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This is to certify that the work incorporated in this project report "RECENT DEVELOPMENT
IN INDIA” submitted by Debadatta Brahma is an original work and is completed under my
supervision. Material obtained from other sources had been duly acknowledged in the
project report.

Dr. Ipsita Nayak

Assistant professor
KIIT School Of Management
This is to declare that Debadatta Brahma bearing Roll No 22202023 pursuing Master of
Business Administration degree from KITT School of Management. Deemed to be University,
Bhubaneswar, do hereby declare that the project report, titled "Recent devlopement in
education sector in INDIA " has been prepared by me by first semestar(October 25th to
November 05, 2022) towards partial fulfilment of MBA degree from KIIT. This report being
the result of original and authentic work, have not been submitted anywhere earlier for
publication to any sources. This is completely true and genuine work to the best of my
knowledge and belief. The facts and findings presented in this project are authentic and

I am neither a research expert nor a trend spotter, I am a management student with

foundation of management principles and theories, who is curious about various sectors
and its latest happenings Definitely, I can't ignore the technology, with interest as the
backbone and those search engines which helped me in building up this research project.To
being with, I am obliged to ASSISTANT PROF. IPSITA NAYAK madam who allotted me this
chance and without their guidance and constructive criticism this report might have not
been completed.
Table of content

Serial Chapter Page

Number number

1 Abstract 1

2 Development in Education sector 2

3 Use of Technology and Teaching- 2

Learning Methods

4 Field-work and activities 3

5 Infrastructure and Facilities and 4

Environmental Conditions

6 Qualifications and Attitude of the 5

Teachers and Law of policies

7 Right to Education Act (RTE) 6

8 Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha 6

Abhiyan (RMSA)

10 Science and Technology 8

11 Benefits of Developments in 9-11

the System of Education

12 Top 5 recent trends in 11-12

educational sector
13 Conclusion 12-13
The main purpose of this research paper is to acquire an understanding of recent
developments that have taken place in the system of education. When attaining knowledge in
Page | 6 terms of recent developments, the major emphasis is put upon the use of modern and
innovative methods and techniques. Since the nursery schools till the university level, there
have been introduction of technology with the main purpose of enhancing the system of
education. Apart from these, there have been introduction of programs and schemes that have
brought about improvements in the system of education. The improvements that have been
brought about in the system of education have been beneficial to the individuals in a number
of ways. The main areas that have been take into account are, developments in the system of
education, Right to Education Act (RTE), Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA),
Mid-day Meal Scheme (MMS), Science and Technology and Benefits of Developments in
the System of Education.
Recent developments that take place in the system of education have been numerous.
In the present existence, measures are being formulated by the Government to promote the
system of education in rural communities too. There has been introduction of technology
within the teaching and learning processes, modern and innovative techniques and methods
have been utilised within the instructional strategies and there have been reformations within
the overall system of education. When any types of developments are made within the system
of education, then the main objective is to ensure that they prove to be beneficial to the
teachers and the students. The developments need to be focused upon improving the career
opportunities of the teachers and in leading to operative growth and development of the
students. The professors are encouraging the students to make use of technology in the
implementation of their projects and assignments.

Technology is regarded as one of the factors that is of utmost significance. The

utilization of technology primarily by the students in the implementation of tasks and
functions has led an effectual contribution in enhancing their learning. The internet is
regarded as one of the indispensable sources that is rendering an essential contribution in
making provision of knowledge among the individuals regarding different areas and subjects.
In addition to technology, the other developments that have been made in the system of
education are with regards to formulation of programs and laws. The Right to Education Act,
2009 is the act that aims to make provision of free and compulsory education to all children,
belonging to the age group of six to fourteen years. The mid-day meal program was initiated
in 1995, with the main purpose of making provision of nutritious meals in schools to the
students. Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA) is a scheme for universalization of
access and improvements were made in the quality education at secondary stage during the
11th five year plan.
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Developments in the System of Education

In India, the system of education is comprehensive and begins from nursery schools
up to the university level education. The developments that are discussed are from nursery
schools to university level education and have been stated as follows:

Use of Technology – The use of technology has gained prominence not only within
the higher education system but also within the nursery schools. When the students get
admitted in nursery schools, then the concepts that are taught to them are mainly alphabets,
numbers, drawing, scribbling, colouring etc. Technology is made use of to show them
pictures of certain objects, diagrams, shapes etc. As the students pursue elementary
education, secondary education and higher education, they learn to make use of technology
on an advanced scale. They make use of the internet to acquire information, conduct research
and to support their assignments and projects. When the individuals are required to conduct
extensive research, while pursuing masters and doctoral programs, then they need to make
use of technology to a major extent. The individuals have made the teaching and the learning
methods more manageable through the use of technology.

