3YP Report
3YP Report
3YP Report
University of Oxford
Table of Contents
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Project Outline and Scope 1
1.2 Project Motivation 1
1.3 Overview of Oxford’s bus network 4
1.4 Limitation of battery electric vehicles 5
1.5 Current environmental impact 9
6 Hydrogen production 56
6.1 Energy production 56
6.1.1 Selecting the energy source 56
6.1.2 Solar Energy 58
6.2 Hydrogen Production Components 61
6.2.1 Electrolyser Type 61
6.2.2 Electrolyser Model 63
6.2.3 Battery Technology 64
6.3 Smart Electrolyser-Battery System 66
6.3.1 System Operations 66
6.3.2 System Parameter Design 66
6.3.3 System Performance Results 71
8 Financial analysis 85
8.1 Transition to net zero 85
8.2 Expenditure Outline 85
8.3 Comparison with Business As Usual 87
8.4 Financing the transition 89
8.4.1 Loan 90
8.4.2 Increase of Passenger Fare 90
8.4.3 Grants 91
9 Conclusion 92
9.1 Project limitations 92
9.2 Next steps 93
References 94
1 Introduction
An effective public transport system is one of the vital components of a thriving city. It allows for
ease of mobility for the people, both for leisure and work-related purposes. However, in order to
meet global, national and city-specific targets for reducing emissions, the public transport system in
Oxford needs swift, major adjustment. In this report, a proposed solution to this problem will be
presented. A link to a repository containing the modelling for this project is available at the top of
1. To design a net zero public transport system for Oxford City using green gas
2. To consider an Oxfordshire-based generation and distribution site for the green gas
3. To consider additional benefits, through integration with the wider energy system
The scope of this project includes buses operating within Oxford, whether they operate solely
within Oxford or connect to other cities. The bus companies included in this scope are Stagecoach
Oxfordshire (SC), the Oxford Bus Company (OBC) and Thames Travel (TT). City Sightseeing
Tours is not being included in this project due to their plans to operate a fully electric fleet, which
they have already begun to develop [1.1]. In addition to this, they only cover approximately 25,000
bus kilometres each year, whilst the three companies being considered cover over 33,000,000 bus
kilometres annually in total. The modelling by which these figures were obtained will be presented
in more detail in Section 4. Trains are not included in the scope of this project, and nor are taxis,
though this project yields some relevant results that could be applied to similar projects in those
When the Paris Agreement was adopted by 196 parties in late 2015, and then brought into force in
November 2016, the signatories took upon themselves responsibility to ensure that the global rise
in temperature above pre-industrial levels remains well below 2°C, preferably below 1.5°C [1.2,
Alexander Astor
1.3]. As a signatory, the UK has since been updating previous targets, and adding new measures
to reduce their carbon emissions. In 2019, the UK committed to achieving net zero harmful
emissions by 2050, improving on its original aim declared in the Climate Change Act of 2008 for an
80% reduction in carbon emissions by 2050, from a 1990 baseline [1.4]. From 2008, the
Government has been committed to setting carbon budgets [1.5]. These are legally binding caps
on carbon emissions over a period of five years, which help guide the UK toward its 2050 target.
These are put together by the Climate Change Committee more than a decade ahead of the
relevant timeframe, to provide enough time to prepare policies and investments for the most
economically beneficial route to the target [1.5]. Amongst the policy measures taken so far are
carbon pricing, low-carbon energy support, improvement of energy efficiency and increased
On top of the aims of the UK government to reduce carbon emissions, the Oxford City Council has
targets of its own to accelerate the process of becoming a zero emissions city. In 2019, there was
an Oxford Citizens’ Assembly on Climate Change. The main relevant findings published in the
● A majority felt that Oxford should aim to achieve net zero earlier than 2050
● Increased public transport and fewer cars were seen as a central part of achieving net zero
● The burden of change appeared to be put on individuals, so the Council needed to better
In response to this, the Council proposed to do the following among other measures [1.7]:
● Set a Climate Emergency Budget which commits a total of £19 million to address the
climate emergency, on top of £84 million of ongoing investment to tackle the climate
emergency in Oxfordshire
● Hold a Zero Carbon Oxford summit involving the organisations responsible for most of the
emissions in the city to develop a shared plan to tackle the carbon problem
Alexander Astor
● Create new carbon budgets for the city to step down to zero emissions
In December 2020, the council announced that it had achieved its target of a 40% reduction in
carbon emissions from a 2005 baseline, as well as joining the UK100’s aim of achieving net zero
In February 2021, some of these aims were improved, whilst others were expanded upon, at the
Zero Carbon Oxford summit [1.9]. At the summit, leaders of major organisations in Oxford signed
the Zero Carbon Oxford Charter to give their support to achieving net zero by 2040, an entire
decade before the UK’s legally binding date to achieve this as a country. As well as advancing the
date by which the city will have zero emissions, the summit marked the creation of the Zero
Carbon Oxford Partnership. The partnership provides a collaborative approach to achieving the
ambitious targets for carbon reduction, enabling greater sharing of methods and insights between
partners, attracting greater financial support for innovative projects to achieve the city’s aims, as
well as engaging citizens and communities in shared action. Furthermore, the partnership will allow
for more coordinated lobbying of the UK government, which should allow the city to develop the
means to achieve their aims, whether through improved policy or greater funding.
Fig 1.1 shows a chart of the sources of Oxford’s carbon emissions. As shown, the transport sector
in Oxford is responsible for 17% of the city’s carbon emissions [1.10]. Of the remainder, the vast
majority is taken up by various building-related emissions, and a small amount (less than 2%) is
Alexander Astor
As mentioned previously, the three bus operators in the project scope are Stagecoach Oxfordshire,
the Oxford Bus Company, and Thames Travel. The latter two are both subsidiaries of the Oxford
Bus Group, and therefore share management. On top of this, Stagecoach and the Oxford Bus
The Oxford Bus Company operates out of their depot in Cowley, Thames Travel operates out of
one in Didcot, and Stagecoach Oxfordshire operates from a depot in Cowley and another one in
Witney. The Oxford Bus Company currently has a fleet of 148 buses and coaches, while Thames
Travel has 83, and Stagecoach Oxfordshire has 168, giving a total of 399 buses within the scope of
The Oxford Bus Company runs services including BROOKESbus, the airline, Park & Ride, and city
routes [1.15]. A number of the city routes are shared evenly between the Oxford Bus Company and
Stagecoach Oxfordshire. In addition to this, Stagecoach Oxfordshire runs services which link the
city to various locations in Oxfordshire, as well as the well-established Oxford Tube service, which
runs between Oxford and London [1.16]. Thames Travel runs services connecting Oxford to local
areas which surround it, as well as to some further locations including Henley-on-Thames and
Reading [1.17].
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An obvious solution to reducing the emissions caused by the Oxford bus network may seem to be
a transition to battery electric vehicles (BEVs). Indeed, the purchase of battery and hybrid electric
vehicles in the UK has been rapidly growing in the last five years, as shown by Fig. 1.2 below.
< Fig. 1.2: Registration of new hybrid and battery electric vehicles in the UK from 2015 - 2019
[1.18, 1.19, 1.20, 1.21, 1.22] >
City Sightseeing Tours, a member of the Oxford Bus Group has already begun to develop and
operate a fully electric fleet [1.1]. However, although BEVs are seeing a massive increase in
popularity, they still suffer from issues such as low range and long recharging time which are key
vehicle metrics for a bus network. Fuel cell (FC) buses surpass BEVs on these key vehicle
considerations. This is less of a problem for City Sightseeing Tours as their services are bound to
the city centre with very low mileage and hence they have no need for long range buses. Other
services, especially those travelling outside the city centre serving places such as Heathrow
airport, need buses that have the extra range that FC buses can provide.
Despite the growth of BEVs, they are not desirable for Oxford’s public transport system for the
following reasons. A starting point is to first examine the fuel sources for each vehicle. A summary
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< Table 1.1: Gravimetric and volumetric energy density of various fuel types >
It is clear that whilst batteries and green gas have a similar volumetric energy density, both
hydrogen and ammonia have significantly greater gravimetric energy densities. This is important as
it contributes significantly to the overall efficiency and range of the vehicle due to the much lower
mass of fuel required for the same energy output. Range is the major advantage of FC buses over
BEVs and typical values are ~ 240 km for BEVs [1.28] and ~ 320 to 430 km for FC buses [1.29].
Another key vehicle consideration is the refuelling/recharging time. FC buses have the advantage
here as it takes only minutes to refuel an FC bus. For example, the Wrightbus H2Bus can take as
little as 7 minutes to refuel [1.29, 1.30]. This is in comparison to, for example, the Tesla Model S, a
BEV which takes 1.25 hours to fully recharge when using a supercharger, the fastest method of
charging. BEVs can take several hours to charge and this down time directly translates to financial
loss for the bus operators. Many of the public BEV chargers located across the country are
connected to the national grid and so by using these chargers there is a contribution to carbon
Finally, the costs of these vehicles can also be compared. Both BEVs and FC buses can use
exactly the same electric drivetrain system and will only differ on the methods used to power the
drivetrain. For a FC bus the main capital costs will be the fuel cell and the hydrogen storage,
whereas in a BEV the capital cost will be for large-capacity lithium-ion batteries. Due to the high
cost of modern, high-density lithium ion batteries and the fact that quite a large number of batteries
are required to give the BEV a decent range (again this is due to the very low gravimetric energy
density of lithium-ion batteries) BEVs lose out to FC buses in this criteria. The cost of a FC bus
capable of the ranges mentioned previously is ~ £356,000 [1.31] whereas a BEV with a lower
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The major vehicle metrics have been summarised in Table 1.2 below.
< Table 1.2: Summary of the major vehicle metrics between BEVs and FC Buses >
It is also important to look at the wider environmental impact caused by both vehicle technologies.
While BEVs may seem to be carbon free, there are many other secondary sources of emissions to
consider such as transport, manufacture and mining. Many of these secondary emissions, namely
manufacture and transport, will be mirrored in a green gas based system. The major source of
damage to the environment, caused primarily by BEVs, is the impact on wildlife and local
ecosystems due to the mining and processing of metal ores. While a green gas based system is
certainly not battery free as batteries are used onboard FC buses, it does contain fewer batteries
than a BEV system. Batteries onboard FC buses are also much smaller (lower capacity and
therefore containing less lithium) than those used on BEVs as their main purpose is to ensure that
there is a constant current through the fuel cell, not to be the primary power source [1.32, 1.33].
The idea of replacing the batteries in an FC bus with ultracapacitors is something that is already
being explored, specifically, Wrightbus has been working with a company called Skeleton
Technologies to replace the lithium based batteries currently used in the H2Bus with
There are two primary metals used in lithium-ion batteries, they are lithium and cobalt which is
found in the cathode of the batteries. The mining of these two metals is extremely harmful to the
environment and has had damaging effects on the landscape and inhabitants of the countries in
The process of lithium extraction uses a large amount of water, approximately 500,000 gallons per
tonne of lithium extracted [1.35] and produces many toxic chemicals as by-products, including
hydrochloric acid (HCl) [1.35]. These damage the soil and leak into nearby rivers, killing fish and
any land animals that drink from the river. Many environmental incidents have occured due to the
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mining and processing of lithium such as, in May 2016, when environmental protestors threw dead
fish onto the streets of Tagong, Tibet in opposition to China’s mining operations at the Ganzizhou
Rongda lithium mine which had leaked toxic chemicals into the nearby Liqi river, which is from
where the dead fish had been taken [1.36]. In Chile, lithium mining operations have left pools of
toxic liquids which are visible from the sky. The American photographer David Maisel has
documented the devastating impact lithium mining has had on the once beautiful Chilean
The majority of the world’s cobalt ores are found in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
Kinshasa, the country’s capital, is a leading source of cobalt, supplying approximately 70% of the
cobalt produced worldwide in 2020 [1.38]. The leading consumer of cobalt in 2020 was China, with
80% of its consumption being used by the rechargeable battery industry [1.38]. The mining of
cobalt in the DRC has had a severe human toll and there have been several reports of child-labour,
exploitation, dangerous working conditions and serious health problems due to the mining of cobalt
[1.39]. These include thyroid and breathing problems and come as a result of workers not being
provided with adequate machinery, often having to resort to mining with hand tools which results in
exposure to dangerous chemicals [1.39]. The bigger concern, however, is the link to birth defects in
children whose parents worked in a cobalt mine. Children in the DRC are being born with a
condition known as holoprosencephaly which is usually fatal. This is being investigated by doctors
at the University of Lubumbashi, a large centre for cobalt mining in the DRC [1.39].
Overall, the FC bus outperforms the BEV in the most important vehicle considerations of range,
refuelling time and cost. This point is reinforced later by the results of the route modelling (Section
4.1) which shows that buses with a significant range are required to maintain coverage that the
current bus network requires. The environmental impact of battery technology is much greater than
first meets the eye and hence, it is vital that the system design minimises the need for battery
technology and is able to take advantage of other forms of energy storage such as ultracapacitors.
Hence, it is for these reasons that a green gas based system is the way forward and most likely to
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The current environmental impact of the transport network in Oxford is considerable and it is worth
estimating the emissions caused in order to quantifiably measure the change that switching to a
net zero system will have. In order to estimate the emissions it was necessary to gain a thorough
understanding of the current bus network. This was achieved by creating a model of the current
network using Google Maps [1.40] and the online timetables of the network operators [1.15, 1.16,
1.17]. The modelling is discussed in much detail in Section 4.1, here only the results of the
The results of the route modelling came to a total of 35,867 tonnes of CO2 released annually by the
bus network in Oxfordshire, which contributes to the 17% of the city’s emissions caused by the
transport sector [1.10]. This value can be down into the individual contributions of the three
networks operators identified in the project scope. These are Stagecoach Oxfordshire, the Oxford
Bus Company and Thames Travel. Fig 1.3 shows the breakdown of weekly CO2 emissions by the
network operators.
< Fig 1.3: Estimate of the weekly CO2 emissions by each network operator >
Stagecoach contributes most to the emissions of the bus network, around 330 tonnes weekly.
It is important to note the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the timetables of the networks.
When doing the research for the route modelling it was noticed that the value obtained for the
distance travelled yearly using 2020 timetables was significantly lower (around half) than the value
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published by the bus companies for the total distance travelled in 2019 [1.41, 1.42]. It was obvious
that this was due to a downsizing of operations caused by the national restrictions put in place to
combat the spread of the coronavirus. As such, the results were adjusted to better reflect the
operation in a normal year. This modelling was also used to estimate the total annual hydrogen
demand, which is a key metric of the system, hence it was doubly important that the figures were
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options and compare them with each other. This section of the report aims to explore the technical
aspects of two different potential fuels for the public transport network; these are hydrogen and
ammonia. This section will aim to evaluate and compare the performance, production and storage
of these fuels, providing technical information where necessary, in order to make an informed
2.1 Hydrogen
This subsection will give a brief overview on the performance of hydrogen as a fuel, its different
methods of production, the environmental impact of these processes and finally, the different
Hydrogen is a highly flammable, colourless gas that exists as a diatomic H2 molecule. It has an
atomic weight of 1.008 kg kmol-1 [2.1], making it the lightest element on the periodic table. It is also
the universe’s most abundant element. It has a mass density of 0.090 kg m-3 (at 0°C, 1 atm) [2.1]
and a gravimetric energy density of 120 MJ kg-1 [1.23], making it much more energy dense than
Electricity is produced from hydrogen by an electrochemical device known as a fuel cell. This
converts the chemical energy stored within hydrogen directly into electricity via electrochemical
reactions known as reduction and oxidation (redox) reactions which take place at the electrodes.
