant 1. Load the method Method_10 from the USB Stick
is used as standard for the anionic titer determination and under System  File management.
the other way round. Therefore, it is recommended to buy 2. Load the corresponding method in the home
at least the standard solution from a supplier where the screen.
concentration is certified. 3. Add the solution SDS_0.005 to the solution list
under System  Solutions and enter all necessary
Adsorbing material Cotton
solution data like concentration and cylinder unit
Frequency of titer Weekly to monthly
Material of storage No special recommendations 4. Add the electrode Surf Refill to the sensor list under
bottle System  Sensors.
5. Prepare the sample solution as defined under
Titrant Dry approx. 2 g SDS at 105°C
c(SDS) = 0.005 mol/L overnight and allow to cool
down in a desiccator. Fill the cylinder unit on the evening before the first titra-
Afterwards weigh 1.4535 g tion. On the next day, carry out a “PREP” before the first
SDS into a 1 L volumetric
flask and dissolve it in about
150 mL deionized water. Add Pipette 10 mL c(Hyamine 1622) = 0.005 mol/L into a 100 mL
10 mL w(formaldehyde) = beaker and add 50 mL deionized water as well as 0.2 mL
35% and fill the solution up TEGOadd. Adjust the pH of the mixture with c(NaOH) =
to the mark with deionized
water. 0.5 mol/L to pH 10. After the addition of 20 mL solvent
TEGOadd Metrohm 6.2317.120 mixture, press start and enter all requested sample data.
c(NaOH) = 0.5 mol/L Weigh 20 g NaOH pellets Titrate with c(SDS) = 0.005 mol/L until after the first
into a 1 L volumetric flask equivalence point. All other parameters and calculations
containing already 500 mL are already defined within the method.
deionized water and dissolve
the NaOH. After cooling
down, make the solution up Calculation
to the mark with deionized
Solvent mixture Transfer 500 mL MIBK and
Methyl isobutyl ketone : 500 mL Ethanol into a glass
ethanol (1:1 (v:v)) bottle and mix thoroughly. tSDS: titer of SDS solution
VHyamine: volume hyamine solution added; here 10 mL
VEP1: consumption of titrant up to the first
Standard solution equivalence point in mL
c(Hyamine 1622) = Should be bought from a
0.005 mol/L supplier

Cylinder unit
Eco Cylinder unit 20 mL 6.03002.220

Surfactrode Refill 6.0507.140
LL ISE Reference electrode 6.0750.100
22 Example curve

Mean value (n = 3) 0.8443
s(abs) 0.0034
s(rel) 0.40%

• Store the Surfactrode Refill dry when not in use.
• The active part of the electrode can be renewed
with the Surfactrode refill paste 6.2319.000 and the
Filling tool 6.2826.010. This guarantees almost
unlimited lifetime.
• Use the first titration of a titration series for condi-
tioning the electrode and discard the result.
• Surfactants tend to adhere to the wall of the glass
and the tubes. It is therefore necessary to condition
the system overnight. Before the first titration, dis-
card the solution that is used for conditioning by
using the “PREP” function of the device.

TEGOadd was developed in particular for surfactant titra-

tions using the Solvotrode Resistant electrode. This additive
has a positive influence on the whole course of titration,
especially in the region of inflection and keeps the elec-
trode clean.
11. General – Calibration factor of
c(STPB) = 0.01 mol/L
The content calculation cannot be done directly because
NIO surfactant electrode 6.0507.010
the non-ionic (NIO) surfactants are non-uniform substances LL ISE Reference electrode 6.0750.100
and the precipitation with sodium tetraphenylborate (STPB)
is not strictly stoichiometric. As with other analytical meth- Sample preparation
ods (e.g., HPLC) a calibration factor (f) has to be deter- No sample preparation is required.
mined first. This is done either using the NIO surfactant
which has to be determined or a NIO surfactant that has
System configuration
been defined as a standard (e.g. Triton X-100).
1. Load the method Method_11 from the USB Stick
Adsorbing material Cotton under System  File management.
Frequency of titer Weekly to monthly 2. Load the corresponding method in the home
determination screen.
Material of storage No special recommendations 3. Add the solution STPB_0.01 to the solution list
under System  Solutions and enter all necessary
solution data like concentration and cylinder unit
Solutions volume.
Buffer pH 10 Weigh 1.24 g H3BO3 into a 4. Add the electrode NIO Surf to the sensor list under
100 mL flask and add 10 mL System  Sensors.
c(NaOH) = 1 mol/L. Fill the
5. Prepare the sample solution as defined under
solution up to the mark with
deionized water. Analysis
Titrant Weigh 3.4223 g sodium tet-
c(STPB) = 0.01 mol/L raphenylborate (STPB) into a Analysis
beaker and dissolve in about
Fill the cylinder unit on the evening before the first titra-
300 mL deionized water. In a
second beaker, dissolve 10 g tion. On the next day, carry out a “PREP” before the first
polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) under titration. Pipette 20 mL β(Triton X-100) = 1 g/L into a 150 mL
heating in 300 mL deionized
beaker and add 60 mL deionized water as well as 10 mL
water. Allow PVA solution to
cool down Afterwards trans- c(BaCl2) = 0.1 mol/L. Press the start button, enter all requested
fer both solutions into a 1 L sample data and titration with c(STPB) = 0.01 mol/L until
volumetric flask and add 10 after the first equivalence point. All other parameters and
mL buffer pH 10. Mix the
solution well and fill up to calculations are already defined within the method.
the mark with deionized
Auxiliary solution Transfer 21 g BaCl2 into a 1 L Calculation
c(BaCl2) = 0.1 mol/L volumetric flask, dissolve in
deionized water and fill up to
the mark with deionized
fSTPB: factor of STPB solution
VTrition X-100: volume Triton X-100 solution added; here 20 mL
VEP1: consumption of titrant up to the first
Standard solution
equivalence point in mL
β(Triton X-100) = 1 g/L Dissolve 100 mg Triton X-100
in about 80 mL deionized
water and fill up to the mark
with deionized water.

Cylinder unit
Eco Cylinder unit 20 mL 6.03002.220
24 Example curve

Mean value (n = 3) 3.5740
s(abs) 0.0113
s(rel) 0.32%

• Store the NIO Surfactant electrode dry when not in
• After each 2 – 3 titrations, clean the electrode with
a tissue moistened with methanol.
• Use the first 2 – 3 titrations of a titration series for
conditioning the electrode and discard the results.
• If the electrode is used frequently, store the elec-
trode in a 1% aqueous solution of PEG 1000.
Conditioning the electrode is then no longer neces-
• Barium is toxic and its waste has to be disposed
according to your local regulations.
12. General – Titer determination of c(KBr) =
0.1 mol/L
Any halogenoid can be used for the determination of silver
3. Add the solution KBr_0.1 to the solution list under
System  Solutions and enter all necessary solution
salts as all of them form precipitations. Bromide is very suit- data like concentration and cylinder unit volume.
able as the solubility constant is very low and therefore the 4. Add the electrode Ag Titrode to the sensor list
analysis can be carried out very accurate. Make sure that under System  Sensors.
the solution is stored away from UV light as otherwise 5. Prepare the sample solution as defined under
bromine will be formed which will cause too high results. Analysis

Adsorbing material Cotton

Frequency of titer Weekly to monthly
determination After cooling down, add deionized water to the prepared
Material of storage bottle Brown glass bottle sample solution until the electrode is immersed. Press the
start button, enter all requested sample data and titrate
with c(KBr) = 0.1 mol/L until after the equivalence point. All
Solutions other parameters and calculations are already defined
Titrant Weigh 11.901 g dried KBr within the method.
c(KBr) = 0.1 mol/L into a 1 L volumetric flask
and dissolve in distilled water.
Then, fill the flask up to the
mark with distilled water. Calculation
c(HNO3) = 33% Transfer 508 g c(HNO3) =
65% into a 1 L volumetric
flask already containing
300 mL distilled water. After
cooling down, fill the solution
up to the mark with distilled tKBr: titer of potassium bromide solution
water. mSample: sample size of fine silver in mg
cKBr: concentration of potassium bromide solution;
here 0.1 mol/L
Standard substance
VEP1: consumption of titrant until the first
Fine silver with purity >99.99%
equivalence point in mL
MAg: molar mass of silver; 107.87 g/mol
Cylinder unit
Eco Cylinder unit 20 mL 6.03002.220

Sensors Example curve

Ag Titrode with AgBr coating 6.00430.100Br

Sample preparation
Weigh 300 – 500 mg fine silver into a beaker and add 5 mL
w(HNO3) = 33%. Heat the suspension slowly until no
nitrous gases are formed anymore.

System configuration
1. Load the method Method_12 from the USB Stick
under System  File management.
2. Load the corresponding method in the home
26 Results
Mean value (n = 3) 0.9999
s(abs) 0.0024
s(rel) 0.24%

• The Ag Titrode is stored in deionized water to keep
the glass membrane ready for use.
• The titer determination mentioned here is carried
out according to EN ISO 11427.
• The titer can also be determined by buying a silver
nitrate solution of known concentration or using
silver nitrate in its solid form.
13. Food – Calcium and Magnesium in Water

Calcium and magnesium are essential elements for the
Pipette 100 mL sample into a 150 mL beaker and add 15 mL
human body to build up bones and for organ functions. auxiliary solution. Press the start button, enter all requested
Furthermore, these ions are mainly responsible for calcifica- sample data and titrate with c(Na2EDTA) = 0.1 mol/L until
tion. As water is a very important source for these ions, after the second equivalence point. All other parameters
their determination in water is explained in this method. and calculations are already defined within the method.

Solutions Calculation
Titrant Should be bought from a
c(Na2EDTA) = 0.1 mol/L supplier
Auxiliary complexing solution Weigh 20.4 g TRIS into a 1 L
c(Acetylaceton) = volumetric flask and dissolve
β(Ca2+): concentration of calcium in mg/L
0.1 mol/L + c(TRIS) = in approx. 500 mL deionized
0.2 mol/L water. Add 12 mL acetylace- VEP1: consumption of titrant up to the first
tone and fill the solution up equivalence point in mL
to the mark with deionized
tEDTA: titer of EDTA solution
cEDTA: concentration of EDTA solution;
Cylinder unit here: 0.1 mol/L
Eco Cylinder unit 20 mL 6.03002.220 M(Ca2+): molar mass of calcium; 40.08 g/mol
1000: conversion factor from g/L to mg/L
Sensors VSample: volume of sample in mL
Combined polymer 6.0510.100
membrane electrode, Ca

Sample preparation β(Mg2+): concentration of magnesium in mg/L

No sample preparation is required VEP2: consumption of titrant up to the
second equivalence point in mL
VEP1: consumption of titrant up to the first
System configuration equivalence point in mL
1. Load the method Method_13 from the USB Stick tEDTA: titer of EDTA solution
under System  File management. cEDTA: concentration of EDTA solution;
2. Load the corresponding method in the home here: 0.1 mol/L
screen. M(Mg2+): molar mass of magnesium; 24.31 g/mol
3. Add the solution EDTA_0.1 to the solution list 1000: conversion factor from g/L to mg/L
under System  Solutions and enter all necessary VSample: volume of sample in mL
solution data like concentration and cylinder unit
4. Add the electrode Ca-ISE to the sensor list under
System  Sensors.
5. Prepare the sample solution as defined under
28 Example curves

Mean value (n = 3) 30.48 mg/L
s(abs) 0.35 mg/L
s(rel) 1.13%

Mean value (n = 3) 43.19 mg/L
s(abs) 0.66 mg/L
s(rel) 1.53%

• Determine the titer according to Method_1.
• The titration has to be carried out under alkaline
conditions as otherwise the complex formation con-
stants will be too low.
• Acetylacetone complexes magnesium and leads to a
shift in complex formation constant. This results in a
possible differentiation of calcium and magnesium
in one titration.
• The auxiliary solution must not be stored for longer
than 1 week as it is not stable. If the solution is
stored for a longer time, the separation of magnesi-
um and calcium is no longer possible.
• Store the electrode dry if not in use with some
residual moisture (e.g., some drops of deionized
water) in the electrode storage vessel. It is not nec-
essary to condition the electrode before use.
14. Food – Calcium in Milk

