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De Thi Lop 8 HK 1 Nam Hoc 23-24 Bài Sửa

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{Iuong Gicr }adn 813

uE ox rAp KrEM TRA CUOr rY. r r\AM HQC 2023-2024

I. Choose the word having different stress pattern: (0.5 qt)
1. A. participate B, enjoy C. facility D. nafure
2. A. tennis B. karate C. cycling D. jogging
II. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently: (0.5 pt)
3. A. kids B. weekends C. playerg D. cakeg
4. A. teach C. chess D. machine
lII. Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence: (2.5 pts)
5. Recycling trash can _ land pollution.
A. reduce B. cause C. reuse D. pollute
6. Although Tom's grandmother doesn't weather forecasts, she likes watching them.
A. experience B. trust C. expect D. predict
7. Do you want to hang out at7 p.m.?
A. Ok. See you at7 p.m. B. I have dinner at7 p.m.
C. See you soon. D. Yes,I do.
8. Jack: _? Jimmy: We shouldn't throw trash into the water.
A. What do you do with the water B. What should we do to prevent water pollution
C. VIhy do people pollute the water D. Are we polluting the water
9. My English class is 7 p.m. to 8.30 p.m.
A. until B. from C. on D. at
10. I think she eats fast food. She'11 be sick and fat!
A. too many B. too much C. enough D. some
11. If you busy today, I _ you tomorrow.
A. arelwill see B. arel see C. will be/ will see D. will be/ see
12. During an earthquake; lou should get _ a desk because something could fall on
A. on B. for C. into D. under
13. Everybody should travel by bicycle or public buses we can reduce air
A. but B. in order to C. so as to D. so that
t4. r a roller skating competition on Sunday morning.
A. has B. have C. had D. having
fV. Look at the signs. Choose the best answer (A. B" C or D) for each sign: (0.5 pt)
15. What does this sign mean?
A. We should stop driving cars.
C. Cars must be turned right.
16. What does this sign mean?
A. Dropping liuer is forbidden.
B. Cars must not be turned left.
D. Cars must be parked here.
B. Empty the garbage.
C. Put the rubbish into the bin. D. No littering.
V. Readinq comprehension:
Passage 1: Read the following passage. Decide if the statements are True or False (1.5
A natural disaster is an unpleasant event caused by the earth's natural processes. It has
severe consequences for not only many people but also animals and plants. It destroys
buildings, leaving thousands of people homeless. According to scientists and
environmentalists, worse global warming means there will be more and more natural
disasters in the future. There are four types ofnatural disasters. Geological disasters
include landslides and volcanic eruptions, just to name a few. The main hl drologicai
disasters are floods and tsunamis. Typical examples of meteoroiogical disasters
thunderstorms, droughts, and tornadoes. Wildfires are the fourth tlpe of natural
disasters ]

group, space disasters refer io i

which are also considered to be caused by humans. The last I

impact events with meteor and solar flare with iarge amounts of solar radiation.

17. Natural disasters affect only human beings'

18. Thousands of people lose their houses after a natural disaster.
19. Global warming is a cause of natural disasters'
20. Floods and tsunamis are the typical hydrological disasters.
21. What is the main idea of this passage?
A. Global warming C. Climate change
B. Natural disasters D. Environmental poliution
22.Whatare types of natural disasters?
A. Geological, hydrological, meteorological disasters, and tsunamis.
B. Tsunamis, floods, wildfires, and tornadoes'
C. Geological, hydrological, meteorological, space disasters, and wildfires'
D. A&B are correct.
in th f the s
Good news about the environment!
We read so many stories every day about bad things happening to the environment'
There is a lot of bad news, but there is also (23) news! Here are four things
from last year:
Many countries are using much less coal and oil to make electricity. If we continue
at the

present speed, we will fi+l -good

coal and oil by 2050'
,d British company ro* *uk* kind of plastic from seaweed' If you put a bottle
seaweed plastic in trre soil, it will change back naturally to something which
not damage the soil.
W" .un already riut electricity from the power of the Sun and the wind. Now scientists
" If they succeed, it will really be green
think they can make electricity (26) _plants!
We all use batteries ail the tinie, but they damage the environment if you put them in the
soil. So it is exciting news that acompany is (27) a cheap battery from sea salt'
It has four times the power of normal batteries, (28) it is safe to put in the soil.
23. A. some B.anY C.little D' much
24. A. reuse B. stop C. recycle D. reduce
25. A. should B. can C. does - D. must
26. B. into C. with D. from
27. A. making B. taking C. doing D. creating Tạo ra
28. A. so B. and C. if D. because
VI. Supply the correct tenses or word forms: (L'5 pt)
pollutants into the air and water. Các chất gây ô nhiễm
30. The Disastrous flood has made thousands of people homeless.
Sau các giới từ cần V-ing hoặc danh
(DISASTER) The + Adj + Noun: ở đây cần 1 tính từ từ (Nouns). Ở đây chúng ta cần
31. Natural disasters put human beings and animals m danger danh từ.
32. People are using more and more Environmentally -friendly products.
(ElwrRoNMENT) chú ý : friendly là tính từ (Adj); chúng ta cần trạng từ bổ
ngữ(Adv) bổ nghĩa cho tính từ.
Cấu trúc thường gặp:
1/ S + be + Adj. 2. S + V + Adv. 3. S + be + (Adv) + adj
33. We should use more Recycling products to reduce pollution.
34. During a typhoon, be prepared to leave your home and follow your
escape plan.
Sau Be + Adj: tính từ của preparation là prepared.

YII.Rearrange these words to make complete sentences. (0.5 pt)
35. it has enough battery. / keep your phone/ make sure/ near yo" and/ You should/

You should keep your phone near you and make sure it has enough battery.

