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Global OSINT Report On Donald Trump

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7/15/24, 6:25 PM Gmail - Global OSINT Report on Donald Trump's Anti-LGBTQ Policies, Pro-White Supremacist Allegations, and Fascist

scist Activities | …

Marie Landry <>

Global OSINT Report on Donald Trump's Anti-LGBTQ Policies, Pro-White

Supremacist Allegations, and Fascist Activities | Donald Trump Anti-LGBTQ Policies
| Pro-White Supremacist Allegations | Fascist Activities of Trump | Anti-Antifa Stance
| Trump LGBTQ Policies | Trump's White Supremacist Support | Trumpism and
Fascism | #MissionAntifa #MissionAntiTrumpism
Marie Landry <> 15 July 2024 at 18:19
To: Francoise Blanchard <>, PMO-CPM Minister | Premier Ministre <>,, "Anand, Anita - M.P." <>, Christine Guay
<>,, "Singh, Jagmeet - M.P." <>,, Michael Dean <>, Go public
<>,,, Zach C <>,, David Gordon Koch <>,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Global OSINT Report on Donald Trump's Anti-

LGBTQ Policies, Pro-White Supremacist
Allegations, and Fascist Activities | Donald Trump
Anti-LGBTQ Policies | Pro-White Supremacist
Allegations | Fascist Activities of Trump | Anti-
Antifa Stance | Trump LGBTQ Policies | Trump's
White Supremacist Support | Trumpism and
Fascism | #MissionAntifa #MissionAntiTrumpism

July-15-2024 - MONCTON - NB, CANADA

7/15/24, 6:25 PM Gmail - Global OSINT Report on Donald Trump's Anti-LGBTQ Policies, Pro-White Supremacist Allegations, and Fascist Activities | …


The presidency of Donald Trump was marked by numerous controversies and divisive policies,
particularly in relation to the LGBTQ community and racial minorities. This report seeks to provide
a detailed examination of Trump's actions and policies perceived as anti-LGBTQ, as well as
allegations of pro-white supremacist and fascist tendencies. It covers federal-level policies, actions
at the United Nations, and similarities between Trumpism and historical fascist movements. The
report also includes a comprehensive list of resources dedicated to holding Trump accountable.

This report investigates Donald Trump's anti-LGBTQ policies and alleged pro-white supremacist
activities, highlighting actions taken during his tenure as President of the United States. Key
federal policies examined include the ban on transgender individuals in the military, rollbacks of
Title IX protections, healthcare protections, and the expansion of religious exemptions. The report
also addresses Trump's controversial comments and actions perceived as supporting white
supremacy, including his remarks on the Charlottesville rally, the use of Nazi symbols in campaign
ads, and the Muslim travel ban. Additionally, the report explores Trump's anti-Antifa stance and its
alignment with fascist tactics. Finally, it provides a comprehensive list of organizations and
resources that track and report on Trump's actions to ensure accountability.

Part 1: Overview and Anti-LGBTQ Policies

1. Overview This report compiles publicly available information regarding Donald Trump's policies and
actions perceived as anti-LGBTQ and pro-white supremacist. It includes specific incidents, legislative
actions, statements made during his tenure as President of the United States, and actions taken at the United… 2/15
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Nations (UN). Additionally, it examines the similarities between Trumpism and Nazism, focusing on fascist

2. Anti-LGBTQ Policies and Actions at the Federal Level

Military Ban on Transgender Individuals

Policy: In July 2017, Trump announced via Twitter a ban on transgender individuals serving in the
U.S. military, citing medical costs and disruption. He stated that the military "cannot be burdened with
the tremendous medical costs and disruption that transgender in the military would
entail" ( ( (
Implementation: The Department of Defense enforced the ban in April 2019, restricting new
enlistments by transgender individuals and requiring those already serving to do so under their
biological sex unless grandfathered under the previous policy. The policy faced multiple legal
challenges but was ultimately upheld by the Supreme Court ( (Defense.
gov) (
Impact: The ban was widely condemned by LGBTQ advocacy groups and civil rights organizations as
discriminatory and harmful to the morale and effectiveness of the military. Critics argued it reversed
progress made under the Obama administration, which had allowed transgender individuals to serve
openly ( ( (