There are many different types of fuel cells which mainly differ by type of electrolyte they use and
1. Alkaline fuel cells (AFCs) in which the mobile ion is OH- and the electrolyte used is
potassium hydroxide (KOH). They operate at temperatures between 50 and 250°C and
have aerospace applications, having been used on both Apollo and Space Shuttle
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protons (H+ ions) through a membrane which forms the electrolyte. They have an operating
3. Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFCs) conduct oxygen O2- ions via an electrolyte made of a solid,
nonporous metal oxide. An example of this is yttrium stabilised zirconium (YSZ) which
consists of zirconium dioxide (ZrO2) stabilised with yttrium oxide (Y2O3). They have an
operating temperature range of 500 - 1000°C and are used in large-scale commercial
Fuel cells are appropriate for transport applications as they have no moving parts, operate quietly
and have a modular design [2.4]. Being modular means that the fuel cell can be scaled up or down
depending on the application, giving them more flexibility to operate within different parameters
and use cases. PEMFCs, having the lowest operating temperature, is the favoured fuel cell type for
transport applications and hence, the rest of this section will focus on them. Fig. 2.1 shows the
basic operation of a fuel cell and the arrangement of the two electrodes (anode and cathode) and
the electrolyte.
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The first PEMFC was developed in the 1960s by General Electric for use by NASA on their Gemini
spacecraft as an auxiliary power source [2.2, 2.5], there have obviously been significant advances
in the technology since then but the basic principles of operation remain the same. At the anode,
hydrogen is continuously fed in and is oxidised to form H+ ions and electrons as shown in equation
Combining these two half equations gives the following overall equation for the fuel cell,
Note that this equation is identical to the equation for the combustion of hydrogen in air and so it
must be an exothermic reaction, meaning it will have a negative change in enthalpy ∆𝐻 and will
release heat.
An important metric to understand is the efficiency of fuel cells as this will play a key role in
designing the system requirements later on, specifically the hydrogen demand of the system.
Hence, it is important to look at fuel cell efficiency and compare this with the efficiency of a modern
The maximum theoretical efficiency of a PEMFC is ~ 83% [2.2] which is much greater than the
efficiency of a modern internal combustion engine. This is expected as fuel cells have no moving
parts and subsequently have no mechanical friction losses which is a major source of loss in an
internal combustion engine. The irreversible energy losses in a fuel cell can be summarised as
1. Activation losses: These are due to the speed of the reactions taking place at each
electrode. These reactions are not instantaneous, in fact they are rather slow, and so a
proportion of the voltage is lost in order to drive the reactions to completion [2.3].
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2. Concentration losses: As the fuel is used, the concentration of reactants on the surface of
the electrodes will reduce and this will affect the cell potential [2.3].
3. Ohmic losses: This is perhaps the most obvious form of voltage drop. There is a resistance
to the flow of electrons through the electrodes and there is a resistance to the flow of ions
Modern PEMFCs are manufactured in a way that reduces these losses to increase the fuel cell
efficiency. This involves increasing the roughness of the electrodes to give them a higher surface
area, using electrodes with high electrical conductivity 𝜎, such as platinum, although this may
increase cost and finally by trying to make the electrolyte layer as thin as possible to reduce the
ionic resistance [2.3]. Fuel cell efficiencies are ever increasing with new advances in materials
science and chemistry, the current standard value is around 60% [2.6].
The fuel cell process produces only water and heat as by-products and is completely carbon free if
pure, green hydrogen is used [2.7]. This is an important distinction to make as not all hydrogen is
classed as green hydrogen and thus would not adhere to the project aim of being net zero, this will
Not all hydrogen that is produced is suitable for this project and so, it is important to understand the
different methods of production and their environmental impact. The current most common method
reaction between the simplest hydrocarbon, methane (CH4) and steam. It is a highly endothermic
(∆𝐻 = +206 kJ/mol) and reversible reaction with the following chemical equation [2.8],
Additional hydrogen can be produced by the water-gas shift reaction which is an exothermic (∆𝐻 =
-40.6 kJ/mol), reversible reaction between carbon monoxide and water [2.9], equation 2.5 shows
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Therefore the overall equation for this process can be written as follows,
The reaction has an overall enthalpy change of ∆𝐻 = +165.4 kJ mol-1, which means that it is an
endothermic process and takes in heat. Hydrogen produced in this way is known as grey hydrogen
which is not net zero and therefore, unsuitable for the project. The carbon emissions caused by
this process can be quantified from the overall chemical equation. Taking the molecular weights
(𝑀𝑟) of hydrogen (H2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) to be 2.016 kg kmol-1 and 44.009 kg kmol-1
respectively [2.1] and using the equation 𝑚𝑜𝑙𝑒𝑠 = 𝑀𝑟
it is possible to calculate that there will be
5.46 kg of carbon dioxide released per kg of hydrogen produced. This is a “best case” scenario
and due to real-world inefficiencies, there will likely be a greater emission of carbon dioxide than
this calculation suggests. In actuality grey hydrogen emits roughly 9.3 kg of CO2 per kg of
hydrogen produced, which translates to approximately 0.28 kg of CO2 per kWh of energy [2.10].
Hydrogen is also produced through the gasification of coal, hydrogen produced this way is known
as brown hydrogen. Brown hydrogen is the least clean form of hydrogen production.
If a system is implemented to capture and store the carbon dioxide waste, then the hydrogen
produced is known as blue hydrogen. Blue hydrogen is much cleaner than grey hydrogen but due
to the limitations with current carbon capture technology and the fact that such a system could
never capture 100% of the carbon emissions, it is incorrect to call blue hydrogen a net zero fuel. It
is therefore unsuitable for this project. However, it can be viewed as a potential transition fuel as it
makes use of the most common hydrogen production method which is the steam methane
energy [2.11] and is the only form of hydrogen production capable of achieving the net zero goal of
this project. Electrolysis is the reverse of a fuel cell reaction and hence, it is a non-spontaneous
reaction that requires energy to take place thereby consuming electricity. Just like fuel cells,
electrolysers are electrochemical devices and are classified by the type of electrolyte they use and
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1. Alkaline electrolysers which use a solution of KOH or NaOH as the electrolyte and have a
2. PEM electrolysers which use an acidic electrolyte allowing for the transfer of protons (H+
ions) from the anode to the cathode. Their operating temperature range is 25 - 80°C [2.12].
3. Solid oxide electrolysers use a solid metal oxide electrolyte which conducts oxygen ions.
The most commonly used metal oxide is zirconium dioxide (ZrO2) which is doped with
around 8% yttrium trioxide (Y2O3) or scandium trioxide (Sc2O3). The doping produces
crystallographic defects, allowing oxygen ions to pass through [2.12]. Solid oxide
electrolysers operate at extremely high temperatures in the range 900 - 1000°C [2.13].
It is important to understand the different types of electrolyser and their operating parameters when
designing the system so that an informed choice could be made about what type of electrolyser is
needed. Further comparison, the choice of electrolyser and modelling of its operation is detailed in
The exact half equations that take place at the anode and cathode differ depending on the type of
electrolyser, specifically they depend on what ion the electrolyte is able to conduct. This overall
equation is the reverse of the fuel cell equation and so input energy is required to make this
reaction happen. This must be provided by a green, renewable electricity source in order to meet
Hydrogen can be stored in a variety of ways and this section will give a brief, qualitative overview
of the most common storage methods currently in use. Fig 2.2 breaks down the different
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Hydrogen can be stored in elemental form in two ways, either as a compressed gas or as a liquid.
Storage as a compressed gas is the most common of the two being utilised by several existing
hydrogen buses such as the Wrightbus H2Bus [1.29] and the Mercedes-Benz EvoBus [2.14]. The
pressure used in onboard storage for buses is 350 bar whereas 700 bar is commonly used for
passenger cars such as the Toyota Mirai [2.15]. Storage as a gas is the simplest storage method.
However, it has a low volumetric energy density and is inefficient due to the energy consumed by
the compression process itself [2.6]. To combat the low volumetric energy density, hydrogen can be
stored as a liquid. This, however, comes with other problems including having to maintain the
hydrogen at a temperature of −253°C at ambient pressure [2.6], which requires specialist tanks.
The liquefaction process is also very energy intensive and hence this is an inefficient storage
method [2.6].
Hydrogen can also be stored in the form of another compound. The two main methods being metal
and chemical/organic hydrides. These storage methods are more useful as long term, back-up
storage in case of a system failure, such as an electrolyser breaking down. Metal hydrides are by
far the safest form of hydrogen storage as they are stable solids which will not immediately
combust upon ignition. However, they do have issues which need to be considered, mainly their
weight and the fact that there are multiple conversion steps required throughout the process which
reduces the overall efficiency [2.6, 2.16]. The most popular metals being considered for this type of
storage are aluminium (Al) and magnesium (Mg) due to their low weight and cost [2.16].
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Hydrogen can also be stored as a liquid organic chemical such as ammonia (NH3), methanol
(CH3OH) or methanoic acid (HCOOH). These chemicals are widely used in other markets and the
infrastructure for their transport and distribution is already in place making them an attractive option
[2.16]. They are all light organic liquids with a high weight percentage of hydrogen, especially when
compared to metal hydrides [2.16]. However, they also have drawbacks which include a loss of
efficiency due to the extra conversion steps and safety issues as these are all flammable organic
compounds. Of note, however, is ammonia which has a relatively high hydrogen weight
percentage. The synthesis and transportation infrastructure for ammonia is already extremely
Finally, the last form of hydrogen storage which is being explored by researchers is the sorbent
method. This method involves the adsorption of hydrogen onto a framework surface and exploits
physical, rather than chemical, bonds such as the Van Der Waals bonding between hydrogen
molecules and specific materials known as metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) [1.23, 2.16]. This
technology is largely still in development and furthermore, both a low temperature and high
pressure are required in order to obtain a similar hydrogen storage density as existing technologies
[2.16]. This could be a fantastic technology in the future. However, currently it has not reached a
Lingxi Tang
2.2 Ammonia
Ammonia is the second of the two emission-free fuels taken into consideration to be used as an
energy source for Oxford’s public transport system. This section will explain how ammonia is used
as vehicle fuel, the different ways to produce ammonia and the costs of ammonia storage and
distribution. Throughout Section 2.2, comparisons between ammonia and hydrogen will be made
and by the end of the section, readers will understand why hydrogen is chosen as the ideal green
Ammonia Combustion
Ammonia is a colourless and pungent gas at room temperature, with each molecule consisting of a
nitrogen atom and 3 hydrogen atoms. It can be used as a fuel for vehicles in two main ways: direct
combustion to power an internal combustion engine (ICE) or to power fuel cells to generate
To fuel an ICE, ammonia combusts with air via the following equation:
and moves pistons which provide power to the wheels. As such, ammonia-fuelled vehicles operate
similarly to existing petrol vehicles, except they only emit nitrogen and water vapour, making
ammonia a zero-emission fuel. However, there are concerns with regards to NOx pollution, which
can be rectified using a selective catalyst reduction (SCR) system in NH3 fuelled vehicles [2.18].
Ammonia has similar physical properties to propane [2.18]. Most notably, their condensation
pressures at room temperature are similar at 9.90 atm or 10 bar for ammonia and 9.40 atm or 9.5
bar for propane [2.19]. Thus, with just straightforward modifications, a conventional petrol vehicle
can be retrofitted to run on liquid ammonia [2.18]. The ease of storing ammonia onboard a vehicle
is a strong advantage over hydrogen, which requires a storage pressure of 350 to 700 bar [2.20].
While ammonia excels in storage ease compared to hydrogen, it suffers in terms of energy density:
losing to diesel and gasoline in both volumetric and gravimetric density, and losing to hydrogen in
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gravimetric energy density. This means that for the same desired range, a vehicle would have to
There are additional challenges with ammonia combustion, including high ignition temperature, low
flame velocity and slow chemical kinetics, all of which will affect engine performance.
<Fig. 2.3: Gravimetric and volumetric energy density of combustible materials and batteries [2.19]>
These challenges are usually tackled by combining ammonia with traditional fuels such as diesel,
gasoline or even hydrogen to make ammonia/fuel blends. However, this inevitably will result in
carbon emissions for most traditional fossil fuels, and increased toxic NOx emissions for all
Ammonia fuel cells generally work on the principle of converting the chemical energy of ammonia
into electricity through redox reactions. They are split into direct and indirect fuel cells, with the
latter involving thermal decomposition of ammonia into hydrogen before utilising said hydrogen for
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energy, and the former directly using ammonia as an energy source. This report will focus on direct
ammonia fuel cells since this eliminates the need for onboard storage of hydrogen and
decomposition process of ammonia, thereby reducing costs and increasing efficiency [2.22].
< Fig. 2.4: (A) CO2 and (B) NOx emissions for different ammonia fuel blends [2.21] >
Direct ammonia fuel cells can be categorised into solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC), alkaline fuel cells
or microbial ammonia fuel cells [2.22]. SOFCs are generally deemed to be the most ideal type of
direct ammonia fuel cells due to its high efficiency and it is the most studied ammonia-fed fuel cell
technology [2.22, 2.23]. Thus, this section will focus on ammonia SOFCs.
2 NH3 → N2 + 3 H2 (2.9)
and the hydrogen is then immediately utilised to generate electricity [2.22]. The conversion of
hydrogen into electricity was discussed in Section 2.1.1. At high operating temperatures, the
decomposition process and electricity generation process is effectively merged, negating the need
Lingxi Tang
On-board vehicular use of ammonia, however, pose significant challenges, including high operating
temperature, purification requirements (of hydrogen), and high cost of on-board “cracking” of
hydrogen [2.24].
N2 + 3 H2 → 2 NH3 (2.10)
The predominant method of ammonia production today is the Haber-Bosch Process, where
hydrogen is combined with nitrogen to form ammonia, using an iron-based catalyst, under high
temperature ranging from 325–525°C and high pressure ranging from approximately 150–350 bar
Due to the energy demands of maintaining high temperature, ammonia production via the
Haber-Bosch process currently accounts for 1% of the world’s energy consumption and 1% of
global carbon dioxide emissions [2.25]. This makes ammonia production the highest emitter of
greenhouse gases in the chemical industry [2.26]. In addition to emissions from high energy
demands, most commercial production of ammonia uses brown or grey hydrogen [2.19], which
emits carbon dioxide in their production, as mentioned in Section 2.1.3. Despite its current
environmental impacts, the Haber-Bosch process can be made clean by powering it with
renewable energy and to use renewable energy to produce the green hydrogen needed for
ammonia production.
Ever since the first commercial ammonia plant started production in Germany in 1913 [2.27],
demand for ammonia has increased steadily to meet demands from various industries, including
Historically, ammonia is most commonly used as a fertiliser in the agricultural industry. It is also
used as raw material for industrial purposes and as refrigerants for industrial cooling. Additionally,
ammonia is a crucial ingredient for NOx emissions removal [2.19]. As such, the infrastructure
technology for ammonia storage and production is already mature and widespread, with liquid
Lingxi Tang
ammonia being transported around the world via various means including ship, trucks and
pipelines. This compares with hydrogen, which will require new investments in infrastructure.
Due to the maturity of the industry and the physical properties of ammonia, it is much cheaper to
store and transport ammonia compared to hydrogen. As can be seen from Fig. 2.6, not only is it
also more expensive to store hydrogen for transport (£21.61/MWh) compared to stationary
hydrogen storage (£6.18/MWh). As such, the case of ammonia is much stronger when
transportation of fuel over long distances is required. The costs indicated in Fig. 2.6 are for
< Fig. 2.6: Comparison between centralised and decentralised models of ammonia decomposition
[2.28] >
Lingxi Tang
At first consideration, the obvious choice for the fuel of choice is hydrogen since there will be clear
inefficiencies to produce ammonia via hydrogen, when hydrogen can be used directly to power the
public transport system. The undesirability of ammonia is further worsened by the challenges of
on-board ammonia storage for ammonia fuel cells, as well as the energy intensive process to
manufacture ammonia.
