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Analysis and Modeling of Flooding in Urban Drainag 2004

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Analysis and Modeling of Flooding in Urban Drainage Systems

Article in Journal of Hydrology · December 2004

DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2004.08.012

294 2,901

3 authors, including:

Theo Schmitt Norman Ettrich

Technische Universität Kaiserslautern Fraunhofer ITWM


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Journal of Hydrology 299 (2004) 300–311

Analysis and modeling of flooding in urban drainage systems

Theo G. Schmitta,*, Martin Thomasa, Norman Ettrichb
FG Siedlungswasserwirtschaft, Kaiserslautern Technical University, Postfach 3049, D-67653 Kaiserslautern, Germany
Fraunhofer Institut für Techno- und Wirtschaftsmathematik ITWM, Gottlieb-Daimler-Straße 49, D-67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany

The European research project in the EUREKA framework, RisUrSim (S!2255) is presented. The project consortium
includes industrial mathematics and water engineering research institutes, municipal drainage works as well as an insurance
company. The overall objective has been the development of an integrated planning and management tool to allow cost
effective management for urban drainage systems. The paper outlines the regulatory background of European Standard EN 752
defining flood frequency as the one hydraulic performance criterion. The phenomenon of urban flooding caused by surcharged
sewer systems in urban drainage systems is analyzed leading to the necessity of dual drainage modeling. A detailed dual
drainage simulation model is described based upon hydraulic flow routing procedures for surface flow and pipe flow. Special
consideration is given to the interaction between surface and sewer flow in order to most accurately compute water levels above
ground as a basis for further assessment of possible damage costs. The model application is presented for small case study in
terms of data needs, model verification and first simulation results.
q 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Urban drainage; Flooding; Dual drainage modeling; Hydraulic surface flow simulation; Dynamic sewer flow routing

1. Introduction extreme storm conditions would be too expensive to

build and operate. In establishing tolerable flood
Prevention of flooding in urban areas caused by frequencies, the safety of the residents and the
inadequate sewer systems has become an important protection of their valuables must be in balance with
issue. With increased property values of buildings and the technical and economic restrictions.
other structures, potential damage from prolonged According to European Standard EN 752,
flooding can easily extend into the millions of dollars. approved by the European Committee for Standard-
Residents pay service fees and, thus, expect their ization (CEN, 1996, 1997) urban drainage systems
urban drainage systems to operate effectively without should be designed to withstand periods of flooding in
fear of failure due to weather conditions. However, the range of 10–50 years, depending on the type of
drainage systems designed to cope with the most urban area and traffic infrastructure served.
In the following, the major issues of this standard
* Corresponding author. Fax: C49 631 2053905.
will be briefly discussed in conjunction with an analysis
E-mail addresses: (T.G. Schmitt), of urban flooding. A simulation model to assess the (N. Ettrich). hydraulic performance of sewer systems and the risk of
0022-1694/$ - see front matter q 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
T.G. Schmitt et al. / Journal of Hydrology 299 (2004) 300–311 301

Table 1
Recommended design frequencies in EN 752

Design storm frequencya Location Design flooding frequency

EN 752-2 (1 in ‘n’ years) EN 752-2 (1 in ‘n’ years)
1 in 1 Rural areas 1 in 10
1 in 2 Residential areas 1 in 20
1 in 2 City centers, industrial/commercial areas— with flooding check, 1 in 30
1 in 5 City centers, industrial/commercial areas— without flooding check. –
1 in 10 Underground railway/underpasses 1 in 50
For design storms no surcharge shall occur.