Title IX Protections Rollback

Policy: In February 2017, the Trump administration rescinded guidance issued by the Obama
administration that allowed transgender students to use bathrooms and locker rooms matching their
gender identity in public schools ( ( (
Implementation: The Departments of Education and Justice withdrew the guidance, stating that such
issues should be determined by states and local school districts. The rollback was justified by the
administration as a way to return power to local authorities and protect students'
privacy ( ( (
Impact: The decision was criticized for increasing the vulnerability of transgender students to
discrimination and harassment. Civil rights groups argued that it undermined protections for
transgender students and sent a harmful message about their rights and dignity in educational
settings ( ( (

Healthcare Protections Rollback

Policy: The Trump administration rolled back protections under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) that
prohibited discrimination based on gender identity .
Implementation: In June 2020, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) finalized a rule
that removed protections for transgender individuals in healthcare settings, arguing that the definition
of sex discrimination should be based on biological sex .
Impact: LGBTQ rights organizations condemned the rule, warning it would lead to increased
healthcare discrimination against transgender people. They argued that the rollback could result in
denial of necessary medical care and exacerbate health disparities for transgender individuals .

Expansion of Religious Exemptions

Policy: Trump expanded religious exemptions that allowed federal contractors and healthcare
providers to deny services based on religious beliefs .
Implementation: The Department of Labor and the Department of Health and Human Services issued
new rules broadening the scope of religious exemptions, permitting organizations and individuals to
refuse services that contradict their religious convictions .… 3/15
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Impact: Critics argued these exemptions effectively sanctioned discrimination against LGBTQ
individuals under the guise of protecting religious freedom. They warned that the policies could lead to
widespread denial of services, including healthcare and employment opportunities, for LGBTQ
individuals .

This section outlines the major federal-level actions taken by the Trump administration that were perceived
as discriminatory against the LGBTQ community. These actions were met with widespread criticism and
legal challenges, reflecting the contentious nature of these policies and their significant impact on the lives of
LGBTQ individuals.

Part 2: Alleged Pro-White Supremacist Activities and Anti-Antifa Stance

3. Alleged Pro-White Supremacist Activities

Use of Inverted Red Triangle in Campaign Ads

Incident: In June 2020, Trump’s re-election campaign ran Facebook ads featuring an inverted red
triangle, a symbol historically used by Nazis to identify political prisoners.
Reaction: The ads were removed by Facebook for violating policies against organized hate. Critics
condemned the use of the symbol as highly inappropriate and offensive (Sources: The
Guardian, BBC, CNN).
Campaign's Defense: The Trump campaign defended the use of the symbol, claiming it was a generic
Antifa symbol and not intended to reference Nazi iconography. This defense was widely disputed by
historians and critics (Sources: The Guardian, BBC, CNN).

Charlottesville Rally Comments

Incident: After the violent Charlottesville rally in August 2017, Trump stated there were "very fine
people on both sides." This remark was perceived by many as a failure to adequately condemn white
supremacist groups.
Reaction: The statement drew significant backlash, with critics arguing it demonstrated sympathy
towards white supremacist ideologies. The event became a focal point for discussions about Trump's
stance on race and extremism (Sources: BBC, NPR, The New York Times).

Failure to Disavow Extremist Support

Incident: Trump was criticized for initially hesitating to disavow endorsements from white
supremacist groups and figures, such as former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke.
Reaction: His reluctance was seen as tacit approval by extremist groups, fueling further accusations of
being aligned with white supremacist ideologies. This fueled concerns about the administration's
commitment to combating hate groups and promoting racial equality (Sources: NPR, The New York
Times, CNN).

"Shithole Countries" Comment

Incident: In January 2018, Trump reportedly referred to African nations, Haiti, and El Salvador as
"shithole countries" during a meeting on immigration.
Reaction: This remark was widely condemned as racist and derogatory towards countries with
predominantly black and Hispanic populations. The incident sparked international outrage and raised
questions about Trump's attitudes towards immigrants and people of color (Sources: CNN, The
Washington Post, The New York Times).… 4/15
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Muslim Ban

Policy: Shortly after taking office in January 2017, Trump signed an executive order banning travel
from several predominantly Muslim countries, citing national security concerns.
Implementation: The ban went through multiple revisions and faced numerous legal challenges
before being upheld by the Supreme Court in June 2018.
Impact: Critics argued the ban was discriminatory against Muslims and undermined America's
commitment to religious freedom and diversity. The policy was seen as part of a broader agenda to
marginalize Muslim communities both domestically and internationally (Sources: The New York
Times, NPR, BBC).

