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Dermatology Selected Past Paper Questions

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1. Sebocytes express leptin receptor, therefore area is painful to palpation and may burn.

high body mass index (BMI) is a predictive factor lymphadenopathy is normally present, with or
for increased risk of developing moderate to without lymphatic streaking. Pustules,vesicles,
severe acne in adolescents and young adults. bullae and small areas of hemorrhagic necrosis
a) First sentence is true, second sentence is false may also form. This clinical description is
b) First sentence is false, second sentence is true consistent with:
c) Both sentences are true and there is a causative A. cellulitis
relation between them B. necrotizing fasciitis
d) Both sentences are true and there is no C. erysipelas
causative relation between them D. erythrasma
e) Both sentences are false E. erythroderma

2. Systemic manifestations including fever, 6. An exquisitely tender, erythematous, hot and

arthralgias, myalgias, hepatosplenomegaly, severe swollen area of extensive cellulitis that does not
prostration and occasional erythema nodosum respond to antibiotics appears in your patient. The
may be observed in: disease progresses at an alarming rate, with the
a) acne vulgaris skin changing from red and purple to a
b) acne fulminans pathognomonic gray-blue with ill-defined patches
c) acne conglobata within 36 hours after onset. A thin, watery,
d) acne excoriée des jeunes filles malodorous fluid is oozing from the lesion. The
e) acne mechanica area becomes anesthetic and feels wooden hard
on palpation. Patients becomes toxic, with fever,
3. Atopic dermatitis results from increased chills, malaise, leukocytosis, and tachycardia. This
delayed-type hypersensitivity to topical allergens. clinical description is consistent with:
Sedating antihistamines are helpful in breaking the A. cellulitis
"itch-scratch cycle' in atopic dermatitis, especially B. furunculosis
when given at bedtime. C. carbuncle
a) First sentence is true, second sentence is false D. necrotizing fasciitis
b) First sentence is false, second sentence is true E. erysipelas
c) Both sentences are true and there is a causative 7. A lesion develops as a solitary red papule or
relation between them polyp that grows rapidly on your patient's lip over
d) Both sentences are true and there is no the course of several weeks, then stabilizes
causative relation between them reaching 6mm in diameter. Lesion is extremely
e) Both sentences are false friable, frequently ulcerate, and may bleed
profusely with minor trauma. This clinical
4. Patients with atopic dermatitis have a greater description is consistent with:
susceptible staphylococcal exotoxins- can function A. cherry angioma.
as superantigen; which may exacerbate dermatitis. B. cutaneous angiofibroma
Sodium hypochlorite (bleach) baths are advocated C. pyogenic granuloma
in patients with atopic dermatitis: D. dermatofibroma
a) First sentence is true. Second sentence is true. E. acrochondron
Third sentence is true
b) First sentence is true. Second sentence is true. 8. A firm, hyperpigmented, dome-shaped papule
Third sentence is false measuring 8mm in diameter. In dermoscopy there
c) First sentence is true. Second sentence is false. is a 'starburst' pattern. On palpation, it seems
Third sentence is true. attached to the subcutaneous tissue: pinching the
d) First sentence is false. Second sentence is true. lesion gently results in apparent downward
Third sentence is true. movement of the tumor, also known as the dimple
e) First sentence is true. Second sentence is false. sign. This clinical description is consistent with:
Third sentence is false. A. cutaneous angiofibroma
B. dermatofibroma
5. There is an abrupt onset of fever, chills, malaise C. acrochondron
and nausea in your patient. A few hours to a day D. pearly penile papules
later, a small plaque of erythema develops that E. fibrous papule
progressively spreads. The area is clearly
demarcated from uninvolved tissue, hot, tense and
indurated with non-pitting edema. The affected
9. A rapidly enlarging papule evolves into a sharply 14. Surgical treatment options in vitiligo include all
circumscribed crateriform nodule with at keratotic except
core over a period of a few weeks and then may A. shave excision
resolve slowly over months to leave an atrophic B. micropigmentation
scar. Most lesions occur on the head or sun- C. suction blister epidermal grafting
exposed areas of the extremities, with or without D. punch biopsy skin grafting
symptoms of pain or tenderness. This clinical E. hair follicle grafting
description is consistent with:
A. nodular basal cell carcinoma 15. Pathogenic mechanism underlying melanocyte
B. Merkel cell carcinoma loss in vitiligo include:
C. keratoacanthoma A. Autoimmune destruction of melanocytes
D. actinic keratosis B. abnormal expression of TYRP1
E. Bowen's disease C. defective free radical defence
D. reduced melanocyte survival
10. A solitary rapidly growing asymptomatic, flesh- E. all of the above
coloured tumour appears on the head of your
patient. Skin biopsy reveals densely packed sheets 16. Clinical variants of herpes zoster include:
of small round blue cells. Cells stain positively for A. gangrenous, lymphatic, ophthalmic, generalized
CK-20 in a dot-like pattern. This clinical description or disseminated
is consistent with: B. diabetic, hemorrhagic, labial, generalized or
A. nodular basal cell carcinoma disseminated
B. Merkel cell carcinoma. C. gangrenous, hemorrhagic, ocular, generalized
C. keratoacanthoma or disseminated.
D. actinic keratosis D. vibrating, hemorrhagic, lymphatic, ophthalmic,
E. Bowen's disease generalized or disseminated
E. gangrenous, hemorrhagic, labial, generalized or
11. Important prognostic factor in melanoma are all disseminated
A. Thickness of the melanoma. 17. The most common, 'classic' causative factor of
B. Area of the melanoma genital herpes is:
C. Mitotic index of the melanoma A. HPVI
D. Presence of ulceration B. HSV2
E. Number of regional lymph nodes involved C. HCV3
12. Vitiligo may coexist with other autoimmune E. VZV1
endocrinopathies. The strongest association is
between vitiligo and: 18. A 50-year-old man visited you because of
A. Addison's disease periocular violaceous erythema and muscle
B. type 1 diabetes mellitus weakness of the shoulder girdle. Serum CPK levels
C. pernicious anemia are increased. The clinical description is most
D. gonadal failure consistent with:
E. Hashimoto's thyroiditis A. systemic sclerosis.
B. systemic lupus erythematosus
C. scleroderma
13. A multisystem disorder characterized by D. dermatomyositis
uveitis, aseptic meningitis, otic involvement, E. subacute lupus erythematosus
poliosis and vitiligo, especially of the head and
neck region is known as: 19. Which of the following symptoms does not
A. Ribbentrop-Molotov syndrome belong to the clinical picture of systemic sclerosis?
B. Alezzandrini Syndrome A. Raynaud's symptom.
C. Sutton syndrome B. dyspnoea in the course of interstitial
D. Vogt-Konyagi-Harada syndrome C. masque face with microstomy.
E. Bellizarius syndrome D. dysphagia and gastroesophageal reflux.
E. Gottron's sign
20. The eczema lesions located within the 25. Which of the following describes relation
antecubital and popliteal fossae, face and neck between smoking and psoriasis:
with accompanying pruritus and positive atopic A. Active smoking increases the risk of psoriasis,
family history are characteristic for: the risk remains elevated in former smokers
A. Atopic dermatitis B. Active smoking increases the risk of psoriasis,
B. Psoriasis the risk normalizes in former smokers
C. Seborrheic dermatitis C. Active smoking idecreases the risk of psoriasis,
D. Urticaria the risk normalizes in former smokers
E. Erythema multiforme D. Active smoking decreases the risk of psoriasis,
the risk remain decreased in former smokers
21. Isomorphic sign consisting of psoriatic plaque E. Smoking does not influence the risk of
within tattoos and horse bites have been first developing psoriasis
described by:
A. Heinrich Koebner 26. Risk factors for pelvic inflammatory disease are
B. Heinrich Auspitz all except of:
C. Ferdinand Hebra A. multiple sexual partners
D. Tulusi Behcet B. past history of STI in partner
E. John Fitzpatrick C. homosexuallity
D. in vitro procedure within last 6 weeks
22. Increased risk of developing both psoriasis and E. insertion of intrauterine device within last 6
Crohn's disease is associated with mutations in: weeks
B. IL27 27. Condylomata lata occur during:
C. AGPAT2 A. early prenatal syphilis
D. LLRK2 B. tertiary syphilis
E. ICD10 C. late latent syphilis
D. secondary syphilis
23. PEST, PASE, and ToPAS questionaires are E. primary syphilis
usefull tools in early diagnosis of:
A. pustular psoriasis 28. Social stigmatization because of psoriasis is
B. psoriatic arthritis experienced at least once in a life by :
C. lupus erythematosus A. 0,09% patients
D. plaque psoriasis B. 0,9% patients
E. atopic dermatitis C. 9% patients
D. 20% patients
24. Which of the following describes relation E. 90% patients
between infections and psoriasis
A. Infections exacerbate the course of psoriasis, 29. A 25-year-old female patient reported to the
antibiotics ameliorate the course of psoriasis doctor due to rapidly progressing baldness. In the
B. Infections ameliorate the course of psoriasis, physical examination there are focuses of oval
antibiotics exacerbate the course of psoriasis shape alopecias in the temporal region, at the
C. Infections ameliorate the course of psoriasis, circumference of which exclamation hair are
antibiotics ameliorate the course of psoriasis present. The most probable cause of baldness is:
D. Infections exacerbate the course of psoriasis, A. androgenic alopecia
antibiotics may both exacerbate and ameliorate the B. drug-induced alopecia
course of psoriasis C. trichotilomania
E. There is no relation between infections and the D. alopecia areata
course of psoriasis E. systemic lupus erythematosus.