flooding caused by system surcharge will be described conditions may eventually lead to a rise in the water
afterwards. Its application and data need is demon- level above surface where water either escapes from
strated in a case study. The European Standard EN 752 the sewer system or prevents surface water from
‘External Drain and Sewer Systems’ applies to entering the sewer system. Fig. 1 describes different
drainage systems designed essentially for gravity stages of surcharge. Fig. 2 illustrates the phenomenon
flow. Hydraulic performance criteria established in of surface flooding.
EN 752 for urban drainage systems in terms of design
storm frequencies and design flooding frequencies 2.2. Analysis of flooding phenomena
differentiating between rural, residential and indus-
trial/commercial areas, and city centers are listed in Flooding in urban drainage systems as defined
Table 1. For larger developments and existing drainage above may occur at different stages of hydraulic
systems with complex hydraulic flow patterns (e.g. surcharge depending on the drainage system (separate
with loops, backwater effects, etc.), direct assessment or combined sewers), general drainage design charac-
of hydraulic performance by sewer flow simulation teristics as well as specific local constraints.
models is recommended thus checking flooding When private sewage drains are directly connected
frequencies in accordance with Table 1. Implicated to the public sewer system without backwater valves,
demands for a more detailed simulation approach and the possible effects of hydraulic surcharge depend on
an extended data base will be discussed below. the levels of the lowest sewage inlet inside the house
(basement), the sewer line and the water level during
surcharge, respectively. Whenever the water level in
2. Flooding in urban drainage systems the public sewer exceeds the level of gravity inlets in
the house below street level, flooding inside the house
2.1. Hydraulic surcharge and flooding will occur due to backwater effects. In such a case
flooding is possible without experiencing surface
Linking drainage system hydraulic performance flooding. In the same way, hydraulic surcharge in the
requirements directly with the frequency of flooding sewer system might produce flooding on private
demands a clear definition of flooding and a distinc- properties via storm drains, when their inlet level is
tion from the state—or different stages—of surcharge. below the water level of the surcharged storm or
According to EN 752 ‘flooding’ describes a ‘condition combined sewer.
where wastewater and/or surface water escapes from In both cases, the occurrence of flooding, being
or cannot enter a drain or sewer system and either linked directly to the level of inlets versus water level
remains on the surface or enters buildings’. (pressure height) in the sewer can be ‘easily’ predicted
Distinct from flooding, the term ‘surcharge’ is by hydrodynamic sewer flow simulations, assuming
defined as a ‘condition in which wastewater and/or the availability of physical data of the private drains
surface water is held under pressure within a gravity and the public sewer system.
drain or sewer system, but does not escape to the Distinct from the situations described above, the
surface to cause flooding’. Extended surcharge occurrence and possible effects of surface flooding
302 T.G. Schmitt et al. / Journal of Hydrology 299 (2004) 300–311

Fig. 1. Stages of sewer surcharge.

depend much more on local constraints and surface street flooding can limit or completely hinder
characteristics, e.g. street gradient, sidewalks and curb the functioning of traffic systems and has indirect
height. These characteristics, however, are much consequences such as loss of business and opportu-
more difficult described physically, and these data nity. The expected total damage—direct and indirect
are usually not available in practice. In addition, monetary damage costs as well as possible social
today’s simulation models are not fully adequate to consequences—is related to the physical properties of
simulate the relevant hydraulic phenomena associated the flood, i.e. the water level above ground level, the
with surface flooding and surface flow along distinct extend of flooding in terms of water volume escaping
flow paths. from or not being entering the drainage system, and
Due to these deficiencies, the German standard the duration of flooding. With sloped surfaces even
ATV-A 118 ‘Hydraulic design and simulation of the flow velocity on the surface might have an impact
drainage systems’ considers flood frequency to be on potential flood damage.
inappropriate for direct computational assessment
(ATV, 1999; Schmitt, 2001). The ‘surcharge
frequency’ is established as an additional criterion of
hydraulic performance defined as the rise of (maxi-
mum) water level at manholes up to ground level. This
borderline case of surcharge—the transition from
pressurized pipe flow to surface flooding—can be
accurately described by nowadays dynamic sewer
flow simulation models (Schmitt and Thomas, 2000).

