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e-ISSN 2549-7715 | Volume 5 | Nomor 4 | Oktober 2021 | Hal: 847-858

Terakreditasi Sinta 4


Jaya Kurnia Sandy, M. Natsir, Chris Asanti

English Department, Faculty of Cultural Sciences
Mulawarman University

This study is focused on the types and the meaning of figurative language used in
the selected Hardy’s poems. The poems are Rain on a Grave, Her Immortality, The
Spell of Rose and The-To-Be-Forgotten. By using descriptive qualitative method,
this study purposed to answer the following questions. The first research question
is what kinds of figurative language are used in four selected Hardy’s poems. The
second research question is what are the meanings of figurative language used in
four selected Hardy’s poems. The result of the analysis using Perrine’s theory
showed that four selected Hardy’s poems contain 24 figurative languages. From
the analysis, there are 9 types of figurative languages that appear such as, simile,
metaphor, personification, apostrophe, synecdoche, metonymy, symbol, hyperbole
and understatement. By analyzing the figurative language, the researcher is able to
define the meaning of the lines that contain figurative language.
Keywords: figurative language, poem, Thomas Hardy

Kajian ini di fokuskan pada jenis-jenis dan arti dari majas yang di gunakan dalam
puisi-puisi Hardy yang terpilih. Puisi-puisi tersebut berjudul Rain on A Grave, Her
Immortality, The Spell of Rose dan The-To-Be-Forgotten. Dengan menggunakan
metode kualitatif deskriptif, kajian ini bertujuan untuk menjawab pertanyaan-
pertanyan berikut. Pertanyaan penelitian pertama adalah jenis-jenis majas apa yang
digunakan dalam empat puisi Hardy yang terpilih. Pertanyaan penelitian kedua
adalah apa arti dari majas-majas yang digunakan dalam empat puisi Hardy terpilih.
Hasil dari penelitian yang menggunakan teori dari Perrine menunjukan bahwa
empat puisi Hardy terpilih mengandung 24 majas. Berdasarkan penelitian, ada 9
jenis majas yang muncul yaitu, simili, metafora, personifikasi, apostrof, sinekdok,
metonimia, simbol, hiperbola dan understatement. Dengan menganalisa majas,
peneliti mampu untuk menjelaskan arti dari baris puisi yang mengandung majas
Kata Kunci: majas, puisi, Thomas Hardy

Wellek and Warren (1977:15) described that “literature is creative, an art”.
It describes the creativity of human’s imagination which expresses feelings and

e-ISSN 2549-7715 | Volume 5 | Nomor 4 | Oktober 2021 | Hal: 847-858
Terakreditasi Sinta 4

thoughts about human’s life experience. Human uses literature to convey their
ideas, attitudes and experiences. It corresponds with Eagleton’s idea which
states literature as an imaginative writing of fiction (1996:1). One of creative
form in literature is poetry. Perrine (1977:9) explained that poetry is the most
condensed and concentrated form of literature and said in fewer words in less
space. The poets usually use the poem to convey their emotion, imagination or
experiences of life. In order to picture what is happening in literature, language
is used as the medium.
Language holds an important role in human communication. Wardhaugh
(1995:2) averred that language is arbitrary system of vocal symbol which
human used for communication. Human uses language to communicate
meaning, to establish and to maintain relationship (Spolsky, 1998:4). Language
that the human used in daily conversation is different with the language that the
author of literary works used. Eagleton (1996:4) describes that literary
language as a set of deviations from a norm, a kind of linguistics violence:
literature is a special kind of language, in contrast to the ordinary language we
commonly use. In his book, Eagleton (1996:6-7) explains when the poet tells us
that his love is like a red rose, we know that he puts this statement in metre that
we are not supposed to ask whether he actually had a lover who for some
bizarre reason seemed to him to resemble a rose. He is telling us something
about woman and love in general. The author rather chooses language style
which emphasizes on aesthetic factor, in this instance is figurative language.
The poet tries to convey his idea and imagination by using language as the
medium in his works. He for example often uses figurative language to express
his feelings with an attractive word. It assists the poet to get special effect from
the reader. In this research, the researcher attempts to analyze figurative
language used in the selected Thomas Hardy’s poems. The researcher chooses
Hardy’s poems entitled Rain on a Grave, Her Immortality, The Spell of The Rose
and “The-To-Be-Forgotten because those poems have similar topic. They talk
stories about love and death. The languages of the poems illustrate many
subject of Hardy’s life.
The purposes of this study were to investigate the types of the figurative
language in four selected Hardy’s poems entitled Rain on A Grave, Her
Immortality, The Spell of The Rose and The-To-Be-Forgotten, this study also
described the meaning of figurative languages those are used in four selected
Hardy’s poem. It was expected to have a significant contribution to the
literature world and linguistic. Hopefully, the result of the research could give
any information about figurative language to the readers who will analyze
figurative language in the other literary works.