30. A characteristic symptom of Lyme disease i

A. Migrating erythema, peripherally spreading
B. Lymphocytoma
C. Pain in the joints and muscles
D. Subfebrile state and weakness
E. All answers are correct
31. The risk factors for melanoma development 37. Rosacea can be differentiated from acne
does NOT include: vulgaris by which of the following features?
A. Light complexion, especially in people exposed A. Absence of comedones
to sunlight in childhood B. Distribution limited to the face
B. skin phototype III C. Inflammatory papules and pustules
C. A positive family history of melanoma D. Irritation from topical products
D. Presence of dysplastic pigmented nevi E. Gender of the patient
E. Genetic factors
38. First line therapy for late latent syphilis
32. In the treatment of shingles, recommended oral according to IUSTI 2014 is:
dose of acyclovir is: A. benzathine penicillin 2.4 mln units on day 1,8
A. 4x200mg for 10 days and 15
B. 5x800mg for 7-10 days B. amoxyciline 500mg 3 x day for 14 days
C.different depending on the location of the lesions C. metronidazole 500mg 2 x day for 14 days.
and the duration of the disease D. benzathine penicillin 2.4 mln units i.m. single
D. 5x400mg for 7 days dose
E. 5x200mg for 14 days E. tetracycline 1 g 2 x day for 14 days

