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Fundamentals and Applications, 2nd

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Fundamentals and

Allen J. Bard
Larry R. Faulkner
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
University of Texas at Austin


New Yorke Chichester • Weinheim
Brisbane e Singapore e Toronto
Major Symbols xi

Symbol Meaning Usual Units References

Ещ equilibrium potential of an electrode V 1.3.2,3.4.1

EF Fermi level eV 2.2.5, 3.6.3
Em flat-band potential V 18.2.2
Eg bandgap of a semiconductor eV 18.2.2
E; initial potential V 6.2.1
Щ junction potential mV 2.3.4
Em membrane potential mV 2.4
EP peak potential V 6.2.2
A£P (a)|£pa-£pc|inCV V 6.5
(b) pulse height in SWV mV 7.3.5
Ep/2 potential where / = /p/2 in LSV V 6.2.2
£pa anodic peak potential V 6.5
£pc cathodic peak potential V 6.5
staircase step height in SWV mV 7.3.5
£Z potential of zero charge V 13.2.2
*л switching potential for cyclic voltammetry V 6.5
Еф quarter-wave potential in V 8.3.1
E\I2 (a) measured or expected half-wave V 1.4.2,5.4,5.5
potential in voltammetry
(b) in derivations, the "reversible" V 5.4
half-wave potential,
Eo> + (RT/nF)\n(DR/D0)l/2
Ещ potential where i/i^ = 1 / 4 V 5.4.1
Ъ1А potential where ///d = 3/4 V 5.4.1
e (a) electronic charge с
(b) voltage in an electric circuit V 10.1.1,15.1
e\ input voltage V 15.2
e0 output voltage V 15.1.1
voltage across the input terminals of an /xV 15.1.1
ег%) error function of x none A.3
erfc(x) error function complement of x none A.3
F the Faraday constant; charge on one С
mole of electrons
f (a) F/RT V" 1
(b) frequency of rotation r/s 9.3
(c) frequency of a sinusoidal oscillation s- 1 10.1.2
(d) SWV frequency s- 1 7.3.5
(e) fraction titrated none 11.5.2
/(E) Fermi function none 3.6.3
fUk) fractional concentration of species / in none B.1.3
boxy after iteration к in a simulation
G Gibbs free energy kJ, kJ/mol 2.2.4
AG Gibbs free energy change in a chemical kJ, kJ/mol 2.1.2,2.1.3
G electrochemical free energy kJ, kJ/mol 2.2.4
G° standard Gibbs free energy kJ, kJ/mol 3.1.2
xii Major Symbols

Symbol Meaning Usual Units References

AG° standard Gibbs free energy change in a kJ, kJ/mol 2.1.2,2.1.3

chemical process
standard Gibbs free energy of activation kJ/mol 3.1.2
дс!transfer, j
standard free energy of transfer for kJ/mol 2.3.6
species j from phase a into phase /3
(a) gravitational acceleration cm/s
2 2
(b) interaction parameter in adsorption J-cm /mol 13.5.2
H (a) enthalpy kJ, kJ/mol 2.1.2
s 5.5.1
Mi enthalpy change in a chemical process kJ, kJ/mol 2.1.2
A#° standard enthalpy change in a chemical kJ, kJ/mol 2.1.2
standard enthalpy of activation kJ/mol 3.1.2
Planck constant J-s
corrected mercury column height at a DME cm 7.1.4
/ amplitude of an ac current A 10.1.2
/(0 convolutive transform of current; C/s1/2 6.7.1
semi-integral of current
/ current phasor A 10.1.2
7 diffusion current constant for average ^A-s1/2/(mg2/3-mM) 7.1.3
diffusion current constant for maximum M-s 1/2 /(mg 2/3 -mM) 7.1.3
peak value of ac current amplitude A 10.5.1
current A 1.3.2
А/ difference current in SWV = if — ir A 7.3.5
8i difference current in DPV = /(r) - Z(r') A 7.3.4
/(0) initial current in bulk electrolysis A 11.3.1
*А characteristic current describing flux of the A 14.4.2
primary reactant to a modified RDE
anodic component current A 3.2
(a) charging current A 6.2.4
(b) cathodic component current A 3.2
(a) current due to diffusive flux A 4.1
(b) diffusion-limited current A 5.2.1
average diffusion-limited current flow A
over a drop lifetime at a DME
Od)max diffusion-limited current at tm.dX at a A
DME (maximum current)
characteristic current describing diffusion A
of electrons within the film at a
modified electrode
(a) faradaic current A
(b) forward current A 5.7
kinetically limited current A 9.3.4
characteristic current describing A 14.4.2
cross-reaction within the film at a
modified electrode
Major Symbols xui

Symbol Meaning Usual Units References

Ч limiting current A 1.4.2

k& limiting anodic current A 1.4.2
kc limiting cathodic current A 1.4.2
migration current A 4.1
h characteristic current describing A 14.4.2
permeation of the primary reactant
into the film at a modified electrode
>P peak current A 6.2.2
'pa anodic peak current A 6.5.1
*pc cathodic peak current A 6.5.1
'r current during reversal step A 5.7
'S (a) characteristic current describing A 14.4.2
diffusion of the primary reactant
through the film at a modified electrode
(b) substrate current in SECM A 16.4.4
4s steady-state current A 5.3
h tip current in SECM A • 16.4.2
*T,oo tip current in SECM far from the A 16.4.1
h exchange current A 3.4.1,3.5.4
*0,t true exchange current A 13.7.1
Im(w) imaginary part of complex function w A.5
/jfe t) flux of species j at location x at time t mol c m " 2 s" 1 1.4.1,4.1
j (a) current density A/cm2 1.3.2
(b) box index in a simulation none B.1.2
(c)V^I none A.5
h exchange current density A/cm 3.4.1,3.5.4
К equilibrium constant none
precursor equilibrium constant for depends on case 3.6.1
reactant j
к (a) rate constant for a homogeneous depends on order
(b) iteration number in a simulation none B.I
(c) extinction coefficient none 17.1.2
Boltzmann constant J/K
k° standard heterogeneous rate constant cm/s 3.3, 3.4
К (a) heterogeneous rate constant for cm/s 3.2
(b) homogeneous rate constant for depends on order 3.1
"backward" reaction
kf (a) heterogeneous rate constant for cm/s 3.2
(b) homogeneous rate constant for depends on order 3.1
"forward" reaction
*?? potentiometric selectivity coefficient of
interferenty toward a measurement
none 2.4