1. Definition of Figurative Language

Perrine (1977:61) declared that figurative language is any way of
saying something other than the ordinary way. Figurative language cannot

e-ISSN 2549-7715 | Volume 5 | Nomor 4 | Oktober 2021 | Hal: 847-858
Terakreditasi Sinta 4

be interpreted literally (or should not be taken literally only) and rather to
choose say one thing to mean another. If we take it literally, it will not make
any sense because we need to discover the relation of the comparison
between two things that the figurative language uses. Figurative language is
a language that compares two different things to gain some effects. It is not
purposed to be taken in literal way but in an imaginative way. In daily life,
people avoid to say something that can hurt someone’s feeling by using
figurative language. In other words, figurative language serves to convey
thoughts, feelings, and perceptions that cannot be adequately expressed in
literal language.

2. Types of Figurative Language

The conceptions of figurative language are going to be used to
provide deeper understanding on Thomas Hardy’s selected poems and in
order to comprehend it in a broad way, the kinds of figurative language are
described as follow:

a. Simile
According to Perrine, simile is an expression comparing two
different things by using the word or phrase, such as like, as, than, similar
to, resembles, or seems (1977:61). It compares things that are essentially
alike. Abrams said that simile is an explicit comparison between two
different things which is indicated by the word “like” or “as” (2009:119). In
addition, Diyani (2004:563) proposes that simile establishes the
comparison explicitly with the word like or as. Simile explicitly compares
one thing as the same as the other.

b. Metaphor
Metaphor is a type of analogy that directly compares two different
things in brief form without any connective word showing comparison, e.g.
like, as, etc (Perrine 1977:61). Perrine described that simile and metaphor
is similar. The distinction that makes them different is the use of connective
words. Abrams explained that metaphor is a word or expression that in
literal usage denotes one kind of thing is applied to a distinctly different
kind of thing, without asserting a comparison (2009:119). This kind of
figurative language compares implicitly two unlike object by identifying or
substituting one with another.

c. Personification
Based on Perrine, personification consists in giving attributes of
human being to an animal, an object, or a concept (1977:64). It is a subtype
of metaphor, and implied comparison in which figurative comparison is a
human being. Personification is a figure of speech that portrays things
which have human characteristic. By using personification, the poet wants
to make his language live.

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d. Apostrophe
Perrine (1977:65) enlightened that apostrophe consists in
addressing to someone absent or dead or non human as a person who is
present and able to replay what is being said. It is closely related to
personification. In addition, Abrams (2009:313) proposes that apostrophe
consists in addressing either to an absent person or to an abstract or non
human entity explicitly.

e. Synecdoche
Synecdoche is a figure of speech which uses part of something to
represent the whole or uses the whole of something to represent part of it
(Perrine 1977:67). In addition, Diyani (2004:63) stated that synecdoche is a
kind of figurative language which uses a part of something to refer to the

f. Metonymy
According to Perrine metonymy is a figure of speech which using
something closely related for the thing actually meant (1977:67).
Metonymy uses a word or phrase substituted for the thing actually meant
which is closely associated. Abrams stated that metonymy is a literal term
that is used to refer other term which has correlation in general experience
(2009:120). In addition, Diyani (2004:563) described that metonymy is
substituting an attribute of a thing for thing itself.