* We should/ we canl stop giving plastic bags for free/ reduce plastic trash. I so thatl
We should stop giving plastic bags for free so that we can reduce plastic trash.

YIII. Rewrite the followine sentences. beginnine with words given. (1.0 pt)
37. If people don't protect forests, animals will lose homes. Chú ý. Unless = If not
--- Unless
Unless people protect forests, animals will lose homes.
38. Andy likes playing soccer. He doesn't like going swimming.
Chú ý: prefer A to B: thích A hơn B
---+ Andy prefers
Ándy prefers playing soccer to going swimming.
39. To have a healthy lifestyle, we should exercise a lot. Chú ý: sau Should + V0
---+ We should
We should excercise a lot to have a healthy lifestyle.
40. They love playing shuttlecock. Love = fond of + V-ing
--- They are
They are fond of playing shuttlecock.
*-The end--

I. Pronunciation and stress:
A. Choose the word having different stress pattern: (0.5pt)
1. A. president B. broccoli c. wonderfur D. tomorrow
2. A. pollution B. dynamite C. pesticide D. garbage
B. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest.
3. A.sugh B. cheese C. stomach D. chair
4. A.fields B. flowers C. lemong D. parkg
II. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, D) that best fits the space in eaeh sentence:
(2.5 pts)
5. The New Year's countdown party
A. takes off B. takes on
at the city's square tomorrow.
C. takes place D. takes care
6. when there is a move wooden furniture away from windows.
A. wildfire B. drought C. heat wave D. tsunami
7. In summer tourists can go rock or walking.
A. climbing -, B. shopping C. swimming D. jogging
8. Tuming off the air conditioner ten minutes before leaving saves a lot of
A. plastic B. air C. water D. electricity
9. We have the habit of getting up late Saturday mornings.
A. until B. from C. D. on
10. There are too cars on the road.
A. enough B. many C. much D. lots
11. If there ....... aliens, what ....they look like?
A. was/did. B. were/did. C. were/would. D. arelwill

A. outside B. inside C. under D. near

13. She is tired she stayed up late watching TV. as + S + V: bởi vì
A.lre*ever-qs B. but C. so D. and
14. The lesson at 9.30 tomorrow instead of 10.30.
A. starts B. start C. are starting D. started
trI. Look at the signs. choose the best answer (A, B, c or D) for each sign: (0.5 pt)
15. What does the sign say?
A.Do not leave your feet touching the grass.
B.Riding your bicycle in this area.
C.You can play soccer in this place.
D.You can throw the trash here.

16. This road sign means: A. A road winds

B. No horn
C. No horn at night
D. No buses

IV. Read the following passage. Decide if the statements from 17 to 20 are True or
False, and choose the correct answers (A, B, C or D) for the questions 2land22
The biggest typhoon was Typhoon Tip.
Typhoon Tip happened over the Pacific Ocean. It affected parts of many countries including
Japan, the Philippines, North and South Korea, and China.
Typhoon Tip lasted from October 4 to October 24,1979.
Typhoon Tip caused lots of rain and floods on islands in the Pacific Ocean. In Japan, floods
damaged twenty-two thousand homes and twenty-seven bridges. The storm left eleven
' thousand people without a home. It also caused millions of dollars of
damage to farms.
Ninety-nine people died tom Typhoon Tip. The storm caused a fire in Japan. The fire killed
13 people and hurt 68 others. It also caused lots of floods in Japan. The flood killed, 42
people, and 44 other people died on boats at sea.
A. Read the passage. then decide if the statements that follow it are True or False (1.0
17. Typhoon Tip was the biggest tsunami ever.
18. The typhoon affected Japan, Soutli Korea, and Vietnam.
19. Typhoon Tip lasted twenty days.
20. The storm damaged more than twenty thousand homes.
B. Answer the questions. (0r5 pt)
21. How many houses were destroyed?
A. Twenty thousandB. Twenty- one C. Twenty - two D. Twenty - three
Z2.Whtch of the following topicsis NOT mentioned?
B. When it haPPened
A. Where it haPPened
C. The damage it caused
D. How PeoPle staYed

safe r- --
best fits the blank space in
v. choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that
the following passage. if .S pO , 1, :.- - ^L^,-+ r^:^..-.
leisure activities
Today we have ,lil*i-fror, u high school. They are talking about

in free time. We love

My name's Son. I iove playing sports and (23') 't""ll - with my Ifriends' don't reaily like
playing tennis urra ,o""., tog.ilr"rl r irrirr they;re QD
extreme sports, (25)-skateboardirrg
oi rock climbing' They're too scary for me' I
prefer safer activitieifor examle jogging or fishing'
iike reading books' chatting
Hello. My name's Jess. I'm not a very '2el_-=-person'
' u"A i'afts in Imy foom' My favorite thing
with my friends o.rlin", and doing 127
outdoor sports' I don't think they
to do is painting. It's so rela,ring. I (z1)-playing
at home'
are really fun. lprefer playing board games n
n. getting out C' hang out D' L^.^-i-^
hanging out ^,rr
23. A.get out
24. A.worrying B. exciting
C' boring D' tiring
25. A. as B. likeGiống như C' excePt D' same
B. acting C' action D' active Năng động
26. A. act
27. A. arts B. crosswords C' housework f)' karate
28. A. enjoY C' hate D' love
VI. Word forms: (1,5Pt)
29. They enjoY the peaceful atmosphere here. GEACE)
typhoon last year made thousands of people homeless'
30. The Disastrous
the time and place of the HiAn Lucrng Village
3 1. They Announced
festival last night.
32. Agood student must know howto studY
(EFFECT) Cyclist
wants me to become a good
33. My dad gave me this bicycle last week, he
Active student in mY class.
34. Tom is one of the most
vr. neariange these words into the correct sentences'
35. There I tio lpeople I in I arc / this gym I many '
There are too many people in this gym.

