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De Cuong On Tap Tieng Anh 8 Giua HK2

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+ Vocabulary: Unit 7, Unit 8, Unit 9
+ Grammar points:
1. Conditional sentences (2 types)
2. Present tenses (simple present, present progressive, present perfect)
3. Passive forms (simple present, simple past, simple future, present perfect)


* Choose the word with a different STRESS PATTERN from the others:
1. A. collapse B. damage C. erupt D. affect
2. A. disaster B. animal C. pollution D. tornado
3. A. forest B. effect C. eathquake D. station
4. A. terrible B. aquatic C. permanent D. beautiful
5. A. improve B. discuss C. manage D. pollute
* Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
1. A. camp B. language C. native D. accent
2. A. capital B. scenic C. Scotland D. iconic
3. A. increased B. provided C. haunted D. founded
4. A. loch B. schedule C. French D. chaos
5. A. brigade B. kilt C. liberty D. icon
* Choose the best answer for each sentence:
1. If the factory continues dumping poison ……….. the lake, all aquatic animals and plants will
A. into B. to C. about D. in
2. Mi and Nick like coming ……….. Mi’s home village on holiday.
A. back B. on C. from D. with
3. ……… the factory dumps poison into the lake, all the fish and other aquatic animals will
A. While B. If C. So D. Although
4.What can we do to protect people ……………. natural disasters?
A. on B. from C. out D. in
5. We would help the Earth ……….. we recycle more,
A. So B. Thanks to C. because of D. If
6. His son …………………. an online lesson at present.
A.attends B.attended attending D.has attended
7.The sight of too many advertising billboards, overhead poles and shop signs causes ……..
A.air B.light C.noise D.visual
8. ……. you ever been to any English speaking countries? Trang 1
A. Do B. Have C.Were D.Are
9. Australia is home to ………………… animals like Kangaroos and Koalas.
A. only B. rare C. unique D. precious
10. Ann: How about taking a taxi to get there? Jimmy:………………….
A. Absolutely B.Thanks a lot C.It’s hard to say D.Good idea
11. Is air in the areas more………………… than that in the others.
A. pollution B. pollute C. polluted D. have pollute
12. If we ………………… water carefully, more people will have fresh water.
A. will use B. would use C. using D. use
13. ……………Water is one of the factors that have driven many species to the verge of
A. Contaminating B. Contaminate C. Contamination D. Contaminated
14. Joe: What do you like about Scotland? Jane:…………………..……….
A.The castles B.The climate is perfect C.Awesome D.Wow! That’s
15. ….. you …………… somewhere last holiday?
A.Do/go B.Did/went C.Did/go D.Have/been
16. Air ……………… , together with littering, is causing many problems in our citiestoday.
A.pollute B.pollution C.polluting D.polluted
17. Many people in this city have received medical…………………. for the disease. B.treatment D.assistance
18.Air pollution in big cities has reduced …………………. since last year.
A.dramma B.dramatise C.dramatically D.dramatic
19.In many poor nations, there are frequent outbreaks of cholera and other diseases because
people there ……………. untreated water.
A. drink B. to drink C. drinking D. drank
20. The road in front of my office always …………………. when it rains heavily.
A. to flood B.flooding C.floods D.flooded
21.What can be done to protect people from …………………. disasters?
A.nature B.natural C.naturally D.naturalist
22. Emergency teams are still clearing the ………………… from the plane crash.
A.debris B.dust C.piece D.waste
23. The government is sending …………………. to the flood victims.
A.touch B.aid C.accommodation D.provision
24. People without homes will ………………….with temporary accommodation..
A.provide B.provided C.providing provided
25. If this factory continues dumping poison into the lake, all the fish …………… die.
A.would B.could C.will D.should
26.Too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere causes global …………………..
A.warm B.warming C.warmly D.warmth
27. It won't be possible to save the Earth if we don't take ……………. right now.
A.action B.job D.duty
* Identify ONE mistake in each sentence:
28. If this factory don’t throw rubbish in the street, the city would be more attractive Trang 2
(A) (B) (C) (D)
29. If the storm broke at present, many houses and public buildings have been destroyed.
(A) (B) (C) (D)
30. Do you know how many countries they visited so far ?
(A) (B) (C) (D)