33. An 8 year-old patient presents to clinic with 39. First line therapy for non gonorrheal urethritis
moderate atopic dermatitis requiring topical is:
corticosteroids. You counsel the parent about A. metronidazole 500mg 2 x day for 14 days
potential side effects of this medication. Which of B. doxycycline 100mg 2 x day for 7 days
the following is a common side effect of prolonged C. benzathine penicillin 2.4 mln units on day 1,8
topical corticosteroid use? and 15
A. Cushing's syndrome D. a combination therapy with 500 mg of
B. Glaucoma ceftriaxone i.m. single dose together with
C. Photosensitivity azithromycin 2 g as single oral dose
D. Skin atrophy E. tetracycline 1 g 2 x day for 14 days
E. Hypertension
40. First line therapy for uncomplicated
34. Oral tetracyclines are not used in children gonnorhoea is:
younger than 8 years of age because: A. metronidazole 500mg 2 x day for 14 days
A. Risk of bleaching of the hair B. benzathine penicillin 2.4 mln units on day 1,8
B. Risk of damage to tooth enamel and developing and 15
bones C. tetracycline 1 g 2 x day for 14 days
C. Risk of hyperkalemia D. amoxyciline 500mg 3 x day for 14 days
D. Risk of hyperpigmenteation of the skin E. a combination therapy with 500 mg of
E. Risk of hypertension ceftriaxone i.m. single dose together with
azithromycin 2 g as single oral dose
35. A 65 year old woman has been struggling with
urticaria for over 2 years. She has been tested 41. Oral allergy syndrome is caused by cross-
several times for allergies, but all have been reacting allergens found in both pollen and raw
negative. What is the most common cause for fruits or vegetables. People affected by oral allergy
chronic urticaria? syndrome can usually eat the same fruits or
A. Aspirin vegetables in cooked form
B. Food allergies A. first sentence is true, the second is false,
C. Idiopathic B. first sentence is false the second is true
D. Medications. C. there is no such condition
E. Preservatives. D. both sentences are false
E. both sentences are correct
36. Which of the following is the cardinal symptom
of urticaria?
A. Anesthesia
B. Paresthesia
C. Bullae
D. Pruritua
E. Target lesions
42. Brick orange fluorescence in Wood lamp 48. Typical features of herpes zoster include:
examination is characteristic for: A. Pain with or preceding the eruption
A. Corynebacterium minuttissimum B. Dermatomal distribution
B. Melassezia furfur C. Pain persisting after the eruption resolves
C. Dihydroxyacetone D. All of the above.
D. Microsporum canis E. None of the above
E. Treponema pallidum
49. Which one IS NOT true?
43. Irritant contact dermatitis and allergic contact A. Clobetasol is high potency topical steroid
dermatitis, especially the chronic forms, can take B. Topical steroids provide symptomatic relief for
on similar clinical appearances. Therefore patch burning and pruritic lesions
testing remains the gold standard for diagnosing C. High potency are recommended for skin folds
allergic contact dermatitis. D. Topical steroids can cause perioral dermatitis
A. first sentence is true, the second is false E. Topical steroids
B. first sentence is false the second is true
C. there are no such conditions 50. Which one IS NOT true
D. both sentences are false A. Oral isotretinoin is teratogenic and therefore is
E. both sentences are correct absolutely contraindicated in pregnancy
F B. Retinoids are vitamin D derivatives
44. Vascular spasms of digital arteries with distinct C. Topical retinoids can caused dryness, pruritus,
clinical patterns; often associated with autoimmune erythema, scaling
diseases is called: D. Retinoids are Used for the treatment of acne
A. Koebner phenomenon vulgaris
B. Asboe-Hansen sign E. Retinoids are used for the treatment of
C. Kabuki syndrome lympomas
D. Fitzpatrick syndrome
E. Raynaud phenomenon

45. Dermatitis herpetiformis:

A. is pruritic nodular disease
B. is most common in people of African origin
C. can be effectively treated with gluten-free diet
D. caused by IgG autoantibodies against
E. is bacterial infection

46. Differential diagnosis of erythrasma include the

following, except:
A. Dermatomyositis
B. Candidiasis
C. Tinea
D. Psoriasis inversa
E. Intertrigo

47. Search for underlying tumor MUST be done in

patients with:
A. Psoriasis
B. Erythema Multiforme
C. Dermatomyositis
D. Subacute Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus
E. Atopic dermatitis
1. Pearly nodule of distal nailfold in young person is 5. There is an abrupt onset of fever, chills, malaise
most likely: and nausea in your patient. A few hours to a day
A. onychofibroma later, a small plaque of erythema develops that
B. osteochondroma progressively spreads. The area is clearly
C. onychomatricoma demarcated from uninvolved tissue, hot, tense and
D. glomus tumor indurated with non-pitting edema. The affected
E. pseudomyxoma area is painful to palpation and may burn. Regional
lymphadenopathy is normally present, with or
2. Systemic manifestations including fever, without lymphatic streaking. Pustules, vesicles,
arthralgias, myalgias, hepatosplenomegaly, severe bullae and small areas of hemorrhagic necrosis
prostration and occasional erythema nodosum may also form. This clinical description is
may be observed in: consistent with:
A. acne vulgaris A. cellulitis
B. acne fulminans B. necrotizing fasciitis
C. acne conglobata C. erysipelas
D. acne excoriée des jeunes filles D. erythrasma
E. acne mechanica E. erythroderma

