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Potential Development of New Renewable Energy in East Java in Support of Indonesia's Energy Security

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Volume 7, Issue 4, April – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Potential Development of New Renewable Energy in

East Java in Support of Indonesia's Energy Security
Yasfina Arba1, Ikhwan Syahtaria2, Imam Supriyadi3
Department of Energy Security, Republic of Indonesia Defense University, Jakarta, Indonesia1,2,3

Abstract:- East Java is one of the provinces in Indonesia Central Java and Bali which is included in the distribution
that has many potential renewable energy sources to be of the national on-grid network.
developed in order to support Indonesia's energy
security. The potential for renewable energy in East One of the strategic steps taken by the East Java
Java is very large, so good management is needed. Provincial Government in the energy transition to
Energy potential as a national vital object in East Java renewable energy is to maintain energy security.
is meant such as Geothermal and Hydroelectric Power Maintaining energy security means that we must also
Plants (PLTA). Although dependence on the use of fossil provide protection for the environment, especially those
energy is still high, the Provincial Government of East that are a source of energy for the country. Currently,
Java has entered an era of energy transition, namely the Indonesia is still dominated by consuming fossil energy
transition from fossil energy to a new renewable energy compared to new renewable energy or commonly known as
system. This is because the potential availability of fossil green energy. The Institute for Essential Services Reform
energy is dwindling while people's needs are increasing. (IESR) said that the composition of our energy mix comes
Therefore, an alternative is needed to maintain energy from oil (42.1%), coal (30.3%) and natural gas (21.3%).
security in the availability of energy to meet the needs of That means, approximately 93.7% of the energy consumed
the community, namely renewable energy. In addition, in this country cannot be renewed (Institute for Essential
the transition to renewable energy is one of the agendas Services Reform, 2019). In 2018, the use of new national
in helping the government to achieve the Net Zero renewable energy only reached 11, 68% which is still far
Emission goal because new and renewable energy is from the target. To achieve the target in 2025 to 2050, the
categorized as green energy that is environmentally government must continue to explore the potential of new
friendly so that it can minimize the threat of greenhouse renewable energy and continue to invest in the new
gas effects and reduce emissions. This research was renewable energy sector (Setyono, 2019). Therefore, East
conducted using a qualitative descriptive method by Java Province is making a transition from fossil energy to
conducting interviews from research sources and new and renewable energy that is more environmentally
supported by literature sources. With this, it is hoped friendly and whose existence will not run out with the
that the results of this research can be used as support of good processing so that it can continue to be
guidelines by other local governments in optimizing the sustainable.
potential of renewable energy.
The energy transition is carried out not only because
Keywords:- Energy Security, Renewable Energy, East Java. of the depletion of fossil energy but because of the many
negative impacts on the environment caused by fossil
I. INTRODUCTION energy such as pollution, global warming, greenhouse gas
effects, emissions, acid rain, and so on. Fossil energy also
East Java Province is geographically located between has a negative impact on human health. Related to the
11100 East Longitude – 11404' East Longitude and 70 12' existence of maintaining environmental sustainability in
South Latitude – 8048” South Latitude, with an area of realizing independence and national energy security in
47,963 km2 which includes two main parts. Namely accordance with Government Regulation of the Republic of
mainland East Java and the Madura Islands. Indonesia No. 79 of 2014 concerning National Energy
Administratively, East Java is divided into 29 regencies and Policy CHAPTER 2 Article 6(i) (p. 6). Various climate
9 cities, with Surabaya as the provincial capital. This makes action efforts to save the earth are carried out, one of which
East Java the province with the largest number of is the use of new and renewable energy as an alternative to
districts/cities in Indonesia. East Java has a strategic fossil fuel energy such as coal, oil and gas.
position in the industrial sector because it is flanked by two
large provinces, namely Central Java and Bali, making it a Listed in the East Java Provincial Development Plan,
center for industrial and trade growth (East Java Province, the emission targets and the mix of renewable energy in
2022). With this geographical location, the East Java region their achievements are indicators that must be implemented
has great potential in developing energy, both fossil energy, by the East Java government, especially the Energy and
electricity infrastructure, as well as new and renewable Mineral Resources (ESDM) Office through activities and
energy such as geothermal, solar, water, and so on. From programs every year such as comprehensive socialization
the energy potential in East Java, which is quite large, it can both to institutions and the public. . The socialization was
provide 1/3 of the contribution of oil and gas in Indonesia. carried out to introduce the existing types of NRE to remote
In addition, East Java Province also exports electricity to communities due to conditions where natural resources
were not supportive. If the remote location has the potential

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Volume 7, Issue 4, April – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
for natural resources, it will be assisted with electrical Domestic Work Lecture (KKDN) said that the potential for
construction such as using micro hydro. geothermal energy in East Java is ±1,296.8 Mwe.