A. Read the text and choose the best answer to each question
Tsunamis, whose name derives from the Japanese expression for ʻhigh wave in a harbourʼ, are
giant sea waves. These waves are quite different from storm surges. They are also referred to by
the general public as tidal waves although they have nothing to do with tides. Scientists often
refer to them as seismic sea waves, which is far more appropriate because they are often the
result of undersea seismic activity. Tsunamis can be caused when the sea floor suddenly moves,
during an underwater earthquake or volcano, and the water above the moving earth is suddenly
displaced. This sudden shift of water sets off a series of waves. These waves can travel great
distances, at speeds close to 700 kilometres per hour. In the open ocean, tsunami waves are not
very high, often no more than one or two metres. It is when they hit the shallow waters near the
coast that they increase in height, possibly up to 40 metres.
1. The passage mainly discusses .
A.eruption B.tides C.tsunamis D.storm surges
2. All of the following is true about tidal waves EXCEPT .
A.they are as another name for tsunamis B.they are caused by sudden changes in high and
low tides
C.this term is not used by the scientist D.the name refer to the same phenomenon as
seismic sea waves
3. The word ʻthemʼin the passage refers to .
A.tidal waves B.tsunamis C.storm surges D.sea waves
4. The word ʻdisplacedʼ in the passage is closest in meaning to ……………..
A.located B.not pleased C.filtered D.moved
5. Theword ʻshallowʼin the passage mostly means .
A.not clear B.tidal C.coastal D.not deep
6. It can be understood from the passage that tsunamis .
A. cause severe damage in the middle of the ocean B.generally reach heights greater than 40
C.are far more dangerous on the coast than in the open ocean D.are often identified by ships
on the ocean
B. Choose the correct option (A, B, C or D) for each gap to complete the following letter
Hi Liam,
How are you? I'm happy to share with you some good news about my village. There have been
some changes (1)…….. your visit last year. Last week I came back to my village and was really
surprised. You know what? The lake is not (2) …….… anymore. The factory has installed a
new filtration system to treat the (3) ……. waste. I saw lots of small fish in the lake and wild
ducks swimming in the water. Besides, they have planted trees around the factory to (4) ………
air pollution. Since some villagers are in the habit of littering, people have placed dustbins in Trang 3
various places. This has (5) ….. in a much cleaner environment. My grandparents say that at
weekends the villagers also go around the village together to (6) …….. rubbish. What about
your neighbourhood? Has anything been done to make it cleaner? Tell me all about it in your
next email.
Bye for now,
1. A. since B. for C. after D. before
2. A.polluted B.polluting C.pollutant D.pollute
3. A.chemical B.chemistry C.physics D.physical
4. A.increase B.rise C.reduce D.fall
5. A.caused B.led C.made D.resulted
6. A.collect B.pick C.get D.take
C. Read the paragraph, then decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F)
There are three main kinds of pollution – air pollution, water pollution, and noise pollution. Air,
which is the most important element of our environment for our survival, can be polluted in
many ways. Smoke in the air from mills, factories, and industry contains carbon monoxide,
carbon dioxide, and methane, which are all poisonous gases. This leads to health problems like
asthma and lung diseases, and the thinning of the ozone layer, which protects us from harmful
UV rays. China, the USA, Russia, India, Mexico, and Japan are the world leaders in air
pollution emissions. Water is also polluted by the discharge of commercial and industrial waste
into surface water. Sewage in drinking water is another cause of water pollution as it contains
germs and viruses. The noise of vehicles, mills, and factories can be really unbearable. This
kind of constant sound also causes headaches, tension, mental stress, and migraines. People
living next to a building site where there is too much noise can become sick, as they cannot
sleep or relax. This is called noisepollution.
Choose True / False
1. Air pollution, water pollution, and soil pollution are three main kinds of pollution.
2. Air plays the most important role in our survival.
3. Carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and methane are poisonous gases.
4. The ozone layer helps to protect people from harmful UV rays.
5. Sewage contains germs and viruses.

A. Rewrite the following sentences, using the words given in brackets.
1. Radioactive pollution is very dangerous. It can cause abnormal growth. (since)
2. Aquatic life suffers or dies because there is thermal pollution. (because of)
3. Noise pollution happens. There is a change in animals' living pattern. (causes)
4. There are asthma, allergies and other respiratory illnesses when air pollution happens. (leads
5. They won’t go out for a walk. It won’t stop raining. (If) Trang 4
6. Fossil fuels such as coal or oil are burned. Acid gases are produced. (so)
B. Rearrange the words and phrases in each group to form a complete sentence.
1. is/ country fair/ entertainment/ at/ pig-racing/ for/ a/ often/ held/.
2. New York/ the/ but/ capital/ is/ city/ the USA/ the/ in/ not/ biggest/.
3. English/ an/ language/ Malaysia/ India/ many/ is/ official/ other countries/ in/ and/.
4. whereas/ capital/ of/ the/ London/ of/ Edinburgh/ capital/ England/ the/ is/ is/ Scotland/.
5. English speakers/ increasing/ the/ fast/ of/ number/ world/ is/ the/ in/.
C. Change into passive form
1.My father waters the vegetables garden every morning.
2.He has invited Fiona to his birthday party.
3.We should clean our teeth after meal.
4.Some drunk drivers caused the accident in this city.
5.Will he visit his parents next month?
6.The manager didn’t phone the secretary this morning.
7.Have the thieves stolen the most valuable painting in the national museum?
8.How many languages do they speak in Canada?
…………………………………………………………………………………………… Trang 5

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