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If you do something
intentionally, but pretend it I accidentally-on-purpose erased his
was an accident, you do email address, so I couldn't contact
1 accidentally on purpose it accidentally on purpose. him again. Actions - Behaviour

If you add fuel to the flames,

you do or say something that He forgot their wedding
makes a difficult situation anniversary, and his apologies
2 add fuel to the flames even worse. only added fuel to the flames. Actions - Behaviour
To say that you are all
ears means that you are Of course I want to know - I'm all
3 all ears listening very attentively. ears! Actions - Behaviour
When a person answers the
answer the call of nature / call of nature, they go to the I had to get up in the middle of the
4 answer nature's call toilet. night to answer the call of nature. Actions - Behaviour
A passenger in a car who
gives unwanted advice to the
driver is called a backseat I can't stand backseat drivers like
5 backseat driver driver. my mother-in-law! Actions - Behaviour
If you badger someone into
doing something, you
persistently nag or pester
them until you obtain what Sophie badgered her parents into
6 badger someone you want. buying her a new computer. Actions - Behaviour
When you try to satisfy two or
more people or groups who
have different needs, and Many people, especially women,
keep everyone happy, you have to perform a balancing
7 balancing act perform a balancing act. act between work and family. Actions - Behaviour

If you bare you soul (or heart)

to someone, you reveal your Mike couldn't keep things to himself
innermost thoughts and any longer. He decided to bare his
8 bare your heart / soul feelings to them. soul to his best friend. Actions - Behaviour
A person who is barking up
the wrong tree is doing the
wrong thing, because their The police are barking up the wrong
beliefs or ideas are incorrect tree if they think Joey stole the car -
9 bark up wrong tree or mistaken. he can't drive! Actions - Behaviour
Someone who beats a (hasty)
retreat runs away or goes
back hurriedly to avoid a
dangerous or difficult The thief beat a hasty retreat as
10 beat a (hasty) retreat situation. soon as he saw the security officer. Actions - Behaviour
The action most likely to
succeed is called one's best Your best bet would be to try calling
11 be one's best bet bet. him at home. Actions - Behaviour
If you bide your time, you He's not hesitating, he's just biding
wait for a good opportunity his time, waiting for the price to
12 bide your time to do something. drop. Actions - Behaviour
This term refers to heavy
drinking where large
quantities of alcohol are
consumed in a short space of Binge drinking is becoming a major
time, often among young problem in some European
13 binge drinking people in rowdy groups. countries. Actions - Behaviour
If you bite the hand that feeds
you, you are unfriendly or do If you say bad things about the
harm to someone who is kind person who gives you a job, you bite
14 bite hand that feeds you to you. the hand that feeds you. Actions - Behaviour
Someone who blots their
copy-book does something to
spoil their good record or He blotted his copy-book when he
15 blot one's copy book reputation. was arrested for speeding. Actions - Behaviour
A person who drinks alcohol
often and regularly is on the John went on the bottle when he
16 on the bottle bottle. lost his job. Actions - Behaviour

If you behave in a completely Our competitors obtained the

unacceptable way, you break contract by breaking every rule in
17 break every rule in the book every rule in the book. the book. Actions - Behaviour

If someone is breathing down

your neck, they are watching The atmosphere at work is not
you too closely and making great; the boss keeps breathing
18 breathe down somebody's neck you feel uncomfortable. down our necks all the time. Actions - Behaviour
If a person builds
bridges between opposing A mediator is trying to build
groups, they help them to bridges between the local
cooperate and understand community and the owners of the
19 build bridges each other better. new plant. Actions - Behaviour
If you burn your bridges, you If you refuse the offer, be careful
do something that will be not to burn your bridges by
impossible to rectify in the insulting them. They may make a
20 burn your bridges future. better proposal later. Actions - Behaviour
If you burn the candle at both
ends, you exhaust yourself by
doing too much, especially Scott looks exhausted - I'll bet he's
going to bed late and getting been burning the candle at both
21 burn the candle at both ends up early. ends lately. Actions - Behaviour
If you burn your
fingers (or get your fingers
burnt), you suffer financially
as a result of foolish Jack got his fingers burnt playing on
22 burn your fingers behaviour. the stock market. Actions - Behaviour
If you bury your head in the
sand, you refuse to face the
unpleasant reality by It's no good burying your head in
pretending that the situation the sand. We've got a problem on
23 bury one's head in the sand doesn't exist. our hands. Actions - Behaviour
When people who have had a
disagreement decide to forget
their quarrel and become I didn't agree with my colleague's
friends again, they bury the decision, but for the sake of peace I
24 bury the hatchet hatchet. decided to bury the hatchet. Actions - Behaviour
When you butter someone
up, you flatter them or you
are very nice to them, He was so keen to get the job that
especially if you want to he spent his time buttering up the
25 butter somebody up obtain something. boss. Actions - Behaviour
If you call someone's bluff,
you challenge them to do After the neighbour's threats to
what they threaten to do demolish the fence, when Jack
(while believing that they will decided to call his bluff, there were
26 call someone's bluff not dare to do it). no more complaints. Actions - Behaviour
When people temporarily
stop doing something or put
an end to an activity, they call OK, we're all exhausted, so let's call
27 call it quits it quits. it quits for today. Actions - Behaviour
A person who calls a spade a What I like about the new manager
spade speaks openly and is that he calls a spade a spade - it
truthfully about something, makes things so much easier for
28 call a spade a spade especially difficult matters. everyone. Actions - Behaviour
If you do something cap in They went to the teacher, cap in
hand, you ask for something hand, and asked for more time to
29 cap in hand in a very respectful manner. complete their project. Actions - Behaviour
This expression is used to tell
someone to stop being silly or
childish and behave in a more Come on boys! Stop being so silly
30 act your age! mature way. and act your age! Age
'Age before beauty' is a
teasing, playful (and slightly
rude) way of indicating to As he held the door open Charlie
someone that they should go said “Go ahead please. Age before
31 age before beauty first. beauty, you know!” Age
My grandmother is getting on in
Someone who is getting on in years. She's no longer able to look
32 get on in years years is growing old. after her home without help. Age
This term refers to a very
young and therefore small Last time I saw you, you were knee-
33 knee-high to a grasshopper child. high to a grasshopper! Age
A person who is long in the
tooth is a bit too old to do She's a bit long in the tooth for a
34 long in the tooth something. cabaret dancer, isn't she? Age
This expression refers to a
middle-aged woman who
tries to look younger by The style doesn't suit her - it has
dressing in clothes designed a mutton-dressed-as-lamb effect on
35 mutton dressed as lamb for younger people. her Age
To say that someone is
no spring chicken means that
they are quite old or well past How old is the owner? I don't know
36 no spring chicken their youth. but she's no spring chicken! Age
If a person is over the hill,
they have reached an age
when they can no longer Gran! You say you're over the hill,
37 (be) over the hill perform as well as before. but you're a super cook! Age
This expression means to live If you lead a healthy life you'll live
38 (live to a) ripe old age until you are very old. to a ripe old age. said the doctor. Age
If you rob the cradle, you
have a romantic relationship My uncle Ted is dating a twenty-
with someone who is much year-old girl. That's really robbing
39 rob the cradle younger than yourself. the cradle! Age
A momentary lapse of
memory, especially in older
people, or an absent-minded
action such as putting the
cereals in the refrigerator,
is humorously referred to as I found the phone in the cupboard. I
40 senior moment having a senior moment. must have had a senior moment! Age
After just a few questions my
A silver surferis an elderly grandmother was ready to join
41 silver surfer person who uses the internet. the silver surfers. Age
If an event or difficult
situation puts years on
someone, it makes them look I hardly recognized Mr. Brown. His
42 put years on someone or feel much older. illness has put years on him. Age
To say that something is in
black and white means that It's an obligation. It's written in Agreements And
43 in black and white there is written proof of it. black and white in your contract. Arrangements
In a business relationship, if
you clinch a deal, you reach
agreement on a proposal or Tom's final argument enabled us to Agreements And
44 clinch a deal offer. clinch the deal. Arrangements
Something that is important
enough to prevent agreement We liked the house and the area,
being reached is called a but the small garden was a Agreements And
45 a dealbreaker dealbreaker. dealbreaker for us. Arrangements
This expression is used to
refer to an agreement or We're still considering several
decision which has been proposals, so it's not a done Agreements And
46 a done deal reached on a certain matter. deal yet. Arrangements
A suspicious, dishonest or
illegal arrangement or
transaction is known as a The two sons were always involved Agreements And
47 a shady deal shady deal. in their father's shady deals. Arrangements

A fair and honest transaction,

agreement or arrangement is We always get a square deal with Agreements And
48 a square deal called a square deal. that supplier. Arrangements
When you’ve reached
agreement with someone you
it's/that's a deal/you've got a can say it's a deal, that's a What if I offered you 80$ for both of Agreements And
49 deal deal or you've got a deal! them? You've got a deal! Arrangements
A risky arrangement with a
person of bad reputation is Jack ran up so much debt that he Agreements And
50 a deal with the devil called a deal with the devil. made a deal with the devil. Arrangements
An offer of a lower price if
several items are bought
together is called a package We got a package deal including Agreements And
51 a package deal deal. accommodation and a travel pass. Arrangements
When you seal the deal you
reach a final agreement and The two parties are meeting Agreements And
52 seal the deal make it official. tomorrow to seal the deal. Arrangements

A sweetheart deal refers to an

advantageous agreement The company's income tax
between a public body and a arrangement has been denounced Agreements And
53 a sweetheart deal private individual or company. as a sweetheart deal. Arrangements
When someone makes an
offer or arrangement more
attractive by adding extra They sweetened the deal by
benefits, they are said including a pension plan to get him Agreements And
54 sweeten the deal to sweeten the deal. to accept the job. Arrangements
When an agreement is
neither written nor signed,
because the two parties trust
each other completely, it is
called a gentleman's It was a gentleman's agreement. I Agreements And
55 a gentleman's agreement agreement. can't change my mind now! Arrangements

If you do something out of

politeness, or because it is
accepted practice or the usual I know we're in agreement, but I
way of doing something, you need your signature as a matter of Agreements And
56 a matter of form do it as a matter of form. form. Arrangements
If you sign on the dotted line,
you formally give your
consent to something by I consulted my lawyer before Agreements And
57 sign on the dotted line signing an official document. signing on the dotted line. Arrangements
When an agreement, contract It is hoped that the agreement will
or treaty is signed, sealed and be signed, sealed and
delivered, all the legal delivered before the end of the Agreements And
58 signed, sealed and delivered documents have been signed. week. Arrangements
A transaction that is fair and
honest, or an equitable We've used the same supplier for
arrangement, is called years and we always get a square Agreements And
59 a square deal a square deal. deal. Arrangements
If something is offered or an
arrangement made with no
strings attached, it comes
without any unwelcome
conditions or
restrictions. Nothing is Let me drive you home - no strings Agreements And
60 no strings attached expected in return. attached, I promise. Arrangements
Two or more groups or
organisations who are in For once the government and the
complete agreement are said trade unions are speaking with one Agreements And
61 with one voice to speak with one voice. voice. Arrangements
If you are determined to
obtain or achieve
something at all costs, you
want it regardless of the The journalist was determined at all
expense, effort or sacrifice costs to get a report from the war Ambition -
62 at all costs involved. zone. Determination
When someone makes a
public declaration of their The avowed intent of the new
objective or goal, this is government is to reduce Ambition -
63 avowed intent their avowed intent. unemployment. Determination
If you go to visit someone
important in the place where
they work, in order to
challenge him/her or obtain
something, you beard the lion If he continues to refuse my calls, I'll Ambition -
64 beard the lion in his den in his den. have to beard the lion in his den. Determination
Someone who has a bee in
their bonnet has an idea
which constantly occupies She's got a bee in her bonnet about Ambition -
65 (have a) bee in your bonnet their thoughts. moving to New York. Determination
If something is beyond your
wildest dreams, it is better The research team received a grant
than you imagined or hoped from the government that Ambition -
66 beyond your wildest dreams for. was beyond their wildest dreams. Determination
A project or action which
involves blood, sweat and His success wasn't due to luck; it
tears requires a lot of effort was blood, sweat and tears all the Ambition -
67 blood, sweat and tears and hard work. way. Determination
If you have something on the
brain, you think or talk abut it He never stops talking about golf. Ambition -
68 have something on the brain all constantly. He has golf on the brain! Determination