of species /
k° true standard heterogeneous rate cm/s 13.7.1
xiv Major Symbols

Symbol Meaning Usual Units References

L length of a porous electrode 11.6.2

L{f(t)} Laplace transform of/(0 = f(s) A.I
L~]{f(s)} inverse Laplace transform of f(s) A.I
I thickness of solution in a thin-layer cell cm 11.7.2
€ number of iterations corresponding to t^ none B.1.4
in a simulation
m mercury flow rate at a DME mg/s 7.1.2
m(t) convolutive transform of current; C/s 6.7.1
semi-integral of current
m-} mass-transfer coefficient of species j cm/s 1.4.2
N collection efficiency at an RRDE none 9.4.2
NA (a) acceptor density cm" 18.2.2
(b) Avogadro's number тоГ
ND donor density cm" 18.2.2
iVj total number of moles of species j in mol 11.3.1
a system
n (a) stoichiometric number of electrons none 1.3.2
involved in an electrode reaction
cm" 3 18.2.2
(b) electron density in a semiconductor
none 17.1.2
(c) refractive index
none 17.1.2
n complex refractive index
cm" 3 13.3.2
n° number concentration of each ion in a
z: z electrolyte
cm" 3 18.2.2
щ electron density in an intrinsic
mol 2.2.4, 13.1.1
щ (a) number of moles of species у in a phase
cm" 3 13.3.2
(b) number concentration of ion у in an
electrolyte -3
cm 13.3.2
n® number concentration of ion у in the bulk
О oxidized form of the standard system
О + ne ^ R; often used as a subscript
denoting quantities pertaining to
species О
P pressure Pa, atm
cm" 3 18.2.2
p (a) hole density in a semiconductor
s" 1 11.3.1
(b) mjA/V
P\ hole density in an intrinsic semiconductor cm" 3 18.3.2
Q charge passed in electrolysis С 1.3.2,5.8.1, 11.3.1
<2° charge required for complete electrolysis С 11.3.4
of a component by Faraday's law
gd chronocoulometric charge from a с 5.8.1
diffusing component
Qdi charge devoted to double-layer с 5.8
cf excess charge on phase у СдС 1.2,2.2
R reduced form of the standard system,
О + ne i=^ R; often used as a subscript
denoting quantities pertaining to
species R
Major Symbols xv

Symbol Meaning Usual Units References
R (a) gas constant Jmol^K"

(b) resistance ft 10.1.2

(c) fraction of substance electrolyzed in none 11.6.2
a porous electrode
(d) reflectance none 17.1.2
RB series equivalent resistance of a cell ft 10.4
Ret charge-transfer resistance ft 1.3.3,3.4.3
R{ feedback resistance a 15.2
Rmt mass-transfer resistance ft 1.4.2,3.4.6
Rs (a) solution resistance ft 1.3.4
(b) series resistance in an equivalent ft 1.2.4, 10.1.3
Ru uncompensated resistance ft 1.3.4, 15.6
Ra ohmic solution resistance ft 10.1.3
r radial distance from the center of an cm 5.2.2,5.3,9.3.1
rc radius of a capillary cm 7.1.3
fo radius of an electrode cm 5.2.2, 5.3
r\ radius of the disk in an RDE or RRDE cm 9.3.5
Г2 inner radius of a ring electrode cm 9.4.1
гъ outer radius of a ring electrode cm 9.4.1
Re Reynolds number none 9.2.1
Re(w) real part of complex function w A.5
AS entropy change in a chemical process kJ/K.kJmol^K"1 2.1.2
AS0 standard entropy change in a chemical kJ/K.kJmol^K"1 2.1.2
AS* standard entropy of activation kJmol^K"1 3.1.2
Sr(t) unit step function rising at t = т none A. 1.7
s (a) Laplace plane variable, usually A.I
complementary to t
(b) specific area of a porous electrode cm" 11.6.2
T absolute temperature К
t time s
4 transference number of species у none 2.3.3, 4.2
known characteristic time in a simulation s B.1.4
чтшх drop time at a DME s 7.1.2
pulse width in SWV s 7.3.5
Щ mobility of ion (or charge carrier) j cn^V'V1 2.3.3,4.2
V volume cm 3
V (a) linear potential scan rate V/s 6.1
(b) homogeneous reaction rate mol cm" 3 s~l 1.3.2,3.1
(c) heterogeneous reaction rate mol cm" 2 s" 1 1.3.2, 3.2
(d) linear velocity of solution flow, usually cm/s 1.4.1,9.2
a function of position
vh (a) "backward" homogeneous reaction rate mol cm~ 3 s" 1 3.1
(b) anodic heterogeneous reaction rate mol c m " 2 s-1 3.2
Vf (a) "forward" homogeneous reaction rate mol cm" 3 s" 1 3.1
(b) cathodic heterogeneous reaction rate mol cm" 2 s~] 3.2
V\ component of velocity in the j direction cm/s 9.2.1
xvi Major Symbols

Symbol Meaning Usual Units References
*>mt rate of mass transfer to a surface mol cm s ' 1.4.1
Wj(A,E) probability density function for species j eV" 3.6.3
w width of a band electrode cm 5.3
Wj work term for reactant j in electron eV 3.6.2
*c capacitive reactance n 10.1.2
x mole fraction of species j none 13.1.2
X distance, often from a planar electrode cm
X\ distance of the IHP from the electrode cm 1.2.3, 13.3.3
x2 distance of the OHP from the electrode cm 1.2.3, 13.3.3
Y admittance rr1 1
Y admittance vector ft" 10.1.2
У distance from an RDE or RRDE cm 9.3.1
z (a) impedance n 10.1.2
(b) dimensionless current parameter in none B.1.6
z impedance vector ft 10.1.2
faradaic impedance ft 10.1.3
Z\m imaginary part of impedance a 10.1.2
^Re real part of impedance ft 10.1.2
7 Warburg impedance ft 10.1.3
z (a) distance normal to the surface of a cm 5.3
disk electrode or along a cylindrical
(b) charge magnitude of each ion in a none 13.3.2
z: z electrolyte
charge on species j in signed units of none 2.3
electronic charge

Symbol Meaning Usual Units References

(a) transfer coefficient none 3.3

(b) absorption coefficient cm"1 17.1.2
(a) distance factor for extended charge A"1 3.6.4
(b) geometric parameter for an RRDE none 9.4.1
(c) 1 - a none 10.5.2
(a) дЕ/дС}(0, t) V-cm3/mol 10.2.2
(b) equilibrium parameter in an adsorption none 13.5.2
isotherm for species у
surface excess of species j at equilibrium mol/cm2 13.1.2
relative surface excess of species у with mol/cm2 13.1.2
respect to component r
Major Symbols xvii

