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6 - ASTM E488E488M-15 Testing of Anchors

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Designation: E488/E488M − 15

Standard Test Methods for

Strength of Anchors in Concrete Elements1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E488/E488M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year
of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.
A superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the U.S. Department of Defense.

1. Scope 2. Referenced Documents

1.1 These test methods address the tensile and shear 2.1 ASTM Standards:2
strengths of post-installed and cast-in-place anchors in test C31/C31M Practice for Making and Curing Concrete Test
members made of cracked or uncracked concrete. Loadings Specimens in the Field
include quasi-static, seismic, fatigue and shock. Environmental C33/C33M Specification for Concrete Aggregates
exposures include freezing and thawing, moisture, decreased C39/C39M Test Method for Compressive Strength of Cylin-
and elevated temperatures and corrosion. These test methods drical Concrete Specimens
provide basic testing procedures for use with product-specific C42/C42M Test Method for Obtaining and Testing Drilled
evaluation and acceptance standards and are intended to be Cores and Sawed Beams of Concrete
performed in a testing laboratory. Product-specific evaluation C150/C150M Specification for Portland Cement
and acceptance standards may add specific details and appro- C330/C330M Specification for Lightweight Aggregates for
priate parameters as needed to accomplish the testing. Only Structural Concrete
those tests required by the specifying authority need to be E4 Practices for Force Verification of Testing Machines
performed. E8/E8M Test Methods for Tension Testing of Metallic Ma-
1.2 These test methods are intended for use with post- E468 Practice for Presentation of Constant Amplitude Fa-
installed and cast-in-place anchors designed for installation tigue Test Results for Metallic Materials
perpendicular to a plane surface of a test member. E575 Practice for Reporting Data from Structural Tests of
1.3 This standard prescribes separate procedures for static, Building Constructions, Elements, Connections, and As-
seismic, fatigue and shock testing. Nothing in this standard, semblies
however, shall preclude combined tests incorporating two or E631 Terminology of Building Constructions
more of these types of loading (such as seismic, fatigue and E2265 Terminology for Anchors and Fasteners in Concrete
shock tests in series). and Masonry
F606/F606M Test Methods for Determining the Mechanical
1.4 Both inch-pound and SI units are provided in this Properties of Externally and Internally Threaded
standard. The testing may be performed in either system and Fasteners, Washers, Direct Tension Indicators, and Rivets
reported in that system and the results converted to the other. F1624 Test Method for Measurement of Hydrogen Em-
However, anchor diameters, threads, and related testing equip- brittlement Threshold in Steel by the Incremental Step
ment shall be in accordance with either inch-pound or SI Loading Technique
provisions. G5 Reference Test Method for Making Potentiodynamic
1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of the Anodic Polarization Measurements
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the 2.2 ANSI Standards:3
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- ANSI B212.15 American National Standard for Cutting
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- Tools—Carbide-Tipped Masonry Drills and Blanks for
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. Carbide-Tipped Masonry Drills

1 2
These test methods are under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E06 on For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
Performance of Buildings and are the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E06.13 contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
on Structural Performance of Connections in Building Construction. Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
Current edition approved April 15, 2015. Published May 2015. Originally the ASTM website.
approved in 1976. Last previous edition approved in 2010 as E488/E488M – 10. Available from American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 25 W. 43rd St.,
DOI: 10.1520/E0488_E0488-15. 4th Floor, New York, NY 10036,

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E488/E488M − 15
3. Terminology hmin = minimum member thickness, in. [mm].
3.1 Definitions: hnom = distance between embedded end of concrete
3.1.1 For definitions of general terms related to building screw and concrete surface, in. [mm].
nct = number of test cycles.
construction used in this standard, refer to Terminology E631,
npt = number of permitted pretest crack cycles.
and for definitions of terms related to anchoring, refer to Np,cr = characteristic pullout resistance in cracked con-
Terminology E2265. crete for the minimum specified concrete
3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard: strength of 2500 psi [17 MPa], as determined
3.2.1 load-controlled undercut anchor, n—a post-installed from tests in cracked concrete, lb [N].
anchor that derives its tensile holding strength by the mechani- Nst,mean = mean ultimate steel capacity determined from
cal interlock provided by installing the anchor by tensioning, tensile tests on full-sized anchor specimens, lb
which causes the sleeve to expand into the predrilled undercut. [N].
3.2.2 post-installed anchor, n—an anchor that is installed Nsust,l = sustained load, lb [N].
after the placement and hardening of concrete. Nsust,con = sustained load used for confined reference tests,
lb [N].
3.2.3 run-out, n—a condition in which failure does not Nsust,ft = specified constant tension load, lb [N].
occur within the specified number of load cycles in a fatigue Nu,con,mean = mean ultimate load determined from confined
test. reference tests, lb [N].
3.2.4 standard temperature, n—73°F [23°C] 6 8°F [6°C]. Nu,mean = mean ultimate load determined from tests, lb
3.2.5 test member, n—the base material in which the anchor Nw = tensile load in tests of anchors located in cracks
is installed and which resists forces from the anchor. whose opening width is cycled, lb [N].
3.3 Symbols: smin = minimum anchor spacing, determined from
test, in. [mm].
ca = distance from the center of an anchor shaft to tfix = effective thickness of shear sleeves (see d), in.
the edge of test member, in. [mm]. [mm].
cmin = minimum distance from the center of an anchor tpl = thickness of confining plate for tension tests,
shaft to the edge of test member, determined ≥d, in. [mm].
from tests, in. [mm]. Tinst = specified or maximum setting torque for expan-
d = nominal diameter of anchor to be tested, in. sion or prestressing of an anchor, ft·lb [N·m].
[mm]. Tscrew = specified maximum setting torque to prevent
dfix = diameter of hole in shear sleeve, ≥d, in. [mm]. anchor failure during installation, ft-lb [N-m].
dhole = diameter of drilled borehole in test specimen, W1 = largest crack width during test, in. [mm].
in. [mm]. W2 = smallest crack width during test, in. [mm].
dm = diameter of carbide-tipped drill bit with diam- W3 = largest crack width at beginning of test, in.
eter on low end of tolerance range for new bit, [mm].
representing moderately used bit, in. [mm]. ℓside = side length of test cube, in. [mm].
dmax = diameter of carbide-tipped drill bit with diam-
eter on high end of tolerance range for new bit, 4. Significance and Use
representing bit as large as would be expected 4.1 These test methods are intended to provide reproducible
in use, in. [mm]. data from which acceptance criteria, design data, and specifi-
dmin = diameter of carbide-tipped drill bit with diam- cations can be developed for anchors intended to be installed in
eter below low end of tolerance range for new concrete.
bit representing a well-used bit, in. [mm].
do = outside diameter of post-installed anchor, in. 5. Apparatus
[mm]. 5.1 Testing Equipment:
dopening = diameter of hole in confining plate for confined 5.1.1 General—Use calibrated electronic load and displace-
tension tests, in. [mm]. ment measuring devices meeting the specified sampling rate.
Fcr = crack-inducing force, applied to reinforcing Use load-measuring equipment with an accuracy of 61 % of
bars, lb [N]. the anticipated ultimate load and calibrated in accordance with
f’c = specified concrete compressive strength, psi Practices E4. Use displacement measuring devices with an
[MPa]. accuracy of 60.001 in. [60.025 mm] and crack-width mea-
f’c,ref = specified compressive strength of reference suring devices with an accuracy of 60.0005 in. [60.013 mm].
concrete test member, psi [MPa]. For recording load and displacement measurements, use a
f’c,test = specified compressive strength of concrete test data-acquisition system capable of recording at least 120 data
member, psi [MPa]. points per instrument for each individual test, prior to reaching
hef = effective embedment depth, measured from the
peak load. The testing equipment shall have sufficient capacity
concrete surface to the deepest point at which
to prevent yielding of its components under the anticipated
the anchor tension load is transferred to the
ultimate load, and shall have sufficient stiffness to ensure that
concrete, in. [mm].
the applied tension loads remain parallel to the axes of the

