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1. The Origin of word tsunami is from which language
A. Japanese
2. The word Olympics is taken from which Country
A. Greece
3. Capital of Mongolia
A. Ulaanbaatar
4. Where is Victoria Desert
A. Western Australia
5. Where is Gobi desert
A. China and Mongolia
6. Where is Sahara Desert
A. North Africa
7. Last Prophet sent to Israel was
A. Hazrat Essa A.S (Jesus)
8. During Independence which party was ruling in UK
A. Labour Party
9. Hazrat Aminah was from which city
A. Mecca
10. “Causes of Indian revolt” was written by
A. Sir Syed ahmed khan
11. When Abu Sufyan accepted Islam
A. 630 AD (8 Hijri) at the time of Fattah Makkah
12. Who is credited for Muslim renaissance in India
A. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
13. Tarbela dam is on which river
A. Indus
14. Mangla dam is on which river
A. Jhelum
15. AWS and KHAZRAJ are
A Two Arab Tribes which were later called Ansars(helpers)
16. SEATO stands for
A Southeast Asia Treaty Organization
17. What is full name of Cripss Mission head
A Sir Richard Stafford Cripps
18. Mehmood Ghaznavi Dynasty name was
A Ghaznavids Dynasty
19. Where America Attacked japan
A Hiroshima and Nagasaki
20. Tashkent Treaty between Pakistan and India was done with the help of which Country
A Russia and US
21. Who were LAT and UZZA
A Name of two idols worshipped in Arab before Islam

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22. Ruble is the currency of

A Russia
23. What are Muazatain
A Last two verses of Quran (SURAH FALAK & NAAS)
24. Meaning of Sufah
A courtyard, square
25. Battle of Tabuk was fought against whom
A Romans
26. What is Interpol
A The International Criminal Police Organization
27. Hottest planet
A Venus
28. RAW Stands for
A Research and Analysis Wings
29. Pak-China Border agreement year
A 1963
30. National monument of Pakistan is located in
31. When Mohammad bin Qasim Conquered Sindh
A 712 AD
32. Capital of China
A Beijing
33. Basel is the city of
A Switzerland
34. Third June Plan was declared by Lord Mount Batten
A 1947 (also called Partition Plan)
35. Education Scheme launched in India by Hindus in 1937
A. Wardha Education Scheme
36. Who led Simla conference
A Lord Wavell
37. Who was the viceroy at the time of partition of Bengal
A Lord Curzon
38. Who was the lord at the partition of Indo-Pak
A Lord Louis Mountbatten
39. Who is President of Iran
A Hassan Rouhani

40. Which Country is known as Land of Golden fiber

A Bangladesh
41. Who gave two nation theory
A Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
42. Study of earthquake is called
A Seismology
43. World most salty Sea
A the Dead sea

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44. Seat won by Muslim league in 1945-46 elections

A 30
45. Highest war field in Pakistan
A Siachen
46. What is Moon
A Natural Satellite
47. How many times holy Prophet is mentioned in Quran
A 5 times (Muhammad 4 times & Ahmed 1 time)
48. Charge on Neutron
A No charge (Neutral)
49. Founder of Edhi Foundation
A Abdul Sattar Edhi
50. Current Flow means
A Flow of electrons (Charge particles)
51. Tochi Pass is between
A Afghanistan and Pakistan
42. What is freezing point of water
A 0°C
53. Highest military Award
A Nishan-e-Haider
54. Which Liquid melts at room Temperature
A Gallium
55. Capital of Finland
A Helsinki
56. ILO stands for
A International Labour organization
57. Who wrote “Loyal of Muhammadians”
A Sir Syed Ahmed khan
58. Where and when was Jalianwala bagh Incident took place
A On 13 April, 1919 at Massacre of Amritsar
59. Khateeb ul Ambiya is the title of
A Prophet Dawood A.S (also called David)
60. Who was Najashi
A King Of Abyssinia

61. First person to receive Nishan-e-Haider

A Captain Muhammad Sarwar
62. Coldest Planet
A. Neptune
63. WHO stands for
A World Health Organization
64. First Female hafizah of Quran
A Umal Mumneen Hafsah bint-e-Umar
65. Winners of Fifa World Cup 2014
A Germany national Football team

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66. Where is rani fort

A Jamshoro District, Sindh
67. FATA stands for
A Federally Administered Tribal Areas
68. Simla Deputation was led by
A Sir Agha Khan
69. Hazrat Hajirah was mother of
A Hazrat Ismail A.S
70. Basic SI units are
71. Which country is known as Horn of Africa
A Somalia
72. Which Continent is known as Dark Continent
A Africa
73. Bahadur Shah Zafar was Kept in the prison of which Country
A Rangoon, Burma (now called Myanmar)
74. Second Largest Continent
A Africa
75. How many idol were in Kabah
A 360
76. IMF stands for
A International monetary fund
77. Which province is known as Baab ul Islam
A Sindh
78. Oldest cantonment in Pakistan
A Sialkot Cantonment
79. First book of pashto language
A the Pata Khazana
80. Mawakhat e Madina was between
A Ansars and Muhajir
81. Tenure of non-permanent members of UNO Security Council is
A Two years