4. Anti-Antifa Stance and Allegations of Pro-Fascism

Labeling Antifa as a Terrorist Organization

Policy: Trump frequently labeled Antifa, an anti-fascist movement, as a terrorist organization and
blamed it for violence during protests.
Implementation: Although there was no formal designation process, Trump’s rhetoric and orders
directed federal agencies to crack down on perceived Antifa activities.
Impact: Critics argue that targeting Antifa and framing it as a terrorist organization was a strategy to
suppress anti-fascist and left-wing activism, which aligns with fascist tactics to eliminate opposition.
This stance was seen as part of a broader pattern of undermining democratic institutions and stifling
dissent (Sources: The New York Times, BBC, NPR).

Part 3: Anti-LGBTQ Policies at the UN and Similarities Between Trumpism and Nazism

5. Anti-LGBTQ and Gender Policies at the United Nations

Blocking of UN Resolution on Death Penalty for LGBTQ Individuals

Incident: In 2017, the Trump administration voted against a United Nations resolution condemning
the use of the death penalty for LGBTQ individuals and other specific groups.
Reaction: The U.S. was one of 13 countries to oppose the resolution. Human rights organizations
criticized the vote, arguing it undermined efforts to protect LGBTQ individuals from extreme forms of
discrimination and violence.
The Guardian
NBC News

Efforts to Remove Gender References from UN Documents

Incident: Throughout Trump’s tenure, the U.S. delegation at the UN frequently attempted to remove
references to "gender" from international human rights documents, replacing it with "woman" or
Reaction: These actions were seen as part of a broader effort to roll back protections for transgender
individuals and restrict the recognition of gender identity in international human rights law. This
approach faced significant opposition from various member states and human rights advocates.
The Independent
The New York Times… 5/15
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6. Similarities Between Trumpism and Nazism

Nationalism and Populism

Trumpism: Emphasized "America First," anti-immigrant rhetoric, and nationalist policies.

Nazism: Promoted Aryan supremacy, extreme nationalism, and xenophobia.
Impact: Both ideologies utilized nationalism to rally support and marginalize minorities.
Encyclopedia Britannica
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

Scapegoating and Demonization of Minorities

Trumpism: Frequently targeted immigrants, Muslims, and LGBTQ individuals as threats to American
Nazism: Systematically persecuted Jews, Roma, LGBTQ individuals, and other minorities.
Impact: Both movements used scapegoating to unite followers against perceived internal enemies.
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
BBC History
The Atlantic

Authoritarian Tactics

Trumpism: Undermined democratic institutions, attacked the media, and questioned the legitimacy of
Nazism: Established a totalitarian regime, controlled the media, and eliminated political opposition.
Impact: Both sought to consolidate power and suppress dissent through authoritarian measures.
The New York Times

Propaganda and Symbolism

Trumpism: Utilized slogans like "Make America Great Again," and used controversial symbols (e.g.,
inverted red triangle).
Nazism: Used propaganda to spread Nazi ideology, symbols like the swastika, and slogans.
Impact: Both relied on powerful symbols and propaganda to shape public perception and mobilize
The Guardian
Washington Post


Donald Trump's presidency was marked by numerous policies and actions that were widely
perceived as anti-LGBTQ and pro-white supremacist. These actions had significant legal, social,
and international implications, drawing extensive criticism from civil rights groups, political
opponents, and international bodies. The similarities between Trumpism and Nazism, particularly in… 6/15
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terms of nationalism, scapegoating, authoritarian tactics, and propaganda, further highlight

concerns regarding the impact of his rhetoric and policies.