If you buckle down, you apply

yourself with determination If you want to pass your exams,
to hard work and give it your you'll have to buckle down and do Ambition -
69 buckle down full attention. some serious work. Determination

If you dig in your heels, you

refuse to do something,
especially if someone is trying My grandfather dug in his heels and Ambition -
70 dig in your heels to convince you to do so. refused to move to an apartment. Determination
The term eager beaver refers
to a person who is
hardworking and enthusiastic, The new accountant works all the
sometimes considered time - first to arrive and last to Ambition -
71 eager beaver overzealous. leave. He's a real eager beaver! Determination
If you explore all avenues, you
try out every possibility in
order to obtain a result or We can't say it's impossible until Ambition -
72 explore all avenues find a solution. we've explored all avenues. Determination
"If you are up in arms about
something, you are very The population was up in arms over Anger - Annoyance -
73 up in arms angry." the demolition of the old theatre. Irritation

If you tell someone to get off

your back, you are annoyed Liz, please, get off my back! You've
and ask them to stop finding been making comments about my Anger - Annoyance -
74 get off my back! fault or criticizing you. work all morning! Irritation
If someone is behaving like
a bear with a sore head, they
are very irritable and bad- When his team lost the match, Brad Anger - Annoyance -
75 bear with a sore head tempered. was like a bear with a sore head. Irritation
The French expression ‘bete
noire’ (meaning black beast)
is used to refer to a person or
thing that you dislike or My father’s bete noire is cigarette
dread, or something that you butts crushed on the lawn. That Anger - Annoyance -
76 bete noire find very annoying. irritates him no end!” Irritation
If you bite someone's head
off, you criticize them I worked 10 hours a day all week
strongly (and perhaps and my boss bit my head off for not Anger - Annoyance -
77 bite someone's head off unfairly). doing my share of the work! Irritation
If you bite someone's head
off, you criticize them I worked 10 hours a day all week
strongly (and perhaps and my boss bit my head off for not Anger - Annoyance -
78 bite someone's head off unfairly). doing my share of the work! Irritation
To be in a black mood means
to be irritable, angry or even You'd better keep away from Bill Anger - Annoyance -
79 (be) in a black mood depressed. today. He's in a black mood. Irritation
If you blow a fuse, you Charlie blew a fuse yesterday then
suddenly lose your temper he discovered that his bike had Anger - Annoyance -
80 blow a fuse and become very angry. been stolen. Irritation
When a furious person blows
a gasket, they explode with When the shop was burgled for the Anger - Annoyance -
81 blow a gasket anger. third time, the owner blew a gasket. Irritation
When my mother saw the state of
If you blow your top, you the house after the party, she blew Anger - Annoyance -
82 blow your top suddenly become very angry. her top! Irritation

If you have a bone to

pick with someone, you are
(have a) bone to pick with annoyed with them and want Mark wants to see the boss. He says Anger - Annoyance -
83 someone to talk to them about it. he's got a bone to pick with him. Irritation

If someone is cheesed
off with something, they are Jenny is absolutely cheesed off with Anger - Annoyance -
84 be cheesed off annoyed, bored or frustrated. her job. Irritation
If someone comes down on
you like a ton of bricks, they
criticize you severely because If you mix up the order, the boss
come down on someone like a you have done something will come down on you like a ton of Anger - Annoyance -
85 ton of bricks wrong. bricks! Irritation
This expression is used to
show irritation, exasperation For crying out loud, turn that Anger - Annoyance -
86 for crying out loud! or anger. television off! Irritation

If you say 'cut it out' to

someone, you are telling I've had enough of your Anger - Annoyance -
87 cut it out! them to stop doing something. insinuations, so just cut it out! Irritation

If somebody or
something drives you up the
wall, they do something that I can't concentrate with all the noise Anger - Annoyance -
88 drive someone up the wall greatly annoys or irritates you. - it's driving me up the wall. Irritation
If you criticize someone
severely because you are
angry with them, you eat
them alive. (You can also be
eaten alive - bitten repeatedly The boss will eat me alive if the Anger - Annoyance -
89 eat someone alive - by insects.) report arrives late. Irritation
Someone who is fit to be Harry was fit to be tied when his
tied is extremely irritated, dog dug up the flowers he had Anger - Annoyance -
90 fit to be tied upset or angry. planted. Irritation
If you get or take flak, you
receive severe criticism for Harry got a lot of flak for the way he Anger - Annoyance -
91 get/take flak something you have done. handled the situation. Irritation
If you are sent away with a
flea in your ear, you are
angrily reprimanded or When Andy tried to put the blame
rebuked for something you on Pete, he was sent away with a Anger - Annoyance -
92 a flea in your ear have done. flea in his ear. Irritation
If someone flips their lid (like
boiling water can flip the
lid off a pot), they become Julie flipped her lid when she saw Anger - Annoyance -
93 flip your lid very angry or upset. the state of her daughter's bedroom. Irritation
A person who flies off the
handle becomes suddenly Dad flew off the handle when I told Anger - Annoyance -
94 fly off the handle very angry. him I had damaged his new car. Irritation
Someone who foams at the The director was foaming at the
mouth is extremely angry mouth when he saw a picture of his Anger - Annoyance -
95 foam at the mouth about something. children in the newspaper. Irritation

If you tell someone to get

off your back, you are Liz, please, get off my back! You've
annoyed and ask them to stop been making comments about my Anger - Annoyance -
96 get off (my) back finding fault or criticizing you. work all morning! Irritation
Something that get People who keep pushing when
someone's goat annoys or you're standing in line really gets Anger - Annoyance -
97 get someone's goat irritates them. my goat! Irritation
If you get your knickers in a
twist, you are angry, nervous
or anxious faced with a Don't get your knickers in a twist! Anger - Annoyance -
98 get your knickers in a twist difficult situation. Everything is under control. Irritation
If you make someone react
angrily by jokingly saying
something that you know will
irritate them, you get a rise He gets a rise out of his daughter by Anger - Annoyance -
99 get a rise out of somebody out of them. asking her about her latest diet. Irritation

If you get in someone's

hair, you are annoying them I'd finish the report more quickly if
so much that they cannot get my colleague wasn't getting in my Anger - Annoyance -
100 get in someone's hair on with what they are doing. hair all the time! Irritation
If you get on someone's
nerves, you annoy or irritate The boys next door are so noisy Anger - Annoyance -
101 get on someone's nerves them a great deal. they're getting on my nerves. Irritation
If someone tells you to give it
a rest, they are asking you to
stop doing something such as
complaining or talking All you talk about is politics. Give it Anger - Annoyance -
102 give it a rest! continuously. a rest ... please! Irritation
If you tell someone exactly Jack was so irritated by his
what you think, in a very neighbours' behaviour that he
Give someone a piece of your angry manner, you give them decided to give them a piece of his Anger - Annoyance -
103 mind a piece of your mind. mind. Irritation
If you give the (rough) edge of
your tongue, you scold
someone severely or speak to My boss was so angry
give the (rough) edge of your them very aggressively or that I really got the rough edge of Anger - Annoyance -
104 tongue rudely. his tongue. Irritation
When you scold someone The teacher gave Jeremy a tongue-
severely, you give them a lashing when he arrived late for Anger - Annoyance -
105 give someone a tongue-lashing tongue-lashing. school for the third time. Irritation
This expression is used when
there are signs that a fight is
The two candidates are out of their Anger - Annoyance -
106 the gloves are off! about to start. seats. The gloves are off! Irritation
My dad went ballistic when he saw
When someone goes ballistic, the state of the garden after the Anger - Annoyance -
107 go ballistic they become very angry. barbecue. Irritation

If a person goes off the deep

end, they become so angry or Eva will go off the deep end if her
upset that they cannot kids leave the kitchen in a mess Anger - Annoyance -
108 go off the deep end control their emotions. again. Irritation

If someone goes postal, they

lose their temper and express My parents will go postal when they Anger - Annoyance -
109 go postal their anger in a violent way. see the state of the house! Irritation

If you go spare you lose your Lea's dad would go spare if he knew Anger - Annoyance -
110 go spare temper completely. how much she spent in London! Irritation
My father went through the
If someone goes through the roof when Paul damaged his new Anger - Annoyance -
111 go through the roof roof, they become very angry. car. Irritation
This expression is used to
express relief at becoming Our horrible neighbour has moved
free of an unpleasant or house, and all I can say is 'good Anger - Annoyance -
112 good riddance! unwanted person or thing. riddance'! Irritation
If you harp on (about)
something, you tire others by
talking continuously and My parents are always harping on Anger - Annoyance -
113 harp on (about) something tediously about it. about my school results. Irritation
If you haul someone over the
coals, you reprimand them
harshly because they have
done something wrong or Sam was hauled over the coals for Anger - Annoyance -
114 haul (someone) over the coals incorrectly. the poor quality of his presentation. Irritation
If you hit the roof, you are
hit the roof / go through the furious or become extremely “Their parents will hit the roof if Anger - Annoyance -
115 roof angry. they catch them smoking!” Irritation
If you get hot under the If anyone criticizes his proposals,
collar, you feel annoyed, Joe immediately gets hot under the Anger - Annoyance -
116 hot under the collar indignant or embarrassed. collar. Irritation
If someone jumps down
another person's throat, they When I said the instructions were
suddenly start shouting at not very clear, she jumped down my Anger - Annoyance -
117 jump down someone's throat them in a very angry manner. throat! Irritation
If you feel like kicking
yourself, you are angry with
yourself for something you I could have kicked myself for Anger - Annoyance -
118 kick yourself have or have not done. forgetting Emily's birthday. Irritation
To say that a statement or
action is like a red flag to a
bull means that it is sure to Don't mention Tom's promotion to
make someone very angry or Mike. It would be like a red flag to a Anger - Annoyance -
119 like a red flag to a bull upset bull! Irritation
Someone who looks David looked daggers at Paul when
daggers at another looks at he invited his new girlfriend to Anger - Annoyance -
120 look daggers at someone them very angrily. dance. Irritation
Someone who loses their
cool behaves in a bad-
temepered manner or
become angry, frantic or The customer lost his cool when the Anger - Annoyance -
121 lose your cool flustered. waiter spilt the wine. Irritation
If someone or
something makes your
hackles rise, they make you Her constant criticism really makes Anger - Annoyance -
122 make your hackles rise angry. my hackles rise! Irritation
If someone complains in an
annoying way or becomes
unnecessarily excited about
something unimportant, OK, you don't like carrots.
make a song and dance about they make a song and dance Don't make a song and dance about Anger - Annoyance -
123 something about it. it! Irritation

Telling someone to mind their

own business is a (rude) way
of saying that they are too
interested in what others are
doing, or that they are
interfering in something that Don't tell me what to do - just mind Anger - Annoyance -
124 mind your own business! (rude) does not concern them. your own business! Irritation
If a discussion or debate
generates more heat than
light, it causes anger or The meeting that was held to
intense reaction but doesn't discuss the problem Anger - Annoyance -
125 more heat than light clarify anything. generated more heat than light! Irritation