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E488/E488M − 15
anchors and that the applied shear loads remain parallel to the of anchors. Displacement measurements as described in 5.1.1
surface of the test member during testing. include components of deformation not directly associated
5.1.2 Tension Test Equipment—The support for the tension with displacement of the anchor relative to the test member,
test equipment shall be of sufficient size to prevent failure of such as elastic elongation of the loading rod, deformation of
the surrounding test member. The loading rod shall be of the loading plate, sleeves, shims, attachment hardware, and
sufficient diameter to develop the anticipated ultimate strength local test member material. Using supplementary measuring
of the anchorage hardware with an elastic elongation not devices or calibration test data for the installed test set-up with
exceeding 10 % of the anticipated elastic elongation of the a rigid anchor replacing the anchor to be tested, identify such
anchor, and shall be attached to the anchorage system by a deformation components and subtract them from the total
connector that will minimize the direct transfer of bending measured displacement. To evaluate the findings, use the
stress to the anchor. The displacement measuring device(s) average displacement indicated by the instruments in each
shall be positioned to measure the movement of the anchors group.
with respect to points on the test member so that the device is
not influenced during the test by deflection or failure of the 5.3 Loading Plates:
anchor or test member. See Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 for examples of 5.3.1 For tension loading the plate thickness tfix in the
typical test setups. immediate vicinity of the test anchor shall be equal to or
greater than the nominal anchor diameter to be tested.
NOTE 1—Other support geometries are acceptable.
5.3.2 For shear testing the plate thickness tfix in the imme-
Table 1 gives the minimum required clear distance from the diate vicinity of the test anchor shall be equal to the nominal
test support to the anchor for tension and shear loading. anchor diameter to be tested, –1⁄16 +1⁄8 in. [–1.5 +3.0 mm]. The
5.1.3 Shear Test Equipment—Position the displacement- hole in the loading plate shall have a diameter of
measuring device(s) to measure displacement in the direction 0.06 6 0.03 in. [3.0 6 1.5 mm] greater than the specified di-
of the applied load only. Place the device on the test member ameter of the test anchor unless another diameter is specified.
so that the sensing element bears perpendicularly on the anchor The shape of the hole in the loading plate shall correspond to
or on a contact plate located on the loading plate, or use that of the anchor cross section. When sleeve inserts of the
another method that restricts deflections other than those in the required diameter are used they shall be periodically inspected
direction of the applied load. See Fig. 4 for a typical example and replaced to meet these requirements and prevent eccentric
of a shear test setup. For tests on anchor groups, the axis of the loading of sleeve. See Fig. 5 for a representative shear plate
displacement-measuring device shall coincide with the cen- with sleeves. The contact area between the loading plate
troid of the group. Table 1 gives the minimum required clear through which the anchor is installed and the test member shall
distance from the test support to the anchor shear loading be as given in Table 2, unless otherwise specified. Chamfer or
toward a free edge. smooth the edges of the loading plate so that it does not dig into
5.2 Group Test Equipment—Measure the simultaneous dis- the concrete. Place a sheet of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)
placement of all anchors or groups of anchors tested. Only one or other friction-limiting materials with a minimum thickness
set of displacement-measuring devices is required for a group of 0.020 in. [0.5 mm] between the loading plate and base

FIG. 1 Example of Unconfined Tension Test Setup – Displacement Measurement with Dual LVDTs

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E488/E488M − 15

FIG. 2 Example of Unconfined Tension Test Setup – Displacement Measurement from top of Anchor

TABLE 1 Minimum Clearance Requirements for Test Equipment 6. Test Specimens

6.1 Anchorage System—The anchors or anchorage system
All Anchors
shall be representative of the type and lot to be used in field
Spacing Between Distance from Anchor
Test Supports to Edge of Test Support construction, and shall include the attachment hardware nor-
Tension Loads mally required for use.
4.0 hef 2.0 hef
Shear Loads
6.2 Test Member—The requirements of the test member in
4.0 ca 2.0 ca which the anchor is to be embedded and tested shall be
specified. The location and orientation of any reinforcement
embedded in concrete members shall meet the requirements of
6.3 and 6.4.
6.2.1 Concrete Test Members:
material surface. The friction-limiting material shall prevent Casting and Curing of Concrete Test Members—
contact of the loading plate with the base material. Concrete used in testing shall meet the requirements of
5.4 Unconfined and Confined Test Equipment: Sections through (3) (b) unless otherwise speci-
5.4.1 Unconfined Tests—Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 show a typical fied.
unconfined tension test setup with supports spaced as required Cast test members either horizontally or vertically. If
to permit the unrestricted development of a conical concrete the member is cast vertically, the maximum height of a
fracture surface. The values given in Table 1 for required concrete lift shall be 5 ft [1.5 m]. In general, the thickness of
clearances between the anchor and the test support shall be the test member depends on the testing requirements. The test
considered to satisfy this requirement. member shall be at least 1.5 hef thick, unless the specific test
5.4.2 Confined Tests—Fig. 3 shows a typical confined ten- application requires a specific thickness.
sion test setup for anchors, in which the reaction force is Surface Finish—The surface of the test member
transferred into the concrete close to the anchor. The confining shall be a formed or steel-troweled finish unless otherwise
plate shall have a hole with diameter between 1.5 dhole and specified.
2.0 dhole, and a thickness tfix ≥ d. Place a sheet of polytetrafluo- Concrete for Test Members—Concrete for test mem-
roethylene (PTFE) or other friction-limiting materials with a bers shall meet the requirements of (1) through
minimum thickness of 0.020 in. [0.5 mm] between the loading (3) (b).
plate and base material surface. The friction-limiting material (1) Aggregates—For normalweight concrete, use aggre-
shall prevent contact of the confining plate with the base gates conforming to Specification C33/C33M, with a maxi-
material. mum size of 1 in. [25 mm] or Specification C330/C330M for
lightweight concrete.
5.5 Cracked Concrete Testing: (2) Cement—Use only portland cement conforming to
5.5.1 Equipment for Controlling Cracks—The test apparatus Specification C150/C150M for normalweight concrete or light-
shall be capable of controlling the crack width. A typical weight concrete, unless otherwise specified. If any other
tension test setup for cracked concrete is shown in Fig. 6. cementitious materials (for example, slag, fly ash, silica fume,
NOTE 2—Fig. 6 shows testing of multiple anchors. Smaller test or limestone powder) or chemical admixtures (for example,
members can be used for testing single anchors. air-entraining agents, water reducers, high-range water

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E488/E488M − 15

FIG. 3 Example of Confined Tension Test Setup – Adhesive Anchor Shown

FIG. 4 Example of a Shear Test Setup

reducers, shrinkage-compensating admixtures, corrosion (a) Cure concrete cylinders in accordance with Practice
inhibitors, set retarders, and set accelerators) are used in the C31/C31M or Test Method C39/C39M under the same envi-
concrete test members, report them. ronmental conditions as the test members. Remove molds from
(3) Concrete Strength—Compressive strength specimens the cylinders at the same time that the forms are removed from
shall be prepared and tested in accordance with Practice the test members. Unless otherwise specified, at the time of
C31/C31M and Test Method C39/C39M. anchor testing, the concrete shall be at least 21 days old.

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E488/E488M − 15

FIG. 5 Example of Shear Plate with Sleeves

TABLE 2 Shear Loading Plate Bearing Area as a Function of anchor, whose base is perpendicular to the direction of load,
Anchor Diameter and whose internal vertex angle is 120 degrees.
Anchor Diameter, do Shear Loading Plate Contact Area,A,B
in. [mm] in.2 [cm2] 6.4 Cracked Concrete Test Members—Test members shall
minimum maximum be permitted to contain reinforcement to allow handling, the
<3⁄8 [<10] 8 [50] 12 [80] distribution of loads transmitted by test equipment, or both.
⁄ # do < 5⁄8 [16]
38 12 [80] 18 [115]
5⁄8 # d < 7⁄8 [22]
o 18 [115] 25 [160] Place the reinforcement so that the capacity of the tested
7⁄8 # d < 2 [50]
o 25 [160] 40 [260] anchor is not affected. See Fig. 7 for a representative concrete
do# 2 [50] 40 [260] 60 [385] test member for cracked concrete.
Shear loading plate contact area with PTFE or other friction-limiting material. 6.4.1 The crack width shall be approximately uniform
Calculated uniform bearing stress on contact area due to self-weight of loading
plate and associated loading apparatus shall not exceed 5 psi [0.03 MPa]. throughout the member thickness. The thickness of the test
member shall be not less than the greater of 1.5 hef and 4 in.
[100 mm]. To control the location of cracks and to help ensure
that the anchors are installed to the full depth in the crack,
Establish the compressive strength of the concrete test member crack inducers shall be permitted to be installed in the member,
at the time of anchor testing by interpolation between the provided that they are not situated so as to influence the test
strengths of control samples at the start and at the end of results. For test members that use internal reinforcement to
testing, or at closer intervals as specified. Alternately, test control the crack width, place the reinforcement so that it does
enough control samples to plot a strength-versus-age graph, not influence the performance of the anchors. Use a cross-
and use interpolation to estimate the concrete strength at the sectional reinforcement ratio of about 1 %. Reinforcement
day of test. shall be permitted in the failure cone of concrete. The center-
(b) When evaluating the test results, if there is a question to-center distance between the reinforcement and the anchor
whether the strength of the concrete cylinders represents the shall be greater than 0.4 hef, and the center-to-center distance
concrete strength of the test member, verify the compressive between adjacent top and bottom crack-control reinforcement
strength of at least three cores with diameters from 3 to 6 in. shall not be less than 10 in. [250 mm].
[75 to 150 mm], taken from the test member outside of the
zones where the concrete has been damaged by the anchor test. 7. General Testing Procedures
Prepare the core samples, test them in the dry condition, and 7.1 Anchor Installation—Install the anchors according to
evaluate the results in accordance with the provisions of Test the manufacturer’s instructions. Report the installation details
Method C42/C42M. according to 15.1.7.
6.3 Uncracked Concrete Test Members—Use test members
7.2 Anchor Placement—Install anchors in a formed face of
that are unreinforced, except as permitted by 6.3.1.
the concrete or in concrete with a steel-troweled finish.
6.3.1 The test member shall be permitted to contain rein-
forcement to allow handling, the distribution of loads transmit- 7.3 Drill Bit Requirements—Drill holes with a hammer
ted by the test equipment, or both. Place such reinforcement so (rotary-percussive) drill using carbide-tipped, hammer-drill
that the capacity of the tested anchor is not affected. This bits conforming to Table 3 or Table 4, unless otherwise
requirement shall be considered to be met if the reinforcement specified. Table 3 is based on the requirements of
is located outside a cone of concrete whose vertex is at the ANSI B212.15. For core bits or other bits not covered by Table