Calcium is an essential element for the body as it is e.g.,
4. Add the electrode Cu-ISE to the sensor list under
System  Sensors.
necessary for the stability of bones. Dairy products contain 5. Prepare the sample solution as defined under
a lot of calcium, which needs to be assessed for declara- Analysis
tion. This method describes a way to determine the calci-
um content in milk by complexometric titration using the
Titer determination
Determine the titer the same way as mentioned under
General – Titer determination of c(Na2EDTA) = 0.1 mol/L
Titrant Dissolve 38.04 g EGTA in
c(EGTA) = 0.1 mol/L 250 mL c(NaOH) = 1 mol/L, (page 4). The following changes in the procedure have to
transfer it into a 1 L volumet- be considered:
ric flask and fill up to the • Use the electrodes mentioned in this section
mark with deionized water.
for the indication.
Auxiliary solution Weigh 2.2 g NH4Cl and
c(CuEGTA) = 0.05 mol/L 3.751 g Cu(NO3)2 into a 1 L • Add 1 mL c(CuEGTA) = 0.05 mol/L to the
volumetric flask, dissolve it sample solution before the titration start.
and fill up to the mark with • After the addition of the c(CuEGTA) =
deionized water.
0.05 mol/L, allow the solution to react for
Mix 50 mL of this solution
with 50 mL c(EGTA) = 30 s before starting the titration
0.1 mol/L.
Buffer pH 10 Transfer 54 g NH4Cl and
350 mL w(NH3) = 25% into a
1 L volumetric flask, dissolve Weigh approx. 10 g sample into a 150 mL beaker and
it and fill up to the mark with dilute with 90 mL deionized water. Afterwards, add 1 mL
deionized water.
c(CuEGTA) = 0.05 mol/L and allow the solution to react for
c(NaOH) = 0.1 mol/L Weigh 40 g NaOH into a 1 L
30 s. After the addition of 5 mL of buffer pH 10, press the
volumetric flask, dissolve it
and fill up to the mark with start button and enter all requested sample data. Titrate
deionized water. with c(EGTA) = 0.1 mol/L until after the first equivalence
point. All other parameters and calculations are already
defined within the method.
Cylinder unit
Eco Cylinder unit 20 mL 6.03002.220
Ion selective electrode, Cu 6.0502.140
LL ISE reference electrode 6.0750.100

w(Ca2+): concentration of calcium in %

Sample preparation VEP1: consumption of titrant up to the first
No sample preparation is required. equivalence point in mL
tEGTA: titer of EGTA solution
System configuration cEGTA: concentration of EGTA solution;
1. Load the method Method_14 from the USB Stick here: 0.1 mol/L
under System  File management. M(Ca2+): molar mass of calcium; 40.08 g/mol
2. Load the corresponding method in the home mSample: volume of sample in mL
screen. 10: conversion factor to %
3. Add the solution EGTA_0.1 to the solution list
under System  Solutions and enter all necessary
solution data like concentration and cylinder unit
30 Example curve

Mean value (n = 3) 1.800%
s(abs) 0.017%
s(rel) 0.96%

• Both EGTA and EDTA form complexes with calcium,
but EGTA is selective for calcium only. EDTA also
forms complexes with magnesium.
• If magnesium and calcium have to be determined,
use EDTA as titrant in a second titration. Calculate
the magnesium content from the difference
between the first and second titration.
• Store the Cu-ISE dry if not in use. Polish the Cu-ISE
with the polishing set for solid-state electrodes
6.2802.000 if deposits are observed on the crystal
membrane surface.
15. Food – pH and Alkalinity in Water

Alkalinity is a measure for the puffer capacity of water.
Should water be too acidic, it can promote corrosion.
Additionally the alkalinity is used to describe temporary
hardness which consists of Mg(HCO3)2 and Ca(HCO3)2. KA, 8.2 : acid capacity in mmol/L up to pH 8.2
VFP, 8.2: consumption of titrant up to pH 8.2 in mL
cHCl: concentration of HCl solution; here: 0.1 mol/L
tHCl: titer of HCl solution
Titrant Should be bought from a
c(HCl) = 0.1 mol/L supplier. VSample: volume of sample in L; here 0.1 L

Cylinder unit
Eco Cylinder unit 20 mL 6.03002.220

Sensors KA, 4.3 : acid capacity in mmol/L up to pH 4.3

Aquatrode plus with Pt1000 6.0257.600 VFP, 4.3: consumption of titrant up to pH 4.3 in mL
cHCl: concentration of HCl solution; here: 0.1 mol/L
tHCl: titer of HCl solution
Sample preparation
VSample: volume of sample in L; here 0.1 L
No sample preparation is required.

System configuration Example curve

1. Load the method Method_15 from the USB Stick
under System  File management.
2. Load the corresponding method in the home
3. Add the solution HCl_0.1 to the solution list under
System  Solutions and enter all necessary solution
data like concentration and cylinder unit volume.
4. Add the electrode Aquatrode to the sensor list
under System  Sensors.
5. Prepare the sample solution as defined under

Calibrate the Aquatrode Plus before measurement and
titration. For this purpose, we propose a 3-point calibration
with buffers pH 4, 7 and 9.
For the titration, pipette 100 mL water sample into a 150 mL
beaker, press start and enter all requested sample data.
Titrate with c(HCl) = 0.1 mol/L until pH 3.5 is reached. All
other parameters and calculations are already defined
within the method.
32 Results
KA, 8.2
Mean value (n = 3) 0.089 mmol/L
s(abs) 0.005 mmol/L
s(rel) 5.50%

KA, 4.3
Mean value (n = 3) 2.650 mmol/L
s(abs) 0.016 mmol/L
s(rel) 0.62%

Start pH value
Mean value (n = 3) 8.50
s(abs) 0.16
s(rel) 1.89%


• Store the Aquatrode plus in storage solution. This

ensures that the electrode will not get slower in
• The endpoint at pH 8.2 is not obtained with every
water. Some water have a lower pH value and only
the endpoint at 4.3 is obtained.
• The endpoint at pH 8.2 is also called p-value (phe-
nolphthaleine value) and the endpoint at 4.3 is
called m-value (methylorange value).
• The titration can also be carried out by using a SET
titration with one end point at pH 8.2 and the other
at pH 4.3.
• It is recommended to use the Aquatrode Plus for
this titration because this electrode has specially
been designed for ion-deficient matrices.
• Determine the titer according to Method_3.
16. Food – pH and Acidity in Milk and Juices

The pH value and the acidity are very important parameters
2. Load the corresponding method in the home screen.
3. Add the solution NaOH_0.1 to the solution list
to determine in the food industry. The pH value has a huge under System  Solutions and enter all necessary
impact on sterilization processes, conservation and thus on solution data like concentration and cylinder unit
the shelf life of a product. Therefore, these parameters are volume.
determined frequently in dairy products, juices and other 4. Add the electrode Unitrode to the sensor list under
food. System  Sensors.
5. Adjust the calculations depending on the acid as
Solutions which the result should be expressed (adjustment of
Titrant Should be bought from a M(acid)). The molecular weight of citric acid is pre-
c(NaOH) = 0.1 mol/L supplier. defined in the method.
Titrant Should be bought from a 6. Prepare the sample solution as defined under
c(NaOH) = 0.25 mol/L supplier. Analysis Juices.

Cylinder unit
Eco Cylinder unit 20 mL 6.03002.220
Calibrate the Porotrode before measurement and titration.
Sensors For this purpose, we suggest a 3-point calibration with
Milk buffers pH 4, 7 and 9.
For the titration, pipette 25 mL milk into a 50 mL beaker.
Porotrode 6.0235.200
Pt1000 Temperature sensor 6.1110.100
Immerse the electrode into the solution, press start and
enter all requested sample data. The SET titration is started
Juices with c(NaOH) = 0.25 mol/L until pH 8.3 is reached and the
Unitrode with Pt1000 6.0258.600 pH is automatically recorded from the start of titration. All
other parameters and calculations are already defined
within the method.
Sample preparation
No sample preparation is required. Juices
Calibrate the Unitrode before measurement and titration.
For this purpose, we propose a 3-point calibration with
System configuration
buffers pH 4, 7 and 9.
or titration, pipette 10 mL juice and 40 mL deionized water
1. Load the method Method_16.1 from the USB Stick
into a 100 mL beaker. Immerse the electrode into the solu-
under System  File management.
tion, press start and enter all requested sample data. The
2. Load the corresponding method in the home
SET titration is started with c(NaOH) = 0.1 mol/L until pH
8.5 is reached and the pH is automatically recorded from
3. Add the solution NaOH_0.25 to the solution list
the start of titration. All other parameters and calculations
under System  Solutions and enter all necessary
are already defined within the method.
solution data like concentration and cylinder unit
4. Add the electrode Porotrode to the sensor list Calculation
under System  Sensors. Milk
5. Prepare the sample solution as defined under
Analysis Milk.

Juices Acidity: degree of acidity, expressed as consumption

1. Load the method Method_16.2 from the USB Stick of c(NaOH) = 0.25 mol/L per 100 g sample.
under System  File management. VEP, 8.3: consumption of titrant up to pH 8.3 in mL
34 100: conversion factor for 100 g
tNaOH: titer of NaOH solution

mSample: sample size in g; here 25 g

Depending on the juice, the titratable acid content is
expressed as different acids:
Grape juice: tartartic acid
Apple juice: malic acid
Pear juice: malic acid
Stone fruit juice: malic acid
Berries fruit juice: citric acid
Citrus fruit juice: citric acid

βAcidity: mass concentration of acid in sample in g/L
Mean value (n = 3) 13.478 g/L
VEP, 8.5: consumption of titrant up to pH 8.5 in mL s(abs) 0.167 g/L
cNaOH: concentration of NaOH solution; s(rel) 1.24%
here 0.1 mol/L Juices
tNaOH: titer of NaOH solution Mean value (n = 3) 4.870 g/L
M(acid): tartaric acid: 150.08 g/mol s(abs) 0.022 g/L
malic acid: 134.09 g/mol s(rel) 0.44%
citric acid: 192.12 g/mol
VSample: volume of sample in mL; here 10 mL
z*: tartaric acid: 2 Comments

malic acid: 2 General

citric acid: 3 • Place the titration buret in such a way that the
titrant is reaching the electrode as fast as possible
to avoid any overtitration.
Example curve • Determine the titer according to Method_2.
• Store the Unitrode in storage solution to ensure a
fast response time.

• The diaphragm of the Porotrode consists of a dou-
ble capillary and is therefore well suited for samples
containing a high amount of proteins.
• Porolyte must be used as reference electrolyte.
• Store the Porotrode in Porolyte if not in use.
• As an accurate pH value has to be determined the
temperature has to be measured as well.
• Carry out the titration as fast as possible because
otherwise, the proteins are hydrolyzed and a higher
acidity is obtained.
17. Food – Chloride in Water, Milk and Juices

Chloride is an essential mineral for the human body. It is
System configuration
1. Load the method Method_17 from the USB Stick
one of several electrolytes and necessary for maintaining under System  File management.
the fluid balance and with it homeostasis. Furthermore, it 2. Load the corresponding method in the home
helps to keep a decent blood pressure. However, a too high screen.
intake can lead to diseases like high blood pressure and 3. Add the solution AgNO3_0.01 to the solution list
therefore the chloride content has to be declared for most under System  Solutions and enter all necessary
food. This section is dedicated to its analysis in different solution data like concentration and cylinder unit
food. volume.
4. Add the electrode Ag Titrode to the sensor list
Solutions under System  Sensors.
c(AgNO3) = 0.01 mol/L Pipette 100 mL c(AgNO3) = 5. Prepare the sample solution as defined under
0.1 mol/L into a 1 L volumet- Analysis Water, Analysis Milk or Analysis Juice,
ric flask and fill it up to the
mark with deionized water.
c(HNO3) = 2 mol/L Weigh 194 g c(HNO3) = 65%
into a 1 L volumetric flask
and fill it up to the mark with
deionized water. Water
c(NaOH) = 2 mol/L Weigh 80 g NaOH into a 1 L Pipette 100 mL water into a 150 mL beaker and add 2 mL
volumetric flask, dissolve it c(HNO3) = 2 mol/L. Press start and enter all required sample
and fill the flask up to the data and carry out the titration with c(AgNO3) = 0.01 mol/L
mark with deionized water.
until after the first equivalence point. All other parameters
w(Al2(SO4)3) = 20% Transfer 200 g Al2(SO4)3 into a
1 L volumetric flask, dissolve
and calculations are already defined within the method.
it and fill the flask up to the Milk
mark with deionized water.
Pipette 25 mL of the prepared sample into a 150 mL
beaker and add 2 mL c(HNO3) = 2 mol/L. Press start and
Cylinder unit enter all required sample data and carry out the titration
Eco Cylinder unit 20 mL 6.03002.210 with c(AgNO3) = 0.01 mol/L until after the first equivalence
point. All other parameters and calculations are already
Sensors defined within the method.
Ag Titrode with Ag2S coating 6.00430.100S Juice
Pipette 25 mL into a 150 mL beaker and add 2 mL c(HNO3)
= 2 mol/L. Press start and enter all required sample data
Sample preparation and carry out the titration with c(AgNO3) = 0.01 mol/L until
Juice and water do not require sample preparation. after the first equivalence point. All other parameters and
calculations are already defined within the method.
Pipette 20 mL milk, approx. 150 mL deionized water and
5 mL c(NaOH) = 2 mol/L into a 200 mL volumetric flask and
mix well. Afterwards, add 10 mL w(Al2(SO4)3) = 20% and fill
the flask up to the mark with deionized water. Allow the
suspension to settle and then filter it.
36 Calculation Juice

βCl: mass concentration of chloride in mg/L

VEP1: consumption of titrant up to the first
equivalence point in mL
cAgNO3: concentration of silver nitrate in mol/L;
here 0.01 mol/L
tAgNO3: titer of silver nitrate solution
MCl: molar mass of chloride; 35.45 g/mol
1000: conversion factor from g/L to mg/L
VSample: sample size in mL; here 100 mL for water,
25 mL for juices and 2.5 mL for milk
Mean value (n = 3) 10.58 mg/L
Example curve s(abs) 0.005 mg/L
Water s(rel) 0.04%

Mean value (n = 3) 771.04 mg/L
s(abs) 1.47 mg/L
s(rel) 0.19%
Mean value (n = 3) 21.53 mg/L
s(abs) 0.46 mg/L
s(rel) 2.14%

