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Root Chakra Meditation

The Mindset and the Technique

By Harshita Sharma
Reviewed by Divyansh Sharma
Updated on July 15, 2023

Main Functions of Root ChakraPurpose of Root Chakra

MeditationGetting StartedPractices and Tips

Root Chakra Meditation

Do you often feel irritated, insecure, or disconnected? It’s likely that your
Root Chakra is off-balanced. One way to remedy that is through

In this article we’ll go over the basics of Root Chakra, and some mantras
and meditation techniques you can use.
The Main Functions of Root
The Root Chakra, located at the base of the spine, is associated with the
element of earth and is responsible for our sense of grounding and

It is linked to our survival instinct and governs our physical energy levels. When
this chakra is in balance, we feel safe and secure in the world and can face
up to life’s challenges with ease.

Some of the basic functions of the Root Chakra include:

 Grounding and stability.

 Maintenance of physical energy and vitality.
 Exercising survival instincts.
 Maintaining a sense of safety and security.
 Maintaining a sense of connection to the body.
 Maintaining the health of organs and glands associated with this chakra
such as the reproductive and digestive system.

When the Root Chakra is in balance, we feel centred and grounded, and
experience increased physical energy and vitality, and a sense of safety
and security.

Conversely, when it is out of balance we may feel scattered and

disconnected from our bodies, and unable to deal with everyday stressors.

We may also experience low energy levels, feelings of insecurity, and a general
sense of unease.
By taking some time to focus on your Root Chakra and by using some
meditative techniques, you can help bring yourself back into balance and

The Root Chakra is responsible for emotional stability, and maintaining

healthy self-confidence or self-esteem. Practicing meditative techniques
can help bring balance and alignment.

The Purpose of Root Chakra

The purpose of Root Chakra meditation is to connect with your true
nature, which is pure and perfect. When you meditate on the Root
Chakra, you access the part of yourself that is beyond the physical world.

You also connect with the energy of the Earth, which provides stability
and grounding. This connection can help you feel more centered and

Root Chakra meditation is a powerful tool for accessing your innermost

power and strength. When this chakra is balanced, you feel grounded and
secure in your body and in life. You can seamlessly access your personal
power and manifest your desires with ease.

What we Learn

Root Chakra meditation can help bring balance by helping you connect
with the earth element. You focus on the sensation of being rooted to the
ground, which can in turn help you feel more stable and secure.

Getting Started
Preparing for Meditation

There are a few things you can do to prepare for Root Chakra meditation.
First, find a comfortable place to sit or lie down.

Remove your shoes and socks so that you can feel a connection to the
earth under your feet. You may also want to place your hands on your
lower abdomen, which is where the Root Chakra is located.

Once you’re comfortable, begin to focus on your breath. Make sure that
your spine is straight and your head aligned with your shoulders.

Breathe slowly and deeply, allowing your belly to rise and fall with each breath.
As you breathe, imagine the air moving down to your Root Chakra and filling
it with energy.

Continue to breathe deeply and focus on the Root Chakra for a few minutes,
or for as long as you like.

To end, slowly open your eyes and begin your day.

 Practicing different techniques, focus on the sensation of being rooted

to the ground. As you breathe, imagine roots growing from the bottom
of your feet, anchoring you to the ground.
Visualize a red force swirling around the Root Chakra. As you continue
breathing, imagine the red color getting brighter and brighter.

 Visualize the Root Chakra itself. Close your eyes and imagine a red,
spinning wheel at the base of your spine.
Visualize it spinning faster and faster until it is a blur. Then, slow it down
and watch it spin in the opposite direction. Continue to visualize it for 5-
10 mins.

 Affirmations: Breathe in deeply through your nose, then exhale slowly

through your mouth. With each breath, feel yourself sinking deeper and
deeper into the earth.
Feel the Root Chakra energy anchoring you to the ground. As you
continue to breathe deeply, repeat the following affirmation:

“I am safe. I am loved. I am connected to all that is.”

As you do so, let the words sink deep into your consciousness

Root Chakra Seed Mantra Meditation: The Root Chakra mantra is “LAM”.
This mantra helps to energise and activate the Root Chakra for the purpose of
prayer or meditation.
The meaning of “LAM” is “I am.” When you recite this mantra, you are
affirming your presence and power in the world. And you get to connect with
the Root Chakra, which provides stability and security.

Chant the mantra, while visualising the sound energy of the chant traveling
from the base of your spine and being released from the top of your head.

This will help raise energies of the Root Chakra while directing the
benefits of the sound vibrations to your entire body.