Part 4: Political and Social Repercussions

7. Domestic Political Impact

Overview: Analyze how Trump's policies and actions have affected the political landscape in the
United States, including shifts in party dynamics, voter behavior, and public opinion.
Key Events:
Rise of Far-Right Movements: Trump's rhetoric and policies have been linked to the increased
visibility and activity of far-right and white nationalist groups. His comments and lack of clear
condemnation of such groups have been seen as emboldening these movements.
Pew Research Center
Southern Poverty Law Center
The Atlantic
Impact on Elections: Trump's policies and rhetoric have had significant implications for voter
behavior and the political alignment of various demographic groups. The 2020 election saw a
notable increase in voter turnout, particularly among groups opposed to Trump's policies.
Brookings Institution
The Atlantic

8. International Response and Relations

Overview: Assess how Trump's actions affected the U.S.'s relationships with other countries,
particularly in terms of human rights and diplomatic relations.
Key Events:
UN Reactions: Trump's stance on LGBTQ rights and white supremacy drew criticism from
various international bodies, including the United Nations. His administration's efforts to remove
gender references from UN documents and opposition to LGBTQ protections were met with
United Nations
Human Rights Watch
Amnesty International
Global Perception: Trump's policies and rhetoric significantly affected global perceptions of the
U.S., with many countries viewing the administration's actions as a step back for human rights
and democracy.
Pew Research Center
The Guardian

Part 5: Long-Term Consequences and Future Outlook

9. Long-Term Consequences for LGBTQ Rights

Overview: Discuss the long-term effects of Trump's policies on the LGBTQ community in the U.S.
Key Areas:
Legal Precedents: Trump's administration set precedents that could influence future legal
battles regarding LGBTQ rights, potentially making it harder to pass protective legislation.… 7/15
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Lambda Legal
Social Climate: The administration's policies contributed to a more hostile social climate for
LGBTQ individuals, potentially leading to increased discrimination and harassment.
National Center for Transgender Equality
NBC News

10. Future Outlook and Policy Recommendations

Overview: Provide insights into potential future developments and policy recommendations to address
the issues highlighted in the report.
Key Areas:
Policy Reversals: Discuss the likelihood and impact of reversing Trump's policies under future
administrations, such as the Biden administration's efforts to restore LGBTQ protections.
American Civil Liberties Union
Human Rights Campaign
NBC News
Strengthening Protections: Propose measures to strengthen protections for LGBTQ individuals
and combat white supremacy, including legislative actions and public policy initiatives.
Southern Poverty Law Center
The Brennan Center for Justice
Brookings Institution

Part 5: Economic Policies and Impact

11. Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA)

Policy: The 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act significantly reduced corporate tax rates from 35%
to 21% and altered individual tax brackets.
Implementation: The Act doubled the standard deduction and limited state and local tax
deductions. It aimed to stimulate economic growth by providing tax relief to businesses and
Impact: Benefited wealthy individuals and corporations, increased the federal deficit, mixed
results on economic growth.
Sources: IRS, Brookings Institution, Congressional Budget Office.

12. Trade Policies and Tariffs

Policy: Trump's trade policies included imposing tariffs on China and renegotiating NAFTA
(renamed USMCA).
Implementation: The administration imposed tariffs on billions of dollars worth of Chinese
goods and secured a new trade deal with Canada and Mexico.
Impact: Retaliatory tariffs affected U.S. exports, especially agriculture; significant impact on
global markets.
Sources: United States Trade Representative, Council on Foreign
Relations, Bloomberg.

Part 6: Environmental Policies… 8/15
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13. Rollback of Environmental Regulations

Policy: Trump's administration rolled back numerous environmental regulations, including

key provisions of the Clean Air Act and Clean Water Act.
Implementation: These rollbacks included relaxing restrictions on emissions from power
plants and automobiles, as well as easing protections for wetlands and waterways.
Impact: Increased pollution, favored industrial interests over environmental protection.
Sources: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), New York Times, National

14. Withdrawal from the Paris Agreement

Policy: In June 2017, Trump announced the U.S. withdrawal from the Paris Climate
Agreement, claiming it disadvantaged American workers and businesses.
Implementation: The formal withdrawal process was initiated and completed in November
Impact: Setback for global climate initiatives, criticized internationally.
Sources: United Nations, BBC, National Geographic.

Part 7: Immigration Policies

15. Family Separation Policy

Policy: The "zero tolerance" policy led to the prosecution of all adults crossing the border
illegally, resulting in family separations.
Implementation: Implemented in April 2018, leading to children being placed in detention
centers while their parents were detained and prosecuted.
Impact: Severe backlash for humanitarian impact, long-term trauma for children.
Sources: Department of Homeland Security, American Civil Liberties Union

16. DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals)

Policy: Trump's administration attempted to rescind DACA, which protects undocumented

immigrants who arrived in the U.S. as children from deportation and provides work permits.
Implementation: The rescission efforts faced multiple legal challenges, leading to a
Supreme Court decision in June 2020 that blocked the attempt to end DACA.
Impact: Continued uncertainty for DACA recipients, known as Dreamers.
Sources: United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), Pew Research
Center, NBC News.