• Store the Ag Titrode in deionized water if not in
use. This ensures that the hydrated layer of the
glass membrane remains intact and the electrode
is ready to use without preparation.
• Do not clean the silver ring with abrasives if
a coating is present on the silver ring because
otherwise the coating might be damaged.
• The sulfide coating increases the sensitivity of the
electrode and should be used when low chloride
concentrations, like in water, have to be deter-
• With a sample size of 2.5 mL the dilution factor of
10 for milk is already taken into account.
• If the calculation should be done for NaCl the molar
mass has of M(Cl) has to be exchanged for M(NaCl)
= 58.44 g/mol.
• Determine the titer according to Method_5.
18. Food – Vitamin C in Orange Juice

Ascorbic acid, known as vitamin C, belongs to the essential
Pipette 50 mL orange juice into a 100 mL beaker and add
water-soluble vitamins. Therefore, it is only stored in limited 2 mL w(glyoxal) = 40%. Stir the solution for 5 min.
amount in the human body and needs to be taken up by Afterwards, add 5 mL w(H2SO4) = 25%, press the start but-
nutrition. Vitamin C is important as antioxidant, for the ton and enter all requested sample data. Titrate with c(I2) =
immune system and the nervous system. Therefore, it is 0.01 mol/L until after the first equivalence point. All other
often declared on food and thus the determination of its parameters and calculations are already defined within the
content is necessary. method.

c(I2) = 0.05mol/L Should be bought from a
Titrant Transfer 200 mL c(I2) =
c(I2) = 0.01 mol/L 0.05mol/L into a 1 L volumet-
ric flask and fill it up to the βAA: ascorbic acid content in mg/L
mark with deionized water.
VEP1: consumption of titrant up to first equivalence
w(glyoxal) = 40% Adjust the pH of 200 mL
w(glyoxal) = 40% with point in mL
c(NaOH) = 1 mol/L to pH 7. cI2: concentration of iodine solution; here: 0.01 mol/L
w(H2SO4) = 25% Transfer 255 g w(H2SO4) = tI2: titer of iodine solution
98% into a 1 L volumetric MAA: molecular weight of ascorbic acid; 176.12 g/mol
flask, already containing
1000: conversion factor to mg
400 mL deionized water.
After cooling down the solu- VSample: volume of sample in mL; here 50 mL
tion, fill the flask up to the
mark with deionized water.

Example curve

Cylinder unit
Eco Cylinder unit 20 mL 6.03002.220

Double Pt sheet electrode 6.0309.100

Sample preparation
No sample preparation is required.

System configuration
1. Load the method Method_18 from the USB Stick
under System  File management.
2. Load the corresponding method in the home
3. Add the solution I2_0.01 to the solution list under Results
System  Solutions and enter all necessary solution Mean value (n = 3) 389.42 mg/L
data like concentration and cylinder unit volume. s(abs) 3.23 mg/L
4. Add the electrode Pt Sheet to the sensor list under s(rel) 0.83%
System  Sensors.
5. Prepare the sample solution as defined under
• The platinum of new double Pt sheet electrodes
might be passivated so that poor or no signal
change at the equivalence point is observed. In such
cases, 2 – 3 titrations with iodine can regenerate
the platinum.
• Store the electrode dry when not in use.
• Connect the electrode to the «Pol» connection of
the Eco titrator.
• Glyoxal is added to react with sulfite (SO2) to form
the addition compound aldehyde disulfite. This
compound cannot be determined titrimetrically.
With this method not only Vitamin C is determined
but also other reductants present in juice.
• Determine the titer according to Method_4.
19. Food – Peroxide value (PV) of edible fats and oils

The peroxide value is a measure for the amount of hydrop-
6. Load the method Method_19.2 from the USB Stick
eroxide functional groups present in oils and can be used under System  File management.
to assess the rancidity of oils. 7. Load the corresponding method in the home
Solutions 8. Add the solution Na2S2O3_0.01 to the solution
c(Na2S2O3) = 0.1mol/L Should be bought from a list under System  Solutions and enter all neces-
supplier. sary solution data like concentration and cylinder
Titrant Transfer 100 mL c(Na2S2O3) = unit volume.
c(Na2S2O3) = 0.01 mol/L 0.1mol/L into a 1 L volumet-
9. Add the electrode Pt Titrode to the sensor list
ric flask and fill it up to the
mark with deionized water. under System  Sensors.
KI sat. Weigh approx. 130 g KI into 10. Prepare the sample solution as defined under
an amber glass bottle and Analysis Sample.
add 100 mL deionized water.
Protect the solution against
Solvent Dissolve approx. 15 mg Analysis
Glacial acetic acid : 1-decanol iodine in 200 mL 1-decanol Blank
(3:2), containing 15 mg and add 300 mL glacial acetic Pipette 10 mL solvent into a 100 mL titration beaker and
iodine solution. Mix the solution
well. add 0.2 mL KI = sat.. Mix the solution thoroughly and place
it in the dark for 1 min. After the addition of 50 mL deion-
ized water press start and enter all requested sample data.
Cylinder unit Titrate the solution with c(Na2S2O3) = 0.01 mol/L until after
Eco Cylinder unit 20 mL 6.03002.210 the first equivalence point. All other parameters and calcu-
lations are already defined within the method. The mean
Sensors value of the blank is automatically saved as common vari-
Pt Titrode 6.0431.100 able CV01.
Sample preparation Depending on the expected peroxide number, weigh 5 or
No sample preparation is required. 10 g sample into a 100 mL beaker and dissolve it in 10 mL
solvent. After dissolution, add 0.2 mL KI = sat. mix the solu-
tion thoroughly and allow to react for 1 min in the dark.
System configuration
After that, add 50 mL deionized water, press start and
enter all requested sample data. Titrate the solution using
1. Load the method Method_19.1 from the USB Stick
c(Na2S2O3) = 0.01 mol/L until after the first equivalence
under System  File management.
point. All other parameters and calculations are already
2. Load the corresponding method in the home
defined within the method.
3. Add the solution Na2S2O3_0.01 to the solution
list under System  Solutions and enter all neces- Calculation
sary solution data like concentration and cylinder
unit volume.
4. Add the electrode Pt Titrode to the sensor list
under System  Sensors. PV: peroxide value in meq O2 / kg
5. Prepare the sample solution as defined under VEP1: consumption of titrant up to first equivalence
Analysis Blank. point in mL
CV01: blank value in mL
tNa2SO3: titer of sodium thiosulfate solution
mSample: mass of sample in g
10: conversion factor from mol/L to mmol/L
40 Example curve
• Store the Pt Titrode in deionized water if not in use.
This keeps the hydration layer of the glass mem-
brane intact and the electrode ready to use.
• Store the KI sat. solution in a brown glass bottle
and protect it from light as otherwise iodine is
• Determine the titer according to Method_6.
• The blank value of the pure solvent is very small. To
obtain a better recognition and reproducibility of
the blank value a small amount of iodine is added
to the solvent. However, this entails that for the
blank and the sample analysis the same amount of
solvent is used.
• As the peroxide value depends on the sample size
the ISO/TC 34/SC 11 has decided to fix the sample
size to 5 g for PV greater than 1, and at 10 g for PV
less than or equal to 1.

Mean value (n = 3) 0.2078 mL
s(abs) 0.0023 mL
s(rel) 1.11%

Peroxide value
Mean value (n = 3) 1.743 meq O2/kg
s(abs) 0.012 meq O2/kg
s(rel) 0.72%
20. Food – Saponification number of edible
fats and oils
The saponification number is used to estimate the molecu-
4. Add the electrode Solvotrode to the sensor list
under System  Sensors.
lar weight of the fatty acid present in the oil. The higher the 5. Prepare the sample solution as defined under
saponification number the lower the molecular weight of Analysis Sample.
the fatty acids.

Solutions Blank
Titrant Should be bought from a
Pipette 25 mL c(KOH) = 0.5 mol/L in ethanol into a 100 mL
c(HCl) = 0.5 mol/L supplier.
Erlenmeyer flask and add a stirring bar. Attach a reflux
Reaction solution Should be bought from a
c(KOH) = 0.5 mol/L in ethanol supplier. condenser and reflux the solution 30 min. Allow the solu-
Ethanol abs. Should be bought from a tion to cool down and dilute it with 50 mL ethanol. Press
supplier. start, enter all requested sample data and titrate with c(HCl)
= 0.5 mol/L until after the first equivalence point. All other
parameters and calculations are already defined within the
Cylinder unit method. The mean value of the blank consumption is auto-
Eco Cylinder unit 50 mL 6.03002.250 matically saved as common variable CV01.

Sensors Sample
Solvotrode easyClean 6.0229.010 Pipette 0.5 up to 3 g sample as well as 25 mL c(KOH) =
0.5 mol/L in ethanol into a 100 mL Erlenmeyer flask and
Sample preparation add a stirring bar. Attach a reflux condenser and reflux the
No sample preparation is required. solution for 30 min. Allow the solution to cool down and
dilute it with 50 mL ethanol. Press start, enter all requested
sample data and titrate with c(HCl) = 0.5 mol/L until after
System configuration the first equivalence point. All other parameters and calcu-
Blank lations are already defined within the method.
1. Load the method Method_20.1 from the USB Stick
under System  File management.
2. Load the corresponding method in the home
3. Add the solution HCl_0.5 to the solution list under
System  Solutions and enter all necessary solution
SN: saponification number in mg KOH / g
data like concentration and cylinder unit volume.
CV01: blank value in mL
4. Add the electrode Solvotrode to the sensor list
VEP1: consumption of titrant up to first equivalence
under System  Sensors.
point in mL
5. Prepare the sample solution as defined under
cHCl: concentration of hydrochloric acid solution;
Analysis Blank.
here: 0.5 mol/L
tHCl: titer of hydrochloric acid solution
Sample MKOH: molar mass of potassium hydroxide; 56.11 g/mol
1. Load the method Method_20.2 from the USB Stick mSample: mass of sample in g
under System  File management.
2. Load the corresponding method in the home
3. Add the solution HCl_0.5 to the solution list under
System  Solutions and enter all necessary solution
data like concentration and cylinder unit volume.
42 Example curve
• Store the Solvotrode in the corresponding reference
electrolyte if not in use.
• Condition the glass membrane of the electrode
(bulp) in between measurments for 1 min in deion-
ized water.
• Make sure that the reflux time of 30 min is exactly
met. Otherwise the reproducibility of your results is
• The sample determination shows two equivalence
points. The first corresponds to the free KOH and
the second to the overall amount of base.
• Determine the titer according to Method_3.


Mean value (n = 3) 25.0577 mL
s(abs) 0.1807 mL
s(rel) 0.72%

Mean value (n = 3) 194.31 mg KOH/g
s(abs) 3.03 mg KOH/g
s(rel) 1.56%
21. Wine – pH and acidity

The pH value is of great importance for biological systems.
For AU and US
6. Load the method Method_21.2 from the USB Stick
In wines, it plays a larger role than the titratable total acid- under System  File management.
ity. The pH influences the growth of microorganisms, the 7. Load the corresponding method in the home
color and shade, taste, redox potential, the ratio of free to screen.
bound SO2, the stability, the possibility of forming or pre- 8. Add the solution NaOH_0.1 to the solution list
venting iron phosphate turbidity, etc. There is no direct under System  Solutions and enter all necessary
relationship between the pH value and the content of solution data like concentration and cylinder unit
titratable total acidity; in contrast, there is an (empirical) volume.
relationship between the pH value and the potassium 9. Add the electrode Ecotrode to the sensor list under
hydrogen tartrate / tartaric acid ratio. System  Sensors.
10. Prepare the sample solution as defined under
Titrant Should be bought from a
c(NaOH) = 0.1 mol/L supplier.
Buffer solutions Metrohm 6.2307.230 Analysis
pH 4, 7 and 9 Calibrate the electrode by a 3-point calibration with buffers
pH 4, 7 and 9. Afterwards, immerse the electrode in the
Cylinder unit non-degased sample and measure the pH using the man-
Eco Cylinder unit 20 mL 6.03002.220 ual control of the Eco Titrator.