Nevertheless, It must be considered that ammonia has two main advantages over hydrogen: first,
ammonia is a suitable fuel for conventional ICE vehicles, indicating an easy transition process from
Secondly, ammonia storage and distribution technology is more mature and much cheaper than
that of hydrogen. The cost savings are amplified for long distance distribution.
Unfortunately, these advantages are largely rendered irrelevant due to the goal of net zero
emissions and local generation and distribution. For the first advantage, ammonia combustion is
only effective when combined with traditional fossil fuel such as gasoline or diesel. This will
inevitably create carbon emissions, which undermines the goal of net zero emissions. Additionally,
NOx emissions from ammonia combustion will be undesirable for the population of Oxford. Thus,
fuelling combustion vehicles with ammonia will not be considered for this project. For the second
advantage, the cost savings from ammonia storage and distribution will not be realised due to the
goal of having a Oxford-based generation and distribution site, which means minimal transportation
of fuel.
Amidst the criticisms of ammonia discussed so far, perhaps the most prominent flaw of
ammonia-fuelled public buses is the lack of commercial technology and ongoing projects. This
compares with hydrogen bus technology, with existing hydrogen-powered double decker buses by
Wrightbus [2.29] already operating on the streets of Aberdeen [2.30] and soon-to-be on the streets
of Birmingham [2.31] and Liverpool [2.32]. As such, this project will focus on powering Oxford’s
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This will help define the performance targets that will be required by a net zero fleet, in order to meet
or exceed the current standards. Firstly, current diesel and hybrid electric vehicles will be discussed.
Secondly, fuel cell vehicle capabilities will be investigated. The reasons as to why battery electric
vehicles are not considered for a net zero solution have been discussed in Section 1.4. Once vehicle
technologies have been explored, the details of a future bus fleet for Oxford will be discussed. This
section involves financial calculations. To convert euros or US dollars into British pounds, currency
exchange rates as of February 2021 have been used. This results in a factor of 0.87 applied to
convert euros to pounds [3.1] and a factor of 0.72 to convert US dollars to pounds [3.2].
The technical aspects of modern diesel powertrains will be analysed to understand their benefits
One of the most common diesel buses used in Oxford is the Wrightbus Streetdeck [1.12]. A benefit
of diesel buses is their range. An average diesel bus has a range of 690 miles [1.28] or 1,100 km
[2.1]. This large range implies that bus operators do not need to schedule refuelling frequently. This
is useful when operating a busy service. The range requirements for buses to operate Oxford
Another benefit of diesel buses is the ease of refuelling. Diesel can be quickly transferred in liquid
form from a large storage tank to the on-board fuel tank. The fuel does not need to be compressed,
refrigerated or transformed into a different state. It is then essential that a net zero solution in
Oxford also relies on a fast refuelling service for bus companies to keep their current service times,
reduce idle time, maximise equipment availability and optimise the return on their investment. The
One drawback to diesel powertrains is how they must rely on pollution reducing systems to meet
environmental targets [3.3]. These systems add to the total cost of the bus. Diesel engines typically
produce soot as a by-product of the combustion process [3.4]. In order to avoid the formation of
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soot particles, current generation diesel engines run on a lean fuel mixture [3.3]. In addition to
running the engine lean, diesel powertrains also feature particulate exhaust filters, which trap the
soot particles which could still be produced by the engine [3.5]. The excess oxygen used to
achieve the lean fuel mixture leads to the formation of a significant amount of NOx emissions [3.3].
To reduce these NOx emissions, a diesel exhaust fluid is injected into the exhaust gas [3.5]. Carbon
In order to meet future regulations, diesel buses will have to feature more complex pollution
reducing systems, further adding to cost. Hybrid technologies are an alternative for bus companies.
A common short term goal for Oxford bus companies is to replace conventional diesel buses by
hybrid buses [1.41, 3.6]. It would be useful to analyse what features of a hybrid bus can be carried
Hybrid buses feature both a diesel engine and an electric motor [3.7]. They are equipped with
battery packs which can be charged by the diesel engine or through regenerative braking [3.7].
There are three main types of hybrid vehicles illustrated in Fig. 3.1 below, adapted from [3.7]. The
< Fig. 3.1: Various hybrid systems used on buses, adapted from [3.7] >
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The series hybrid is the most popular configuration for low speed city buses [3.7]. The drivetrain is
entirely driven by an electric motor. This allows the engine to operate efficiently at an optimised
Hybrid buses provide ways to reduce emission levels by optimising the engine operating point and
to improve fuel efficiency through regenerative braking. Hydrogen buses can also benefit from using
electrical energy storage to optimise the power plant (fuel cell) operating point [3.8]. Regenerative
braking systems are also incorporated in the design as will be discussed in the next section [3.8].
A hydrogen bus uses hydrogen to generate electricity through a fuel cell [3.9]. The process of
generating electricity from a fuel cell is discussed in Section 2.1.1. Hydrogen buses only emit water
vapour [3.9]. Fig. 3.2 below outlines the main features of a hydrogen bus.
< Fig. 3.2: Hydrogen bus outline adapted from [3.9] >
There are many subsystems in a hydrogen bus which ensure the fuel cell runs as efficiently as
possible. For example, the fuel cell system consists of a power electronics controller and a thermal
system [3.8]. The power electronics controller distributes electrical power between the fuel cell, the
motor and on-board electrical storage [3.8]. The fuel cell’s performance is closely related to its
operating temperature [3.10], hence a thermal management system controls the fuel cell
temperature [3.8]. Additional subsystems also ensure the fuel cell performs well during the winter
under sub-zero temperatures [3.11]. If the bus is held at sub-zero temperatures for long periods of
time, a control system will purge water from all lines and fuel cell components [3.11]. This allows
the bus to be stored at sub-zero temperatures without damaging the fuel cell unit. This ensures
that bus companies in Oxford will be able to park their buses outside throughout the year, avoiding
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Fuel cell vehicles have been developed for more than a decade [3.12]. Practical applications have
demonstrated their robustness for automotive applications, making hydrogen a viable option for a
net zero emission fleet. These applications include hydrogen buses currently used in France [3.13].
This section will outline the performance targets and specific requirements which must be met by a
To determine the types of hydrogen vehicles required for Oxford, the current number of single and
double deck buses in Oxford will be tallied. As mentioned in Section 1.3, 148 buses are currently
owned by the Oxford Bus Company (OBC) [1.12], 83 buses are owned by Thames Travel [1.13] and
168 buses are owned by Stagecoach [1.14, 3.14]. This represents around 399 total buses in Oxford.
The amounts of double deck and single deck buses operated by each company are shown below in
Table 3.1. Table 3.1 also illustrates how many diesel and hybrid buses are owned by each company.
< Table 3.1: Types of buses operated by Oxford bus companies >
In total, 150 single deck buses and 249 double deck buses are used in Oxford.
The hydrogen storage tanks are situated on the roof of typical single and double deck hydrogen
buses [3.17]. Since the passenger compartment space is not sacrificed, it can be suggested that
hydrogen buses have similar passenger capacities compared to diesel buses. It will be assumed
that the number of hydrogen buses required is equal to the current number of buses in Oxford bus
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It is useful for bus companies to only refuel their buses once a day. This maximises the vehicle
usage. Oxford buses must then have a range larger than the distance they are expected to travel
per day. Using bus timetables [3.18], road distances [1.40, 2.1] and a Python model to compile the
data, the total distance travelled by all OBC Park and Ride routes on a single weekday is
approximately 5,812 km. These are some of the longest routes in Oxford which span outside of the
city [1.40] (see Fig. 4.1). There are 19 buses operating these routes [1.12]. This results in around
306 km required by each bus to travel in a single day on average. This range requirement will be
Most buses in Oxford typically operate between 4am and 8pm [3.18]. This leaves an 8 hour period
in which refuelling can take place. Refuelling can either be conducted in the early morning or late
evening. There are 148 buses [1.12] assigned to the Oxford Bus Company depot in Cowley [1.40].
This is the largest number of buses assigned to a single depot (see Table 7.1). It is then a
requirement for a single depot to be able to refill 148 buses in an 8 hour period. This refuelling
Hydrogen buses will have to sustain the same speeds used by current diesel buses. There are
A-type roads in Oxford where buses are required to reach a speed of 60 mph [1.40, 3.19]. For
instance, the S5 Park and Ride route covers 9.2 km on the A34 road [1.40, 2.1]. This speed
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This section will discuss the impact of moving from a diesel/hybrid fleet to a hydrogen fleet in terms
of vehicle cost, maintenance and environmental concerns. Fuel costs will be discussed in Section 4.
The prices of diesel and hybrid buses are outlined below in Table 3.2. This table shows the price
evolution as a function of time. The table also extrapolates these prices to 2040, when the net zero
target is expected to be achieved. These extrapolated prices will be used to show that hydrogen
buses are expected to reach a similar price to hybrid and diesel buses in the future, assuming that
these buses will still be meeting environmental regulations. The extrapolation was based on a line
of best fit generated with Python and the polyfit function. Prices are assumed to follow the same
< Table 3.2: Comparing the price evolution of diesel and diesel hybrid buses >
Table 3.2 shows an increase in the forecasted prices of diesel buses with time. Diesel powertrains
are likely to become more expensive with more pollution managing technologies to be added. The
forecasted purchasing price of diesel hybrid buses appears to remain constant with time. With an
increase in production volume for hybrid buses, the selling price can be expected to decrease.
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Contrary to diesel and hybrid buses, a significant decrease in the selling price of hydrogen buses is
expected with time. The selling price of hydrogen buses is expected to drop by 22% between 2020
and 2030. This is mostly due to economies of scale, as hydrogen solutions transition to industrial
production [3.21]. It is only in recent years that bus companies have begun to benefit from
economies of scale. Hydrogen buses were initially sold in very small volumes. Only 20 2010 Winter
Olympics buses were produced for example, which led to a high £1,440,000 unit bus price [3.12,
3.2]. The relatively high purchase price of hydrogen buses can also be explained by the warranties
provided for 5 to 10 years compared to 2 years for a standard diesel bus [3.9].
Hydrogen buses are therefore forecasted to reach competitive vehicle costs. Oxford bus
companies will be able to transition to a hydrogen bus fleet with similar investment costs to those
In order to model how much bus companies are spending on bus maintenance per year, it is useful
to analyse bus maintenance costs. Section 8 will then include the maintenance costs found to
Diesel buses have an average service cost of £0.1/km [3.22]. This relatively low maintenance cost
makes diesel buses appealing to bus operators. Diesel buses also have a relatively long lifetime of
15 years [3.23].
The service costs of hybrid buses are typically 4% lower than for diesel buses [3.24]. This
represents a service cost of £0.09/km for an average hybrid bus. A hybrid bus typically has a
lifetime of 12 years [3.25]. The maintenance and replacement of lithium ion batteries represents
most of the hybrid bus maintenance process [3.25]. The battery packs need to be replaced twice
Hydrogen buses are expected to have a service cost of €0.3/km [1.31] or £0.26/km [3.1]. This
service cost is three times higher than the cost found for diesel buses. However, one can estimate
the service costs of hydrogen buses to decrease over time as bus operators develop new
techniques for maintenance. The expected lifetime of a hydrogen bus is 12 years [3.9].
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3.5.3 Noise
Hydrogen buses have the additional benefit of generating significantly less noise than diesel
buses. Table 3.4 below compares the noise levels of hydrogen and diesel buses for when the
< Table 3.4: Noise levels for diesel and hydrogen buses >
A reduction in noise levels represents an improvement in noise pollution in urban areas. It can be
suggested that a reduction in noise will increase certain property values in Oxford, hence providing
additional support to the financial effort of refitting Oxford fleets with hydrogen buses.
Hydrogen is a viable solution for a net zero bus fleet because it allows for zero CO2 and NOx
emissions. Due to the nature of an urban bus network, the fleet can be refuelled at specified
locations, minimising the hydrogen storage and refuelling infrastructure needs. Due to larger
production volumes, vehicle unit prices are becoming interesting for bus companies [3.9]. One
manufacturer of hydrogen buses is Wrightbus [1.31]. Wrightbus is planning to mass produce the
H2Bus, a hydrogen bus available in single and double deck configurations [1.31]. This is one of the
While it is possible to upgrade old diesel engines to lower their emission levels by installing
pollution reducing systems [3.27], it is much too complicated and expensive to completely retrofit
old diesel buses with hydrogen fuel cells and energy management systems. It is therefore
necessary to eventually replace Oxford’s entire bus fleet with hydrogen-powered vehicles in order
to transition to a net zero emission solution. This section will examine whether the Wrightbus
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The hydrogen buses proposed by Wrightbus have a range of 310 to 450 km [1.31] without
extended range options. As mentioned in Section 3.4.2, it is a requirement in Oxford for a bus to
have a range of at least 306 km. The 310 km range of the double deck H2Bus is therefore
insufficient to ensure that all buses can cover their routes with some safety. Extended range
options will be required for the double deck buses. This extends the range to 420 km [1.31].
The refuelling times of hydrogen buses are limited due to temperatures in the on board storage
tanks rising during refuelling [3.28]. Type IV hydrogen tanks are often used for hydrogen vehicle
applications [3.29]. These tanks feature an inner plastic liner which must be kept under 85 ºC to
prevent damage [3.28, 3.29]. The extent of the temperature increase during refuelling can be studied.
Fig. 3.3 below performs a control volume analysis of refuelling a Type IV tank from an empty
vacuum state to 350 bar. 350 bar is the standard pressure used to refuel a hydrogen bus [3.30].
< Fig. 3.3: Control volume analysis for hydrogen entering a tank adapted from [3.31] >
The estimated final temperature is 𝑇2 = 𝛾𝑇1. For hydrogen, 𝛾 = 1.41 [2.1]. Assuming a filling
This is the temperature which would be reached in the hydrogen tank if filled from an initial
vacuum. This temperature is above 85 ºC and would therefore damage the tank. In practice the
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hydrogen tank is not filled from an empty vacuum state. However, the large pressure difference
between the tank and the fuelling station dispenser outlet justifies this approximation. In order to
refuel the buses quickly without damaging the tank, the hydrogen can be refrigerated before
transferring it to the bus [3.28]. Refuelling with refrigeration can take 5 minutes per bus [3.17].
Refuelling without refrigeration can take up to four times longer [3.32], resulting in 20 minutes per
bus. To account for a three minute time taken to move the buses to the hydrogen dispensers, the
refuelling time can be approximated as 8 or 23 minutes per bus. A model was created to determine
The model assumes that 148 buses are allocated to a single refuelling station. As mentioned in
Section 3.4.3, this is the maximum number of buses assigned to a single depot in Oxford. Fig. 3.4
below shows the time taken to refill all 148 buses for different amounts of hydrogen dispensers. A
red horizontal line is drawn to indicate the 8 hour refuelling period limit mentioned in Section 3.4.3.
< Fig. 3.4: Number of hydrogen dispensers required for non-refrigerated and refrigerated systems >
Fig. 3.4 shows that a single dispenser is insufficient to refuel 148 buses within an 8 hour timeframe,
regardless of whether refrigeration is used. Three hydrogen dispensers with refrigeration allows
refuelling to take place within the 8 hour period. Without refrigeration, 8 dispensers will have to be
used. This would drive the costs and space needed for the refuelling station. As a conclusion,
refrigeration will be used at all hydrogen fuelling stations to minimise the cost of additional
hydrogen dispensers and the space associated with the fuelling station.
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The Wrightbus H2Bus cannot sustain speeds higher than 40 mph on fuel cell power alone due to
limited fuel cell power output [3.26]. Additional power is provided by the electrical motor to sustain
speeds of up to 60 mph [3.8, 3.26]. Supercapacitors are used to store and deliver the electrical
energy during this intermediate power need [3.33]. These have a capacity of 20 kWh [3.33] or 72
MJ. The supercapacitors can be charged through regenerative braking or by the fuel cell when the
To determine whether the Wrightbus H2Bus would be able to sustain 60 mph on A-type roads in
Oxford, it is necessary to first verify whether the intermediate energy storage is large enough to
provide the energy required, and secondly whether this energy can be acquired through
regenerative braking. This verification process will be applied to all Park and Ride routes in Oxford.