g. Symbol
Symbol is broadly defined as anything that signifies something. It
means that all words are symbols. In literary discussion, the term symbol is
applied only to a word or phrase that signifies an object or event which in
its turn signifies something or has a range of reference beyond itself
(Abrams 2009:311). There are two kinds of symbol which are
“conventional” or “public” and “private” or “personal”. Symbol is defined as
something which means more than what is (Perrine, 1977:82). Metaphor
and symbol are sometimes difficult to distinguish. In general, metaphor
means something other than what it is and symbol means what it is and
something more too.

h. Hyperbole
According to Perrine, hyperbole is an exaggeration that is used to
emphasize the truth (1977:102). In his book, Abrams (2009:149) argued
that hyperbole is an extravagant exaggeration of fact that may be used
either for serious or ironic.

i. Understatement

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Understatement is the opposite of hyperbole that is used by the

author to create the situation less important. It says less than it means, may
exist in what one says and in how one says it (Perrine, 1977:102). Based on
Abrams, understatement is a term to represents something as much less in
magnitude or importance than what it really is (2009:149).

j. Irony
Irony is the opposite between what is said and what it is really
meant (Perrine, 1977: 103). In addition, Abrams stated that irony is the
statement in which the meaning that the speaker expresses has sharply
different meaning from the speaker implies (2009:165). It usually involves
an explicit expression of attitude or evaluation but with indication in the
speech situation the speaker intends an opposite attitude or evaluation.

3. Semantics
Semantics is the systematic study of meaning, and linguistic
semantics is the study of how language organizes and express meanings
(Kreidler 2002:3). It attempt to explicate the knowledge of any speaker of a
language which allows that the speaker to communicate facts, feelings,
intentions and products of the imagination to other speaker and to
understand what they communicate to him or her. Kriedler (2002:58) notes
that the denotation, the connotation and sense relation are three general
aspects in the meaning of a lexicon.

4. Pragmatics
Yule (2003:4) proposes that pragmatics is the study of the
relationships between linguistic forms and the users of those forms. It
learns about people’s intended meanings, their assumptions, their purposes
or goals and the kind of action that they are performing when they speak.


1. Research Design
The design of the research was necessary for the researcher to
accomplish the research. Bryman (2004:269) suggested that qualitative
research is a research strategy which usually emphasizes words rather than
quantification in the collection and analysis of data essentially emphasizes
an inductive approach to the relationship between theory and research. In
this research, the researcher uses qualitative method to investigate the data
because there are no numeric data in the research. This research
prepossessed to describe the meaning of figurative language of four
selected Hardy’s poems. In the descriptive method, the researcher
observed, classified, labeled and interpreted the data source to gain the

e-ISSN 2549-7715 | Volume 5 | Nomor 4 | Oktober 2021 | Hal: 847-858
Terakreditasi Sinta 4

2. Data and Data Source

The data of this study was the lines of selected Hardy’s poems which
contain figurative language. The researcher collected the data from four
poems written by Thomas Hardy entitled Rain on A Grave, Her Immortality,
The Spell of The Rose and The-To-Be-forgotten as the data source.

3. Research Instrument
Instrument was a tool which used to collect the data. It meant that
the data’s quality depend on the instrument. The key instrument of this
research was the researcher himself. The researcher did observation,
identification, collection, classification and analysis the data of four Thomas
Hardy’s poems. The researcher obtained the data based on parameter of
figurative language.

4. Data Collection
The first step that researcher do to collect the data was reading
whole content of the poems repeatedly and closely. After reading the
poems, the researcher wrote notes which are needed to answer research
questions. Then, the researcher chose the data that contains figurative
language and observed it carefully to discover its meaning. The researcher
also attempted to seek additional information which is relevant with the