36. on Sunday / don't / get up / usually lll eaflyl

I usually don’t get up early on Sunday.

to the sentence
V11. R.*.itethe sentences so that they are nearest in meaning
printed before: (1.0 P)
healthY. (IF)
17. Exercise regularlY and You will be fit and
be fit and healthy, if you exercise regularly.
38. I dislike doing laundry and cleaning rhe floor. (HATE)
:)I Hate doing laundry and cleaning the floor.

39. To have a healthy lifestyle, we should exercise a lot. ( SO THAT)

:) We
should Excercise a lot so that we have a healthy lifestyle.

40. John enjoys playrng computer games. (INTERESTED)

--+ John

is Interested in playing computer games.


I. Choose the word whose main stress pattern is not the same as that of the others
1. A. poison B. protect C. pollute D. prevent
2. A. transportation B. entertainment C. community D. celebration
II. Choose the word whose underlined nart is pronounced differentlv from that of the
others (0.5pt):
3. A. flqad B. fgsd C. typhsqn D. moon
4. A. pickg B.laughg C. facilities D. ropeg
ilr. m
question (2.5pts):
5. Fruit and vegetables cannot grow on polluted
A. land B. water C. oceans D. rivers
6. The old firefighter showed us how to use a fire to stop the fire.
A. extinguisher B. truck C. exit D. alarm
7. How about going to school by bus ? -
A. The air is so clean. ' B. Yes, we do.
C. I don't think so D. That's a good idea.
8. Would you like to go out for some drinks ? I'm boring.-
A. I'm sorry: I can'tB. Yes. I'd love to. C. Sound great. D. All are correct.
9. My parents let me stay up late until midnight_Christmas Eve to unwrap the
A. from B. in C. on D. at
10. Having too vehicles on the streets causes pollution in the city.
A. some B.any C. much D. many
1 1. If we continue to throw trash into rivers, lots of fish

A. die B. will die C. are died D. dies

12. Run the hill before the tsunamis a:rives.
A. out B. into c.up D. in
13. We should ride our bikes to school, we shouldn't waste electricity.
A. and B. so C. because D. if
14. Their flight toParis at 6.50 a.m. tomorrow.
A. is leaving B. leave C. will leave D.leaves
15. What does the sign mean?
A. Recycling things B. Keep the environment green dt
ffi ffi#, *

C. Green trees on the earth D. Green material.

16. What does the sign mean?

A. Intersection ahead B. Highway ahead
C. Go shaight ahead
Y. Read the passage. then finish the
D. Tunel ahead
tasks below (1.5pt): ffiffi
Our planet is a fantastic place, and it's essential to take care of it. There are simple things
we can do to protect the environment. One of them is using both sides of the paper when
drawing or writing. This way, we save trees and reduce the amount of paper we use. Another
way to help is by picking up trash we see on the ground and throwing it in the proper bin.
When we litter, fi harms animals and plants. So, always remember to use the trash cans.
Using water wisely is crucial too. We should turn off the tap tightly to stop dripping and not
waste water. It's also a good idea to take shorter showers. Using energy is part of our daily
life, but we can be mindful of how we do it. Turning off the lights when we leave a room
and asking grown-ups to tum off appliances when they're not using them saves electricity
and helps the planet. Lastly, let's remember that plants are essential for the environment.
They give us fresh air to breathe. Planting flowers, trees, or even a small vegetable garden
can make a big difference in keeping our Earth healthy. Remember, we all share this
beautiful planet, and by taking care of it, we can make it an even better place for everyone!
A. Decide the sentences True or False.
17. Using less water when brushing your teeth is a way to help the environment.
18. It's okay to throw plastic bottles in the regular trash bin.
19. Turning off lights and electronics when you're not using them doesn't make a
difference._ False
20. Planting flowers and trees is good for the environment.
B. Choose the best answer to each of thefollowing questions.
2l.T\e word "if in line number 4 refers to:
A. environment B. trees C.lights D. trash
22. Choose the best title for the text:
A. "Protecting Our Planet: Small Actions, Big Impact"
B. "Using Energy Wisely for a Greener Earth"
C. "The Importance of Trees and Plants in Our Environment"
D. "Ways to Keep Our Earth Clean and Beautiful"
YII. Choose the word (A. B. C or D) that best fits the blank space in the followins
passaee (l.5pt):
Welcome back to Radio Weather News. There were a lot of natural events yesterday.
Cars, motorbikes and other vehicles got stuck in a (23) on the west side of the
city because of heavy snowfall and a big storm on the highway. In the mountain range, there
was a (24) . A mass of ice fell down a slope (25) caused three
people to be injured. Yesterday there was also a typhoon (26) the east side of
the City. (27) violent winds knocked all the trees down and caused a landslide,
which blocked many roads. Besides, the earthquake in the ocean ( 28) atsunami
on the east coast. What a day of disaster!
23. A. drought B.bhzzard C. landslide D. shower

24.A.landslide B. fire C. alavanche D. rain

25.A. or B. but C. then D. and
26.4. at B. on C. of D. in
2l .A. their B. her C. his D. Its
28.A. made B. caused C. swept D. threw
Yl.use the correct form of the word given in each sentence (l.Spt)
29.We had lots of _at Enjoyment the party. (enjoy)
30. Some Natural events cause a lot of damage. ( nature)
31. Factories Polluted the air and water with smoke and chemicals. (pollute)
32. This warehouse is Environmentally safe.
33. There are two Competitions in the communal yard.
34. Annabelle is a very scary character in that horror movie. (scare)
vrll.Rearrange the words or phrases to make complete sentences (0.5pt):
35. have much / because/ It can / entertainment here/ we do not / be boring l.l
) It can be boring because we do not have much entertainment here.

