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KTH Chinese Dude Master Thesis About DAB Design

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Degree Project in Technology

Second cycle, 30 credits

Design and Simulation of a 10kW

High-Efficiency Dual Active
Bridge Converter

Stockholm, Sweden, 2023

Design and Simulation of a 10kW
High-Efficiency Dual Active Bridge


Master’s Programme, Electric Power Engineering, 120 credits

Date: September 21, 2023

Supervisor: Yang Zhang

Examiner: Qianwen Xu
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Swedish title: Design och simulering av en 10kW Högeffektiv Dual Active Bridge
© 2023 Fan Yang
Abstract | i

The EU has proposed an ambitious goal to achieve widespread E-mobility in
both the electrical and commercial sectors. To accomplish this, a substantial
number of DC fast-charging stations must be built. These power converters,
installed in the DC fast-charging stations (DCFC), differ from traditional DC-
DC converters as they exhibit high power density, reaching tens of kilowatts.

In contrast to traditional non-isolated power converters, isolated power

converters offer ideal galvanic isolation, providing protection to both the local
power grid and electric vehicles. Among the DC power converters designed
for industrial applications, the LLC resonant converters and DAB converters
(Dual Active Bridge) have gained significant popularity. When compared to
LLC converters, DAB converters demonstrate a more flexible input and output
power range, as well as a higher power density. Considering these advantages,
a 10kW bidirectional DAB power converter has been designed for the purpose
of fulfilling the requirements of this thesis project.

The thesis is organized into four distinct parts. The first part focuses
on conducting a comprehensive literature review to explore the challenges
prevalent in the current electrical field. Various DC-DC topologies
are compared based on different factors, including component analysis,
controllability, safety considerations, and cost-effectiveness. By examining
these aspects, potential solutions for Electric Vehicles (EVs) are identified. In
the second part, a specific DC-DC converter with a power rating of 10kW is
chosen, utilizing the DAB (Dual Active Bridge) topology. The selection is
based on the analysis conducted in the literature review. The thesis delves
into the issues and technical challenges associated with this choice, such as
reactive power, peak current, zero-voltage switching (ZVS), and phase shift
modulation. These topics are thoroughly explored and discussed within the
literature study.

The second part of the thesis involves the establishment of a DAB

model, incorporating mathematical equations and physical derivations. This
modeling and design section discusses the energy conversion process, starting
from fundamental physical formulas and extending to the overall system setup.
Utilizing the proposed model, a control method called SPS (Single Phase
Shift) modulation is implemented in the circuit to achieve closed-loop control.
Within this part, the relationship between current, voltage, and output power
ii | Abstract

is derived and utilized for the design of a PI closed controller. To address

challenges associated with SPS control, such as reactive power elimination
and peak current suppression, an EPS (Enhanced Phase Shift) control scheme
is introduced. The EPS control scheme not only fulfills the basic requirement
of power transfer but also optimizes the system’s overall efficiency.

In the third part of the thesis, a simulation is developed to validate the

accuracy of the proposed DAB model and control methods. Simulations are
implemented using Simulink, a widely used software for dynamic system
modeling and simulation. Various aspects of the system are evaluated through
the simulation, including the leakage inductor current, voltage waveforms on
both the primary and secondary sides and output power. These parameters are
plotted and analyzed to assess the performance of the DAB model and control
methods. Additionally, loss and efficiency analyses are conducted using
PLECS, a simulation platform that specializes in power electronics systems.
By inputting the datasheet information of the switches and transformer,
PLECS enables the evaluation of losses and efficiency within the system. This
analysis provides valuable insights into the performance and energy efficiency
of the proposed DAB-based converter.

In the final part of the thesis, conclusions are drawn based on the theoretical
findings and simulation results obtained throughout the study. These
conclusions reflect the overall outcomes and implications of the research
conducted. Furthermore, the future work section outlines the tasks that remain
unfinished or areas that can be explored in subsequent studies. This section
serves as a guide for future researchers, highlighting potential directions for
further investigation and improvement in the field of DAB-based DC-DC
converters for E-mobility applications. By presenting the conclusions and
future work, the thesis provides a comprehensive summary of the research
conducted, its contributions, and potential avenues for future research and

Converter Design, Dual Active Bridge, Single Phase Shift Modulation,
Extended Phase Shift Modulation, Efficiency Estimation
Abstract | iii

EU har föreslagit ett ambitiöst mål för att uppnå utbredd e-mobilitet
inom både den elektriska och kommersiella sektorn. För att åstadkomma
detta måste ett stort antal DC snabbladdningsstationer byggas. Dessa
effektomvandlare, installerade i DC-snabbladdningsstationerna (DCFC),
skiljer sig från traditionella DC-DC-omvandlare eftersom de uppvisar hög
effekttäthet och når tiotals kilowatt.