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E488/E488M − 15

FIG. 6 Example of Test Setup for Cracked Concrete

FIG. 7 Example of Test Member for Testing in Cracked Concrete

3 or Table 4, use a tolerance range analogous to that of Table Measure the crack opening using measurement devices ori-
3 or Table 4 unless otherwise specified. ented perpendicular to the crack.
7.4 Number of Anchor Test Specimens—The minimum num- 7.5.2 Subject the anchor to the specified loading sequence
ber of replicate anchor test specimens shall be specified as part while monitoring the crack width.
of the testing program. 7.5.3 During the test, maintain a continuous record of the
7.5 Cracked Concrete Testing—Use the procedure specified load applied to the anchor and displacement of the anchor, and
in 7.5.1 – 7.5.3 for testing anchors in cracked concrete. for the crack cycling test, the crack width.
7.5.1 Perform tests in concrete specimens meeting the
7.6 Load Application:
requirements of 6.4, with the crack width w as specified for the
given test. Initiate the crack and install the anchor in a closed 7.6.1 Initial Load—Apply an initial load up to 5 % of the
crack according to 7.1 so that the axis of the anchor lies estimated maximum load capacity of the anchorage system to
approximately in the plane of the crack. Install the measure- be tested, in order to bring all members into full bearing.
ment devices for measuring crack widths, and widen the crack 7.6.2 Rate of Loading—Increase the load or displacement so
by the specified crack width while the anchor is not loaded. that peak load occurs after 1 to 3 min from the start of testing.

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E488/E488M − 15
TABLE 3 Required Diameters of Carbide Hammer-Drill Bits, a sampling rate of once per second shall be acceptable for
US Customary Units satisfying this requirement.
Nominal Tolerance Ranges
Diameter, 8. Monotonic Load Tests
in. dmin, in. dm, in. dmax, in.
8.1 Tension Load Tests in Uncracked Concrete:
14 ⁄ 0.252 to 0.256 0.260 to 0.263 0.266 to 0.268

5 16 0.319 to 0.323 0.327 to 0.331 0.333 to 0.335 8.1.1 Tension Tests for Single Anchors Without Edge and
38 ⁄ 0.381 to 0.385 0.390 to 0.393 0.396 to 0.398 Spacing Effects:

7 16 0.448 to 0.452 0.458 to 0.462 0.465 to 0.468 Center the loading system over the anchor or an-
12 ⁄ 0.510 to 0.514 0.520 to 0.524 0.527 to 0.530

9 16 0.573 to 0.577 0.582 to 0.586 0.589 to 0.592 chors to be tested so that test system supports meet the

58 0.639 to 0.643 0.650 to 0.654 0.657 to 0.660 placement requirements of Table 1 (see Figs. 1-3). Provide

11 16 0.702 to 0.706 0.713 to 0.717 0.720 to 0.723
3⁄ 4 0.764 to 0.768 0.775 to 0.779 0.784 to 0.787
uniform contact between the surface of the test member and the
13⁄16 0.827 to 0.831 0.837 to 0.841 0.846 to 0.849 support system. In the final alignment of the support system,
27⁄32 0.858 to 0.862 0.869 to 0.873 0.878 to 0.881 ensure that the forces to be applied through the loading rod are
7⁄ 8 0.892 to 0.896 0.905 to 0.909 0.914 to 0.917
15⁄16 0.955 to 0.959 0.968 to 0.972 0.977 to 0.980
perpendicular to the surface of the test member section. The
1 1.017 to 1.021 1.030 to 1.034 1.039 to 1.042 amount of torque or pretension applied to the anchor by the
1 1⁄ 8 1.145 to 1.149 1.160 to 1.164 1.172 to 1.175 attaching nut or locking device and the procedure used shall be
13⁄16 1.208 to 1.212 1.223 to 1.227 1.235 to 1.238
1 1⁄ 4 1.270 to 1.274 1.285 to 1.289 1.297 to 1.300
specified for each series of tests.
15⁄16 1.333 to 1.337 1.352 to 1.356 1.364 to 1.367 Unless otherwise specified, position and attach the
1 3⁄ 8 1.395 to 1.399 1.410 to 1.414 1.422 to 1.425 loading rod so that the load shall be applied concentrically with
17⁄16 1.458 to 1.462 1.472 to 1.476 1.484 to 1.487
1 1⁄ 2 1.520 to 1.524 1.535 to 1.539 1.547 to 1.550
the anchor axis. Where groups of anchors are to be loaded
19⁄16 1.570 to 1.574 1.588 to 1.592 1.605 to 1.608 simultaneously through a common loading fixture, specify the
1 5⁄ 8 1.637 to 1.641 1.655 to 1.659 1.673 to 1.675 details of the fixture’s stiffness, rotational restraint, and point
1 3⁄ 4 1.754 to 1.758 1.772 to 1.776 1.789 to 1.792
2 1.990 to 1.994 2.008 to 2.012 2.025 to 2.028
and angle of load application.
8.1.2 Verification of Full Concrete Capacity in Corner with
Two Edges—This test requires that the loading apparatus be
TABLE 4 Required Diameters of Carbide Hammer-Drill Bits, designed so as to permit an unrestricted concrete cone breakout
SI Units failure at the corner (see Fig. 8). Where necessary to meet this
Nominal Tolerance Ranges requirement, the loading apparatus shall be supported outside
Diameter, the test member.
mm dmin, mm dm, mm dmax, mm
8.1.3 Minimum Spacing and Edge Distance to Preclude
6 6.05 to 6.15 6.20 to 6.30 6.35 to 6.40
7 7.05 to 7.20 7.25 to 7.35 7.40 to 7.45
Splitting—Test anchors in uncracked concrete. Install two
8 8.05 to 8.20 8.25 to 8.35 8.40 to 8.45 anchors at the minimum spacing smin and the minimum edge
10 10.10 to 10.20 10.25 to 10.35 10.40 to 10.45 distance cmin in test members with the minimum thickness hmin
11 11.10 to 11.20 11.25 to 11.35 11.45 to 11.50
12 12.10 to 12.20 12.25 to 12.35 12.45 to 12.50
to be reported for the anchor. Place the two anchors in a line
13 13.10 to 13.20 13.25 to 13.35 13.45 to 13.50 parallel to the edge of a concrete test element at a distance of
14 14.10 to 14.20 14.25 to 14.35 14.45 to 14.50 at least 3hmin from other groups. Select smin, cmin, and hmin,
15 15.10 to 15.20 15.25 to 15.35 15.45 to 15.50
16 16.10 to 16.20 16.25 to 16.35 16.45 to 16.50 depending on the anchor characteristics.
18 18.10 to 18.20 18.25 to 18.35 18.45 to 18.50 Separate bearing plates shall be permitted to be used for each
19 19.10 to 19.20 19.30 to 19.40 19.50 to 19.55 anchor to simplify the detection of concrete cracking. The
20 20.10 to 20.20 20.30 to 20.40 20.50 to 20.55
22 22.10 to 22.20 22.30 to 22.40 22.50 to 22.55 distance to the edge of the bearing plate from the center-line of
24 24.10 to 24.20 24.30 to 24.40 24.50 to 24.55 the corresponding anchor shall be at least three times the
25 25.10 to 25.20 25.30 to 25.40 25.50 to 25.55 anchor diameter.
28 28.10 to 28.20 28.30 to 28.40 28.50 to 28.55
30 30.10 to 30.20 30.30 to 30.40 30.50 to 30.55 For torque-controlled anchors, apply load to the
32 32.15 to 32.25 32.35 to 32.50 32.60 to 32.70 anchors by torquing alternately in increments of 0.2Tinst. After
34 34.15 to 34.25 34.35 to 34.50 34.60 to 34.70 each increment, inspect the concrete surface for cracks. Stop
35 35.15 to 35.25 35.35 to 35.50 35.60 to 35.70
37 37.15 to 37.25 37.35 to 37.50 37.60 to 37.70 the test when concrete splitting or anchor material failure
40 40.15 to 40.25 40.40 to 40.60 40.70 to 40.80 prevents the torque from being increased further. For each test,
44 44.15 to 44.25 44.40 to 44.60 44.70 to 44.80 record the maximum torque. Record the torque at the formation
48 48.15 to 48.25 48.40 to 48.60 48.70 to 48.80
52 52.15 to 52.25 52.40 to 52.60 52.80 to 52.95 of the first hairline crack at one or both anchors and the
maximum torque that can be applied to the anchors. For load-controlled undercut anchors, screw
anchors, and adhesive anchors, install the anchors according to
7.6.3 Control of Loading or the Displacement—Conduct the the manufacturer’s installation instructions and load the group
test under load or displacement control. If the descending of two anchors in tension to failure.
branch of the load-displacement curve is desired, use For displacement-controlled anchors and undercut
displacement-control. anchors that are intended to perform properly without an
7.7 Data Recording—Record load and displacement at a installation torque, install the anchors according to the manu-
sampling rate sufficient to approximate continuous load and facturer’s installation instructions and load the group of two
displacement curves and capture peak values. For static testing, anchors in tension to failure.