36. Arnerican history I one of / typhoons I in L lThis is /the worst

) This is one of the worst typhoons in American history.

IX.Rewrite the following sentences without changing the meaning.beginning with

words given(l,0 pt):
37 . we don't stop polluting the environment. we get more health problem.
-+If We don’t stop polluting the environment, we will get more health problem.

:8. Doirg art and craft is Hoa's favorite activity.

---+ Hoa loves Doing art and craft .

39. We should take a bus often. We can help reduce air pollution in the city. ( so that)
We should take a bus often so that we can help reduce air pollution in the city.

40. She likes to make jewelry in her free time. (FOND )

) She is fond of making jewelry in her free time.

1. A. design B. finish C. enjoy D. prepare
2. A. tradition B. festival C. buffalo D. vehicle

3. A. visitg 8.. getg C. stopg D. swimg
4. A. school B. change C. cheese D. chair
(2.5 ptsl
5. The forest is home to lots of
A. people B. tourists C. wildlife D. diseases
by violent movement of the earth under the sea is
6. An extremely Iargg wave caused a
A. typhoon B. flood C. tsunami D. earthquake
7. Student A: " Do you want to come with me to a karate class on Tuesday evening?"
Student B: "
A. OK. I see. B. No problem. C. You're welcome. O*. See you there.
8. "What should we do to reduce air pollution?" ) "
A. We should use public transportation. B. We should reuse plastic bottles'
C. We should plant more trees. D.A&Carecorrect.
9. "Sorry, I can't come before 6:30 p.m. I have Math class 7:00 p.m."
A. in B. on C. from D. until
10. There is pollution in the big citY. chú ý any dùng cho câu
A. too many B. too much C. enough D. any phủ định và câu hỏi
11.Ifwe polluting the air, there more diseases.
A. keep/ will be B. keeP/ is C. will keep/ be D. will keeP/ is
\2.Ina flood, you shouldn't drive or walk flood water.
A. inside B. into C. under D. at
13. We shouldn't waste water, we should save electricity.
A. so B. that C. so that D. and
14. The music show at 8 p.m tonight.
A. begin B. begins C. beginning D. began
the rase D) that suitable
15. What does the sign saY?
A. No pushing. B. No jumping.
C. No chasing. D. No running.
16. What does the sign saY?
A. Traffic lights. B. Pedestrian crossing.
C. Slow down. D. Roundabout ahead.
V. Read the oassase then finish the tasks below. (l.Sptll
Th. brgg*t *.thquake was the Great Chilean Earthquake. It happened on May 22"d it 1960
near Valdivia, but it affected many other places.
The Great Chilean Earthquake caused around 675 million dollars of damage. The
earthquake caused quite a lot of damage, and it caused tsunamis. These tsunamis affected
**yio*rs on the bhil"u, coast as well as places in Japan, Hawaii, and many other places"r, thousand kilometers away. Overall, the earthquake destroyed buildings, boats,
electricity and water systems, and roads. Between one and six thousand people died from
the Great Chilean Earthquake. It also injured at least three thousand more people. Over two
million people lost their homes in the earthquake.
A. True or False. (1.0pt)
tZ.ffr. Creat Chilean Earthquake only caused damage in Valdivia.
18. The Great Chilean Earthquake caused tsunamis. T
19. It killed more than 6000 people and injured about 3000 people.
20. Overall, it is a biggest earthquake. T

21. How much damage did it cause?

A. About 675 million dollars. B. Over 675 million dollars .

C. Less than 615 million dollars. D. 675 million dollars

22.Whatis the main title of this passage?
A. Causes of earthquake
B. How people stayed safe in earthquake
C. The devastation of The Great Chilean Earthquake
D. Causes of tsunamis in Japan
W. Choose the word or phrase that best fits the space in the followins passoge: (1.5pts)
There are many types of pollution, and each types can affect people, wildlife, and the
environment. This essay will discuss the effects of different kinds of pollution.
Air pollution (1) Air pollution health issues such as coughing, breathing problems, and heart
là số ít
and lung diseases. Nearly seven million people die every year because of air pollution. It also
affects animals. If we keep polluting the air, more humans and wildlife will die.
Water pollution affects (2) the most. In the USA. about 40o/o of the rivers and
lakes are very polluted. Fish can't live (3) those rivers and lakes. Unless people
stop polluting the water, there won't be any fish left in our flvers.
Land pollution affects trees, wildlife, and people. Trees and plants cannot grow well rn
polluted (4) , so animals lose their homes and cannot find food. Fruit and
vegetables can even be (5) to eat if they grow on polluted land. If people eatthis
poisoned food, they will get sick.
In conclusion, we need to (6) pollution. Because it is damaging the environment,
causing health problems, and affecting wildlife.
23. A. cause B. causes C. causing D. caused
24. A. fish B. people C. wildlife D. trees
25. A. on B. at C. in D. of
26. A. lakes B. rivers C. soil D. garden
27. A. healthy B. dangerous C. normal D. good
28. A. recycle B. reuse C. remove D. reduce
Wl. Use the cotect for
29. I love the Peace of summer evening.
30. Typhoon Tip was a Disastrous typhoon in 1979. (disaster)
31. A healthy diet can Prevent many diseases.
32. She has lived in England for 2 years, so she can speak English
Naturally .(nature)
33. He has a Cycling competition on Sunday morning. (cycle)
34. The world is facing pressure from environmental pollution.
WII. Rearranse these words into the conect sentences. (0.5ptl
35. / unless we stop/ polluted/ The airl burning trasU isl.l
The air is polluted unless we stop polluted.

