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Cell & Gene Therapy With Focus On Viral Vectors - (KL-15)

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Online MasterClass 16-18 October, 2023

Cell & Gene Therapy

MasterClass - with
focus on viral vectors
- EU edition

Lars Brandén


• LEARN about the ability of viruses to integrate with

the host genome and insert viral DNA engineering of
viruses, so they become integrative but non-replicative.
• DISCUSS plasmid design growth in HEK293 cells and
expansion to reach desired titration
• EXPLORE the difference in how VV are used in gene-
modified cell therapy and gene therapy (GMCT)
• TALK ABOUT host cell protein requirements
• ANALYSE purifications techniques/analytical
techniques: ELISA, qPCR, HPLC, TCID50, replication
competent lentivirus detection, QC of cell therapeutic
products (cell surface marker characterization)
Cell & Gene Therapy MasterClass 16-18 October, 2023
- with focus on viral vectors
Online MasterClass
- EU edition


This 3-day online course will detail the fundamental biological components for gene therapy
and gene-modified cell therapies and outline important consideration for selecting the most
appropriate vectors and specific safety aspects.

Critical biological information to enable understanding of the cell and gene therapy tools and
therapies both existing today and coming in the near future.

The course will also address key points in manufacturing, purification and different technologies
for each of the types of therapies addressed during the course.

The lack of standardization regarding modular single-use consumables will be discussed as well as
methods for cell separation and scaling-up issues.

Participants will also be given a set of case studies to analyse from the perspective of the course
and provide feedback to the course leader who will select a few for general forum viewing after
anonymizing the person providing the analysis.


• Professionals in biotech
• Pharmaceutical industry
• Medtech industry
• Science reporters
• VC advisors in the life sciences
• Think-tank employees focusing on life sciences
• Senior decision makers that needs a deeper understanding of the field of cell- and gene
therapies to guide their companies into the future with a better understanding of the
underlying technologies driving much of the life science industry +36 11 848 05 96

848 0515
Cell & Gene Therapy MasterClass 16-18 October, 2023
- with focus on viral vectors
Online MasterClass
- EU edition

Meet the Trainer:

Dr. Lars J. Brandén

Dr. Lars J. Brandén, Linnaeus University, Sweden, Innovation Advisor and independent consultant
for pharma, biotech and medtech industry with global experience for the last 10 years and with
over 15 years experience in academic research.

Accomplished leader in Biotech R&D both in academia and industry with a solid background in
cell- and gene therapy as well as in Bioinformatics, HTS, phenotypic screening and cell-based assay
development. Successfully built and operated two cutting edge High Throughput Cell Biology
centres from ground and up with industry-scale capacity.

• Innovative approach to developing new technologies and new applications.

• Strong background in design, implementation, and applications development for new

After receiving his PhD from the Karolinska Institute, Sweden Dr. Brandén was recruited to three
senior director positions at Columbia University and Yale university and also as post-doctoral research
fellow at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, MSKCC. Dr. Brandén has also worked as the senior
director for Bioinformatics for an UK clinical company as well for several global pharmaceutical,
biotech and medtech companies.

Areas of expertise with hands-on experience for each area:

• Virology
• Immunology
• Cell signalling
• Gene and Cell Therapy
• Bioinformatics
• Systems Biology
• Drug discovery process
• Laboratory automation +36 11 848 05 96

848 0515
Cell & Gene Therapy MasterClass 16-18 October, 2023
- with focus on viral vectors
Online MasterClass
- EU edition