CH, EU, IL and ZA
Ecotrode plus 6.0262.100
Pipette 10 mL degassed sample and 10 mL deionized water
Pt1000 temperature sensor 6.1110.100
into a 50 mL beaker press start, enter all requested sample
data and titrate with c(NaOH) = 0.1 mol/L to pH 7.0. All
Sample preparation
other parameters and calculations are already defined
The sample is degassed by using nitrogen, vacuum or by
within the method.
Pipette 20 mL degassed sample into a 50 mL beaker and
System configuration press start, enter all requested sample data and titrate with
For CH, EU, IL, ZA and SA c(NaOH) = 0.1 mol/L to pH 7.0. All other parameters and
1. Load the method Method_21.1 from the USB Stick calculations are already defined within the method.
under System  File management.
2. Load the corresponding method in the home AU
screen. Pipette 10 mL degassed sample and 50 mL deionized water
3. Add the solution NaOH_0.1 to the solution list into a 100 mL beaker press start, enter all requested sample
under System  Solutions and enter all necessary data and titrate with c(NaOH) = 0.1 mol/L to pH 8.2. All
solution data like concentration and cylinder unit other parameters and calculations are already defined
volume. within the method.
4. Add the electrode Ecotrode to the sensor list under
System  Sensors. US
5. Prepare the sample solution as defined under Pipette 5 mL degassed sample and 100 mL deionized water
Analysis. into a 150 mL beaker and press start, enter all requested
sample data and titrate with c(NaOH) = 0.1 mol/L to pH
8.2. All other parameters and calculations are already
defined within the method.
44 Calculation Comments
• The pH value and the calibration of the electrode
are temperature depended. For comparing different
values, the calibration as well as the measurement
βAcid: acid content in g/L; sulfuric or tartaric acid should be performed at the same temperature. A
VEP1: consumption of titrant up to first equivalence deviation in pH value may occur if the measurement
point in mL and the calibration are done at different tempera-
cNaOH: concentration of sodium hydroxide solution; tures.
here 0.1 mol/L • Depending on the standard, different end pH values
tNaOH: titer of sodium hydroxide solution and sample sizes are required.
MAcid: molar mass of the corresponding acid; • The stirring speed during titration should not be too
tartaric acid: 150.09 g/mol high as otherwise CO2 can be absorbed by the solu-
sulfuric acid: 98.08 g/mol tion and a lower acidity will be measured.
VSample: volume of sample in mL; here 10 mL, 5 mL or 20 mL • During titration, it is recommended to cover the sam-
Z*: stoichiometric factor; here 2 ple solution with nitrogen to prevent uptake of CO2.
• Purging with nitrogen, vacuum and agitation may be
used for degassing the wine.
Example curve • For degassing with nitrogen the gas is bubbled
approx. 5 min through the solution.
• If the agitation method is used for degassing, the
magnetic stirrer is used and the direction of the stirrer
is changed every 30 s. Make sure that the stirring
speed is not too high as otherwise CO2 will again be
taken up by the solution.
• When using vacuum for degassing the solution is
placed under vacuum for 1 min at 100 mbar.
• The programmed method expresses the acid content
as tartaric acid. Should the result be expressed as sul-
furic acid, the molar mass is changed under
Parameters  Calculation from 150.09 g/mol to
98.08 g/mol.
• Determine the titer according to Method_2.

Mean value (n = 3) 5.512 g/L
s(abs) 0.036 g/L
s(rel) 0.66%
22. Wine – Free sulfurous acid

Sulfite or sulfurous acid is present in wines in bound and
4. Add the electrode Pt sheet to the sensor list under
System  Solutions.
free form. In its free form it is present as SO2, HSO3- and 5. Adjust the solution under Parameters  Titrations
SO32-. SO2 acts antimicrobial, HSO3- binds side products parameters.
which are produced during fermentation and SO32- prevents 6. Prepare the sample solution as defined under
the wine from oxidation. The concentration range usually Analysis
obtained for free sulfurous acid is between 5 – 70 mg/L.

Solutions Pipette 50 mL sample into a 100 mL beaker, add 5 mL
c(I2) = 0.05mol/L Should be bought from a w(H2SO4) = 25% as well as 1 g NaHCO3. After all the foam
supplier. has disappeared, press start, enter all requested sample
Titrant 1 Transfer 200 mL c(I2) = data and titrate the solution with c(I2) = 0.01 mol/L until
c(I2) = 0.01 mol/L 0.05 mol/L into a 1 L volu-
after the equivalence point. All other parameters and calcu-
metric flask and fill it up to
the mark with deionized lations are already defined within the method.
Titrant 2 Transfer 156.25 mL c(I2) =
c(I2) = 1/128 mol/L = 0.0078 0.05 mol/L into a 1 L volu- Pipette 10 mL sample and approx. 20 mL deionized water
mol/L metric flask and fill it up to into a 100 mL beaker. Add 1 mL w(H2SO4) = 25% as well
the mark with deionized
as 0.2 g NaHCO3. After all the foam has disappeared, press
start, enter all requested sample data and titrate the solu-
w(H2SO4) = 25% Transfer 255 g w(H2SO4) =
98% into a 1 L volumetric tion with c(I2) = 0.01 mol/L until after the equivalence point.
flask, already containing All other parameters and calculations are already defined
400 mL deionized water.
within the method.
After cooling down, fill up
the flask to the mark with
deionized water.
Pipette 50 mL sample into a 100 mL beaker and add 1 g KI
as well as 5 mL w(H2SO4) = 25%. Afterwards press start,
Cylinder unit enter all requested sample data and titrate the solution
Eco Cylinder unit 20 mL 6.03002.220 with c(I2) = 0.0078 mol/L until after the equivalence point.
All other parameters and calculations are already defined
Sensors within the method.
Double Pt sheet electrode 6.0309.100

Sample preparation
No sample preparation is required.

βSO2: SO2 content in mg/L

System configuration
VEP1: consumption of titrant up to first equivalence
1. Load the method Method_22 from the USB Stick
point in mL
under System  File management.
cI2: Concentration of iodine solution; here:
2. Load the corresponding method in the home
0.01 mol/L (AU, US, SA) or
0.0078125 mol/L (CH, ZA)
3. Add the solution I2_0.01 (for AU, USA, SA) or
tI2: titer of iodine solution
I2_0.007 (CH and ZA) to the solution list under
MSO2: molar mass of SO2, 64.06 g/mol
System  Sensors and enter all necessary solution
1000: conversion factor from g/L to mg/L
data like concentration and cylinder unit volume.
VSample: volume of sample in mL; here 50 mL or 10 mL
46 Example curve

Mean value (n = 3) 45.87 mg/L
s(abs) 1.30 mg/L
s(rel) 2.83%

• Store the double Pt sheet electrode dry when not in
• Carry out the titer determination according to
• With this method the free SO2 as well as other
reductants like ascorbic acid are determined. The
ascorbic acid has to be quantified separately and sub-
tracted from the obtained value in this method.
• Normally the concentration of free SO2 is between
5 – 70 mg/L.
• The official reference method consists of a distillation
procedure. The SO2 is released by adding phosphoric
acid. At room temperature, nitrogen is bubbled
through the solution and the SO2 is carried over into
a H2O2 solution. The SO2 in combination with H2O2
will form H2SO4 which is titrated with c(NaOH) =
0.01 mol/L.
• The method is programmed for an iodine solution
concentration of c(I2) = 0.01 mol/L. If a concentration
of c(I2) = 0.007 mol/L is used, the right solution has
to be chosen under Parameters  Titration parame-
23. Wine – Total sulfurous acid, orienting Ripper
Sulfite or sulfurous acid is present in wines in bound and
5. Adjust the solution under Parameters  Titrations
free form. It is used for conservation. As sulfite acts anti- 6. Prepare the sample solution as defined under
microbial, as a reducing agent and deactivates enzymes, Analysis
the concentration of total sulfite in wine must not exceed
200 mg/L.
Solutions AU, US
c(NaOH) = 1 mol/L Weigh 40 g NaOH into a Pipette 20 mL sample and 25 mL w(NaOH) = 1 mol/L into
1 L volumetric flask, dissolve
in approx. 500 mL deionized a 150 mL beaker and allow to react for 10 min. Afterwards,
water and allow to cool down. add 10 mL w(H2SO4) = 25% as well as 1 g NaHCO3. After
Afterwards fill up to the mark all foam has disappeared, press start, enter all requested
with deionized water.
sample data and titrate the solution with c(I2) = 0.01 mol/L
c(I2) = 0.05mol/L Should be bought from a
until after the equivalence point. All other parameters and
calculations are already defined within the method.
Titrant 1 Transfer 200 mL c(I2) =
c(I2) = 0.01 mol/L 0.05 mol/L into a 1 L volu-
metric flask and fill it up to
the mark with deionized Pipette 25 mL sample and 25 mL w(NaOH) = 1 mol/L into
water. a 150 mL beaker and allow to react for 10 min. Afterwards,
Titrant 2 Transfer 156.25 mL c(I2) = add 10 mL w(H2SO4) = 25% as well as 0.2 g NaHCO3. After
c(I2) = 1/128 mol/L = 0.0078 0.05 mol/L into a 1 L volu-
all foam has disappeared, press start, enter all requested
mol/L metric flask and fill it up to
the mark with deionized water. sample data and titrate the solution with c(I2) = 0.01 mol/L
w(H2SO4) = 25% Transfer 255 g w(H2SO4) = until after the equivalence point. All other parameters and
98% into a 1 L volumetric calculations are already defined within the method.
flask, already containing
400 mL deionized water. CH, ZA
After cooling down, fill up Pipette 50 mL sample and 25 mL w(NaOH) = 1 mol/L into
the flask to the mark with
a 150 mL beaker and allow to react for 10 min. Afterwards,
deionized water.
add 10 mL w(H2SO4) = 25% as well as 1 g KI. Then press
Cylinder unit start, enter all requested sample data and titrate the solu-
Eco Cylinder unit 20 mL 6.03002.220 tion with c(I2) = 1/128 mol/L until after the equivalence
point. All other parameters and calculations are already
Sensors defined within the method.
Double Pt sheet electrode 6.0309.100

Sample preparation
No sample preparation is required.

System configuration
βSO2: SO2 content in mg/L
1. Load the method Method_23 from the USB Stick
VEP1: consumption of titrant up to first equivalence
under System  File management.
point in mL
2. Load the corresponding method in the home
cI2: concentration of iodine solution; here:
0.01 mol/L or 0.0078125 mol/L
3. Add the solution I2_0.01 (for AU, USA, SA) or
tI2: titer of iodine solution
I2_0.007 (CH and ZA) to the solution list under
MSO2: molar mass of SO2; 64.06 g/mol
System  Sensors and enter all necessary solution
1000: conversion factor from g/L to mg/L
data like concentration and cylinder unit volume.
VSample: volume of sample in mL; here 20 mL,
4. Add the electrode Pt sheet to the sensor list under
25 mL or 50 mL
System  Solutions.
48 Example curve

Mean value (n = 3) 69.57 mg/L
s(abs) 1.68 mg/L
s(rel) 2.42%

• Store the double Pt sheet electrode dry when not in
• Carry out the titer determination according to
• With this method the total SO2 as well as other
reductants like ascorbic acid are determined. The
ascorbic acid has to be determined separately and
subtracted from the obtained value in this method.
• Normally the concentration of total SO2 lie in
between 40 – 300 mg/L.
• The official reference method consists of a distillation
procedure. The SO2 is released by adding phosphoric
acid to the solution and boiling the corresponding
solution. While boiling the nitrogen is bubbled through
the solution and the SO2 is carried over into a H2O2
solution. The SO2 in combination with H2O2 will form
H2SO4 which is titrated with c(NaOH) = 0.01 mol/L.
• The method is programmed for an iodine solution
concentration of c(I2) = 0.01 mol/L. If a concentration
of c(I2) = 0.007 mol/L is used, the right solution has
to be chosen under Parameters  Titration parame-
24. Wine – Determination of ascorbic acid

The ascorbic acid content of grapes ranges from 5 to
Pipette 50 mL wine into a 100 mL beaker and add 2 mL
150 mg/L. After fermentation, usually only approx. w(glyoxal) = 40%. Stir the solution for 5 min. Afterwards,
2 mg/L remain. In some cases, ascorbic acid is added to add 5 mL w(H2SO4) = 25%, press start, enter all requested
the produced wine because of its reductive properties. sample data and titrate with c(I2) = 0.01 mol/L until after
The addition of ascorbic acid can reduce the content of the first equivalence point. All other parameters and calcu-
total SO2. However, this addition is limited to 150 mg/L. lations are already defined within the method.

Solutions Calculation
c(I2) = 0.05 mol/L Should be bought from a
Titrant Transfer 200 mL c(I2) =
c(I2) = 0.01 mol/L 0.05 mol/L into a 1 L volu-
metric flask and fill it up to βAA: ascorbic acid content in g/L
the mark with deionized VEP1: consumption of titrant up to first equivalence
water. point in mL
w(glyoxal) = 40% Adjust the pH of 200 mL cI2: concentration of iodine solution; here: 0.01 mol/L
w(glyoxal) = 40% with
c(NaOH) = 1 mol/L to pH 7. tI2: titer of iodine solution
w(H2SO4) = 25% Transfer 255 g w(H2SO4) = MAA: molecular mass of ascorbic acid, 176.12 mol/L
98% into a 1 L volumetric 1000: conversion factor from g to mg
flask, already containing VSample: volume of sample in mL; here 50 mL
400 mL deionized water.
After cooling down, fill the
flask up to the mark with
deionized water.
Example curve

Cylinder unit
Eco Cylinder unit 20 mL 6.03002.220

Double Pt sheet electrode 6.0309.100

Sample preparation
No sample preparation is required.