Park and Ride routes have been selected for this study as they span well throughout Oxford and
outside the city [1.40]. Park and Ride routes are illustrated below in Fig. 3.5. Fig. 3.5 has been
constructed by using bus timetables [3.34, 3.35, 3.36, 3.37] and Google Maps [1.40]. This figure
also features a superimposed topography map created with code borrowed from [3.38] in Python.
< Fig. 3.5: Park and Ride routes with superimposed topography map >
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Fig. 3.5 illustrates that Oxford is situated in a sink area of lower land. This is shown by the lighter
yellow colours on the outside of the figure surrounding the central blue area of the map. This
To model energy management, a free body diagram will be considered as shown below in Fig. 3.6.
< Fig. 3.6: Free body diagram for a bus travelling at constant speed >
The energy required by a bus to sustain a speed, 𝑣, over a distance, 𝑑, will be computed. This energy
is calculated by multiplying the air resistance force, 𝐹𝑎, by the distance travelled, 𝑑. Wheel
resistance is neglected in this model. An equation for the energy required, 𝐸𝑣 , is shown below.
𝐸𝑣 = ( 1
𝐶𝐷𝜌𝐴𝑣 𝑑
) (3.1)
The additional energy required by a bus accelerating from 40 mph to 60 mph and sustaining 60 mph
over a certain distance will be computed. This amount of energy is estimated by using equation 3.1
and by adding the difference in kinetic energy, ∆𝐾𝐸, when accelerating from 40 mph to 60 mph:
∆𝐸 = ∆𝐸𝑣 + ∆𝐾𝐸
= ( 1
𝐶𝐷𝜌𝐴𝑣2 𝑑 −
2 1
) (
𝐶𝐷𝜌𝐴𝑣1 𝑑 +
𝑀𝑣2 −
2 (𝑣 2
− 𝑣1 )(𝐶 𝜌𝐴𝑑 + 𝑀)
Where 𝑣1 corresponds to 40 mph and 𝑣2 corresponds to 60 mph. Table 3.5 below was created by
applying equation 3.2 to Park and Rides in Oxford. A single bus is considered for each route.
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< Table 3.5: Tabulating the additional energy required to obtain 60 mph >
Table 3.5 shows that all of the energies required are less than the 72 MJ capacity of the
intermediate energy storage of the Wrightbus H2Bus. This additional capacity can be used for
It will now be determined how the required energies can be generated during normal operation. Two
regenerative braking scenarios will be considered. During descent, the mechanical resistance of
the generator is used to provide braking power and maintain a constant speed while charging the
supercapacitors. When the bus decelerates to a stop, energy can also be recovered through the
generator. A free body diagram will be considered to model descent at constant speed. The free
body diagram is shown below in Fig. 3.7. A similar method can be found in the literature [3.40].
< Fig. 3.7: Free body diagram for a bus travelling at constant speed in descent >
From equation 3.3 in Fig. 3.7 the regenerative braking force, 𝐹r, can be found. To calculate the
inclination angle, θ, the elevations of different bus stops and road distances were used [3.39].
Regenerative braking systems can have an energy recovery efficiency as high as 70% [3.43]. This
efficiency will be used in the model. 𝐹r is multiplied by the distance travelled, 𝑑, and by the recovery
efficiency to calculate the energy generated from the regenerative braking system during descents.
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This method is applied to all Park and Ride routes shown in Fig. 3.5. Results are shown below in
Table 3.6, using a Python script to compile the data. Regenerative braking is considered from the
two scenarios explained above: energy recovered from descents at a constant 40 mph speed and
the energy recovered when the bus comes to a full stop, with a recovery efficiency of 70% [3.43].
Table 3.6 also shows an estimate of how much the energy recovered represents in kilograms of
hydrogen per year. This was calculated by using a hydrogen energy density of 120 MJ kg-1 [1.23]
and a conversion efficiency of 60% [2.6] for converting hydrogen into useful work. Bus frequency
data was also taken from bus timetables [3.18] to estimate how often the buses would travel per
year. Outbound routes refer to bus routes going out of the city centre. RBS stands for regenerative
braking system.
< Table 3.6: Energy recovered or hydrogen saved for all Park and Ride routes >
Table 3.6 shows that the energy recovered from regenerative braking is sufficient to provide the
intermediate energy for all routes apart from for the S5. Regenerative braking alone is therefore
insufficient to charge the intermediate energy storage in this case. Hence, the bus will have to
charge its supercapacitors by using the fuel cell power during lower speed travel. As many roads in
Oxford are limited to 20 mph [3.44], the fuel cell will be able to fulfil this role during a significant
portion of the daily route. The fuel cell power is 75 kW [3.42]. If 25% of its capacity is used to
recharge the energy storage, it will be able to provide the 8.68 MJ of additional energy required for
Table 3.6 also shows that more energy is recovered on inbound routes. This can be explained by
the elevation difference between the city centre and its surrounding. As shown in Fig. 3.5, the 300
and S5 routes mostly stay in regions of lower elevation. The difference between inbound and
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outbound energy recovery is therefore minimal. However, the 400 and 500 routes transition
between regions of high and low elevation. This results in a significant difference in the energy
There are some limitations in the model used above. The regenerative energy recovery efficiency
may drop from 70% to 16% depending on the bus driving style [3.43]. This implies that less energy
may be recovered during descents and stopping. The model assumed 70% kinetic energy recovery
while braking from 40 mph to zero. The buses are also likely to operate at slower speeds closer to
the city centre. This would result in a lower kinetic energy recovered from stopping the bus.
In practice, when buses come to a full stop, regenerative braking systems can only slow down the
bus by 0.4g [2.6]. Beyond 0.4g, in strong braking, conventional brakes activate [2.6]. However,
passengers very rarely experience decelerations greater than 0.3g [2.6]. This implies that
regenerative braking can cover all braking situations. Fully regenerative braking is also beneficial to
a net zero solution as it drastically reduces the brake disc usage and wear. Disk pad wearing
contributes up to 20% of air pollution associated with particles smaller than 2.5 μm in diameter [3.45].
Now that the range, refuelling time and speed capabilities of the Wrightbus H2Bus have been
shown to match Oxford requirements, the financial aspects of transitioning to a hydrogen bus fleet
will be explored.
The selling prices of the Wrightbus single deck and double deck hydrogen buses are forecasted to
be €375,000 and €410,000 respectively [1.31]. This converts to £326,250 and £356,700 [3.1]. As
shown in Table 3.1, 150 single deck and 249 double deck hydrogen buses will need to be
purchased resulting in a total investment of around £138 million. This investment would be
deployed over several years. In order to propose a replacement strategy, the age distribution of the
In 2020, the average age of the 231 buses operated by the Oxford Bus Company and Thames
Travel was 7.8 years [3.46]. The average age of the 168 Stagecoach buses was 7.5 years [3.47].
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The average bus age in Oxford can then be calculated to be around 7.7 years. As mentioned in
Section 3.5.2, the diesel and hybrid buses have a lifetime of 15 and 12 years respectively.
It is expected that bus companies will start by replacing their older conventional diesel buses,
which may not be able to meet future emission regulations, and for which maintenance costs
become more significant as they reach the end of their service life. Then, in a second step, bus
companies could consider selling their mid-life buses of around 7 to 8 years of service. In order to
estimate the contribution coming from the sale, it is useful to calculate the typical residual values
A diminishing value method can be used to calculate how much these buses have depreciated
over time, applying a high level of depreciation at the start of the bus lifetime and a progressively
lower level of depreciation towards the end of the bus lifetime [3.48]. The formula for calculating
Equation 3.4 can be applied to calculate the residual value of hybrid and diesel buses. Calculations
are shown below in Table 3.7. 2020 purchasing prices are used as an approximation.
< Table 3.7: Calculating the residual values of buses in Oxford >
From Table 3.7, an average diesel bus in Oxford is expected to have a residual value of around
£62,100 versus £79,500 for an average hybrid bus of a similar age. Should another bus company
Naturally, the most recent buses, including the more advanced hybrid versions, would remain in
service for the longest time, to finally be considered for replacement once the older, conventional
diesel vehicles are replaced. The investment timing will be further discussed in greater detail in
Section 8.
Akshay Pal
system and present the results of the route modelling which was done in order to understand the
In order to begin estimating the annual hydrogen demand of the system, it was first necessary to
have a comprehensive understanding of the current bus network. The route modelling was done in
1. How many different routes are provided by the three network operators identified in the
project scope?
3. What is the annual diesel fuel demand and the associated carbon and financial costs?
By answering these questions, it would be possible to estimate the hydrogen demand necessary to
provide the same bus coverage and the costs of the current network, both environmental and
financial, would be quantifiable which would justify the reasons why transitioning to a green
The first step was to identify how many bus routes fell within the scope of the project. In total, 58
routes were analysed, 25 of which are operated by OBC, 17 by Stagecoach, 8 by Thames Travel
and 8 were jointly operated by OBC and Stagecoach. The next step was to use a combination of
Google Maps [1.40] and the online timetables of the network operators [1.15, 1.16, 1.17] to
calculate the distance travelled by the bus network annually and, perhaps more importantly, to
have this data at a high resolution i.e. to have a figure for daily distance travelled on both a
weekday and a weekend. The result of this analysis for OBC is shown below in Fig. 4.1.
Generating similar results for Stagecoach and Thames Travel led to an estimate of the total
distance travelled annually by the bus network equaling 33,542,938.2 km or ~ 33.5 million km.
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< Fig. 4.1: Estimate of the (a) weekday and (b) weekend mileage for OBC operated routes >
Both graphs have a similar shape with the weekend mileage being lower overall as expected.
Routes 300, 400, 500 and S5 are park and ride routes and hence travel significantly more miles
during the day. The inner city routes such as 4, 4A and 4B have a much lower mileage as their
routes are much shorter. It is also important to note the peak of the LGW service to London
Gatwick which sees a sharp increase on the weekends. This is further justification for a hydrogen
based system over a battery electric one as the better range of FC buses is what will enable this
route to continue running, an electric bus would simply not have the battery capacity to complete
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To calculate the fuel consumption from the estimates of distance, information about the mpg
ratings of the buses running on each route was required. This task proved difficult as not only were
there multiple, different, buses assigned to a single route such that there was not one single mpg
rating associated with a particular route, there was also a significant lack of mpg data available
online. This problem was partially resolved thanks to Luke Marion, who is the Finance and
Commercial Director at OBC, who was able to provide us with specific mpg ratings for the different
bus models, however, there was still the issue of multiple different mpg ratings associated with any
particular route. The solution to this problem was that, in order to avoid underestimating the annual
fuel consumption, the upper bound ‘worst case scenario’ solution would be used. This meant that
for each route, the lowest mpg rating associated with it was always used in the calculation of fuel
consumption, hence calculating the upper bound of annual fuel demand. The actual calculation
used was simply to divide the distance travelled in miles by the mpg rating as shown in equation
Again, using OBC as the example, Fig 4.2 shows the fuel consumption of each route on both a
weekday and a weekend. Similar graphs were generated for Stagecoach and Thames Travel and
the result was a diesel consumption of 13,383,242.6 L or ~ 13.4 million litres annually. This is
hugely costly, both environmentally and financially, resulting in a carbon footprint of 35,867 tonnes
and an annual fuel expenditure of £12,281,802, where the price of diesel has been taken to be
£0.9177 per litre, including fuel duty [4.1]. Transitioning to a green hydrogen based system will not
only significantly reduce carbon emissions but it will also reduce the annual fuel expenditure of the
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< Fig. 4.2: Estimate of the (a) weekday and (b) weekend fuel consumption for OBC operated
routes >
Appendix A provides an example of the bus route data that was collected for different routes
around Oxfordshire.
In order to estimate the hydrogen demand, an energy equivalence method was used. The
assumption was made that the same amount of energy needed to be delivered to the wheels. This
assumption is made on the basis that the buses will be driving along the same routes and at the
same speeds (there are no changes being made to the speed limits on the roads of Oxfordshire).
Kinetic energy is proportional to velocity squared and the assumption is that this will stay constant
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meaning the kinetic energy will stay constant. No doubt there will be differences in the mass of a
hydrogen bus when compared to a diesel bus, however, as stated kinetic energy is dominated by
the velocity term. On top of this the overall mass depends on the passenger load and this is also
not changing meaning that the change in the mass of the bus will be negligible. To calculate the
hydrogen demand, the amount of energy provided by diesel to the wheels would be required first.
𝐸 = 𝑉𝜌𝜂 (4.2)
where 𝐸 is the amount of energy delivered to the wheels, 𝑉 is the volume of fuel in litres, 𝜌 is the
volumetric energy density of the fuel and 𝜂 is the tank-to-wheel efficiency of the vehicle. The 𝑉𝜌
term represents the total stored chemical energy of the fuel and so multiplying this by the efficiency
𝜂 gives us the total useful energy i.e. the energy delivered to the wheels.
The tank-to-wheel efficiency 𝜂 incorporates all the possible sources of energy loss from the fuel
tank through to the wheels, the main losses being in the engine/fuel cell and the drivetrain. Fig. 4.3
below shows the components within the drivetrains of both a fuel cell and diesel bus respectively,
< Fig. 4.3: Tank-to-wheel efficiency of (a) fuel cell and (b) diesel bus >
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The literature values for the tank-to-wheel efficiency are extremely varied for both diesel and fuel
cell vehicles giving a large range of possible efficiencies. For fuel cell vehicles, there was a range
of 30 - 53.8% [4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5] and for diesel a range of 20 - 24% [4.2]. These ranges, especially
for the fuel cell vehicle, are extremely large and doing a calculation based on these numbers would
be subject to a large error and so, in order to avoid significantly underestimating the required
hydrogen demand, the decision was made to neglect the drivetrain efficiency and focus solely on
the engine/fuel cell efficiency for which there were more more universally accepted figures. This
simplification can be done as an electric drivetrain is significantly more efficient than a traditional
mechanical drivetrain [4.5, 4.6]. This means that including these figures will decrease the amount
of hydrogen required and so by excluding them a larger demand than actually necessary was
The efficiency of a modern PEM fuel cell sits at around 60% [2.6], 23% less than the theoretical
maximum which is due to heating effects, electrical and ionic resistance and the kinetics of the
chemical reaction [2.2]. This has been discussed in detail in Section 2.1.2. The efficiency of a
modern diesel bus operating in urban, city-driving conditions is around 41% [4.7]. The volumetric
energy density of both fuels has already been discussed. In this calculation the values are taken to
be 2.80 MJ L-1 for hydrogen (at 27°C, 350 bar) [1.23] and 38.6 MJ L-1 for diesel [1.27]. The values
used in the calculation of hydrogen demand are summarised in Table 4.1 below where 𝜂 denotes
< Table 4.1: Summary of the values used in the calculation of hydrogen demand >
4.3 Results
Using the estimate for the volume of diesel fuel used annually and by applying the energy
conversion equation, 𝐸 = 𝑉𝜌𝜂, fuel consumption was converted into energy consumption and
then worked backwards to estimate the hydrogen demand. The total annual hydrogen required by
the system is 2,933,738 kg (using a mass density of 23 kg m-3 at 350 bar [2.6] to convert from
volume to mass). Thanks to the resolution of the route modelling, this figure could be broken down
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into the requirements on a weekday and weekend which the model calculated to be 8548.2 kg and
6838.6 kg respectively. This data was needed to design the distribution system ensuring that
hydrogen is delivered from the production site to the various bus depots in the correct quantities
each day. This will be discussed further in Section 6. The breakdown of the total annual hydrogen
< Fig. 4.4: Annual hydrogen demand of each network operator in tonnes >
This gave a hydrogen fuel usage of 8.7 kg per 100 km, agreeing with the literature values which
In order to keep the system net zero, it is necessary to consider the fuel required to power the
distribution of hydrogen from the production plant to the individual bus depots where refuelling will
take place. This distribution cannot be done by diesel vehicles as the emissions caused by this
would be counted in the total system carbon footprint, hence the extra demand caused by this
needs to be considered. The value for the distribution demand is 26,800 kg. This value will be
derived and discussed alongside the distribution strategy as a whole in Section 7.2.