82. The numbers of members in first constituent assembly

A 69
83. How many sons Adam had
A Two sons
84. OIC stands for
A Organization of Islamic co-operation
85. Capital of Kyrgyzstan
A Bishkek
86. When Tipu Sultan died
A 4 May 1799
87. FIFA world cup 2022 will be played in
A Qatar

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88. Date of birth of Sir Sayyed

A 17 Oct, 1817
89. Lahore resolution is also known as
A Pakistan resolution
90. Where is Masjid-e-Nabwi
A Medina, Saudi Arabia
91. Who was Bahadur Shah Zafar
A Last Mughal Emperor
92. In the absence of Prime Minister who runs the country
A Speaker of National Assembly
93. When Japan Attacked Pearl harbor
A 7 Dec 1941
94. Copenhagen is the capital of
A Denmark
95. Largest lake in Pakistan
A Manchar lake
96. Who presented Objective resolution
A Liaquat Ali khan
97. Which country opposed the membership of Pakistan in UNO
A Afghanistan
98. Deepest point of the world
A Mariana Trench
99. Which Hijri year we are living in
A 1442 AH
100. When USSR did established
A 30 Dec 1922
101. Which country is known as cockpit of Europe
A Belgium
102. Which is the lengthiest constitution of Pakistan
A 1973

103. Who was Hazrat Hamza

A uncle of Hazrat Mohammad SAW
104. Najashi was from which religion
A Christian
105. Second Constitution of Pakistan date
A 1 march 1962
106. Headquarters of NATO
A Brussels, Belgium
107. Saifullah is the title of
A Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed RA
108. Safiullah is the title of
A Hazrat Adam A.S
109. Rooh ullah is the title of
A Hazrat Essa AS also called Jesus

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110. Leap year comes after years

A 4
111. When was Sheikh Ahmad Sirhandi born
A 26 June, 1564
112. First Muslim among slaves was
A Hazrat Zaid bin Haris
113. When Line of control was formed
A July 1972
114. Largest Lake in the world
A Caspian Sea
115. Largest River in Asia
A Yangtze river which is located in China
116. People of banu nuzair were
A Jews which were expelled from Medina
117. Where is harrapa and Mohenjo daro
A Punjab, Sindh
118. Land of rising sun
A Japan
119. When was Shah wali ullah born
A 21 Feb, 1703
120. Rooh ul qudus
A Means the holy spirit. Title of Hazrat Jibrail A.S
121. Old name of Attock
A Campbellpur
122. Smallest Ocean in the world
A Arctic ocean
123. Masjid Al zarrar means
A The mosque built by hypocrites. Meaning in Destroy of Mosque
124. Strip of Pakistan and Tajikistan is
A Wakhan Corridor
125. Largest country by population
A China
126. Meaning of Islam
A Peace
127. Who rebuilt kaabah
A Hazrat Ibrahim and Hazrat Ismail AS
128. Which day is Youm-e-takbeer
A 28 May

129. What is Area of Islamabad

A 220 km
130. What is cause of depletion of ozone
A ChlorofluoroCarbons(CFCs)
131. Why do we boil milk
A To kill germs

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New Name Old Name

Hyderabad Neroon Kot

Quetta Shah Kot

Jacobabad Khan Garh

Attock Cambell Pur

Faisalabad Lyallpur

Sahiwal Montgomery

Sialkot Salwan Khot

Karachi Kalanchi

Islamabad Raj Shahi

Lahore Mahmood Pur

Gujranwala Khan Pur

Peshawar Persha Pur

132. Which city is Birmingham of Pakistan

A Sialkot, Punjab
133. Asad ullah is the title of
A Hazrat Ali
134. Age of Holy prophet at the time of battle of fujjar
A 15 Years
135. Meaning of Ansars
A Helpers
136. Rab meaning
A lord, the God, the creator
137. Tayyamum meaning
A Aim or Purpose
138. Jabar bin hayan is the father of
A Hayyan Al Azdi
139. Total deserts in Pakistan

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A 5 main deserts

140. Monsoon in Pakistan is from

A Mid-June to Sep
141. President of UNO
A Volkan Bozkır
142. Secretary General of UNO
A Antonio Guterres
143. Malala day
A 12 July
144. WTO stands for
A World Trade Organization



1. When UNO was established

A 24 Oct, 1945
2. Who was the first president of USA to visit Pakistan
A Dwight D.Eisenhower
3. Which Chinese president started CPEC
A Mr. Xi Jinping
4. Who was the last prophet sent to Bani Israel
A Hazrat Muhammad S.A.W
5. When Holy prophet migrated to Madina
A 622 AD
6. Port of Gwadar was brought from which country
A Oman
7. Who is the first foreign minister of Pakistan
A Zafar ullah Khan
8. Which is the most populated city of Pakistan
A Karachi
9. National Flower of Pakistan
A Jasmine
10. Leaves need to grow
A Nutrients
11. Age of Holy Prophet at the time of Fujjar