2.3. Consequences of flooding

Flooding in urban areas due to the failure of

drainage systems causes large damage at buildings
and other public and private infrastructure. Besides, Fig. 2. Extended street flooding.
T.G. Schmitt et al. / Journal of Hydrology 299 (2004) 300–311 303

3. Modeling urban flooding - single drainage areas (roofs, streets, parking lots,
yards etc.), where rainfall is transformed into
In regard of the distinct stages and processes of effective runoff depending on surface character-
surcharged sewer system and urban flooding as istics (slope, roughness, vegetation, paved/un-
described above, simulation models for flood risk paved surface area etc.);
analysis are required to accurately describe the - distinct surface drainage components, e.g. street
hydraulic phenomena of surcharged and flooded gutters, that lead surface runoff to the underground
sewer systems, particularly sewer system via inlets;
- surface areas, where surface flow might occur in
- the transition from free surface flow to pressure case of surface flooding (e.g. street surface)
flow in the sewer pipes - closed underground sewers forming the sewer
- the rise of water level above ground level with network (including manholes, control structures
water escaping from the sewer system and outlets).
- the occurrence of surface flow during surface
flooding, and The single areas are connected to the sewer
- the interaction between surface flow and pressur- systems via gutters and/or inlets followed by closed
ized sewer flow. pipes. In simulation models the single areas are
mostly comprised to sub-catchments that are linked to
The consideration of distinct surface flow and its distinct input elements of the sewer network,
interaction with sewer flow in surcharged sewer generally to the manholes being represented as system
systems is denoted as ‘dual drainage modeling’ with nodes. In general, the distinct surface drainage
flow components on the surface and underground, first components are not represented by runoff models.
described by Djordjevic et al. (1999) and illustrated The sum of all sub-catchments form the overall
in Fig. 3. catchment area.
For dual drainage simulation single areas need to
be further distinguished as follows:
3.1. System analysis in view of dual drainage
modeling. (a) in regard to their connection to the sewer system
In regard to dual drainage modeling, urban - areas linked completely via closed drains (e.g.
drainage systems comprise of roofs)

Fig. 3. Interaction of surface and sewer flow (‘dual drainage concept’).

304 T.G. Schmitt et al. / Journal of Hydrology 299 (2004) 300–311

- areas linked via surface inlets and closed (uni-directional). The module RisoSurf computes
drains (e.g. parking lots) surface flow based upon a simplified representation
- areas on private sites draining to the street or of the shallow-water-equations using GIS-based sur-
side-walk surface face data, e.g. street area and slope (longitudinal and
- areas not connected to the sewer system (not lateral), gutters, culvert height, buildings and other
runoff-relevant) features relevant for surface flow patterns. Dynamic
(b) in regard to possible surface flow as sewer flow routing is applied for all underground
- areas not subject to flooding (no interaction drainage elements in the module HamokaRis. The
between surface and sewer flow; e.g. all roof model allows bi-directional exchange of flow volume
areas between surface flow module RisoSurf and sewer flow
- areas where surface flow occurs and is module HamokaRis at defined exchange nodes. The
simulated during flooding, or bi-directional exchange is realized by interpreting
- areas not to be considered in surface flow inlets to the sewer system as possible sinks or sources
simulation. in the mathematical model of both, surface and sewer
flow simulation.