Root Chakra meditation can help to bring higher balance and grounding
into your life. If you are feeling unsteady or somewhat out of balance, try
practicing one of the meditation techniques to reconnect with your Root
Chakra energy.

Best Practices and Tips

Here are a few tips to help you get the most out of your Root Chakra
1. Practice regularly. The more you meditate, the easier it’ll be to connect
with your Root Chakra energy.
2. Be patient. It can take some time to feel the effects of the meditation.
Don’t worry if you don’t feel anything right away. Just keep practicing
and trust that the Root Chakra energy is there.
3. Visualise clearly. The more vividly you can imagine the Root Chakra
energy, the easier it will be to connect with it.
4. Use affirmations. Repeating positive statements about your Root
Chakra can help to open and balance this energy centre. Some
examples include: “I am safe and secure,” “I am connected to the earth”.
5. Use the Root Chakra mantra ‘Lam’. It is a powerful tool for energising
and aligning the Root Chakra. This mantra can help to release any
blockages or stale energy and promote a better flow of energy
throughout the body. It is important to chant it aloud to experience its
sound healing effects.

With regular practice, you will begin to feel more grounded and centered
in your life. The Root Chakra energy will help you to feel more secure and
focussed in your everyday experiences.

The Bottom Line

Root Chakra meditation is to connect with your Root Chakra energy, to
help you feel more grounded and present in your life.

Whichever technique you choose, this meditation can help you feel safer and
more connected to your body. It’s a simple way to bring balance to the Root
Chakra and create a sense of stability in your life.

You may practice on your own, or access our detailed course on how to
balance, heal, and meditate on all chakras ‘Understanding Chakras’. This is
one of the most sought-after course on chakras, with everyone raving about it
when they finish it. See it here.

Introduction to the Root

Meaning, Symbol, Location and Color of
By Harshita Sharma

Reviewed by Divyansh Sharma

Updated on July 14, 2023

IntroductionWhat is Root ChakraMeaning of Root ChakraWhere is it

LocatedColor of Root ChakraHow to Work through Root Chakra

Knowing about Root Chakra

The Root Chakra is the first of seven energy centers that make up the most
important component of our body.

Located at the base of the spine, this chakra helps to ground us in our

We will try and explore the basics of this chakra in this article.

The Chakras are an important part of the intricate spiritual tradition that
originates in India. The word “chakra” comes from the Sanskrit term for
spinning, which is what these energy centres were originally thought to do.

Help regulate the body’s life-giving forces by channeling them through various
parts, like planets or wheels within our solar system.

The origins behind this idea go back at least 30,000 years ago, though the
first documented references are known to be found in Vedas between 1,500 and
500 BC.

The Chakra system has seven major chakras. They are mainly responsible for
regulating our physical, mental and bioelectric health.

The first one, called “Base Chakra” or “Root Chakra” is where we store all of the
instincts that have been programmed into us since birth.

It affects every individual’s everyday choices which in turn shape their overall

We will be exploring the meaning, symbol, location, element, and color of

Root Chakra in this article.
What is Root Chakra
The Root Chakra or Mūlādhāra as it is called in Sanskrit means “base/starter” for
our development.

This first energy centre forms the starting point and basis for how we develop
from there with life-force energies dividing cells during Embryogenesis.

While the spinal column begins developing at the bottom (root) moving up
towards the crown, thereafter organs begin forming too.

When we think about the body’s “root” chakra it makes sense that – this is an
area focused on stability and groundedness.

The sciatic nerve travels down through our legs connecting us with what lies
beneath (earth), making it one of the most important parts of our nervous
system. It invariably replicates what the root chakra does for the energy body.

The root chakra is the most basic of all your body energies. It affects everything
from how you feel physically, to your emotional well-being and even spiritual

This part helps with needs such as safety or having something fundamental
fulfilled, like food on our plate each day.


The Root Chakra also known as the Muladhara chakra, is located at the base of the
spine. It is associated with your survival instincts, security, and grounding.

Your Root Chakra has a huge impact on everything that happens in your body. It
can affect how you feel physically, emotionally or as an overall being.
What is the Meaning of Root
The Sanskrit word ‘Muladhara’ can be broken down into two words: Mula means
“root” and Adhara means “support” or base.

To understand Root Chakra’s meaning more deeply, we can begin with the
word ‘Root’. The phrase “rooted in” suggests that there’s nothing else beneath
other than the ground.

Just as a plant cannot grow without being rooted to the ground, which gives it
nourishment and stability, similarly the Root Chakra acts as the link between our
energy system and the physical world.