Symbol Meaning Usual Units References
surface excess of species j at saturation mol/cm 13.5.2
(a) surface tension dyne/cm
(b) dimensionless parameter used to define none 5.4.2, 5.5.2
frequency (time) regimes in step
experiments at spherical electrodes
П activity coefficient for species у none 2.1.5
Д ellipsometric parameter none 17.1.2
8 r0(s/Do) , used to define diffusional none 5.5.2
regimes at a spherical electrode
"diffusion" layer thickness for species у at 1.4.2,9.3.2
an electrode fed by convective transfer
(a) dielectric constant none 13.3.1
(b) optical-frequency dielectric constant none 17.1.2
(c) porosity none 11.6.2
complex optical-frequency dielectric none 17.1.2
molar absorptivity of species у M" 1 cm " 1 17.1.1
permittivity of free space m"2 13.3.1
zeta potential mV 9.8.1
overpotential, E — Eeq V 1.3.2,3.4.2
charge-transfer overpotential V 1.3.3, 3.4.6
viscosity of fluid у gem' " V = poise 9.2.2
mass-transfer overpotential V 1.3.3, 3.4.6
none 5.4.1
s 1/2 5.8.2
fractional coverage of an interface by none 13.5.2
species у
(a) conductivity of a solution = fl" 1 -i

(b) transmission coefficient of a reaction none 3.1.3

(c) r0kf/Do, used to define kinetic regimes none 5.5.2
at a spherical electrode
(d) double-layer thickness parameter cm" 1 13.3.2
(e) partition coefficient for the primary none 14.4.2
reactant in a modified electrode system
electronic transmission coefficient none 3.6
A equivalent conductivity of a solution c m 2 ! ! " 1 equiv " 2.3.3
A (a) reorganization energy for electron eV 3.6
(b) £fr1/2(l + £0)/£>o2 none 5.5.1
(c) dimensionless homogeneous kinetic none 12.3
parameter, specific to a method and
(d) switching time in CV s 6.5
(e) wavelength of light in vacuo nm 17.1.2
inner component of the reorganization eV 3.6.2
equivalent ionic conductivity for ion у cm 2 II 1 equiv ] 2.3.3
equivalent ionic conductivity of ion у cm 2 fl" 1 equiv" 1 2.3.3
extrapolated to infinite dilution
xviii Major Symbols

Symbol Meaning Usual Units References

outer component of the reorganization eV 3.6.2

(a) reaction layer thickness cm 1.5.2, 12.4.2
(b) magnetic permeability none 17.1.2
electrochemical potential of electrons in kJ/mol 2.2.4, 2.2.5
phase a
electrochemical potential of species j in kJ/mol 2.2.4
phase a
chemical potential of species у in phase a kJ/mol 2.2.4
standard chemical potential of species j in kJ/mol 2.2.4
phase a
(a) kinematic viscosity cm2/s 9.2.2
(b) frequency of light
stoichiometric coefficient for species у in a none 2.1.5
chemical process
s" 1 3.6
nuclear frequency factor
none 5.4.1
fl-cm 4.2
(a) resistivity
(b) roughness factor none 5.2.3
p(E) electronic density of states cm 2 eV" 1 3.6.3
(a) nFv/RT s" 1 6.2.1
(b) (1MFAV2)[/3O/£>O/2 " J3R/£>R2] 10.2.3
excess charge density on phase у C/cm2 1.2,2.2
parameter describing potential dependence none 13.3.4
of adsorption energy
(a) transition time in chronopotentiometry s 8.2.2
(b) sampling time in sampled-current s 5.1,7.3
(c) forward step duration in a double-step 5.7.1
(d) generally, a characteristic time defined
by the properties of an experiment
(e) in treatments of UMEs, 4Dot/rl none 5.3
start of potential pulse in pulse voltammetry s 7.3
longitudinal relaxation time of a solvent s 3.6.2
Ф work function of a phase eV 3.6.4
Ф (a) electrostatic potential V 2.2.1
(b) phase angle between two sinusoidal degrees, 10.1.2
signals radians
(c) phase angle between / a c and £ a c degrees, 10.1.2
(d) film thickness in a modified electrode cm 14.4.2
(a) electrostatic potential difference V 2.2
between two points or phases
(b) potential drop in the space charge 18.2.2
region of a semiconductor
absolute electrostatic potential of phase j V 2.2.1
junction potential at a liquid-liquid interface V 6.8
Major Symbols xix

Symbol Meaning Usual Units References
standard Galvani potential of ion transfer V 6.8
for species j from phase a to phase /3
Фо total potential drop across the solution side mV 13.3.2
of the double layer
ф2 potential at the OHP with respect to bulk V 1.2.3, 13.3.3
X (12/7)1/2£fT1/2/Do/2 none 7.2.2
XU) dimensionless distance of box; in a none B.1.5
(bt) normalized current for a totally irreversible none 6.3.1
system in LSV and CV
(at) normalized current for a reversible system in none 6.2.1
LSV and CV
Xf rate constant for permeation of the primary cm/s 14.4.2
reactant into the film at a modified
Ф (a) ellipsometric parameter none 17.1.2
(b) dimensionless rate parameter in CV none 6.5.2
(a) angular frequency of rotation; s" 1 9.3
2тг X rotation rate
(b) angular frequency of a sinusoidal s" 1 10.1.2
oscillation; 2rrf

Abbreviation Meaning Reference

ADC analog-to-digital converter 15.8

AES Auger electron spectrometry 17.3.3
AFM atomic force microscopy 16.3
ASV anodic stripping voltammetry 11.8
BV Butler- Volmer 3.3
CB conduction band 18.2.2
CE homogeneous chemical process preceding heterogeneous 12.1.1
electron transfer1
CV cyclic voltammetry 6.1,6.5
CZE capillary zone electrophoresis 11.6.4
DAC digital-to-analog converter 15.8
DME (a) dropping mercury electrode 7.1.1
(b) 1,2-dimethoxyethane
DMF TV, TV-dimethylformamide
DMSO Dimethylsulfoxide
DPP differential pulse polarography 7.3.4
DPV differential pulse voltammetry 7.3.4

betters may be subscripted i, q, or r to indicate irreversible, quasi-reversible, or reversible reactions.

