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An Analysis of Figurative Language Used in The Old Man: and The Sea by Ernest Hermingway

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I. Introduction
Semantics is a branch of linguistics which relates with meaning and is considered as
a study of meaning in language. In this field, there are two kinds of meaning, literal and non-
literal meaning. Literal and non-literal meaning is a part of semantic studies. Literal meaning
is when the speaker says something that has natural meaning or does not have other
meaning. While, non-literal meaning is when the speaker says something that has different
meaning of what his/her words or has hidden meaning.
One way to produce a hidden meaning in text is by using a Figurative language.
Figurative language is language that uses words or expressions with a meaning that is
different from the literal interpretation. Figurative language can be used in any form of
communication, such as in daily conversation rarely, articles in newspaper, advertisements,
novels, poems, etc. Figurative language uses some words that go beyond their ordinary
meaning. It requires the readers to use his/ her imagination to figure out the author's
meaning. It makes figurative meaning is difficult to understand because we cannot find the
meaning of the figurative language in dictionary just like the other vocabulary words that we
usually use in our daily conversation. To know about the meaning of figurative language we
need to use our imagination to imagine what the words are said or what the words refer to.
The figurative language is usually found in some literary works such as, novel and
short story. In writing a novel, a writer mostly uses figurative language. It is usually found in
the novel in which the writer uses it to convey exact meaning in a vivid and artistic manner.
In other word, the writer tries to create an image in the readers mind. Thus, holding the
attention of the reader is the writer‟s goal. As we all know that when we read a novel
sometimes we will find some terms that are difficult to understand because there will be so
many figurative expressions and some idioms that we will never find in our daily
conversation. It is important for us to know the meaning of the figurative language found in
a novel so we can imagine what happens in the story, and we can feel the emotion of the
story in the novel.
In this article, the researcher would analyze the figurative language from Ernest
Hermingway's novel entitled "The Old Man of The Sea". The researcher chooses this novel
because there are so many figurative languages found in this novel that are sometimes
difficult to understand. The researcher is also interested in finding out what the meaning of
the figurative expressions found in that novel.

II. Literature Review

2.1 Semantic
Semantic is a branch of linguistics which relates with meaning. Semantics is
considered as a study of meaning in language. It deals with the expression of linguistic
objects such as word, phrases and sentences. It does not pay attention to the syntactical
arrangement or pronunciation of linguistic object. This is consistent with Katz in Semantic
Theory (1972 : 1) stated that semantics is the study of linguistic meaning. It is concerned
with what sentence and other linguistics object express, not with the arrangement with their
syntactic parts or with their pronunciation. Beside that Leech (1989 : 9) expresses that
semantics is central to the study of communication; and as communication becomes more
and more crucial factor in social organization, the need to understand it becomes more and
more pressing. Semantics is also at the centre of the study of the human mind-thought
process, cognition and conceptualization.
Related to the explanations, semantic is the study of linguistic meaning which
connected with sentences and other linguistic object, not with their syntactic parts or their
pronunciation as the centre to the study of the human mind-thought process, cognition and

2.2 Meaning
Meaning is the thing that is conveyed especially by language from a speaker to a
hearer. This statement is looks the same with Bloomfield (1933 : 139) defines “Meaning of a
linguistics form as a situation in which the speakers utter it and response which it calls forth
in the hearer.”This also supported with Lyons (1984: 136) that meanings are ideas or
concepts, that can be transferred from the mind of the speaker to the mind of the hearer by
embodying them, as it were, in the form of one language or another.
Related to the explanations, meaning is the concepts or ideas which is conveyed by a
language through the mind of the speaker to the mind of the hearer by realizing them.
Meaning is what a language expresses about the world we live in or any possible or
imaginary word. This concepts is not limited only for one certain language but also in every