It gives us the motivation for eating, sleeping, or procreation as well as helps in

maintaining integrity in both our psychological and spiritual nature – in turn
developing a sense of belonging within ourselves.

The Root Chakra connects you to the ground of your being, acting as a
foundation for all associated feelings and experiences.

It can have a noticeable impact on how you feel both physically, emotionally
and spiritually because it helps us find our safe space in this world.

In a Nutshell

The Root Chakra, also known as the Muladhara chakra, is located at the base of
the spine.
It is associated with your survival instincts, security, and grounding. Your Root
Chakra has a huge impact on everything that happens in your body. It can
affect how you feel physically and emotionally, just to begin with!

Where is the Root Chakra

The Root Chakra is located at the base of your spine, just around your tailbone.

It’s close to the reproductive and digestive organs, so it makes sense that this
is one of the main areas in your body responsible for generating energy within.

Just as with a plant, the roots weave throughout all its parts – gathering
nutrients from the soil and sending them out through the branches.

So it’s no wonder that the Root Chakra is an important energy gateway or entry
point where anything entering one side (incoming energy) goes through –
before being distributed across different chakras and energy pathways called

The Symbol of Root Chakra

In the ancient world, flowers were often adapted as symbols. In this case, the
Root Chakra symbol is a red lotus with four petals that bear the Sanskrit character
‘Va’ ‘Scha’ ‘Shai’ ‘Sa’ – which means “Voice of Vishnu.”

These letters represent Muladhara or Root Chakra. ‘Lam’ is its corresponding

The yellow square at the centre encompasses Prithvi Tattva meaning Earth
element, it also has another name: yantra-namaskar (symbolic representation).

Further the four petals also encompass a yellow square and an inverted triangle.
As the Root Chakra is the meeting place for three important ‘nadis’ (energy
channels) – Ida, Pingala, and Sushumna – the triangle pointing down indicates
that energy flows from this area of your body towards lower regions while
flowing along these channels.

The Root Chakra is considered the birthplace of human consciousness. It is from

this point that we experience our passage into self-awareness or ego.

From a traditional perspective, the four petals on the Root Chakra symbol
represent the ‘purusarthas’ or goals in life.

These include dharma (a virtuous lifestyle), artha (meaningful work), kama

(pursuing cosmic desire), and vimoksha (persuasion of the path of

The symbol within this circle represents an earth-oriented downward force called
SUSHUMNA which leads us down into MATERIALISM

And at its base lies KUNDALINI SERPENT wrapped around SHIVA

LINGAM pointing up towards heaven while below it sits an elephant-headed
lord representing qualities associated with these energies.

Root Chakra Deities: The elephant-headed god, Lord Ganesha is the first deity
associated with this chakra.

He is shown being grounded and full of himself – he likes his physicality as it is

– happy in this form! The other deities depicted inside the square are Child
Brahma dispelling fears, while the female deity Dakini manifestation (symbol)
of Shakti symbolising seeds believed to contain essence or birthing energy.
To Summarize

The Root Chakra symbol is a red lotus with four petals encompassing a yellow
square and an inverted triangle.

The seed syllable ‘LAM’ in the centre of this root chakra symbol is a sacred sound
that can wake up our intrinsic energies.

Each petal contains one or more Sanskrit letters, ‘va’ ‘Sch’ ‘Scha’ ‘Sha’ ‘Sa’ – the
four different pursuits of life or ‘purusarthas’.

The Color of Root Chakra

The color red in the Root Chakra symbol represents power, energy, strength,
ability, effort, and capability of evolution to move towards awakening.

The color red symbolises not just physicality but also the passion people can feel
for each other, which on the one extreme could be concern or love or on the other
extreme, jealousy or even rage.

How to Work through Root

It is important to keep the energies at the Root Chakra balanced. If it’s not
that way, we may feel unsafe or insecure.

We may unduly worry about our basic needs not being met or not supported by
our family, friends, or community. We may feel disconnected from the earth
and our bodies, or ungrounded and unstable.
Some ways to balance your Root Chakra:

1. You can meditate on the color red or visualise a red light

shining on your Root Chakra.
2. You can also meditate on the seed mantra ‘Lam’ or affirmations
like ‘I am safe, I am grounded’.
3. You can practice balancing yoga poses that ground you and
help you to feel stable and secure. Try the Mountain pose, Tree
or Warrior pose.
4. You can connect with nature. Spend time outside in the sun
and fresh air, and take out some time to walk barefoot on the
5. You can also use essential oils that are red in color, such as
rosemary, peppermint, and ginger.