xx Major Symbols

Abbreviation Meaning Reference

EC heterogeneous electron transfer followed by homogeneous 12.1.1

chemical reaction
EC' catalytic regeneration of the electroactive species in a following 12.1.1
homogeneous reaction
ECE heterogeneous electron transfer, homogeneous chemical reaction, 12.1.1
and heterogeneous electron transfer, in sequence
ECL electrogenerated chemiluminescence 18.1
ECM electrocapillary maximum 13.2.2
ЕЕ step wise heterogeneous electron transfers to accomplish a 12.1.1
2-electron reduction or oxidation of a species
EIS electrochemical impedance spectroscopy 10.1.1
emf electromotive force 2.1.3
EMIRS electrochemically modulated infrared reflectance spectroscopy 17.2.1
ESR electron spin resonance 17.4.1
ESTM electrochemical scanning tunneling microscopy 16.2
EXAFS extended X-ray absorption fine structure 17.6.1
FFT fast Fourier transform A.6
GCS Gouy-Chapman-Stern 13.3.3
GDP galvanostatic double pulse 8.6
HCP hexagonal close-packed 13.4.2
HMDE hanging mercury drop electrode 5.2.2
HOPG highly oriented pyrolytic graphite 13.4.2
IHP inner Helmholtz plane 1.2.3, 13.3.3
IPE ideal polarized electrode 1.2.1
IRRAS infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy 17.2.1
IR-SEC infrared spectroelectrochemistry 17.2.1
ISE ion-selective electrode 2.4
ITIES interface between two immiscible electrolyte solutions 6.8
ITO indium-tin oxide thin film 18.2.5
LB Langmuir-Blodgett 14.2.1
LCEC liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection 11.6.4
LEED low-energy electron diffraction 17.3.3
LSV linear sweep voltammetry 6.1
MFE mercury film electrode 11.8
NHE normal hydrogen electrode = SHE 1.1.1
NCE normal calomel electrode, Hg/Hg2Cl2/KCl (1.0M)
NPP normal pulse polarography 7.3.2
NPV normal pulse voltammetry 7.3.2
OHP outer Helmholtz plane 1.2.3, 13.3.3
OTE optically transparent electrode 17.1.1
OTTLE optically transparent thin-layer electrode 17.1.1
PAD pulsed amperometric detection 11.6.4
PC propylene carbonate
PDIRS potential difference infrared spectroscopy 17.2.1
PZC potential of zero charge 13.2.2
QCM quartz crystal microbalance 17.5

Letters may be subscripted /, q, or r to indicate irreversible, quasi-reversible, or reversible reactions.
Major Symbols xxi

Abbreviation Meaning Reference
QRE quasi-reference electrode 2.1.7
RDE rotating disk electrode 9.3
RDS rate-determining step 3.5
RPP reverse pulse polarography 7.3.4
RPV reverse pulse voltammetry 7.3.4
RRDE rotating ring-disk electrode 9.4.2
SAM self-assembled monolayer 14.2.2
SCE saturated calomel electrode 1.1.1
SECM scanning electrochemical microscopy 16.4
SERS surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy 17.2.2
SHE standard hydrogen electrode = NHE 1.1.1
SHG second harmonic generation 17.1.5
SMDE static mercury drop electrode 7.1.1
SNIFTIRS subtractively normalized interfacial Fourier transform infrared 17.2.1
SPE solid polymer electrolyte 14.2.6
SPR surface plasmon resonance 17.1.3
SSCE sodium saturated calomel electrode, Hg/Hg2Cl2/NaCl (sat'd)
STM scanning tunneling microscopy 16.2
swv square wave voltammetry 7.3.5
TBABF4 tetra-/2-butylammonium fluoborate
TBAI tetra-ft-butylammonium iodide
TBAP tetra-w-butylammoniumperchlorate
TEAP tetraethylammonium perchlorate
THF tetrahydrofuran
UHV ultrahigh vacuum 17.3
UME ultramicroelectrode 5.3
UPD underpotential deposition 11.2.1
XPS X-ray photoelectron spectrometry 17.3.2
VB valence band 18.2.2

Electrochemistry is the branch of chemistry concerned with the interrelation of electri-
cal and chemical effects. A large part of this field deals with the study of chemical
changes caused by the passage of an electric current and the production of electrical en-
ergy by chemical reactions. In fact, the field of electrochemistry encompasses a huge
array of different phenomena (e.g., electrophoresis and corrosion), devices (elec-
trochromic displays, electro analytical sensors, batteries, and fuel cells), and technolo-
gies (the electroplating of metals and the large-scale production of aluminum and
chlorine). While the basic principles of electrochemistry discussed in this text apply to
all of these, the main emphasis here is on the application of electrochemical methods to
the study of chemical systems.
Scientists make electrochemical measurements on chemical systems for a variety of
reasons. They may be interested in obtaining thermodynamic data about a reaction. They
may want to generate an unstable intermediate such as a radical ion and study its rate of
decay or its spectroscopic properties. They may seek to analyze a solution for trace
amounts of metal ions or organic species. In these examples, electrochemical methods are
employed as tools in the study of chemical systems in just the way that spectroscopic
methods are frequently applied. There are also investigations in which the electrochemi-
cal properties of the systems themselves are of primary interest, for example, in the design
of a new power source or for the electrosynthesis of some product. Many electrochemical
methods have been devised. Their application requires an understanding of the fundamen-
tal principles of electrode reactions and the electrical properties of electrode-solution in-
In this chapter, the terms and concepts employed in describing electrode reactions
are introduced. In addition, before embarking on a detailed consideration of methods
for studying electrode processes and the rigorous solutions of the mathematical equa-
tions that govern them, we will consider approximate treatments of several different
types of electrode reactions to illustrate their main features. The concepts and treat-
ments described here will be considered in a more complete and rigorous way in later
2 • Chapter 1. Introduction and Overview of Electrode Processes

1.1.1 Electrochemical Cells and Reactions

In electrochemical systems, we are concerned with the processes and factors that affect
the transport of charge across the interface between chemical phases, for example, be-
tween an electronic conductor (an electrode) and an ionic conductor (an electrolyte).
Throughout this book, we will be concerned with the electrode/electrolyte interface and
the events that occur there when an electric potential is applied and current passes. Charge
is transported through the electrode by the movement of electrons (and holes). Typical
electrode materials include solid metals (e.g., Pt, Au), liquid metals (Hg, amalgams), car-
bon (graphite), and semiconductors (indium-tin oxide, Si). In the electrolyte phase,
charge is carried by the movement of ions. The most frequently used electrolytes are liq-
+ +
uid solutions containing ionic species, such as, H , Na , Cl~, in either water or a non-
aqueous solvent. To be useful in an electrochemical cell, the solvent/electrolyte system
must be of sufficiently low resistance (i.e., sufficiently conductive) for the electrochemi-
cal experiment envisioned. Less conventional electrolytes include fused salts (e.g., molten
NaCl-KCl eutectic) and ionically conductive polymers (e.g., Nation, polyethylene
oxide-LiClO4). Solid electrolytes also exist (e.g., sodium j8-alumina, where charge is car-
ried by mobile sodium ions that move between the aluminum oxide sheets).
It is natural to think about events at a single interface, but we will find that one cannot
deal experimentally with such an isolated boundary. Instead, one must study the proper-
ties of collections of interfaces called electrochemical cells. These systems are defined
most generally as two electrodes separated by at least one electrolyte phase.
In general, a difference in electric potential can be measured between the electrodes in
an electrochemical cell. Typically this is done with a high impedance voltmeter. This cell
potential, measured in volts (V), where 1 V = 1 joule/coulomb (J/C), is a measure of the
energy available to drive charge externally between the electrodes. It is a manifestation of
the collected differences in electric potential between all of the various phases in the cell.
We will find in Chapter 2 that the transition in electric potential in crossing from one con-
ducting phase to another usually occurs almost entirely at the interface. The sharpness of
the transition implies that a very high electric field exists at the interface, and one can ex-
pect it to exert effects on the behavior of charge carriers (electrons or ions) in the interfa-
cial region. Also, the magnitude of the potential difference at an interface affects the
relative energies of the carriers in the two phases; hence it controls the direction and
the rate of charge transfer. Thus, the measurement and control of cell potential is one of the
most important aspects of experimental electrochemistry.
Before we consider how these operations are carried out, it is useful to set up a short-
hand notation for expressing the structures of cells. For example, the cell pictured in Fig-
ure 1.1.1a is written compactly as