3. Atopic dermatitis results from increased 6. An exquisitely tender, erythematous, hot and
delayed-type hypersensitivity to topical allergens. swollen area of extensive cellulitis that does not
Sedating antihistamines are helpful in breaking the respond to antibiotics appears in your patient. The
itch-scratch cycle in atopic dermatitis, especially disease progresses at an alarming rate, with the
when given at bedtime. skin changing from red and purple to a
A. First sentence is true, second sentence is false pathognomonic gray-blue with ill-defined patches
B. First sentence is false, second sentence is true within 36 hours after onset. A thin, watery,
C. Both sentences are true and there is a causative malodorous fluid is oozing from the lesion. The
relation between them area becomes anesthetic and feels wooden hard
D. Both sentences are true and there is no on palpation. Patients becomes toxic, with fever,
causative relation between them chills, malaise, leukocytosis, and tachycardia. This
E. Both sentences are false clinical description is consistent with:
A. cellulitis
4. Patients with atopic dermatitis have a greater B. furunculosis
susceptibility for staphylococcal colonisation. C. carbuncle
Staphylococcal exotoxins can function as D. necrotizing fasciitis
superantigens which may exacerbate the E. erysipelas
dermatitis. Sodium hypochlorite (bleach) baths are
advocated in patients with atopic dermatitis. 7. A lesion develops as a solitary red papule or
A. First sentence is true. Second sentence is true. polyp that grows rapidly on your patient's lip over
Third sentence is true. the course of several weeks, then stabilizes
B. First sentence is true. Second sentence is true. reaching 6mm in diameter. Lesion is extremely
Third sentence is false friable, frequently ulcerate, and may bleed
C. First sentence is true. Second sentence is false. profusely with minor trauma. This clinical
Third sentence is true. description is consistent with:
D. First sentence is false. Second sentence is true. A. cherry angioma
Third sentence is true. B. cutaneous angiofibroma
E. First sentence is true. Second sentence is false. C. pyogenic granuloma
Third sentence is false. D. dermatofibroma
E. acrochondron
8. A firm, hyperpigmented, dome-shaped papule 13. A multisystem disorder characterized by
measuring 8mm in diameter. In dermoscopy there uveitis, aseptic meningitis, otic involvement,
is a 'starburst' pattern. On palpation, it seems poliosis. and vitiligo, especially of the head and
attached to the subcutaneous tissue; pinching the neck region is known as:
lesion gently results in apparent downward A. Ribbentrop-Molotov syndrome
movement of the tumor, also known as the dimple B. Alezzandrini Syndrome
sign. This clinical description is consistent with: C. Sutton syndrome
A. cutaneous angiofibroma D. Vogt-Konyagi-Harada syndrome
B. dermatofibroma E. Bellizarius syndrome
C. acrochondron
D. pearly penile papules 14. Surgical treatment options in vitiligo include all
E. fibrous papule except:
A. Shave excision
9. A rapidly enlarging papule evolves into a sharply B. micropigmentation
circumscribed crateriform nodule with a keratotic C. suction blister epidermal grafting
core over a period of a few weeks and then may D. Punch biopsy skin grafting
resolve slowly over months to leave an atrophic E. hair follicle grafting
scar. Most lesions occur on the head or sun-
exposed areas of the extremities, with or without 15. Pathogenic mechanism of underlying
symptoms of pain or tenderness. This clinical melanocyte loss in vitiligo include:
description is consistent with: A. Autoimmuno destruction of melanocytes
A. nodular basal cell carcinoma B. abnormal expression TYRPI
B. Merkel cell carcinoma C. defective free radical defense
C. keratoacanthoma D. reduced melanocyte survival
D. actinic keratosis E. all of the above
E. Bowen's disease
16. Clinical variants of herpes zoster include:
10. A solitary rapidly growing asymptomatic, flesh- A. gangrenous, lymphatic, ophthalmic, generalized
coloured tumour appears on the head of your or disseminated
patient. Skin biopsy reveals densely packed sheets B. diabetic, hemorrhagic, labial, generalized or
of small round blue cells. Cells stain positively for disseminated
CK-20 in a dot-like pattern. This clinical description C. gangrenous, hemorrhagic, ocular, generalized
is consistent with: or disseminated
A. nodular basal cell carcinoma D. vibrating, hemorrhagic, lymphatic, ophthalmic,
B. Merkel cell carcinoma generalized or disseminated
C. keratoacanthoma E. gangrenous, hemorrhagic, labial, generalized
D. actinic keratosis or disseminated
E. Bowen's disease
17. The most common, 'classic' causative factor of
11. Important prognostic factor in melanoma are all genital herpes is:
except: A. HPVI
A. Thickness of the melanoma. B. HSV2
B. Area of the melanoma C. HCV3
C. Mitotic index of the melanoma D. HSV1
D. Presence of ulceration E. VZVI
E. Number of regional lymph nodes involved
nodular basal 18. A 50-year-old man visited you because of
periocular violaceous erythema and muscle
12. Vitiligo may coexist with other autoimmune weakness of the shoulder girdle. Serum CPK levels
endocrinopathies. The strongest association is are increased. The clinical description is most
between vitiligo and: consistent with:
A. Addison's disease A. systemic sclerosis.
B. type 1 diabetes mellitus B. systemic lupus erythematosus
C. pernicious anemia C. scleroderma
D. gonadal failure D. dermatomyositis
E. Hashimoto's thyroiditis E. subacute lupus erythematosus
19. Which of the following symptoms does not 25. Which of the following describes relation
belong to the clinical picture of systemic sclerosis? between smoking and psoriasis:
A. Raynaud's symptom. A. Active smoking increases the risk of psoriasis,
B. dyspnoea in the course of interstitial lung the risk remain elevated. in former smokers
disease. B. Active smoking increases the risk of psoriasis,
C. masque face with microstomy. the risk normalizes in former smokers
D. dysphagia and gastroesophageal reflux. C. Active smoking idecreases the risk of psoriasis,
E. Gottron's sign the risk normalizes in former smokers
D. Active smoking decreases the risk of psoriasis,
20. The eczema lesions located within the the risk remain decreased in former smokers.
antecubital and popliteal fossae, face and neck E. Smoking does not influence the risk of
with accompanying pruritus and positive atopic developing psoriasis
family history are characteristic for:
A. Atopic dermatitis 26. Risk factors for pelvic inflammatory disease are
B. Psoriasis all except of:
C. Seborrheic dermatitis A. multiple sexual partners
D. Urticaria B. past history of STI in partner
E. Erythema multiforme C. homosexuallity
D. in vitro procedure within last 6 weeks
21. Isomorphic sign consisting of psoriatic plaque E. insertion of intrauterine device within last 6
within tattoos and horse bites have been first weeks
described by:
A. Heinrich Koebner 27. Condylomata lata occur during:
B. Heinrich Auspitz A. early prenatal syphilis
C. Ferdinand Hebra B. tertiary syphilis
D. Tulusi Behcet C. late latent syphilis
E. John Fitzpatrick D. secondary syphilis
E. primary syphilis
22. Increased risk of developing both psoriasis and
Crohn's disease is associated with mutations in: 28. Social stigmatization because of psoriasis is
A. CARD14 experienced at least once in a life by :
B. IL27 A. 0,09% patients
C. AGPAT2 B. 0,9% patients
D. LLRK2 C. 9% patients
E. ICD10 D. 20% patients
E. 90% patients
23. PEST, PASE, and TOPAS questionaires are
useful tools in early diagnosis of: 29. A 25-year-old female patient reported to the
A. pustular psoriasis doctor due to rapidly progressing baldness. In the
B. psoriatic arthritis physical examination there are focuses of oval
C. lupus erythematosus shape alopecias in the temporal region, at the
D. plaque psoriasis circumference of which exclamation hair are
E. atopic dermatitis present. The most probable cause of baldness is:
A. androgenic alopecia
24. Which of the following describes relation B. drug-induced alopecia
between infections and psoriasis C. trichotilomania
A. Infections exacerbate the course of psoriasis, D. alopecia areata
antibiotics ameliorate the course of psoriasis E. systemic lupus erythematosus
B. Infections ameliorate the course of psoriasis,
antibiotics exacerbate the course of psoriasis 30. A characteristic symptom of Lyme disease is:
C. Infections ameliorate the course of psoriasis, A. Migrating erythema, peripherally spreading
antibiotics ameliorate the course of psoriasis B. Lymphocytoma
D. Infections exacerbate the course of psoriasis, C. Pain in the joints and muscles
antibiotics may both exacerbate and ameliorate the D. Subfebrile state and weakness
course of psoriasis E. All answers are correct
E. There is no relation between infections and the
course of psoriasis
31. The risk factors for melanoma development 37. Rosacea can be differentiated from acne
does NOT include: vulgaris by which of the following features?
A. Light complexion, especially in people exposed A. Absence of comedones
to sunlight in childhood B. Distribution limited to the face
B. skin phototype III C. Inflammatory papules and pustules
C. A positive family history of melanoma D. Irritation from topical products
D. Presence of dysplastic pigmented nevi E. Gender of the patient
E. Genetic factors
38. First line therapy for late latent syphilis
32. In the treatment of shingles, recommended oral according to IUSTI 2014 is:
dose of acyclovir is: A. benzathine penicillin 2.4 mln units on day 1, 8
A. 4x200mg for 10 days and 15
B. 5x800mg for 7-10 days. B. amoxyciline 500mg 3 x day for 14 days
C. different depending on the location of the C. metronidazole 500mg 2 x day for 14 days
lesions and the duration of the disease. D. benzathine penicillin 2.4 mln units i.m. single
D. 5x400mg for 7 days dose
E. 5x200mg for 14 days E. tetracycline 1 g 2 x day for 14 days