Teaching-Learning Methods – There have been major improvements made in the

teaching-learning methods. Earlier the teachers and the students acquired learning only by
reading the lesson plans from the textbooks. But in the present system of education, lesson
plans are understood from the textbooks, and internet is made use of to enrich one’s
understanding. In some cases, the knowledge obtained from the textbooks is not much
explanatory, hence, students look up the concepts on the internet and augment their
knowledge. The teachers usually give home-work assignments to the students in the form of
projects, so that they are able to enhance their understanding. In addition, students are
provided with the opportunities to depict their understanding within the class in the forms of
presentations, tests, quizzes and so forth.

Workshops and Seminars – In educational institutions, and in most cases in colleges

and universities, there are organization of workshops and seminars normally on a quarterly,
half-yearly or an annual basis. These are normally organized on the basis of a particular topic
or subject area. When the organization of a workshop or a seminar takes place on the basis of
the particular topic or subject, then the main objective is to ensure that students acquire an
efficient understanding. The directors and educators are the ones, who render an effectual
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contribution in their organization. When the educational institutions spend resources in their
organization, then they have to ensure that the workshops and seminars prove productive. In
colleges and universities, students are provided with the opportunities to present papers.

Field-work – Field-work is regarded as a major aspect in higher educational

institutions. In universities, when individuals are pursuing masters and doctoral programs,
then they are required to undertake field-work. The main objective of field-work is to collect
the data and information, particularly when one is working on a research project. For
instance, when one is conducting a research study, on how conditions of poverty and
illiteracy impose detrimental effects upon the lives of the individuals, then he or she may
make a visit to the poverty-stricken and illiterate individuals or families and collect data from
them. The data is normally collected either through making use of the survey questionnaire or
through conducting interviews. Field-work in some cases is not just carried out in one’s city
of residence, but also in other cities or regions. When individuals are working on projects
regarding rural development, then they may make field visits to rural areas.

Activities – Activities are regarded as common in all levels of education. In simple

terms, they are regarded as events, happenings or undertakings. These normally differ on the
basis of the level of education. In nursery schools, activities may be in the form of a topic,
such as, family. On the basis of this topic, the activities are carried out for a month. In
secondary education, activities may be in the form of debates, discussions, written
assignments, presentations and so forth. In higher educational institutions, activities are in the
form of speeches, lectures, debates, presentations, field-visits and so forth. The other forms of
activities include, in some cases, usually once a week, the students belonging to marginalized
and economically backward sections of the society make visits to educational institutions and
acquire learning from students. On the basis of their teaching, they usually prepare the report
and submit it to the instructors or teachers. The main areas that are taken into account are,
number of students, subjects, age group of the students, number of family members and so
Infrastructure and Facilities – Infrastructure and facilities are regarded to be of
utmost significance in order to make learning advantageous. The students in educational
institutions have access to books, articles, documents, other learning materials, and
technology, but they would be able to enhance their learning only when there will be
Page | 9
adequate provision of infrastructure and facilities. The infrastructure and facilities are
primarily concerned with making provision of proper furniture within the classrooms, heating
and cooling equipment in accordance to the weather conditions, proper technology,
restrooms, clean drinking water, libraries, and computer centres. These aspects render an
effectual contribution to enhance learning among students. The educators too feel pleasurable
and satisfied with their jobs, when there is adequate provision of infrastructure and facilities.
The students and the educators normally spend long hours and work hard in educational
institutions, hence, provision of infrastructure and facilities make them feel comfortable.

Performance Appraisal Methods – The performance appraisal methods have the

main purpose of observing the performance of the students. There are different performance
appraisal methods that are put into practice by the teachers in schools and professors in
colleges and universities. The most common ones are, tests and exams. The teachers normally
conduct tests differently, they may be oral or written. Exams are regarded as imperative
performance appraisal methods. On the other hand, there may be organization of debates,
discussions, question-answer sessions, competitions, activities and events, which may assess
the performance of the students. The major advantage of these methods is, they identify the
limitations. The teachers and the professors are also able to identify, whether their teaching
methods are appropriate, on the basis of the performance of the students. When the students
perform well, then the teaching methods and instructional strategies are put into practice in an
appropriate manner.