Zn/Zn 2 + , СГ/AgCl/Ag (l.l.l)

In this notation, a slash represents a phase boundary, and a comma separates two compo-
nents in the same phase. A double slash, not yet used here, represents a phase boundary
whose potential is regarded as a negligible component of the overall cell potential. When
a gaseous phase is involved, it is written adjacent to its corresponding conducting ele-
ment. For example, the cell in Figure 1.1.1ft is written schematically as

Pt/H2/H+, СГ/AgCl/Ag (1.1.2)

The overall chemical reaction taking place in a cell is made up of two independent
half-reactions, which describe the real chemical changes at the two electrodes. Each half-
reaction (and, consequently, the chemical composition of the system near the electrodes)
1.1 Introduction 3

Pt H2

Zn Ag

Excess Excess
(а) (Ь)
Figure l.l.l Typical electrochemical cells, (a) Zn metal and Ag wire covered with AgCI immersed
in a ZnCl2 solution, (b) Pt wire in a stream of H2 and Ag wire covered with AgCI in HC1 solution.

responds to the interfacial potential difference at the corresponding electrode. Most of the
time, one is interested in only one of these reactions, and the electrode at which it occurs
is called the working (or indicator) electrode. To focus on it, one standardizes the other
half of the cell by using an electrode (called a reference electrode) made up of phases
having essentially constant composition.
The internationally accepted primary reference is the standard hydrogen electrode
(SHE), or normal hydrogen electrode (NHE), which has all components at unit activity:
Pt/H2(a - l)/H + (a = 1, aqueous) (1.1.3)
Potentials are often measured and quoted with respect to reference electrodes other than
the NHE, which is not very convenient from an experimental standpoint. A common ref-
erence is the saturated calomel electrode (SCE), which is
Hg/Hg2Cl2/KCl (saturated in water) (1.1.4)
Its potential is 0.242 V vs. NHE. Another is the silver-silver chloride electrode,
Ag/AgCl/KCl (saturated in water) (1.1.5)
with a potential of 0.197 V vs. NHE. It is common to see potentials identified in the litera-
ture as "vs. Ag/AgQ" when this electrode is used.
Since the reference electrode has a constant makeup, its potential is fixed. Therefore,
any changes in the cell are ascribable to the working electrode. We say that we observe or
control the potential of the working electrode with respect to the reference, and that is
equivalent to observing or controlling the energy of the electrons within the working elec-
trode (1, 2). By driving the electrode to more negative potentials (e.g., by connecting a
battery or power supply to the cell with its negative side attached to the working elec-
trode), the energy of the electrons is raised. They can reach a level high enough to transfer
into vacant electronic states on species in the electrolyte. In that case, a flow of electrons
from electrode to solution (a reduction current) occurs (Figure 1.1.2a). Similarly, the en-
ergy of the electrons can be lowered by imposing a more positive potential, and at some
point electrons on solutes in the electrolyte will find a more favorable energy on the elec-
trode and will transfer there. Their flow, from solution to electrode, is an oxidation cur-
rent (Figure 1.1.2b). The critical potentials at which these processes occur are related to
the standard potentials, E°, for the specific chemical substances in the system.
4 Chapter 1. Introduction and Overview of Electrode Processes

Electrode Solution Electrode Solution

0 MO

Energy level
of electrons

0j Occupied

A + e —> A

Electrode Solution Electrode Solution

0 Energy level

of electrons

0l Occupied

A - e -^ A+
Figure 1.1.2 Representation of (a) reduction and (b) oxidation process of a species, A, in
solution. The molecular orbitals (MO) of species A shown are the highest occupied MO and the
lowest vacant MO. These correspond in an approximate way to the E°s of the A/A~ and A + /A
couples, respectively. The illustrated system could represent an aromatic hydrocarbon (e.g.,
9,10-diphenylanthracene) in an aprotic solvent (e.g., acetonitrile) at a platinum electrode.

Consider a typical electrochemical experiment where a working electrode and a ref-

erence electrode are immersed in a solution, and the potential difference between the elec-
trodes is varied by means of an external power supply (Figure 1.1.3). This variation in
potential, £, can produce a current flow in the external circuit, because electrons cross the
electrode/solution interfaces as reactions occur. Recall that the number of electrons that
cross an interface is related stoichiometrically to the extent of the chemical reaction (i.e.,
to the amounts of reactant consumed and product generated). The number of electrons is
measured in terms of the total charge, Q, passed in the circuit. Charge is expressed in
units of coulombs (C), where 1 С is equivalent to 6.24 X 10 1 8 electrons. The relationship
between charge and amount of product formed is given by Faraday's law; that is, the pas-
sage of 96,485.4 С causes 1 equivalent of reaction (e.g., consumption of 1 mole of reac-
tant or production of 1 mole of product in a one-electron reaction). The current, /, is the
rate of flow of coulombs (or electrons), where a current of 1 ampere (A) is equivalent to 1
C/s. When one plots the current as a function of the potential, one obtains a current-poten-
tial (i vs. E) curve. Such curves can be quite informative about the nature of the solution
and the electrodes and about the reactions that occur at the interfaces. Much of the re-
mainder of this book deals with how one obtains and interprets such curves.
1.1 Introduction 5



Figure 1.1.3 Schematic diagram of the
electrochemical cell Pt/HBr(l M)/AgBr/Ag attached
to power supply and meters for obtaining a current-
potential (i-E) curve.

Let us now consider the particular cell in Figure 1.1.3 and discuss in a qualitative
way the current-potential curve that might be obtained with it. In Section 1.4 and in later
chapters, we will be more quantitative. We first might consider simply the potential we
would measure when a high impedance voltmeter (i.e., a voltmeter whose internal resis-
tance is so high that no appreciable current flows through it during a measurement) is
placed across the cell. This is called the open-circuit potential of the cell.1
For some electrochemical cells, like those in Figure 1.1.1, it is possible to calculate
the open-circuit potential from thermodynamic data, that is, from the standard potentials
of the half-reactions involved at both electrodes via the Nernst equation (see Chapter 2).
The key point is that a true equilibrium is established, because a pair of redox forms
linked by a given half-reaction (i.e., a redox couple) is present at each electrode. In Figure
1.1.1/?, for example, we have H + and H 2 at one electrode and Ag and AgCl at the other.2
The cell in Figure 1.1.3 is different, because an overall equilibrium cannot be estab-
lished. At the Ag/AgBr electrode, a couple is present and the half-reaction is
AgBr + e ±± Ag + Br = 0.0713 Vvs. NHE (1.1.6)
Since AgBr and Ag are both solids, their activities are unity. The activity of Br can be
found from the concentration in solution; hence the potential of this electrode (with re-
spect to NHE) could be calculated from the Nernst equation. This electrode is at equilib-
rium. However, we cannot calculate a thermodynamic potential for the Pt/H+,Br~
electrode, because we cannot identify a pair of chemical species coupled by a given half-
reaction. The controlling pair clearly is not the H2,H+ couple, since no H 2 has been intro-
duced into the cell. Similarly, it is not the O 2 ,H 2 O couple, because by leaving O 2 out of
the cell formulation we imply that the solutions in the cell have been deaerated. Thus, the
Pt electrode and the cell as a whole are not at equilibrium, and an equilibrium potential