3.2. Simulation model RisUrSim 3.2.2. Rainfall-runoff simulation

The RisUrSim model first transforms rainfall into
The dual drainage model RisUrSim has been effective runoff using standard methods for inter-
developed in order to meet the requirements of ception, depression storage and soil infiltration
simulating urban flooding, focusing on the occurrence (previous areas only) as described in literature
of distinct surface flow and its possible interaction (e.g. Akan, 1993; Ashley et al., 1999). Surface
with the surcharged sewer system. runoff would then be handled in distinct detail
depending on the specific situation of a single runoff
3.2.1. General model features area.
The overall structure of the model and the general For areas not considered for detailed surface flow
simulation scheme are illustrated in Fig. 4. Following simulation, e.g. roof areas, RisoReff uses a unit-
the transformation of rainfall to effective runoff by hydrograph method to compute surface runoff as input
interception and depression storage simulation, sur- to the sub-surface sewer system (‘uni-directional
face runoff is handled in two parallel simulation flow’).
modules. The module RisoReff is applied to areas
where surface flooding as well as interaction between
surface flow and sewer flow can be excluded 3.2.3. Hydraulic surface flow modeling
(e.g. roofs, closed private ground). Here, surface The RisoSurf approach includes detailed hydrau-
runoff enters the sewer system at defined inlets lic considerations for areas where surface flow
occurs. Hydraulic (surface) flow modeling is
generally based upon conservation laws of fluid
flow expressed in the Navier–Stokes equations. The
fact that in surface flow the vertical dimension is
much smaller than typical horizontal scale allows
a simplified two-dimensional representation, the
so-called ‘shallow water flow equations’ (Hilden,
The application of this detailed hydraulic method
would be restricted to small areas only. Therefore, it
only served as a benchmark for a further simplified
two-dimensional approach where Manning’s equation
Fig. 4. Overall scheme of detailed simulation model RisUrSim. is used as an empirical flow formula. Neglecting
T.G. Schmitt et al. / Journal of Hydrology 299 (2004) 300–311 305

the terms of inertia in the momentum equation, leads momentum equation and instantaneous water levels
to a simplified mathematical representation, expressed at the nodes at the end of the last time step. In the
as Eq. (1) next step of the dynamic flow routing procedure
The application of this detailed hydraulic method the flow volume is balanced at each node, taking
would be restricted to small areas only. Therefore, it into account inlets from house drains and all surface
only served as a benchmark for a further simplified inlets connected, as well as inflows and outflows
two-dimensional approach, where Manning’s from sewers connected at the nodes. The resulting
equation provides a closed-form expression for the change of volume is drawn to free water surface
two-dimensional velocity vector (u,v) that is used in ‘available’ at the node, thus producing a change of
the momentum Eq. (1) water level at the node. In order to improve
numerical stability, the two phases are applied in a
vh vuh vvh half-step–full-step procedure during each time step
C C Z Sp (1)
vt vx vy as described in Roesner et al. (1988) and Schmitt
The underground sewer system is represented by a
t time variable,
network of nodes and conduits (sewer segment
x,y spatial variable,
between nodes). In contrast to conventional modeling,
h water level,
not only manholes but also street inlets and house
u depth averaged velocity in x direction,
drains are considered as extra nodes to fully achieve
v depth averaged velocity in y direction,
the connection of surface and underground drainage
Sp sink/source term as the exchange value with the
system at all locations where interaction between
pipe flow model,
surface and sewer flow and potentially flooding might
occur. This will be further discussed in context with
The RisoSurf approach will be described in greater
the case study below.
detail in Ettrich et al. (2004).
From a mathematical point of view, the new and
crucial point in this approach of hydraulic surface 3.2.5. Modeling interaction of surface and sewer flow
flow simulation is the coupling of the shallow water The simulation of the interaction between surface
equation model of surface flow with the dynamic and sewer flow is based upon the definition of
sewer flow model. Sink/source term Sp, being the exchange locations. Each runoff area is allocated
primary term of exchange with the pipe flow model, to one specified exchange location as illustrated in
requires particular consideration of numeric stab- Fig. 5. Here, all relevant information for surface and
ility. This crucial point of coupled hydraulic flow sewer flow simulation (instantaneous runoff, water
routing procedure is further discussed in the level, exchange volume) is available at the beginning
paragraph ‘Coupling modules RisoSurf and Hamo- of each time step for all simulation modules and is
kaRis’ below. renewed at the end of the time step in the following