To keep the Root Chakra balanced it’s important to be aware of the emotions
and sensations associated with it.

These may include exploring feelings of safety and security, or identifying areas
where you feel disconnected or unsupported. Working through these emotions
can help to bring greater balance to this energy center.

The Bottom Line

The Root Chakra is responsible for our most basic needs, representing
protection and life. It gives us a sense of security when the chakra is healthy.

It allows room for growth both spiritually as well as emotionally, so you can
feel love again or experience passion without undue fear.
This is a function of the Root Chakra. It has a red four-petaled lotus as its
symbol to represent the various capacities and aspects of this chakra.

A healthy Root Chakra gives you a balanced material and spiritual life. You
may wish to seek the help of experts to help you achieve that.

We recommend you access our detailed course on all 7 Chakras here

‘Understanding Chakras’. One of its kind, this course will give you in-depth
learnings you always aspired for.

How to Heal an

Imbalanced Root Chakra

By Harshita Sharma

Reviewed by Divyansh Sharma

Updated on July 15, 2023

IntroductionWhat Does Root Chakra DoImbalance SymptomsPractices to

Restore Balance
How to Heal Root Chakra

The Root chakra is the first chakra in the chronological order of the
Chakra System. We will explore the common imbalances that occur in the
Root chakra and how to restore them to balance.

The chakras are the main energy centres in your body. When they are
blocked or stagnant, you experience physical, emotional, and mental

There are 7 main chakras located along the spine, from the base of the spine to
the top of the head.

The first in order is the Root chakra located at the base of your spine and
responsible for your sense of grounding and security. Like any organ in your
body, the chakra too go through periods of malfunction.

Chakra healing is a process of opening and clearing blocked or stagnant

energy in the chakras to restore balance and health to the body.
Chakras can be balanced with various practices such as yoga poses,
meditation, and using crystals and essential oils.

Let us explore how to recognize the imbalance in the Root chakra when it
happens, and learn how to fix it. You can also access our detailed course on
healing and balancing all chakras here ‘Understanding Chakras’.

Basic Functions of Root

The Muladhara or Root chakra is located at the base of your spine. It
is associated with earth-related matters and is linked to your ability to feel
firmly grounded or rooted in life.

Its color is red because it comes from deep motherly love. It has the potential
to make you grounded and safe, same as you would feel in the lap of your

That’s why its associated element is earth. It ensures that you have a strong
foundation in life and helps you feel safe and secure. The Root chakra also
provides you with physical energy, vitality, and strength.

The Root chakra is the “starting point” for developing and maintaining

In the womb, our spinal cord begins to develop from this base chakra up
towards the crown center.

It is here at the Root chakra that most of your instincts are formed:
survival (fight or flight) response initiated by energy coming first through
the root level. At the time you are born the constant questions keep going on
in the background: Do I belong here? Am I safe to be here?
So basically, this Chakra represents stability and security in one’s
environment as well as an animalistic sense of survival that is present from
the first stirring within you when you were born. The first three chakras are
associated with Survival, the Root chakra being the first among them.

Root Chakra starts with all its energies focused on recognising where you
stand – on what feels safe or secure. These constant vigilant energies are not
only active for appraising the physical environments but also people,
communities, and relationships.

Signs of Root Chakra

Imbalance or Blockage
Root Chakra deals with the most basic of needs – food, water, shelter,
and a sense of inner security. When these are not met then it’s clear that
there is an issue at your Root chakra which will manifest itself in various ways
such as hoarding money or overeating just to name two.

It is also responsible for your emotional stability. When it’s out of balance, you
may experience a range of symptoms, including:

 Feeling anxious or stressed out.

 Having trouble sleeping.
 Experiencing low energy or fatigue.
 Having difficulty feeling grounded or centered.
 Struggling with self-confidence or self-esteem.
 Lethargy or depression.
 Inability to act and/or manifest intentions.
 Feeling disconnected from oneself/experiencing panic attacks.
Physical Symptoms
When the Root chakra is out of alignment, you may experience pain in your
intestines and lower body. This misalignment can manifest physically as

 Constant Weight gain or loss

 Constipation
 Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) leads to complications like infertility.
 Pain in the lower back or hips
 Diarrhea
 Difficulty in absorbing enough nutrients in the body

Behavioral Symptoms
A common problem among those who suffer from Root chakra imbalance is
feeling excessive or otherwise deprived in certain aspects of your life, which
could translate into compulsive behaviors such as:

 Being obsessive about money

You tend to worry about going broke, being homeless, or just not having
enough cash for the next bill. This could lead to an obsession with work or
with spending because “you’ll never know what could happen next.”