*In the electrochemical literature, the open-circuit potential is also called the zero-current potential or the rest
When a redox couple is present at each electrode and there are no contributions from liquid junctions (yet to be
discussed), the open-circuit potential is also the equilibrium potential. This is the situation for each cell in
Figure 1.1.1.
Chapter 1. Introduction and Overview of Electrode Processes

does not exist. Even though the open-circuit potential of the cell is not available from
thermodynamic data, we can place it within a potential range, as shown below.
Let us now consider what occurs when a power supply (e.g., a battery) and a mi-
croammeter are connected across the cell, and the potential of the Pt electrode is made
more negative with respect to the Ag/AgBr reference electrode. The first electrode reac-
tion that occurs at the Pt is the reduction of protons,
2H + 2 e - * H 2 (1.1.7)
The direction of electron flow is from the electrode to protons in solution, as in Figure
1.12a, so a reduction (cathodic) current flows. In the convention used in this book, ca-
thodic currents are taken as positive, and negative potentials are plotted to the right. As
shown in Figure 1.1.4, the onset of current flow occurs when the potential of the Pt elec-
trode is near E° for the H /H 2 reaction (0 V vs. NHE or -0.07 V vs. the Ag/AgBr elec-
trode). While this is occurring, the reaction at the Ag/AgBr (which we consider the
reference electrode) is the oxidation of Ag in the presence of Br~ in solution to form
AgBr. The concentration of Br~ in the solution near the electrode surface is not changed
appreciably with respect to the original concentration (1 M), therefore the potential of the
Ag/AgBr electrode will be almost the same as at open circuit. The conservation of charge
requires that the rate of oxidation at the Ag electrode be equal to the rate of reduction at
the Pt electrode.
When the potential of the Pt electrode is made sufficiently positive with respect to the
reference electrode, electrons cross from the solution phase into the electrode, and the ox-

Pt/H+, ВГ(1 M)/AgBr/Ag Cathodic

1 : /
Onset of H +
reduction on Pt.

1 I i
1.5 0 -0.5
/ \
1 \
/ Onset of Br"
/ oxidation on Pt

Cell Potential Anodic

Figure 1.1.4 Schematic current-potential curve for the cell Pt/H + , Br~(l M)/AgBr/Ag, showing
the limiting proton reduction and bromide oxidation processes. The cell potential is given for the Pt
electrode with respect to the Ag electrode, so it is equivalent to £ P t (V vs. AgBr). Since ^Ag/AgBr =
0.07 V vs. NHE, the potential axis could be converted to EPt (V vs. NHE) by adding 0.07 V to each
value of potential.

The convention of taking / positive for a cathodic current stems from the early polarograhic studies, where
reduction reactions were usually studied. This convention has continued among many analytical chemists and
electrochemists, even though oxidation reactions are now studied with equal frequency. Other
electrochemists prefer to take an anodic current as positive. When looking over a derivation in the literature
or examining a published i-E curve, it is important to decide, first, which convention is being used (i.e.,
"Which way is up?").
1.1 Introduction 7

idation of Br~ to Br2 (and Br^~) occurs. An oxidation current, or anodic current, flows at
potentials near the E° of the half-reaction,
Br2 + 2 e ^ 2 B r ~ (1.1.8)
which is +1.09 V vs. NHE or +1.02 V vs. Ag/AgBr. While this reaction occurs (right-
to-left) at the Pt electrode, AgBr in the reference electrode is reduced to Ag and Br~ is
liberated into solution. Again, because the composition of the Ag/AgBr/Br~ interface
(i.e., the activities of AgBr, Ag, and Br~) is almost unchanged with the passage of modest
currents, the potential of the reference electrode is essentially constant. Indeed, the essen-
tial characteristic of a reference electrode is that its potential remains practically constant
with the passage of small currents. When a potential is applied between Pt and Ag/AgBr,
nearly all of the potential change occurs at the Pt/solution interface.
The background limits are the potentials where the cathodic and anodic currents start
to flow at a working electrode when it is immersed in a solution containing only an elec-
trolyte added to decrease the solution resistance (a supporting electrolyte). Moving the
potential to more extreme values than the background limits (i.e., more negative than the
limit for H2 evolution or more positive than that for Br2 generation in the example above)
simply causes the current to increase sharply with no additional electrode reactions, be-
cause the reactants are present at high concentrations. This discussion implies that one can
often estimate the background limits of a given electrode-solution interface by consider-
ing the thermodynamics of the system (i.e., the standard potentials of the appropriate half-
reactions). This is frequently, but not always, true, as we shall see in the next example.
From Figure 1.1.4, one can see that the open-circuit potential is not well defined in
the system under discussion. One can say only that the open-circuit potential lies some-
where between the background limits. The value found experimentally will depend
upon trace impurities in the solution (e.g., oxygen) and the previous history of the Pt
Let us now consider the same cell, but with the Pt replaced with a mercury electrode:
Hg/H + ,Br-(l M)/AgBr/Ag (1.1.9)
We still cannot calculate an open-circuit potential for the cell, because we cannot define a
redox couple for the Hg electrode. In examining the behavior of this cell with an applied
external potential, we find that the electrode reactions and the observed current-potential
behavior are very different from the earlier case. When the potential of the Hg is made
negative, there is essentially no current flow in the region where thermodynamics predict
that H2 evolution should occur. Indeed, the potential must be brought to considerably
more negative values, as shown in Figure 1.1.5, before this reaction takes place. The ther-
modynamics have not changed, since the equilibrium potential of half-reaction 1.1.7 is in-
dependent of the metal electrode (see Section 2.2.4). However, when mercury serves as
the locale for the hydrogen evolution reaction, the rate (characterized by a heterogeneous
rate constant) is much lower than at Pt. Under these circumstances, the reaction does not
occur at values one would predict from thermodynamics. Instead considerably higher
electron energies (more negative potentials) must be applied to make the reaction occur at
a measurable rate. The rate constant for a heterogeneous electron-transfer reaction is a
function of applied potential, unlike one for a homogeneous reaction, which is a constant
at a given temperature. The additional potential (beyond the thermodynamic requirement)
needed to drive a reaction at a certain rate is called the overpotential. Thus, it is said that
mercury shows "a high overpotential for the hydrogen evolution reaction."
When the mercury is brought to more positive values, the anodic reaction and the po-
tential for current flow also differ from those observed when Pt is used as the electrode.
8 • Chapter 1. Introduction and Overview of Electrode Processes

Hg/I-Г, ВГ(1 M)/AgBr/Ag


Onset of H +
reduction ,

0.5 -0.5 -1.5

Onset of Hg


Potential (V vs. NHE)

Figure 1.1.5 Schematic current-potential curve for the Hg electrode in the cell Hg/H + , Br (1
M)/AgBr/Ag, showing the limiting processes: proton reduction with a large negative overpotential
and mercury oxidation. The potential axis is defined through the process outlined in the caption to
Figure 1.1.4.