2.3 Figurative Language

Figurative language is a language that can be substituted by the variations of points
which successfully to imply an intended meaning by giving an effect greatly different from
what it literally. This statements is consistent with P.C Wren & H. Martin in Wren &
Martin (1981: 488) states “Figurative expression is a departure from the ordinary form of
expression or the ordinary course of ideas in order to produce a greater effect. Beside that,
Giroux and Williston (1974 : 10) said that figurative language is language which departs
from the straight forward use of the words. It creates a special effect, clarifies an idea, and
makes writing more colorful and forceful. This statement implies that figurative language
can't be define with the literal meaning, this kind of language exist to create a special effect,
clarifies an idea, and create lots of variation in writing.
In this research, the researcher discusses the figurative language based on Perrine‟s
According to Perrine (1977:61), figurative language consists of 11 kinds, they are: simile,
metaphor, personification, allusion, synecdoche, metonymy, symbol, oxymoron, paradox,
hyperbole/overstatement, and irony. What follows are explanation about figurative language
based on Perrine‟s perception:
1. Allusion
A literary device used to reference another object outside of the work of
literature. Allusion is the process of refers to another thing and the particular figure and
event as named the poem called allusion. For Example:
"Are you the Virgil, the fountainhead that pours so full a stream of speech?"
From the explanation above the main allusion is to the poet Virgil, who serves as
the guide to the underworld. Dante introduces Virgil in the above excerpt from the epic
poem. Readers have to understand the character and importance of Virgil to understand
the true meaning of this alliance; without this piece of figurative understanding the
reader would miss out on many key aspects of the poem.The researcher can conclude
that allusion is a brief reference to a person, place, or event which will be known by the
reader. It allows the writer a compression of idea.
2. Hyperbole
Hyperbole is exaggeration for a specific literary effect and overstatement. On the
other hand, hyperbole is an expression to make something looks bigger or greater than it
really is. According to Kennedy, X. J. (1983:687) stated that the word hyperbole is
derived from Greek language, that are "hyper" which means "over" and "ballien" means
to "throw". So, from the meaning it can be said that hyperbole or over statement is a
statement containing exaggeration to emphasize a point. For example:
"If he doesn't call by tonight, I will absolutely die."
It is means the hyperbole helps to make point that she will die if her boyfriend
not call her, but actually she may not die just because her boyfriend not call her.In short,
hyperbole is the use of extreme exaggeration or extravagant statement, meant to create a
strong impression, as well as to evoke or indicate strong feelings.
3. Irony
Irony has a meaning that extends beyond its use merely as a figure of speech.
Irony almost arises from a contrast or discrepancy between what happens and what has
been expected to happen. A figure of speech when an expression used is the opposite of
the thought in the speaker's mind, thus conveying a meaning that contradicts the literal
definition, (Frost Friend Online: 2010). Irony derived from the word 'eironia', it means
deception. Galperin (1977:146) stated “Irony is a stylistic device also based on the
simultaneous realization of two logical meanings—dictionary and contextual, but the two
meanings stand in opposition to each other.” For Example:
"Oh, that's beautiful"
When what they mean (probably conveyed by their tone) is they find that quite
ugly.From the explanation of the experts above I make conclude that irony is one of the
ways that use of people to give a critic but they use refine language. A statement can be
said irony when we say something but it is opposite with the real meaning.
4. Metaphor
Metaphor is the figurative speech, which compares one thing to another directly
(Peter, 2002:12). They may express A is B, differs from the simile only in that
comparison is implied rather than explicit. It is to be read in the same way a simile, but it
is often more difficult to recognize since the comparison may be reduce to phrase or a
single word. When the poet uses metaphor, he transfers the qualities and associations of
one subject to another in order to make more vivid in our mind. Dennis (1996:63)
started, metaphor is a name or descriptive term is transferred to some objects different
from, but analogous to, that to which is properly applicable. For example:
"Success is a sense of achievement; it is not an illegitimate child."
The example means his saying reinforces the belief that everyone wants to take
credit for success, but no one wants to take responsibility for their failings. Based on this
discussion, metaphor is a figure of speech which compares two things that are not alike,
but the metaphor does not use the words "like" or "as.
5. Simile
A figure of speech of a comparison made between two objects of different kinds
which have, however, at least one point in common. It uses word or phrase such as: like,
as, than, seems or as if.Kennedy (1979:490) affirms that simile is comparison of two
things, indicated by some connective, usually like, as, than or verb such as resembles.
Generally, simile is defined as a type of figurative language that used to explain the
resemblance of two objects (in shape, color and characteristic).A simile is a figure of
speech that compares two different things in an interesting way. The object of a simile is
to spark an interesting connection in a reader's or listener's mind. A simile is one of the
most common forms of figurative language. Examples of similes can be found just about