3.2.4. Dynamic sewer flow modeling (1) The hydrologic runoff model RisoReff only
Sewer flow is simulated applying fully dynamic supports uni-directional flow and is applied to
flow routing of unsteady, gradually varied flow and all areas not considered for surface flow.
solving Saint-Venant-Equations numerically in an Computed runoff from those ‘hydrologic areas’
explicit difference scheme. The explicit difference is passed to the single exchange location to
scheme is applied in variable time steps that are which the area is connected. The exchange
permanently adjusted to the COURANT-criterion, volume would be the runoff volume in the
guaranteeing numerical stability (Schmitt, 1986). according time step.
At each time step, the procedure of dynamic flow (2) Areas simulated with the hydrologic model
routing starts by computing flow values for each approach can be connected to the underground
conduit (sewer segment between nodes) based upon drainage system in two alternative ways:
306 T.G. Schmitt et al. / Journal of Hydrology 299 (2004) 300–311

Fig. 6. Procedure to synchronize time steps of simulation modules

RisoSurf and HamokaRis in simulation tool RisUrSim.

Fig. 5. Possible links and interaction of surface runoff, surface flow

and sewer flow at exchange nodes. – from the surface area to the sewer system,
if there is sufficient sewer capacity;
– from the sewer to the hydraulic surface in case
(2a) ‘hydrologic areas’ directly discharging to the
of sewer surcharge when the water level in the
sewer system via surface inlets or private drains
sewer system rises above ground level;
(sevice pipes);
(4) In case of surcharge, water level above ground as
This procedure works much like the well known provided by surface flow simulation module
approaches of commercial urban runoff simulation RisoSurf at exchange nodes would be used by
software of the EXTRAN type. If the instantaneous dynamic sewer flow module HamokaRis in the
sewer capacity at the exchange location would not be momentum equation in the following time step. If
sufficient to take in the surface runoff, or if water the balance of flow volume at the nodes in
escapes from the sewer system due to surcharge, the HamokaRis results in a water level above ground,
water volume would be stored at the specific exchange the associated surplus volume would be trans-
location in an artificial storage and re-entered to the ferred to the surface flow simulation by ‘storing’
sewer system with diminishing surcharge. this volume in the exchange location and taken
into account by RisoSurf in the sink/source term
(2b) ‘hydrologic areas’ discharging to surface areas Sp (Eq. (1)) the next time step.
where surface flow is considered by hydraulic
model RisoSurf;
3.2.6. Coupling of modules RisoSurf and HamokaRis
Such an exchange location can be seen as an edge The implementation of coupled hydraulic flow
where the inflow to the ‘hydraulic area’ would be routing for surface and sewer flow modules RisoSurf
evenly distributed over the full length of the edge and HamokaRis requires particular consideration of
(‘exchange arc 1 0 in Fig. 6). numeric stability and observation of continuity as
well. Numeric stability has been secured by a
(3) The hydraulic surface flow module RisoSurf synchronized administration of dynamic time step
allows bi-directional exchange of runoff volume: selection according to Fig. 6. The Engine defines
T.G. Schmitt et al. / Journal of Hydrology 299 (2004) 300–311 307

Fig. 7. Overall structure of the RisUrSim simulation tool (‘Engine’).

the instantaneous time step size as a minimum of 4. Model application—case study

instantaneously allowable time increments delivered
by the single modules. Continuity of mass has been One of the test areas to prove the concept of the
observed by creating an exchange table where all RisUrSim method is a sub-catchment in the city of
instantaneous inflows, outflows and storage volumes Kaiserslautern (Fig. 8). Some of the houses in the
at any exchange location are balanced during southern street of the test-area have been subject
simulation and verified in a system-wide total to basement flooding during heavy rainfall in the
balance at the end of simulation period. The overall past. To prepare the model application, detailed
model structure of RisUrSim including data proces- surveying has been carried out to accurately
sing, interaction and synchronization of simulation describe flow-relevant surface areas. Besides, a
modules is shown in Fig. 7. flow monitoring device has been installed to gather
308 T.G. Schmitt et al. / Journal of Hydrology 299 (2004) 300–311

Fig. 8. Test case area KL-Erzhuetten (Germany).