Environmental Conditions – By the environmental conditions, it not just means

making provision of infrastructure and facilities, but it means that the environmental
conditions within the educational institutions need to be pleasant and amiable. The teachers
and the students need to form good terms and relationships with each other. On the other
hand, the directors and the heads are vested with leadership skills and are entitled to carry out
the management of the educational institutions. They need to be generous and thoughtful in
their attitude. When the decisions are to be made, it is vital for them to take ideas and
opinions from others and ensure that decisions are beneficial to all the members of the
institutions, particularly the students. One of the aspects that is of utmost significance is,
there should not be occurrence of any types of disputes or conflicting situations within the
educational institutions. The individuals should communicate with each other appropriately
and work in co-ordination.

Page | 10 Qualifications and Attitude of the Teachers – The teachers employed in schools or
the professors in higher educational institutions need to possess appropriate educational
qualifications and experience. As normally when recruitment takes place, it is ensured that
the individuals possess some experience. Apart from qualifications and experience, it is vital
to ensure that they possess an approachable nature and an amiable attitude. They need to
acquire an appropriate understanding of the learning needs of the students and implement the
teaching methods accordingly. In some cases, when students have good terms and
relationships with the teachers, then they even convey to them, their personal problems.
Therefore, it is vital on the part of the teachers to listen and help them. For instance,
sometimes students are unable to concentrate upon their studies due to unpleasant home
environmental conditions and seek guidance from their teachers or professors.

Laws and Policies – The formulation of laws and policies is regarded indispensable in
making the system of education well-organized. When formulation of laws and policies takes
place, it is necessary to ensure that they are followed adequately. Within educational
institutions, there have been prevalence of crime and violence, hence, one of the most
important laws is to ensure that all the individuals are treated with respect and courtesy, there
should not be any type of discrimination on the basis of any factors, such as, gender, caste,
creed, race, ethnicity, religion and socio-economic background and equal opportunities
should be available to all. Women and girls have been subjected to sexual harassment, due to
which they have even dropped out of the educational institutions, in other words, discontinue
their education. Therefore, it is essential to ensure that women and girls are provided with
opportunities and they are not discriminated against. Laws and policies should focus upon the
maintenance of discipline.

Right to Education Act (RTE)