36. land heavy rain/ There will be/ up tol sffong wind/l20km per an howl.l
) There will be strong wind and heavy rain up to 120 km per an hour.

IX. Writins:(1.0ots)
37.Do exercise regularly, you will have a good health. (If)

)You will Have a good health, if you do excercise regularly.

:g. rctik. playing sports better than playing gameS' (prefer)
) We prefer Playing sports to playing games.

shouldn't Throw trash into rivers so that we can reduce water pollution
40. I enjoy designing jewelry in my free time. (interested)
)Iam Interested in designing jewelry in my free time.


1. A. jewelry B. karate C. recipe D. badminton
2. A. entertainment B. facility C. activity D. announcement
havi, rent
3. A. gog B. leaves C. tables D. mixes
4. A. machine B. chocolate C. kitchen D. qhatting
or hest
questions (2,Spts).
5. Water pollution can marine life.
A. damage B. benefit C. create D. help
6. You can call for urgent problems such as crime, fire or illness
A. companies B. schools C. emergency servicesD. hospitals
7. Josh: "Do you want to come to a sewing class with me on Thursday evening?"
Daniel: " . I have table tennis practice at 9 p.m."
A. OK. Sounds great. See You there. B. What time is it?
C. Sorry,I can't. D. Of course not.
8. Jack: " "? Jimmy: We shouldn't throw trash into the
A. What do you do with the water? B. What should we do to prevent water
C. Why do people pollute the water? D. Are we polluting the water?
9. She doesn't have any plans from 5 p.m 7 p'm'
A. at B. until C. on D. in
10. Annie doesn't like the city because there is pollution there.
A. enough B. too many C. a little D. too much
1l^Ifwe polluting the air, we will damage the environment.
A. don't stop B. doesn't stop C. didn't stoP D. stop
12. Stock up on supplies and stay your home'
A. near B. outside C. into D. inside
13. We should save electricitY, we shouldn't waste water.
A. and B. but €. so D. because
14. The flight to Da Nang at7 a.mtomorrow.
A. will take off B. take off C. takes off D. took off

JV Look at the signs. Choose the best answer (A, B, C or Dl for suestions 75
and 16.0.5 ptl
15. Choose the best answer
A. Please keep noise a minimum. B. People are allowed to make noise.
C. Please keep noise to a maximum. D. People aren't allowed to walk.

16. Choose the best answer

A. Stop ahead. B. Don't stop sign ahead.
C. Stop here. D. Stop around ahead.

V Read the followins oassaee and complete the tasks. (1.5 pts)
There are many types of pollution, and each type can affect people, wildlife, and the
environment. This essay will discuss the effects of different kinds of pollution.
Air pollution causes health issues such as coughing, breathing problems,
and heart and lung diseases. Nearly seven million people die every year because of air
pollution. It also affects animals. If we keep polluting the air, more humans and wildlife
will die.
Water pollution affects fish the most. In the USA, about 40% of the rivers and lakes are
very polluted. Fish can't live in those rivers and lakes. Un1ess people stop polluting the
water, there won't be any fish left in our rivers.
Land pollution affects fees, wildlife, and people. Trees and plants cannot grow well in
polluted soil, so animals lose their homes and cannot find food. Fruit and vegetables
can even be dangerous to eat ifthey grow on polluted land. If people eat this poisoned food,
they will get sick. In conclusion, we need to reduce pollution because it is damaging the
environment, causing health problems, and affecting wildlife.
Read the oassage and ttrite True, Fake for each of the sentences below. (lptl
17. Nearly seven million people die each year because of heart and lung diseases.
18. The biggest effect of water pollution is on humans.
19. More than half of the riverS in the USA are too dirty, and fish can't live in them.
20. Food can cause health problems if people grow it on polluted land.
Resd the oassage asain and choose the best onswer. (0.5ptl
21. What's the main idea of the passage?
A. The effects of different kinds of pollution. B. The effects of air pollution on people's
C. pollution damages the environment. D. Land pollution affects trees, wildlife,
and people
22.'What does the word "it" in line 4 refer to?
A. water pollution B. air pollution C. land pollution , D. health issues
W. Read the text and fill in the blanks. (l.Sotsl
Flood is a kind of Natural Disaster which hurts or even kills people and animals. Flood
can also damage houses, l'actories, public places, etc. There are some efforts (23)
flood. First, we must not cut down the trees in the forest illegally,, because
it can cause many disasters for human beings, one of (24) is a flood.
Second, we should (25) irny kinds of trees in our house, in the barren area
can be absorbed easil-V b5' the root of'the
or on the side of the road, so tLre rvater air pollution
advantages stlch as to decrease
this rryay we get man,v"Glohul
{26) _-,in \\ alming and cli[rate change on oL]I
ancl to support the 'Go Green'
prografi fo.
rubbish. d-i_'i_:*::
last is that .r" -,,it nc-,r throw 127\ fy
in the preservatlon
sinrple e{.l]Qrts" ,u,. .un minimize the
disiister, t1l'"1 2Ei
environment unpoLluted and clean because
of our en'ironment. So. u,e must keep our
is a neeessar,r'part in l"urnan liie'
C. to minimizing D' to minimize
23. A. minimized B' minimizing D. where
24. A. which t.wwhat
B. C. when
D. grow
B. move C. save
25. A. plant D. although
B. however
howe C. besides
26. A. before D. awaY
27. A. with
with into
ts. tnto
C. take D. poison
28. A. celebrate B'. particiPate

Performance at the festival (Perform)

end up in a Dangerous situation during flood'
30. If you don't evacuate in time' you will
(danger) , - -11-^- +^
to Protect environment from
the environ
31. Governments worldwide are working
pollution. (ProtectivelY) . (serious)
i2. H.urtun are affecting onr environmenl ical)
33. She does a lot of
Practices G*rt. ttt. wants to win the gold medal' (practtca
popular sports of the teenagers in this
34. Skateboarding is one of the most
town. (poPularitY)
'4II. Reanfinge these words int.,o tne ftgnr uruer tu "'n*' "' pollution' /
l watet
35. I think *" / rhorr
I think we should clean up the river to reduce water pollution.
festival' /and tYPes/
i There are lots of activities and types of food to enjoy at the festival.

e air will be Polluted'

ii We don’t stop burning trash, the air will be polluted.
-r If at home'
I like hanging o,rT*itt'-y fti*ds better than
Hanging out with my friends to staying at home.

have cheap public transportation so that we can reduce air pollution.