I motsats till traditionella icke-isolerade kraftomvandlare erbjuder isolerade

kraftomvandlare idealisk galvanisk isolering, vilket ger skydd för både det
lokala elnätet och elfordon. Bland likströmsomvandlarna som är designade
för industriella applikationer har LLC-resonantomvandlarna och DAB-
omvandlarna (Dual Active Bridge) vunnit betydande popularitet. Jämfört
med LLC-omvandlare uppvisar DAB-omvandlare ett mer flexibelt in- och
uteffektområde, såväl som en högre effekttäthet. Med tanke på dessa fördelar
har en 10kW dubbelriktad DAB-effektomvandlare designats för att uppfylla
kraven i detta examensarbete.

Avhandlingen är organiserad i fyra distinkta delar. Den första delen fokuserar

på att genomföra en omfattande litteraturgenomgång för att utforska de
utmaningar som råder inom det nuvarande elektriska området. Olika DC-
DC-topologier jämförs baserat på olika faktorer, inklusive komponentanalys,
kontrollerbarhet, säkerhetsöverväganden och kostnadseffektivitet. Genom
att undersöka dessa aspekter identifieras potentiella lösningar för elektriska
fordon (EV). I den andra delen väljs en specifik DC-DC-omvandlare med
en märkeffekt på 10kW, som använder DAB-topologin (Dual Active Bridge).
Urvalet baseras på den analys som gjorts i litteraturöversikten. Avhandlingen
fördjupar sig i de problem och tekniska utmaningar som är förknippade med
detta val, såsom reaktiv effekt, toppström, nollspänningsomkoppling (ZVS)
och fasskiftsmodulering. Dessa ämnen utforskas och diskuteras grundligt
inom litteraturstudien.

Den andra delen av examensarbetet omfattar upprättandet av en DAB-modell,

innefattande matematiska ekvationer och fysiska härledningar. Det här
avsnittet om modellering och design diskuterar energiomvandlingsprocessen,
med start från grundläggande fysiska formler och sträcker sig till den
övergripande systemuppställningen. Genom att använda den föreslagna
modellen implementeras en styrmetod som kallas SPS-modulering (Single
iv | Abstract

Phase Shift) i kretsen för att uppnå sluten-loop-styrning. Inom denna del
härleds förhållandet mellan ström, spänning och uteffekt och används för
konstruktionen av en sluten PI-regulator. För att ta itu med utmaningar
förknippade med SPS-kontroll, såsom eliminering av reaktiv effekt och
undertryckning av toppström, introduceras ett EPS-kontrollschema (Enhanced
Phase Shift). EPS-kontrollsystemet uppfyller inte bara det grundläggande
kravet på kraftöverföring utan optimerar också systemets totala effektivitet.

I den tredje delen av avhandlingen utvecklas en simulering för att valid-

era noggrannheten hos den föreslagna DAB-modellen och styrmetoderna.
Simuleringar implementeras med Simulink, en mycket använd programvara
för dynamisk systemmodellering och simulering. Olika aspekter av
systemet utvärderas genom simuleringen, inklusive läckans induktorström,
spänningsvågformer på både primär- och sekundärsidan och uteffekt. Dessa
parametrar plottas och analyseras för att bedöma prestandan hos DAB-
modellen och styrmetoderna. Dessutom genomförs förlust- och effektivitet-
sanalyser med hjälp av PLECS, en simuleringsplattform som är specialiserad
på kraftelektroniksystem. Genom att mata in databladsinformationen för
switcharna och transformatorn, möjliggör PLECS utvärdering av förluster och
effektivitet i systemet. Denna analys ger värdefulla insikter om prestandan och
energieffektiviteten hos den föreslagna DAB-baserade omvandlaren.