33. An 8 year-old patient presents to clinic with 39. First line therapy for non gonorrheal urethritis
moderate atopic dermatitis requiring topical is:
corticosteroids. You counsel the parent about A. metronidazole 500mg 2 x day for 14 days
potential side effects of this medication. Which of B. doxycycline 100mg 2 x day for 7 days
the following is a common side effect of prolonged C. benzathine penicillin 2.4 mln units on day 1, 8
topical corticosteroid use? and 15
A. Cushing's syndrome D. a combination therapy with 500 mg of
B. Glaucoma ceftriaxone i.m. single dose
C. Photosensitivity together with azithromycin 2 g as single oral dose
D. Skin atrophy E. tetracycline 1 g 2 x day for 14 days
E. Hypertension
40. First line therapy for uncomplicated
34. Oral tetracyclines are not used in children gonnorhoea is:
younger than 8 years of age because: A. metronidazole 500mg 2 x day for
A. Risk of bleaching of the hair B. benzathine penicillin units on day 1,8 and 15
B. Risk of damage to tooth enamel and developing C. tetracycline 1 g 2 x day for 14 days
bones D. amoxyciline 500mg 3 x day for 14 days
C. Risk of hyperkalemia E. a combination therapy with 500 mg of
D. Risk of hyperpigmenteation of the skin ceftriaxone i.m. single dose together with
E. Risk of hypertension azithromycin 2 g as single oral dose

35. A 65 year old woman has been struggling with 41. Treatment of choice of pseudocyst of the nail
urticaria for over 2 years. She has been tested. apparatus is:
several times for allergies, but all have been A. cryodestruction
negative. What is the most common cause for B. surgical removal with adequate margin
chronic urticaria? C. elecrocautery
A. Spirin D. bleomycin injection
B. Food allergies E. drainage with glicocorticosteroid injection and
C. Idiopathic compression
D. Medications
E. Preservatives 42. Brick orange fluorescence in Wood lamp
examination is characteristic for:
36. Which of the following is the cardinal symptom A. Corynebacterium minuttissimum
of urticaria? B. Melassezia furfur
A. Anesthesia C. Dihydroxyacetone
B. Paresthesia D. Microsporum canis
C. Bullae E. Treponema pallidum
D. Pruritus
E. Target lesions
43. Irritant contact dermatitis and allergic contact 49. Which one IS NOT true?
dermatitis, especially chronic forms, can take on A. Clobetasol is high potency topical steroid
similar clinical appearances. Therefore patch B. Topical steroids provide symptomatic relief for
testing remains the gold standard for diagnosing burning and pruritic lesions
allergic contact dermatitis. C. High potency topical steroids are recommended
A. First sentence is false, the second is false for skin folds
B. first sentence is false the second is true D. Topical steroids can cause perioral dermatitis
C. there are no such conditions E. Topical steroids can cause strie distense
D. both sentences are false
E. both sentences are correct 50. Which one IS NOT true
A. Oral isotretinoin is teratogenic and therefore is
44. Vascular spasms of digital arteries with distinct absolutely contraindicated in pregnancy
clinical patterns; often associated with autoimmune B. Retinoids are vitamin D derivatives
diseases is called: C. Topical retinoids can caused dryness, pruritus,
A. Koebner phenomenon erythema, scaling
B. Asboe-Hansen sign D. Retinoids are Used for the treatment of acne
C. Kabuki syndrome vulgaris
D. Fitzpatrick syndrome E. Retinoids are used for the treatment of
E. Raynaud phenomenon lympomas