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E488/E488M − 15

FIG. 8 Example of Test Setup for Corner Splitting Test

8.2 Tension Load Tests in Cracked Concrete: As the crack width is varied cyclically, keep Nw constant
8.2.1 Tests in a Static Crack—Perform the test according to within a tolerance of 65 %. Open and close the crack nct times
8.1.1, except that for anchors evaluated for use in cracked at the specified frequency, keeping the crack width w1 constant.
concrete, tension tests shall be permitted to be performed in Due to the design of the anchor being tested, the crack width w2
cracked concrete with a crack width w. is permitted to increase without external control during the test
8.2.2 Tests in Cracked Concrete Where Crack-Width is from its initial value of w3 (see Fig. 9). The difference between
Cycled—Table 5 gives the parameters to be used for the the greatest and smallest crack widths during each cycle
crack-width cycling test unless otherwise specified. Before (opening and closing cycles) shall be at least w1 – w2. If at any
installing the anchor, crack opening and closing cycles npt shall time during the test the value of w1 – w2 falls below a minimum
be permitted to be applied to stabilize crack formation. Install specified value, increase the upper-bound value of the crack
the anchor according to 7.1 so that the axis of the anchor lies inducing load until the minimum value of w1 – w2 is restored.
approximately in the plane of the crack. After the anchor is Measure the load-displacement relationship up to
installed, widen the crack by a width w1. Apply a sustained load Nw. Afterward, under Nw, measure the displacements of
tensile load of Nw. Cycle the crack width between the maxi- the anchor and the crack-opening widths w1 and w2 as
mum crack opening width of w1 and the initial minimum crack specified.
width of w3. After completing the cycles of crack opening and
NOTE 3—w1 is additive to any widening resulting from the anchor closing, unload the anchor, measure the residual displacement,
installation. and perform a tension test to failure with a specified crack
width w1 at the start of the tension test.

TABLE 5 Parameters for Crack-Width Cycling Test

8.3 Shear Capacity Tests in Uncracked Concrete:
Parameter Symbol Value A 8.3.1 Tests for Single Anchor Without Edge and Spacing
Permitted pretest
Effects—Position the loading system so that the placement of
npt 10 the test system supports meets the requirements of Table 1 (see
crack cycles
No. of test cycles nct 1000 Fig. 4). A reaction bridge is not required along the edge of the
Frequency of crack
width cycles
– #0.2 Hz test member where concrete breakout in shear does not limit
Largest crack width
w1 $0.012 in. [0.3 mm]
the shear resistance.
during test
Smallest crack width
8.3.2 Position and fasten the test member in the support
w2 $0.005 in. [0.1 mm] system so that the test surface of the test member is parallel to
during test
Smallest crack width
w3 0.004 in. [0.1 mm] the loading plate and the axis of the loading rod. Place the
at beginning of test
Smallest value of
loading plate-rod assembly onto the test member and secure it
0.004 in. [0.1 mm] in place with the appropriate nut or other locking device
w 1 – w2
typically used for the particular anchor installation to be tested.
Static load during test Nw
N w 5 0.3N p,cr Πf c,test
f 'c The amount of force exerted on the loading plate by the
Recommended value, unless otherwise established by other criteria. attaching nut or locking device shall be uniform for each series
of tests performed.

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FIG. 9 Crack-width Requirements for Crack Cycling

8.4 Shear Capacity in Cracked Concrete—Perform the test 9.3 Simulated Seismic Shear Tests—Perform tests in cracks
according to 8.3, except that for anchors evaluated for use in when specified. Install each anchor in a closed crack in
cracked concrete, shear tests shall be permitted to be performed accordance with 7.1 and 7.5.1. Test internally threaded anchors
in cracked concrete with a crack width w with the load applied with a bolt as specified by the manufacturer. Open the crack by
parallel to the crack. the specified amount in addition to the initial hairline crack
width. Subject the anchors to the specified sinusoidal shear
9. Dynamic Load Tests loading sequence, applied parallel to the direction of the crack.
9.1 Repeated Load Test—Subject the anchor to a pulsating The frequency of loading shall be specified. To reduce the
tensile load that varies sinusoidally between specified maxi- potential for uncontrolled slip during load reversal, the alter-
mum and minimum loads. The loading frequency and number nating shear loading shall be permitted to be approximated by
of loading cycles shall be as specified. Measure anchor the application of two half-sinusoidal load cycles at the desired
displacement continuously or up to the maximum load during frequency, connected by a reduced-speed, ramped load as
the first loading, and then at specified intervals up to the shown in Fig. 10. Record the crack width, anchor displacement
maximum number of intervals. At the end of the cyclic loading, and applied shear load in accordance with 7.5. Plot the
test the anchor in tension to failure. load-displacement history in the form of hysteretic loops.
9.2 Simulated Seismic Tension Tests—Perform these tests in After the simulated seismic-shear cycles, open the crack to a
cracks when specified. Install the anchor in a closed crack in width not less than the crack opening width as measured at the
accordance with 7.1 and 7.5.1. Test internally threaded anchors end of the cyclic shear test, and load the anchor in shear to
with the bolt as specified by the manufacturer. Open the crack failure. Record the maximum shear load (residual shear
by the specified amount in addition to the initial hairline crack capacity), the corresponding displacement, and plot the load-
width. Apply the sinusoidal tension loading sequence at the displacement curve.
specified frequency. Record the crack width, anchor 9.4 Fatigue Tests:
displacement, and applied tension load in accordance with 7.5. 9.4.1 Equipment—Any testing machine as described in the
9.2.1 After the simulated seismic-tension cycles, open the Apparatus section shall be permitted to be used, provided the
crack to a width not less than the crack-opening width as requirements of specific loading rate and accuracy are met. The
measured at the end of the cyclic test, and load the anchor in test equipment shall not produce resonant vibrations during the
tension to failure. Record the maximum tension load (residual tests.
tension capacity) and the corresponding displacement, and plot 9.4.2 Number of Test Specimens—Base the number of test
the load-displacement curve. specimens on the purpose of the test. If the objective is to