Someone who has a quick He makes me nervous - he's got Anger - Annoyance -
126 (have a) quick temper temper gets angry very easily. such a quick temper. Irritation
The old man ranted and
If you rant and rave about raved about the new waste
something, you protest noisily collection system, but he had to Anger - Annoyance -
127 rant and rave and forcefully. accept it. Irritation
Aggressive driving habits
sometimes resulting in
violence against other drivers A number of accidents today are a Anger - Annoyance -
128 road rage is called road rage. direct result of road rage. Irritation
People who scream blue
murder shout or complain The crowd started screaming blue
very loudly as if something murder when the football match Anger - Annoyance -
129 scream blue murder very serious has happened. was interrupted. Irritation
If someone sees red, they
suddenly become very angry Discrimination of any kind makes Anger - Annoyance -
130 see red or annoyed. me see red. Irritation
When someone has a short
fuse, they are likely to Be careful how you explain the
become angry easily or situation. The boss has a short Anger - Annoyance -
131 (have) a short fuse quickly. fuse these days! Irritation

If you are angry and threaten

to skin someone alive, you
mean that you are going to If that kid damages my car again, Anger - Annoyance -
132 skin someone alive punish them severely. I'll skin him alive! Irritation
If you smooth someone's
ruffled feathers, you make Tom took the criticism badly but
smooth someone's ruffled that person feel less angry or James managed to smooth his Anger - Annoyance -
133 feathers offended. ruffled feathers. Irritation
If someone gets steamed
up about something, they
(get) steamed up about become very angry, excited or Calm down - there's no need to get Anger - Annoyance -
134 something enthusiastic about it. all steamed up about it! Irritation
If you annoy or irritate
someone by intervening in a
situation that is their I could offer some advice but I'm
responsibility, you step on afraid of stepping on someone's Anger - Annoyance -
135 step on someone's toes their toes. toes. Irritation
If something sticks in your
throat (or craw), it is very
difficult to accept and makes The way he treats women Anger - Annoyance -
136 (something) sticks in your throat you angry or resentful really sticks in my throat! Irritation
If you say that a storm is
brewing, you mean that the
atmosphere indicates that
there is going to be trouble,
probably with outbursts of As soon as we saw Pete's face, we Anger - Annoyance -
137 a storm is brewing anger or emotion. knew that a storm was brewing. Irritation
If you tear a strip off
someone, you reprimand
them severely for doing The teacher tore a strip off Charlie Anger - Annoyance -
138 tear a strip off someone something wrong. for not doing his homework. Irritation
If you tell someone a thing or
two, you express you Let me tell you a thing or two about
thoughts (usually criticism) your son's behaviour said John to Anger - Annoyance -
139 tell someone a thing or two very clearly. the boy's father. Irritation
If something makes your
blood boil, it makes you really His condescending attitude towards Anger - Annoyance -
140 that makes my blood boil! angry. women really makes my blood boil! Irritation
If you go too far, you do
something that is considered Stealing is bad, but stealing from a Anger - Annoyance -
141 go too far extreme or unacceptable. poor person is really going too far! Irritation
This expression refers to After waiting for an hour, we were
something very annoying or told there no seats left. That took Anger - Annoyance -
142 that takes the biscuit! irritating. the biscuit! Irritation
This expression means that
this is the latest unpleasant
event and that you cannot After an extremely tiring day, when
tolerate the situation any Joe saw the traffic jam he said Anger - Annoyance -
143 that's the last straw! longer. : that's the last straw! Irritation
When someone, usually a
capricious person, throws a
wobbly, they have a fit of He's very calm - not the sort of man
nerves or bad temper and to throw a wobbly if he doesn't Anger - Annoyance -
144 throw a wobbly (or wobbler) lose all self-control. have a clean shirt! Irritation
If you find it difficult to be
patient with someone
because of their irritating
attitude or behaviour, you
can say that they are trying His constant interruptions began Anger - Annoyance -
145 try someone's patience your patience. to try the teacher's patience. Irritation
When you vent your
spleen, you release or express Whenever Harry is angry about new
all your anger about government measures, he vents his Anger - Annoyance -
146 vent your spleen something. spleen by writing to newspapers. Irritation
If someone makes you so He was so angry when he read the
angry that you want them to article about his family that
want someone's head on a be punished, you want he wanted the journalist's head on a Anger - Annoyance -
147 platter their head on a platter. platter. Irritation
People who have ants in their
pants are very restless or I wish he'd relax. He's got ants in his Animals - Birds - Fish -
148 ants in one's pants excited about something. pants about something today. Insect
If you behave so stupidly that Tom made an ass of himself by
you appear ridiculous, singing a love song outside Laura's Animals - Birds - Fish -
149 make an ass of yourself you make an ass of yourself. door! Insect
If something moves like a bat
out of hell, it moves very He grabbed the envelope and Animals - Birds - Fish -
150 like a bat out of hell quickly. ran like a bat out of hell. Insect
If you say that somebody
has bats in the belfry, you
mean that they are eccentric He comes up with the craziest ideas Animals - Birds - Fish -
151 have bats in the belfry or crazy. - he's got bats in the belfry! Insect
If someone is behaving like
a bear with a sore head, they
are very irritable and bad- When his team lost the match, Brad Animals - Birds - Fish -
152 like a bear with a sore head tempered. was like a bear with a sore head. Insect
After hours of effort, the
If someone breaks the back of technicians finally broke the back of
the beast, they succeed in the beast and turned the electricity Animals - Birds - Fish -
153 break the back of the beast overcoming a major difficulty. back on again. Insect
The term eager beaver refers
to a person who is
hardworking and enthusiastic, The new accountant works all the
sometimes considered time - first to arrive and last to Animals - Birds - Fish -
154 eager beaver overzealous. leave. He's a real eager beaver! Insect
If someone is as busy as a
bee they are very active and Tom is as busy as a bee getting Animals - Birds - Fish -
155 (as) busy as a bee have a lot of things to do. everything ready for the exhibition. Insect
Someone who has a bee in
their bonnet has an idea
which constantly occupies She's got a bee in her bonnet about Animals - Birds - Fish -
156 have a bee in one's bonnet their thoughts. moving to New York. Insect
To say that
someone/something is the
bee's knees means that you If you say Chloe thinks she's the
think they are exceptionally bee's knees you mean that Chloe Animals - Birds - Fish -
157 the bee's knees good. has a high opinion of herself. Insect
A person who eats very little
or only small portions of food No wonder she's so thin. She eats Animals - Birds - Fish -
158 eat like a bird is said to eat like a bird. like a bird! Insect

If two people are birds of a

feather, they are very similar
in many ways, so they No wonder they get on well. Animals - Birds - Fish -
159 birds of a feather naturally spend time together. They're birds of a feather! Insect
If you think something is for
the birds, you consider it to
be uninteresting, useless or As far as I'm concerned, his theory Animals - Birds - Fish -
160 for the birds not to be taken seriously. is for the birds. Insect
If you kill two birds with one By studying on the train on the way
stone, you succeed in doing home, Claire kills two birds with one Animals - Birds - Fish -
161 kill two birds with one stone two things at the same time. stone. Insect
If you develop a sudden
interest or enthusiasm for
something, you are bitten by My dad decided to take up golf and Animals - Birds - Fish -
162 bitten by the bug the bug. was immediately bitten by the bug. Insect
This is a humorous way of Wrapped up in a blanket on the
saying that you are warm and sofa, Sophie looked as snug as a bug Animals - Birds - Fish -
163 snug as a bug in a rug comfortable. in a rug. Insect
To say that a statement or
action is like a red flag to a
bull means that it is sure to Don't mention Tom's promotion to
make someone very angry or Mike. It would be like a red flag to a Animals - Birds - Fish -
164 like a red flag to a bull upset. bull! Insect
To take the bull by the
horns means that a person
decides to act decisively in When the argument turned into a
order to deal with a difficult fight, the bar owner took the bull by Animals - Birds - Fish -
165 take the bull by the horns situation or problem. the horns and called the police. Insect
To say that someone has
a face like a bulldog chewing
a wasp means that you find
them very unattractive
because they have a screwed-
face like a bulldog chewing a up ugly expression on their Not only was he rude but he had a Animals - Birds - Fish -
166 wasp face. face like a bulldog chewing a wasp! Insect
A person who has a lot of
friends and acquaintances
and likes to flit from one
social event to another is Jessica is constantly out and about; Animals - Birds - Fish -
167 social butterfly called a social butterfly. she's a real social butterfly. Insect
If you have butterflies in your At the beginning of an exam, I
(have) butterflies in your stomach, you are feeling very always have butterflies in my Animals - Birds - Fish -
168 stomach nervous. stomach. Insect
This expression means that if
you are too careful and polite,
you may not obtain what you Negotiate carefully, but remember Animals - Birds - Fish -
169 a cat in gloves catches no mice want. : a cat in gloves catches no mice! Insect
This expression means that
nobody is so important that
an ordinary person cannot
look at or be curious about Animals - Birds - Fish -
170 a cat can look at a king them. 0 Insect
This term is used to refer to a
rich, powerful, self-satisfied
person who uses their money
and power in a way that you The place was full of fat cats on Animals - Birds - Fish -
171 a fat cat disapprove of. their big yachts. Insect
When the child told her
grandmother about the plans for
If you let the cat out of the her 70th birthday, she let the cat
bag, you reveal a secret, often out of the bag. It was supposed to Animals - Birds - Fish -
172 let the cat out of the bag unintentionally. be a secret! Insect
When someone has a smile
on their face because they are
happy or satisfied about I knew she had succeeded when I
something, they grin like a saw her with a grin like a Cheshire Animals - Birds - Fish -
173 grin like a Cheshire cat Cheshire cat. cat. Insect
If, after an achievement or
success, a person appears
very self-satisfied or pleased
with themselves, you can say When the boss complimented him
that they look like the cat that on his work, Steve looked like the Animals - Birds - Fish -
174 like a cat that ate the canary ate the canary. cat that ate the canary. Insect
A person who is like a cat on The week before the results were
hot bricks is very nervous or published, she was like a cat on hot Animals - Birds - Fish -
175 like a cat on hot bricks restless. bricks. Insect
If, after an achievement or
success, a person appears
very self-satisfied or pleased
with themselves, you can say When the boss complimented him
that they look like the cat that on his work, Steve looked like the Animals - Birds - Fish -
176 like the cat that ate the canary ate the canary. cat that ate the canary. Insect
This expression refers to the
difficulty of coordinating a
situation which involves
people who all want to act
independently. (Cats are Trying to arrange an outing for a
known to be very group of people from different Animals - Birds - Fish -
177 like herding cats independent.) countries is like herding cats! Insect
If something or something
moves like a scalded cat, they
move very fast, usually
because they are frightened As soon as he saw the policeman, Animals - Birds - Fish -
178 like a scalded cat or shocked. he ran off like a scalded cat. Insect
If you compare a person or
thing to something the cat
dragged in, you think they
like something the cat dragged they look dirty, untidy or My teenage son often looks like Animals - Birds - Fish -
179 in generally unappealing. something the cat dragged in! Insect
This expression is used to
no room/not enough room to describe a place or a space We can't sleep in this room. Animals - Birds - Fish -
180 swing a cat. that is very small. There's no room to swing a cat here! Insect
If you wait for the cat to
jump, or to see which way the
cat jumps, you delay taking
action until you see how Let's wait for the cat to jump before Animals - Birds - Fish -
181 wait for the cat to jump events will turn out. we decide. Insect