Part 8: Judicial Appointments

17. Supreme Court Appointments

Policy: Trump successfully nominated and appointed three Supreme Court justices: Neil
Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett.
Implementation: Each nomination went through a rigorous confirmation process in the
Senate, often marked by intense political battles.
Impact: Long-term implications for the Court's decisions on key issues such as abortion, gun
rights, and healthcare.
Sources: Supreme Court of the United States, PBS, NPR.

18. Lower Federal Court Appointments… 9/15
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Policy: Appointed over 200 federal judges, shaping the judiciary for decades.
Impact: Influences interpretation of laws on various issues.
Sources: Federal Judicial Center, The Federalist Society, Washington Post.

Part 9: Comprehensive List of Resources Keeping Trump Accountable

Here is a list of organizations, media outlets, and resources that actively track, report on, and hold
Donald Trump accountable for his actions and policies, particularly those related to anti-LGBTQ
measures and alleged pro-white supremacist and fascist activities.

**1. American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)

Overview: The ACLU is a nonprofit organization dedicated to defending and preserving the
individual rights and liberties guaranteed to every person in the U.S.
Focus Areas: The ACLU actively challenges Trump's policies on immigration, LGBTQ rights,
and civil liberties through litigation, advocacy, and public education.
Website: ACLU

**2. Human Rights Campaign (HRC)

Overview: The HRC is the largest LGBTQ advocacy group and political lobbying
organization in the United States.
Focus Areas: The HRC tracks and responds to anti-LGBTQ actions taken by the Trump
administration and provides resources for advocacy and education.
Website: Human Rights Campaign

**3. Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC)

Overview: The SPLC is a nonprofit legal advocacy organization specializing in civil rights
and public interest litigation.
Focus Areas: The SPLC monitors hate groups and extremists in the U.S., including those
emboldened by Trump's rhetoric and policies.
Website: Southern Poverty Law Center

**4. Media Matters for America

Overview: Media Matters is a nonprofit organization dedicated to monitoring, analyzing, and

correcting conservative misinformation in the U.S. media.
Focus Areas: Media Matters frequently reports on Trump's statements, media appearances,
and the spread of disinformation by his supporters.
Website: Media Matters

**5. ProPublica

Overview: ProPublica is an independent, nonprofit newsroom that produces investigative

journalism in the public interest.
Focus Areas: ProPublica has published numerous investigations into Trump's business
dealings, administration policies, and conflicts of interest.
Website: ProPublica

**6. The New York Times

Overview: The New York Times is a leading American newspaper known for its in-depth
reporting and investigative journalism.… 10/15
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Focus Areas: The Times has extensively covered Trump's presidency, including his policies
on immigration, healthcare, and LGBTQ rights.
Website: The New York Times

**7. The Washington Post

Overview: The Washington Post is a major American daily newspaper that has been a
critical source of news and analysis on Trump's presidency.
Focus Areas: The Post's investigative journalism has focused on Trump's administration,
including issues related to democracy, justice, and civil rights.
Website: The Washington Post


Overview: is a nonpartisan, nonprofit consumer advocate for voters that aims
to reduce the level of deception and confusion in U.S. politics.
Focus Areas: The site regularly fact-checks statements made by Trump and his
administration to ensure public accountability.

**9. PolitiFact

Overview: PolitiFact is a fact-checking website that rates the accuracy of claims by elected
officials and others in American politics.
Focus Areas: PolitiFact has fact-checked many of Trump's statements and claims, providing
ratings and detailed analysis.
Website: PolitiFact

**10. The Brennan Center for Justice

Overview: The Brennan Center is a nonpartisan law and policy institute that focuses on
democracy and justice.
Focus Areas: The Center analyzes and challenges Trump’s policies and their impact on
democratic institutions and civil rights.
Website: The Brennan Center for Justice

These resources provide critical oversight and accountability, ensuring that actions and policies
implemented during Trump's presidency are documented, scrutinized, and publicly discussed.