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A. 15 years
12. Where were the first Ayah Revealed
A. Cave of Hira
13. Khana Kabah was rebuilt by
A Hazrat Ibrahim and Hazrat Ismail AS
14. Smallest Ocean of the world
A. Artic ocean
15. Chairman of UNO is from which country
A Portugal
16. How many Muslims were martyred in badr
A 14
17. Old name of Jacobabad
A Khanger
18. How many daughters of Holy prophet
A 4
19. Chess was discovered by which country
A Persia
20. Where is Manchar Lake
A. Jamshoro, Sindh
21. Length of Pak-China border
A 595km
22. How many Muslims were martyred in Uhad
A 70
23. LOC was made in the year
A. July, 1972
24. Zabur was revealed on which Prophet
A. Prophet Dawood AS also called David
25. Capital of Malaysia
A Kuala Lumpar
26. When Quaid joined the Muslim league
A 1913
27. Who was the only Vice President of Pakistan
A Nur ul Amin
28. Meaning of AKHUWAT
A Brotherhood
29. Which Country opposed the membership of Pakistan in UNO
A Afghanistan
30. Meaning of ANSARS
A Helpers
31. Kotli is in which province of Pakistan
A Azad Kashmir

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32. Dog is to Bitch as Horse is to

A Mare
33. How many times name Jibraeel is mentioned in Quran
A 3 times
34. Who presented the 1956 constitution
A Ch Muhammad Ali
35. What is the name of Pak-India border
A Radcliff Line
36. Name the country which is in two continents
A Turkey, Russia
37. Meaning of Badr
A Well(kuan). Quranic meaning is Furqan
38. River Zhob is situated in
A Balochistan and KPK
39. Who is Speaker of National Assembly
A Asad Qaiser
40. Who is the writer of book “Spirit of Islam
“A Syed Ameer Ali
41. Where is Rachna Doab
A Punjab, between Chenab and Ravi rivers
42. First Female governor of Pakistan
A Begum Rana Liaquat Ali Khan
43. Largest River of Pakistan
A Indus river
44. Who is the president of Turkey
A Tayyip Erdogan
45. Who is the highest run scorer in test series for Pakistan
A Younis khan
46. Quit India movement was started by
A Gandhi
47. Length of Pak-Afghan border
A. 2611km
48. Minto Marley Act is also known as
A Indian council act
49. Minto Marley Act date
A 1909
50. Biggest district of Pakistan Area wise
A Chagai District
51. Leap Year comes after every years
A 4
52. First wife of holy Prophet was

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A Hazrat Khadija RA
53. When the first Common Wealth games were held
A 1930 in Hamilton, Canada
54. Karakoram is the word of which language
A Turkic
55. On which mountain the ship of Hazrat Noah found
A The mount of Ararat in Turkey
56. Objective resolution was put forward by
A Liaquat Ali Khan
57. Which Year is known as Grief year
A 620 A.D (10th Nabwi)
58. In which Battle Hazrat Hamza got Martyred
A Battle of Uhad
59. Jinnah – Gandhi talk was held in the year
A 1944
60. Which surah is known as the heart of Quran
A Surah Yasin
61. First Female pilot of Pakistan
A Marium Mukhtiar
62. First Female pilot Martyred
A Marium Mukhtiar
63. First Female Speaker of Balochistan Province
A Rahila Hameed Khan Durrani
64. Who wrote “Loyals of Muahmmadians
“A Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
65. How many Prophets are mentioned in Quran
A 25
66. Who liberated Jerusalem
A Salah ud din Ayyubi
67. Karachi nuclear power plant is made with the help of
A Canada
68. When Quaid Became the President of Muslim League
A 1916
69. How many idols were in Kabbah
A 360
70. In which year Quaid announced the Delhi Proposal
A 1929 (also called fourteen points)
71. What is the meaning of Zakat
A To cleanse
72. First Slave Martyr of Islam
A Hazrat Sumayya Bint Khabbat

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73. Border between Pakistan and India At Punjab is known as

A Wagah Border
74. Which Battle was fought in 1757
A battle of Plassey
75. Hazrat Ismail was the son of
A Hazrat Ibrahim AS
76. Battle of Yamama was fought in
A 632 A.D
77. Battle of Yamama was fought in the reign of
A Hazrat Abu Bakr RA
78. Injeel was revealed on
A Hazrat Essa AS
79. Where is Cholistan
A Bahawalpur, Punjab
80. Highest Civil award of Pakistan
A Nishan-e-Pakistan
81. Last surah of Quran
A Surah Naas
82. Warsak Dam is on which river
A Kabul River
83. Faraizi movement was started by
A Haji Sharait ullah
84. Second Pillar of Islam
A Namaz (Salat)
85. Fasting is which pillar of Islam
A 3rd
86. MAO College is in which city
A Lahore
87. Hazrat Hajra was the mother of
A Hazrat Ismail
88. Hazrat Hamza was of Holy Prophet
A Paternal Uncle
89. Currency of Turkey is
A Turkish lira
90. Asad-ullah is the title of which prophet
A Hazrat Ali
91. Old name of Makkah is
A Bakkah
92. When the Battle of khandaq was fought
A 627 AD (5 Hijri)
93. Old name of Madinah