A cat's lick means a very quick A cat's lick was all he had time for Animals - Birds - Fish -
182 cat's lick wash. before rushing off to catch the bus. Insect
This expression refers to
someone who considers
themselves to be better than
others in a particular area :
cat's whiskers (also: cat's beauty, competence, Ever since she got a promotion, she Animals - Birds - Fish -
183 pyjamas) intelligence, sport, etc. thinks she's the cat's whiskers! Insect
A life in which partners are
constantly or frequently
quarrelling is called a cat-and- They lead a cat-and-dog life. I don't Animals - Birds - Fish -
184 a cat-and-dog life dog life. know why they stay together. Insect
If it's raining cats and dogs, it We'll have to cancel the picnic I'm Animals - Birds - Fish -
185 raining cats and dogs is raining very heavily. afraid. It's raining cats and dogs. Insect
To play cat and mouse with
someone means to treat
them alternately cruelly and He's difficult to work for,
kindly, so that they do not always playing cat and mouse with Animals - Birds - Fish -
186 play cat and mouse know what to expect. the employees. Insect
If someone sets the cat
among the pigeons, they If Joe is the only one to get a pay
set ( put) the cat among the cause trouble or make a lot of increase, that will set the cat among Animals - Birds - Fish -
187 pigeons people angry. the pigeons. Insect
An amount of money
considered small or
unimportant is called chicken I got a job during the holidays but Animals - Birds - Fish -
188 chicken feed feed. the pay was chicken feed. Insect
If you chicken out of
something, you decide not to Justin decided to join a karate class,
do something because you but he chickened out at the last Animals - Birds - Fish -
189 chicken out (of) are afraid. minute. Insect
If a person rushes about like a
headless chicken, they act in a As soon as the store opened, my
disorderly way, without mother started running around like
thinking or analysing the a headless chicken, eager to find Animals - Birds - Fish -
190 like a headless chicken situation carefully. bargains. Insect
To say that someone is
no spring chicken means that
they are quite old or well past How old is the owner? I don't know, Animals - Birds - Fish -
191 no spring chicken their youth. but she's no spring chicken! Insect
When faced with a serious
problem, if you do something
that you know in advance will
be useless, in order to show
that you at least made an The TV set was permanently
effort, you wave a dead damaged, but the technician
chicken. This term is decided to wave a dead chicken to
commmonly used in satisfy the old lady before Animals - Birds - Fish -
192 wave a dead chicken technology. announcing the bad news. Insect
If you say that chickens have
come home to roost, you
mean that bad or
embarrassing things done in As tenants the couple were noisy
the past by someone are now and disorderly. Now they can't find
causing problems for that a place to rent. The chickens Animals - Birds - Fish -
193 chickens come home to roost person. have come home to roost! Insect
A product or service which is
a regular source of income for
a company is called a cash His latest invention turned out to be Animals - Birds - Fish -
194 cash cow cow. a real cash cow. Insect
If you say 'till the cows come You can ask till the cows come
home' you mean for a long home but I'm not buying you a Animals - Birds - Fish -
195 till the cows come home time or forever. scooter! Insect
This refers to not paying for
something that you can
obtain for free. (Sometimes
refers to a decision not to Rent is high so Bobby is still living
marry when you can have the with his parents. He says : why buy
why buy a cow when you can benefits of marriage without a cow when you can get milk for Animals - Birds - Fish -
196 get milk for free? any commitment.) free? Insect
To shed crocodile Caroline pretended to be sad but
tears means to shed false we all knew her tears Animals - Birds - Fish -
197 crocodile tears tears or show insincere grief. were crocodile tears. Insect
If you eat crow, you admit He had no option but to eat
that you were wrong about crow and admit that his analysis Animals - Birds - Fish -
198 eat crow something and apologize. was wrong. Insect
This expression refers to It's two miles from here to the
distance measured in a station as the crow flies, but of Animals - Birds - Fish -
199 as the crow flies straight line. course it's much further by road. Insect
When you are so surprised
that you are momentarily
confused or unable to react
quickly, you are like a deer (or Surprised by the journalist's
like a deer/rabbit caught in the a rabbit) caught in the question, he was like a deer caught Animals - Birds - Fish -
200 headlights headlights. in the headlights. Insect
To say that something is
(as) dead as a dodo means
that it is unquestionably dead
or obsolete, or has gone out
of fashion. (A dodo is a bird The floppy disk is an invention that Animals - Birds - Fish -
201 (as)dead as a dodo that is now extinct.) is now (as) dead as a dodo. Insect
To describe something as
a dog's breakfast means that The new secretary made a dog's Animals - Birds - Fish -
202 a dog's breakfast it is a complete mess. breakfast out of the filing system. Insect
People use this expression
when complaining about a
situation or job which they
find unpleasant or It's a dog's life working in the after- Animals - Birds - Fish -
203 a dog's life unsatisfactory. sales department. Insect
This expression refers to
intense competition and
rivalry in pursuit of one's own The business world is tough today.
interests, with no concern for There's a general dog-eat- Animals - Birds - Fish -
204 dog eat dog morality. dog attitude. Insect

A person referred to as a dog

in the manger is someone
who stops others from She hates the guitar so she won't
enjoying something he/she allow her son to learn to play it - a Animals - Birds - Fish -
205 dog in the manger cannot use or doesn't want. real dog in the manger! Insect

A dog and pony show is a

marketing event or
presentation which has plenty Animals - Birds - Fish -
206 a dog and pony show of style but not much content. 0 Insect
To say that someone is as
crooked as a dog's hind
leg means that they are very He can't be trusted - he's as crooked Animals - Birds - Fish -
207 (as) crooked as a dog's hind leg dishonest indeed. as a dog's hind leg. Insect
This expression means that
everyone can be successful at
something at some time in I didn't win this time, but I'll be Animals - Birds - Fish -
208 every dog has its day their life. lucky one day. Every dog has its day. Insect
People who lose their
reputation have difficulty
regaining it because others
continue to blame or suspect Tom was suspected as usual. Give a Animals - Birds - Fish -
209 give a dog a bad name them. dog a bad name! Insect
To say that a company,
organisation or country
is going to the dogs means
that it is becoming less
successful or efficient than Some think the company will go to Animals - Birds - Fish -
210 go to the dogs before. the dogs if it is nationalised. Insect

Using as a remedy a small

amount of what made you ill,
for example a drop of alcohol
when recovering from
drinking too much, is called 'a Here, have a drop of this. It's a hair Animals - Birds - Fish -
211 (a) hair of the dog that bit you hair of the dog that bit you'. of the dog that bit you! Insect

If you help a lame dog over a

stile, you help someone who You can trust him - he's always Animals - Birds - Fish -
212 help a lame dog over stile is in difficulty or trouble. ready to help a lame dog over a stile. Insect
If you tell someone to let
sleeping dogs lie , you are
asking them not to interfere Look, they've settled their
with a situation so as to avoid differences. It's time to let sleeping Animals - Birds - Fish -
213 let sleeping dogs lie making matters worse. dogs lie. Insect
If someone is like a dog with
two tails, they are extremely When Paul won the first prize he Animals - Birds - Fish -
214 like a dog with two tails happy. was like a dog with two tails. Insect
This expression means that if
someone loves you, they
must love everything about
you, including everyone and I'm not going to change anything in Animals - Birds - Fish -
215 love me, love my dog everything that you love. my life. Love me, love my dog! Insect
If you do something
surprisingly fast, you do it as He packed his bag as quick as a dog Animals - Birds - Fish -
216 as quick as a dog can lick a dish quick as a dog can lick a dish. can lick a dish. Insect
This expression refers to a
situation where there is a
reversal of roles, with the
small or minor element
having a controlling influence If you let your children decide on
on the most important everything, it will be a case of the Animals - Birds - Fish -
217 tail wagging the dog element. tail wagging the dog! Insect
This expression means that
experience is invaluable when
one is faced with a difficult The case calls for an experienced Animals - Birds - Fish -
218 old dog for a hard road task. lawyer, an old dog for a hard road. Insect
This expression is used to
refer to someone who does
not have the ability or the
resources necessary to It may be too difficult for the Animals - Birds - Fish -
219 small dog, tall weeds perform a task. trainee - small dog, tall weeds! Insect
This expression means that
someone who is used to
doing things in a certain way Your grandfather will never use a
(you can't) teach an will find it difficult to change smart phone. You can't teach an old Animals - Birds - Fish -
220 old dog new tricks! their habits. dog new tricks! Insect

To say that a person, group or

nation is top dog means that
they are more important,
more powerful or more She's had a successful career. Animals - Birds - Fish -
221 top dog influential than others. She's top dog in cosmetics now. Insect

This expression means that if My grandmother has an electric

someone or something can mixer but she continues to make
why keep a dog and bark do a task for you, there's no her cakes by hand. Why keep a dog Animals - Birds - Fish -
222 yourself? reason to do it yourself. and bark yourself? Insect
When a person says that
their dogs are barking they
mean that their feet are I've been shopping all day. My dogs Animals - Birds - Fish -
223 my dogs are barking hurting. are barking! Insect

A bag provided by a
restaurant so that you can
take home the leftover food is The portions were so big that I Animals - Birds - Fish -
224 doggie bag / doggy bag called a doggie (or doggy) bag. decided to ask for a doggie bag. Insect
This expression is used to
describe the unpleasant,
repetitive or boring parts of a I do the donkey work - my boss gets Animals - Birds - Fish -
225 donkey work job. the credit! Insect
If someone has been doing
something for donkey's years,
they have been doing it for a He knows the town inside out. He's Animals - Birds - Fish -
226 (for) donkey's years very long time. been living here for donkey's years. Insect
This expression is used to It's difficult to end a conversation
describe a very talkative with Betty. She could talk the hind Animals - Birds - Fish -
227 talk the hind leg off a donkey person. leg off a donkey! Insect

A dead duck is a project or The new cinema is going to be

scheme which has been a dead duck because it's too far Animals - Birds - Fish -
228 (a) dead duck abandoned or is certain to fail. away from the town centre. Insect
A person or organisation in
difficulty and unable to
manage without help is Some banks have become lame Animals - Birds - Fish -
229 (a) lame duck called a lame duck. ducks recently. Insect

A sitting duck is someone who

is an easy target, a vulnerable Elderly people are often sitting
person who is easy to deceive ducks for sales representatives of all Animals - Birds - Fish -
230 (a) sitting duck or take advantage of. sorts. Insect
If you get your ducks in a
row, you get things well We need to get our ducks in a row if Animals - Birds - Fish -
231 get your ducks in a row organised. we want our project to succeed. Insect

Criticism or comments which

have no effect on someone is He's been warned of the dangers of
referred to as being like water smoking but it's like water off a Animals - Birds - Fish -
232 like water off a duck's back off a duck's back. duck's back. Insect
If you take to something like a
duck to water, you do it
take to something like a duck to naturally and easily, without When Sophie first tried skiing, Animals - Birds - Fish -
233 water fear or hesitation. she took to it like a duck to water. Insect
Someone who has eagle
eyes see or notices things Tony will help us find it - he's Animals - Birds - Fish -
234 eagle eyes more easily than others. got eagle eyes. Insect
A problem that no one wants
to discuss, but is so obvious
that it cannot be ignored, is Let's face it, his work is
called an elephant in the unsatisfactory. It's an elephant in Animals - Birds - Fish -
235 an elephant in the room room. the room that we need to discuss. Insect
Between the declaration of
If you fish in troubled waters, independence and the first
you try to gain advantages for elections, some people were
yourself from a disturbed accused of fishing in troubled Animals - Birds - Fish -
236 fish in troubled waters state of affairs. waters. Insect
If you feel like a fish out of
water, you feel
uncomfortable in unfamiliar As a non-golfer, I felt like a fish out Animals - Birds - Fish -
237 (a) fish out of water surroundings. of water at the clubhouse. Insect
This term refers to an
important or highly-ranked He could get a job with a big
person in a small group or company but he enjoys being a big Animals - Birds - Fish -
238 (a) big fish in a small pond organisation. fish in a small pond. Insect
To describe a person, thing or
situation as a different kettle
of fish means that it is
completely different from You may have good business
what has just been relations with people there, but
mentioned, or another matter actually living in the country is a Animals - Birds - Fish -
239 a different kettle of fish entirely. different kettle of fish. Insect