FIG. 10 Permitted Approximation of Simulated Seismic Shear Cycle

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obtain runout at or below the endurance limit (that is, 2 × 106 rate with a duration of 30 ms per shock, or as otherwise
cycles) at a given load, three samples that reach runout are specified. After application of the shock loads, test the anchors
sufficient. If the test objective is to determine the endurance in tension in accordance with the Static Tests section to
limit (maximum load that will reach runout), then perform tests measure residual static tensile capacity, if required.
in accordance with Practice E468.
9.4.3 Fatigue Test Procedure—Apply the specified fatigue 10. Torque Tests
test program, including the method, load levels, frequency, and
number of cycles. 10.1 General Test Conditions—Fig. 11 shows the essential
9.4.4 Once the cyclic test has been completed, apply a static elements of the typical test setup. The double-sided abrasive
tension load in accordance with the section on Static Tests to paper or equivalent shall have sufficient roughness to prevent
determine its residual strength and failure mode in accordance rotation of the washer relative to the test fixture during the
with the section on Failure Criteria. application of torque. Other methods of preventing rotation of
the washer shall be permitted provided that they do not affect
9.5 Shock Test:
9.5.1 Equipment—This test method is not intended to pro- the performance of the anchor. Apply increasing torque and
hibit the use of any testing or loading device which provides record the torque and corresponding induced tension in the
the performance described in the Apparatus section. anchor bolt. The washer shall not turn during the application of
9.5.2 Number of Test Specimens—The purpose and type of torque.
the shock test determines the required number of test speci-
mens. 11. Environmental Effects Tests for Adhesive Anchors If the purpose is to determine if an anchor will 11.1 Sensitivity to Hole Cleaning (Reduced Cleaning
withstand a specified shock load (magnitude and duration), test Effort)—These tests are performed to quantify the performance
at least three replicates of each anchor diameter at a particular of adhesive anchors installed in adverse conditions.
load magnitude and duration.
11.1.1 Sensitivity to Hole Cleaning, Dry Substrate: If the purpose is to determine the maximum shock
loading an anchor can withstand without failure, use a suitable This test presumes a method of hole cleaning that
test method (such as a staircase method) to obtain anchor includes blowing out the hole with air and cleaning the wall of
failure. Three separate anchor tests at a given load without the hole with a brush. Other methods are acceptable; however,
failure shall be sufficient to establish the maximum shock the manufacture’s installation instructions for the product shall
capacity of the anchorage system. contain sufficient detail to permit the determination of a
9.5.3 Shock Test Procedure: numeric reduction of the cleaning effort. For hole cleaning Tension Test—Position the loading system as de- methods that involve blowing and brushing operations, suffi-
scribed in cient detail is defined as: Shear Test—Position the loading system as de- (1) Requirements for all equipment to be used in the
scribed in 8.3.1. process, including air/vacuum pressure, assembly of nozzle
9.5.4 Rate of Loading Tension or Shear—Apply a specified and associated components as required, and brush materials
number of shocks to each anchor in a triangular (ramp) loading and dimensions.

FIG. 11 Example of Torque Test Setup

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(2) Acceptable methods and minimum number and dura- be maintained for the duration of the test, including hole
tion of the operations required for removal of drilling dust from drilling, anchor installation and testing. Re-drill the hole in the
the hole (blowing). submerged concrete with the specified drill bit diameter. Clean
(3) Acceptable methods and minimum number and dura- the hole in accordance with Install anchors in accor-
tion of the operations required for removal of drilling dust from dance with 7.1. Conduct confined tension test in accordance
the wall of the hole (brushing). with 5.4.2 and 8.1.1.
(4) The required sequence of operations.
11.2 Sensitivity to Installation in Water-Saturated Drill the hole downwards to the depth determined Concrete—Perform the test in accordance with 11.1.2;
by the manufacturer. Unless otherwise specified, clean the hole however, hole cleaning shall be conducted in accordance with
using only 50 % of the specified minimum number of opera- the manufacturer’s installation instructions for the product.
tions defined in, rounding down to the next whole Install anchors in accordance with 7.1. Conduct confined
number of operations. Do not modify the sequence of opera- tension test in accordance with 5.4.2 and 8.1.1.
tions defined in Install anchors in accordance with
7.1. Conduct confined tension test in accordance with 5.4.2 and 11.3 Sensitivity to Installation in Water-Filled Hole in
8.1.1. Saturated Concrete—Perform the test in accordance with
11.1.2 Sensitivity to Hole Cleaning with Installation in 11.1.3; however, hole cleaning shall be conducted in accor-
Water-Saturated Concrete: dance with the manufacturer’s published installation instruc- For Holes Drilled with a Carbide Drill Bit—Drill a tions for the product. Install anchors in accordance with 7.1.
pilot hole downwards to the specified depth with a bit Conduct confined tension test in accordance with 5.4.2 and
approximately half the diameter of the specified hole diameter. 8.1.1.
Remove the drilling dust from the hole. Fill the pilot hole with 11.4 Sensitivity to Installation in Submerged Concrete—
tap water and ensure that the hole remains flooded for a Perform the test in accordance with 11.1.4; however, hole
minimum of 8 days (192 h). Immediately prior to installing the cleaning shall be conducted in accordance with the manufac-
anchor, remove all freestanding water with a vacuum and turer’s installation instructions for the product. Install anchors
re-drill the hole with the specified drill bit diameter. Clean the in accordance with 7.1. Conduct confined tension test in
hole in accordance with Install anchors in accordance accordance with 5.4.2 and 8.1.1.
with 7.1. Conduct confined tension test in accordance with
5.4.2 and 8.1.1. 11.5 Sensitivity to Freezing and Thawing: For Water-Flushed Holes—Prepare and clean the 11.5.1 General Test Conditions—Perform sustained tension
hole in accordance with; however, if the manufactur- tests in uncracked concrete, followed by confined tension tests
ers installation instructions specify flushing of the hole with to failure.
water prior to anchor installation, flush the hole in accordance 11.5.2 The test member shall consist of a cube or cylinder
with the manufacturer’s recommendations. Immediately prior with side length (or diameter) 8 in. ≤ ℓ side ≤ 12 in.
to anchor installation, remove all freestanding water with a [200 mm ≤ ℓside ≤ 300 mm] for anchor diameters 1⁄2 to 5⁄8 in.
vacuum. Install anchors in accordance with 7.1. Conduct [12 to 16 mm]. For anchor diameters d greater than 5⁄8-in.
confined tension test in accordance with 5.4.2 and 8.1.1. [16 mm], the test member shall have side length
11.1.3 Sensitivity to Hole Cleaning with Installation in 15d ≤ ℓside ≤ 25d. The dimensions of the test member shall be
Water-Filled Hole in Saturated Concrete: chosen to avoid splitting of the test member during the conduct
of the test. Freezing and thawing resistant concrete shall be For Holes Drilled with a Carbide Drill Bit—
permitted to be used. Restraint of the test member as required
Prepare and clean the hole in accordance with;
to prevent splitting shall be permitted. Where such restraint is
however, re-fill the hole with tap water immediately prior to
used (for example, steel cylinder), the dimensions of the
anchor installation. Install anchors in accordance with 7.1.
specimen may be reduced.
Conduct confined tension test in accordance with 5.4.2 and
8.1.1. 11.5.3 Install and cure anchors at standard temperature. For Water-Flushed Holes—Prepare and clean the 11.5.4 Cover the top surface of the test member with tap
hole in accordance with; however, re-fill the hole with water within a radius of at least 3 in. [76 mm] from the center
tap water immediately prior to anchor installation. Install of the test anchor. Maintain a minimum of 1⁄2 in. [12 mm] depth
anchors in accordance with 7.1. Conduct confined tension test throughout the test. Seal all other exposed surfaces of the test
in accordance with 5.4.2 and 8.1.1. member to prevent evaporation of water. Load the anchor with
11.1.4 Sensitivity to Hole Cleaning with Installation in a specified constant tension load Nsust,ft.
Submerged Concrete: 11.5.5 Carry out specified number of freezing and thawing Drill a pilot hole downwards to the specified depth cycles as follows:
with a bit approximately half the diameter of the specified hole Maintain load at Nsust,ft throughout the freezing and
diameter. Remove the drilling dust from the hole. Fill the pilot thawing test.
hole with tap water and ensure that the hole remains flooded for Raise the temperature of the chamber within 1 h to
a minimum of 8 days (192 h). Cover the upper surface of the +68°F 6 5°F [+20°C 6 2°C].
water-saturated concrete test member with tap water to a Maintain the chamber at +68°F 6 5°F
minimum depth of 1⁄2 in. [12 mm]. This depth of coverage is to [+20°C 6 2°C] for an additional 7 h.