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A Yathrib (Yesrab)
94. Rooh-Ullah is the Title of
A Hazrat Essa AS
95. What is the meaning of Youm-e-Furqan
A the day of Criterion b/w Good and Evil, The day of Gazwa-e-Badr
96. When Battle of Qudsiya fought
A 636 AD
97. World Athletic Championship 2013 was hosted by which country
A Moscow, Russia
98. What is the meaning of Tayyamum
A Dry Ablution, Aim or Purpose
99. Who was Nazar Bin Haris
A Name of an idol
100. When was Bengal Separated
A 16 July 1905
101. Bengal was separated by which lord
A Lord Curzon
102. Panama Canal connects which Oceans
A Atlantic & Pacific ocean
103. Battle of Yarmuk was fought against
A Byzantine (Romans)
104. River Jhelum and Chenab meet at which point
A Trimmu (Jhang)
105. Nehru Report was presented by
A Motilal Nehru
106. Safi-Ullah is the title of
A Hazrat Adam AS
107. When OIC did came into existence
A Sept. 25, 1969
108. Where is desert Cholistan
A Bahawalpur, Punjab
109. When the Ashes was started
A 1882
110. The largest Valley of Pakistan
A Skardu valley
111. When the National Anthem of Pakistan was first sung
A In 13 Aug 1954 on Radio Pakistan by Hafeez Jalundari
112. When the report of Simon Commission presented
A 1930
113. Which Country started Football
A Britain

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114. Sir Sayyed book “Causes of Indian Revolt” was published in

A 1873
115. Duration of Hazrat Ali Khilafat was
A 5 years
116. How many doors kaabah have
A Six
117. Name the pilot who dropped bomb on Heroshima
A Paul Tibbets
118. Length of Pak-Iran border
A 805km
119. Basic SI units are how many
A 7
120. First Moazzan of Islam
A Hazrat Bilal
121. How many manzils of Quran
A 7
122. Which Pakistani peak is the highest
A K-2
123. Real Name of K-2
A Godwin Austin
124. Height of K2
A 8611 metres (28,251 feet)
125. CPEC route is
A b/w Pakistan & China
126. Who composed the national Anthem of Pakistan
A Ahmad Chagla
127. Jahangir Khan is Famous for
A Squash
128. Who was the Father of Hazrat Ismail
A Hazrat Ibrahim
129. Father of Atomic bomb (pak) was
A Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan
130. UNO celebrated Malala day on
A 12 July
131. Pakistan made the first constitution after how many years from independence
A 9 years

132. Who scored first century from Pakistan

A Nazar Muhammad
133. Who scored first Double century from Pakistan
A Zaheer Abbas

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134. Which country introduced SAARC

A Dhaka, Bangladesh
135. Banu Quraizah was a tribe
A Jewish
136. FIFA 2022 will be played in
A Qatar
137. FIFA 2018 was played in
A Russia
138. Who is the winner of FIFA world cup 2018
A France National football team
139. Old name of Attock
A Campbellpur
140. Which Gas causes Global warming
141. Modern city of Pakistan is
142. Who was the first PM of India to visit Pakistan
A Jawaharlal Nehru
143. When Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed accepted Islam
A 628 AD (6 Hijri)
144. Largest division of Pakistan
A Kalat Division
145. National fruit of Pakistan
A Mango
146. What is height of K2
A 8611 metres
147. Largest city of Pakistan by Area
A Karachi
148. Largest city of Pakistan by population
A Karachi
149. Largest country by Area
A Russia
150. Largest country by population
A China
151. Largest Islamic populated country
A Indonesia
152. Wine was prohibited during the battle of
A Ghazwa-e-Uhd
153. Who was the first slave to accept islam
A Zaid Ibn Haris
154. Asad Ullah is the title of

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A Hazrat Ali
155. Capital of Libya
A Tripoli
156. Where is Faisal Mosque
A Islambad
157. Ayat Ul Kursi is in which para
A Para 3
158. How many daughters of Holy Prophet
A 4
159. How many sons of Hazrat Ibrahim
A 2 sons
160. Who was the second PM of Pakistan
A Khuwaja Nazim uddin
161. Who repelled the first constitution of Pakistan
A Sikandar Mirza
162. Who was the first president of Pakistan
A Sikandar mirza
163. Where is Mohenjo daro
A Sindh
164. Mohenjo daro is on the edge of which river
A Indus river
165. Where is Harrapa
A Sahiwal, Punjab
166. On which river Diamar Basha dam is constructed
A Indus River
167. First Pakistani female to climb Mount Everest
A Samina Baig
168. Largest Lake of Pakistan
A Mancher lake
169. Who Runs government in the absence of Prime minister
A Speaker of National assembly
170. When was the National Anthem written
A June 1952
171. First Qibla of Islam was
A Masjid Aqsa
172. Which game has a Diamond Shaped ground
A Baseball
173. Balgha was witten by
A Ali-Sharif al-Radi
174. Where is Masjid e Nabwi
A Madinah, Saudi Arabia