With Hg, the anodic background limit occurs when Hg is oxidized to Hg2Br2 at a poten-
tial near 0.14 V vs. NHE (0.07 V vs. Ag/AgBr), characteristic of the half-reaction
Hg 2 Br 2 + 2e«±2Hg 2Br" (1.1.10)
In general, the background limits depend upon both the electrode material and the solu-
tion employed in the electrochemical cell.
Finally let us consider the same cell with the addition of a small amount of Cd 2 + to
the solution,
Hg/H + ,Br"(l M), Cd 2+ (10" 3 M)/AgBr/Ag (1.1.11)
The qualitative current-potential curve for this cell is shown in Figure 1.1.6. Note the
appearance of the reduction wave at about -0.4 V vs. NHE arising from the reduction
CdBr|~ + 2e S Cd(Hg) + 4Br~ (1.1.12)
where Cd(Hg) denotes cadmium amalgam. The shape and size of such waves will be cov-
ered in Section 1.4.2. If Cd 2 + were added to the cell in Figure 1.1.3 and a current-poten-
tial curve taken, it would resemble that in Figure 1.1.4, found in the absence of Cd 2 + . At a
Pt electrode, proton reduction occurs at less positive potentials than are required for the
reduction of Cd(II), so the cathodic background limit occurs in 1 M HBr before the cad-
mium reduction wave can be seen.
In general, when the potential of an electrode is moved from its open-circuit value to-
ward more negative potentials, the substance that will be reduced first (assuming all possi-
ble electrode reactions are rapid) is the oxidant in the couple with the least negative (or
most positive) E®. For example, for a platinum electrode immersed in an aqueous solution
containing 0.01 M each of F e 3 + , Sn 4 + , and N i 2 + in 1 M HC1, the first substance reduced
will be F e 3 + , since the E° of this couple is most positive (Figure 1.1.7a). When the poten-
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Title: Perseus; or, of dragons

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DÆDALUS, or Science and the Future

By J. B. S. Haldane

ICARUS, or The Future of Science

By the Hon. Bertrand Russell, F.R.S.


By F. G. Crookshank, M.D. Fully Illustrated

By Prof. A. M. Low. With four Diagrams

NARCISSUS, An Anatomy of Clothes

By Gerald Heard. Illustrated

TANTALUS, or The Future of Man

By F. C. S. Schiller


By Prof. C. J. Patten, M.A., M.D., Sc.D., F.R.A.I.

CALLINICUS, A Defence of Chemical Warfare

By J. B. S. Haldane

QUO VADIMUS? Some Glimpses of the Future

By E. E. Fournier d’Albe, D.Sc., F.Inst.P.


By H. W. S. Wright, M.S., F.R.C.S.

HYPATIA, or Woman and Knowledge

By Dora Russell (The Hon. Mrs. Bertrand Russell)

LYSISTRATA, or Woman’s Future and Future Woman

By A. M. Ludovici
By the Hon. Bertrand Russell, F.R.S.

PERSEUS, or Of Dragons
By H. F. Scott Stokes, M.A.


By Rebecca West


By Alan Porter

AESCULAPIUS, or Disease and The Man

By F. G. Crookshank, M.D.

PROTEUS, or The Future of Intelligence

By Vernon Lee

Other Volumes in Preparation




H. F. SCOTT STOKES, M.A. (Oxon.)

New York
681 Fifth Avenue
Copyright 1925
By E. P. Dutton & Company

All Rights Reserved

Printed in the United States of America

If Jones of Chelsea should bedeck
With virgin’s head a horse’s neck,
And decorate this monstrous birth
With limbs of all the beasts on earth
And many-coloured wings, would you
Contain your laughter at the private view?

Horace, Ars Poetica, 1–5.

Preface 3
Introduction 13
I. Of Dragons in General 16
II. Of Dragons in Classical Antiquity 23
III. Of Dragons in Early Christendom 29
IV. Of Dragons in Modern Europe 43
V. Of Dragons in Ancient Egypt 57
VI. Of the Birth and Death of the Dragon 63
Epilogue 72


I have been asked to explain the purpose of this study. I find a

ridiculous difficulty in doing so, for it had none. My interest in
dragons was aroused by some incidental paragraphs in Leslie
Stephen’s The Playground of Europe. I determined to find out all that
there was to be known about dragons: with the unfailing assistance
of that great institution, the London Library, I made a fairly careful
search; and, when I had exhausted my authorities (to whom I am
greatly indebted), I set down with some pleasure the facts that had
come under my notice. That is all.
In case it should be objected that no sane man could have done
anything so elaborately purposeless, I will attempt a more plausible
explanation—though the truth is exactly what I have said.
The first four sections give a fair account of the dragon as known
to history: in ancient Greece, in early Christendom, and in modern
Europe. The last two endeavour to explain how the dragon-story
may have originated from the myths and customs of prehistoric
Egypt, and how humanly foolish the whole thing is; and they close
with the pious hope that the species may in time become extinct.
It will be objected that the dragon is already dead, as has been
shown in the course of the study. It is true that the living, breathing,
devouring dragon has passed away with Perseus and the gods of
old; we have to-day only an occasional saga, such as the
“Jabberwock,” a pale reflection of the full-blooded ancient tales,
lacking many essential details and almost apologized for by its
author; a herald’s act of piety, or the unreal enthusiasm of an
æsthete vainly seeking de-sophistication. It is all a faint afterglow of
the age of faith. And yet, in England at any rate, the dragon is not
What are the chief characteristics of modern Englishmen—not the
ornaments of society, nor artists, nor any other lovely ones, but these
poor plain people who earn their daily bread, with or without the
sweat of their brows, because they must; who make up nine-tenths
of our population; who control our political destinies; and whom the
Carlton Club delights to honour?
They are respectability, bigotry, and cant. There can be no doubt
about this. The consequence is that the men have no character and
the women no charm, and we rule over a quarter of the world with
complete satisfaction to ourselves. These three together make up
our modern dragon. Respectability is the deadliest, for it is a
plausible substitute for better things; but it is a dead end, like
Most men who have realized the existence of this monster
apparently try to meet it by joining the Labour Party. There is nothing
immoral about that, but I pin my faith to the less dogmatic method of
general education. It is curious, by the way, to note that the devil is
historically associated with knowledge and not with ignorance. It
would take too long to explain how this bogey came to be hoisted,
but it is still very commonly made use of to frighten children, and my
true purpose is to plead that it is only a bogey, and that ignorance is
the devil’s most effective weapon.
The devil’s advocate might argue much as follows:
1. “You don’t really like the ‘vulgar’—they are not as interesting as
your own friends.
2. “It will come to nothing. What is the ultimate value of ‘free
discussion’ and ‘reasoning without prejudice’ among people
who don’t read and can’t think?
3. “In so far as you do succeed, you will merely make them
miserable: as thus:

‘Happiness is the end of life.