It is important to think about contingency plans in case of an emergency such as system failure
preventing the production or distribution of hydrogen. This could be in the form of an electrolyser
failing or trucks being unavailable to deliver the hydrogen from the production site to the bus
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depots. It was estimated that, in the case of an electrolyser failure, it would take a maximum of two
weeks to solve the problem and so an emergency overheard that would last that amount of time
would be required. This was simple to calculate as the weekly requirement of hydrogen (again
broken down into weekdays and weekends) was known from the route modelling. This emergency
overhead comes to 110,000 kg. However this is not included in the annual demand figure as this is
not part of the normal operation of the system, it is a contingency store. This excess will be slowly
< Fig. 4.5: Green hydrogen production and storage system overview >
Fig. 4.5 above shows each component of the system which consists of a green energy production
system to supply the hydrogen production plant with green energy where possible, supplementing
with grid electricity when green production is insufficient. The hydrogen production plant itself
contains the smart electrolyser-battery system and produces the hydrogen ready for storage.
There are two forms of hydrogen storage, long term and short term. The distribution system
delivers hydrogen to the various bus depots around Oxford ready for use by the bus operators.
These systems will be expanded upon in great detail in the following sections which will explain the
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choices that were made and provide detail on how these systems will operate and connect with
Alexander Astor
social and legal implications of the project. The purpose of this section is to explain regulations
around the various areas of this project, as well as to show the public response to a hydrogen
FCEVs are yet to be brought into broad usage, especially in the UK. As a result of this, it is
important for this project to consider the opinions of the public on a large-scale hydrogen based
bus network.
Cummins, a global power company, recently published an article which showed the support that
the UK public have for a public transport system involving hydrogen [5.1]. Collating the opinions of
6000 respondents across the UK, Belgium and Germany, the survey found that 48% of British
citizens expressed that low-carbon technology would be vital for the UK’s economic recovery from
COVID-19 [5.1]. Furthermore, 40% of survey respondents were willing to pay up to £1 more for
their daily commute in order to reduce their carbon footprint [5.1]. This shows the extent to which
the public are willing to make sacrifices to encourage the switch to green transport, beyond simply
being in support of the idea of a low-carbon solution. Significantly, according to the Oxford Bus
Company website, passenger fares make up 80% of the financing for the bus services [5.2]. Given
that a bus commute currently costs £2.30 on their city services [5.3], the potential
passenger-supported increase in bus fare could make a huge difference to the financial prospects
of the proposed system. When discussed with Mr. Marion [3.26], the communications and financial
director of the Oxford Bus Company, he observed that these changes would certainly not be able
“anti-competitive behaviour”, such as coordination of prices [5.4]. Due to the fact that Stagecoach
Oxfordshire is an entirely independent company from the Oxford Bus Company, an increase in
ticket price by one company could lead to the public largely favouring the other with the still lower
price. Therefore, an increase in fare would be something to develop slowly, or under an exemption
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from the Competition Act of 1998 [5.5]. There are specific allowances for individual exemptions in
circumstances where an agreement which infringes upon the regulations set out in Chapter 1 of
the Competition Act is required to improve sustainability [5.6]. Due to the obvious environmental
benefits of this project, it is likely to meet the criteria for an individual exemption, so long as the
A more thorough study was conducted in Japan on public perception of hydrogen as an energy
source, with responses taken in 2008, 2009 and 2015 [5.7]. The following results are from the 2015
survey. Although awareness had increased from 2008 to 2015, 19.8% of the 3133 respondents
indicated that they had never heard of the use of hydrogen as an energy source [5.7]. 49.4% of
respondents believed that utilising more hydrogen energy would solve global warming and air
pollution, while 40.3% answered that they did not know [5.7]. When asked about the prospect of
fuel cell buses being introduced into their communities, 58.7% of respondents answered that they
thought it would be good, and 36.6% did not feel strongly one way or the other, leaving a very
small percentage against the idea of a hydrogen-based public transport system. Furthermore, only
8.4% of respondents indicated any form of negative reaction to the idea of a gas station near their
house also selling hydrogen [5.7]. These results show that the public are largely in favour of an
increase of hydrogen usage in energy systems and, more importantly for this project, a
Hydrogen has a very wide range of flammability, from 4.0% to 75.0% by volume in air [5.8]. For
reference, methane is flammable from 5.3% to 15.0% by volume in air, and other fuels have yet
smaller ranges [5.8]. Hydrogen also requires a very low ignition energy. At stoichiometric ratios,
only 0.02 mJ is required [5.8]. Methane requires 0.29 mJ in these conditions, and propane 0.26 mJ
[5.8]. This means that almost any spark could cause ignition, and even mobile phones are a risk.
Hydrogen is also known to cause embrittlement of metals, and therefore storage tanks must be
regularly checked. These properties are reasons that hydrogen is classified as a hazardous
substance. It is noteworthy, however, that there are properties in which hydrogen has a safety
advantage over other substances. For instance, the low density (0.09 kg m-3 [5.8]) and very high
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diffusivity (0.61 cm2 s-1 [5.8]) of hydrogen mean that, so long as hydrogen is kept in a
well-ventilated area, the initially high risk caused by a leak reduces very quickly compared with
other gases.
There is little regulation that specifically focuses on hydrogen, however there are acts and
regulations under which hydrogen must be managed. The most broad of these regulations is the
Gas Act 1986 [5.9], which applies to all gases. Any party who supplies, ships or transports a gas
must have a license to do so. Under this Act, there are several industry codes and standards which
must be complied with. Under the Gas Safety (Management) Regulations 1996 [5.10], any
transporters of gas must prepare and submit a safety case to the Health and Safety Executive
(HSE). The Pipeline Safety Regulations 1996 set out requirements for the integrity of a pipeline,
from the design through to operations, maintenance and decommissioning [5.11]. Given that the
transportation of hydrogen between production, storage and refuelling locations will be a significant
component of the proposed system, it is important that these regulations are kept in mind for
system design.
The storage of hydrogen is governed by the Planning (Hazardous Substances) Regulations 2015,
and the Control of Major Accidents Hazards Regulations 2015 (COMAH). Quantities of hydrogen in
excess of 2 tonnes must comply with the Planning (Hazardous Substances) Regulations, while
The Planning (Hazardous Substances) Regulations 2015 state that Hazardous Substance Consent
(HSC) is required from the Hazardous Substance Authority (HSA) for planning to be approved
[5.13]. The HSA is usually the local council, who must consult with HSE and the Environment
Agency (EA) before granting HSC. A key element of a system adhering to these regulations is
ensuring that the location of the planned site is an appropriate distance from other local
COMAH Regulations are divided into regulations for a lower tier (5 - 50 tonnes of hydrogen) and a
top tier (in excess of 50 tonnes of hydrogen) [5.12]. All operators of establishments subject to
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COMAH regulations have certain duties, the main aim of which is taking all necessary measures to
prevent major accidents and their possible consequences to people and the environment [5.14].
Proper notification of site details must be provided to HSE and the EA [5.14].
Lower tier operators must prepare a Major Accident Prevention Policy (MAPP) [5.14]. This should
include a summary of the safety management system that will be put into place in order to enact
this policy [5.14]. The MAPP must also contain information regarding personnel, identification and
evaluation of major hazards, operational control, management of change and planning for
emergencies [5.14].
Top tier operators must prepare a full safety report, of which a MAPP is a component [5.14]. The
safety report must also include full site details, including a description of operating methods and all
dangerous substances involved [5.14]. It must also include relevant information about potential
hazards; this includes information on possible major accidents, potential causes (both internal and
external), and plans to mitigate and reduce consequences of these accidents [5.14]. Information on
nearby establishments which may increase or be subjected to risk must also be included, as well
as information about the emergency plan for the site which will be used by the local authority to
prepare an external emergency plan [5.14]. In addition to preparing this plan for the safety report,
the plan must be tested [5.14]. Some information must also be provided to the public, through the
Any facility or system containing hydrogen must also meet the standards of the Dangerous
Substances and Explosive Atmosphere Regulations 2002 (DSEAR) [5.15]. These regulations apply
to explosive substances in the workplace, including those which are not intended to be used as
such, which is the case for hydrogen in the system. These regulations implement the ATEX 137
Directive [5.16], which requires that the employer take certain risk-preventative measures. This
should include identification of risks, classification of areas with potentially explosive atmospheres,
and appropriate equipment allocation to prevent possible causes of ignition in these areas [5.16].
From all these regulations, it is clear that the amount of hydrogen stored at a given time should be
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For a bus to operate on public roads in the UK, they must follow the Road Vehicle (Construction
and Use) Regulations 1986 (RVR) [5.17]. Regulation 94(2) would seem to prevent the use of
hydrogen vehicles, indicating that no gas may be used in a gas supply system for a propelled
vehicle other than liquefied petroleum gas [5.17]. However, orders such as the Road Vehicles
(Authorisation of Special Types) (General) Order 2003 [5.18] provide specific constraints under
which vehicles not within the specification of the RVR may operate. Furthermore, Section 44 of the
Road Traffic Act 1988 [5.19] allows Special Vehicle Orders to be granted by the Vehicle
Certification Authority. In the context of hydrogen buses, this means that a fleet would be a trial,
test, or demonstration, however this would not inhibit their ability to operate. Examples of this can
be seen in Birmingham [2.31] and Aberdeen [5.20], where hydrogen bus fleets have been
The proposed system for this project includes green energy generation, independent hydrogen
production, and hydrogen storage. There are therefore a number of sites which will require
extensive planning. For the required infrastructure and general site planning, smaller projects must
follow legislation in the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 [5.21], and larger projects must follow
The Town and Country Planning Act 1990 requires a two-part plan; a structure plan drawn up by
the county council, stating policies and general proposals, taking into account relevant national and
regional policies, and a local plan put together by the district council, relating the general structure
plan to the specific proposal and location, relating all planning issues to the public [5.23]. Hydrogen
The Planning Act 2008 (amended by the Localism Act 2011 [5.24]) specifically relates to
“Nationally Significant Developments” [5.25]. This project comes under the label of a Nationally
Significant Infrastructure Project (NSIP), as any projects related to energy and transport do. Under
the Act, a Development Consent Order (DCO) can be issued, which removes the need for several
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other consents, including planning permission. The process takes 12 - 15 months from the time an
This will apply to planning for the energy source for hydrogen generation for this project, as well as
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6 Hydrogen production
In this section, the details of the hydrogen production components will be discussed. This will
include a summary of the decisions made, and an in-depth explanation of how the components
In order to meet the system objectives of being local as well as net zero, the green energy
generation method must be located within Oxfordshire. Due to the cost and location requirements
of a hydro-electric solution, this was quickly ruled out, and the final decision came down to wind
against solar. The main criteria for this decision included factors such as running cost, reliability,
Photovoltaic solar energy was decided upon for the energy generation component of this system
Generally, wind energy does have some advantages over solar; it currently has a lower carbon
footprint [6.1], it can be produced day and night, and more consistently across the year (although
there is a trend to decrease in summer, the curve is much less harsh than that of solar). However,
At a large scale, solar panels require less land than wind turbines. However, of the land needed for
wind turbines, only a very small proportion is used due to the narrow nature of the tower. This
means that although the wind farm will require a larger area to be spread across, most of that area
can still be used for agriculture. The main problem with the large area required for the wind farm
comes due to the impact on the landscape. Wind farms are notorious eye sores. Taking the 500
kW EWT DW52/54 as an example, the tower stands up to 75 m from the ground, with the rotor
radial length adding a further 27 m [6.2]. Larger turbines, likely to be used in projects of this scale,
stand much taller. This makes the turbines visible from substantial distances, whereas solar panels
on a ground mount tend to have a less offensive impact on the landscape. In a place like
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Oxfordshire, this is likely to have an impact on obtaining planning permission, as locals are likely to
Solar panels require much lower operational expenses than wind. The predicted prices for 2025
according to a government report on the cost of energy generation [6.4] given in pounds per
megawatt per annum (£/MW/year) show how stark the difference is. The cost of operations and
maintenance (O&M) was given as £6,700/MW/year for solar, and £23,500/MW/year for wind [6.4].
Furthermore, the already low fixed O&M cost for solar is predicted to drop fairly steadily to
£5,700/MW/year by 2040, whereas the cost of wind isn’t expected to decrease. In addition to this,
the variable maintenance for solar is zero, whilst wind is expected to cost £6/MWh [6.4]. On top of
this, a solar farm has a higher expected operational lifetime than that of wind, solar being 35 years,
and wind being 25 years. Due to all these considerations, the levelized cost of electricity, or LCOE,
speed below 5 m s-1 [6.7]. Given that Oxfordshire does not meet the criteria even without taking
into account the variation in the wind direction, which also decreases efficiency, it is clear that wind
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Once solar energy had been chosen as the power source for the proposed system, an accurate
model of the hourly energy output for the year was needed.
The following is a brief summary of how solar panels work. A solar panel is made up of a series of
photovoltaic cells. The photovoltaic cells themselves, as shown in Fig. 6.2, are made up of a
electrode. The cell produces a current due to the photoelectric effect, by which the atoms of the
semiconductor absorb photons of light and emit electrons. With the negative and positive
electrodes on the front and back of the junction, the electrons can travel through the circuit formed
and thereby create a current. The output current of the cell is direct current. Many modules join up
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along a DC string to form arrays, before the current enters an inverter, which converts the direct
For this project, the solar panels used in the modelling were SHARP’s NU_AC 300b, which is a
300 W panel, with 18.3% efficiency, and an area of 1.6368 m2 [6.9]. The performance ratio, which
accounts for losses in the system, including inverter losses, temperature losses, cable losses,
shading losses, and others, was taken as 0.7, being in the middle of the standard range (0.5 - 0.9)
[6.10]. The irradiance data used was from 2019, and provided an hourly average irradiance for
Oxford [6.11]. The daily irradiance across the year is plotted in Fig. 6.3.
The graphs plotted in Fig. 6.4 show the solar irradiation for June 21st and December 22nd 2019,
the longest and shortest days of that year respectively. These plots show how dramatically solar
irradiance, and therefore the power output of a solar farm, varies throughout the day, as well as
showing the stark contrast between irradiance at the height of summer and in deepest winter.
Given these seasonal, daily and hourly differences in power output, it was clear that the system
would require smart control in order to optimise the use of the locally generated power for
hydrogen production. The details of this smart system, including the optimisation process by which
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The cost of installation of a solar farm is made up of a variety of factors. The solar panels
themselves only take up a small percentage of the price. The rest is made up of various associated
costs including construction, land, planning, grid integration, technical analyses, as well as financial
and legal services. There is however an economy of scale when considering a solar project of a
larger size, and factors such as planning and financial/legal services are likely to have a less
significant increase than the cost of panels, which would increase approximately linearly with the
For a large-scale solar project, the government estimates that by 2025, the pre-construction costs
will be £50/kW, and the construction costs will be £400/kW, meaning £450,000/MW for installation
[6.4]. This is a result of a significant decrease in cost in recent years, with the cost decreasing
Lingxi Tang
Now that the source of power is finalised, Section 6.2 aims to examine the electrolyser and battery
to be used in the hydrogen production system. In this subsection, different electrolyser and battery
technologies will be explored before justifying the specific choices and parameters for these
In order to determine a suitable electrolyser model to produce green hydrogen, comparisons will be
made between the two most commercially viable electrolyser types: alkaline and PEM, as
< Table 6.1: Technical Comparison between Alkaline and PEM Electrolysers [2.13, 6.13, 6.14] >
There are many literature pieces which compare the general technical specifications and costs of
alkaline and PEM electrolysers [2.13, 6.13, 6.14, 6.15, 6.16]. The relevant specifications are
compiled in Table 6.1 above. For values with different ranges in different sources, the smallest
number range is recorded in Table 6.1 to ensure that its values are included in each literature
source’s range. For example, for start-up time, alkaline electrolysers are estimated to take 20 - 60+
min [6.13], >30 min [2.13], or <60 min [6.14] depending on the literature source, thus 30 - 60 min is
the range which is included by all these sources, and will be recorded in the table above.