45. Dermatitis herpetiformis:

A. is Pruritic nodular disease
B. is most common in people of African origin
C. can be effectively treated with gluten-free diet
D. caused by IgG autoantibodies against
E. is bacterial infection

46. Differential diagnosis of erythrasma include the

following, except:
A. Dermatomyositis
B. Candidiasis.
C. Tinea
D. Psoriasis inversa
E. Intertrigo

47. Search for underlying tumor MUST be done in

patients with?
Erythema multiforme
Subacute cutaneous lupus erythematous
Atopic dermatitis

48. Typical features of herpes zoster include:

Pain with or preceding the eruption
Dermatomal distribution
Pain persisting after the eruption resolve
All of the above
None of the above
1. Choose the medication which is contraindicated 6. Atopic dermatitis results from increased
in pregnant women with acne vulgaris because it is delayed-type hypersensitivity to topical allergens.
teratogenic: Sedating antihistamines are helpful in breaking the
a) Erythromycin (systemic therapy) 'itch-scratch cycle' in atopic dermatitis, especially
b) Erythromycin (topical therapy) when given at bedtime.
c) Azelaic acid a) First sentence is true, second sentence is false
d) Isotretinoin (systemic therapy) b) First sentence is false, second sentence is true
e) Benzoyl peroxide c) Both sentences are true and there is a causative
relation between them
2. Which of the following sentences contain true d) Both sentences are true and there is no
information about acne vulgaris? causative relation between them
a) Increased levels of estrogens play a role in the e) Both sentences are false
pathogenesis of the acne vulgaris.
b) Comedones which are superficial with the hair 7. Patients with atopic dermatitis have a greater
follicle are known as whiteheads. susceptibility for staphylococcal colonisation.
c) Acne vulgaris is most often seen in people at the Staphylococcal exotoxins can function as
age of 50. superantigens which may exacerbate the
d) Excessive growth of the Propionibacterium dermatitis. Sodium hypochlorite (bleach) baths are
acnes plays a role in the development of advocated in patients with atopic dermatitis.
the acne vulgaris. a) First sentence is true. Second sentence is true.
e) It is a very rare disease. Third sentence is true.
b) First sentence is true. Second sentence is true.
3. Sebocytes express leptin receptor, therefore Third sentence is false.
high body mass index (BMI) is a predictive c) First sentence is true. Second sentence is false.
factor for increased risk of developing moderate to Third sentence is true.
severe acne in adolescents and young adults. d) First sentence is false. Second sentence is true.
a) First sentence is true, second sentence is false Third sentence is true.
b) First sentence is false, second sentence is true e) First sentence is true. Second sentence is false.
c) Both sentences are true and there is a causative Third sentence is false.
relation between them
d) Both sentences are true and there is no 8. A type of cellulitis with significant lymphatic
causative relation between them involvement presenting as tense, hot and
e) Both sentences are false indurated plaque with non-pitting edema and well-
defined margins is known as:
4. Systemic manifestations including fever, a) intertrigo
arthralgias, myalgias, hepatosplenomegaly, severe b) ecthyma
prostration and occasional erythema nodosum c) folliculitis
may be observed in: d) impetigo
a) acne vulgaris e) erysipelas
b) acne fulminans
c) acne conglobata 9. Find answer that contains true information about
d) acne excoriée des jeunes filles atopic dermatitis:
e) acne mechanica a) Distribution of lesions of atopic dermatitis does
not change over a lifetime.
5. Chronic defect extending into dermis or b) The disease is familial, with apparent polygenic
subcutaneous defect, which develops as a result of inheritance.
tissue necrosis and heals poorly. It is a description c) Atopic dermatitis is also known as contact
of a: dermatitis.
a) Ulcer d) In children under one year of age only hands
b) Pustule and feet are affected.
c) Scar e) Emollient creams or ointments are the only
d) Crust treatment in the atopic dermatitis.
e) Cyst
10.Following sentences describe signs and 14.A rapidly enlarging papule evolves into a
symptoms known as major features used in a sharply circumscribed crateriform nodule with a
diagnosis of atopic dermatitis but there is one Keratotic core over a period of a few weeks and
answer which is incorrect. Find it. then may resolve slowly over months to leave an
a) Oily skin. atrophic scar. Most lesions occur on the head or
b) Chronic and recurrent course. sun-exposed areas of the or without symptoms of
c) Positive personal or family history for atopy. Pain or tenderness. This clinical description is
d) Typical dermatitis (typical localization of skin consistent with
lesions depending on the age of patients) a) nodular basal
e) Pruritus. b) Merkel cell carcinoma
c) keratoacanthoma
11.An exquisitely tender, erythematous, hot and d) actinic keratosis
swollen area of extensive cellulitis that does e) Bowen's disease
not respond to antibiotics appears in your patient. cell carcinoma
The disease progresses at an alarming rate,
with the skin changing from red and purple to a 15.Important prognostic factor in melanoma are all
pathognomonic gray-blue with ill-defined except:
patches within 36 hours after onset. A thin, watery, a) Thickness of the melanoma.
malodorous fluid is oozing from the b) Area of the melanoma
lesion. The area becomes anesthetic and feels c) Mitotic index of the melanoma
wooden hard on palpation. Patients becomes. d) Presence of ulceration
toxic, with fever, chills, malaise, leukocytosis, and e) Number of regional lymph nodes involved