‘It consists of (a) the admiring contemplation of the
truly admirable, and the delighted companionship of
the truly delightful. This is the best. (b) The second
best is to enjoy in imagination what you know to be
imaginary. (c) The third best is to enjoy mistakenly
what is in fact non-existent or ugly.
‘There is no other good.’

“All this is A B C, and no longer worth arguing about. Then

imagine a man well content with a mistaken religion, a dreary home,
and an unlovely wife (and this describes nearly all mankind). What
happens when you educate him? It is difficult for him to change his
wife, very difficult to change his religion, and impossibly difficult to
change his home—and the man is uprooted and miserable for life.”
The answer is: This is all substantially true (which is the definition
of caricature). Comfortable folk too commonly ignore the prosaic
foundations of imperishable things. Many of the more delightful
virtues are impossible vices to men struggling for the bare
necessities of life (as you may see any day if you try to practise
ordinary courtesy in mounting a ’bus), and it is complacent cant to
propose such virtues to them. And men so struggling are not
altogether delightful. The point about them is, by what right or merit
of yours do you live so much more easily, with so many more
opportunities of the good life; and do you use your opportunities?
And can you be of any use to others less fortunate than yourself?
For the rest:
(1) The argument defends too much. It defends every status quo
against all change. But change, though not necessarily progress, is
evidently necessary to progress; and, even if progress be despaired
of, change is in itself nearly always healthy. It prevents men from
going to sleep.
(2) When all the world is delightful, all men will be able to enjoy
delightful companionship. Meanwhile, the pioneers must suffer, and
hope for better things for their children.
If it be argued that education does not make men delightful, in fact
very much the contrary, I answer that that depends upon the
education, and that, if genuine education doesn’t, nothing will; which
is absurd.
(3) When all the world loves lovely things, then lovely things will be
easily come by, and ugly things will not be tolerated. This is not a
generous illusion but a simple economic truth. Suppose I
manufacture purple handkerchiefs adorned with green dragons: I do
it because there is a demand, and if you want one perfectly plain
(and if nobody else does) you will have to pay twice as much for it
because it is a “special”; but if all the world wanted them plain, they
would be a stock line and you could have them for half the money.
Meanwhile, the pioneers must pay double or go without.
(4) When all the world has passed through the stage of intelligent
scepticism and examined its foundations, it will worship the unknown
god without fear and without reproach—a very right and proper thing
to do. Meanwhile, the pioneers must be damned dissenters.
That is the gist of this study: “Methinks I see in my mind a noble
and puissant nation....” Good (b) is in itself better than (c); and it is a
half-way house to (a), which (c) is not.
All the textbooks tell us about the nature and origin of belief. I have
but shown a few examples of what incredible things men believed
almost down to our own day, and still believe. One of the chief
functions of History is to show what wrongs good men have
tolerated, and what absurdities wise men have believed, as a
warning to their later sons to look warily about them for the like. In
that sense this study may claim to be true history.

That low man seeks a little thing to do,

Sees it and does it:
This high man, with a great thing to pursue,
Dies ere he knows it.
That low man goes on adding one to one,
His hundred’s soon hit:
This high man, aiming at a million,
Misses an unit.
We may miss an unit and die; but at least we shall have striven to
be worthy of a grammarian’s funeral.
(An Introduction to the Study of Man)

I must first ask your pardon for troubling you with this digression,
but the facts and the theories are so many and curious and the
whole subject is of such vital importance, that I dared not trust to my
memory alone. It must be admitted that most of the facts recorded
are obviously untrue and that most of the theories are unsupported
by evidence and highly improbable; though the facts are guaranteed
by the highest authorities of the most ancient religions and the
theories upheld by the most eminent modern scientists. Whence it is
evident that I, like Sir John Mandeville, “have taken pains to
ascertain the exact truth”; and yet I think that from this jumble of
superstitions and fables and conjectures and absurdities there does
emerge something that may repay you for the weariness of an hour,
and throw some light upon the hopes and fears with which the
unconquerable spirit of man has progressed through the ages to the
crowning triumphs of this twentieth century. Indeed, as Sir Thomas
Browne finely says in his Preface: “A work of this nature is not to be
performed upon one legg: and should smell of oyl, if duly and
deservedly handled.” And, on second thoughts, I fully and
unreservedly withdraw my apology.
I shall begin with some attempt to define our subject, and then
take you through the dragons of classical antiquity and early
Christendom down to the twilight uncertainty of the sixteenth and
seventeenth centuries and the blank incredulity of our modern age. I
shall then go back to the earliest legends of all—the Egyptian, and
close with an attempt to harmonize the whole, and with a critical
estimate of the place of the dragon in human thought and

In Glastonbury, where St. Dunstan took the devil by the nose and
where the Pilgrim’s Inn is dedicated to St. George and the Dragon,
the dragon will always be an object of peculiar interest, not to say
veneration. (So true is this that on the 16th October, 1906, the
Somerset County Council, on the advice of its Chairman, adopted as
its sole device “Gules, a dragon rampant, or,” though the recognition
of its increasing importance has since led it to add—15th October,
1912—the mace of office, “at a cost not exceeding £20.”)
For Milton writes in one of his most harmonious numbers:

The old Dragon under ground

In straiter limits bound
Not half so far casts his usurpéd sway.
And wroth to see his kingdom fail
Swings the scaly horrour of his folded tail.

and St. John (Revelation, xx, 2) speaks of “the Dragon, the old
Serpent, which is the Devil and Satan,” while the Serpent that
tempted Eve in Paradise has been familiar to us all since our earliest
childhood; though commentators differ as to whether it appeared
with a virgin’s head (as some say) and how it was enabled to speak,
and in Eve’s own language; and why the event excited no surprise in
her. (Milton tells us—Paradise Lost, ix, 550, and what follows—that it
did, and that “not unamazed” she took up the matter with the
Serpent, which explained that it had been elevated above all the
“other beasts that graze” by tasting of the tree of knowledge. This
answer at once satisfied Eve and lured her on to her fall. The whole
account is circumstantial but undocumented.) Some say that Eve
was inexperienced with animals, not having been present when
Adam named them; Eugubinus suggests that the Serpent was a

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