-r We should
the weekends. (interested)
40. Tom enjoys t *@n
Tom Is interested in travelling with his friends on the weekends.


1. basketball
A. B. competition th"ttltcock D' badminton

country C' prefer D' weather

2. A. never B'
whose underlined part is oronounced differentlv from that of the others
II. Choose the word
(0.5 pt)
C. sportq D. friendg
3.A. cinemag B. gameg
C. battgrY D. escape
4. A. emergencY B. email

5. Turning off the air conditioner ten minutes before leaving saves a lot of
A. plastic B. air C. water D. electricity
6. When there is a . move wooden firrniture away from windows.
A. wildfire B. drought C. heat wave D. tsunami
*I think we
7. Anna: should wear T-shirt tonight.,'- EIsa: ..
A. Yes,I do B. Yes,let's do that C. You're *"I"ffi
8. suga: "what do you think our school should do to reduce pollution?." Jin:
A. we should start a recycling program. C. we should go to the cinema
B. Good luck D. we should buy plastic bottles
9. We have English classes Tuesday and Thursday.
A. in B. on C. from D. at
10. Having too _ vehicles on the streets causes pollution in the city.
A. some B.any C. much D. many
11. If you the escape plan stictly, you _ safe.
A. follow/ will be B. follod would be C. following/ are D.
follod were
12. People living near the beach should move a safe place before a typhoon hits.
A. near B. outside c.up D. to
13. Barry loves runnitrg, _ he is also a member of our school's running club.
A. or B. but c. if D. and
14. Their flight to Da Lat at6.50 a.m. tomorrow.
A. will leave B. leave C.leaves D. is leaving
IV. Look at

15. What does this sign mean? 16. What does this sign mean?
A. Roundabout A. Drink water here.
B. No entry
C. No turning right
tT B. Save the water.
C. Wash your hands regularly.
D. No D. Clap your hands.
the It was an unforgettable 3-
day toip to the countryside to visit my grandparents last summer vacation. My
family decided to go by motorcycle as we all wanted to enjoy th€ beautiful scenery and fresh .

atmosphere along the road there. On the first day, we went fishing with our grandparents. On the
second day, we rode bikes around the village and saw the children playing *itt kit"r in the
afternoon. The traffic was not heavy. On the last day, dad and mom aliowid my sister and me
help my grandparents with the work on the fields. we felt very excited.
A. Decide the sentences True or False: (1.0 ptl
17 . T}l.e family traveled to the village by motorcycle because they couldn't afford
to go by bus. F
18. The author spent three days in the village.
19. According to the writer, the trip to the village was unforgettable because there were too many
accidents on the way. F
20. The writer has learnt a lot about life in the village.
B. Choose the correct answers (0,5pt)
21. During the time,in the village, the writer did all the following things EXCEpT:
A. catching fish in the B. riding bicycle around the village
C. playing with kites D helping the writer,s grandparents
22.It canbe inferred from the passage that:
A. life in the village is stressful B. life in the village is peaceful
C. life in the village is tiring D. life in the village is terrible
yl. Lhoose tke wora (4, b, L or Lr) mut oeJt lt,J tfre utut,^ rpuLe .1, trw
.than the city. I went to visit my grandparents and some friends. It was interesting and fun because we
did lots of traditional activitiei. My sister and cousins picked the garden. I prefer to
play _(25)_with my friends. This is a game that two teams hold a rope and try to pull the hardest.
-Q$-from tops. I really
inli t""- *on thir time. We also played some folk games like --(26)-
like(27)_these games because I never play them in the city. I can't wait to go back and do it
again soonJ love my hometown, although there aren't (28)- facilities'
21. X.traditional B.lucky C. modern D. entertaining
24. A. flowers B. buffaloes C. cows D. grass
25. A. tug of,war B. hide and seek. C. jump rope D. ride a bike
26. A. spin B. span C. spinning D. spins
27 .A. plays. B. to p1ay. C. playing. D.B&C
28. A. too much. B. too many. C. enough. D. a liule
,,ve n

29. When is the cycling Competition I (coMPErE)

30.The Disastrous rypt oo" last year made thousands of people homeless. ( DISASTER)
31. We can Recycle those products, so don't put them in the recycling bin. (RECYCLABLE)
32. People are using more and more environmental products. (ENVIRONMENT)
33. What is the Difference between roller skating and skateboarding? (DIFFERE,NT)
34. Annabelle is a very Scary character in that horror movie. (sCARE)
WIL Rearuanse the s
35. Students have to / water bottles / bring / to school / their own / .

-+ Students have to Bring their own water bottles to school.

36. to use / My family / our bicycles / is trying / more often / .

-+ My family is trying to use our bicycles more often.

X. Rewrite the sentences

(1.0 otl
37. Study hard and you will get good grades in this examination.