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175. Where is Khanpur Dam

A Haripur, KPK
176. Human rights were included in the constitution in the year
A 1973
177. Which Country has the biggest Nuclear Power Plant
A Japan
178. Battle of Tabuk was fought against
A Romans
179. Jerusalem was made independent by
A King David
180. The largest Barrage of Pakistan is
A Sukkur barrage
181. Name sons of Hazrat Adam
A Cain (Qabil) and Abel (Habil)
182. Where is Rani Fort
A Jamshoro, Sindh
183. When OIC was established
A 25 Sep 1969
184. What is length of Pak-China border
A 595km
185. Zabi Ullah is the title of
A Hazrat Ismail AS
186. First verses of Quran which were revealed are from which surah
A Surah Alaq (1-5 verses)
187. Sindh basin treaty was signed with the help of
A World Bank
188. When Pak-Afghan border was made
A 12 Nov 1893
189. Which Surah is called the heart of Quran
A Surah Yaseen
190. Port Gwadar was Bought from which country
A Oman
191. When and who presented the objective resolution
A Liaquat Ali Khan on 7 March 1949
192. Salah ud Din Ayubi was the son of
A Najam al Din Ayyub
193. MAO College is in which city
A Lahore
194. MAO school became College in which year
A 1920
195. Which year is Aam ul Huzan

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A 620 AD(10th Nabwi)

196. Coming Olympics will be held in
A Tokyo
197. Pakistan sent first space satellite in the year
A 16th July 1990
198. Sulah Hudaibya is also known as
A Fatah Al Mubeen
199. Where is Red Sea
A Near Saudi Arabia & Yemen
200. Where is Dead Sea
A Jordon
201. What is the meaning of Islam
A Peace, Submission to will of God(Allah)
202. First governor General of India
A Chakarvarti Rajagopalachari
203. Monsoon in Pakistan is from to
A Mid June to Sep
204. When Bangladesh separated from Pakistan
A 26 March 1971
205. When Tashkent Agreement was signed
A 10 Jan 1966
206. Abu al Qasim was a great
A Physician, Chemist and Surgeon
207. Who was the leader of Muslim Army in the battle of Yamama
A Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed
208. FATA stands for
A Federally Administered tribal areas
209. Hijrat e nabwi was done in the year
A 622 AD
210. The largest desert of the world is
A Antarctic Desert
211. What is the purpose of observing fast
A Self-restrian
212. The first captain of Pakistan cricket team
A Abdul Hafeez kardar
213. The deepest River of the world
A Congo river situated in Africa
214. Hazrat Musa had how many Brothers
A 3
215. What is the meaning of Rab
A Lord , master, Godhead

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216. Simla Deputation was led by

A Sir Agha Khan
217. What is the meaning of Zakat
A To purify
218. Who was the second Governor General of Pakistan
A Khuwaja Nazim uddin
219. In polo Game the number of players are
A 4
220. Members of SAARC are
A 8 (Afghanistan is the eighth member)
221. The deepest point of the world is
A Mariana Trench
222. The largest Mountain Range of the world is
A Himalayas
223. Largest mountain Range of Pakistan is
A Karakoram range (K-2 highest peak)
224. When was Masjid e Nabwi built
A 623 AD (1 Hijri)
225. Third Populated Country is
A United States
226. The writer of book “ Pakistan is the heart of Asia “ is
A Liaquat Ali Khan
227. Who is General Secretary of UNO
A Antonio Guterres
228. Cabinet mission plan came to India in the year
A 24 march 1946
229. Hazrat Bilal Habshi was the Slave of
A Umayyah ibn khalaf
230. Who named the world War 1
A Ernst Haeckel
231. Date of World War 1
A 28 July
232. Date of World war 2
A 1 Sep
233. When Quaid died
A 11 sep, 1948
234. Who is the president of SAARC
A Esala Werakoon
235. Non-Permanent members of UNO are
A 10
236. First President of Pakistan

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A Major gen Sikandar Mirza

237. Who was the first wife of holy Prophet
A Hazrat Khadija RA
238. Badar is the name of
A Well, village
239. What is the other name of Quran
A Al-Furqan, Al-Kitab
240. Israfeel is the title of
A An Angel
241. When Hindu Muslim controversy started
A 1893
242 From which city Hindu Muslim controversy started
A Agra
243. The battle of Yamama was fought between
A Muslims and Musaylimah Qazab
244. Nisab of Zakat is
A 2.5%
245. Name smallest ocean of the world
A Artic ocean
246. Name Largest Ocean of the world
A Pacific ocean
247. When Babri Masjid was demolished
A 1992
248. Who was Najashi
A Christian and ruler of Abyssinia
249. Old name of Makkah
A Bakkah
250. Misak e madina was between
A Muhajir and Ansars
251. Name the Capital of Azerbaijan
A Baku
252. Strength of Muslims in the battle of badr
A 313
253. First Female Martyr of Islam
A Hazrat Summayah bin khabbat
254. How many sides octagon has
A 8
255. Highest Run Scorer for Pakistan
A Younis Khan
256. Which country recognized Pakistan first
A Iran

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257. What is the name of Pak-Tajikistan Border