Summary and Final Thoughts

Overview: This report has examined Donald Trump's policies and actions that have been
perceived as anti-LGBTQ and pro-white supremacist, along with alleged fascist tendencies. Key
findings include:

Federal-Level Anti-LGBTQ Policies: The Trump administration implemented a ban on

transgender individuals serving in the military, rolled back Title IX protections, removed
healthcare protections for transgender individuals, and expanded religious exemptions
allowing discrimination against LGBTQ individuals.
Alleged Pro-White Supremacist Activities: Trump's controversial use of Nazi symbols in
campaign ads, his comments following the Charlottesville rally, reluctance to disavow… 11/15
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extremist endorsements, and derogatory remarks about predominantly black and Hispanic
countries were widely criticized.
Sources: The Guardian, BBC, CNN
Anti-Antifa Stance and Fascist Elements: Trump's labeling of Antifa as a terrorist
organization and his overall rhetoric and policies exhibited characteristics similar to historical
fascist movements.
Sources: The New York Times, BBC, NPR
International Actions: At the UN, the Trump administration blocked a resolution condemning
the death penalty for LGBTQ individuals and attempted to remove gender references from
human rights documents.
Sources: The Guardian, NPR, NBC News
Economic, Environmental, Immigration, and Judicial Policies: The report also reviewed
Trump's economic policies, including the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act and trade tariffs;
environmental rollbacks; harsh immigration policies such as family separations and attempts
to rescind DACA; and his significant influence on the judiciary through Supreme Court and
lower federal court appointments.
Sources: IRS, Brookings Institution, EPA, Department of Homeland Security, Supreme

Future Implications: The lasting impact of Trump's policies on American society includes:

Civil Rights and Equality: The rollback of protections for LGBTQ individuals and the
emboldening of white supremacist groups have potentially long-term effects on civil rights
and social equality in the U.S.
Sources: Pew Research Center, Brookings Institution, The Atlantic
Judicial Landscape: The appointment of conservative judges to the Supreme Court and
lower federal courts is likely to influence American law and policy for decades.
Sources: PBS, Federal Judicial Center, Washington Post
Global Reputation: Actions such as withdrawing from the Paris Agreement and opposing
international human rights resolutions have affected the U.S.'s global standing and
commitment to human rights and climate change mitigation.
Sources: UN, BBC, National Geographic

Overall, Trump's presidency has left a controversial legacy with significant implications for various
facets of American and global society. The comprehensive list of resources provided aims to
support continued accountability and public awareness of these critical issues.

Final Note from the Author

I am a trans woman and a member of the LGBTQ community from Canada, and
I've had enough of Trump's hate and ignorance. His policies and rhetoric have
not only affected the culture in the United States but have also had a
significant impact internationally, including in Canada. Trump has attempted
to erase LGBTQ rights on a global scale, which has personally affected me
here in Canada. His actions have emboldened his supporters to hate on trans
people en masse, creating a more hostile environment for the LGBTQ
community worldwide. It's crucial for us to remain informed and vigilant to
ensure that such discriminatory practices are challenged and ultimately
dismantled. Thank you for reading and supporting this important cause.… 12/15
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As a final recommendation, I urge everyone to watch the old anti-fascist

movie "Don't Be a Sucker". This film from 1943 is a powerful reminder of the
dangers of fascism and the importance of standing up against hate and
discrimination. It is more relevant now than ever. #MissionAntifa #Peace

Marie Seshat Landry

Marie Landry's Spy Shop


This report is based on Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) and compiles

publicly available information regarding Donald Trump's policies and actions.
The data and analysis provided are derived from multiple verified sources,
ensuring accuracy and reliability to the best extent possible. However, it is
important to note that OSINT reports rely on the availability and veracity of
public information, which can be subject to change and interpretation.
Readers are encouraged to consult the cited sources directly for further
verification and context.

ADDENDUM: Condemnation of Donald Trump

In light of recent events and ongoing actions, I feel compelled to voice a strong and unequivocal
condemnation of Donald Trump. His behavior and rhetoric have repeatedly demonstrated a blatant
disregard for democratic principles, ethical standards, and basic human decency. Here are the key
points underpinning this condemnation:

Disregard for Democratic Norms

Donald Trump has consistently undermined the foundational pillars of democracy. His refusal to
accept the results of a free and fair election, and subsequent attempts to overturn those results,
pose a direct threat to the very fabric of our democratic system. The baseless claims of widespread
voter fraud, despite being debunked by multiple independent sources, have eroded public trust in
our electoral process.