-+ If you Study hard, you will get good grades in this examination.
38. My brother likes playing basketball better than watching it. (TO)
-+ My brother prefers Playing basketball to watching it.
39. To have a healthy lifestyle, we should exercise a lot. (SO THAT)
-+ We should Excercise a lot so that we can have a healthy lifestyle.
40. She enjoys sewing on Saturday evenings.
-+ She's Fond of sewing on Saturday evenings.
I. Choase the word that differsfrom the other three in the position of the main stress in each of
the following questions. (0.5 pt)
1.A. basketball B. shuttlecock C. pollution D. badminton
2.A:nature B. announce C. effect D. reduce
II. Choose the word whose underlined part differsfrom the other three in pronanciation in each
' of thefollowing questions. (0.5 pt)
3.A. B. scene c.scissors D. scientist
4.A.qhgf B. macbine C.champaign D. chair
III. Choose the best option (A, B, C or D) to complete each of thefollowing questions. (S p*)
5. Turning off the air ionditioner ten minutes before leaving * ,ujr" a lot of
A. plastic B. air C. water D. electricity
6. Typhoon Tip caused a lot of damage on islands in the pacific
A. Land B. Air C. River D. Ocean
7. John:" How about going surfing after school?', Sam:
A. You're welcome B. That sounds interesting
C. I'm so sorry to hear that D. Thank you
8. Nam: "What should we do to reduce pollution?"
- Lan:
A. We should take more vitamins every day B. yes, I,d love to
c. I'd ra{her you didn't D. we need to stop using plastic bags
9. we have sewing classes with Ms. Linh _ Tuesday and Thursday.
A. in B. on from
C. D. at
10. There is only flour in the kitchen so we must buy some to bak e cakes.
A. a little B. a few much
C. D. many
11. If we polluting the land, trees and plants
A. keep/will die B. keeps/willlive C. stops/will run D. run/will die
l2.rn case of an earthquake, hide _a hard object like a table or bed.
A. above B. under inside
C. D. near
13. We should always remember 3 Rs to protectthe environmen! ,.Reduce, Reuse
A. if B. and or
C. D. but
14. The flight from Nha Trang to Da Lat at6.50 a.m. tomorrow.
A. will leave B. leave leaves
C. D. is going to leave
IV. Lo-ok at the signs. choose the best (A, B, c or D)for each sign. (l pt)
15. \\hat does the sisn mean?
f. ,"*ffi:*"i'; ai,ffi tffil
16. What does the sign mean?
A. You are far away from the crossroads. c. There,s a crossroads ahead.

B. You aten't allbwed to go at the crossroads. D. Car isn't allowed to go straight. lill"l! i

Y. Read thefollowing passage. Decide {the statementsfrom 1Z to 20 are Trie orfalse and
choose the best answer (21,22). (1.5 p*)
Climate change will affect animals all over the world, including the wild elephants in Viefiram.
The hotter weather will make it difficult for plants and trees to grow so the elephants won't be
able to
find enough food to eat. They will also get older quickly because of climate change. When there is
little rain, the elephants will get sick because they will not have enough water to drink and bathe in.
According to the Wild V/elfare's survey, the wild elephants' populaiion in Vietnam has decreased
over the last 30 years. InI975,there were 1,500 - 2,000 r.r,ild elephants, while rn2016, there were
on 60 100 wild el S ett

7. Wild elephants in Vietnam will not be affected by climate change. F

t 8. When the temperature gets higher, it will rnake difhcult for piants and trees to grow. T

19. The elephants will be ill when there is little rain. T

20. There were more wild elephants in Vietnamin20l6 than in 1975. F

2l.The word'6!!9" in line 3 refers to -C.

A. plants B. trees food D. elephants
22.How does the writer think about the elephant now?
A. There are many elephants now.
B. Elephants are very popular around the world.
C. Elephants are in safety.
D. We need to protect our environment to save the elephant.
W. Choose the word (A, B, C or D) that bestJits the blank space in thefollowing passage. (1.5
Nga is my best friend. She is very active and sociable. Now, she is excited about the (23)
_activities she is going to do. She hopes she can save natural (24) and earn some money
for her school in these activities. The Y&Y is (25) a plan to save the environment. She will
(26) its recycling programs. In this program, she will collect glass, used paper and empty cans.
Then she will send them for recycling. (21)-, she also thinks about participating in either planting
trees (28) _flowers or helping the street children. It is really fascinating.
23.A. interest B. interested C. interesting D. interestingly
24.4. resources B. materials C. sources D. environment
25.A. having B. to have C. has D. have
26.4. took in B. got in C. take part in D. get in
27.A. Moreover R. However C. Therefore D. In contrast
28.A. but B. and C. becauseD. so
WI. tlse the correctform of the word given in each sentence (1.5 p*)
29. Sarah is preparing to show her famous stamp Collection tonight. (COLLBCT)
30. Linda was the most Destructive typhoon to ever hit Southern Vietnam. (DESTROY)
31. Two years ago, Green forests provided more spaces for animals and birds.
32. People are using more and more Environmentally -friendly products. (ENVIRONMENT)
33. My dad gave me and my sister this bicycle last week, he wants us to become good cyclists
(cYCLE) Uninteresting
34. The movie I watched with my sister last week was so that I_ fell asleep many times.
Ylll. Put the words in the correct order to make conect sentences. (0.5 pt)
35. Vietnam / their / baseball I rn I rnl Children / dislike I playing/free time /.
Children in Vietnam dislike playing baseball in their free time.
36. conserve/ the environment / save money/ and / Using less electricity / helps/ us.
Using less electricity helps us save money and conserve the environment.
IX. Rewrite thefotlowing sentences without changing the meaning, beginning with words given
(1.0 pt)
37.Linda will not forgive Sam if he doesn't apologize.
:> Unless He apologizes, Linda will not forgive Sam.
38. Nga prefers chatting online to hanging out with her friends.
:> Nga likes Chatting online better than hanging out with her friends.
39. To have a healthy lifestyle, we should eat a lot of fruit and vegetables.
:> We should Eat a lot of fruit and vegetables so that we can have a healthy lifestyle.
40. Knitting is not the leisure activity that I'm interested in. \
:> I don't Enjoy knitting.