System configuration
1. Load the method Method_24 from the USB Stick
under System  File management.
2. Load the corresponding method in the home
screen. Results
3. Add the solution I2_0.01 to the solution list under
Mean value (n = 3) 95.07 mg/L
System  Solutions and enter all necessary solution
s(abs) 1.03 mg/L
data like concentration and cylinder unit volume.
s(rel) 1.08%
4. Add the electrode Pt sheet to the sensor list under
System  Sensors.
5. Prepare the solutions as described under Analysis.
• Store the double Pt sheet electrode dry when not in
• Use the same titrant for the determination of free
and total SO2. With the addition of glyoxal the free
SO2 is bound and no longer determined. This allows
to obtain the ascorbic acid content only.
• The ascorbic acid content in wine ranges normally
from 1 – 10 mg/L.
• Other procedures mention
Dichlorophenolindophenol (DPIP) as titrant. This
may also be applied here, however, iodine solution
is proposed as it is also used for the SO2 determina-
• Determine the titer according to Method_4.
25. Wine – Determination of calcium
and magnesium
The Ca and Mg contents of wines vary greatly. Their con-
Sample preparation
Pipette 75 mL sample into a platinum or quartz crucible
centrations depend on the composition of the soil and can and heat it at 600 °C in a muffle furnace until only a pure
therefore, depending on the location and country, vary white ash remains. After cooling down, add 2 mL w(HCl) =
between 40 and 300 mg/L for calcium and between 20 20% to dissolve the ash (possibly under warming). Then
and 250 mg/L for magnesium. By treating the must with transfer the solution quantitatively to the titration beaker
CaSO4 or CaCO3 or by adding bentonite, Ca and Mg may with deionized water.
also be introduced into wine.
A too high Ca content can lead to unwanted precipitation,
which, however, usually occurs after the wine has been System configuration
bottled. Mg influences the stability of the tartrate and the 1. Load the method Method_25 from the USB Stick
«acid taste» of the wine. The Ca content is reduced during under System  File management.
fermentation and the Mg/Ca ratio increases. 2. Load the corresponding method in the home
Both ions can be determined simultaneously by complexo- screen.
metric titration. 3. Add the solution EDTA_0.1 to the solution list
under System  Solutions and enter all necessary
solution data like concentration and cylinder unit
Titrant Should be bought from a
c(Na2EDTA) = 0.1 mol/L supplier. 4. Add the electrode Ca-ISE to the sensor list under
System  Sensors.
Auxiliary complexing solution Weigh 20.4 g TRIS into a 1 L
c(Acetylacetone) = volumetric flask and dissolve 5. Prepare the solutions as described under Analysis.
0.1 mol/L + c(TRIS) = it in approx. 500 mL deion-
0.2 mol/L ized water. Add 12 mL acetyl-
acetone and fill the solution
up to the mark with deion- Analysis
ized water. Transfer the sample quantitatively into a 150 mL beaker
w(HCl) = 20% Weigh 540 g w(HCl) = 37% and neutralize the solution to pH 6 to 6.5 with w(NaOH)
into a 1 L volumetric flask,
already containing 200 mL = 20%. Add 20 mL auxiliary solution, press the start but-
deionized water. Then, allow ton and enter all requested sample data. Titrate after-
to cool down and fill up to wards with c(Na2EDTA) = 0.1 mol/L until after the second
the mark with deionized
equivalence point. All other parameters and calculations
w(NaOH) = 20% Weigh 200 g NaOH into a
are already defined within the method.
1 L volumetric flask, already
containing 500 mL deionized
water and fill up to the mark
with deionized water.

Cylinder unit
Eco Cylinder unit 20 mL 6.03002.220 β(Ca2+): concentration of calcium in mg/L
VEP1: consumption of titrant up to the first
Sensors equivalence point in mL
Combined polymer mem- 6.0510.100 tEDTA: titer of EDTA solution
brane electrode, Ca
cEDTA: concentration of EDTA solution; here: 0.1 mol/L
M(Ca2+): molar mass of calcium; 40.08 g/mol
1000: conversion factor from g/L to mg/L
VSample: volume of sample in mL
• Store the combined Ca-ISE dry when not in use
containing some residual moisture (e.g., some drops
β(Mg2+): concentration of magnesium in mg/L of deionized water) in the electrode vessel.
VEP2: consumption of titrant up to the second • Use Method_1 for the determination of the titer.
equivalence point in mL • Do not store the auxiliary solution longer than a
VEP1: consumption of titrant up to the first week. The separation of calcium and magnesium will
equivalence point in mL become worse.
tEDTA: titer of EDTA solution
cEDTA: concentration of EDTA solution;
here: 0.1 mol/L
M(Mg2+): molar mass of magnesium; 24.31 g/mol
1000: conversion factor from g/L to mg/L
VSample: volume of sample in mL

Example curve

Mean value (n = 3) 92.26 mg/L
s(abs) 1.25 mg/L
s(rel) 1.35%

Mean value (n = 3) 77.03 mg/L
s(abs) 0.63 mg/L
s(rel) 0.82%
26. Wine – Determination of chloride

The chloride content of wine lie normally between
50 – 200 mg/L. Contents of to 600 mg/L have been found
in wines from vineyards near the sea. In Switzerland and
the European Union, wines with a content of >500 mg/L
chloride are not allowed to be sold. The USA and AU do not βCl: mass concentration of chloride in g/L
have any regulation regarding the chloride content in wine. VEP1: consumption of titrant in mL
cAgNO3: concentration of silver nitrate in mol/L;

Solutions here 0.05 mol/L

Titrant 1 Should be bought from a tAgNO3: titer of silver nitrate solution

c(AgNO3) = 0.1 mol/L supplier. MCl: molar mass of chloride; 35.45 g/mol
Titrant 2 Pipette 100 mL c(AgNO3) = VSample: sample size in mL; here 50 mL
c(AgNO3) = 0.01 mol/L 0.1 mol/L into a 1 L volumet-
ric flask and fill it up to the
mark with deionized water.
Example curve
c(HNO3) = 2 mol/L Weigh 194 g c(HNO3) = 65%
into a 1 L volumetric flask
and fill it up to the mark with
deionized water.

Cylinder unit
Eco Cylinder unit 20 mL 6.03002.220

Ag Titrode with Ag2S coating 6.00430.100S

Sample preparation
No sample preparation is required.

System configuration Results

1. Load the method Method_26 from the USB Stick Mean value (n = 3) 46.86 mg/L
under System  File management. s(abs) 0.20 mg/L
2. Load the corresponding method in the home screen. s(rel) 0.43%
3. Add the solution AgNO3_0.01 to the solution list
under System  Solutions and enter all necessary
solution data like concentration and cylinder unit
• Store the electrode in deionized water if not in use.
The hydration layer of the glass membrane remains
4. Add the electrode Ag Titrode to the sensor list
intact and the electrode is ready for use.
under System  Sensors.
• A coated silver ring must not be polished as other-
5. Prepare the solution as described under Analysis
wise the coating is removed.
• Instead of an Ag Titrode also an Ag ring electrode
Analysis can be used.
Pipette 50 mL sample into a 100 mL beaker. Add 1 mL • Depending on the chloride concentration the sam-
c(HNO3) = 2 mol/L, press start and enter all requested sam- ple size has to be decreased.
ple data. Titrate with c(AgNO3) = 0.01 mol/L until after the • Determine the titer according to Method_5.
first equivalence point. All other parameters and calcula-
tions are already defined within the method.
27. Oil – Determination of total base number

54 Summary
Components in oil products that exhibit an alkaline reaction
1. Load the method Method_27.2 from the USB Stick
are determined as a cumulative total under the base num- under System  File management.
ber. These are chiefly primary organic and inorganic amino 2. Load the corresponding method in the home
compounds, but the salts of weak acids and alkaline salts screen.
of polycarboxylic acids, as well as some heavy metal salts 3. Add the solution HClO4_0.1 to the solution list
and detergents, are also determined. The determination is under System  Solutions and enter all necessary
used to assess relative alterations during the working life of solution data like concentration and cylinder unit
the product. volume.
4. Add the electrode Solvotrode to the sensor list
under System  Sensors.
Solutions 5. Prepare the sample solution as described under
Titrant Should be bought from a Analysis Sample
c(HClO4) = 0.1 mol/L in glacial supplier.
acetic acid
Solvent Transfer 600 mL toluene,
Toluene : glacial acetic acid : 300 mL glacial acetic acid Analysis
acetone (6:3:1 (v:v:v)) and 100 mL acetone into a Blank
glass bottle and mix thor- Pipette 50 mL solvent into a 100 mL titration beaker, press
start and enter all requested sample data. Titrate with
c(HClO4) = 0.1 mol/L until after the first equivalence point.
Cylinder unit All other parameters and calculations are already defined
Eco Cylinder unit 20 mL 6.03002.220 within the method. The mean value of the blank is saved
as CV01
Solvotrode easyClean 6.0229.010
Weigh an appropriate amount of sample (see table below)
into a 100 mL beaker and dissolve it in 50 mL solvent. Press
Sample preparation start, enter all requested sample data and carry out the
No sample preparation is required. titration with c(HClO4) = 0.1 mol/L until after the first
equivalence point. All other parameters and calculations
are already defined within the method.
System configuration
1. Load the method Method_27.1 from the USB Stick
expected TBN / (mg Sample weight / Weighing accuracy
under System  File management. KOH / g sample) g / mg
2. Load the corresponding method in the home 3 – 15 2.00 1
screen. 15 – 30 1.00 1
3. Add the solution HClO4_0.1 to the solution list 30 – 45 0.25 0.1
under System  Solutions and enter all necessary
solution data like concentration and cylinder unit
volume. Calculation
4. Add the electrode Solvotrode to the sensor list
under System  Sensors.
5. Prepare the sample solution as described under
Analysis Blank
TBN: total base number in mg KOH / g sample
VEP1: consumption of titrant up to first equivalence
point in mL
CV01: blank value in mL
cHClO4: concentration of perchloric acid solution
here: 0.1 mol/L
tHClO4: titer of perchloric acid solution Mean value (n = 3) 0.1465 mL
MKOH: molar mass of potassium hydroxide; 56.11 g/mol s(abs) 0.0035 mL
mSample: mass of sample in g s(rel) 2.38%

Example curve Mean value (n = 3) 6.8 mg KOH/g
Blank s(abs) 0.2 mg KOH/g
s(rel) 2.90%

• Fill the electrode with c(LiCl) = 2 mol/L as reference
• Store the electrode in the corresponding reference
electrolyte if not in use.
• From time to time, open the sleeve of the ground-
joint diaphragm and release some electrolyte.
• The condition of the electrode can be tested by
immersing the electrode in buffer pH 4 and buffer
pH 7 and measuring the voltage difference. The dif-
Sample ference should be at least 162 mV. If this is not the
case, release some electrolyte and repeat the meas-
• In between measurements, the glass membrane
(bulp) of the electrode is immersed for 1 min in
deionized water.
• The TBN analysis might show more than one equiv-
alence point. In such a case the last equivalence
point is used for calculation.
• Determine the titer according to Method_7.
28. Oil – Determination of total acid number

56 Summary
TAN is an important parameter for determining the quality
3. Add the solution KOH_0.1 to the solution list under
System  Solutions and enter all necessary solution
of e.g., petroleum products. It gives its acidity and is deter- data like concentration and cylinder unit volume.
mined by the amount of potassium hydroxide, which is 4. Add the electrode Solvotrode to the sensor list
necessary for its neutralization. This value is usually deter- under System  Sensors.
mined to monitor the oxidation of petrochemical products 5. Prepare the sample solution as described under
which may lead to failure of machinery due to corrosion. Analysis Sample

Solutions Analysis
Titrant Should be bought from a Blank
c(KOH) = 0.1 mol/L in isopro- supplier.
Pipette 60 mL solvent into a 100 mL titration beaker, press
start, enter all requested sample data and titrate with
Solvent Transfer 500 mL toluene,
Toluene : isopropanol; deion- 495 mL isopropanol and c(KOH) = 0.1 mol/L in isopropanol until after the first
ized water (1:0.99:0.01) 5 mL deionized water into a equivalence point. All other parameters and calculations
glass bottler and mix thor-
are already defined within the method. The mean value of
the blank is saved as common variable CV01.

Cylinder unit
Weigh an appropriate amount of sample (see table below)
Eco Cylinder unit 20 mL 6.03002.220
into a 100 mL beaker and dissolve it in 60 mL solvent. Press
start, enter the requested sample data and carry out the
titration with c(KOH) = 0.1 mol/L in isopropanol until after
Solvotrode easyClean 6.0229.010
the first equivalence point. All other parameters and calcu-
lations are already defined within the method.
Sample preparation
No sample preparation is required.
expected TAN / Sample weight / g
(mg KOH / g sample)
System configuration 0.05 – <1.0 10.0 ± 2.0
Blank 1.0 – <5.0 5.0 ± 0.5
1. Load the method Method_28.1 from the USB Stick 5 – <20 1.0 ± 0.1
under System  File management. 20 – <100 0.25 ± 0.02
2. Load the corresponding method in the home 100 – <260 0.1 ± 0.01
3. Add the solution KOH_0.1 to the solution list under
System  Solutions and enter all necessary solution Calculation
data like concentration and cylinder unit volume.
4. Add the electrode Solvotrode to the sensor list
under System  Sensors.
5. Prepare the sample solution as described under TAN: total acid number in mg KOH / g sample
Analysis Blank VEP1: consumption of titrant up to first equivalence
point in mL
CV01: blank value in mL
Sample cKOH: concentration of potassium hydroxide solution
1. Load the method Method_28.2 from the USB Stick here: 0.1 mol/L
under System  File management. tKOH: titer of potassium hydroxide solution
2. Load the corresponding method in the home MKOH: molar mass of potassium hydroxide; 56.11 g/mol
screen. mSample: mass of sample in g
Example curve
• Fill the electrode with c(TEABr) = 0.4 mol/L in ethyl-
ene glycol.
• Store the electrode in the corresponding electrolyte
if not in use.
• From time to time, open the flexible ground-joint
diaphragm and release some electrolyte.
• The condition of the electrode can be tested by
immersing the electrode in buffer pH 4 and buffer
pH 7 and measuring the voltage difference. The dif-
ference should be at least 162 mV. If the difference
is smaller, release some electrolyte and repeat the
• In between measurements the glass membrane
(bulp) of the electrode is immersed for 1 min in
Sample deionized water.
• The TAN analysis might show more than one equiv-
alence point. In such a case the last equivalence
point is used for calculation.
• Determine the titer according to Method_8.