A person who drinks like a I'm nervous if Ben drives when we Animals - Birds - Fish -
240 drink like a fish fish is one who drinks a lot. go out because he drinks like a fish! Insect
This expression is used to
describe people or things that
are difficult to classify, that Medical interns are neither fish nor
are neither one thing nor fowl. They are neither students nor Animals - Birds - Fish -
241 neither fish nor fowl another. fully qualified practitioners. Insect
A person who has other fish
to fry has more important I don't think he'll attend the office Animals - Birds - Fish -
242 other fish to fry things to do. party; he's got other fish to fry. Insect
To say that there are other
fish in the sea means that
there are many people just as The candidate we selected refused
good or as interesting as the the job? Never mind - there are Animals - Birds - Fish -
243 other fish in the sea person mentioned. (plenty of) other fish in the sea! Insect
If something sounds or smells
fishy, you are suspicious Do you believe what she said? Her Animals - Birds - Fish -
244 sounds/smells fishy about it. story sounds fishy to me. Insect
If someone is (as) happy as a Since she moved to a smaller
flea in a doghouse, they are apartment, my mother is as happy Animals - Birds - Fish -
245 happy as a flea in a doghouse very happy and contented. as a flea in a doghouse! Insect
If you are sent away with a
flea in your ear, you are
angrily reprimanded or
rebuked for something you When Andy tried to put the blame
(be sent away with) a flea in have done and told to go on Pete, he was sent away with a Animals - Birds - Fish -
246 your ear away. flea in his ear. Insect

A fly in the ointment refers to

a drawback, something that Tony's poor English was a fly in the
prevents a situation from ointment when he applied for the Animals - Birds - Fish -
247 (a) fly in the ointment being completely satisfactory. job. Insect
A person who watches a
situation without being I'd like to be a fly on the wall when
noticed is called a fly on the the management discusses my Animals - Birds - Fish -
248 (a) fly on the wall wall. project. Insect
A bar fly is someone who
spends a lot of time drinking You'll find Johnny down at the pub - Animals - Birds - Fish -
249 (a) bar fly in bars and pubs. he's a real bar fly. Insect
Someone who is as sly as a
fox is cunning and clever at
getting what they want,
especially by deceiving or Be wary of that insurance salesman. Animals - Birds - Fish -
250 sly as a fox tricking people. He's as sly as a fox. Insect
This expression is used to
encourage someone do the
most difficult or most
unpleasant task of the day
first, before anything else,
rather than avoiding or
postponing it. In that way
nothing worse can happen all If you have to eat a frog, don’t look Animals - Birds - Fish -
251 eat the frog / eat that frog! day. Original expression: at it for too long.” Insect

A person who has a frog in

their throat has difficulty in
speaking clearly because they Teaching was difficult today.I had a Animals - Birds - Fish -
252 (have a) frog in one's throat have a cough or a sore throat. frog in my throat all morning. Insect
A person who is juggling
frogs is trying to deal with
many different tasks at the I've got so many things to do at the
tame time and finding the moment, I feel like I'm juggling Animals - Birds - Fish -
253 juggle frogs situation difficult. frogs! Insect
If you take or have a
gander at something,
generally new or unusual, you Let's take a gander at the new
have a look at it or go to shopping centre. Sally says it's Animals - Birds - Fish -
254 take/have a gander check it out. fantastic! Insect
This expression refers to
someone who constantly
exaggerates the importance Don't let him impress you. He
or the qualities of somebody always exaggerates. All his geese Animals - Birds - Fish -
255 all his geese are swans or something. are swans. Insect
Something that gets People who keep pushing when
someone's goatannoys or you're standing in line really get my Animals - Birds - Fish -
256 get somebody's goat irritates them. goat! Insect
To cook somebody's When the burglar saw the police car
goose means to spoil that arriving, he realized his goose was Animals - Birds - Fish -
257 cook someone's goose person's chances of success. cooked! Insect
If you have goose pimples,
you are cold or so afraid that
your skin is temporarily raised I was so scared that I had goose Animals - Birds - Fish -
258 have goose pimples into little lumps. pimples all through the film! Insect
The saying 'what's sauce for
the goose is sauce for the
gander' means that what is
appropriate for one person Women should earn the salary as
should also be appropriate men for the same job. What's sauce
for the other person for the goose is sauce for the Animals - Birds - Fish -
259 sauce for the goose concerned. gander! Insect
If someone is sent on a wild
goose chase, they waste their
time looking for something They tried to find out who sent the
that there is little chance of anonymous complaint, but it turned Animals - Birds - Fish -
260 wild goose chase finding. out to be a wild goose chase. Insect
This term refers to a very Look how tall you are! Last time I
young and therefore small saw you, you were knee-high to a Animals - Birds - Fish -
261 knee-high to a grasshopper child. grasshopper! Insect

People who are used

as guinea pigs are people on A cosmetic firm is looking for guinea
whom new methods, pigs to test their new anti-wrinkle Animals - Birds - Fish -
262 guinea pig treatment or ideas are tested. cream. Insect

If you run with the hare and Bob always wants to keep everyone
hunt with the hounds, you happy, but he can't run with the
run with the hare and hunt with want to stay on friendly terms hare and hunt with the hounds this Animals - Birds - Fish -
263 the hounds with both sides in a quarrel. time - the issue is too important. Insect

If you've got eyes like a hawk, Of course Dad will notice the
you have good eyesight and scratch on his car - he's got eyes like Animals - Birds - Fish -
264 eyes like a hawk notice every detail. a hawk. Insect
They put up a few decorations for
When you go the whole hog, Christmas, then they decided to go
you do something thoroughly the whole hog and buy a tree and Animals - Birds - Fish -
265 go the whole hog or completely. all the trimmings. Insect
Someone who lives high off
the hog has a lot of money
and a very comfortable Now he's wealthy and living high off Animals - Birds - Fish -
266 live high off the hog lifestyle. the hog. Insect
If you stir up a hornet's nest,
you do something which
causes a commotion and His letter to the Board stirred up a Animals - Birds - Fish -
267 hornet's nest provokes criticism and anger. real hornet's nest. Insect

To describe a person or a
problem as a horse of a
different colour means either
that the person does things I expected to negotiate with the
differently from others, or sales manager, but the chairman
that the nature of a particular turned up - now he's a horse of a Animals - Birds - Fish -
268 horse of a different colour problem is entirely different. different colour! Insect
Someone who has horse
sense is a practical thinker Don't worry. Andrew has
who has the ability to make good horse sense. He'll do the right Animals - Birds - Fish -
269 horse sense sensible decisions. thing. Insect
If you back or bet on the
wrong horse, for example the
loser in a contest, match or When I voted for him I was
election, you support the convinced he would win, but Animals - Birds - Fish -
270 back / bet on the wrong horse wrong person. I backed the wrong horse! Insect
To say that someone
is beating (or flogging) a dead
horse means that they are
wasting time and effort trying Mark is beating a dead horse trying
to do or achieve something to get his money reimbursed. The Animals - Birds - Fish -
271 beat/flog a dead horse that is impossible. company has gone bankrupt! Insect
To say that you could eat a
horse means that you are Let's get something to eat. I'm Animals - Birds - Fish -
272 could eat a horse very hungry. starving. I could eat a horse! Insect
A dark horse is secretive
person who keeps hidden a He is such a dark horse. I never Animals - Birds - Fish -
273 (a) dark horse surprising ability or skill. knew he was a playwright! Insect
If you get on your high
horse, you start behaving in a
haughty manner, as though He got on his high horse when he
you should be treated with was asked to show his membership Animals - Birds - Fish -
274 get on your high horse more respect. card. Insect
If you change horses in
midstream, you change your
plan, or choose a new leader, Let's go through with the original
in the middle of an important plan; it's risky to change horses in Animals - Birds - Fish -
275 change horses in midstream activity. midstream. Insect
If you tell someone to hold
their horses, you think they
are doing something too fast
and should slow down and Hold your horses! We need to get Animals - Birds - Fish -
276 hold your horses not rush into further action. the customer's approval first!. Insect
A place referred to as a one-
horse town is a small, boring I wish my grandparents didn't live in
town where nothing much that one-horse town. It's such a Animals - Birds - Fish -
277 one horse town ever happens. boring place! Insect

This expression means that

because horses race better on
a course that suits them, it is
important to match people His experience in sales doesn't
with suitable jobs or tasks. A necessarily make him ideal for the
person suited to one activity job. Horses for courses, as the Animals - Birds - Fish -
278 horses for courses may not be suited to another. saying goes! Insect
If you learn
something straight from the
horse's mouth, the How do you know Sam has
information is given to you by resigned? I got it straight from the
someone who is directly horse's mouth - Sam told me Animals - Birds - Fish -
279 straight from the horse's mouth involved. himself! Insect
A kangaroo court is an illegal
tribunal set up by a group of
people who have taken the
law into their own hands and
conduct trials which deny Calm down please! Is this a meeting Animals - Birds - Fish -
280 kangaroo court fundamental justice. or a kangaroo court? Insect
If you handle someone with
kid gloves, you treat them
very carefully or tactfully, He's so determined to obtain her
either because they are very agreement that he is handling her
important or because they with kid gloves (soft leather made Animals - Birds - Fish -
281 handle with kid gloves are easily upset or offended. from young goat skin). Insect
Someone who is as weak as a
kitten is very feeble or has no During her illness she felt as weak Animals - Birds - Fish -
282 as weak as a kitten strength. as a kitten. Insect
To say that you're going
to have kittens is a dramatic His mother nearly had kittens when
way of expressing worry, Alex announced that we wanted to Animals - Birds - Fish -
283 have kittens anxiety or fear. be a trapeze artist. Insect
This expression refers to a
middle-aged woman who
tries to look younger by The style doesn't suit her - it has
dressing in clothes designed a mutton-dressed-as-lamb effect on Animals - Birds - Fish -
284 mutton dressed as lamb for younger people. her! Insect
To say that a leopard can't
change its spots means that it
is impossible for people to Tony promised his wife he’d change
(a) leopard can't change its change their fundamental his ways, but a leopard can’t change Animals - Birds - Fish -
285 spots nature. its spots! Insect
The lion's share of something He left very little money to his
is the largest portion, or the children; the lion's share was Animals - Birds - Fish -
286 lion's share best part. donated to charity. Insect
If you visit someone
important in the place where
they work, in order to
challenge him/her or obtain
something, you beard the lion If he continues to refuse my calls, I'll Animals - Birds - Fish -
287 beard the lion in his den in his den. have to beard the lion in his den. Insect
If you walk into the lion's
den, you find yourself in a
difficult situation in which you After the failure of the negotiations,
have to face unfriendly or he had to walk into the lion's Animals - Birds - Fish -
288 walk into the lion's den aggressive people. den and face the Press. Insect
An activity which is organised
in a deceitful or dishonest The results announced seem
way is called monkey suspicious - I think there's Animals - Birds - Fish -
289 monkey business business. some monkey business going on. Insect
If you have a monkey on your
back you are burdened with a My failure to find sponsors for the
persistent problem that is project was a monkey on my back
making your life difficult or for a long time. The contract signed
unpleasant and is hard to today got rid of that ! The monkey is Animals - Birds - Fish -
290 (a) monkey on your back solve. finally off my back ! Insect
If something is very amusing
or enjoyable, you can say that
more fun than a barrel it is more fun than a barrel of The TV quiz was more fun than a Animals - Birds - Fish -
291 of monkeys monkeys. barrel of monkeys! Insect
If you humiliate someone by
making them appear
ridiculous or foolish,
you make a monkey (out) of That's enough teasing. Don't make a Animals - Birds - Fish -
292 make a monkey (out) of that person. monkey out of him Insect
To say that a person is
attracted to someone or
something like a moth to a
flame means that the
attraction is so strong that He's a heavy gambler. He's drawn to Animals - Birds - Fish -
293 like a moth to a flame they cannot resist. the casino like a moth to a flame. Insect
A mouse potato is someone My son and his friends are
who spends a lot of time in all mouse potatoes - constantly Animals - Birds - Fish -
294 mouse potato front of the computer. glued to the computer! Insect
When someone is as quiet as The burglar was a quiet as a
a mouse, they make no noise mouse as he moved around the Animals - Birds - Fish -
295 (as) quiet as a mouse at all. house. Insect
If someone is as stubborn as a
mule, they are very obstinate His friends advised him to accept
and unwilling to listen to the offer, but you know Larry - he's Animals - Birds - Fish -
296 (as) stubborn as a mule reason or change their mind. as stubborn as a mule! Insect
This expression refers to a
middle-aged woman who
tries to look younger by The style doesn't suit her - it has
dressing in clothes designed a mutton-dressed-as-lamb effect on Animals - Birds - Fish -
297 mutton dressed as lamb for younger people. her! Insect
Someone who adopts
an ostrich strategy or
policy chooses to ignore or Adopting an ostrich strategy will
evade an obvious itself or only make matters worse - we've Animals - Birds - Fish -
298 ostrich strategy/politics disappear. got to find a solution. Insect
Someone who is lively and
active at night and goes to I work better in the evenings than in
bed very late is called night the morning. My friends say I'm Animals - Birds - Fish -
299 night owl owl. a night owl. Insect