data during rainfall events for model calibration depression storage and infiltration.
under surcharge conditions. This, however, has not
been successful as during the period of monitoring (1) Imperviously (2) Previously (3) Unpaved
not a single surcharge or even flooding event paved areas paved areas areas
1.1Streets and 2.1 Streets 3.1 Green
other traffic areas and other traf- roofs
4.1. Data needs fic areas
1.2 Span-roofs 2.2 Yards, 3.2 Lawns,
Data needs for detailed simulation of urban (O10% grade) private park- garden area
flooding are related to a distinct representation of ing lots etc.
the runoff areas, the surface characteristics and 1.3Flat roofs 3.3 Garden
local constraints that possibly influence surface (except green area
flow patterns, and the underground sewer system roofs)
itself. 1.4Yards, private
parking lots etc.
4.1.1. Runoff areas
In order to most accurately describe runoff their
behavior, single runoff areas within the sub-catchment 4.1.2. Surface characteristics
have been classified and sized according as with A Digital Terrain Model (DTM) has been set up
distinct model parameters to quantify interception, in a high resolution in order to apply detailed
T.G. Schmitt et al. / Journal of Hydrology 299 (2004) 300–311 309

Fig. 9. Mathematical representation of the street surface in a triangular network in surface flow module RisoSurf.

hydraulic surface flow simulation module RisoSurf. - private house drains, represented as closed pipes
The DTM includes distinct levels of street cross- uni-directional input node
sections, location and height of manholes and street - street inlets, represented by a bi-directional
inlets, side-walks and street-curbs as well as the exchange location, followed by a closed pipe.
border-line between public (street, side-walk) and
private space (building sites). Fig. 9 shows the These inlet elements have been connected to the
mathematical representation of the street surface public sewer system either via existing adjacent
area in a triangular network for the hydraulic manholes or by introducing extra system nodes
surface flow module RisoSurf. Adjustments had to (‘virtual manholes’). This is done automatically by a
be made with regard to the representation of street- software routine depending on the location of the
curbs by a double polygon describing the location single inlets in relation to the sewer line.
and different heights of street gutter and side-walk.
For practical reasons it was decided to exclude
areas on private sites from surface flow simulation 4.2. Simulation results
in regard to the lack of detailed physical surface
data. Due to the fact that no surcharge or flooding event
could be monitored, the RisUrSim Software has been
4.1.3. Detailed sewer system applied to a variety of test scenarios using synthetic
The sewer network, normally represented by design storms. These applications have been done to
manholes nodes and sewers only, has been further verify the most crucial model features of hydraulic
detailed by including surface flow simulation and the interaction between
310 T.G. Schmitt et al. / Journal of Hydrology 299 (2004) 300–311

Fig. 10. Water level distribution as simulated for the test case system KL-Erzhuetten during a synthetical design storm after 15 and 25 min.

surface flow and sewer flow under surcharge and The simulation results of the real-case system
flooding conditions. Erzhuetten are shown the Fig. 10 in terms of water
Tests simulations have been done with single level distribution along the street surface at 15 and
modules using simple structures as input data too 25 min simulation time, respectively. In this system
complex systems with data from ‘real-world’ sys- the surface elevation decreases from north-east (right)
tems. Since the demand on data to achieve realistic to south-west (left) while the sewer-system flow
simulations results esp. to model the surface structure direction is oriented in the opposite direction. This has
is very high compared to ‘traditional’ hydrologic let to problems with flooding in this area in the past.
surface representation in sewer-system simulation The representation of simulated water levels in the
even the real-world tests can cover only small manholes and on the street surface illustrates the
regions. surface flow pattern from surcharged, flooded
T.G. Schmitt et al. / Journal of Hydrology 299 (2004) 300–311 311

manholes to street areas with lower surface levels (on and Trondheim as well as from the insurance
the left side of the graph). This proves that with the company Deutsche Rück. Special thanks are given
RisUrSim Software the surface flooding could be to the project partners in Norway (Prof. Wolfgang
reproduced realistically. Schilling, Dr Sveinung. Sægrov) and the research co-
workers Christoph Garth and Michael Hilden.
5. Conclusions