5. Data Analysis
Based on Miles and Huberman (1994:10), there are three flow
activities needed in conducting qualitative research. Three steps to analyze
data which the researcher used are data reduction, data display and
drawing conclusion.
First, Data reduction referred to the process of selecting lines that
contain figurative language. It reduced and transformed qualitative data in
many ways; through selection, through summary, through being subsumed
in a larger pattern, so on. The data reduction process continued until a final
report was completed.
Then, data display was an organized assembly of evidence which
permits to drawing and taking action (Miles and Huberman, 1994:11). This
research displayed the data in form of table. It included sentences from
selected Hardy’s poem which contain figurative language along with its type
of figurative language. After presenting the whole data of selected Hardy’s
poems, the researcher displayed the result of the analysis in descriptive
The last step was the researcher makes the conclusion. It is
conducted based on the data display which has been analyzed using

e-ISSN 2549-7715 | Volume 5 | Nomor 4 | Oktober 2021 | Hal: 847-858
Terakreditasi Sinta 4

Perrine, Abrams and Diyanni’s of figurative language. It was the answers of

the research questions which are what kinds of figurative language are used
in four selected Hardy’s poems and the meanings of figurative language
used in four selected Hardy’s poems.


1. Types of Figurative Language

The researcher classified the data into several kinds of figurative
language. The findings of the data are analyzed by using Perrine’s figurative
language theory as the main theory which is supported by Abrams and
Diyanni. The researcher figured out that the total number of line that
contains figurative language is twenty four. This number includes three
similes, three metaphors, six personifications, one apostrophe, four
synecdoches, two metonymies, two symbols, two hyperboles and one

2. Meaning of Figurative Language

In order to reveal the meaning behind figurative language the
researcher uses Kriedler’s semantics theory and Yule’s Pragmatics theory.
Kridler stated that that the denotation, the connotation and sense relation
are three general aspects in the meaning of a lexicon (2002:58). Yule
(2003:4) noted that pragmatics learns about people’s intended meanings,
their assumptions, their purposes or goals and the kind of action that they
are performing when they speak. In order to get more thorough
understanding, the explanations below are provided:

a. Simile
The line “As at touch of dishonor” is a simile because it compares two
unrelated things by using the word as. This line is the fifth line of the first
stanza. It compares the rain which pelts the speaker’s lover to dishonorable
act. The contextual meaning of this line is the speaker tells that his lover
doesn’t like being caught in the rain.
The researcher finds another simile in the sixth line of the first
stanza. It says “Such arrow of rain”. The denotative meaning of this line is
such arrow which is made of rain. The poet compares the way the water
falls from the sky and the arrow by using connective word “such”. It can be
connotatively meaning as the raindrops which fall on the grave hurts
someone inside it who is the speaker’s lover.
The last simile that the researcher finds in the selected Hardy’s
poems is “Like star on the ground”. This line has correlation with the line
before it which says “And daisies be showing”. These lines are in the last
stanza of the poem. The poet uses simile to compare star to daisy flower.
Based on the poem’s context, the poet compares the similarities between
star and daisies which are their shape and their number. Having five or

e-ISSN 2549-7715 | Volume 5 | Nomor 4 | Oktober 2021 | Hal: 847-858
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more point is a conventional or stylized representation of a star shaped and

daisies shaped. Both of them have countless number. This line means that
daisies not only cover the grave but also beautify it which is similar to star
which cover and beautify the night sky.

b. Metaphor
The researcher finds metaphors in three selected Hardy’s poems
entitled Her Immortality, The Spell of the Rose and The-To-Be-Forgotten.
First, the researcher analyzed the poem entitled Her Immortality and found
one metaphor in it. In this poem the researcher found metaphor in the last
line of the eighth stanza. The line that contains metaphor is “Think, I am but
a shade”. It is because the poet compares the speaker “I” with an inanimate
object “a shade”. This line connotes that the speaker is a ghost who shelter
in the memory of her lover.
Second, the researcher found one metaphor in The Spell of Rose
poem. The statement that called as metaphor is ”Perhaps now blooms that
queen of trees”. It is because this statement contains comparison between a
female ruler or finest (most outstanding) women in particular group and a
part of plant. Based on the context of the poem, this statement can be
connotatively meaning as the most charming flower.
Another poem that contains metaphor is The-To-Be-Forgotten. The
line that contains metaphor is in the last stanza of the poem. It has
correlation with the line after it. The researcher needs to interpret the
whole stanza to figure out the meaning behind metaphor. The line that
contains metaphor is “We were but Fortune's sport”. It means that his life
depends on other thing which is the memory of the living. The poet
compares the speaker’s life with a competition which depends on
unpredictable events by using metaphor.