tachycardia. This clinical description is
consistent with: 16. Vitiligo may coexist with other autoimmune
a) cellulitis endocrinopathies. The strongest association is
b) furunculosis between vitiligo and:
c) carbuncle a) Addison's disease
d) necrotizing fasciitis b) type 1 diabetes mellitus
e) erysipelas c) pernicious anemia
d) gonadal failure
12.A lesion develops as a solitary red papule or e) Hashimoto's thyroiditis
polyp that grows rapidly on your patient's lip
over the course of several weeks, then stabilizes 17.A multisystem disorder characterized by uveitis,
reaching 6mm in diameter. Lesion is aseptic meningitis, otic involvement, poliosis and
extremely friable, frequently ulcerate, and may vitiligo, especially of the head and neck region is
bleed profusely with minor trauma. This known as:
clinical description is consistent with: a) Ribbentrop-Molotov syndrome
a) cherry angioma b) Alezzandrini Syndrome
b) cutaneous angiofibroma c) Sutton syndrome
c) pyogenic granuloma d) Vogt-Konyagi-Harada syndrome
d) dermatofibroma e) Bellizarius syndrome
e) acrochondron
18. An organoid hamartoma, shoulder presenting
13.A firm, hyperpigmented, dome-shaped papule with hypermelanosis, hypertrichosis and
measuring 8mm in diameter. In dermoscopy, there hypertrophic sebaceous glands is known as:
is a starburst pattern. On palpation, it seems a) Fitzpatrick's melanosis
attached to the subcutaneous tissue; b) Braun-Falco' melanosis
pinching the lesion gently results in apparent c) Becker's melanosis
downward movement of the tumor, also known d) Hannecke's melanosis
as the dimple sign. e) Ring's melanosis
This clinical description is consistent with:
a) cutaneous angiofibroma
b) dermatofibroma
c) acrochondron
d) pearly penile papules
e) fibrous papule
19.The eczema lesions located within the 24.A skin malignancy with very high mortality rate
antecubital and popliteal fossae, face and neck and rapidly increasisng incidence usually
with accompanying pruritus and positive atopic presenting as solitary rapidly growing
family history are characteristic for: asymptomatic, flesh-coloured tumour
a) Atopic dermatitis predominantly on the head, neck and extremities is
b) Psoriasis known as:
c) Seborrheic dermatitis a) BCC
d) Urticaria b) SCC
e) Erythema multiforme c) MCC
d) BBC
20. Isomorphic sign consisting of psoriatic plaque e) CBS
within tattoos and horse bites have been first
described by: 25. Which of the following describes relation
a) Heinrich Koebner between smoking and psoriasis:
b) Heinrich Auspitz a) Active smoking increases the risk of psoriasis,
c) Ferdinand Hebra the risk remain elevated in former smokers
d) Tulusi Behcet b) Active smoking increases the risk of psoriasis,
e) John Fitzpatrick the risk normalizes in former smokers
c) Active smoking idecreases the risk of psoriasis,
21.Increased risk of developing both psoriasis and the risk normalizes in former smokers
Crohn's disease is associated with mutations in: d) Active smoking decreases the risk of psoriasis,
a) CARD14 the risk remain decreased in former smokers
b) IL27 e) Smoking does not influence the risk of
c) AGPAT2 developing psoriasis
d) LLRK2
e) ICD10 26. A rash of consisting of blisters and/or plaques
with overlying honey-colored crust with blister
22.PEST, PASE, and ToPAS questionaires are formation mediated by bacterial exfoliative toxin
usefull tools in early diagnosis of: binding to the desmosomal protein desmoglein 1
a) pustular psoriasis and cleaving its extracellular domain is known as
b) psoriatic arthritis a) intertrigo.
c) lupus erythematosus b) ecthyma.
d) plaque psoriasis c) folliculitis
e) atopic dermatitis d) impetigo
e) furunculosis
23. Which of the following describes relation
between infections and psoriasis 27.Risk factors for pelvic inflammatory disease are
A. Infections exacerbate the course of psoriasis, all except of:
antibiotics ameliorate the course of psoriasis a) multiple sexual partners
B. Infections ameliorate the course of psoriasis, b) past history of STI in partner
antibiotics exacerbate the course of psoriasis c) homosexuallity
C. Infections ameliorate the course of psoriasis, d) in vitro procedure within last 6 weeks
antibiotics ameliorate the course of psoriasis e) insertion of intrauterine device within last 6
D. Infections exacerbate the course of psoriasis, weeks
antibiotics may both exacerbate and ameliorate the
course of psoriasis 28.Condylomata lata occur during:
E. There is no relation between infections and the a) early prenatal syphilis
course of psoriasis b) tertiary syphilis
c) late latent syphilis
d) secondary syphilis
e) primary syphilis
29.Social stigmatization because of psoriasis is 35. Oral tetracyclines are not used in children
experienced at least once in a life by: younger than 8 years of age because:
a) 0,09% patients a) Risk of bleaching of the hair
b) 0,9% patients b) Risk of damage to tooth enamel and developing
c) 9% patients bones
d) 20% patients c) Risk of hyperkalemia
e) 90% patients d) Risk of hyperpigmenteation of the skin
e) Risk of hypertension
30.A 25-year-old female patient reported to the
doctor due to rapidly progressing baldness. In the 36. A sexually transmitted disease common in
physical examination there are focuses of oval Carribean, Africa and Latin America usually
shape alopecias in the temporal region, at the presenting with painful genital ulcer with tender
circumference of which exclamation hair are suppurative inguinal lymphadenopathy is known
present. The most probable cause of baldness is: as:
a) androgenic alopecia a) syphylis
b) drug-induced alopecia b) PID
c) trichotilomania c) chancroid
d) alopecia areata d) pinta
e) systemic lupus erythematosus. e) pertenue