I den sista delen av uppsatsen dras slutsatser baserat på de teoretiska

fynden och simuleringsresultat som erhållits genom studien. Dessa slutsatser
speglar de övergripande resultaten och konsekvenserna av den genomförda
forskningen. Vidare skisserar det framtida arbetsavsnittet de uppgifter som
förblir oavslutade eller områden som kan utforskas i efterföljande studier. Det
här avsnittet fungerar som en guide för framtida forskare, och lyfter fram
potentiella riktningar för ytterligare undersökningar och förbättringar inom
området DAB-baserade DC-DC-omvandlare för e-mobilitetstillämpningar.
Genom att presentera slutsatserna och det framtida arbetet ger avhandlingen
en omfattande sammanfattning av den forskning som bedrivs, dess bidrag och
potentiella vägar för framtida forskning och utveckling.

Konverterdesign, Dual Active Bridge, Single Fas Shift Modulation, Extended
Phase Shift Modulation, Effektivitetsuppskattning
Abstract | v

I would like to express my deepest gratitude and appreciation to all those
who have contributed to the completion of this thesis project. Without
their support, guidance, and encouragement, this thesis would not have been

First and foremost, I am immensely thankful to my supervisor Yang Zhang,

for his invaluable expertise, constant guidance, and unwavering support
throughout the duration of this project. His insightful feedback and
constructive criticism have been instrumental in shaping the direction and
quality of my project.

I would like to extend my sincere appreciation to Professor Qianwen Xu. Her

valuable input, suggestions, and discussions have significantly enriched the
content and methodology of my project.

I am grateful to the members of the power lab of KTH, who have provided
me with a conducive experimental environment, cutting-edge resources, and
opportunities for intellectual growth. Large quantities of components are
bought with the help of Patrick Janus.

I would like to acknowledge the assistance and cooperation of KTH staff

who have shared their knowledge, provided feedback, and offered support
at various stages of this project. Their contributions have been invaluable in
refining my ideas and enhancing the overall quality of my work.

Lastly, I would like to acknowledge the love, understanding, and encourage-

ment of my friends. Their unwavering support, patience, and belief in me have
been my source of strength throughout this journey.

In conclusion, I am sincerely grateful to each and every individual who has

played a role in this thesis project. Your contributions have made a significant
difference, and I am truly honored to have had the opportunity to work with
such remarkable individuals.
vi | Contents


1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.3 Goals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.4 Research Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.5 Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.6 Structure of the Thesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

2 Literature Study 6
2.1 DC-DC Converters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.2 DAB Converter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.3 Phase Shift Modulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

3 System Design Theory 16

3.1 Circuit Mode Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3.1.1 SPS Mode Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3.1.2 EPS Mode Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
3.2 Design Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
3.2.1 Leakage Inductor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
3.2.2 Soft Switching Range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
3.2.3 Capacitor Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
3.2.4 Switching Frequency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
3.2.5 MOSFET Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
3.3 Loss Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
3.3.1 Switching Loss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
3.3.2 Transformer Loss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
3.4 Design Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Contents | vii

4 Modelling and Control 38

4.1 Single Phase Shift Modulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
4.1.1 SPS Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Reactive Power Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Peak Current Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Output Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
4.1.2 Modeling of SPS Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Controller Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Integration Separation . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
4.2 Extended Phase Shift Modulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
4.2.1 EPS Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Output Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Reactive Power Elimination . . . . . . . . . 49 Minimum Current Stress Design . . . . . . 51
4.2.2 Minimum Reactive Power Control . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Minimum Current Stress Control . . . . . . 57

5 Simulation Results 59
5.1 SPS Simulation Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
5.1.1 Open Loop Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
5.1.2 Closed Loop Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
5.2 EPS Simulation Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
5.2.1 Open-Loop Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
5.2.2 Closed Loop Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Reactive Power Elimination . . . . . . . . . 71 Current Stress Suppression . . . . . . . . . 72
5.3 Efficiency Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

6 Conclusions 79

7 Future work 81

References 82

A Simulation Schematics 86
A.1 Simulink Schematic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
A.2 PLECS simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
viii | List of Figures

List of Figures

1.1 Microgrid diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

2.1 NIBDC Converters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

2.2 Buck-Boost Converter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.3 Cascaded Converter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.4 Interleaved Bidirectional Converter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.5 IBDC Converters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.6 Flyback Converter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.7 LLC Converter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.8 Gain curve of LLC converter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.9 DAB Converter schematic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.10 Phase shift ratio definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

3.1 DAB topology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

3.2 Voltage and current waveform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
3.3 Mode 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3.4 Mode 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3.5 Mode 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
3.6 Mode 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
3.7 Mode 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
3.8 Mode 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
3.9 EPS voltage and inductor current waveform . . . . . . . . . . 22
3.10 EPS Mode 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
3.11 EPS Mode 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
3.12 EPS Mode 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
3.13 EPS Mode 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
3.14 EPS Mode 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
3.15 EPS Mode 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
3.16 EPS Mode 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
3.17 EPS Mode 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
List of Figures | ix