We reserve the right to make slight adjustment in the training program


08:55 Connecting to the Online MasterClass 08:55 Connecting to the Online MasterClass
09:00 Session 1: 09:00 Session 4:
Understanding underlying Choosing the most appropriate
virology and cell biology vector for your application
Explain the wide variety of virus types and how • Importance of deep knowledge of the
this can be utilized to choose the best virus for the disease to be able to design the best
application and also the ability to use the native therapy ie choose the right vector
targeting ability for some virus types. Describe the system and genetic control systems for
development of the different GT viruses that has the therapeutic genetic elements.
been and are used today. What virus is good for • Explain the difference in ex vivo and in
some and not for other applications with details on vivo GT and the design of the different
the genetics and infectious cycle of example virus approaches plus discussing the use of
types to illustrate the reasons. The following will naked nucleic acid therapies v/s vector
be considered: based therapies.
• The difference in how VV (Viral Vectors)
• The ability of viruses to integrate with are used in gene-modified cell therapy
the host genome and insert viral DNA and gene therapy – GMCT – vector is the
• Engineering of viruses so they become raw material whereas in gene therapy
integrative but non-replicative in order the vector is the final product.
to ensure patient safety
• What are the viruses we use for CGT
applications: some strand of the HIV
virus which has been modified over
10:30 Coffee Break
time, lentivirus, adenovirus etc.
• CAR-T cell therapy 10:45 Session 5:
Choosing the most appropriate
10:30 Coffee Break viral vector for your application
Problems with large genes and also how the
10:45 Session 2: distant enhancers can cause issues in vector
Viral Vector manufacturing and design. The target cells might have a low level
therapeutic cell manufacturing of available receptors for the infection and
principles how this can affect the design of the therapy
and overall design.
• Elimination of bacterial DNA sequences from
plasmids and how different DNA sequences Brainstorm common factors
can cause immune reactions and cell death
plus other considerations of plasmid design. which influence VV selection:
Considerations of scaling up from the lab
to the clinical scale plus media composition • Size of the gene which
and cell line considerations due to potential needs to be transduced
contaminations causing immune reactions • Transduction efficiency
when injected into patient. • Serotype efficiency
• Design of production facilities with
positive pressure and strict protocols for
manufacturing etc 12:15 Coffee Break
• Plasmid design
• Growth in HEK293 Cells and expansion 12:30 Session 6:
to reach desired titration, 50l, 200l Group Exercise and feedback
• Industrialization of cell therapies
• Understanding the different
technologies available and when Groups will consider important factors and
to use what. design a viral vector for their cell and gene
• Facility requirements – operating in therapy application and feedback their
closed systems saves time and money thoughts to the group.
as you can operate in a grade C/D
13:30 END
End of Day2
12:15 Coffee Break

12:30 Session 3:
Group Exercise
This will be the start of a rolling case study.
Delegates in groups will be presented with a
scenario where they develop a CGT application
which needs viral vectors for delivery or
engineering. Delegates will consolidate the
previous two sessions and consider key steps for
engineering a viral vector for their application.

13:30 END End of Day1

All dates and times are expressed in UTC/GMT+2

on the Agenda (CET Time Zone) +36 11 848 05 96

848 0515
Cell & Gene Therapy MasterClass 16-18 October, 2023
- with focus on viral vectors
Online MasterClass
- EU edition

We reserve the right to make slight adjustment in the training program


08:55 Connecting to the Online MasterClass

09:00 Session 7:
Purification Requirements
Importance of use of optimal culture media and
certified producer cells. How it can be good and
bad to “push” a producer cell line to high titters
as it can be causing an issue with empty v/s full
capsids. Discuss how bacterial and producer cell
DNA can cause negative effects as well as other
impurities from manufacturing.
• Host cell protein requirements
• Residual empty capsid
• Residual host cell DNA
• How these purification requirements
differ between gene therapy and
gene-modified cell therapy

10:30 Coffee Break

10:45 Session 8:
Purification Techniques
Discuss what techniques to use at what stage of
production and why they should be used. Also
discuss what can be seen and what cannot be
seen and how this can affect the overall design
of a therapy. Discuss the different ways to titre
viruses and how this can be relating to the specific
characteristics of the virus itself. Discuss inducible
as well as SIV approach and the issues related to
each methodology.
• q PCR
• TCID50
• Replication competent
lentivirus detection
• QC of cell therapeutic products

12:15 Coffee Break

12:30 Session 9:
Group Exercise Session
In groups, delegates will consolidate the previous
talks and brainstorm the purification requirements
and techniques they need to use for their particular
viral vector or gene therapy methodology rolling
on from the previous group sessions.