· Trying to be over-independent, refusing to ask for help even in utmost


· Being a workaholic to the extent of suffering from frequent burnouts.

· Issues with close family members – having dysfunctional relationships.

· Discontentment with what you have, always feeling you haven’t

· Fear of losing control.

· Hyper-vigilant to the perceived threats from your surroundings.

· Fear of revealing your authentic self around others.

· Feeling disconnected from others and your surrounds.

· Being a hoarder, obsessed about collecting material stuff.


The Root chakra is a building block of your physical, mental, and emotional
health. When it is blocked you might experience symptoms such as lethargy or

You could feel disconnected from others because no intentions are manifesting
in life for yourself – inability to take action on what needs to be done, panic
attacks leading up to an uncomfortable level where all areas within this core
energy center become sensitive again after release.

Digestive disorders which can lead into other problems like headaches and
lower body pains. Other behavioral symptoms include excessive mistrust, hyper-
vigilance, hoarding practices, and obsession with material wealth.
Practices to Restore Balance
to the Root Chakra
When your Root chakra is in balance, you’ll find it easy to be yourself.

You won’t feel the need for people’s approval or fear losing control over
things. Instead, trusting people would be natural and you will be able to
develop and deepen relationships.

You’ll no longer feel the urge to fight all kinds of imagined injustices. You will
be free to be yourself.

Here are some practices you can implement in daily live to bring balance to
the Root chakra:

 Yoga of course is an excellent way to ground yourself and connect

with your body.

It can help you feel more present and connected to your physical self, which is
essential for balancing the Root chakra. Practice yoga poses that open the
hips and legs, such as Downward Dog or Warrior. This will help release tension
in the body and make you feel grounded.

 Meditation also can help you connect with your inner self and find
a sense of peace and calm.

It eases anxiety and stress, which helps in the overall balancing of the Root

a. Meditate on the mantra “I am grounded and stable.” This helps you

to connect with your sense of stability and security.
b. Meditate on the qualities of security, grounding, and
dependability. This helps you to cultivate and strengthen these
qualities within yourself.
c. Breathing exercises: Deep breathing helps to oxygenate the blood and
relax the body. It can also be very grounding and centering, which can
help to balance the root chakra.
d. Aromatherapy: Certain essential oils help in balancing the Root chakra.
They include frankincense, myrrh, and vetiver.
e. Crystals: Some crystals can help balance the Root chakra. The more
effective ones include red jasper, bloodstone, and black tourmaline.
f. Sound therapy: Sounds too can help balance the Root chakra. They
include drumming, chanting, and vibrations from singing bowls.
g. Visualize a red light flowing into your chakra. This will help to
stimulate and re-energize the chakra.
h. Chant the base mantra ‘Lam’ in a meditative pose for 11 mins each
day. This will help get your energy moving more efficiently in the chakra.
i. Visualization: Imagine that you are standing in a sturdy and supportive
tree trunk. This will help you to feel more stable and rooted.
j. Spend time in nature, connecting with the Earth’s energy. This will
again help to ground and center you.
k. Use grounding exercises like walking in nature or sitting barefoot on
the ground. These can help you to feel more connected to the Earth
and your own body.
l. Connect with your primal instincts to help yourself to feel safe and
m. Eat grounding foods such as root vegetables, legumes, and whole
grains help you to nourish your body and to connect with your sense of
n. Spend time with people who make you feel safe and
supported. This will start you off in cultivating more relationships that
are supportive and grounding.
o. Connect with your sense of roots and belonging by spending time
with family and friends. This helps you to feel connected and rooted in
your community.
p. Practice self-compassion and self-care.
q. Incorporate symbols of security and stability into your life, such as a
rock or a tree. These visual symbols help you feel more grounded and


The things we mentioned above are what you can do to balance the Root

One approach is to focus on the Physical aspects. For example, you can
experiment with different poses or activities that help you feel more rooted and
connected to the earth.

Or you can work with Visualisation exercises. Another approach is to focus on

the Emotions and work on your feelings of safety and security, as well as
identifying any areas where you feel disconnected or unsupported.

All these exercises will help you bring greater balance to this energy

The Bottom Line

Balancing the Root chakra takes time and patience. No singular approach
will work for everyone, so be sure to experiment and find what works best for

With time and practice, you will bring greater balance and stability to your life.
Just be patient and consistent with your practice.

You can delve deeper into this subject by enrolling for one of the most
exclusive course on chakras available online. Click here for the
course ‘Understanding Chakras’.

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