Mean value (n = 3) 0.0748 mL
s(abs) 0.0009 mL
s(rel) 1.22%

Mean value (n = 3) 1.27 mg KOH/g
s(abs) 0.01 mg KOH/g
s(rel) 0.67%
29. Oil – Determination of sulfur compounds
in petrochemical products

58 Summary
Sulfur compounds contained in petrochemicals do not
System configuration
1. Load the method Method_29 from the USB Stick
only have an unpleasant odor, they also cause environ- under System  File management.
mental problems and have a corrosive effect. This meth- 2. Load the corresponding method in the home
od describes the determination of hydrogen sulfide and screen.
mercaptans in liquid hydrocarbons (gasoline, petrol), 3. Add the solution AgNO3_0.01 to the solution list
kerosene, naphtha and similar distillates. The sulfur com- under System  Solutions and enter all necessary
pounds are titrated with silver nitrate solution, whereby solution data like concentration and cylinder unit
silver sulfide and silver mercaptides are formed. volume.
Two well-defined potential jumps are obtained. The first 4. Add the electrode Ag Titrode to the sensor list
endpoint corresponds to the hydrogen sulfide; the sec- under System  Sensors.
ond to the mercaptans. The Ag Titrode with Ag2S coating 5. Prepare the sample solution as described under
is used as indicator electrode. Analysis

Solutions Analysis
c(AgNO3) = 0.1 mol/L Should be bought from a Place 100 mL solvent solution – acidic or alkaline solvent
depending on the kind of mercaptan – into a titration ves-
Titrant Transfer 100 mL c(AgNO3) = sel and purge 5 min with nitrogen. Afterwards, cover the
c(AgNO3) = 0.01 mol/L in iso- 0.1 mol/L and 80 mL deion-
propanol (IPA) ized water into a 1 L volu- sample solution with nitrogen while adding the corre-
metric flask. Afterwards fill sponding amount of sample (see table below). Press the
the solution up to the mark start button, enter all requested sample data and titrate the
with isopropanol.
mixture with c(AgNO3) = 0.01 mol/L in isopropanol. All
Acidic solvent for high-molec- Dissolve 2.7 g sodium acetate
ular mercaptans trihydrate in 25 mL deionized other parameters and calculations are already defined
water and add 4.6 mL glacial within the method.
acetic acid. Transfer the solu-
tion with IPA quantitatively
into a 1 L volumetric flask
and fill it up to the mark with ppm mercaptan S expected Sample size / mL
IPA. 1 – <50 50
Alkaline solvent for low- Dissolve 2.7 g sodium acetate 50 – <100 25
molecular mercaptans trihydrate in 25 mL deionized
water and add 10 mL w(NH3) 100 – <300 10
= 25%. Transfer the solution 300 – 500 5
with IPA quantitatively into a
1 L volumetric flask and fill it
up to the mark with IPA.
If only hydrogen sulfide or only mercaptan are present,
one equivalence point will be obtained.
Cylinder unit If both are present, two equivalence points will be
Eco Cylinder unit 10 mL 6.03002.210 obtained, whereof EP1 corresponds to H2S and EP2 to
the mercaptans.
Sensors Should sulfur be present (sulfur can form disulfide) a third
Ag Titrode with Ag2S coating 6.00430.100S
flat potential jump between EP1 and EP2 will be visible
which corresponds to sulfur.
Sample preparation
No sample preparation is required.
In case only mercaptans are present: If hydrogen sulfide, mercaptans and sulfur are present:
Hydrogen sulfide

βmer: mass concentration of mercaptanic sulfur in mg/kg

VEP1: consumption of titrant up to first equivalence βH2S: mass concentration of hydrogen sulfide in mg/kg
point in mL VEP1: consumption of titrant up to first equivalence
cAgNO3: concentration of silver nitrate solution point in mL
here: 0.01 mol/L cAgNO3: concentration of silver nitrate solution
tAgNO3: titer of silver nitrate solution here: 0.01 mol/L
MS: molecular mass of sulfur; 32.06 g/mol tAgNO3: titer of silver nitrate solution
1000: conversion factor to mg/kg MS: molecular mass of sulfur; 32.06 g/mol
mSample: mass of sample in g 1000: conversion factor to mg/kg
mSample: mass of sample in g
z*: stoichiometric factor; here 2

If both hydrogen sulfide and mercaptans are present:

Hydrogen sulfide

βH2S: mass concentration of hydrogen sulfide in mg/kg

VEP1: consumption of titrant up to first equivalence βmer: mass concentration of mercaptanic sulfur in mg/kg
point in mL VEP3: consumption of titrant up to third equivalence
cAgNO3: concentration of silver nitrate solution point in mL
here: 0.01 mol/L VEP1: consumption of titrant up to first equivalence
tAgNO3: titer of silver nitrate solution point in mL
MS: molecular mass of sulfur; 32.06 g/mol cAgNO3: concentration of silver nitrate solution
1000: conversion factor to mg/kg here: 0.01 mol/L
mSample: mass of sample in g tAgNO3: titer of silver nitrate solution
z : stoichiometric factor; here 2 MS: molecular mass of sulfur; 32.06 g/mol
1000: conversion factor to mg/kg
mSample: mass of sample in g


βmer: mass concentration of mercaptanic sulfur in mg/kg

VEP2: consumption of titrant up to second
equivalence point in mL
VEP1: consumption of titrant up to first equivalence
point in mL
cAgNO3: concentration of silver nitrate solution
here: 0.01 mol/L
tAgNO3: titer of silver nitrate solution
MS: molecular mass of sulfur; 32.06 g/mol
1000: conversion factor to mg/kg
mSample: mass of sample in g
60 Example curve Comments
• Because the concentration of sulfide is very low it is
mandatory to use an Ag Titrode with Ag2S coating
as its sensitivity is higher.
• H2S and mercaptans are easily oxidized by atmos-
pheric oxygen. Therefore, the samples need to be
covered with nitrogen during titration.
• Store the Ag Titrode in deionized water if not in
use. This ensures a well hydrated glass membrane
and therefore the electrode remains ready to use.
• You must not polish the silver ring when it is
coated. This would remove the coating.
• IPA is added instead of water to sharpen the poten-
tial change at the equivalence point.
• The method is suitable for titrations where two EPs
are obtained. Should a third EP be observed, the
calculation has to be adapted under
Hydrogen sulfide
Parameters  Calculation accordingly.
Mean value (n = 3) 2.37 mg/kg • Low molecular weight mercaptans are usually found
s(abs) 0.05 mg/kg in gasoline, where high molecular weight mercap-
s(rel) 1.89% tans are found in kerosines, aviation turbine fuels
and distillate fuels. Normally, argentometric titra-
tions take place in an acidic medium. This is not
Mean value (n = 3) 3.01 mg/kg
possible with low molecular mercaptanes as they
s(abs) 0.03 mg/kg
would get lost easily. Therefore for this type of mer-
s(rel) 1.02%
captanes the alkaline titration solvent is used.
• Determine the titer according to Method_5.
30. Surf – Anionic surfactants and soaps in washing
powder by potentiometric two-phase titration
Soaps lose their surfactant properties under acidic condi-
System configuration
Anionic Surfactants
tions and cannot be determined anymore. In contrast, 1. Load the method Method_30.1 from the USB Stick
anionic surfactants can be titrated under both acidic and under System  File management.
alkaline conditions. Thus, two titrations are required to 2. Load the corresponding method in the home
determine both soaps and anionic surfactants of a sample: screen.
- In a first titration at pH = 2.0 only the anionic 3. Add the solution TEGO_0.005 to the solution list
surfactants are determined. under System  Solutions and enter all necessary
- In a second titration at pH = 11.5 the total of solution data like concentration and cylinder unit
anionic surfactants and soaps is determined. volume.
4. Add the Surf Refill to the sensor list under System
 Sensors.
Solutions 5. Prepare the sample solution as described under
Titrant Weigh approx. 2.2 g Analysis
c(TEGOtrant) = 0.005 mol/L TEGOtrant into a 1 L volu-
metric flask and add 150 mL
deionized water. After disso-
lution (make sure no foam is Anionic Surfactants and soaps
present), fill up the solution
to the mark with deionized
1. Load the method Method_30.2 from the USB Stick
water. under System  File management.
TEGOadd Metrohm article number 2. Load the corresponding method in the home
6.2317.120 screen.
c(HCl) = 0.5 mol/L Weigh 49.3 g w(HCl) = 37% 3. Add the solution TEGO_0.005 to the solution list
into a 1 L volumetric flask
containing already 500 mL
under System  Solutions and enter all necessary
deionized water. Allow to solution data like concentration and cylinder unit
cool down and afterwards volume.
make up the solution to the
4. Add the Surf Refill to the sensor list under System
mark with deionized water.
 Sensors.
c(NaOH) = 0.5 mol/L Weigh 20 g NaOH into a 1 L
volumetric flask containing 5. Prepare the sample solution as described under
already 500 mL deionized Analysis
water and dissolve it. Allow
to cool down, then make up
the solution to the mark with
deionized water. Analysis
Solvent mixture Transfer 500 mL MIBK and Anionic Surfactants
Methyl isobutyl ketone : eth- 500 mL Ethanol into a glass Weigh an appropriate amount of sample sothat a con-
anol (1:1 (v:v)) bottle and mix thoroughly.
sumption of approx. 10 mL titrant is obtained, into a
closed titration beaker with a volume of approx. 100 mL
(e.g., 6.01406.220). Add 70 mL deionized water and
Cylinder unit
Eco Cylinder unit 20 mL 6.03002.220
0.2 mL TEGOadd. Adjust the pH of the solution with
c(HCl) = 0.5 mol/L to pH 2 and afterwards add 20 mL
Sensors solvent mixture. Press start, enter all requested sample
Surfactrode Refill 6.0507.140 data and carry out the titration with c(TEGOtrant) =
LL ISE Reference electrode 6.0750.100 0.005 mol/L until after the first equivalence point. All
other parameters and calculations are already defined
within the method. The value obtained from the calcula-
Sample preparation tion is additionally saved as CV01.
No sample preparation is required.
62 Anionic Surfactants and soaps
Weigh an appropriate amount of sample so that a con-
Example curve
Anionic Surfactants
sumption of approx. 10 mL titrant is obtained, into a closed
titration beaker with a volume of approx. 100 mL (e.g.,
6.01406.220). Add 70 mL deionized water and 0.2 mL
TEGOadd. Adjust the pH of the solution with c(NaOH) =
0.5 mol/L to pH 11.5 and afterwards add 20 mL solvent
mixture. Press start, enter all requested sample data and
carry out the titration with c(TEGOtrant) = 0.005 mol/L until
after the first equivalence point. All other parameters and
calculations are already defined within the method.

Anionic Surfactants
Anionic Surfactants and Soaps

bA-Surf: molality of anionic surfactants in mmol/100 g

VEP1: consumption of titrant up to the first
equivalence point in mL
cTEGO: concentration of TEGOtrant solution;
here 0.005 mol/L
100: conversion factor for 100 g
tTEGO: titer of TEGOtrant solution
mSample: sample size in g


btotal: molality of anionic surfactants and soaps Anionic Surfactants
in mmol/100 g Mean value (n = 3) 19.00 mmol/g
VEP1: consumption of titrant up to the first s(abs) 0.33 mmol/g
equivalence point in mL.
s(rel) 1.71%
cTEGO: concentration of TEGOtrant solution;
here 0.005 mol/L Soaps
100: conversion factor for 100 g Mean value (n = 3) 4.44 mmol/g
tTEGO: titer of TEGOtrant solution s(abs) 0.06 mmol/g
mSample: sample size in g s(rel) 1.24%
CV01: value obtained from calculation Anionic surfactants
• Store the Surfactrode Refill dry when not in use.
• Should the titration curve flatten, refilling of the
indicator electrode with the Surfactrode refill paste
6.2319.000 and the Filling tool 6.2826.010 is rec-
ommended. This guarantees almost unlimited life-
• The titrant consumption should be about 10 mL to
increase the precision of your results.
• It is recommended to work in a fume hood or to
work with a closed titration vessel, to avoid odour
nuisance by MIBK.
• The stirrer has to be set to a very high stirring rate.
Otherwise, the two phases will not be mixed thor-
• Determine the titer according to Method_9.
• Do not use higher concentrations of TEGOtrant
because then the stoichiometry of 1:1 is no longer
• For adjusting the pH value a pH meter, a pH paper
or the manual control of the Eco Titrator can be
used. Make sure the electrode is calibrated before
• TEGOadd was developed in particular for surfactant
titrations using the Solvotrode Resistant electrode.
This additive has a positive influence on the whole
course of titration, especially in the region of inflec-
tion and keeps the electrode clean.
31. Surf – Anionic surfactants in dishwashing con
centrates by potentiometric aqueous titration

64 Summary
Synthetic soaps and dishwashing concentrates often con-
Pipette 10 mL of the prepared solution into a 100 mL
tain betains; Betains behave like cationic surfactants if the beaker and add 10 mL buffer pH = 3, 40 mL deionized
solution is acidified too much. This means that they par- water and 10 mL methanol. Press start, enter all requested
tially cancel out the anionic surfactants and low-bias results sample data and carry out the titration with c(TEGOtrant) =
are obtained. 0.005 mol/ until after the first equivalence point. All other
parameters and calculations are already defined within the
Solutions method.
Titrant Weigh approx. 2.2 g
c(TEGOtrant) = 0.005 mol/L TEGOtrant into a 1 L volu-
metric flask and add 150 mL Calculation
deionized water. After disso-
lution, fill the solution up to
the mark with deionized
water. Make sure that no
foam is present anymore. bA-Surf: molality of anionic surfactants in mmol/100 g
Buffer pH 3 Should be bought from a
VEP1: consumption of titrant up to the first
equivalence point in mL
cTEGO: concentration of TEGOtrant solution;
here 0.005 mol/L
Cylinder unit
100: conversion factor for 100 g
Eco Cylinder unit 20 mL 6.03002.220
tTEGO: titer of TEGOtrant solution
Sensors mSample: sample size in g
Ionic Surfactant electrode 6.0507.120
LL ISE Reference electrode 6.0750.100
Example curve

Sample preparation
Depending on the concentration of anionic surfactants,
weigh 0.5 – 1 g sample into a 100 mL volumetric flask and
fill it up to the mark with deionized water. Make sure, that
the solution does not contain any foam.