It has been shown that European Standard EN 752

triggers more intense consideration of the flooding
phenomenon in urban drain flow modeling. In the
Akan, A.O., 1993. Urban stormwater hydrology—a guide to
RisUrSim approach particular recognition is given to engineering calculations. Technomic Publishing Company,
detailed surface flow simulation and the interaction Lancaster, PA (USA).
between surface and sewer flow during times of Ashley, R.M., Hvitved-Jacobsen, T., Bertrand-Krajewski, J.-L.,
surcharged sewers. This approach has been earlier 1999. Quo vadis sewer process modelling. Water Science
Technology 39 (9), 9–22.
denoted as ‘dual-drainage’. In the context of research
ATV, 1999. Hydraulische Berechnung und Nachweis von Entwäs-
project RisUrSim the following appreciations can be serungssystemen (Hydraulic calculation and verification of
stated: drainage systems.), Arbeitsblatt A 118, ATV-Regelwerk,
Hennef, Germany 1999.
† Simulation of flooding in urban drainage systems CEN, 1996. Drain and sewer systems outside buildings—Part 2:
requires some kind of hydraulic surface flow being Performance Requirements, European Standard, European
permanently linked with sewer flow in the flow Committee for Standardization CEN, Brussels, Belgium 1996.
CEN, 1997. Drain and sewer systems outside buildings—Part 4:
routing procedure in order to more accurately assess Hydraulic design and environmental considerations, European
water levels and derive possible damage of flooding. Standard, European Committee for Standardization CEN,
† The coupling of hydraulic surface flow modeling Brussels, Belgium 1997.
with dynamic sewer flow routing in flooded areas Djordjevic, S., Prodanovic, D., Maksimovic, C., 1999. An approach
requires specific consideration to proper synchro- to simulation of dual drainage. Water Science and Technology
39 (9), 95–103.
nization of time step selection and mass conserva-
Ettrich, N., Steiner, K., Schmitt, T.G., Thomas, M., Rothe, R., 2004.
tion at exchange locations. Surface models for coupled modeling of runoff and sewer flow
† Hydraulic surface flow simulation requires detailed in urban areas, Conference paper submitted for Urban Drainage
physical representation of surface areas within the Modeling 2004, Dresden, Germany 2004.
drainage system in order to accurately describe Hilden, M., (2003): Extensions of Shallow Water Equations. PhD
flow patterns in case of surface flooding. Such Thesis, Department of Mathematics, Kaiserslautern University.
Roesner, L.A., Aldrich, J.A., Dickinson, R.E., 1988. Storm Water
detailed data is not generally available and will Management Model User’s ManualManual, Version 4: Adden-
restrict practical application in the near future. This dum I, EXTRAN, EPA/600/3-88/001b (NTIS PB88236658/AS).
data need, however, should trigger further GIS Environmental Protection Agency, Athens, GA, p. 203.
development and applications. Schmitt, T.G., 1986. An efficient method for dynamic flow routing
in storm sewers, Proceedings Of the International Symposium
on Urban Drainage Modeling, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia 1986
pp. 159–169.
Acknowledgements Schmitt, T.G., 2001. Evaluating hydraulic performance of sewer
systems according to European Standard EN 752, Water21,
The RisUrSim research project has been funded by Magazine of the International Water Association, London 2001,
the German Ministry of Education and Research pp. 29–32.
Schmitt, T.G., Thomas, M., 2000. Untersuchung zum rechnerischen
(BMBF) and the Research Council of Norway within
Überstaunachweis auf der Basis von Modellregen und Regen-
the EUREKA framework (S!2255 RisUrSim). serien (Study of simulation verification of surcharge frequencies
Besides, the authors are greatly indebted to the on the basis of synthetic rainfall profiles and time series), KA—
project partners from the cities of Kaiserslautern Wasserwirtschaft, Abwasser, Abfall, 1 2000 pp. 63–69.

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