31. A characteristic symptom of Lyme disease is: 37.Perihepatitis with peritoneal adhesions resulting
a) Migrating erythema, peripherally spreading from sexually transmitted infection is known as:
b) Lymphocytoma a) Fitzpatrick's syndrome
c) Pain in the joints and muscles b) Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome
d) subfebrile state and weakness c) Fitzroy syndrome
e) All answers are correct d) Fitzgerald syndrome
e) Fitzgenstein syndrome
32.The risk factors for melanoma development
does NOT include: 38. Rosacea can be differentiated from acne
a) Light complexion, especially in people exposed vulgaris by which of the following features?
to sunlight in childhood a) Absence of comedones
b) skin phototype III b) Distribution limited to the face.
c) positive family history of melanoma c) Inflammatory papules and pustules
d) Presence of dysplastic pigmented nevi d) Irritation from topical products
e) Genetic factors e) Gender of the patient

33.In the treatment of shingles, recommended oral 39.First line therapy for late latent syphilis
dose of acyclovir is: according to IUSTI 2014 is:
a) 4x200mg for 10 days a) benzathine penicillin 2.4 mln units on day 1,8
b) 5x800mg for 7-10 days. and 15
c) different depending on the location of the b) amoxyciline 500mg 3 x day for 14 days
lesions and the duration of the disease c) metronidazole 500mg 2 x day for 14 days
d) 5x400mg for 7 days. d) benzathine penicillin 2.4 mln units i.m. single
e) 5x200mg for 14 days dose
e) tetracycline 1 g 2 x day for 14 days
34. An 8 year-old patient presents to clinic with
moderate atopic dermatitis requiring topical. 40.First line therapy for non gonorrheal urethritis is:
corticosteroids. You counsel the parent about a) metronidazole 500mg 2 x day for 14 days
potential side effects of this medication. Which of b) doxycycline 100mg 2 x day for 7 days
the following is a common side effect of prolonged c) benzathine penicillin 2.4 mln units on day 1,8
topical corticosteroid use? and 15
a) Cushing's syndrome d) a combination therapy with 500 mg of
b) Glaucoma ceftriaxone i.m. single dose together with
c) Photosensitivity azithromycin 2 g as single oral dose
d) Skin atrophy e) tetracycline 1 g 2 x day for 14 days
e) Hypertension
41.First line therapy for uncomplicated gonnorhoea 46.Read the following sentences and decide which
is: are true.
a) metronidazole 500mg 2 x day for 14 days 1. The epidermis is composed primarily of
b) benzathine penicillin 2.4 mln units on day 1,8 keratinocytes along with smaller populations of two
and 15 other resident cells - melanocytes and Merkel
c) tetracycline 1 g 2 x day for 14 days cells.
d) amoxyciline 500mg 3 x day for 14 days 2. The outermost layer of the epidermis is the
e) a combination therapy with 500 mg of stratum granulosum.
ceftriaxone i.m. single dose together with 3. The stratum lucidum is present only in palms
azithromycin 2 g as single oral dose and soles.
4. Dermal keratinocytes are the key resident cells
42.Irritant contact dermatitis and allergic contact of the dermis
dermatitis, especially the chronic forms, can 5. Dermis is divided into two areas: papillary region
take on similar clinical appearances. Therefore and reticular region.
patch testing remains the gold standard for Which answer contains only true sentences?
diagnosing allergic contact dermatitis. a) All sentences are true
a) first sentence is true, the second is false b) 1,2,3
b) first sentence is false the second is true c) 1,3,5
c) there are no such conditions d) 1,4,5
d) both sentences are false e) 2,3,4
e) both sentences are correct
47.Choose the correct answer about sweat glands:
43. Choose the answer that contains only primary a) Eccrine sweat glands are present only on palms
skin lesions: and soles.
a) Papule, nodule, crust, scar b) Apocrine sweat glands are distributed almost all
b) Plaque, ulcer, erosion, papule over the body.
c) Papule, pustule, ulcer, vesicle c) Apocrine sweat glands are inactive before
d) Macula, nodule, papule, cyst puberty.
e) Papule, nodule, vesicle, macula d) Eccrine sweat glands are also known as
Meibomian Glands.
44. Vascular spasms of digital arteries with distinct e) Sweat glands produce an oily matter called
clinical patterns; often associated with Autoimmune sebum.
diseases is called:
a) Koebner phenomenon 48.Typical features of herpes zoster include:
b) Asboe- Hansen sign a) Pain with or preceding the eruption
c) Kabuki syndrome b) Dermatomal distribution
d) Fitzpatrick syndrome c) Pain persisting after the eruption resolves
e) Raynaud phenomenon d) All of the above
e) none of the above.
45.Dermatitis herpetiformis:
a) is pruriticnodular disease 49. Which one IS NOT true?
b) is most common in people of African origin. a) Clobetasol is high potency topical steroid
c) can be effectively treated with gluten-free diet b) Topical steroids provide symptomatic relief for
d) caused by IgG autoantibodies against burning and pruritic lesions
Desmoglein-3 c) High potency topical steroids are recommended
e) is bacterial infection. for skin folds
d) Topical steroids can cause perioral dermatitis
e) Topical steroids can cause strie distensestrie
50.Bullous pemphigoid is a subepidermal blistering
disease caused by autoantibodies to components
of the hemidesmosomes in the basement
membrane zone. Pemphigus vulgaris is a disease
with intraepidrmal blister formation on skin and
mucosa caused by autoantibodies against proteins
of the hemidesmosomes.
a) Both sentences are true.
b) First sentence is true, but the second is false.
c) Both sentences are incorrect.
d) First sentence is incorrect, but the second is
e) All answers are incorrect.
f) In the skin there are no hemidesmosomes.

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