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E488/E488M − 15 Lower the temperature of the chamber to necessary to maintain the target test temperature is recorded at
–4°F 6 5°F [–20°C 6 2°C] within 2 h. maximum one-hour intervals. Maintain the chamber temperature at –4°F 6 5°F If the concrete test member temperature falls below
[–20°C 6 2°C] for an additional 14 h. the minimum target temperature (including tolerances) for
11.5.6 Measure the displacements during the temperature more than 24 h, the test duration shall be extended by the
cycles. length of time for which the temperature was below the target
11.5.7 If the test is interrupted, store the samples at a temperature.
temperature of –4°F 6 5°F [–20°C 6 2°C] between cycles. At the conclusion of the sustained loading portion
11.5.8 After the completion of 50 cycles conduct a confined of the test, remove the sustained load and conduct a confined
tension test at standard temperature. tension test in accordance with 5.4.2 and 8.1.1.
11.6 Sensitivity to Sustained Load: 11.7 Tension Tests with Decreased Installation Tempera-
11.6.1 General: ture: Perform sustained tension tests in uncracked 11.7.1 Tests are confined tension tests performed in un-
concrete, followed by confined tension tests to failure. cracked concrete for anchors to be installed in concrete having Install and cure anchors at standard temperature, a temperature less than 50°F [10°C]. Perform tests as follows:
unless otherwise specified. Prior to installation, condition the anchor rod and Conduct tests at the target temperature defined by test member to the target temperature (that is, the lowest
the criteria or manufacturer. installation temperature recommended by the manufacturer) Temperature control shall be maintained via ther- and maintain that temperature for a minimum of 24 h.
mocouples in the concrete test member. Embed thermocouples Install the anchors in concrete test members and
at a maximum of 41⁄2 in. [115 mm] from the surface of the allow them to cure at the stabilized temperature for the curing
concrete into which the anchors are to be installed. The time specified in the manufacturer’s printed installation in-
thermocouples shall be cast in the concrete or positioned in structions.
holes drilled in the cured test member. Drilled holes for Immediately thereafter, remove the test members
thermocouples shall have a maximum nominal diameter of from the cooling chamber and test them in tension making sure
1⁄2 in. [12 mm] and shall be sealed in such a manner that the that they remain at the conditioned temperature. A thermo-
temperature readings reflect the concrete temperature. couple inserted into the test member may be used to confirm Each test shall have a minimum duration of the temperature at the time of testing.
42 days. 11.7.2 When anchors are recommended for installation in
11.6.2 Sustained Load Test: concrete temperatures below 40°F [5°C], in addition to the Within 48 h of when the curing period has elapsed, tests described in 11.7.1, install and test at least five anchors as
the temperature of the test member shall be adjusted until the follows:
temperature as recorded by the thermocouples is stabilized at Prior to installation, condition the anchor rod and
the target temperature. A tension preload not exceeding the test member to the target temperature (that is, the lowest
lesser of 5 % of the specified sustained tension load or 300 lb installation temperature recommended by the manufacturer)
[1334 N] shall be applied to the anchor prior to zeroing and maintain that temperature for a minimum of 24 h.
displacement readings. After zeroing the displacement Install the anchors in accordance with the manu-
readings, increase the load on the anchor to the specified facturer’s printed installation instructions and allow them to
sustained tension load. cure at the stabilized target temperature for the curing time Maintain not less than minimum specified sus- specified in the manufacturer’s printed installation instructions.
tained tension load and maintain the temperature at the target Immediately thereafter, apply a constant tension
temperature for the duration of the test. loadNsust ft. Anchor displacement shall be recorded for the Raise the temperature of the test chamber at a
duration of the test. As displacements are typically greatest in constant rate to standard temperature over a period of 72 to
the early stages, the minimum monitoring schedule shall be as 96 h while monitoring the displacement response for each
follows: anchor. A thermocouple inserted into the test member may be
(1) During the first hour: Every 10 min. used to confirm the temperature of the test members during the
(2) During the next 6 h: Every hour. test.
(3) During the next 10 days: Every day. Once the test member attains standard temperature,
(4) Thereafter: Every 5 to 10 days. conduct a confined tension test to failure with continuous Temperatures in the test chamber shall be permitted measurement of load and displacement.
to vary by 66°F [63°C] due to daily and seasonal effects, but 11.8 Punch Tests to Evaluate Environmental Effects—
the required chamber temperature shall be achieved as an 11.8.1 General Test Conditions—Conduct tests on 1⁄2 in.
average over the test period. The concrete test member [12 mm] diameter all-thread anchors or the smallest nominal
temperature shall be recorded at maximum one-hour intervals. diameter if that diameter is larger than 1⁄2 in. [12 mm]. Embed
(1) Alternatively, the concrete test member temperature anchors into cylindrical concrete test members with a mini-
shall be permitted to be recorded at maximum 24-h intervals mum diameter of 6 in. [150 mm]. The concrete test members
provided that the temperature of the conditioning chamber shall be cast in lengths of steel or plastic pipe having a wall

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E488/E488M − 15
thickness as required to prevent splitting of the slices during 12.1.3 For those systems that may be set with either a
punch testing. All test members shall originate from the same specified installation torque or with a machine, the anchors
concrete batch. Install the anchors along the central axis of the shall be set with a torque wrench and the specified installation
concrete test members according to the manufacturer’s instal- torque Tscrew shall not be exceeded. If upon the application of
lation instructions. The anchor material shall be fabricated the specified installation torque the fixture remains loose, the
from non-reactive steel. After curing of the adhesive, the specified installation torque Tscrew shall either be re-established
concrete cylinders in which the anchors are installed shall be at a higher level until this condition is satisfied or the anchor
sawn with a diamond saw into 1–3⁄16 6 1⁄8 in. [30 6 3 mm] shall be deemed unsuitable. For those systems set with a range
thick slices so that the resulting slices are not damaged. The of machines that satisfy a maximum power output rating
slices shall be oriented perpendicular to the anchor axis and specified by the manufacturer, an impact screw driver with
shall consist of the concrete, adhesive material and anchor maximum power output specified in the manufacturer’s instal-
element. Discard the top and bottom slices. Prepare at least ten lation instructions for the anchor size shall be used. The test
slices for each environmental exposure to be investigated as laboratory shall select the screw driver with maximum power
well as ten reference slices to be subjected to standard climate output for this application from the screw drivers on the market
conditions. fulfilling the specifications of the anchor manufacturer. Fol- Storage of Reference Slices—Store the slices under lowing installation of the anchor in accordance with the
normal climate conditions (standard temperature and relative manufacturer’s published installation instructions, the fixture
humidity 50 6 5 %) for the specified time. shall be checked by hand to determine that it is not loose. Storage of Slices Under Aggressive Environmental
12.2 Tension Test Under Repeated Load:
Exposure—Store the slices under the specified aggressive
environmental exposures for the specified time. 12.2.1 Installation—Install the screw anchor in accordance
11.8.2 Punch Tests—After the storage time has elapsed with 12.1 and the following. Set the screw anchor on an
allow the slices from to fully dry before testing. beveled washer (inclination angle greater than or equal to 4°,
Measure their thickness and test them in an apparatus that hardness greater than or equal to HRC 32, fixture hole oversize
punches the metal element of the slice through the slice while less than or equal to 1⁄8 in. [3 mm]). The point of maximum
restraining the surrounding concrete (see Fig. 12). The loading dimension of the head shall contact the beveled washer. In
punch shall act centrally on the metal element. Record the peak cases where the product geometry includes a fillet under the
load for each test. Discard the results from slices that split anchor head or where the head is countersunk, the bevel
during the punch test. washer shall be modified such that the fillet shall not be in
contact with the bevel washer. The position is shown in Fig. 13
12. Screw Anchor Tests Following anchor installation, the screw anchor head shall be
permitted to either partially contact the beveled washer (see
12.1 Setting of Screw Anchors: Fig. 14(a)) or in full contact against the washer (seeFig. 14(b)).
12.1.1 Permitted setting methods for screw anchors shall be Any position of the anchor head within and including the
defined by the manufacturer. For those systems that are to be extreme positions shown in Fig. 14 shall be acceptable.
set with a torque wrench, the installation torque Tscrew shall be The core hardness of the test specimens shall be
specified. For those systems set with a machine (impact screw established by testing the core hardness at mid length of the
driver, other), the type of machine and maximum power output specified number of screws from the same manufacturing lot,
rating shall be specified. Alternately, the characteristics of heat treated at the same time as the screw specimens to be
acceptable machines in terms of power output shall be speci- tested. Test in accordance with Test Methods F606/F606M as
fied. applicable.
12.1.2 Unless otherwise specified install the screw anchor
12.2.2 Test the screw anchors in accordance with 9.1.
until the head just contacts the fixture and the fixture can no
longer be moved by hand. 12.3 Test of Screw Anchors for Brittle Failure:

FIG. 12 Punch Test

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FIG. 13 Bevel Washer Geometry for Different Head Shapes