13:30 Feedback/Evaluation session

13:40 END End of Day3

All dates and times are expressed in UTC/GMT+2

on the Agenda (CET Time Zone) +36 11 848 05 96

848 0515
Cell & Gene Therapy MasterClass 16-18 October, 2023
- with focus on viral vectors
Online MasterClass
- EU edition

Upcoming Events About GLC

EU PHARMA MASTERCLASSES Global Leading Conferences (GLC) is an industry leader in

• CRO Oversight MasterClass 16-17 October the field of business intelligence. We provide interactive &
• Cell & Gene Therapy MasterClass - with focus on viral vectors 16-18 October impactful business platforms and networking opportunities
• Stability tes�ng for APIs and Finished Products MasterClass – 17-18 October for senior level executives by bringing them together for
Overview EU requirements
B2B Conferences, Global Summits, Training & Workshops.
• CAPA and Root Cause Analysis MasterClass 17-18 October
18-19 October
Being customer focused and having our client’s priorities
• Chemically Synthe�zed APIs - CTD and GMP Aspects MasterClass
• Cell Bank Establishment & Tes�ng MasterClass 18-19 October at the forefront, are amongst our core values and is of
• Advanced Pharma Technology Transfer MasterClass 24-26 October high importance to the way we operate our business.
• Requirements for pharmaceu�cal QC laboratories MasterClass 02-03 November Our passion for customer satisfaction and results, drive us
• Development of generics MasterClass 07-08 November to work with industry experts closely - who fully understand
• Benefit-risk assessment in Pharmacovigilance and in PBRERs 13-14 November their peers interests and day-to-day challenges - in order
MasterClass with a special focus on PSURs to deliver the most impactful events. We are specialized in
• Entry Level CMC MasterClass 13-14 November industries such as; Pharmaceutical, Banking & Finance, Energy,
• The Fundamentals of Risk Management in Clinical Trials 14-15 November Oil & Gas, IT & Communication, Sales & Marketing, Law and
Human Resources.
• Fundamentals of Pharmacokine�cs MasterClass 14-17 November
27-30 November
Our commitment is to deliver the latest information to our
• Fundamentals of Toxicology MasterClass
• PK/PD in Drug Discovery and Development MasterClass 12-15 December clients, while maintaining highest quality and standards. By
• Impuri�es MasterClass 29-30 January attending GLC events your company will be able to apply
• Medical Device Regula�on MasterClass 08-09 February advanced strategies to your operations, gain the latest know-
how’s and benchmark yourself higher against the competition
while enjoying a 5 star environment.
• Advanced CMC MasterClass 25-26 September

Advanced Stability Tes�ng in Pharmaceu�cals MasterClass
Cell Bank Establishment & Tes�ng MasterClass
02-05 October
24-25 October
• Safety Data Exchange Agreements (SDEAs) and PV
Arrangements with External Vendors MasterClass
08-09 November
• Pharma Market Access MasterClass 14-15 November

Clinical Trial Regula�ons MasterClass
Leachables and Extractables MasterClass
15-16 November
16-17 November
What is it?
• Entry Level CMC MasterClass 20-21 November
• Signal Management in Pharmacovigilance MasterClass 27-28 November • No travel or logistic expenses for the team (we
• Method Valida�on and Transfer with 22-23 January deliver it at your facilities)
focus on the new ICH Q2(R2) MasterClass
• Pharma Contract Dra�ing MasterClass 05-08 February • Maximize ROI with a depth tailored content
• Benefit-risk assessment in Pharmacovigilance and in 22-23 February accordingly to your corporate needs
PBRERs MasterClass with a special focus on PSURs
• 360 degrees GLC Learning experience – Individual
pre-questionnaire for each participant, several case
CROSS-INDUSTRY MASTERCLASSES studies and post training diagnose with participants
• ESG Stress Tes�ng EU MasterClass 18-21 September
• Audi�ng Procurement and Contract Management 25-26 October
• Maturity assessment for the team during the
MasterClass preparation of the course
• Psychometric Tools in Recruitment MasterClass 25-26 October
• Nature-Related Risks US MasterClass 07-08 November
Contact us for more information and tailored details: +36 11 848 05 96

848 0515
Registration Form
Cell & Gene Therapy EU MasterClass - with focus on viral vectors
16-18 October, 2023, Online MasterClas

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Attendance Fee - € 1198 / 3 delegates* Solution Provider Fee - € 1198 / delegate

*This offer is NOT valid for industry consultants, service or solution providers
*The offer is valid for limited number of seats only

38 EUR administration charge will be applied

Participation fee includes: Full access to the live virtual training | Course material | Digital certificate

Get the recording of the event for an additional 499 €

Please note that the pricing of the recording is subject to change, in case it is requested after the event

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