A Wakhan Corridor
258. First census in Pakistan was held in the year
A 1951
259. Hajj is Pillar of Islam
A Fifth
260. The capital of Nepal is
A Kathmandu
261. How many times the name Holy prophet is mentioned in Quran
A 5 times
262. Name the Camel of Holy prophet
A Azbaa/ Al-Adbaa
263. Biggest Agency of FATA
A South Waziristan
264. Capital of Argentina
A Buenos Aries
265. Edhi foundation was started by
A Abdul Sattar Edhi
266. The Capital of Bhutan is
A Thimpu
267. 2nd Largest Continent of the world is
A Africa
268. Surah e Maryam is in which Parah
A 16th
269. Tochi Pass is between and
A Afghanistan and Pakistan
270. Largest Country by Area
A Russia
271. Where were the last Ayah of Quran revealed
A Madina, Pond of Khumm
272. Who is chief of Naval Staff
A Admiral M. Amjad Khan Niazi
273. When was Objective Resolution Passed
A 13th Dec 1949
274. When was Holy prophet born
A 571 AD
275. Length of Khandaq in the battle of Khandaq
A 5 km
276. Where are General Headquarters of Army
A Rawalpindi
277. In which Country dam was thrown

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A Yemen
278. Which Prophet Slept 100 years and woke up again
A Prophet Uzair AS
279. Only Sahabi mentioned in Quran
A Hazrat Zaid bin Haris
280. When was Misaq-e-Madina done
A 623 AD (1 Hijri)
281. For how many days Hazrat Yousaf stayed in the well
A 3 days
282. Who imposed first Martial Law
A FM Ayub Khan
283. Host of 2018 Olympics was
A South Korea
284. MAO school got the status of university in
A 1920
285. Who is Defense minister of Pakistan
A Pervez Khattak
286. 3rd Round Table conference was held in the year
A 1932
287. Who was the president at the time of partition of Bangladesh
A Yahya Khan
288. Liaquat Ali Khan was assassinated in the year
A 1951
289. By profession Fatima Ali Jinnah was
A Dentist
290. Which Sahaba gave speech in front of Najashi
A Jafar Ibn Abi Talib
291. Bait ul Muqadas was conquered in the reign of
A Hazrat Umer RA
292. Where is Gomal University
A Dera Ismail Khan, KPK
293. IMF stands for
A International Monetary Fund
294. Current Hijri year is
A 1442 AH
295. Where is port Gwadar
A Balochistan
296. The currency of Ethiopia is
A Birr
297. Who was the first person to receive Nishan e haider
A Captain Muhammad Sarwar

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298. Khyber Pass connects with

A Afghanistan and Pakistan
299. Which country is in the north of Pakistan
A China
300. When Quaid e Azam joined Muslim League
A 1913
301. Pakistan major Export is
A Cotton, Rice, Wheat
302. Largest city of the world by population
A Tokyo, Japan
303. Mangla Dam is on which river
A Jhelum
304. When Quaid presented 14 points
A 1929
305. When Quaid resigned from congress
A 1920
306. Shortest tenure of Governor general of Pakistan
A Maj. Gen. Sikander Mirza
307. Border between Pak-Afghan is
A Durand line
308. Which Country is on the East of Pakistan
A India
309. Who was the founder of Mohammadan educational Conference
A Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
310. Who was the Lord at the time of Partition of Bengal
A Lord Curzon
311. When the First Constitution of Pakistan was made
A 1956
312. Who was the founder of Anjuman Himayat e Islam
A Khalifa Qazi Hameed ud din
313. When Liaquat-Nehru Pact was signed
A 8 april 1950
314. Who was the Chairman of Indo-Pak Boundary commission
A Sir Radcliffe
315. Mohenjo daro is located in which province
A Sindh
316. National Animal of Pakistan
A Markhor
317. 16th August day is known as day
A Bennington Battle day
318. Who was Najashi

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A King of Abyssinia
319. When OIC was established
A 25 Sep 1969
320. Cabinet Mission plan date
A 24 march 1946
321. Jahangir Khan was a player of
A Squash
322. Rooh ul Qudus is the title of
A Hazrat Jibrael AS
323. What is the meaning of Ansaars
A Helpers
324. Khusal Khan Khattak and Rehman Baba were the poets of which language
A Pashto
325. When was the Zakat giving system started in Pakistan
A 1980
326. The second Constitution of Pakistan was in the year
A 1962
327. What are the two most important food crops of Pakistan
A Wheat, Rice
328. Who was last viceroy of India
A Lord Mount Batten
329. Other name of Sindh is
A Bal-ul-Islam, Mehran
330. When Sindh was separated from Bombay
A 1st April 1936
331. Which month comes after Shawwal
A Dhu al Qi'dah
332. Which mountain range is called the Roof of world
A Tibetan Plateau
333. Against whom Battle of Tabuk was fought
A Byzantine empire(Romans)
334. When Makkah was conquered
A 630 AD (8 Hijri)
335. Date of World War 1
A 28 July
336. When the Chora Chori incident took place
A 1922
337. Old name of Attock
A Cambellpur
338. How many months have 31 days
A 7