c. Personification
The researcher finds six personifications in selected Hardy’s poems.
The researcher finds two personifications in the poem entitled Rain on a
Grave, which are in the first line of the first stanza and in the fifth line of the
second stanza. The sentence “Clouds spout upon her” called as
personification because the poet uses the word spout to personify the
cloud. Here, the cloud does not really spout because we know that cloud
does not have any physical form to spouting something in this case, the
woman’s grave. The meaning of this sentence is the clouds rain their water
on the woman’s grave. The poet uses personification to show the reader
about the feeling of the woman who does not like to be caught in the rain.
This personification connotes that the clouds insult the woman by spouting
on her grave.
Another personification in the Rain on A Grave is “if drops chanced to
pelt her”. This line is considered as personification because it gives human’s

e-ISSN 2549-7715 | Volume 5 | Nomor 4 | Oktober 2021 | Hal: 847-858
Terakreditasi Sinta 4

attribute to the inanimate object. The poet personifies the object “drops” by
giving it human’s quality which makes the drops seem alive. This line
describes that the drops which are inanimate objects have intention to pelt
the women.
The researcher finds one personification in the Her Immortality
poem. The personification is in the first line of the eight stanza. It goes “A
tremor stirred her tender lips”. This line is categorized as a personification
because it endows a tremor which is an inanimate object with life and can
move something slightly. The poet uses the word “tremor” to show the way
of the woman speech. This line means that her mouth trembles when she is
about to speak.
The personification also appears in the poem entitled The Spell of
Rose. It is the second line of forth stanza which says “And so, at dead of
night”. This line called as personification because it gives quality of life to
the abstract concept. The poet personifies the night as it is a living creature
by giving the word dead. This line can be connotatively meaning as at the
quiet night. In this case the speaker of the poem describes the situation
when she goes and hides from the sight at the quiet night.
The researcher analyzed Hardy’s poem entitled The-To-Be-Forgotten
and found two personifications in it. The first personification is in third line
of second stanza. The line which called as personification is “When, with the
living, memory of us numbs”. This is because the poet gives human feeling to
abstract concept. It considers memory as an abstract concept which has
human quality like numb. Memory is the faculty by which the mind stores
and remembers information. Numb is the condition of a part of body which
deprives of the power of physical sensation. The poet uses personification
to describes the condition when someone’s memory begin to forget the
memory of their
The second personification of poem entitled The-To-Be-Forgotten is
in second line of the third stanza which goes “Lie here embraced by deeper
death than we”. This line is personification because it considers death as an
abstract concept which can do human activity. Death is the end of the life of
a person. The poet personifies the death as a human by giving it the human
action; “embrace” means an act of holding someone closely in one’s arms. In
this line, the speaker tells that the ancestry buried here have died longer
than him.

d. Apostrophe
The researcher finds one apostrophe in the poem entitled The-To-Be-
Forgotten. The sentence “Wherefore, old friend, said I, are you distress?” is
called apostrophe because the speaker of the poem attempts to ask
someone who cannot respond in reality. In that poem, the speaker heard a
sad sound in the graveyard and apostrophizes that sound by asking some

e-ISSN 2549-7715 | Volume 5 | Nomor 4 | Oktober 2021 | Hal: 847-858
Terakreditasi Sinta 4