anywhere from poems to song lyrics and even in everyday conversations. Similes and
metaphors are often confused with one another. An example of a simile is:
"She is as innocent as an angel"
The simile makes a direct comparison. Similes are used in literature to make
writing more vivid and powerful. In everyday speech, they can be used to convey
meaning quickly and effectively, as many commonly used expressions or idioms are
6. Personification
Personification is a literary device that gives human like characteristics to non-
human entities. Personification is a type of figurative language. In the arts,
personification means representing a non-human thing as if it were human.
Personification is much used in visual arts. Personification gives human traits and
qualities, such as emotions, desires, sensations, gestures and speech, often by way of a
metaphor. Example if personification :
"The leaves waved in the wind"
In easy language personification is just giving an example of a living being for a
non-living thing. "The wind shouted". Obviously the wind cannot really shout, only
people can. This is what is called personification.
7. Metonymy
Metonymy is the use of something closely related for the thing actually meant.
According to Perrine (1978:57), metonymy is the use of something closely related for the
thing actually meant. It is figure of speech which the name of one object is replaced by
another which is closely associated with it. A figure of speech which equates a thing with
another things to replace it, (Tjahjono, 1988: 203). According to Pradopo (2000: 77), this
figurative language is the use of an attribute of an object or use something closely
connected with him to replace the object. Metonymy is a figure of speech in which
something is called by a new name that is related in meaning to the original thing or
concept. For Example:
"The pen is mightier than the sword"
The meaning of the example is describe not only sword, weapon, knife that can
hurting of someone else, but pen can hurt other as sharp as sword. The both sentences is
closely related for the thing actually meant. Metonymy is a figure of speech which is
characterized by the substitution of a term naming an object closely associated with the
word in mind for the word itself. So the researcher can conclude that metonymy is the
use of a name of one thing to stand for the name of a closely related idea.
8. Oxymoron
Murthy (2003:507) affirms an oxymoron is a figure of speech which is used to
express two contradictory qualities of the same thing. Oxymoron is when two words are
put together that contradicts each other (opposite). Oxymoron is kind of figures of
speech in the form expression which has contrast meaning. It is supported by Dennis
(1996:66) who stated, Oxymoron is the joining together of apparent contradiction. So,
oxymoron almost similar to antithesis, but antithesis shows contrast idea as strongly. For
"Takes a big man to play a little guitar."
Big man's afraid of a little mouse?
The meaning of the first sentence is sound impossible because a big man has big
fingers and cannot play a little guitar. The second statement describes the big man that
has a big body afraid only because a little mouse. The meaning of the sentence is
different with the reality. The researcher concluded that Oxymoron is a figurative word
that contains words that appear to have meanings that conflict with one another.
Oxymoron is usually said to be a contradiction in terms.
9. Symbol
A figure of speech which describes something with other objects as symbols,
because there are similarities between both of them, situation, and actions, (Hayati &
Adiwardoyo, 1990: 4). According to Diyanni (2004:569) symbol is any object or action
that represents something beyond its literal self. An apple pie, for example, can represent
an American Lifestyle. Natural symbols like light and darkness, fire and water can stand
for contradictory things. The meaning of any symbol whether an object, an action, or a
gesture, is controlled by its context. A symbol can be defined simply as any object or
action that means more than itself.For example:
"Rebels raised a white flag to negotiate."
The example above means that during war, the color white symbolizes making
peace with the enemy. Symbols do shift their meanings depending on the context they
are used in. “A chain,” for example, may stand for “union” as well as“imprisonment”.
Thus, symbolic meaning of an object or an action is understood by when, where, and
how it is used. It also depends on who reads the work.
10. Synecdoche
Figurative language that states an important part of a things (matter) to things or
the thing itself (Pradopo, 2000: 78). This figure of speech is divided in two kinds: pras
pro toto (part for whole) and totem pras pro parpte (whole for part). Synecdoche is the
use of part a thing to stand for the whole of it or vice versa (Kennedy, 1979: 479).
Synecdoche is a figure of speech in which part is something that is used for describe the
whole things.For Example:
"All eyes on me."
The meaning of the example is all peoples looking at her. Synecdoche is the
usage of a part to represent the whole. That is, rather than an object or title that‟s merely
associated with the larger concept
11. Paradox
It is figure of speech which the use of words opposed between one to another,
with the intention of smoothing the meaning, (Tjahjono, 1988: 213). Paradox is
statement which seems to contain two opposite facts but is or may be true (Oxford,
1991:298). Paradox occurs in a statement that at first strikes us as self-contradictory but
that on reflection make some sense (Kennedy, 1979: 497).For Example:
"Save money by spending it."
The meaning of the statement is very contradictory but it can be different from
the actual meaning, maybe he saved his money by spending it on investment