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339. How many Police men were burned in the incident of Chora Chori
A 23
340. When Iqbal gave the Speech of Allahbad
A 1930
341. Oldest Cantonment of Pakistan
A Sialkot Cantonment
342. What is the meaning of Ablution
A To purify
343. Division of Sub Continent Theory is known as
A Two nations theory
344. First Industrial revolution came in which country
A Britain
345. Basic democracies system in Pakistan was introduced by
A FM Ayub Khan
346. Hudaibiya is the name of
A A place
347. When Pakistan Joined NAM
A 1979
348. Masjid Al Zarrar was the Mosque of
A Munafiq, Hypocrities
349. First Masjid Made by Holy prophet was
A Masjid Quba
350. White Color in Flag represents
A Peace(In Pakistani Flag represents minorities)
351. What are latitudes and Longitudes of Pakistan
A 30°3''N , 69°34"E
352. Who is known as Jame al Quran
A Hazrat Usman RA
353. Smallest Ocean of the world
A Arctic ocean
354. Numbers of players in basketball team
A Five
355. Olympics 2012 was held in which country
A London
356. What is the meaning of Islam
A Peace
357. Who was Hazrat Hamza
A Uncle of Hazrat Mohammad SAW
358. Battle of Yamama was fought in the reign of
A Hazrat Abu Bakr RA
359. Highest glacier of Pakistan

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A Siachen Glacier (Longest is Baltoro Glacier)

360. Which Surah is named after Ant
A Surah Namal
361. Who was the first woman sent to space
1 Valentina Tereshkova
362. Sui gas was discovered in
A 1952
363. When Jihad Became obligatory
A 2 AH
364. Bait ul Maal was established by
A Hazrat Umar RA
365. Motto of Pak Army
A Faith(Imaan), Taqwa, Jihad
366. Cricket is the national Game of which Country
A England
367. At the time of Indus water treaty who was the PM of India
A Jawaharlal Nehru
368. Urdu-Hindi Controversy Started from which city
A Agra
369. How many times Jibraeel is mentioned in Quran
A 3 times
370. Largest river of Asia
A Yangtze river
371. Who was the head of Civil Disobedience in 1930
A Gandhi
372. When the Commonwealth Games were started
A 1930
373. Injeel was revealed on
A Hazrat Essa AS
374. Panama canal Connects
A Atlantic and Pacific Ocean
375. When Sulah Hudaibiya took place
A 628 AD(6 Hijri)
376. Heavy Defense Industry of Pakistan is in which city
A Taxila
377. Who introduced the coin of Pakistan
A State Bank
378. Capital of Indonesia
A Jakarta
379. Where is Bolan Medical College
A Balochistan

Contact: 0315 6954383

380. Where is Khewra Salt mine

A Jhelum, Punjab
381. How many judges are there in International Court of Justice
A 15 judges
382. The biggest Department of UNO is
A General Assembly
383. Where is Tarbela Dam
384. Where is Rakha Poshi Mountain
A Gilgit Baltistan
385. Where is Masjid Muhabbat Khan
A Peshawar, KPK
386. Where is Benazir International Airport
A Rawalpindi, Punjab
387. How much Area of the world is covered with water
A 71%
388. Who was the leader in the battle of Uhad
A Hazrat Hamza RA
389. When Quaid was born
A 25 Dec 1876
390. When Shariat Court was established
A 1980
391. Who established National Security Centre
A President Yahya Khan
392. Who controls the media of Pakistan
393. Where is Makerwal
A Mianwali, Punjab
394. Which Pakistani Lady summit the Mount Everest
A Samina Baig
395. Famous Tennis player Roger Federer is from which Country
A Switerland
396. Where is Shahi Fort
A Lahore
397. OIC stands for
A Organization Of Islamic Co-operation
398. Who gave the two nations theory
A Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
399. Who was the first Muslim to win nobel prize
A Abdus Salam
400. Who discovered America

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A Columbus
401. KPK has how many districts
A 35
402. Name the bird which can not fly
A Ostrich
403. False prophet hood was started in the reign of which caliph
A Hazrat Abu Bakr
404. SAARC stands for
A South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation
405. Where is the Headquarter of OIC
A Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
406. Third Islamic Month is
A Rabi' al awwl
407. Holy Prophet took part in how many Battles
A Eight
408. Rooh ul Ameen is the title of
A Hazrat Jibrael AS
409. Largest River of Pakistan is
A Indus river
410. Largest River of Asia
A Yangtze river
411. Name the point where all five rivers of Pakistan meet
A Kotmithan and form Panjnad river
412. Major source of Electricity production in Pakistan is
A By Coal
413. Who built the Shahi Mosque
A Jahangir
414. Who made the constitution of 1956
A Ch M. Ali
415. Who wrote the book “Spirit of Islam
“A Syed Ameer Ali
416. First Masjid of islam
A Quba Mosque
417. Who was the President of India at Indus Water Treaty
A Rajendra Prasad (PM was Nehru)
418. First Lady Governor of Pakistan
A Begum Rana Liaquat Ali
419. Who started Jihad against the non-givers of zakat
A Hazrat Abu Bakr RA
420. Which Country Recognized Pakistan First
A Iran

Contact: 0315 6954383

421. First Hafiz of Quran is

A Hazrat Usman RA
422. Why the color of sky is blue
A Due to Scattering of light
423. 1st Pillar of Islam
A Tauheed
424. Who is Railway Minister of Pakistan
A Azam Khan Swati
425. Total Manzils of Quran
A 7
426. Coldest place of Pakistan
A Ziarat, Gilgit Baltistan
427. Hottest Place in Pakistan
A Jacbobad, Sibi
428. Bani Israel were by religion
A Jewish
429. When Jerusalem got Freedom
A In the era of Hazrat Umar
430. The constitution of 1973 was
A Democratic constitution & Longest running constitution of Pakistan
431. Badminton was discovered by which Country
A British India