For lifetime and capital cost, there is no common range between the values provided in each
source. Depending on the literature source, alkaline electrolysers have a lifetime of 20 - 30 years
[2.13, 6.13], 10 years [6.16] or 60,000 - 90,000 hours [6.14] and PEM electrolysers last for 10 - 20
years [2.13], 10 - 30 years [6.13], 3 - 4 years [6.16], or 20,000 - 60,000 hours [6.14]. Despite the
widely varying ranges, it is generally agreed that alkaline electrolysers have longer operating
lifetimes than their PEM counterparts, at about 1.5 - 2 times the duration. For capital costs, alkaline
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electrolysers cost £870/kW - £1044/kW [6.14] or £547 - £792 (units are not specified) [6.13] while
PEM electrolysers cost £1618/kW - £2018/kW [6.14] or £864 - £1397 [6.13]. Once again, while the
sources do not agree with the absolute values of cost, they both substantiate the fact that PEM
While PEM electrolysers currently still lag behind alkaline in terms of lifetime and costs, they are
catching up quickly in both areas. According to the 2017 research paper by Schmidt [6.15], the
median PEM electrolyser will have a lifetime of 41,000 - 60,000 hours by 2020, with alkaline
electrolysers improving minimally. By 2030, PEM electrolysers will have similar lifetimes to their
alkaline counterparts.
< Fig. 6.5: Predicted Average system price and Average Order Size of ITM Power PEM
Electrolysers from 2021 to 2029 [6.15] >
In terms of pricing, ITM Power, a British manufacturer of PEM electrolysers is well on track to
producing electrolysers at a price comparable to alkaline electrolysers. This year, ITM Power
predicts to produce PEM electrolysers at just €884/kW or £769/kW . This is expected to fall over
the next decade, as the average order size of electrolysers increases from under 5 MW to nearly
45 MW by 2029.
With similar energy consumption per amount of hydrogen produced, PEM electrolysers are
superior to alkaline electrolysers in terms of load flexibility: it can start operation quickly, handle low
power production and respond to power changes quickly. These features are especially useful for
Lingxi Tang
electrolysers powered by solar energy which can change quickly throughout the day and is
intermittent. Not only are PEM electrolysers technically superior, it is also fortunate that their costs
have recently been driven down to become competitive with alkaline electrolysers. This makes
PEM electrolysers the clear choice for green hydrogen production at Oxfordshire.
Now that PEM electrolysers have been selected to be the desired electrolyser type, the specific
While there are many companies globally which manufacture PEM electrolysers, such as NEL
Hydrogen, Siemens and Hydrogenics, only ITM Power has provided public data on their
electrolyser capital costs (from Fig. 6.5 above), which will be essential for the financial analysis
later. It is also reasonable to assume that ITM Power’s prices are competitive, given that their
prices are even cheaper than price estimates for alkaline electrolysers mentioned in Section 6.2.1.
Additionally, with an upcoming electrolyser factory based in the UK at Bessemer Park, Sheffield
[6.15], ITM Power will be able to supply PEM electrolysers to Oxford with minimal transportation
costs and international trade taxation. As such, electrolysers from ITM Power will be used to
Specifically, ITM Power’s upcoming 5MW stack module will be used. These are currently being
developed for the Gigastack project (large scale Humber-based hydrogen generation project using
PEM electrolyser powered by wind energy) and are expected to be ready by mid-2021 [6.17]. Each
5 MW stack module can produce up to 2,100 kg of hydrogen per day [6.15] which is equivalent to a
production rate of 0.00486 kg of hydrogen produced per second per MW of electricity. ITM Power
has also advertised their electrolysers to require water of “drinking quality”, thus there will be no
additional cost of water purification. It will be assumed that the weight of water consumed is 9
times the weight of hydrogen produced [6.18]. To estimate the cost of the electrolyser, the
predicted system price in 2025, which is ~£432/kW, translates to £2,160,000 for each 5MW stack.
The electrolyser’s dynamic power range will be set at 10 - 100% of maximum power, based on a
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< Fig. 6.6: Evolution of ITM Power Electrolyser Stack Design [6.15] >
Accounting for nearly 90% of global large-scale battery storage additions in 2017 [6.19] and 95% of
deployed grid-scale battery systems in the US [6.20], lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries are the dominant
technology for grid-scale energy storage. This market dominance is driven by the declining costs of
Li-ion technology which is, in turn, fuelled by the growing demand and production of Li-ion batteries
The versatility of Li-ion batteries ensure that the cost reductions are also felt in the energy storage
market, where Li-ion technology offers the cheapest solutions for a wide range of grid-scale energy
storage solutions compared to alternatives such as vanadium-based flow batteries and zinc-based
flow batteries. Given Li-ion batteries’ low cost and applicability as energy storage for solar energy,
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< Fig. 6.7: Share of difference battery technologies in annual battery storage capacity additions
globally [6.19] >
< Fig. 6.8: Comparison of levelised cost of storage of different battery technologies for 3 different
applications (USD/MWh) [6.19] >
Battery Parameters
Batteries have two main design parameters: Power capacity and Energy Capacity. These
parameters will differ based on application. Power capacity refers to the maximum rate of electricity
charge or discharge of the battery and is usually expressed in kilowatts (kW) or megawatts (MW).
Energy capacity refers to the maximum amount of energy which can be stored in a battery and is
According to the Innovation Landscape Brief on Utility Scale Batteries by IRENA, “storage systems
paired with large PV systems'' with 20 MW power capacity and 80 MWh energy capacity cost
£77.76 - £100.80 per MWh of storage [6.19]. Thus, for the purposes of this project, battery’s
power-energy capacity ratio will be fixed at 20:80 = 1:4 and battery costs will be the average of the
cost range at £89.28/MWh. Thus, the sole design parameter for the battery will be its energy
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capacity in MWh. From here on, battery energy capacity will be referred to simply as battery
In order to produce green hydrogen efficiently using locally generated solar power, the smart
electrolyser-battery system is proposed. The system comprises three main components, which
need to be designed: solar farm, electrolyser and battery. The electrolyser will run at its maximum
power during its operating hours since varying the electrolyser’s operating power will reduce its
lifetime. The electrolyser’s source of power will vary between combinations of solar power, battery
and the grid based on three indicators: operating hours, solar power available and battery state of
charge (SOC).
Operating hours will be fixed, for the purpose of this report, at 0700 - 1700 from 1 January to 15
April and 1 September to 31 December, and 0500 - 1900 from 16 April to 31 August; all times are
in GMT. These times are chosen for convenient operation and to coincide with daylight hours as
much as possible. They can be further tuned to changing needs in the future. The operation
flowchart of the smart system can be seen below in Fig. 6.9. The smart system monitors the three
indicators mentioned earlier in real-time using on-site sensors. which will be connected to each
other via a cloud computing service such as Amazon Web Services. The combined indicators then
determines one of the output decisions (shown in orange) based on the decision flowchart, shown
in Fig. 6.9. Ideally, timestamps are as short as possible so decisions can be made based on the
In order to simulate hydrogen production from the smart electrolyser-battery system, a Python
simulation model was created to calculate annual OPEX and CAPEX based on prices shown in
Table 6.2 below. The pseudocode for the model is seen in Fig. 6.10. Note that solar power sale
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< Table 6.2: Variable Unit Cost and Annual Fixed Cost of components of smart electrolyser-battery
system >
Given the operating hours and a minimum annual hydrogen demand of 2,933,738 kg (see Section
4.3), a 42 MW electrolyser (comprising eight 5 MW stacks and one 2 MW stack) will be used to
produce ~ 3,093,643 kg of hydrogen annually. This is enough to cover both the minimum and
emergency demand, which totals to 3,043,738 kg. There are two system component parameters
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which are to be designed: solar farm size and battery energy capacity. The specific combination of
parameters which gives the lowest expenditures will be chosen for the system.
Input solar irradiation data
Declare solar farm size, electrolyser power and battery energy capacity
Declare operating hours
Initialise zero arrays for hydrogen produced, battery SOC and solar power exported to grid
for each timestamp
if timestamp is within operating hours
hydrogen produced based on max power
if solar power exceeds electrolyser power
battery charges at power capacity or excess solar power, whichever is smaller
if battery charges at power capacity
solar power exported to grid = solar power - battery power - electrolyser power
battery SOC increases based on power capacity, capped at energy capacity
if battery was already full in previous time stamp
solar power exported to grid = solar power - electrolyser power
battery SOC remains unchanged
additional power required = electrolyser power - solar power
if additional power required > battery power capacity
if battery has sufficient charge for the timestamp duration
battery SOC decreases based on discharge at power capacity
grid electricity demand = additional power required - battery power capacity
battery SOC is set at SOC of previous timestamp
elseif additional power required < battery power capacity
if battery has sufficient charge for the timestamp duration
battery SOC decreases based on discharge at power required
battery SOC is set at SOC of previous timestamp
if timestamp is outside operating hours
no hydrogen produced
if battery was already full in previous time stamp
excess solar power exported to grid = solar power
battery SOC remains unchanged
if solar power > battery power capacity
excess solar power exported to grid = solar power - battery power capacity
battery SOC increases based on charging at power capacity, capped at energy capacity
battery SOC increases based on charging at solar power, capped at energy capacity
Calculate total hydrogen produced by summing hydrogen produced at each timestamp
Calculate OPEX and CAPEX
< Fig. 6.10: Pseudocode for Smart Electrolyser-Battery System simulation model >
To determine the desired parameters, the OPEX and CAPEX were recorded for every combination
of system component parameters where solar farm size is from 0 to 50 MW, in intervals of 1 MW
and battery capacity is from 0 to 49 MWh, in intervals of 1 MWh. Solar farm size was first tested up
to 50 MW as the upcoming South Oxfordshire Solar Farm is taken to be a feasible standard size of
solar farm in Oxfordshire. From the results of this first experiment, a 42 MW electrolyser powered
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by a 50 MW solar farm and 29 MWh battery would produce the lowest OPEX of £18,499,549.
However, this is financially unattractive as this is much more expensive than the current annual
diesel spending of £12,281,802 (this value will be explained in Section 8). Thus, in order to achieve
lower OPEX, more solar farms of sizes up to 50 MW can be built to power affordable green gas
production. As such, solar farm sizes of up to 100 MW and up to 150 MW, with battery sizes up to
30 MWh, were trialled to finally obtain an annual OPEX of £9,402,416. The change of OPEX in
response to solar farm capacity and battery capacity can be seen in Fig. 6.11. It can be seen that
annual OPEX decreases sharply with increasing solar farm capacity, with minimal impact from
changing battery capacity. To see the impact from changing battery capacity, Fig. 6.12 plots OPEX
against battery capacity for solar farms of three sizes, where it can be seen that OPEX barely
decreases beyond ~20 MWh for a 50 MW solar farm and is minimised at 8 MWh and 13 MWh for
100 MW and 150 MW solar farms respectively. This also explains why battery sizes were only
trialled up to 49 MWh and 29 MWh since battery sizes above these values did not lower OPEX
< Fig. 6.11: Change of Annual Operating Expenditure in response to changing solar farm size and
battery capacity >
For comparison purposes, a standalone electrolyser is also trialled. From Table 6.3, it can be seen
that the savings in OPEX can break-even the additional capital investments of solar farm,
electrolyser and battery in less than 5 years, regardless of the solar farm size. This timeframe is
well below a lifetime of 35 years for the solar farm [6.4] and 10 years for the electrolyser [2.13,
6.13]. This means that the savings from smart solar powered electrolyser-battery system will
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break-even its capital costs well before any major component needs replacement due to the end of
their lifetime (cost of battery replacement will be assumed to be insignificant since even the largest
29 MWh battery tested costs only about £2,589). This not only financially justifies investing in the
minimising the total cost (including CAPEX and OPEX) over the system’s lifetime.
< Fig. 6.12: OPEX vs Battery capacity for (a) 50 MW solar farm (b) 100 MW solar farm (c) 150 MW
solar farm >
< Table 6.3 : Financial information and system component parameters of lowest OPEX options >
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From Table 6.3, it can be generalised that there is a tradeoff between initial CAPEX and annual
OPEX. Thus, a main factor to consider when deciding the ideal system parameters would be the
capital available, including assets and loans. Assuming unlimited capital, one might invest in a
solar project large enough for the electrolyser to be completely solar-powered, minimising
spending on grid electricity within OPEX. However, it is worth noting that there are other important
decision factors such as legal considerations of land usage in Oxfordshire for solar project
development (as mentioned in Section 5) and diminishing rate of returns from additional solar
power investments (notice the trend of increasing break-even periods for larger solar farms in
Table 6.3). Given these limitations, further testing for larger solar farms will not be considered and
a 150 MW solar farm, 42 MW electrolyser and 13 MWh battery system will be analysed for the rest
of this report.
With system component parameters specified and using the irradiation data seen in Fig. 6.3, solar
power generation and daily hydrogen produced are plotted in Fig. 6.13. It can be observed that
solar power generation is expectedly linked closely to solar irradiation (see Fig. 6.3) and daily
hydrogen production is constant at 10.290 tonnes in summer and 7.350 tonnes in winter. The
(a) (b)
< Fig. 6.13: (a) Hourly Power Generation from a 150 MW solar farm based in Oxford (b) Daily
Hydrogen Produced >
To provide a sense of energy and power balance between the system components, the status of
solar power generation, battery SOC, grid import/export and electrolyser power consumption on
two days are plotted in Fig. 6.14. The two days are the 21-June and 22-Dec, of which the solar
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irradiation plots are seen in Fig. 6.4. Thus, Fig. 6.14 shows the two extremes of solar
overgeneration and undergeneration. In summer, electricity is imported from the grid and obtained
from the battery in early morning and evening to compensate for the reduced solar power.