The research method used is descriptive analysis with

qualitative methods supported by interviews with sources,
observations and literature studies from various literatures.
Some of the research data used comes from the Domestic
Work Lecture (KKDN) conducted by postgraduate students
of the Energy Security Study Program at the Defense
University of the Republic of Indonesia with the research
location in East Java in February 2022.


Currently, the development of New and Renewable Fig. 1: Geothermal Potential of East Java
Energy refers to Presidential Decree No. 5 of 2006 (JDIH
BPK RI DATABASE REGULATION, 2006) concerning Source: ESDM Office of East Java
National Energy Policy. The Presidential Decree states that
The growth of NRE power infrastructure to the
the contribution of EBT in the national primary energy mix available potential, based on the table below, shows that
in 2025 is 17% with a composition of 5% Biofuels, 5%
PLTA, PLTS, and Biomass develop earlier when compared
Geothermal, Biomass, Nuclear, Water, Solar and Wind 5%,
to other types of renewable New Energy. In Surabaya, there
and liquefied coal of 2 %. For this reason, the steps that
is also a Benowo PLTSa which produces 11 to 12 MW
will be taken by the Government are to increase the
which is the first PLTSa production in Indonesia which has
installed capacity of Micro Hydro Power Plants to 2,846 a commercial operation date (COD) with PLN operating
MW in 2025, 180 MW Biomass installed capacity in 2020,
continuously. The following is the energy potential that
wind installed capacity (PLT Bayu) of 0.97 GW in 2025,
exists in the East Java region in addition to the geothermal
solar 0.87 GW in 2024, and 4.2 GW nuclear in 2024. The
energy previously mentioned.
total investment absorbed in NRE development until 2025
is projected to be 13. No Resource Generator Potency Installe percen
. Type (MW) d t%
The East Java Provincial Government with its
1. Water PLTA 1,667 319,16 19.1
strategic steps carried out the transition to a new renewable
energy system with the target of achieving Net Zero 2. Geother PLTP 1.012 0 0
Emissions in 2060 where Indonesia joined the Clean
Energy Demand Initiative forum. Here are some points that 3. Rubbish/ PLTSa/ 3.421 28.6 0.83
can be done in creating clean energy towards Net Zero Biomass PLTBm
Emissions: 4. Sun PLTS 10,335 8.91 0.086
 Increased Utilization of New Renewable Energy 5. Wind PLTB 7.907 0 0
 Fossil Energy Reduction 6. sea PLTGL 1,200 0 0
 Electric vehicles in the transportation sector Table 1: East Java's New Renewable Energy Potential
 Increased use of electricity in households and industry Source: ESDM Office of East Java
 Utilization of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS).
The above energy resources are assets of the province
In addition to meeting the achievement of Net Zero of East Java that must be maintained and managed properly
Emissions, the East Java Provincial Government has made through proper planning.The current condition of East
an energy transition because the potential for fossil energy Java's total electricity consumption is 35,838 GWh, the
is dwindling, so to maintain energy security, alternative largest electricity user is the industrial sector reaching 44
energy is needed, especially environmentally friendly green percent, then the household sector 37 percent,
energy that minimizes the threat of greenhouse gas effects trade/business 13 percent, and social 6 percent.
and emissions. Regarding the potential for new renewable
energy in East Java Province, geothermal energy has a very The availability of electricity in East Java is currently
large contribution in increasing electricity supply. The East still obtained from PLTU, PLTGU and PLTA supplies with
Java Provincial Government is targeting several a total power of 8,839 MW from generators connected to
Geothermal Power Plants (PLTP) such as in Balawan, Ijen, the Java-Madura-Bali (Jamali) electricity network and a
and Banyuwangi to operate in January 2024 and currently peak load of 5,716 MW. The following is a roadmap for the
the drilling of the first production well has been completed. renewable energy mix target of East Java Province in
From the total existing drilling, the total PLTP will produce accordance with Regional Regulation Number 6 of 2019
2x55 MW, and when fully operational this plant will concerning the General Regional Energy Plan (RUED):
produce up to 110 MW (ASIH, 2021). The Head of the
Energy Division of the ESDM Office, Oni Setiawan at the