The 86th Constitutional amendment, making education a fundamental right was

passed by the Parliament in 2002. The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education
Act, a law to enable the implementation of the fundamental right, was passed by the
Parliament in April 2010. The law makes it obligatory on the part of the state governments
and local bodies to ensure that every child within the age group of six to fourteen years gets
free elementary education in a school in the neighbourhood. At present, there are nearly 22
crore children belonging to the relevant age group. However, 4.6 percent of these children,
i.e. nearly 92 lakhs are out of school. As per the Act, the school management committee or
the local authority will recognize the drop-outs or out of school children above six years of
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age and admit them in the classes appropriate to their age after providing them proper
training (Education in India, n.d.).
In providing the right to every child for the acquisition of free and compulsory
education in the school, located in the neighbourhood, the RTE Act does not put any
restraints in the choice of the child to seek admission in a school, which may not be located in
the neighbourhood of the child’s residence. In other words, there is not any compulsion on
the child to seek admission only in the school located in the neighbourhood. The term ‘free
education’ means that no child shall be liable to pay any kind of fee or charges or expenses
which may prevent him or her from pursuing and completing elementary education. The term
‘free education’ is found in section 12(1) (a)-(c), which identify the extent of the school’s
responsibility for free and compulsory education. It further provides that the provisions of the
Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection and Full Participation) Act, 1996
will apply in the case of children suffering from disability as defined under the act (The Right
of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009).
Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA)
RMSA is a centrally sponsored scheme for universalization of availability and
improvement of quality education at the secondary stage was implemented during the 11th
five year plan. The goal of RMSA is to make secondary education of good-quality affordable
and accessible to the students, belonging to classes IX and X. The major goals of this scheme
is to promote universal access of secondary education to all the students within the age group
of 15 to 16 years by 2015. There should be establishment of secondary schools within five
kilometres of any habitation and higher secondary schools within seven kilometres of any
habitation. Universal retention of the students should be achieved by the year 2010
(Education in India, n.d.).
Strategies for the Implementation of RMSA
The strategies for the implementation of RMSA have been stated as follows:
(Education in India, n.d.).
Promotion of accessibility of secondary schools to students. Up-gradation of upper
primary schools are promoted through the construction of classrooms laboratories, computer
centres, principal’s office, libraries, separate restrooms for girls and boys, and recruitment of
additional teachers. Reinforcement of existing secondary schools is through the construction
of classrooms, computer centres, civic amenities, facilities, infrastructure, recruitment of
additional teachers, reinforcement of laboratories and repair and renovation of the school
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To remove the differences among the various social groups of the individuals. The
scheme envisions the special incentive for the students belonging to Scheduled Castes,
Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes, minorities and other weaker sections of the
To improve the quality of RMSA scheme. The tasks that are carried out are,
construction of science lab, laboratories, and libraries, in-service training of teachers, training
of the director or the principal of the school in terms of leadership skills, encouragement of
curricular reforms, promotion of subjects such as, science and mathematics, computer-aided
education, extra-curricular activities and teaching-learning materials.
Mid-day Meal Scheme (MMS)
The National program of Nutritional Support to Primary Education is known as the
Mid-Day Meal scheme. It was launched as a CSS on 15th August 1995 (Mid-Day Meal
Program, 2012). The main objective of this scheme is to make provision of nutritious meals
to the students. Nutritious meals are provided to the students to boost their energy and
concentration abilities so that they are able to perform well academically and enhance their
learning. The scheme is expected to enhance and sustain the pace of achieving the objectives
under the UPE like universal enrolment, universal retention and quality improvement. When
this program was initiated, there were number of factors that were required to be taken into
consideration, i.e. what food would be provided, in what quantities, how it should be
prepared, how much financial resources would be spend upon the this scheme on a monthly
basis and making sure that students find the meals healthy and nutritious.
Under this scheme, it is vital to initiate the system for the payment of cost of food
grains to the FCI. Food-grains management, including sufficiency of allocation, timeliness of
lifting, transportation and distribution, and suitability of storage at different levels, and how
to overcome the challenges and problems are also vital areas that need to be taken into
consideration. It is essential to ensure that mid-day meals served to the children are regular
and wholesome (Mid-Day Meal Program, 2012). It needs to be ensured that they are
adequately prepared. The one, who is involved in preparation needs to ensure that proper
ingredients are made use of and the utensils and environmental conditions should be clean
and well-maintained. Information is obtained from the parents, if any child is allergic to
certain food items. Normally, rice, pulses and vegetables are provided in the mid-day meals.
The kitchens, where meals are prepared have proper sheds and hence, they are prepared in a
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clean and hygienic environment.
Science and Technology
Science and technology (S&T) has rendered an imperative contribution towards
leading to progress and development of the individuals, communities and the entire nation.
There have been major developments taking place in these areas. It is recognized as an
important tool fostering and strengthening the economic development of the country. Over
the years, India has made significant progress in the field of science and technology and in
the present existence has number of reputed institutions, trained human resources and
innovative knowledge-base. Given the rapid pace of globalisation, rapidly-depleting material
resources, increasing competition among the nations and the emergent need to protect
intellectual property, the significance of reinforcing the knowledge base is an important issue