III. Methodology
In this article, the writer uses descriptive qualitative method in analyzing and the data
of figurative language found in the novel. Fraenkel and Wallen (1993,p.23) say that
descriptive method is a method used to explain, analyze, and classify, something through
various techniques, survey, interview, questionnaire, and test. Furthermore, Fraenkel and
Wallen (1993,p.380) define about qualitative research. Qualitative research is defined as “a
research study that investigates the quality of relationships, activities, situations or
materials.” Qualitative method use descriptions and categories (word), for examples, open
ended interviews, naturalistic observation, and document analysis.
The source of data of this study were taken from the novel entitled The Old Man and
The Sea Novel by Ernest Hermingway and this novel consists of 145 pages and it was
published in 1952. The data of this study are sentences which contain figurative language.
This study is conducted only to analyze the figurative language found in the novel entitled
The Old Man and The Sea Novel by Ernest Hermingway. The writer took this novel because
there are so many figurative languages found in this novel and was awarded the Pulitzer
Prize for Fiction, and it was cited by the Nobel Committee as contributing to their awarding
of the Nobel Prize in Literature to Hemingway in 1954.
In this paragraph, the writer would like to tell how to collect the data 1) The writer
found The Old Man and The Sea e-book on google and downloaded it. 2) The writer read
all of the text in the novel and highlighted the words which contain figurative languages. 3)
Then, the writer sorted all of the data into their types.
In this paragraph the writer would like to tell how to analyze the data. 1) The writer made a
table and sort the figurative languages based on their type. 2) The writer analyzed the
figurative languages which is found in the novel.

IV. Findings and Discussions

4.1 Findings
No Type of Figurative Language Example of Figurative Language
1. My son should soar like eagles cross the sky.
Similes When she moves just like a breeze on a summer day.
Every second we're together just like the 4th of July.
The sea is a light in the darkness.
2. Metaphor
Sardine it is still the flame that's burning in my soul.
Say goodbye to the dark of night.
3. Personification Sometimes Love breaks your heart.
Love breaks the chains.
I can hear the splash drips for a thousand miles.
4. Hyperbole It’s hard to breath when I am apart from this boat.
I'd sail across the ocean bring her the sun.
5. Metonymy We aren’t four anymore but you can come out and play.
I walked with both of my hands shook, when all eyes on me.
6. Synecdoche
I've never seen his teeth since that happened.
7. Oxymoron You can just stood alone in a crowded room.