Someone who is as close as

an oyster will never reveal
something told in confidence Sophie will never repeat what you Animals - Birds - Fish -
300 close as an oyster or betray a secret. tell her. She's as close as an oyster. Insect
This expression means that
you are free and able to enjoy
the pleasures and
opportunities that life has to She left college feeling that Animals - Birds - Fish -
301 the world is your oyster offer. the world was her oyster. Insect

A person who is as proud as a When his son won first prize, Bill Animals - Birds - Fish -
302 (as) proud as a peacock peacock is extremely proud. was as proud as a peacock. Insect

If you make a pig of yourself, Watch what you eat - don't make a Animals - Birds - Fish -
303 make a pig of yourself you eat and drink too much. pig of yourself! Insect
If you make a pig's ear of
something, you do a task or a
chore very badly or make a Gary offered to paint the kitchen Animals - Birds - Fish -
304 make a pig's ear of something complete mess of it. but he made a pig's ear of it. Insect
A person who is on the pig's
back is in a state of luck and Before the recession, Ireland was on
everything is going well for the pig's back, but the situation Animals - Birds - Fish -
305 on the pig's back them. changed afterwards. Insect
This expression means that to
'dress up' something
unappealing or ugly, in a vain
attempt to make it look Flowers on that ugly old bridge
better, is like putting lipstick would be (like putting) lipstick on a Animals - Birds - Fish -
306 (put) lipstick on a pig on a pig. pig! Insect
You should be satisfied when
you have enough; if you are
pigs get fat, hogs get too greedy, like a hog, you Animals - Birds - Fish -
307 slaughtered risk losing everything. 0 Insect
The expression 'pigs might
fly' expresses disbelief, or the
idea that miracles might My grandmother buying a
happen but are extremely computer? ... Yeah! ... and pigs Animals - Birds - Fish -
308 pigs might fly unlikely. might fly! Insect
A person who acts as an
informer, especially one who
gives information to the
police or the authorities, is I don't trust Jack. I think he's a stool Animals - Birds - Fish -
309 stool pigeon called a stool pigeon. pigeon for the management. Insect
If you go somewhere
on Shank's pony, you have to It was impossible to find a taxi after
walk rather than travel by the party, so it was Shank's pony for Animals - Birds - Fish -
310 shank's pony bus, car, etc. us! Insect
When someone plays
possum, they pretend to be
dead or asleep in order to
avoid something they don't She's just playing possum because Animals - Birds - Fish -
311 play possum want to do. she doesn't want to come swimming Insect

Continuous stressful
competition in modern
society for success, power or Emily is sick and tired of the rat
money, especially in business, race. She's going to leave her job in Animals - Birds - Fish -
312 rat race is called the rat race. a big company and work freelance. Insect

If you say that someone has

rats in the attic, you mean She keeps repeating the same
that they are a bit mad or that question. I think she's got rats in the Animals - Birds - Fish -
313 rats in the attic their behaviour is eccentric. attic. Insect

If someone moves or runs like When the police informer saw a

a rat up a drainpipe, they do friend, he took off like a rat up a Animals - Birds - Fish -
314 like a rat up a drainpipe it as quickly as possible. drainpipe. Insect
To say 'I smell a rat' means
that you suspect that
something is wrong, or that
someone is doing something The profits announced are Animals - Birds - Fish -
315 smell a rat dishonest or incorrect. abnormally low. I smell a rat. Insect

If a group of people
are packed like sardines, they
are pressed together tightly
and uncomfortably because The bus was very crowded - we Animals - Birds - Fish -
316 packed like sardines there is not enough space. were packed like sardines! Insect
A loan shark is an authorized
person who lends money at
extremely high interest rates The young immigrant was beaten
to people who are unable to because he was late paying back Animals - Birds - Fish -
317 loan shark obtain a loan from the bank. money to a loan shark. Insect
The black sheep is one who
behaves very differently or
badly, and is considered
disreputable by the other Joe was the black sheep of the Animals - Birds - Fish -
318 black sheep (of the family) members of the family. family, always getting into trouble. Insect
This term refers to the
standard system of mail
delivery, or postal service, More and more people are using e-
considered very slow mail rather than the traditional Animals - Birds - Fish -
319 snail mail compared to electronic mail. postal service, snail mail. Insect
Someone who is as slow as a
snail progresses very slowly
or takes a lot of time to do The boss is annoyed because the Animals - Birds - Fish -
320 as slow as a snail things. apprectice is as slow as a snail. Insect
Someone who pretends to be
your friend while actually I thought I could trust my colleague
betraying you is a snake in the but he turned out to be a snake in Animals - Birds - Fish -
321 snake in the grass grass. the grass. Insect
To say that someone is lower
than a snake's belly means Anyone who is capable of taking
that they are bad, dishonest advantage of young vulnerable
or have very low moral children is lower than a snake's Animals - Birds - Fish -
322 lower than a snake's belly standards. belly. Insect
The term paper tiger refers to
a person, organisation or
country that is less powerful
or threatening than they He threatens to take strong action Animals - Birds - Fish -
323 paper tiger appear to be. but he's just another paper tiger. Insect
This term means to
immediately and completely
stop an addictive substance, a
regular activity or a When Dave decided to stop
behavioural pattern, instead smoking, he did it cold turkey on Animals - Birds - Fish -
324 cold turkey of ending it gradually. January 1st. Insect
If turkeys were allowed to
vote they would never vote
for Christmas because turkey
is often eaten at Christmas.
This expression is used to say
that a particular option is
unlikely to be chosen because
it would be against the Accepting a decrease in salary
(like) turkeys voting for interests of the people would be like turkeys voting for Animals - Birds - Fish -
325 Christmas concerned. Christmas! Insect
If a boat turns turtle, it We had fun sailing yesterday,
capsizes or turns upside down although we nearly turned turtle a Animals - Birds - Fish -
326 turn turtle in the water. couple of times! Insect
To say that someone has
a face like a bulldog chewing
a wasp means that you find
them very unattractive
because they have a screwed-
face like a bulldog chewing up ugly expression on their Not only was he rude but he had a Animals - Birds - Fish -
327 a wasp face. face like a bulldog chewing a wasp! Insect
When people have a whale of
a time, they enjoy themselves We had a whale of a time at the Animals - Birds - Fish -
328 (have a) whale of a time a lot. party last night. Insect
This expression is used,
especially in computing, to Getting him to adopt the new
like kicking whales down the refer to a particularly slow method is like kicking whales down Animals - Birds - Fish -
329 beach and difficult process. the beach. Insect
If you wolf down food, you The boy was so hungry that
eat it very quickly or he wolfed down the whole pizza in Animals - Birds - Fish -
330 wolf down something (food) ravenously. no time! Insect

To describe someone as a
wolf in sheep's
clothing means that although
they look harmless, they are Be careful. He looks kind but in fact Animals - Birds - Fish -
331 wolf in sheep's clothing really very dangerous. he's a wolf in sheep's clothing. Insect
To cry wolf is to call for help
when you are not really in
danger. As a result, nobody There's Mary screaming again! Does
believes you when you really she really need help or is she Animals - Birds - Fish -
332 cry wolf need help. just crying wolf again? Insect
To keep the wolf from the
door you need to have
enough money to buy food My grandparents earned barely
and other basic essentials in enough to keep the wolf from the Animals - Birds - Fish -
333 keep the wolf from the door order to survive. door. Insect
If a person worms their way
out of something, they use
artful or devious means in
worm one's way out of order to avoid participating in You're not going to worm your way Animals - Birds - Fish -
334 something it. out of this. You must do your share! Insect
This expression means that
even someone who never Don't treat him so severely. He
complains will react to an never protests, but even a worm Animals - Birds - Fish -
335 even a worm will turn intolerable situation. will turn! Insect
To offer a worm's eye view of
a situation is to give your
opinion based on what you
see at close range from an I'm not sure I can be of much help. I
inferior position, so it is can only offer you a worm's eye Animals - Birds - Fish -
336 worm's eye view therefore not a general view. view of the situation. Insect
A person who is afraid of I've never seen anyone so easily
his/her own shadow is very scared. She's afraid of her own
337 afraid of one's own shadow nervous or easily frightened. shadow! Anxiety - Fear
If you wait for something
with bated breath, you are
both anxious and excited We waited with bated breath for
338 bated breath about an imminent event. the winner to be announced. Anxiety - Fear
If something makes your
blood run cold, it shocks or The look in the prisoner's eye made
339 make your blood run cold scares you a lot. my blood run cold! Anxiety - Fear
If you break out in a cold
sweat, you begin to perspire a I get nervous at the dentist's and
340 break out in a cold sweat lot, usually from anxiety. usually break out in a cold sweat. Anxiety - Fear
If you describe someone as
a bundle of nerves, you mean My son is doing his driving test
that they are very nervous, today. Needless to say he's a bundle
341 bundle of nerves tense or worried. of nerves! Anxiety - Fear
If you have butterflies in your At the beginning of an exam, I
stomach, you are feeling very always have butterflies in my
342 (have) butterflies in stomach nervous. stomach. Anxiety - Fear
If you can't stand the pace,
you are unable to do things She once worked for a famous
well when there is a lot of fashion designer but she couldn't
343 can't stand the pace pressure. stand the pace. Anxiety - Fear
A person who is like a cat on The week before the results were
hot bricks is very nervous or published, she was like a cat on hot
344 (like a) cat on hot bricks restless. bricks. Anxiety - Fear
Someone who is on the edge
of their seat is very interested
in something and finds it both
extremely exciting and nerve- Look at Bob! He's on the edge of his
345 on the edge of one's seat wracking. seat watching that rugby match! Anxiety - Fear
If someone gets their fingers
burnt, they suffer as a result
of an unsuccessful action and He got his fingers burnt so badly in
are nervous about trying the last elections that he decided to
346 get one's fingers burnt again. withdraw from politics. Anxiety - Fear