FIG. 14 Acceptable Position of the Anchor Head in Tests with Repeated Loads

12.3.1 These tests are intended to verify sufficient insensi- The borehole shall be drilled with a medium drill
tivity to stress-induced hydrogen embrittlement cracking under bit diameter dm. The concrete specimen shall be chosen large
conditions as may occur in service. enough to preclude splitting failure. Alternatively, the speci-
12.3.2 Test specimens shall have a core hardness equal to men can be cast in a steel ring. Only one test per concrete
the upper limit of the specified hardness range, with a tolerance specimen shall be performed at a time unless a concrete
of +0/–2 HRC. specimen is used that can accommodate more than one anchor.
12.3.3 Test Method A (Confined Test): At the concrete screw location, a bottomless container covering Perform five tests on all diameters from each an area of at least 15 in.2 [9677 mm2]with a height of at least
manufacturing process, material, coating, and design. Tests 1 in. [25.4 mm] shall be affixed to the concrete and filled with
shall be conducted at shallow (min hnom) and deep embedments a saturated calcium hydroxide solution [Ca(OH)2] having a
(max hnom) per diameter. For concrete screws with different pH = 12.6 6 0.1 measured at 77°F 6 2°F [25°C 6 1°C]. Dur-
head forms, anchors with the most adverse head form shall be ing the test the head of the concrete screw shall be submerged
tested. If the most adverse head form cannot be readily in the fluid. The temperature during the test shall be maintained
identified, tests with different head forms shall be performed. at 77°F 6 9°F [23°C 6 5°C]. Furthermore the pH-value shall
Concrete screws shall be installed in an uncracked high be kept constant by measuring the pH value after 5 days. If the
strength concrete specimen having a minimum compressive pH-value exceeds the tolerance value (as might occur due to
strength of 7500 psi [51.7 MPa] in accordance with the manu- interaction with the concrete) the solution shall be replaced.
facturer’s instructions. Where steel failure occurs in the refer- The material of the counter electrode shall be stainless steel or
ence tests, the concrete strength corresponding to those tests activated titanium. The reference electrode is defined by its
shall be permitted to be used. composition. Its accuracy should be controlled by calibration

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E488/E488M − 15
with a new electrode (tolerance 620 mV). The tip of the head forms, anchors with the most adverse head form shall be
reference electrode should be located at a distance equal to tested. If the most adverse head form cannot be readily
approximately 0.5hnom (see Fig. 15) from the concrete surface. identified, tests with different head forms shall be performed.
This can be achieved by a bore hole depth equal to approxi- Concrete screws shall be installed in an uncracked high
mately 0.5hnom. The length of the counter electrode should be strength concrete specimen having a minimum compressive
equal to approximately hnom. Reference and counter electrode strength of 7500 psi [51.7 MPa] in accordance with the manu-
shall be placed in drilled holes with a diameter of approxi- facturer’s instructions. Where steel failure occurs in the refer-
mately 1⁄16 in. [1.5 mm] larger than the diameter of the ence tests, the concrete strength corresponding to those tests
electrode. The reference electrode should be located as close as may be used.
possible to the concrete screw and not farther away than 6 in. The borehole shall be drilled with a medium drill
[150 mm]. The distance between reference electrode and coun- bit diameter dm. The concrete specimen shall be chosen large
ter electrode shall not exceed 2 in. [50 mm]. Before testing, enough to preclude splitting failure. Alternatively, the speci-
coatings of any kind shall be partially removed in shape of a men may be cast in a steel ring. Only one test per concrete
longitudinal strip to allow hydrogen evolution on the steel specimen shall be performed at a time unless a concrete
surface. The concrete screw shall be subjected to a constant specimen is used that can accommodate more than one anchor.
tension load Nsust,con = min{0.7Nu,con,mean, 0.5Nst,mean } over a The screw anchor shall be set on a beveled washer [inclination
period of minimum 240 h. Nu,con,mean is the average ultimate angle ≥4°, hardness ≥HRC 32, fixture hole oversize ≤1⁄8 in.
tensile load of the confined reference tests, multiplied by: [3.2 mm]]. The point of maximum dimension of the head shall
contact the beveled washer. The position is shown in Fig. 14.
Πf ' c,test
f ' c,ref
Following anchor installation, the screw anchor head may
either partially contact the beveled washer (see Fig. 14(a)) or
During the duration of the test, a constant electrochemical be in full contact against the washer (see Fig. 14(b)). Any
potential shall be established and shall be held constant with position of the anchor head within and including the extreme
potentiostatic control or by other appropriate means at positions shown in Fig. 13 shall be acceptable. For screws with
–1200 mV 6 20 mV (SCE) measured against a saturated calo- fillets under the head or where the head is a countersunk
mel electrode (SCE). An acceptable test setup is shown in Fig. configuration, see 12.3. At the concrete screw location, a
16. Other types of electrodes (for example, Ag/AgCl) may be bottomless container covering an area of at least
used with appropriate correction of the potential. Following the 15 in.2 [9677 mm2]with a height of at least 1 in. [25.4 mm]
constant load portion of the test, unload the concrete screw shall be affixed to the concrete and filled with a saturated
anchor and perform a confined tension test to failure in calcium hydroxide solution Ca(OH)2 having a pH = 12.6 6 0.1
accordance with 5.4.2 and 8.1.1. measured at 77°F 6 2°F [25°C 6 1°C]. During the test the
12.3.4 Alternate Test Method A (Unconfined Test)—In the head of the concrete screw shall be submerged in the fluid. The
Alternate Test Method A, the test shall be performed as temperature during the test shall be maintained at 77°F 6 9°F
unconfined test with a beveled washer under the anchor head [25°C 6 5°C]. Furthermore, the pH-value shall be kept con-
(see Fig. 17). Perform 5 tests on all diameters from each stant by measuring the pH value after 5 days. If the pH-value
manufacturing process, material, coating, and design. Tests exceeds the tolerance value (as might occur due to interaction
shall be conducted at shallow (min hnom) and deep embedments with the concrete) the solution shall be replaced. The material
(max hnom) per diameter. For concrete screws with different of the counter electrode shall be stainless steel or activated

FIG. 15 Example of Confined Test Setup for Checking Brittleness of Concrete Screws (Test Method A)

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FIG. 16 Details of Attachment for Anchor During Test for Brittleness of Concrete Screws (Test Method A)

FIG. 17 Example of Unconfined Test Setup with Bevel Washer Under Anchor Head for Checking Brittleness of Concrete Screws (Alter-
nate Test Method A)

titanium. The reference electrode is defined by its composition. to allow hydrogen evolution on the steel surface. The concrete
Its accuracy should be controlled by calibration with a new screw shall be subjected to a constant tension load Nsust,
electrode (tolerance 620 mV). The tip of the reference elec- ℓ = min{0.7Nu,mean; 0.5Nst,mean } over a period of 100 h mini-
trode should be located at a distance equal to approximately mum. Nu,mean is the average ultimate tensile load from refer-
0.5hnom (see Fig. 17) from the concrete surface. This can be ence tests multiplied by:
achieved by a bore hole depth equal to approximately 0.5hnom.
The length of the counter electrode should be equal to
approximately hnom. Reference and counter electrodes shall be
Πf ' c,test
f ' c,ref
placed in drilled holes with a diameter of approximately 1⁄16 in. During the duration of the test, a constant electrochemical
[1.5 mm]) larger than the diameter of the electrode. The potential shall be established and shall be held constant with
reference electrode should be located as close as possible to the potentiostatic control or by other appropriate means at
concrete screw and not farther away than 6 in. [150 mm]. The –1200 mV 6 20 mV (SCE) measured against a saturated calo-
distance between reference electrode and counter electrode mel electrode (SCE). Other types of electrodes (for example,
shall not exceed 2 in. [50 mm]. Before testing, coatings of any Ag/AgCl) may be used with appropriate correction of the
kind shall be partially removed in shape of a longitudinal strip potential. A suggested test setup is shown in Fig. 16. Following