4.2 Discussion
A. Figurative language in The Old man and The Sea by Ernest Hermingway
a. Simile
Simile is figurative language that compares two different things in an interesting
way to make the sentence more vivid. It uses a conjunctive or comparative. According to
Perrine (1969), simile is a figurative language involving the comparison of one thing
with another thing of a different kind, used to make a description more emphatic or
1. My son should soar like eagles cross the sky
The sentence above is an example of simile because the author makes a
comparison between humans with eagles. In addition, it also uses a word "like" to
connect between human and eagles. It depicts human as if an eagle that can fly. The
word "eagles" is used to describe freedom. So far, we know that the eagle is a symbol
of freedom. Hence, the author want his son to live with freedom indirectly through
this sentence. Living in freedom means living by following the desire of the heart
without bounds by the applicable rules.
2. When she moves just like a breeze on a summer day
The sentence above is one of type of simile, since it uses "like". It connects
between the phrase "when you move" and "a breeze on a summer day". This sentence
compares two different things. They are humans and breeze in the summer. When the
summer, humans tend to feel hot even to sweat because the weather is too hot.
However, different things will happen if the hot air is followed by a breeze, it will feel
soothing. The use of phrase "a breeze on a summer day" in the sentence aims to
illustrate the beauty of the woman. It seems that everything that exists in her is so
beautiful. Moreover, when the woman moves, it really soothes the man.
3. Every second we're together just like the 4th of July
The sentence is an example of simile because it compares two different things
which is followed by a conjunction “like”. The pronoun “we” compares with “the 4th
of July”. “The 4th of July” is the independence day of United Stated of America. In
the same case, it’s also a national holiday for the Americans. The Americans are
really happy to welcome that day. Usually, they celeb rate it with a fireworks party
accompanied by patriotic songs of the United States. 4th of July in this sentence aims
to describe the feelings which is experienced by someone. Therefore, the point of this
sentence is to emphasize that when we are together, it’s really joyful and full of
happiness as the Americans who celebrate their independence day.
b. Metaphor
Metaphor is a figurative language that compares two unlike things implicitly but
in a short form. Metaphor doesn't use a conjunction such as "like", "as" and etc.
However, it directly connects the first and second part.
1. “The sea is a light in the darkness”
Since the sentence above compares two different things directly without using
conjunction, thus this sentence is an example of metaphor. In this sentence, the word
“light” does not describe the denotation meaning of the word. Hence, the sentence
"the sea is a light in the darkness" here means the sea which brings happiness in
someone's life.
2. “Sardine it is still the flame that's burning in my soul”
This is a metaphor since in this sentence the author compares between things
and ember directly. It aims to describe the deliciousness of sardines as a subject which
has not been forgotten and still in his memory for his entire life.

c. Personification
Personification is a figurative language which compares inanimate objects or
something that can not move in order to looks like animate. Further, it can behave like a
human. Moreover, personification aims to represent the quality of experiencing situation
and to provide a concrete image.
1. “Say goodbye to the dark of night.”
This sentence is an example of personification because the author describes
"the dark of the night" and "the sun" can do an act that usually done by human. "Say
goodbye to the dark of the night" describes someone who is say "goodbye". Say
"goodbye" usually done by people to other people who will leave.

2. “Sometimes Love breaks your heart.”

This sentence is a personification because the author makes an inanimate
object as human that has characteristic's resamble of human being. The characteristic's
resamble can be seen by noticing the word“"breaks" in the sentence. They are
characteristics of human being which express about love. Thus, how come love”can
breaks something whereas it is a non-human. In other words, this sentence refers to
someone who is falling in love.
3. ”Love breaks the chains.”
The sentence above is an example of personification because it uses some
action verbs such as "breaks" This words "breaks"an action performed by human
being, either intentional or unintentional. In spite of that, in this sentence the authors
uses this word to explain an action and a feeling that performed by“love. In
fact,“love”is inanimate object which refers to an intense feeling of deep affection.

d. Hyperbole
Hyperbole is one of the figurative language which includes in the category of
contention. It is a figurative language which states something exaggerate. Tarigan (2005:
55) states that hyperbole is figurative language that used for exaggeration purposes. It is
forms from the basic several of jokes is used as way to insult, or simply is used to
dramatize a situation.
1. “I can hear the splash drips for a thousand miles.”
The sentence is an example of hyperbole since the author describes something
exaggerate. In the sentence, the author states that the man can hear a splash which
drips at a distance of a thousand miles. In fact, it’s impossible for a human to hear
splash's drips with that distance.
2. “It’s hard to breath when I am apart from this boat.”
Since the sentence above describes something exaggerat, thus it is an example
of hyperbole. The sentence depicts someone who is difficult to breathe when he is
apart from the thing he loves. In fact, breathing difficulties are only experienced by
people who have certain diseases. Therefore, we can conclude that the purpose of the
sentence is to illustrate that someone will has difficulties when he is apart with the
things has become a part in his life.
3. “I'd sail across the ocean bring her the sun.”
This sentence uses hyperbole as its figurative language. Since it depicts about
someone who can bring the sun, the central star of the solar system consists of hot
plasma. In fact, none in this world can bring the sun. In short, "the sun" in the
sentence above is a symbol of happiness and cheerfulness. It’s based on fact that the
sun can be a light in the darkness and warmer for a lonely soul. To sum up, this
sentence aims to depicts someone who comes with happiness, warmth and joy.