that needs to be recognised during the tenth plan. The focus of the tenth plan in the science
and technology sector aims at strengthening the application-oriented research and
development (R&D) (Chapter-10, n.d.).
Progress has been made in S&T for augmentation of technology. The other areas that
need to be taken into consideration are, promote human resource development, especially in
terms of encouraging career-oriented students to take up science as their field of study and
get engaged in employment opportunities, relating to this subject; encourage research in and
application of S&T for anticipating, prevention and mitigation of natural calamities and
disasters; integrate the developments in science and technology with all spheres of national
activities; and harness S&T for making improvements in the livelihood opportunities,
employment generation, environment protection and ecological security (Chapter-10, n.d.). In
rural areas too, S&T has rendered a significant contribution in promoting economic
development of the individuals and communities. Within their households, they are making
use of modern techniques, appliances and equipment in order to enhance their living
The tenth plan will give a high priority to technologies that are oriented towards
human welfare. These include technologies that provide resourceful and cost-effective
solutions in health services, population management, alleviating the detrimental effects of
natural calamities and disasters, conservation of land, water and energy resources and their
integrated management for promoting sustainable development. In the present existence,
human resource development in science and technology is an area of concern. The decrease
in the acceptance of science and the disinclination on the part of the individuals to take up
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science as a career will threaten the future well-being of the country. Ingenious and
innovative programmes would need to be undertaken to attract the students to science and
technology and cause an increase in the number of young scientists (Chapter-10, n.d.).
Benefits of Developments in the System of Education
The developments that have taken place in the system of education have been
beneficial and productive to the individuals in a number of ways and these have been stated
as follows:
Demonstrate Deep Conceptual Understanding – The students will be able to
demonstrate deep conceptual understanding in their selected disciplines, when suitable
developments take place. The main purpose of developments is to ensure that students are
able to understand what they are learning and put it into practice in an efficient manner
(Innovative Teaching for World Class Learning, n.d.).
Work Efficiently – Efficiency is regarded to be of utmost significance in order to
produce the desired outcomes. The students are able to work efficiently and in a well-
organized manner, when they acquire the knowledge and skills regarding the developments
taken place. Whether they are required to work independently or in groups, their work gets
organized effectually and individuals are able to inculcate the traits of diligence,
resourcefulness and conscientiousness.
Able to cope up with Challenges and Problems – The individuals generate awareness
and develop their skills so that they are able to cope up with challenges and problems that
may take place within or outside the educational institutions. Through developments, the
individuals are able to develop curiosity, critical thinking and creativity that are needed to
cope up with challenges and problems in an effectual manner (Innovative Teaching for World
Class Learning, n.d.).
Motivation towards Tasks and Activities – Individuals do possess skills and abilities,
but it is vital for them to be motivated towards the implementation of tasks and activities. For
instance, if they are to work on a project or an assignment and possess adequate knowledge
as well as the information, then what is important is, they need to be motivated towards the
accomplishment of tasks.
Application of Skills – Application of skills is regarded as an important area that
individuals need to implement. For instance, if an individual is pursuing a doctoral program
and carries out the tasks of research and writing with diligence and resourcefulness, then it is
vital that he conveys this fact to his supervisor or other individuals within the institution, so
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that he is provided with opportunities to apply his skills. If research and writing are ones
areas of interest, then individuals need to look for jobs in terms of such areas, in which he is
Development of Concentration – Concentration is regarded as an important aspect that
is needed to enhance learning. Parents often state that children lack concentration. This is
primarily true in terms of school children. In order to develop concentration abilities among
the students, it is vital to promote a peaceful atmosphere within home as well as in school.
The presence of a chaotic atmosphere is regarded as the major factor that impedes
concentration. Hence, it is vital for the parents, teachers and the students to promote a
peaceful atmosphere.
Recognition of Different Cultures and Backgrounds – The individuals are able to
acquire knowledge regarding other cultures, nationalities and backgrounds. As there have
been formulation of laws and policies in educational institutions that all the individuals,
belonging to different communities, and backgrounds will be provided with equal
opportunities, hence, they learn to value different cultures and backgrounds.
Acquiring Knowledge of Different Perspectives – In educational institutions,
developments are made, taking into consideration the needs and requirements of the students.
In this manner, the individuals are able to provide their suggestions and viewpoints to the
teachers or professors or supervisors. When a meeting is organized regarding the matter, the
knowledge is acquired in terms of other people’s ideas and suggestions.
Development of Independent Learners with High Self-Efficacy – The learners that are
developed usually are able to enhance their self-governance and self-efficacy. In some cases,
students experience problems in acquiring understanding of a particular concept, hence are
dependent upon the teachers or fellow students. But with developments, they are able to work
independently after obtaining adequate understanding of the concepts through the teachers or
professors (Innovative Teaching for World Class Learning, n.d.).
Demonstration of a strong sense of Personal and Professional Identity – The students
acquire opportunities for enhancing professionalism and personality development among
them. They not only perform well academically just to obtain the degree or diploma or to
enhance their career opportunities, but they are able to depict professionalism in the
implementation of tasks and functions, improve their communication skills, enhance their
personality and enrich the overall quality of life.