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Volume 7, Issue 4, April – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 Construction of PLTS Rooftop for Islamic Boarding
Schools in Jombang Regency with a capacity of 5 kWp.
 Development of 25 units of Cattle Biogas for Households
in Trenggalek and Magetan Regencies.
 Detailed Engineering Design (DED) of PLTMH in Desa
Pakis, Kec. Panti, Jember Regency 10 KW.
 Exploration of Shallow Gas in Jombang and Mojokerto
Regencies To supply 40 residents.
 Construction of PLN Rooftop On Grid PLTS in
Government Buildings and Public Facilities in 8 locations
with a total capacity of 490 kWp;
 Installation of Solar Powered Public Street Lighting
Fig. 2: East Java NRE Mix Target (PJU) of 2,525 units in 21 regencies/cities;
 Conversion Kit (BBM to BBG Conversion) assistance for
Source: ESDM Office of East Java
fishermen as many as 1,878 units in 3 regencies, namely
The development of the new renewable energy sector Gresik, Lamongan, Banyuwangi;
in East Java can be seen in the exploration status of 30 MW  Conversion Kit (BBM to BBG Conversion) assistance for
of geothermal energy in Blawan - Ijen. In addition, there is 1,900 units of Farmers in 7 Regencies, namely
an increase in the electrification ratio for the condition of Bojonegoro, Tuban, Ponorogo, Sidoarjo, Gresik,
access to electricity which is assisted by electricity Lamongan, Blitar;
connections for the poor and remote areas where there is no  Construction of Household Gas Network (Jargas) totaling
electricity network assisted by PLTS, PLTMH, and Biogas. 68,897 House Connections in 5 Regency/City Locations.
The implementation of the use of new and renewable  Construction of a Micro Hydro Power Plant (PLTM) by
energy in East Java in 2020 – 2021 can be seen from PT. PLN UID East Java with a capacity of 24.1 MW
several programs that have been realized, as follows  Construction of the Ra'as Hybrid Power Plant (PLTH)
RESOURCES, EAST JAVA PROVINCE, 2022):  PLTH construction with a capacity of 2 MW;
 Construction of 22 SHS PLTS units with a total capacity  Construction of the Gili I PLTH with a capacity of 1
of 2.2 kVA in Gemblung Hamlet, Kendalrejo Village, MW;
Durenan District, Trenggalek Regency  Construction of the Sapudi PLTH with a capacity of 2
 Construction of PLN Rooftop On Grid PLTS in MW;
Government Institutions/Institutions Buildings in 36  Construction of the Kangean PLTH with a capacity of 2
locations with a total capacity of 1.5 MW MW
 Installation of Solar Street Lighting (PJU) totaling 2,375
units in 15 Regencies/Cities Developing new and renewable energy potential in
 Construction of PLTS Cold Storage for fishing ports in order to support energy security, the East Java provincial
Probolinggo Regency 6600 Watt (6.6 KW) and Sumenep government is guided by:
240,000 Watt (240 KW);  Presidential Regulation Number 80 of 2019 concerning
 Conversion Kit (BBM to CNG Conversion) assistance for the Acceleration of Economic Development in the Gresik
fishermen as many as 1,109 units in 4 Regencies Region-Bangkalan-Mojokerto-Surabaya-Sidoarjo-
 Conversion Kit (BBM to CNG Conversion) assistance for Lamongan - Bromo Tengger-Semeru Area and the Wilis
1,713 units of Farmers in 5 Regencies and South Cross Areas (JDIH BPK REPUBLIC OF
 Construction of a Household Gas Network (Jargas) of INDONESIA, 2019).
20,155 House Connections in 5 District/City Locations  Stimulation of the use of battery-based electric vehicles.
 PLTS development at PT. Barata Indonesia with a  Law No. 30 of 2007 concerning Energy.
capacity of 500 kWp;  Regional Regulation Number 6 of 2019 concerning the
 PLTS development at PT. YTL East Java with a capacity General Plan of Regional Energy for the Province of East
of 111 kWp; Java.
 PLTS development by PT. PLN UID East Java in Saubi energy resistance (energy security)is a condition of
Village, Sumenep Regency with a capacity of 150kWp ensuring the availability of energy, public access to energy
and in Sabintan Village, Sumenep Regency with a at affordable prices in the long term while still paying
capacity of 100 kWp;
attention to the protection of the environment. It is
 Installation of PLTS Rooftop by PT. PLN on 160 described later on the principles of availability,
customers until September 2020 with a total capacity of accessibility, affordability, acceptability and sustainability
1,442,004 kWp (1,442 MW). (DEN, 2015). The principle of national energy security
 Construction of PLTS SHS in Bangkalan, Banyuwangi 4A+1S is described by the Quintiple Helix model (Sea
andBondowoso regencies, a total of 60 units with a total Colonel (KH) Dr. Ir. Yanif Dwi Kuntjoro, 2021):
capacity of 6 kWp
 Construction of the Piko Hydro Power Plant in
Probolinggo Regency with a capacity of 4 kW;

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Volume 7, Issue 4, April – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
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 Availability: guaranteed energy availability [7.] Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of the
 Accessibility: easy access to energy for the community Republic of Indonesia. (2008, August 24). Retrieved
 Affordability: energy that is affordable by the community from Indonesia's New Renewable Energy Potential
 Acceptability: when energy fulfills the three principles
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renewable energy is the future energy that is abundant and
continuous and environmentally friendly and is the only
alternative energy source to maintain energy security and
energy independence. Good and correct management of
vital objects in the energy sector is the key to a prosperous,
prosperous, just and civilized society.


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