I. Choose the word having dffirent stress pattern: (0.5pts)

1. A. affect B. pollute C. disease D. damage
2. A. announce B. vehicle C. nature D. poison
II. Choose the word that the underlined letter is differentfrom others {0.5p*)
3. A. cinemag B. gameg C. sportq D. friends
4. A.scarf B. scene C.scissors D. scientist
III. Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence: (2.5pts)
5. There are factories that broken glass and make it into new glassware.
A. reduce B. produce C. waste D. recycle
6. A mountain which can erupt is called a
A. drought B. flood C. typhoon D. volcano
7. "I think we should turn off the TV and go for a walk." - " .,,
A. No, thanks B. I'm sure C. I agree with you D. Not at all
8. "My mother is ill in hospital." - "
A. I don't think so B. Don't mention it C. I'm sorry to hear thatD. No problem
9. Are you staying at home Christmas Day?
A. for B. on C. at D. in
10. How sugar do you take in your coffee?
A. many B. some C. any D. much
1 1. If you enough water, you won't be thirsty.
A. drink B. drinks C. to drink D. drinking
12. An escape plan can help you to get in an emergency.
A. outside B. inside C. under D. into
13. The journey was quite quick the road was clear.
A. before B. because C. although D. therefore
14. Their flight to Seoul at 3 o'clock tomorrow.
A. leaves B. will leave C. are leaving D. leave
IV. Look at the signs. Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) for each sign: (0.5pts)
15. What does the sign mean?
A. Using hammers is harmful here.
C. Cutting down the woods is prohibited.

16. What does the sign mean?

A. Wash our hand carefully to prevent virus.
B. Cutting down a tree is allowed.
D. Having trees here is luxurious.
B. Wear gloves to prevent virus.
C. Leave our gloves D. Shouldn't wash our hands.

V Read thefollowing passage and do the tasks below: (1.5p*)

The environment is everything around us, both natural and made by man. A major problem in the world
today is the destruction of the natural environment. This is a complicated problem. We burn fuel, and
this causes air pollution. We throw away plastic bags, containing toys and other objects. These stay in
the environment; they are not like paper or wcjod that slowly disappear. We have made thousands of

new chemicals' Factories that make or use chemicals alw'ays

have chemical wastes. These are often
poisonous and they also stay in the environment. Since 1945
several countries have been testing nuclear
bombs in the air and underground. The explosions in the air
cause nuclear fallout. The fallout causes
cancer and kills animals and people. Nuclear power plants
that make electricity ufro p-au." ;;;;;;",
wastes and have accidents that can be very disastrous.
Task l. Decide dthe sentences are True or False
17. The environment is everything made by man.
18. The destruction of the natural environment is a simple
19. Nuclear bombs were firsttested in1945.
20. The fallout affects not only animals but also people.
Task 2. Choose the best answer
21. Air pollution is caused by
A. testing nuclear bombs. B. burning fuel.
C. throwing away plastic bags. D. A and B are correct
22.'What can a reader find out from the text?
A. We destroy the environment ourselves.
B. The environment destroys itself.
C. The environment is destroyed by plastic bags.
D. Testing nuclear bombs has destroyed the environment.
w' Choose the word (A, B, C or D) thnt bestfits the blank spage in thefottowing passage:
A flood is a kind of narural disaster where water gets too high and (t.spts)
too fast.iii, a gooa idea to
(13 r an !'mergenc\' (24) for yout fu*ily. Put iood, a cell phone, *;;;-.#.,
-conethinq to read ir a backpack. During the flood, move to a
-"'aik or drir e' T,- .- (r5i;i;;;";;;;;;.""a -rru.
an apartment _
-.-_-- (26) electricity before the flooa wute. get, ;;;". house. If you are in
(27) atall building, use the stairs, not the elevator.
Listen to the radio for news
about rhe tlood and ri ait for someone to_(2g)
23. A. hide B. prepare C. move D. stay
24. A.kit B. room C. cord D. vehicle
25. A. slow B. higher C. dangerous D. short
26. A. ont B. on C. off D. down
27. A.but B. or C. and D. so
28. A. warn B. damage C. rescue D. hurt
W. Supply the correct tenses or wordforms: (l.Spts)
29. Amusement parks and theaterr ur.1*o .*u-pi.r'of Entertainment
in my vr
..-----.-----.------.--- ru'rr city. (entertain)
30. Do you have any Information
=---=------.-- about the flood? (inform)
31. The pesticides used on many farms polluted
the water supply nowadays. (pollute)
32. Lionel Messi plays socce,
-'" """ "' Extremely -- *n
33. It's impo.tunt' To protect ,kil;;* the harmfur effects of the ,r".
W_r. Rearrange these
34.In 1976, there was a Disastrous
earthquake in China. (disaster)
35' Everyone/ but enjoys/ loves music/-different
) Everyone Loves music but enjoys it in different ways. ,t in t.t
ro' reter olten/ rn the partl every_
Sunday/ the dog/
) Peter Often walks the dog in the part every Sunday.walks /.r
WI. Rewrite thefollowing se
37. Study harder or you will fail the examination.
) If you Don’t study harder, you will fail the examination.
33,T. iikes plaving table t.@
) He prefers Playing table tennis to watching TV.
39. Mr. Tan saves money. He wants to buy a new house.
) Mr. Tan saves Money because he wants to buy a new house.
40. My mother enjoys noisy parties and crowded flaces.
) My mother is interested In


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