Contact: 0315 6954383


1. What is the cause of Ozone depletion
A ChlorofluoroCarbons (CFCs)
2. Why do we boil milk
A To kill Bacteria
3. The origin of word tsunami is from which language
A Japanese
4. Word Olympics is taken from which Country
A Greece
6. The grass is too long due to absorption of sunlight
A. It needs to be cut
7. He is blind eye
A in
8. Opposite of gorgeous is
A Ugly
9. This plan is preferable that
A To
10. Parkinson is the disease of
A Brain
11. She opened the door
A Quickly
12. Why people send their children to schools
A To gain Knowledge
13. I was very tired so I to sleep
A went
14. Which disorder occurs due to deficiency of Vitamin A
A Night Blindness
15. Which disease is caused by deficiency of Vitamin D
A Rickets
16. Study of earthquake waves is called
A Seismology
17. Get the train
A Into
18. What is moon
A Natural Satellite
19. What is charge on neutron/proton/electron
A Neutral/Positive/Negative
20. Current flow means

Contact: 0315 6954383

A Flow of electrons
21. What is freezing point of water
A 0°C
22. Which liquid melts at room temperature
A Gallium
23. He do it deliberately any purpose
A for
24.Normal body temperature is
A 37°C
25.Ahmad is clever Hamza
A Than
26.Basic SI units are
27.It is 5 my clock
A. on
28.At night plants discharge which gas
A. CO2
29.He is agreed my proposal
A. To
30.Enormous means
A. Very large in size,quantity
31.Why people buy cars
A. To transport easily
32. If today is to tomorrow then Monday is to
A Tuesday
33. If yesterday was Saturday then what day will dawn after tomorrow
A Tuesday
34. He is wiser me
A Than
35. Opposite of never is
A Always
36. He asked me whether I seen you
A Had
37. Octagon/ hexagon/Tetragon has how many sides
A 8/6/4
38. You received it whom
A from
39. He is blind one eye
A in
40. How many months have 31 days

Contact: 0315 6954383

41. Hardest substance in the world

A Diamond
42. Ali was born 15 August
A on
43. Why color of sky is blue
A Due to scattering of light
44. Why rainbow occurs
A Due to scattering of Sunlight by water droplets in air
45. Will have been is which sentence
A Future Perfect Continuous
46. By which process gas can be converted into liquid
A Condensation
47. Which gas causes global warming
48. Which country is not member of UNO
A Vatican city
49. ”He was doing work” is which sentence
A Past Continuous
50. Put it your pocket
A into

Contact: 0315 6954383

1. If strength of a class is 33, boys outnumbered by 7 so how many girls are there in the class
A 13
2. Sec2x =
A 1/cos2x
3. 1/3 of 90
A 30
4. Average of 1st hundred natural numbers
A 50.5
5. If slope equals to m1 x m2 = -1 and the lines are parallel to each other then this means
A m1=m2
6. If car covers 120km/h then what distance will it cover in 10 minutes
A 20km/h
7. If a train has speed double than car which covers 60km in 1 hour. What distance will train
cover in 30 minutes
A 60 km
8. Area of circle

A πr2
9. Area of square
A 4l
10. Area of triangle
11. A car is travelling at a speed of 30km/h. How much distance will it cover in 30 minutes
A 15 km/h
12. Tan 90 =
A infinity
13. If 16 men complete work in 10 days then how much days will be required by 8 men to
complete the same work
A 20 days
14.Each right angle is of degrees
A 90
15.Integral of SEC2x=
A ½ log |sec2x tan2x| + C
16.Integral of SECx
A ln |secx + tanx| +C
17. If a train travels 90km/h how much distance will it cover in 12 minutes
A 18 km/h
18. Integral of Tan x =

Contact: 0315 6954383

A -ln |cosx| + C
19. Integral of Sin x =
A -cosx + C
20. 2+2/2
A 3 (DMAS rule)
21. Y=mx+c is the equation of
A straight line
22. Sin 90 =
23. Cos 90 =
24. Sin180 =
25. Tan 270 =
A infinity
26. 90 percent of 90
A 81
27. Integral of tan x =
A -ln |cosx| +C
28. If n=r then nCr=
A n! / (r!(n-r)!)
29. Factorial of zero 0! =
30. 5% of 2506
A 125.3
31. Matrix has no inverse
A Singular
32. Set having no elements
A Empty or null
33. In general triangle two lines are
A Intersect
34. Conjugate of 3-ix=
A 3+ix
35. e>1 is for
A e is positive
36. 3+2-1
A 4
37. 90 % of 20
A 18
38. Derivative of log (logx) =
A 1/xlogx

Contact: 0315 6954383

39. Conjugate of a+bi=

A a-bi
40. Sin-180x=
41. Coastal area of Pakistan
A 990 km
42. Two parallel lines intersect each other at how many points
A Never
43. Area covered by forest in Pakistan
A 4.57 million hecters
44. Dot product of two vectors at 90 degrees is
45. 3/2 derivative =
46. Determinant of singular matrix is


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