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E488/E488M − 15
the constant load portion of the test, unload the concrete screw Specimens shall be ultrasonically cleaned in acetone for 5 to
anchor and perform a confined tension test to failure in 10 min to remove any contaminants such as oils and dirt. Acid
accordance with 5.4.2 and 8.1.1. cleaning shall not be allowed.
12.3.5 Test Method B: Test specimens shall be cut from the randomly selected This test method applies to concrete screw anchors samples as shown in Fig. 18 and such specimens shall be of
that can be loaded in tension or bending during installation and sufficient length for proper insertion into the gripping devices
in service. This test method is limited to evaluating hydrogen to achieve the selected four point bending. See Fig. 19 for an
induced embrittlement due to processing (IHE) and environ- example of a gripping device to achieve the selected four point
mental exposure (EHE). This test method is limited to ferrous bending. The cut sample to be tested shall include the portion
fasteners that are susceptible to time-delayed fracture caused of the fastener with uniform screw thread configuration but
by the diffusion of hydrogen under stress. A four-point bend shall exclude the non-threaded portion of the fastener and any
specimen undergoes sustained load and slow strain rate testing case hardened induction zones at the end of the fastener. Before
by using incremental loads and hold times under displacement testing, test specimens obtained from fasteners with coatings of
control to measure a threshold stress in an accelerated manner any kind shall have the coating removed in the shape of a
in accordance with Test Method F1624. The test is an accel- longitudinal strip and be positioned on the tensile side of the
erated incrementally increasing step load test method that test specimen. The above coating removal shall occur within
measures the threshold for hydrogen stress cracking. the space of the minimum two threads as shown in Fig. 19. Referenced Documents—Referenced documents Summary of Test Method:
are those contained in the Referenced Documents section of (1) Specimens shall be tested in the hydrogen embrittling
Test Method F1624. environmental conditions specified in Test Method F1624 Terminology: using the step load procedure in the Procedure section of Test
core threshold, n—the maximum load at the onset of Method F1624, except as modified herein. A minimum of three
cracking of the core that is identified by a 5 % drop in load tests are required as follows:
under displacement control where the test specimen does not 1. First test is a 20/5/1 (twenty steps in five percent incre-
continue to maintain the test load to the next two step load ments with a 1-h hold for each step).
2. Second test is a 10/5/2 (first ten steps of the test), fol-
environmental hydrogen embrittlement (EHE), lowed by a 10/5/4 (second ten steps of the test). Loading
n—environment embrittlement caused by hydrogen introduced is not released during the transition from the 2-h to 4-h
hold requirement.
into steel from external sources.
FFS(B), n—fast fracture strength in air of a fastener speci- 3. Third test is a repeat of the second test.
men in bending determined in accordance with Test Methods If an invariant value within 5 % is obtained in two consecutive
E8/E8M. tests as a result of the completion of the three minimum
internal hydrogen embrittlement (IHE), n—embrittlement required tests, no further tests are required. Otherwise, addi-
caused by residual hydrogen from processing tional tests at longer hold times shall be performed until an
process, n—a defined event or sequence of events that may invariant value within 5 % is obtained in two consecutive tests.
include pretreatments, plating, or coating and post treatments The loading rate shall be slow enough to ensure that a core
that are being evaluated or qualified. threshold will be detected if deleterious amounts of hydrogen Test Specimens—The test specimens shall be se- are present in "worst case" scenario. The load used for
lected by the testing laboratory and shall be representative of determination of the value of each of the steps (that is, loads
the production fasteners as to base metal, diameter, thread divided by the number of steps) for the first test shall be based
configuration, coating and hardness profile. Test specimens on the average value of tensile strength resulting from the three
shall have a core hardness equal to the upper limit of the bending (FFS(B)) tests in air based upon the minimum
specified hardness range with a tolerance of +0/–2 HRC. A diameter cross-section of the fasteners. The load used for
separate series of tests under Test Method B are not required determination of the value of each of the steps (that is, load
for different fastener lengths having the same base metal, divided by the number of steps) for each of the subsequent tests
diameters, thread configurations, coating, and hardness pro- shall be 110 % of the core threshold value determined in the
files. previous test but not more than the load used to establish the

FIG. 18 Illustration of Test Specimen Extraction

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FIG. 19 Example of Four-Point Gripping Device

steps in the previous test. The lowest core threshold value and minimum metal thickness specified. The concrete fill shall
established by the two consecutive tests used to meet the contain no reinforcing. Lightweight concrete fill shall be
invariant value requirement from the hydrogen embrittling permitted to be used. Test members may be inverted and placed
environmental conditions test shall be autographically recorded flat on the floor of the test facility to facilitate shear testing of
in terms of load versus time and included as part of the report. anchors installed through the decking and into the fill concrete.
(2) Apparatus. Test set-up details are shown in Fig. 20.
(3) Testing Equipment—Testing equipment shall be 13.1.3 Anchor Installation—Install anchors through the
within the guidelines of calibration, force range, resolution, metal decking and into the concrete fill in accordance with
and verification of Practices E4. manufacturer’s instructions. (See Fig. 20). To determine anchor
(4) Gripping Devices—Various types of gripping devices performance in the lower flute of metal decking, test anchors
may be used for the four-point bending to transmit the shall be installed as depicted in Fig. 20, with the maximum
measured load applied by the testing equipment to the test desired offset from the lower flute centerline. To determine
specimen. Fig. 19 illustrates an example of a four-point anchor performance in the upper flute of metal decking, the test
gripping device. anchors shall be installed in the upper flute.
(5) Test Environment —The test shall be conducted in an 13.1.4 Tension Test—Perform tension tests with continuous
aggressive hydrogen producing environment by imposing a measurement of load and displacement.
cathodic galvanic potential in salt water contained in an 13.1.5 Shear Test—Perform shear tests with continuous
appropriate inert container. measurement of load and displacement. The direction of the
(6) Poteniostatic Control—The corrosion potential of the shear load shall be toward the closest edge, unless otherwise
specimen shall be controlled with a reference Saturated Calo- specified.
mel Electrode (SCE) or equivalent reference electrode such as
Ag/AgCl in accordance with Test Method G5. The imposed 14. Failure Criteria
potential is cathodic and shall be set at –1.2 6 0.025 V versus 14.1 Load and Displacement at Failure—Determine the
SCE (VscE) in a 3.5 weight percent NaCl solution. maximum test load and the corresponding displacement for
(7) Calculations—Calculations shall be in conformance each assembly tested.
with the Calculations section of Test Method F1624.
(8) Report—A test report shall be produced in accor- 14.2 Failure Modes—Failure of the anchorage occurs by
dance with the Report section of Test Method F1624 and shall one or more of the following modes:
include the audiographic recordings specified in Test Method 14.2.1 Concrete breakout,
F1624. 14.2.2 Pullout and pull-through,
14.2.3 Anchor rupture,
13. Other Tests 14.2.4 Bond,
13.1 Tests for Anchors Installed Through the Soffıt of 14.2.5 Shear,
Concrete-Filled Metal Deck Floor and Roof Assemblies: 14.2.6 Pryout, and
13.1.1 Purpose—These tests are intended to evaluate the 14.2.7 Side-face blowout.
tension and shear performance of anchors installed through
metal decking into concrete fill. 15. Report
13.1.2 Test Members for Testing Anchors Installed in the 15.1 Report the applicable information listed in Practice
Soffıt of Concrete Fill on Metal Deck Floor and Roof E575, all information pertinent to the type of test performed
Assemblies—Cast test members having the minimum concrete (static, seismic, fatigue or shock, cracked or uncracked base
fill thickness, maximum decking depth, minimum flute width material), and specifically include the following:

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FIG. 20 Example of a Setup for Testing Anchors in Concrete Through Metal Decking

15.1.1 Dates of test and date of report; 15.1.14 Individual and average maximum load values, in
15.1.2 Test sponsor and test agency; lb-ft [kN] for each anchor tested, standard deviations and
15.1.3 Identification of anchors tested: manufacturer, model coefficients of variation, when applicable;
type, material, finish, shape, dimensions, and other pertinent 15.1.15 Individual and average displacement values at ulti-
information, such as cracks and other defects; mate loads, in in. [mm] and standard deviations, or, when
15.1.4 Description of the anchorage system tested and appropriate load-displacement curves, either as plotted directly
physical description of the structural member, including or reprinted from data acquisition systems;
dimensions, installed reinforcing, etc.; 15.1.16 Description of the nature and type of failure exhib-
15.1.5 Detailed drawings or photographs of test specimens ited by each anchor tested, including when appropriate, indi-
before and after testing if not fully described otherwise; vidual and average fatigue life values in cycles or the runout
15.1.6 Physical characteristics of the test member into number of fatigue load cycles;
which the anchor(s) are embedded including mixture design of 15.1.17 Photographs, sketches, or written descriptions of
the concrete, aggregate type, compressive strength at time of the failure modes observed;
test, and age of the test member at time of test; 15.1.18 Summary of findings; and
15.1.7 Description of the procedure, tools, and materials 15.1.19 Listing of observers of tests and signatures of
used to install the anchorage system, and any deviation from responsible persons.
those specified;
15.1.8 Age in hours or days of anchorage system, since 16. Precision and Bias
installation, where applicable;
15.1.9 Temperature conditions at time of installation and at 16.1 Insufficient information is currently available to char-
time of testing and any other temperature experience as acterize the precision and bias of the test methods described
required in Section 11; here. As the test methods are more widely used, their precision
15.1.10 Embedment depth of the installed anchors in in. and bias will be characterized.
15.1.11 Torque, or number of turns (if this method is 17. Keywords
permitted), applied to the anchor prior to testing; 17.1 adhesive anchor; anchors; anchor capacity; cast-in-
15.1.12 Description of test method, loading procedure used, place anchor; concrete elements; creep test; environmental test;
actual rate of loading, and direction of shear loading; expansion anchor; fatigue; post-installed anchors; screw an-
15.1.13 Number of replicate specimens tested and results of chor; seismic; shear test; shock; static; sustained load test;
all tested replicates; tension test; test member; test methods

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