Erosion of Ethical Standards

Trump's tenure has been marred by numerous instances of unethical behavior. From conflicts of
interest stemming from his business dealings while in office to the constant barrage of misleading
statements and outright lies, he has shown a blatant disregard for the truth and integrity. Such
actions not only degrade the office of the presidency but also set a dangerous precedent for future

Incitement of Violence
Perhaps most egregiously, Donald Trump has repeatedly incited violence and stoked division
among the American people. His inflammatory rhetoric, particularly in the lead-up to and aftermath
of the January 6th insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, has had catastrophic consequences.… 13/15
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Encouraging and excusing violent behavior to achieve political ends is not only irresponsible but
deeply dangerous.

Failure to Address Critical Issues

During his time in office, Trump has failed to adequately address critical issues facing the nation.
From mishandling the COVID-19 pandemic response to ignoring the urgent threat of climate
change, his administration's actions have often prioritized short-term political gain over the well-
being and safety of American citizens.

Appeasement of Dictators

Trump's consistent appeasement and admiration of authoritarian leaders around the world have
been noted and documented. His overtures to dictators such as Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong-un, and
others undermine the principles of human rights and democracy. By legitimizing these leaders
through praise and uncritical engagement, Trump has compromised the United States' standing as
a global advocate for freedom and justice.

Anti-LGBTQ Policies
The Trump administration's policies have been particularly harmful to the LGBTQ community.
Notable actions include the ban on transgender individuals serving in the military, rollbacks of Title
IX protections, and the removal of healthcare protections for transgender individuals. These
policies have had a devastating impact on the rights and lives of LGBTQ Americans, reversing
progress made under previous administrations and fostering a climate of discrimination and

Pro-White Supremacist Allegations

Trump's tenure has also been tainted by allegations of supporting white supremacist ideologies.
His comments following the Charlottesville rally, reluctance to disavow extremist endorsements,
and use of Nazi symbols in campaign ads have fueled concerns about his alignment with such
ideologies. These actions have emboldened hate groups and exacerbated racial tensions within
the country.

Fascist Activities

The alignment of Trump's rhetoric and policies with fascist tactics is deeply troubling. His labeling
of Antifa as a terrorist organization, undermining of democratic institutions, and authoritarian
measures to suppress dissent mirror historical fascist movements. These actions pose a serious
threat to the principles of democracy and the rule of law.


In conclusion, Donald Trump's actions and rhetoric have consistently undermined democratic
norms, ethical standards, and the safety of the American public. It is imperative that we, as a
society, stand firmly against such behavior to protect our democratic institutions and ensure that
the values of truth, integrity, and justice prevail.

We must hold Donald Trump accountable for his actions and work tirelessly to heal the divisions he
has exacerbated. Only through collective effort can we restore faith in our democratic process and
build a more just and equitable society.… 14/15
7/15/24, 6:25 PM Gmail - Global OSINT Report on Donald Trump's Anti-LGBTQ Policies, Pro-White Supremacist Allegations, and Fascist Activities | …


Marie Seshat Landry
CEO, OSINT Spymaster, & Organic Industrialist

Contact Information:

Website: Marie Landry's Spy Shop
Location: Moncton, Canada

Professional Affiliations:

Marie Landry's Spy Shop
Global Organic Solutions
Big Organic Network
Spymaster Enterprises
The Second Illuminati

Ongoing Initiatives:


Key Metrics:

160+ Ongoing Missions

150 Custom AI Models
43 Blogs
1000s of Reports
100s of Affiliates

Call to Action:

Visit our website: Marie Landry's Spy Shop

Explore our ongoing initiatives
Connect with us on social media

Additional Information:

Recognized expert in OSINT, sustainability, AI, and social advocacy.

Focus on ethical intelligence, sustainable military applications, and promoting organic solutions.
Committed to creating a more just, equitable, and sustainable future.

The views and opinions expressed are those of Marie Seshat Landry and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or
position of any organization or government.… 15/15

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