A person who has their heart

in their mouth feels extremely Emma had her heart in her
anxious or nervous faced with mouth when she saw her two-year-
a dangerous or unpleasant old son standing in front of the
347 heart in one's mouth situation. open window. Anxiety - Fear
If your heart misses (or skips)
a beat, you have sudden When the lights suddenly went
348 heart misses a beat feeling of fear or excitement. out, my heart missed a beat. Anxiety - Fear
A state of apprehension,
nervousness or anxiety is Having to go down to the car park
349 heebie-jeebies called the heebie-jeebies. at night gives me the heebie-jeebies. Anxiety - Fear
If someone is holding their
breath, they are waiting
anxiously or excitedly for
something to happen or be I went for a second interview today -
350 hold your breath announced. now I'm holding my breath! Anxiety - Fear
Amid the growing tension, the
This expression means that if organiser declared : If you can't
if you can't stand the heat, get you feel that there is too stand the heat, get out of the
351 out of the kitchen much pressure, you can leave. kitchen! Anxiety - Fear
This means that if you don't
know about a problem or I didn't know our neighbour was an
unpleasant fact, you won't escaped prisoner until the police
352 ignorance is bliss worry about it. arrived - ignorance is bliss! Anxiety - Fear
If you get (or have) the
jitters, especially before an
important event, you become
very nervous or anxious and Some people get the jitters when
353 get/have the jitters begin to shake. they have to make a speech. Anxiety - Fear
To say that you're going
to have kittens is a dramatic His mother nearly had kittens when
way of expressing worry, Alex announced that we wanted to
354 have kittens anxiety or fear. be a trapeze artist. Anxiety - Fear
If you jump out of your skin, Jane nearly jumped out of her
you are extremely surprised skin when the horse put its head
355 jump out of your skin or shocked. through the kitchen window! Anxiety - Fear
If you get your knickers in a
twist, you are anxious,
nervous, or angry faced with Don't get your knickers in a twist!
356 get your knickers in a twist a difficult situation. Everything is under control. Anxiety - Fear
Someone who has nerves of
steel is not afraid and stays
calm in difficult or dangerous Fire-fighters need to have nerves of
357 nerves of steel situations. steel. Anxiety - Fear
If you are on pins and
needles, you are very anxious
or nervous about what is Scott was on pins and needles while
358 on pins and needles going to happen. he waited for the result of the exam. Anxiety - Fear
When someone is extremely When he saw the crocodiles in the
scared, it is said that they water, he started quaking in his
359 quaking in one's boots are quaking in their boots. boots. Anxiety - Fear
If something scares you out of
scare (someone) out of their your wits, it makes you very The feeling that a house is haunted
360 wits frightened or worried. can scare people out of their wits. Anxiety - Fear
If something scares the The sudden screaming scared the
scare the daylights out of (living) daylights out of you, it daylights out of me. I
361 someone terrifies you. was absolutely terrified! Anxiety - Fear
Someone who is scared
stiff is so frightened that they
362 scared stiff are unable to move. My mother is scared stiff of heights. Anxiety - Fear
If you shake like a leaf, you At the beginning of the interview
tremble with fear or the candidate was shaking like a
363 shake like a leaf nervousness. leaf. Anxiety - Fear
A person who is on
tenterhooks is in a state of The candidates were kept on
anxious suspense or tenterhooks for hours while the
364 on tenterhooks excitement panel deliberated. Anxiety - Fear
If you are tongue-tied,you
have difficulty in expressing
yourself because you are At the start of the interview I was
365 tongue-tied nervous or embarrassed. completely tongue-tied! Anxiety - Fear

If you whistle in the dark, you

try to hide your fear and Bob looks confident but he's
pretend to be brave in a scary just whistling in the dark; he knows
366 whistle in the dark or dangerous situation. he's going to lose his job. Anxiety - Fear

If you are at your wits'

end, you are so worried about
something that you do not When her son dropped out of
367 at your wits' end know what to do next. school, Susan was at her wits' end. Anxiety - Fear
If people make much ado
about nothing, they make a A discussion took place about the
lot of fuss about something colour of the receptionist's shoes - Arguments, -
368 much ado about nothing which is not important. much ado about nothing! Disagreements - Di

If you argue the toss, you The final choice was made
dispute a decision or choice yesterday, so don't argue the Arguments, -
369 argue the toss which has already been made. toss now! Disagreements - Di
If you say that all hell broke
loose, you mean that there When it was announced that the
was a sudden angry or noisy plant was going to close down all Arguments, -
370 all hell broke loose reaction to something. hell broke loose. Disagreements - Di

If you tell someone to get off

your back, you are annoyed Liz, please, get off my back! You've
and ask them to stop finding been making comments about my Arguments, -
371 get off by back! faults or criticizing you. work all morning! Disagreements - Di
This expression is used to say The battle lines have been
that opposing groups are drawn between those who accept
ready to defend the reason the changes and those who are Arguments, -
372 battle lines are drawn behind the conflict. against the proposed reforms. Disagreements - Di
A conflict, argument or
struggle where both sides are When they separated, neither party
determined to win is would make concessions - it was a Arguments, -
373 battle of wills described as a battle of wills. battle of wills. Disagreements - Di
A discussion among a group
of people who try to
determine who or what is to
blame for a particular
mistake, failure or A blamestorming session took place
wrongdoing, is following the unfavourable reviews Arguments, -
374 blamestorming called 'blamestorming'. in the press. Disagreements - Di
A bone of contention is a
matter or subject about The salaries have been agreed on,
which there is a lot of but opening on Sundays is still Arguments, -
375 bone of contention disagreement. a bone of contention. Disagreements - Di

If you have a bone to

pick with someone, you are
annoyed with them and want Mark wants to see the boss. He says Arguments, -
376 bone to pick to talk to them about it. he's got a bone to pick with him. Disagreements - Di

If you are in somebody's good I'm in my wife's bad books at the

or bad books, you have their moment because I forgot our Arguments, -
377 in good/bad books approval or disapproval. wedding anniversary. Disagreements - Di
When people who have had a
disagreement decide to forget
their quarrel and become I didn't agree with my colleague's
friends again, they bury the decision, but for the sake of peace, I Arguments, -
378 bury the hatchet hatchet. decided to bury the hatchet. Disagreements - Di
If you call someone's bluff, When Jack decided to call his
you challenge them to do bluff after the next-door neighbour
what they threaten to do threatened to demolish the fence
(while believing that they will between their houses, there were Arguments, -
379 call someone's bluff not dare to do it). no more complaints. Disagreements - Di
A life in which partners are
constantly or frequently
quarrelling is called a cat-and- They lead a cat-and-dog life. I don't Arguments, -
380 cat and dog life dog life. know why they stay together. Disagreements - Di
If you are caught in the
crossfire, you suffer the
effects of an argument or When the two taxi drivers started to
dispute between two people argue, their passengers were caught Arguments, -
381 caught in the crossfire or groups. in the crossfire. Disagreements - Di
If you decide to clear the air,
you try to remove the causes
of fear, worry or suspicion by The atmosphere had become so
talking about the problem unpleasant that he decided it was Arguments, -
382 clear the air openly. time to clear the air. Disagreements - Di
If you are dead set My father wanted a dog, but my
against something, you are mother was dead set against the Arguments, -
383 dead set against strongly opposed to it. idea. Disagreements - Di

During a discussion or debate,

if you play devil's advocate,
you pretend to be against an
idea or plan in order to She decided to play devil's
determine the validity of the advocate just to see how strongly Arguments, -
384 devil's advocate arguments in favour of it. people felt about the project. Disagreements - Di
Two people who fight or
argue like cat and
dog frequently have violent
arguments, even though they They fight like cat and dog but Arguments, -
385 fight like cat and dog are fond of each other. they're still together after 30 years. Disagreements - Di
If you go against the tide (or
the stream), you refuse to
conform to current trends, or
the opinions or behaviour of Bill can be difficult to work with; he Arguments, -
386 go against the tide/stream other people. constantly goes against the tide. Disagreements - Di
If people are going at it
hammer and tongs, they are Our neighbours are going at
arguing fiercely, with a lot of it hammer and tongs again. They're Arguments, -
387 hammer and tongs energy and noise. constantly arguing. Disagreements - Di

If you let bygones be bygones,

you decide to forget about
old arguments, or problems
that happened in the past, When Charlie's son was born, he
and improve your decided to let bygones be Arguments, -
388 let bygones be bygones relationship with someone. bygones and contacted his parents. Disagreements - Di
If you tell someone to let
sleeping dogs lie, you are
asking them not to interfere Look, they've settled their
with a situation because they differences. It's time to let sleeping Arguments, -
389 let sleeping dogs lie could cause problems. dogs lie. Disagreements - Di

If you are at loggerheads with

a person or organisation, you The management and the trade
disagree very strongly with unions are at loggerheads over the Arguments, -
390 at loggerheads them. decision to close down the plant. Disagreements - Di

If you lock horns with If there is another incident like that

somebody, you argue or fight in the building, the occupants will Arguments, -
391 lock horns with them about something. be locking horns! Disagreements - Di

To say that there is no love

lost between two people or
organisations means that they There is no love lost between the Arguments, -
392 no love lost do not like each other at all. Conservatives and Democrats. Disagreements - Di
If someone makes a mountain
out of a molehill, they make a
small, unimportant problem
make a mountain out of a seem much more serious than Don't make a mountain out of Arguments, -
393 molehill it is. molehill! It's not a major problem. Disagreements - Di
A subject which gives rise to Whether Bach composed it himself
argument or debate is called or not is a moot point among Arguments, -
394 a moot point a moot point. musicians. Disagreements - Di
This term means that there is
no way you would accept to Arguments, -
395 nothing doing! do what is proposed. Work on Sunday? Nothing doing! Disagreements - Di
If one person is at odds with
another, they disagree with Sam is at odds with his father over Arguments, -
396 at odds (with someone) each other. the purchase of a new tractor. Disagreements - Di

If a person or organisation
holds out an olive branch to
another, they show that they
want to end a disagreement The protesters finally accepted Arguments, -
397 olive branch and make peace. the olive branch extended to them. Disagreements - Di
Something which is out of the
question is impossible and is
therefore not worth Buying a new car is out of the Arguments, -
398 out of the question discussing. question - we simply can't afford it. Disagreements - Di
This expression is used by
someone who absolutely
refuses to allow someone to Mum, can I get by nose pierced? Arguments, -
399 over my dead body! do something. Over my dead body! Disagreements - Di

Someone who picks a

fight deliberately looks for an
opportunity to start a quarrel Our new neighbour seizes every Arguments, -
400 pick a fight or begin an argument. occasion to pick a fight. Disagreements - Di
If someone picks holes in
something such as a plan, an
idea or a proposal, they Why don't you make a suggestion
criticize it or try to find fault instead of picking holes in all my Arguments, -
401 pick holes with it. ideas! Disagreements - Di
If you press something home,
you insist on a point in a Her lawyer kept pressing home the Arguments, -
402 press something home discussion or argument. fact that she was a single mother. Disagreements - Di
If two people or groups
have a running battle with There's been a running
each other, they argue or battle between the local authorities
disagree about something and the population over the school Arguments, -
403 a running battle over a long period of time. bus route. Disagreements - Di
If you send someone
packing, you tell them to
leave, in a very forceful and When Amanda discovered that Jack Arguments, -
404 send someone packing unfriendly way. was unfaithful, she sent him packing. Disagreements - Di
An argument or debate where The debate between the two
people shout loudly at each politicians turned into a shouting
other is called a shouting match which spoiled the event for Arguments, -
405 shouting match match. viewers. Disagreements - Di