However, much solar power is exported to the grid throughout the day. In winter, the electrolyser is
heavily reliant on the grid, with some support from solar power during the day. The battery remains
a constant state of low charge as it does not have enough energy to discharge for an hour (see
Fig. 6.9), which is the time resolution of the irradiation data. If a dataset of higher resolution was
used, the battery would be discharged till empty. The low time resolution also explains the
< Fig. 6.14: Status of solar power generation, battery SOC, solar power exports, grid power
consumption and electrolyser power consumption based on solar irradiation on (a) 21-Jun- 2019
and (b) 22-Dec-2019 >
Alexander Astor
distributing it to refuelling sites. This section will explore the design principles of the proposed
hydrogen storage and distribution solution, as well as presenting the details of these system
In the proposed system, the seasonal nature of the production of hydrogen means that for around
half the year, more hydrogen will be produced than will be used, and for the other half more
hydrogen will be required than will be produced. This means that the system requires a significant
capacity of hydrogen storage, so that the surplus from the summer months can balance out the
Hydrogen storage, as discussed in Section 2, can be divided into three main types: gaseous
hydrogen storage, liquid hydrogen storage, and hydrogen carrier storage. Fig 7.1 shows how the
There are two main methods of storing hydrogen as a gas: in pressurised cylinders and in
underground reservoirs, such as salt caverns or depleted oil wells. Due to the lack of salt caverns
and oil wells in Oxfordshire, this was ruled out as an option. Hydrogen has the lowest atomic
weight of any element, and therefore has very low density. The density of hydrogen gas can be
taken as 0.090 kg m-3 [2.1]. As a result of this, to store any significant amount of hydrogen in
hydrogen gas can be stored in cylinders. Compressed gas can be stored at various pressures,
Hydrogen can also be stored in liquefied form. During liquefaction, the hydrogen must be cooled to
−253°C, as the boiling point of hydrogen at atmospheric pressure is −252.8°C [2.20]. To remain at
these temperatures, the hydrogen has to be stored in cryogenically insulated tanks. The equivalent
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of around 30% of the energy content of the hydrogen is required to cool the hydrogen to
temperatures as low as this [7.1]. In addition, boil-off becomes a problem when storing hydrogen
as a liquid. The temperature of the stored liquid inevitably rises, although slowed by the cryogenic
insulation. This leads to some of the hydrogen becoming a gas, which raises the pressure in the
tank. Therefore, the tank needs to release this gas, to keep the pressure low. This leads to an
inevitable loss of hydrogen. The main advantage of storing hydrogen as a liquid is that it is very
compact. The density of hydrogen in liquid state can be taken as 70.8 kg m-3 [7.2]. This is about
787 times denser than hydrogen gas, reducing the required storage space by a huge amount.
Hydrogen can also be delivered in liquid tanks. This is particularly advantageous over long
distances, at which point the benefits of the much higher density outweigh the disadvantages of the
Metal hydrides are a solid form of hydrogen carrier, of which magnesium and aluminium hydrides
are examples. Metal hydrides are one of the safest ways to store hydrogen, as they take the form
Alexander Astor
of stable solids. However, breaking the bonds to release the hydrogen is a slow and
energy-intensive process [2.16], which can hinder a system in which hydrogen is required
Liquid organic hydrogen carriers (or LOHCs) are examples of the second type of hydrogen carrier.
The most viable example is dibenzyltoluene (C21H2O) [7.3], which is currently used as a heat
transfer oil. Since the carbon involved can be recycled, this would still meet the net zero condition.
LOHCs are most useful for hydrogen which will be travelling long distances, however they are not
particularly cost effective for shorter range supply, as the system would require [7.3].
The final storage option considered was ammonia. Ammonia already plays a large part in the UK,
especially in the agricultural industry, so there is broad infrastructure to connect to. In addition to
this, ammonia has a 45% higher hydrogen density than liquid hydrogen [7.1]. Ammonia can be
stored in very mild conditions as shown in Fig. 7.1. The high hydrogen density and existing
infrastructure mean that ammonia is one of the cheapest ways to store hydrogen.
From the route modelling in Section 4, the daily requirement of hydrogen is 8,548.2 kg on a
produced at two rates depending on the time of year. From 1st September to 15th April, when there
are fewer sunlight hours, the operating hours of the electrolyser (which track solar energy
production) are shorter, and therefore less hydrogen is produced per day. During this period of the
year, the weekly production is lower than the demand. For the remainder of the year (16th April to
31st August), the operating hours are longer, and the production exceeds the demand. Fig. 7.2
shows the difference between production and demand throughout the year.
Note that the demand during the weekend is lower than the weekdays, hence the spikes. During
the over-production period, the system must be able to store the excess, so that it can balance out
Alexander Astor
Fig. 7.3 shows the total mass of hydrogen stored on each day of the year. As large quantities of
hydrogen (up to 425,116 kg at the end of the over-production phase) will have to be stored to last
through the lower production phase of the year, a much more compact form of storage than
compressed hydrogen gas is needed. From previous evaluations, it was clear that the simplest,
and most compact, alternative method of storage is in the form of ammonia. During the
over-production phase, the excess hydrogen each day will be converted to ammonia in a synthesis
reactor. During the period of the year for which production is lacking, the required amount of
The depots themselves will require the hydrogen in gaseous form, ready for refuelling of the
FCEVs. This means that the main method of distribution will be in gaseous form, which requires
that there be at least a day’s supply of hydrogen stored as compressed gas. In order to account for
possible complications, the hydrogen demand for two weekdays will be stored as compressed gas,
ready for distribution. This amounts to just under 17,100 kg of hydrogen, which is indicated by the
red line on Fig 7.3. This will be stored in pressurised cylinders, in an open, well-ventilated space.
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As discussed in Section 5, special measures must be taken for the storage of a hazardous gas
such as hydrogen in quantities of more than 5 tonnes [5.12]. Planning for an event in which the
hydrogen supply is halted, the system will contain a minimum of two weeks’ demand of hydrogen
to allow for time to fix a potential problem in the supply chain. This means that on top of the 17,100
kg as compressed gas, a further 95,380 kg of hydrogen will be stored as ammonia, so that at the
lowest point in the year, there is enough hydrogen in storage to last for two weeks of normal
operation. For the cracking of 95,380 kg hydrogen from ammonia in under 14 days, the required
During the over-production period, approximately 15,680 kg of excess hydrogen will be produced
each week. This is the amount that will be converted to ammonia weekly, which will be done at an
external ammonia synthesis plant. For this purpose, the project could connect to the plant at Ince,
which can produce just under 1,000 tonnes of ammonia per day [7.4], or the plant at Billingham,
which can synthesise up to 1,500 tonnes of ammonia per day [7.4]. Another option would be to
connect to a number of separate synthesis plants which operate more locally, in order to reduce
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During the under-production phase, up to 1,400 kg hydrogen will be required in excess of what is
being produced by the electrolyser per day. This will be provided by cracking the required amount
of ammonia from the long-term storage. As the ammonia will need to be cracked to fit the daily
demand, it will be necessary to crack on site, rather than to link to an external ammonia cracker.
The capital cost of an ammonia cracking facility can be taken as $405,000 (£291,600) per tonne of
hydrogen production capacity per day [7.5]. As mentioned earlier, the cracking facility will need to
be able to crack up to 6,800 kg of hydrogen per day. This would cost approximately £1,955,340 to
set up. The energy required to crack ammonia can be taken as 96.6 kJ mol-1 of hydrogen [2.28],
which equates to 13.42 kWh kg-1 of hydrogen. This gives the yearly required running cost as
As discussed in Section 6, the system produces a yearly excess of 152,413.6 kg of hydrogen. Fig
7.3 shows the excess as the difference between the total hydrogen in storage at the end of the
year and total hydrogen in storage at the beginning of the year. This could be sold as ammonia or
hydrogen to boost profits from the system. The market price for hydrogen is currently £10 - £15 per
kg [7.7], meaning that the yearly excess could boost profits by upwards of £1.5 million.
Antoine Thibaut
Now that short term and long term storage options have been explored, a hydrogen distribution
system will be designed. A general delivery strategy from the hydrogen production plant to the
refuelling stations will first be explored. Secondly, the optimal location for the hydrogen production
plant will be considered. Finally, a detailed tube trailer and truck solution will be discussed.
Hydrogen will be distributed in gaseous form at 180 bar in cylinders [7.8]. These cylinders are
carried in tube trailers [7.8] which are transported by trucks. Fig. 7.4 below illustrates the strategy
proposed for distributing hydrogen from the hydrogen production plant to the hydrogen fuelling
stations and long term ammonia storage facilities. The dotted rectangle represents the hydrogen
production plant perimeter consisting of an electrolyser, an ammonia cracking unit, a short term
< Fig. 7.4: Distribution schematic adapted from [7.9, 7.10] and Fig. 2.6 >
As described in Section 7.1.2, a maximum of around 8,550 kg of hydrogen will be required by all
Oxford bus fleets in a single day. The tube trailers will have a capacity of 280 kg of hydrogen each
[7.8]. This results in around 32 tube trailer deliveries per day to fuel all 399 buses in Oxford. To
reduce costs, 16 tube trailers can be purchased and used in two batches per day. As buses
operate during the day [3.18], refuelling will take place during the evening or early morning before
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While the hydrogen buses are operating passenger routes during the day, the tube trailers and
trucks will be used for distributing hydrogen from the production plant to the long term storage
the electrolyser in a single day, which represents 37 deliveries, or 5 trailers in addition to the daily
fleet needs. It will then be possible to supply an average of 5 trailers per day from the hydrogen
There are 4 major depots owned by the Oxford Bus Company (OBC), Thames Travel and
Stagecoach in Oxford [1.40]. These depots are spread around Cowley, Didcot and Witney [1.40].
Diesel fuel is currently stored at the depot locations [3.26]. This allows buses to be refuelled at
To minimise disruptions to the refuelling schedules of the bus routes, these depots can be used as
refuelling stations for the hydrogen bus fleet as well. Seacourt Park and Ride is also planning a new
bus terminal [7.11]. It can be suggested to locate a refuelling station at Seacourt Park and Ride.
A delivery strategy from the hydrogen production plant to the depots will now be discussed.
Throughout the day, the tube trailers will visit the hydrogen production plant to be filled to maximum
capacity. In the afternoon, the tube trailers will move to the depots. In the late evening, after the
first batch of busses are refuelled, the empty trailers will come back to the hydrogen production
plant to be refilled from short term storage. When full, the tube trailers will move to deliver the
second batch to the depots. In the early morning, before the bus routes begin operating, the
remaining buses will be refuelled at the depots. In the late morning, the empty trailers will move
back to the hydrogen production plant and the cycle repeats. This cycle is illustrated in Fig. 7.5
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As shown in Fig. 7.4, the hydrogen production plant will consist of both the electrolyser and short
term storage facility. For determining a best possible location, the following factors will be
discussed: distance to depots, distance to residential areas and available land area for the
Each tube trailer will return to the hydrogen production plant typically twice a day. Using trailer
deliveries twice a day is also a strategy proposed by the Oxford Bus Company [3.26]. It is therefore
important to minimise the distances between the hydrogen production plant and the depots hosting
the fuelling stations. A model was created to optimise the hydrogen production plant location,
minimising the total distance between the plant and all depots. Coordinates were taken from [1.40].
As a first approximation, the model assumed straight line distances between the different refuelling
The results are shown in Fig. 7.6 below. The optimised hydrogen plant location coordinates are
(51.7270,-1.2325). To visualise how this solution could be implemented into Oxford’s road
structure, roads were traced between the optimised hydrogen production plant location and the
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As shown in Fig. 7.6, the optimised location is situated closely to two main bus depots for
Stagecoach and the Oxford Bus Company. The distances between the hydrogen production plant
The optimised location can be further analysed with respect to the necessary conditions required
for storing hydrogen and installing an electrolyser. Fig. 7.8 below shows a map of the proposed
< Fig. 7.8: Enlarged view of the hydrogen production plant location taken from [7.12, 7.13] >
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As shown in Fig. 7.8, the optimised location is situated close to school grounds, a residential area
and a nature reserve. As discussed in Section 5.2.1, safety distances must be respected when
considering storage locations for hazardous gases. To keep some distance from these sensitive
areas, it is proposed to build the hydrogen production plant at the location marked in blue. This
location is also situated near Redbridge Park and Ride, far from residence and near main roads to
The amount of buses which can be stored inside each depot can be analysed to indicate the daily
refuelling needs of each fuelling station. The depot’s sizes will be used as an indicator of their relative
importance. Using satellite images from Google Maps [1.40], the capacity of each Oxford depot was
estimated. This was done by superimposing rectangles representing bus dimensions onto the
satellite images. The estimated size of the proposed Seacourt Park and Ride expansion terminal
was estimated by using rendered images from [7.14]. Considering that the refuelling needs are
proportional to the size of each depot, it can be estimated how many tube trailer deliveries would be
required daily to each depot. One can then suggest how many tube trailers are delivered to each
individual depot during the first and second batches of the day. This is illustrated below in Table 7.1.
< Table 7.1: Estimating the number of trailers required for each depot >
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The amount of trucks required for delivering these tube trailers will now be estimated. As shown in
Appendix B, the tube trailers mentioned in Table 7.1 will have to travel a combined distance of
around 844 km per day. This is not suitable for a single truck in an urban road network. It can be
suggested to have one truck used for each major station (Cowley OBC, Cowley Stagecoach and
Didcot Thames Travel) and one additional truck for the smaller stations (Witney Stagecoach and
Seacourt Park and Ride). This represents 4 trucks. According to the trailer delivery strategy, taking
the example of Cowley OBC, the truck would bring 4 empty trailers back to the production plant in
the afternoon, and then make 5 trips to the depot in the evening. This represents around 9 trips
during a typical truck driver’s shift. Depending on the location of long term storage, an additional
truck may also be needed for daytime deliveries of excess hydrogen production. 5 trucks will
One can also calculate how much fuel the truck fleet would consume per year. Appendix B applies
a similar model to the one used in Section 4 for determining how much diesel these trucks would
consume per year, or hydrogen if fuel cell trucks are used. In summary, around 32,000 gallons of
diesel will be required per year for a diesel truck fleet. Around 26,800 kg of hydrogen will be
required per year for a hydrogen truck fleet. Hydrogen trucks such as the Hyundai Xcient are
anticipated in the future [7.15]. These trucks will also run on hydrogen compressed to 350 bar
[7.15]. This implies that the same compressors and storage infrastructure used for buses can be
High capacity hydrogen storage is a major stepping stone for hydrogen fleets in the future.
Companies such as Everfuel develop high capacity hydrogen distribution solutions [3.17]. By
transporting larger quantities of hydrogen in one single delivery, this solution would require less
than 32 deliveries to fuelling stations per day, and therefore reduce the number of trucks needed to
Lingxi Tang
8 Financial analysis
The aim of this section is to provide an overview of all relevant spending and costs of the Green
Hydrogen Public Mobility Project. A financial comparison will also be made between embarking on
this net zero transition and Business-As-Usual (BAU) - a scenario where the Oxford public
Given the Oxford City Council’s goal of having all public buses to be zero emissions by 2035, the
transition period for this project will be from 2025 to 2035. The delay in starting time will be
reserved for planning, approval and other administrative matters. During this transition period, two
major changes will occur. Firstly, the transition of fuel usage from diesel to locally produced green
hydrogen and secondly, the transition of bus fleet technology from being powered by diesel
engines to hydrogen fuel cells. The first transition will involve investing in a solar farm, smart
expenditure on hydrogen production, specifically water, electricity and solar farm maintenance, and
hydrogen storage. The second transition will involve the gradual replacement of Oxford’s bus fleet
of 399 buses, by selling 40 diesel buses and purchasing 40 Wrightbus hydrogen buses every year
for 9 years, before replacing the final 39 diesel buses in the 10th year.