System configuration
1. Load the method Method_31 from the USB Stick
under System  File management.
2. Load the corresponding method in the home
3. Add the solution TEGO_0.005 to the solution list
under System  Solutions and enter all necessary
solution data like concentration and cylinder unit Results
volume. Mean value (n = 3) 36.96 mmol/100 g
4. Add the Ionic Surf to the sensor list under System s(abs) 0.11 mmol/100 g
 Sensors. s(rel) 0.11%
5. Prepare the sample solution as described under
• Store the Ionic Surfactant electrode dry when not in
• The titrant consumption should be about 10 mL to
increase the precision of your results.
• Products analyzed here often contain α-olefin sul-
fates or secondary alkane sulfonates which lead to
higher results. If such surfactants are present, it is
recommended to use the two-phase titration meth-
• The Ionic Surfactant electrode is not solvent resist-
ant. Chloroform, hydrocarbons, acetone, MIBK, tet-
rahydrofuran, etc. destroy the electrode. High pro-
portions of methanol (30 – 40%) or ethanol (20%)
in the solvent shorten the lifetime of the electrode.
• To condition the electrode, carry out 2 – 3 sample
titration, discarding the obtained results.
• Remove adherent deposits with a soft paper towel,
moistened in methanol.
• Determine the titer according to Method_9.
• Methanol is added to prevent foam formation.
32. Surf – Cationic surfactants in mouth rinses
by potentiometric aqueous titration

66 Summary
In mouthwashes and gargling solutions, cetylpyridinium
Prepare the cylinder unit after allowing the solution to
chloride monohydrate is mostly used as cationic surfactant stand overnight. Pipette 40 mL sample into a 150 mL
and disinfectant (approx. 20 – 50 mg/100 mL). Further pos- beaker and add 10 mL methanol, 10 mL buffer pH 3 and
sible ingredients are ethanol (10 – 20%), methyl salicylate, 40 mL deionized water. Press start, enter all requested
menthol, polysorbate, peppermint oil, saccharin and sodi- sample data and titrate with c(SDS) = 0.005 mol/ until after
um benzoate, just to mention a few. The titration curves the first equivalence point. All other parameters and calcu-
obtained by this type of titration are flat in most cases and lations are already defined within the method.
difficult to evaluate.

Titrant Dry approx. 2 g SDS at 105°C
c(SDS) = 0.005 mol/L overnight and allow to cool
down in a desiccator.
Afterwards, weigh 1.4535 g βCPC: mass concentration of cetylpyridinium chloride
SDS into a 1 L volumetric
in mg/100 mL
flask and dissolve it in about
150 mL deionized water. Add VEP1: consumption of titrant up to the first
10 mL w(form-aldehyde) = equivalence point in mL
35% and fill the solution to
cSDS: concentration of sodium lauryl sulfate
the mark with deionized
water. solution; here 0.005 mol/L
Buffer pH 3 Should be bought from a 100: conversion factor for 100 mL
supplier. tSDS: titer of sodium lauryl sulfate solution
MCPC: molar mass of cetylpyridinium chloride
monohydrate; 358.01 g/mol
Cylinder unit
VSample: sample size in mL
Eco Cylinder unit 20 mL 6.03002.220

Ionic Surfactant electrode 6.0507.120 Example curve
LL ISE Reference electrode 6.0750.100

Sample preparation
No sample preparation is required.

System configuration
1. Load the method Method_32 from the USB Stick
under System  File management.
2. Load the corresponding method in the home
3. Add the solution SDS_0.005 to the solution list
under System  Solutions and enter all necessary
solution data like concentration and cylinder unit
4. Add the Ionic Surf to the sensor list under System
Mean value (n = 3) 31.58 mg/100 mL
 Sensors.
s(abs) 0.59 mg/100 mL
5. Prepare the sample solution as described under
s(rel) 1.88%
• Store the Ionic Surfactant electrode dry when not in
• To obtain more precise results, it is recommended
to have a titrant consumption of about 10 mL.
• The Ionic Surfactant electrode is not solvent resist-
ant. Chloroform, hydrocarbons, acetone, MIBK, tet-
rahydrofuran, etc. destroy the electrode. High pro-
portions of methanol (30 – 40%) or ethanol (20%)
in the solvent shorten the lifetime of the electrode.
• To condition the electrode, carry out 2 – 3 sample
titration, discarding the obtained results.
• Remove adherent deposits with a soft paper towel,
moistened in methanol.
• Determine the titer according to Method_10.
33. Surf – Cationic surfactants in hair conditioners
by potentiometric two-phase titration

68 Summary
Hair conditioner often contains relatively large amounts of
3. Add the solution SDS_0.005 to the solution list
under System  Solutions and enter all necessary
higher fatty alcohols (cetyl and stearyl alcohol) and cellu- solution data like concentration and cylinder unit
lose derivatives. The cationic surfactants are partially volume.
adsorbed on these compounds and are difficult to titrate in 4. Add the Surf Refill to the sensor list under System
aqueous solution as it results in very long titration times.  Sensors.
For this reason potentiometric two-phase titration is to be 5. Prepare the sample solution as described under
preferred. Analysis

Solutions Analysis
Titrant Dry approx. 2 g SDS at 105°C Prepare the cylinder unit after allowing the solution to
c(SDS) = 0.005 mol/L overnight and allow to cool
down in a desiccator.
stand overnight. Weigh approx. 1 g sample into a 100 mL
Afterwards, weigh 1.4535 g closed titration beaker (e.g., 6.01406.220) and add 20 mL
SDS into a 1 L volumetric solvent mixture and 70 mL deionized water. Adjust the pH
flask and dissolve it in about
with c(HCl) = 0.5 mol/L to pH 3 and then add 0.2 mL
150 mL deionized water. Add
10 mL w(formaldehyde) = TEGOadd. Press start, enter all requested sample data and
35% and fill the solution to titrate with c(SDS) = 0.005 mol/ until after the first equiva-
the mark with deionized lence point. All other parameters and calculations are
already defined within the method.
TEGOadd Metrohm article no.
c(HCl) = 0.5 mol/L Weigh 49.3 g w(HCl) = 37%
into a 1 L volumetric flask Calculation
containing already 500 mL
deionized water. Allow to
cool down, then make up the
solution to the mark with
deionized water. bC-Surf: molality of cationic surfactants in mmol/100 g
Solvent mixture Transfer 500 mL MIBK and VEP1: consumption of titrant up to the first
Methyl isobutyl ketone : eth- 500 mL ethanol into a glass
anol (1:1 (v:v)) bottle and mix thoroughly. equivalence point in mL
cSDS: concentration of sodium lauryl sulfate solution;
here 0.005 mol/L
100: conversion factor for 100 g
Cylinder unit tSDS: titer of sodium lauryl sulfate solution
Eco Cylinder unit 20 mL 6.03002.220 mSample: sample size in g

Surfactrode Refill electrode 6.0507.140
LL ISE Reference electrode 6.0750.100

Sample preparation
No sample preparation is required.

System configuration
1. Load the method Method_33 from the USB Stick
under System  File management.
2. Load the corresponding method in the home
Example curve

Mean value (n = 3) 7.0000 mmol/g
s(abs) 0.0730 mmol/g
s(rel) 1.04%

• Store the Surfactrode Refill dry when not in use.
• Should the titration curve flatten, it is recommended
to freshly fill the Surfactrode Refill with Refill paste
6.2319.000 using the Filling tool 6.2826.010. This
guarantees almost unlimited lifetime.
• To obtain more precise results, it is recommended
to have a titrant consumption of about 10 mL.
• The concentration is given in mmol/g. If the kind of
surfactant and therefore, its molar mass is known
content can also be calculated in %.
• For adjusting the pH value a pH meter, a pH paper
or the manual control of the Eco Titrator may be
used. Make sure the electrode is calibrated before
• Determine the titer according to Method_10.
34. Surf – Nonionic surfactants in wool shampoo

70 Summary
Wool shampoos are mild liquid washing agents for wool
System configuration
1. Load the method Method_34 from the USB Stick
and silk. They normally contain up to 5% non-ionic sur- under System  File management.
factant. Other additives are primarily amphoteric sur- 2. Load the corresponding method in the home
factants (up to 5%) and anionic surfactants (10 – 30%). screen.
Sodium lauryl sulfates do not interfere. However, if lauryl 3. Add the solution STPB_0.01 to the solution list
ether sulfates with an average of more than 3 polyoxyeth- under System  Solutions and enter all necessary
ylene (POE) units are used in these formulations then the solution data like concentration and cylinder unit
interferences increase as the number of POE units increases. volume.
Such anionic surfactants are also titrated and feint an increased 4. Add the NIO Surf to the sensor list under System 
nonionic surfactant content. As the total amount is deter- Sensors.
mined, the only possibility to determine the NIO content is the 5. Prepare the sample solution as described under
anionic surfactants separately and to subtract the anionic Analysis
content from the content determined during this analysis.

Solutions Prepare the cylinder unit after allowing the solution to
Titrant Weigh 3.4223 g sodium tet- stand overnight. Weigh approx. 1 g sample into a 150 mL
c(STPB) = 0.01 mol/L raphenyl borate into a beaker
and dissolve it in about
beaker and dissolve it in about 80 mL deionized water.
300 mL deionized water. Adjust the pH with c(CH3COOH) = 2 mol/L to approx. pH 4
Prepare a second beaker and add 10 mL c(BaCl2) = 0.1 mol/L. Press start, enter all
where 10 g polyvinyl alcohol
requested sample data and titrate with c(STPB) = 0.01 mol/
(PVA) is dissolved under heat-
ing in 300 mL deionized until after the first equivalence point. All other parameters
water. Allow the PVA solution and calculations are already defined within the method.
to cool down. Afterwards,
transfer both solutions into a
1 L volumetric flask and add
10 mL buffer pH 10. Mix the
solution well and fill it up to
the mark with deionized
Auxiliary solution Transfer 21 g BaCl2 into a 1 L
bNIO-Surf: molality of nonionic surfactants in mmol/100 g
c(BaCl2) = 0.1 mol/L volumetric flask, dissolve it
and fill it up to the mark with VEP1: consumption of titrant up to the first
deionized water. equivalence point in mL
c(CH3COOH) = 2 mol/L Transfer 120.1 g glacial acetic cSTPB: concentration of STPB solution; here 0.005 mol/L
acid into a 1 L volumetric
100: conversion factor for 100 mmol/100 g
flask and fill it up to the mark
with deionized water. tSTPB: titer calibration factor of STPB solution
mSample: sample size in g

Cylinder unit
Eco Cylinder unit 20 mL 6.03002.220

NIO Surfactant electrode 6.0507.010
LL ISE Reference electrode 6.0750.100

Sample preparation
No sample preparation is required.
Example curve

Mean value (n = 3) 18.47 mmol/100g
s(abs) 0.25 mmol/100g
s(rel) 1.35%

• Store the NIO Surfactant electrode dry when not in
• Barium is toxic. Dispose barium waste according to
your local regulations.
• After each 2 – 3 titrations wipe the electrode with a
tissue moistened with methanol.
• After dry storage, use the first 2 – 3 titrations for
conditioning and discard the result.
• If NIO titrations are carried out frequently, store the
electrode in w(Polyethylene glycol 1000, PEG) = 1%
and the electrode is directly ready to use.
• For adjusting the pH value a pH meter, a pH paper
or the manual control of the Eco Titrator may be
used. Make sure the electrode is calibrated before
• Determine the calibration factor according to
35. Plate – Determination of the silver content in
pure silver

72 Summary
The knowledge of the purity of silver used for jewelry is
After allowing to cool down, add as much deionized water
very important to ensure its quality. Therefore, the determi- as needed to immerse the electrode to the prepared sam-
nation procedure is regulated internationally and nationally. ple solution press start and enter all requested sample data.
A common approach is the titration with potassium bro- Titrate with c(KBr) = 0.1 mol/ until after the first equivalence
mide after an acidic digestion of the silver using a silver point. All other parameters and calculations are already
electrode for indication. defined within the method.