If people or organisations sink

their differences, they decide We must sink our differences and Arguments, -
406 sink one's differences to forget their disagreements. build a peaceful community. Disagreements - Di
If you sit on the fence, you
avoid taking sides in a It's an important issue. You can't Arguments, -
407 sit on the fence discussion or argument. continue to sit on the fence! Disagreements - Di
If you are skating on thin
ice, you are doing or saying Don't mention that subject during
something that could cause the negotiations or you could Arguments, -
408 skating in thin ice disagreement or trouble. be skating on thin ice. Disagreements - Di
If you split hairs, you pay too
much attention to differences
that are very small or If we start splitting hairs, we'll never Arguments, -
409 split hairs unimportant. reach an agreement. Disagreements - Di
If something difficult or
unpleasant took place in the
past but is no longer They had a serious disagreement in
important, it is referred to the past, but that's water under the Arguments, -
410 water under the bridge as water under the bridge. bridge today. Disagreements - Di

If you wipe the slate When their father died, Bob and his
clean, you make a fresh start brother decided to wipe the slate
and forget all past offences, clean and forget the old family Arguments, -
411 wipe the slate clean disagreements or mistakes. quarrels. Disagreements - Di
This term refers to an
important or highly-ranked He could get a job with a big
person in a small group or company but he enjoys being a big Authority - Powerbig
412 big fish in a small pond organisation. fish in a small pond. Fish In A
If you force someone to
behave in a disciplined The boy had always behaved badly,
manner, you bring them to but the new headmaster managed Authority - Powerbig
413 bring to heel heel. to bring him to heel. Fish In A
A person who is bulldozed
into doing something is
bulldoze (someone) into doing forced to do it, especially by The immigrants we bulldozed into Authority - Powerbig
414 something being bullied or intimidated. accepting the work. Fish In A
The person who calls the
shots or the tune is the one
who makes all the important
decisions and is in control of He shows a lot of authority but in Authority - Powerbig
415 call the shots / call the tune the situation fact it's his wife who calls the shots. Fish In A
If a person or
organisation carries
weight, they are influential or I'm glad she's on our side - her Authority - Powerbig
416 carry weight important. opinion carries a lot of weight. Fish In A
This expression refers to a
situation where there are too
many people giving The business wasn't successful.
too many chiefs, not enough instructions and not enough There were too many chiefs and not Authority - Powerbig
417 Indians people doing the work. enough Indians. Fish In A

This term refers to the higher

levels of government or The matter is the subject of much
administration where discussion in the corridors of Authority - Powerbig
418 corridors of power important decisions are made. power at the present time. Fish In A
If you crack the whip, you use
your authority to make
someone obey you or work
more efficiently, usually by Every so often I'll crack the whip to Authority - Powerbig
419 crack the whip threatening them. make sure we meet the deadline. Fish In A
If you dance to someone's He is the company's major
tune, you do whatever that shareholder so the management Authority - Powerbig
420 dance to someone's tune person tells you to do. has to dance to his tune. Fish In A

If you draw a line in the sand,

you establish a limit beyond That's it! We're going to draw a line
which a certain situation or in the sand and make this our final Authority - Powerbig
421 draw a line in the sand activity will not be accepted. proposal. Fish In A
If you force someone's
hand, you make them do The interviewer forced Brad's
something unwillingly or hand and made him reveal his Authority - Powerbig
422 force someone's hand sooner than planned. relocation plans. Fish In A
If you know important or
influential people in business He wouldn't have succeeded
or government, you without help from friends in high Authority - Powerbig
423 friends in high places have friends in high places. places. Fish In A
If you get or have someone
by the short hairs, you put
them in a difficult situation
from which they cannot They are in no position to
get/have by the short hairs (or: escape, so you have complete refuse; we've got them by the short Authority - Powerbig
424 by the short and curlies) control over them. hairs! Fish In A
Dealing with or treating
people with a heavy
hand means acting with
discipline and severity, with He ran the juvenile delinquent Authority - Powerbig
425 with a heavy hand little or no sensitivity. centre with a heavy hand. Fish In A
The person who holds the
reins is someone who is in
complete control of a He's been holding the reins for over
company, firm or 20 years and intends to continue for Authority - Powerbig
426 hold the reins organisation. as long as possible. Fish In A
If a person is in charge or in
control of a situation, or in a
position in which they are With a new president in the driving
able to control what happens, seat, the company hopes to
it is said that they are in the improve relations with the Authority - Powerbig
427 (be) in the driving seat driving seat. shareholders. Fish In A
This expression is used to
describe someone who, To impose the necessary reforms,
behind an appearance of the leader used persuasion followed
gentleness, is inflexible and by force - an iron fist in a velvet Authority - Powerbig
428 iron fist/hand in a velvet glove determined. glove. Fish In A
When you knock sense into
somebody, you use strong When Jason announced that he was
words or methods in order to going to drop out of college, his
get that person to stop uncle managed to knock some Authority - Powerbig
429 knock (some) sense into behaving stupidly. sense into him. Fish In A
Someone who lays down the
law tells people very The volunteers helped in a
forcefully and firmly what to disorganised way.They needed Authority - Powerbig
430 lay down the law do. someone to lay down the law. Fish In A
This saying expresses the
belief that being the most
powerful person or country
gives you the right to do There are many leaders today who Authority - Powerbig
431 might is right whatever you want. believe that might is right. Fish In A
If you say to someone 'it's my
way or the highway', you are
telling them that either they You don't have much choice when
accept to do as you say or someone says: 'it's my way or the Authority - Powerbig
432 my way or the highway they leave the project. highway.'! Fish In A

This term refers to a person,

organisation or country that is
less powerful or threatening He threatens to take strong action Authority - Powerbig
433 paper tiger than they appear to be. but he's just another paper tiger. Fish In A
This term refers to the power
children exert over their
parents by continually
nagging or pestering them
until they accept to buy Pester power leads busy parents to
advertised toys or fashionable buy more and more for their Authority - Powerbig
434 pester power products. children. Fish In A
Someone with no apparent
authority who has great
influence over the person
officially in charge is said to It's essential to be on good terms
be the power behind the with his wife. Apparently she's Authority - Powerbig
435 power behind the throne throne. the power behind the throne. Fish In A
If someone pulls strings, they
use influential friends in order David found a job easily - his father Authority - Powerbig
436 pull strings to obtain an advantage. just pulled a few strings! Fish In A

If someone causes offence or

irritation by speaking or
behaving in an inappropriate
manner, you put them in their
place by letting them know The new trainee is not in a position
that they are not as important to criticise our methods. He needs Authority - Powerbig
437 put someone in their place as they seem to believe. to be put in his place! Fish In A
If you put the squeeze
on someone, you put Bob was reluctant to work with Ben
pressure on them to force until the boss put the squeeze on Authority - Powerbig
438 put the squeeze on them to do something. him. Fish In A

If you declare with force and

authority that something
must stop, and announce the
consequences if it happens Dad read us the riot act when we Authority - Powerbig
439 read the riot act again, you read the riot act. messed up his tool-shed. Fish In A
If you rule the roost, you are
the most important and
powerful person in a group or Officially David runs the company, Authority - Powerbig
440 rule the roost community. but it's his father who rules the roost Fish In A

If a project or contact receives

a seal of approval, it receives
formal support or approval We can't conclude the deal without Authority - Powerbig
441 seal of approval from higher authorities. the director's seal of approval. Fish In A
If you speak softly and carry a
big stick, you express your
views quietly, in a non-
aggressive manner, but you
make it clear that you are in a As a leader he recommends the
position to use force if 'speak softly and carry a big stick' Authority - Powerbig
442 speak softly and carry a big stick necessary. method. Fish In A
This expression refers to a
situation where there is a
reversal of roles, with the
small or minor element
having a controlling influence If you let your children decide on
on the most important everything, it will be a case of Authority - Powerbig
443 tail wagging the dog element. the tail wagging the dog! Fish In A
If you take it upon yourself to
do something, you do it My colleague took it upon herself to
without asking for permission redecorate the office during my Authority - Powerbig
444 take it upon yourself or agreement. absence. Fish In A
To say that a person, group or
country is top dog means that
they are better or more Authority - Powerbig
445 top dog powerful than others. She's top dog in cosmetics today. Fish In A
If someone is under your
thumb, they are completely
under your control or Nobody ever protests. He has the Authority - Powerbig
446 under your thumb influence. whole group under his thumb. Fish In A
If a person or
organisation gains or gets the
upper hand, especially in a We increased our market share
fight or competition, they and gained the upper hand over our Authority - Powerbig
447 gain/get the upper hand take control over something. competitors. Fish In A
The partner in a couple
who wears the trousers is the The salesman hesitated before the
one who makes all the couple. It was difficult to see Authority - Powerbig
448 wear the trousers important decisions. who wore the trousers Fish In A
If a person cuts a dash, they
make a striking impression by Wearing his uniform, my
their appearance and grandfather cut a dash on his Beauty And
449 cut a dash attractive clothes. wedding day. Appearance
If you deck out someone or
something, you dress or
decorate them in a special Paul decked out his car for the Beauty And
450 deck out way. occasion. Appearance

When someone, especially a

woman, is dressed to kill, they
are wearing very fashionable
or glamorous clothes She arrived at the reception dressed Beauty And
451 dressed to kill intended to attract attention. to kill. Appearance
Someone who is dressed up
to the nines is wearing very Caroline must be going to a party - Beauty And
452 dressed up to the nines smart or glamorous clothes. she's dressed up to the nines. Appearance
A person who is down-at-
heel is someone whose
appearance is untidy or
neglected because of lack of The down-at-heel student I first met Beauty And
453 down at heel money. became a successful writer. Appearance
To say that someone has
a face like a bulldog chewing
a wasp means that you find
them very unattractive
because they have a screwed-
face like a bulldog chewing a up ugly expression on their Not only was he rude but he had Beauty And
454 wasp face. a face like a bulldog chewing a wasp! Appearance
This is a humoristic way of
saying that someone is ugly or The poor guy has a face only a Beauty And
455 face only a mother could love unattractive. mother could love. Appearance
This is a humoristic way of You'll recognize him - he's tall and
saying that someone is ugly or thin, with a face that would stop a Beauty And
456 face that would stop a clock unattractive. clock! Appearance
This expression refers to a
patch of stubble on the face
of a man who hasn't shaved He looked tired and had a five Beauty And
457 five o'clock shadow for at least a day. o'clock shadow. Appearance
To say that someone does not
have a hair out of
place means that their Angela is always impeccably dressed Beauty And
458 not a hair out of place appearance is perfect. - never a hair out of place! Appearance
If you compare a person or
thing to something the cat
dragged in, you think they
like something the cat dragged they look dirty, untidy or My teenage son often looks like Beauty And
459 in generally unappealing. something the cat dragged in. Appearance

If a person looks a sight, their

appearance is awful, Beauty And
460 look a sight unsuitable or very untidy. She looks a sight in that dress! Appearance
If you look like a million
dollars, you look extremely With a tan and a new hairstyle Beauty And
461 look like a million dollars good. she looked like a million dollars! Appearance
This expression refers to a
middle-aged woman who
tries to look younger by The style doesn't suit her - it has
dressing in clothes designed a mutton-dressed-as-lamb effect on Beauty And
462 mutton dressed as lamb for younger people. her! Appearance
Someone who is (as) pretty as
a picture is very attractive or The young bride looked (as) pretty Beauty And
463 pretty as a picture appealing in appearance. as a picture in her beautiful dress. Appearance
If someone is all skin and
bone, they are very thin or After trekking in the Himalayas, he Beauty And
464 (all) skin and bone too thin. was all skin and bone. Appearance

If someone, usually a man,

is thin on the top, they are Dad's gone a bit thin on the top in Beauty And
465 thin on the top losing their hair or going bald. the last few years. Appearance
The expression as ugly as
sin is used to refer to people
or things that are considered Have you seen the new neighbour's Beauty And
466 (as) ugly as sin to be very unattractive. dog? It's as ugly as sin! Appearance
This term is a humoristic way
of referring to someone who High shelves are difficult Beauty And
467 vertically challenged is not very tall. for vertically challenged shoppers. Appearance

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