Top 5 Recent Trends in Indian Education System

Page | 16 Technology has catalysed the advancement of the education industry; innovative learning
solutions have emerged. The education sector has seen exciting and interesting developments
over the last year. These trends are the start, and not the end of it, the improvements that are
crucial to the sector, and are becoming affordable for a vast number of prospective students in
genuinely quality education.

These are the top 5 developments, which will pave the way for a better school system in the


1. Shift towards non-conventional courses

Perhaps the biggest trend is to choose which course to learn for the students. India has long
been described as an economy in which graduates concentrate on becoming doctors, lawyers,
accountants, and engineers and even though it is still valid largely, the variety of programs, as
they offered it, has opened up the market for other avenues. There are YouTubers and social
media influencers who are independent players, who’s success has opened up a different set
of opportunities itself, which were earlier not imagined. Today, students are looking to
explore further skills and vocational courses in areas such as Video Editing, Design thinking,
Fashion, Marketing, PR, Communications, and other niche fields such as e-commerce,
Hospitality, Food & Catering, Data Science, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, even
specialisation in Edu-Tech programs. One such initiative to inculcate the new skills is dream
career’s initiative.

2. Virtual learning

With the onset of COVID-19 and work from home settings, the professionals have shown
curiosity for learning new things. Growing awareness about technology is steadily and
gradually making online education, including online training courses and exams, a
commonplace. The learning that can be augmented using the virtual world is gradually being
stressed by programs and organisations. It is estimated that online schooling is likely to be
USD 2 billion in India by 2021 according to studies conducted by KPMG and Google. We
are seeing blending technology and instruction to create a high-grade and personalised
curriculum for kindergarten to 12th-grade students. Online schools driven by K-12 steadily
gain popularity as they blend conventional teaching with new technologies and digital
learning resources.

3. Concept-Based learning anytime and anywhere

The transition to digital encourages concept-based learning that helps students to develop key
skills and be prepared for careers in the future. It also moves the emphasis from learning
focused on teachers to learning centred on students.
The trend in learning shifts and transfers from machines to cell phones. The even more cell
phone penetration in the world, more so in India and the fast rise in digitalisation in urban and
Page | 17 rural areas fuel the pattern of learning everywhere. Thanks to the Digital India and
AtmaNirbhar India initiative as well, which are helping accelerate the adoption. STEM
edtech players such as Tinkerly are providing the STEM kits for kids to imbibe learning by

4. Student Assessment using Artificial Intelligence (AI)

For students using online test systems powered by AI, they experience personalised
evaluations. AI-based programs offer valuable insights into the performance of students and
the group for each topic/subject. During the traditional manual evaluation of the tests, there
are chances of biases creeping in. Since online resources and methods are used to assess the
student, it will remove biases of manual evaluation.

5. Gamification and Self Analysis

Gamification has changed the attitude of learning. It helps students in their learning processes
to learn to use computer game design and game elements. It enhances attendance by catching
students’ attention and increasing engagement. It allows students to test their results with
intuition and decreases the risk of partiality by different data analysis algorithms. Learning
through games allows not only students to develop their skills, but also makes the whole
learning process enjoyable and effective. A case in point being, Gidimo, a Nigerian start-up
backed by the likes of Google and Facebook, is gamifying the learning experience for the
kids in West Africa.

The developments that have taken place in the system of education have been
numerous. The main areas that have observed developments are, technology, teaching-
learning methods, workshops and seminars, field-work, activities, infrastructure and facilities,
performance appraisal methods, environmental conditions, qualifications and attitudes of the
teachers and laws and policies. There have been formulation of laws, and programs by the
Government that have the main purpose of promoting education among the individuals. The
programs that have been highlighted in this chapter are RTE, RMSA and MMS. The RTE act,
RMSA and MMS have rendered an imperative contribution in not only facilitating education
among the students, belonging to all categories and backgrounds, but also in retaining them
and preventing drop-outs. In India, science and technology has gained prominence and there
are number of individuals, who are opting for a career in this field. When the individuals
learn to utilize their skills, they not only promote welfare of the community but also the entire
The developments that have taken place in the system of education have been
beneficial to the individuals in terms of the following areas, demonstrate deep conceptual
Page | 18
understanding, work efficiently, able to cope up with challenges and problems, motivation
towards tasks and activities, application of skills, development of concentration, recognition
of different cultures and backgrounds, acquiring knowledge of different perspectives,
development of independent learners with high self-efficacy and demonstration of a strong
sense of personal and professional identity. In India, the individuals, belonging to all
backgrounds, categories and urban and rural communities have recognized the significance of
education, but lack of opportunities have disinclined them towards its pursuance. The
developments taken place not only facilitate the acquisition of education but also motivate the
learners to make use of the skills and abilities in promoting the welfare of their families and
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Chapter-10. (n.d.). Science and Technology. Retrieved November 14, 2018 from

Education in India. (n.d.). Retrieved November 15, 2018 from
Innovative Teaching for World Class Learning. Learning and Teaching Strategy. (n.d.).
Imperial College London. Retrieved November 15, 2018 from

Mid-Day Meal Program. Annual Work Plan and Budget 2011- 12. (2012). Retrieved

November 14, 2018 from


The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009. (2009). Retrieved
November 14, 2018 from

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