Solutions Calculation
Titrant Weigh 11.901 g dried KBr
c(KBr) = 0.1 mol/L into a 1 L volumetric flask
and dissolve it in deionized
water. Fill the flask up to the
mark with deionized water. wAg: Purity of silver in %
c(HNO3) = 33% Transfer 508 g c(HNO3) = VEP1: consumption of titrant up to the first
65% into a 1 L volumetric
equivalence point in mL
flask already containing
300 mL deionized water. cKBr: concentration of potassium bromide solution;
Allow to cool down, and fill here 0.1 mol/L
up to the mark with deion- 100: conversion factor for %
ized water.
tKBr: titer of potassium bromide solution
mSample: sample size in mg

Cylinder unit
Eco Cylinder unit 20 mL 6.03002.220 Example curve
Ag Titrode with AgBr coating 6.00430.100Br

Sample preparation
Weigh 300 up to 500 mg silver into a 100 mL titration
beaker and add 5 mL w(HNO3) = 33%. Heat the suspension
slowly until the evolution of nitrous gases disappears.

System configuration
1. Load the method Method_35 from the USB Stick
under System  File management.
2. Load the corresponding method in the home
3. Add the solution KBr_0.1 to the solution list under
System  Solutions and enter all necessary solution
Mean value (n = 3) 99.91%
data like concentration and cylinder unit volume.
s(abs) 0.16%
4. Add the Ag Titrode to the sensor list under System
s(rel) 0.16%
 Sensors.
5. Prepare the sample solution as described under
• Store the Ag Titrode in deionized water to ensure
that the hydration layer of the glass membrane
stays intact and the electrode is ready to use.
• You must not polish the silver ring with abrasives
if the ring is coated, as otherwise the coating will
be removed.
• This procedure follows the standard EN ISO 11427.
• Heat the solution in a fume hood. Nitrous gases are
toxic and should not be inhaled. These gases can
also be absorbed by using a gas wash flask filled
with water or sodium hydroxide solution.
• Determine the titer according to Method_12.
36. Plate – Potentiometric determination of copper
in copper bath

74 Summary
Copper baths are used to copper various items. They are
Pipette 1 mL bath sample into a 150 mL beaker and dilute
present in an alkaline and acidic form. For the alkaline bath, it with 60 mL deionized water. Add 10 mL of the auxiliary
normally cyanide is added whereas sulfuric acid is present solution and 10 mL of c(H2SO4) = 2 mol/L. Press start, enter
when the bath is acidic. To analyze alkaline bathes the all requested sample data and titrate the generated iodine
sample has to be acidified. This may result in a release of with c(Na2S2O3) = 0.1 mol/L until after the first equivalent
HCN, which must not be inhaled. Therefore, it is manda- point. All other parameters and calculations are already
tory that the titration is carried out in a fume hood. defined within the method.

Titrant Should be bought from a
c(Na2S2O3) = 0.1 mol/L supplier.
c(H2SO4) = 2 mol/L Transfer 200 g c(H2SO4) =
98% into a 1 L volumetric
flask already containing βCu: mass concentration of copper in g/L
500 mL deionized water.
VEP1: consumption of titrant up to the first
Allow to cool down, then fill
the solution up to the mark equivalence point in mL
with deionized water. cNa2S2O3: concentration of sodium thiosulfate solution;
Auxiliary solution Weigh 10 g KI and 20 g here 0.1 mol/L
w(KI) = 10% + w(KSCN) = KSCN into a 100 mL volumet-
tNa2S2O3: titer of sodium thiosulfate solution
20% ric flask, dissolve it and fill it
up to the mark with deion- MCu: molar mass of copper; 63.55 g/mol
ized water. Protect the solu- VSample: sample size in mL
tion from light.

Example curve
Cylinder unit
Eco Cylinder unit 20 mL 6.03002.220

Pt Titrode 6.0431.100

Sample preparation
No sample preparation is required.

System configuration
1. Load the method Method_36 from the USB Stick
under System  File management.
2. Load the corresponding method in the home
3. Add the solution Na2S2O3_0.1 to the solution list
under System  Solutions and enter all necessary
solution data like concentration and cylinder unit
Mean value (n = 3) 15.98 g/L
s(abs) 0.034 g/L
4. Add the Pt Titrode to the sensor list under
s(rel) 0.21%
System  Sensors.
5. Prepare the sample solution as described under
• Store the Pt Titrode in deionized water to ensure
that the hydration layer of the glass membrane
stays intact and the electrode is ready to use.
• Copper can also be determined by a complexomet-
ric titration using EDTA as titrant.
• Determine the titer according to Method_6.
37. Plate – Photometric determination
of the zinc content

76 Summary
In alkaline cyanide baths zinc is present as a mixture of
2. Load the corresponding method in the home
Na2Zn(CN)4 and Na2ZnO2 complexes and it is not amenable 3. Add the solution EDTA_0.1 to the solution list
to direct potentiometric titration. Sulfuric acid destroys under System  Solutions and enter all necessary
these complexes and converts them to ZnSO4 – after this, solution data like concentration and cylinder unit
titration can be performed with Na2EDTA volume.
4. Add the Optrode to the sensor list under
System  Sensors.
5. Prepare the sample solution as described under
Titrant Should be bought from a
c(Na2EDTA) = 0.1 mol/L supplier. Analysis
c(H2SO4) = 25% Transfer 255 g w(H2SO4) =
98% into a 1 L volumetric
flask, already containing Analysis
400 mL deionized water.
Allow to cool down, then fill Pipette 10 mL of the prepared sample solution into the
the solution up to the mark beaker and add approx. 30 mL deionized water. Adjust to
with deionized water. pH 4 with c(NaOH) = 2 mol/L, then add 0.5 mL indicator
c(NaOH) = 2 mol/L Dissolve 80 g NaOH pellets in solution and 10 mL buffer pH 10. Press start, enter all
approx. 500 mL deionized
requested sample data and titrate the solution with
water, allow to cool to room
temperature and fill it up to c(NA2EDTA) = 0.1 mol/L until after the first equivalence
the mark with deionized point. All other parameters and calculations are already
defined within the method.
Buffer pH 10 Transfer 54 g NH4Cl and
350 mL w(NH3) = 25% into a
1 L volumetric flask, dissolve
it and filled to the mark with Calculation
deionized water.
Indicator solution: Weigh 100 mg Eriochrome
Eriochrome black T black T and 100 mg ascorbic
acid into a 100 mL volumetric
flask and fill it up to the mark βZn: mass concentration of zinc in g/L
with deionized water.
VEP1: consumption of titrant up to the first
equivalence point
Cylinder unit cEDTA: concentration of EDTA solution; here 0.1 mol/L
Eco Cylinder unit 20 mL 6.03002.220 tEDTA: titer of EDTA solution
MZn: molar mass of copper; 65.38 g/mol
Sensors VSample: sample size in mL; here 1 mL
Optrode 6.1115.000

Sample preparation
Pipette 10 mL bath sample into a 100 mL Erlenmeyer flask
and add 20 mL w(H2SO4) = 25%. Heat the solution and boil
it for 3 – 5 min. Allow to cool down, then transfer the solu-
tion into a 100 mL volumetric flask and fill it up to the mark
with deionized water.

System configuration
1. Load the method Method_37 from the USB Stick
under System  File management.
Example curve

Mean value (n = 3) 6.489 g/L
s(abs) 0.007
s(rel) 0.11%

• The Optrode is used to indicate a change of color
of the solution, but it can only be use for clear solu-
• If the samples are turbid, they can be filtered before
the analysis.
• Eriochrome Black T can be used as a solution or as
a solid mixed with NaCl (1:100). In case the solid
form is used, a small amount (tip of a spatula) of
the mixture is added to solution prior to analysis.
• Zinc is often present in complexes. They can be
destroyed by boiling the solution with sulfuric acid.
• Determine the titer according to Method_1.
Use calconcarbonic acid as indicator.
38. Plate – Simultaneous determination of HNO3,

78 Summary
In the electroplating industry, the galvanization has to take
3. Add the Ecotrode to the sensor list under
System  Sensors.
place under certain conditions. One of these parameters is 4. Add under System  Common Variables the titer
the right acid or base content of the bathes. In this example of the TBAOH_0.1 solution to CV02 and the con-
the determination of nitric acid, phosphoric adic and acetic centration of the TBAOH_0.1 solution to CV03.
acid is shown, where the nitric acid content is very low 5. Prepare the sample solution as described under
compared to the other two. Analysis

Titrant Should be bought from a
c(NaOH) = 1 mol/L supplier. Non-aqueous titration
Pipette 1 mL sample solution into the 100 mL titration
c(TBAOH) = 0.1 mol/L in Should be bought from a
methanol supplier. beaker and dilute it with 60 mL methanol. Press start, enter
all requested sample data and titrate the solution with
c(TBAOH) = 0.1 mol/L in methanol until after the first
Cylinder unit equivalence point. All other parameters and calculations
Eco Cylinder unit 20 mL 6.03002.220 are already defined within the method. The mean value is
automatically saved as CV01.
LL Solvotrode easyClean 6.0229.010 Aqueous titration
Ecotrode plus 6.0262.100 Pipette 0.5 mL of the sample into the 100 mL titration
beaker and add 60 mL deionized water. Press start, enter
Sample preparation all requested sample data and titrate the solution with
No sample preparation is required. c(NaOH) = 0.1 mol/L until after the third equivalence point.
All other parameters and calculations are already defined
within the method.
System configuration
Non-aqueous titration
1. Load the method Method_38.1 from the USB Stick
under System  File management.
Nitric acid
2. Load the corresponding method in the home
3. Add the solution TBAOH_0.1 to the solution list
under System  Solutions and enter all necessary
βHNO3: mass concentration of nitric acid in g/L
solution data like concentration and cylinder unit
VEP1, naq: consumption of titrant up to the first
equivalence point from non-aqueous titration in mL
4. Add the Solvotrode to the sensor list under
cTBAOH: concentration of TBAOH solution; here 0.1 mol/L
System  Sensors.
tTBAOH: titer of TBAOH solution
5. Prepare the sample solution as described under
MHNO3: molar mass of nitric acid; 63.01 g/mol
VSample: sample size in mL; here 1 mL

Aqueous titration
1. Load the method Method_38.2 from the USB Stick
under System  File management.
2. Add the solution NaOH_1.0 to the solution list
under System  Solutions and enter all necessary
solution data like concentration and cylinder unit
Phosphoric acid
βHAc: mass concentration of acetic acid in g/L
nH3PO4: amount of phosphoric acid in mmol nHAc: amount of actic acid in mmol
VEP1,aq: consumption of titrant up to the first MH3PO4: molar mass of actic acid 60.05 g/mol
equivalence point of the aqueous titration in mL VSample: sample size in mL; here 0.5 mL
cNaOH: concentration of sodium hydroxide solution;
here 1 mol/L
tNaOH: titer of sodium hydroxide solution Example curve
CV01: mean consumption of titrant up to the first Non-aqueous titration
equivalence point of the non-aqueous titration in mL
CV02: concentration of TBAOH solution; here 0.1 mol/L
CV03: titer of TBAOH solution

βH3PO4: mass concentration of phosphoric acid in g/L

nH3PO4: amount of phosphoric acid in mmol
MH3PO4: molar mass of phosphoric acid; 97.99 g/mol
VSample: sample size in mL; here 0.5 mL

Acetic acid
Aqueous titration

nHAc: amount of acetic acid in mmol

VEP3,aq: consumption of titrant up to the third
equivalence point of the aqueous titration in mL
cNaOH: concentration of sodium hydroxide solution;
here 1 mol/L
tNaOH: titer of sodium hydroxide solution
2: stoichiometric factor
VEP1,aq: consumption of titrant of the aqueous titration in mL
cNaOH: concentration of sodium hydroxide solution;
here 1 mol/L
tNaOH: titer of sodium hydroxide solution
CV01: titrant consumption of the non-aqueous
titration in mL
CV02: concentration of TBAOH solution; here 0.1 mol/L
CV03: titer of TBAOH solution
Nitric acid
Mean value (n = 3) 14.80 g/L
s(abs) 0.09 g/L
s(rel) 0.62%

Phosphoric acid
Mean value (n = 3) 647.73 g/L
s(abs) 5.35 g/L
s(rel) 0.82%

Acetic acid
Mean value (n = 3) 526.63 g/L
s(abs) 3.02 g/L
s(rel) 0.57%

• This determination works only if the nitric acid con-
centration is much lower as the concentration of
the other two acids. In the example determination
the concentrations were as follows:
β(HNO3) = 14.1 g/L
β(H3PO4) = 650 g/L
β(CH3COOH) = 525 g/L
• The third equivalence point is used for evaluation as
the potential jump is steeper as for the second
equivalence point.
• Store the Solvotrode easyClean in the corresponding
electrolyte if not in use.
• Store the Ecotrode plus in 6.2323.000 Storage solu-
tion to ensure a fast response time.
• Determine the titer of the TBAOH solution accord-
ing to Method_8.
• Determine the titer of the NaOH solution according
to Method_2.
Subject to change
Layout by Ecknauer+Schoch ASW; printed by Metrohm AG, CH-9100 Herisau, Switzerland
8.000.5324EN – 2019-10

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