In this subsection, the annual expenditures of both BAU and transitioning to the Green Hydrogen
Public Mobility Project will be examined in detail. The OPEX and CAPEX of each component and
how they contribute to cash flow will now be explained. Generally, the CAPEX of each component
is reflected by annual depreciation using the Diminishing Value Method [3.49], which is shown in
equation 3.5. For BAU, the relevant annual expenditure is assumed to be constant and includes
purchase of diesel, fleet renewal costs and vehicle maintenance. Diesel expenditure is based on
an annual demand of 13.38 million litres, as discussed in Section 4 4, and a price of £0.9177/litre
[4.1], which includes fuel duty. Annual fleet renewal expenditure is the expenditure on new buses
to keep the fleet operationally healthy. It is assumed to be constant and is based on the amount
spent by OBC (£6.9 million [1.41]) and Stagecoach (£5 million [1.42]) in 2019, adding up to a total
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of £11.9 million. Maintenance cost for diesel vehicles is derived from an annual mileage of
33,542,939 km and £0.10/km (from Section 3.4.2). Putting everything together, the breakdown of
For the net zero system, the CAPEX of each component under Hydrogen Production (see Table
8.2) and the solar farm’s annual OPEX is based on a 150 MW solar farm, a 42 MW electrolyser
and a 13 MWh battery and derived from the values in Table 5.2. The electrolyser’s annual OPEX is
output from the Python simulation model seen in Fig. 5.11. The lifetime of the electrolyser in years
is calculated based on the fixed operating hours. Based on a predicted average operating lifetime
of 50,500 hours [6.14] and an annual operation time of 4,205 hours, the electrolyser is expected to
last for 12 years. The expenditures for hydrogen storage were discussed in Section 7.1.2. The total
CAPEX of a fleet of 399 hydrogen buses has been discussed in Section 3.5.4 and the
maintenance cost of hydrogen buses was discussed in Section 3.4.2. The revenue from the sale of
the diesel bus fleet is obtained by multiplying the value of (diesel or hybrid) buses in Table 3.8 and
the number of (diesel or hybrid) buses in Table 3.5. Hydrogen bus fleet renewal expenditure is
estimated using the cost of purchasing 40 new hydrogen buses and subtracting it with the
depreciated value of 40 hydrogen buses after 12 years of service. Using the Diminishing Value
method again, with an initial value of £304,500 (see Table 3.2), a hydrogen bus depreciates to a
value of ~£34,152 after 12 full years of service. Thus, annual hydrogen fleet renewal will cost
£10,813,920. This expenditure drops to £10,543,572 every 10 years when only 39 buses need to
be renewed. It is important to note that the hydrogen fleet renewable expenditure will only begin in
the 13th year, or year 2038, after the first batch of hydrogen bus reaches its lifetime of 12 years.
This is why the 2030 predicted price, and not the current price, of hydrogen bus is used. A
summary of expenditures related to the Green Hydrogen Public Mobility Project is seen below in
Table 8.2.
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< Table 8.2: Expenditure related to Green Hydrogen Public Mobility Project >
While the depreciations of the solar farm, electrolyser, battery and cracker are based on the
diminishing value method, the purchase and sale of buses is constant for the first ten years. As
mentioned earlier, 40 diesel or hybrid buses will be replaced by 40 hydrogen buses every year (39
in the final year) during the 10-year transition period from BAU to net zero. Thus, one-tenth of
hydrogen fleet purchase costs will be accounted for annually in the first ten years to reflect annual
purchases of hydrogen buses. Diesel buses will be replaced first before hybrid buses begin to be
replaced. During this period, as the number of diesel bus decreases by 399
or ~ 10%, so does the
annual OPEX of BAU. Simultaneously, hydrogen bus maintenance costs will increase by 10%
every year, starting from £8, 754, 707 × 399
= £877, 664. 86 in the first year, up to a constant
annual maintenance expenditure of £8,754,707 from the 10th year onwards once the full hydrogen
fleet is purchased.
Combining the expenditures discussed and applying a real discount rate of 3.5% [8.2], the net
present values (NPV) of the annual expenditure for both Green Hydrogen and BAU up to 35 years
after the transition begins are tabulated in Fig. 8.1 below. The difference between the two is also
plotted to show how much more spending is expected due to the transition. The compiled
numerical data for the first ten years can be found in Appendix C.
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< Fig. 8.1: Net Present Value of annual expenditure over the first 35 years of transition >
Generally, the value of expenditure NPV decreases over the years due to discounting. Note that
the cost of maintaining BAU is constant every year but decreases in NPV due to discounting. Also,
there will always be the cost of asset depreciation, namely due to the solar farm, electrolyser,
battery and ammonia cracker, for as long as the project stays online. This cost is based on the
assumption that each component is replaced immediately after their lifetime. From Fig. 8.1, it can
be observed that the purchase of the hydrogen fleet will incur a large additional annual expenditure
for the first ten years, resulting in the sudden decrease in expenditure in year 11. From year 13
onwards, the net zero transition then begins to cost more as hydrogen fleet renewal cost sets in.
Once the transition process is fully complete by year 23, maintaining the green hydrogen public
mobility system will cost ~ £6.39 million more than BAU annually, which translates to ~ £2.82
million with discounting. Given that producing hydrogen is already cheaper than buying diesel, this
additional cost will come from purchasing the solar farm, smart electrolyser-battery system,
hydrogen storage and maintenance of the hydrogen bus fleet (which is more expensive than that of
diesel fleet).
While this long-term additional cost may seem financially unattractive, there are two important
financial arguments which further justifies the Green Hydrogen Public Mobility Project. First of all, a
net zero transition based on green hydrogen is likely to be cheaper than that based on electric
vehicles due to the higher costs of electric buses and charging infrastructure, making this the better
alternative for an essential transition to net zero. Secondly, the cost analysis of BAU assumes that
diesel costs and diesel bus maintenance costs remain constant up till 2060, which is unlikely to be
Lingxi Tang
true. According to the future price assumptions by the Department of Business, Energy and
Industrial Strategy (BEIS), the “Central Price” of oil is expected to increase from $63/bbl (barrel) in
2019 to $90/bbl in 2035 [8.3]. Diesel bus maintenance costs are also likely to increase due to more
intensive fleet retrofitting to meet low emissions standards imposed by the ZEZ.
Now that the additional expenditure required for this green transition is ascertained, this subsection
Due to the sensitive nature of financial information, exact revenue and profits are difficult to obtain.
Nonetheless, profits of the main bus companies will be estimated based on the approximate
< Fig. 8.2: Breakdown of revenue spending by Oxford Bus Company [5.2] >
As such, it will be assumed that 5% of revenue is profit. From Fig 8.2, 4% of revenue is spent on
fuel duty, which costs £0.5795/litre of diesel [8.4]. The annual diesel consumption of 13,383,242.6
litres (mentioned in Section 4.3) translates to an annual spending of £7,755,589.09 on fuel duty.
Thus, this amounts to an annual revenue of ~ £193,842,750 and annual profits of £7,753,710
Since the UK Government plans to have 5000 MW of “low carbon” hydrogen production capacity
by 2030 [8.5], it will be assumed that the solar farm, electrolyser and battery would be publicly
financed. Thus, the following cash flow analysis will not take into account the costs of those
components. The annual cash flow is calculated by subtracting profits by the difference between
BAU and Green Hydrogen transition, the latter shown in Fig. 8.1. The yearly cumulative cash flow
Lingxi Tang
is tabulated in Fig. 8.3 below and specific values for up to year 10 can be found in Appendix D.
Without any additional sources of funding, the bus companies will face a maximum negative
8.4.1 Loan
To relieve this financial debt, a £5 million business loan is proposed. Assuming an annual interest
rate of 7.5%, a repayment period of 10 years and using the amortisation formula:
𝑃𝑖 (8.1)
(1 − (1 + 𝑖)−𝑁)
where 𝑟 is the yearly repayment, 𝑃 is the initial loan amount, 𝑖 is the interest rate and 𝑁 is the
repayment duration in years, the yearly repayment amount is ~ £728,430. Taking the initial loan
and yearly repayments into account, the maximum negative cash balance is delayed to year 5 and
reduced to ~ − £5,104,011, as can be seen in Fig. 8.3. This debt amount is reduced even further if
the future is discounted. Taking the loan into account, the updated yearly cumulative cash flow up
to Year 10 is in Appendix D.
< Fig. 8.3: Cash Flow of Green Hydrogen transition with and without an initial loan >
Despite the substantial loan amount, the negative cumulative cash balance is still financially
unattractive. Increasing passenger ticket prices would be a viable method to increase revenue;
after all, 40% of respondents are willing to pay up to £1 (see Section 5), which is ~ 43.5% of the
current average Oxford bus ticket price of £2.30. Currently, revenue from passenger fares is at
£193,842,750 × 80% = £155,074,200. If passenger fares increase by just 5% (11.5p for average
Lingxi Tang
Oxford bus ticket), this would amount to an additional yearly revenue of ~ £7,753,710 and thus
annual profits of £15,507,420. This increase in revenue will negate the need for a loan since the
profits are enough to cover the additional cost of transition to green hydrogen from the start of the
transition period. Yearly cumulative cash flow, with just the expenditure, increased revenue and
without the loan can be found in Appendix D. Having said this, it is important to note that increasing
fares might face social and political barriers due to its unpopular nature, and also legal barriers, as
explained in Section 5. While possessing its challenges, this solution is incredibly lucrative, making
8.4.3 Grants
Given the UK government’s general support for sustainability and more specifically, its plan to
potentially ban sales of new diesel buses [8.6], additional financial support can be expected from
the Government to assist transition towards a hydrogen bus fleet in Oxford. This is on top of the
The Department for Transport (DfT) has recently announced the Zero Emission Buses Regional
Area (ZEBRA) scheme, which makes up to £120 million available for local transport authorities to
bid for the purchase of zero-emission buses [8.7]. Applications are now open for this funding and
end on 21 May 2021. This initiative is part of the Bus Back Better campaign, backed by £3 billion,
to accelerate the transition to greener and more sustainable transport in the UK. This campaign
aims to deliver 4,000 electric or hydrogen buses and to ban sales of new diesel buses [8.8]. As
such, the goals of this campaign ties in closely with this project.
The new ZEBRA scheme is just one of many funding campaigns to support clean and green local
public transport systems from the DfT, with past campaigns such as the Ultra Low Emissions Bus
scheme which awarded ~ £48 million to local authorities in 2018 [8.9] and the Low Emissions Bus
scheme which awarded more than £30 million in 2015 [8.10]. Oxford City Council had also been
awarded £2.3 million [8.11] from the Clean Bus Technology Fund in 2018 to 2019 to reduce air
pollution from public buses. Thus, extrapolating from history, financial support from the
Lingxi Tang
9 Conclusion
To summarise, this report proposes an Oxford public transport system comprising a bus fleet of
399 hydrogen buses, with fuel production powered by a local 150 MW solar farm, 42 MW PEM
electrolyser and a 13 MWh Li-Ion battery. This will cost an additional ~ £126.8 million over the
ten-year transition period of 2025 to 2035, which can be financed through loans, grants or increase
in passenger fares. Net zero is achieved by using zero-emissions hydrogen buses and clean
renewable energy to power the hydrogen production process, which is made more efficient using
the proposed smart electrolyser-battery system. This system benefits the national energy system
by exporting excess solar power to the National Grid. Production, storage and distribution needs
were also examined to ascertain technical feasibility, while social, legal and financial analysis of the
This subsection aims to point out possible limitations which may affect the results of this project
proposal. First of all, the COVID-19 pandemic has brought unprecedented change to the world and
affected public transport operations deeply. Thus, this report has taken this to be an anomaly and
based calculations on pre-COVID levels. However, it is uncertain when or if public transport will
return to pre-COVID operation frequencies, especially with the current trend of working from home.
This may result in a long-term decrease in public transport demand, thus reducing hydrogen
Secondly, there is room for improvement in terms of availability and suitability of data collected for
calculations. Certain specific data is difficult to locate, such as compressor capital cost or ammonia
cracker lifetime while mpg data can differ greatly based on a variety of factors such as bus model,
driving habits, local topography, etc. As such, these may contribute to slight inaccuracies in the
Finally, since hydrogen technology is still an emerging technology in the transportation industry,
there is a lack of laws and regulation on hydrogen in the UK. While there are global standards and
an ongoing national project to develop hydrogen laws, there will still be slight uncertainty on the
Antoine Thibaut
The framework of the proposed net zero solution can be taken further to all public transport
systems including taxi services in Oxford. There are 3 main taxi services in Oxford [9.1, 9.2, 9.3].
These taxi services could become net zero emitters by replacing their current vehicles with
hydrogen vehicles. Hydrogen cars typically use a higher 700 bar pressure for storing hydrogen
[3.30]. This would require upgraded compressors, refrigeration systems [3.30] and storage vessels
Additionally, due to the versatility of hydrogen, it is applicable to many sectors. These sectors
include food processing, fertilisers and metal treatment industries [9.4]. Future hydrogen pipelines
could also be installed to simplify hydrogen distribution. This can provide potential solutions for
project in Kennington close to Oxford which may provide power for the electrolyser [9.5]. The
Gigastack project also aims for cheaper and larger electrolysers [9.6]. Solar farms could also be
In conclusion, a smart local energy transport system can be extended to many wider applications.
The storage, distribution and production infrastructure required for a hydrogen net zero transport
system can be extended for other uses. Hydrogen is truly a versatile gas which can be produced
from different renewable sources. Developing a zero emission bus network is only the first step of a
wide transformation project that will benefit many Oxford industries, households and local
Alexander Astor
The link to the code repository for this report is
Akshay Pal
Akshay Pal
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Lingxi Tang
Antoine Thibaut
Section 9
Akshay Pal
Bus Route Name [1.15, Operator [1.15, 1.16, 1.17] Weekday Distance Weekend Distance Lowest mpg Rating [3.25]
1.16, 1.17] (miles) [1.40] (miles) [1.40]
This is an example of the data that was collected for bus routes in Oxfordshire. Overall 58 bus routes were analysed, 25 of which were operated by
OBC, 17 by Stagecoach, 8 by Thames Travel and 8 were jointly operated by OBC and Stagecoach. Both the weekday and weekend distance was
taken into account and the output of this analysis was a hydrogen requirement of 8548.2 kg on a weekday and 6838.6 kg on a weekend. As expected
the weekend demand is lower due to the reduced services on the weekend. The Python source code developed for the route modelling can be found
Antoine Thibaut
Data used:
Fuel economy of a hydrogen vehicle = 8.7 kg per 100km (from Section 4.3 findings)
Alexander Astor
Alexander Astor
Compressor -314420.90 -628841.8 -943262.7 -1257683 -1572104.503 -1886525.4 -2200946.3 -2515367.20 -2829788.1 -3136348
running cost 06 012 018 .602 04 04 5 06 .484
Cracker OPEX -293,518.7 -293,518. -293,518. -293,518. -293,518.75 -293,518.75 -293,518.75 -293,518.75 -293,518.75 -293,518.
5 75 75 75 75
Purchase of -13810105. -1381010 -1381010 -1381010 -13810105.26 -13810105. -13810105. -13810105.2 -13810105. -1346485
Hydrogen Fleet 26 5.26 5.26 5.26 26 26 6 26 2.63
Sale of Diesel 2484000 2484000 2484000 2484000 2484000 2484000 2484000 2779800 3180000 3100500
Hydrogen fleet -846946.59 -1634606. -2366093. -3044373 -3672275.743 -4252495.3 -4787600.9 -5280039.92 -5732143.3 -6130766
Maintenance 49 928 528 .673 11 71 8 47 .149
Diesel fleet -2912392.9 -2497316. -2107726. -1742349 -1399967.189 -1079416.9 -779590.19 -499429.063 -237924.21 0
Maintenance 83 139 993 .875 13 61 9 29
Diesel Fleet -10332271. -8859707. -7477565. -6181319 -4966651.744 -3829438.2 -2765745.5 -1771820.26 -844081.71 0
Renewal 93 325 209 .899 43 39 2 58
Hydrogen Fleet 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total Cash Flow -45802335. -4437384 -4305759 -4183574 -40693435.87 -39618312. -38600063. -37334285.6 -36005190. -3486134
for Green 68 0.56 2.19 0.48 87 63 3 55 1.52
Difference -18266240. -1683774 -1552149 -1429964 -13157340.25 -12082217. -11063968. -9798190.02 -8469094.9 -7325245
between BAU 06 4.94 6.58 4.87 26 02 34 .902
and Green
Discount Factor 0.965 0.931225 0.898632 0.867180 0.836828700 0.80753969 0.77927580 0.752001153 0.72568111 0.700282
125 0006 6 61 67 5 31 2742
NPV of -17626921. -1567972 -1394811 -1240036 -11010439.95 -9756870.0 -8621882.6 -7368250.19 -6145862.2 -5129739
dIfference 66 9.03 5.45 6.05 51 04 7 39 .859
Lingxi Tang