e. Synecdoche
The researcher found four synecdoches in selected Hardy’s poems.
The poem entitled Her Immortality contains two synecdoches. The first is in
the fourth line of the first stanza which goes “My dead Love's living smile”.
This line uses synecdoche ‘smile’ to represent the corpse of the speaker’s
lover. In the first stanza of the poem, it shows that the speaker pilgrims to
the place where he last saw his love’s dead body. It indicates that the
speaker attended his love’s funeral to see his love for the last time.
The second synecdoche of the poem entitled Her Immortality is in
the fourth line of the third stanza. It says “That used to light her eye” which
correlate with line before it which says “The same, even to the marvelous
ray”. The word “her eye” is synecdoche because it is partly of something to
explain the whole thing. This synecdoche means that her eye represents for
her vision.
Another synecdoche that the researcher found is in the poem
entitled The Spell of Rose. It is in the first line of the first stanza which says “I
mean to build a hall anon”. In this line, Hardy uses a part as referring the
whole to describe house. He chooses a hall for he means a house. Hall is a
room or space inside the front entrance of a house.
The last synecdoche which the researcher found is “Nor shape nor
thought of theirs can you descry”. It is the third line of third stanza in the
poem entitled The-To-Be-Forgotten. Hardy uses synecdoche to refer the
history of ancestry who buried in that graveyard by explaining parts of it.

f. Metonymy
The researcher found metonymies in the poem entitled Rain on A
grave and Her Immortality. The researcher analyzed the poem entitled Rain
on A Grave and figured out one metonymy in it. The ninth line of second
stanza which says “And the birds close their bills” is called as metonymy
because the word bills closely related to the chirp of the bird. The sentence
“And the birds close their bills” refers to the birds stop to chirp.
The third line of seventh stanza in the poem Her Immortality which
says “I’ll use this night my ball or blade” is metonymy. This is because the
author uses the word ball which refers to bullet. In Hardy’s era, the bullet
and the ball have similarity. They have same solid spherical shape. The
bullet has closely related with gun. In that line, Hardy describes the choices
that the speaker can take to end his own life which are shooting himself
with gun or stabbing himself with blade.

g. Symbol
The researcher found two poems which contain symbol which are
Her Immortality and The Spell of Rose. The first symbol that the researcher
found is “My husband clasps another bridge”. It is the third line of fifth
stanza of poem entitled Her Immortality. The word clasp has more meaning
than what it literally is. This word literally means grasp something tightly

e-ISSN 2549-7715 | Volume 5 | Nomor 4 | Oktober 2021 | Hal: 847-858
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with hand. Hardy uses this word to symbolize that the husband of the
speaker marries another women.
Another symbol that the researcher discovered is the seventh line of
fifth stanza of the poem entitled The Spell of Rose which says “Gave me his
heart anew”. This is because the word “heart” has symbolic meaning which
is love. This line does not mean to give someone a part of human’s body but
it symbolizes to give love for someone.

h. Understatement
The researcher found one understatement in the selected Hardy’s
poem entitled The Spell of Rose. The line that contains understatement is the
first line of fifth stanza which goes “But I was called from earth – yea”. The
author uses understatement to describe the subject as being much less
important than what it literally is. In this line, the author states less than the
truth that the speaker is no longer exist in the world which means that the
speaker dies.

E. Conclusion

Based on the findings, they are 24 figures of speech that found from
9 types of figurative language which are 3 similes, 3 metaphors, 6
personifications, 1 apostrophe, 4 synecdoches, 2 metonymies, 2 symbols, 2
hyperboles and 1 understatement. The poem entitled Rain on a Grave has 3
similes, 2 personifications and 1 metonymy in it. Then, the poem entitled
Her immortality contains 1 metaphor, 1 personification, 2 synecdoches, 1
metonymy, 1 symbol and 2 hyperbole. The figurative languages that the
researcher found in poem The Spell of Rose consists of 1 metaphor, 1
personification, 1 synecdoche, 1 symbol and 1 understatement. The
researcher found 1 metaphor, 1 personification, 1 synecdoche, 1 symbol
and 1 understatement in poem The Spell of Rose.

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e-ISSN 2549-7715 | Volume 5 | Nomor 4 | Oktober 2021 | Hal: 847-858
Terakreditasi Sinta 4

Perrine, Laurence. 1997. Sound and Sense: An Introduction to Poetry. New

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Spolsky, Bernard. Sociolinguistics. 1998. New York: Oxford University Press.
Wardaugh, Ronald. 1995. Introduction To Linguistics. United Kingdom:
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