e. Metonymy
Metonymy is a type of figurative language which includes in the category of
contention. Metonymy is used to mention a word with other words that have a close
relationship. In short, it is a figurative language in which a thing or concept is referred to
by the name of something closely associated with that thing or concept. According to
Keraf (2009) metonymy is a figurative language that used a word to represent another
thing closely related to the word itself.
1. “We aren't four anymore but you can come out and play”
This sentence is an example of metonymy since it uses the word "four" to
represents "children". In fact, someone using the "years old" to emphasize the age.
However, in the sentence the author only used "four". "Four" also can be replaced
with the "kids" that serves to clarify sentences and did not make the reader or listener
become confused.

f. Synecdoche
Synecdoche is a figure of speech which allows a part to stand for a whole or for a
whole to stand for a part. This sentence is also consistent with what Siswantoro
(2002:39) stated that Synecdoche is a part is used to designate the whole. Synecdoches
allow speakers to emphasize certain parts of a whole, highlighting their importance by
substituting them for the whole. They also draw attention to the power of associative and
referential thinking, as readers automatically understand that a part can stand for the
whole and vice versa.
1. “I walked with both of my hands shook, when all eyes on me.”
In this sentence, eyes are used to designate part things for the whole because
all eyes it means all the people near him looking at him.
2. “I've never seen his teeth since that happened.”
In this sentence, Teeth are used to designate part things for the whole because
what the character's mean is to see him in person as a whole, not only his friend's

g. Oxymoron
Oxymoron is a figure of speech pairing two words together that are opposing
and/or contradictory. Murthy (2003:507) affirms an oxymoron is a figure of speech
which is used to express two contradictory qualities of the same thing. As a literary
device, oxymoron has the effect of creating an impression, enhancing a concept, and
even entertaining the reader.
1. “You can just stood alone in a crowded room.”
The meaning of the sentence is different with the reality. Even though the
character's is in a crowded place which means there must be a lot of people, but he
still feel lonely in the same time.

B. The dominant types of figurative language in The Old Man and The Sea by Ernest





Hyperbole Personification Simile Metaphor

Oxymoron Synecdoche Metonymy

Based on the graphic above, the writer finds out that the types of figurative language
in The Old Man and The Sea by Ernest Hermingway are simile, metaphor, personification,
hyperbole, oxymoron, synecdoche and metonymy. There are 15 data in this thesis. There are
3 data of hyperbole, 3 data of personification, 3 data of simile, 2 data of metaphor, 1 data of
oxymoron, 2 data of synecdoche and 1 data of metonymy. It can be said that the most
dominant types of figurative languages in this novel are hyperbole, personification and
simile. The least dominant types of figurative languages found in this novel are oxymoron
and metonymy.

V. Conclusions and suggestions

This chapter presents the conclusions and suggestions based on the data analysis in
the previous chapter.
5.1 Conclusions
Based on the analysis of figurative language in Old Man and The Sea Novel by
Ernest Hermingway, it can be concluded that :
1. Figurative language is a language that uses words or expressions with a meaning that is
different from literal meaning. One of the sentence that contained figurative language is
"My son should soar like eagles cross the sky". The sentence is an example of simile
because the author make comparison between human with eagles. The word "eagles" is
used to describe freedom.
2. There are 15 figurative languages with 7 types of figurative languages found in this
novel. They are 3 simile, 2 metaphors, 3 personifications, 3 hyperboles, 1 metonymy, 2
synecdoches, and 1 oxymoron. The most dominant figurative languages found in this
novel are hyperbole, personification and simile. The least dominant figurative languages
found in this novel are oxymoron and metonymy. The author used all these figurative
languages to produce images in listener mind and to explain ideas, emotions, and images
in a more efficient way than through plain language.

5.2 Suggestions
Based on the conclusions above, the writer would like to present the some
suggestions as follows:
1. This study is about the types of figurative language in novels. The writer hopes that the
researcher will keep analyzing the figurative language because it can help people to
understand the meaning more. The writer hopes that the other researcher can analyze the
figurative language in other media such as novel, short story, poems and etc. It will help
the researcher to enrich their insight.
2. The writer suggests that the next researcher can find other types of figurative language
which are not found in this study. Beside that, the next researchers can use other theories
in conducting their study.

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