3.18 EPS output current waveform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

3.19 Output power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
3.20 ZVS principle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
3.21 DAB working area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
3.22 Output capacitor calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
3.23 N-Type MOSFET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
3.24 Switching time definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
3.25 Loss curves of C3M0030090K and C3M0016120K . . . . . . 34
3.26 Skin depth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
3.27 Relative core losses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

4.1 Reactive power of SPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

4.2 Peak current of SPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
4.3 Voltage control block diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
4.4 Small signal equivalent circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
4.5 Open loop and PI modified closed loop bode diagram of SPS
modulation scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
4.6 Integration separation block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
4.7 EPS output power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
4.8 EPS output power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
4.9 EPS reactive power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
4.10 Reactive power of base value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
4.11 Reactive power of 500V and 380V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
4.12 Current stress of EPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
4.13 Current stress of EPS of D1 , D2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
4.14 Current stress of SPS and EPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
4.15 Reduced order model of EPS circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
4.16 Reduced order model of EPS control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
4.17 Control block diagram of reactive power elimination modulation 57
4.18 Open loop and PI modified closed loop bode diagram of EPS
modulation scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
4.19 Control block of minimum current stress modulation . . . . . 58

5.1 Voltage waveform of 380V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

5.2 Current waveform of 380V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
5.3 Output power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
5.4 ZVS of primary side . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
5.5 Voltage waveform of 500V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
5.6 Current waveform of 500V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
5.7 Output power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
x | List of Figures

5.8 ZVS of primary side . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

5.9 Close loop output voltage and controller . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
5.10 Closed loop output current and power . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
5.11 Load step of output voltage and controller output . . . . . . . 66
5.12 Load step of output current and power . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
5.13 Integration separation block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
5.14 Integration separation of output voltage and controller output . 67
5.15 Integration separation of output current and power . . . . . . . 68
5.16 Primary and secondary side voltage of EPS control . . . . . . 69
5.17 Inductor voltage and current of EPS control . . . . . . . . . . 70
5.18 Primary and secondary side voltage of EPS control (380V) . . 70
5.19 Inductor voltage and current of EPS control (380V) . . . . . . 71
5.20 Load step of EPS of 380V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
5.21 Load step of EPS of 500V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
5.22 Reactive power of 500V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
5.23 Reactive power of 380V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
5.24 SPS/EPS current of k=2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
5.25 SPS/EPS current of k=1.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
5.26 SPS/EPS current of k=1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
5.27 Schematic in PLECS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
5.28 Output waveform in PLECS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
5.29 C3M0030090K loss curves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77

7.1 System overview of the converter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81

A.1 Schematic of DAB converter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86

A.2 Schematic of DAB modulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
A.3 Schematic of DAB converter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
List of Tables | xi

List of Tables

2.1 Comparison of BDC converters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

2.2 Different modulation techniques of DAB . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

3.1 Design Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

3.2 Values of 500V operation point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
3.3 DAB parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

5.1 Efficiency of SPS 380V 500V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

5.2 Efficiency of EPS 380V,500V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
xii | List of Tables
Introduction | 1

Chapter 1


1.1 Background
Isolated bidirectional DC/DC power converters play an important role in
micro-grids, which serve as the interface of ESSs(Energy Storage Systems)
such as EV(Electric Vehicles) batteries and supercapacitors to allow energy
exchange between ESSs and the DC bus[1]. Figure (1.1) shows the structure
of a microgrid system. The DC-DC converter can be installed either between
the home DC bus or between the home DC bus and home appliances to provide
a stable power supply.

Figure 1.1: Microgrid diagram

The power electronic transformers using DABs can reduce the weight, and
increase the energy power density. Compared with other IBDC topologies,
2 | Introduction

such as dual Flyback, Dual-Cuk, and Push-pull, DAB has the following

1. Auto-adjust bidirectional power flow, suitable for microgrids that require

fast changes in the power flow direction.
2. Wide input-output operation range, which is essential to interface EV
3. Capable of Zero-Voltage Switching(ZVS) implementation, able to achieve
high efficiency[4].

To be noticed that compared with classical DC converters, the control of

DAB is relatively complicated. To build an accurate and solid model of the
circuits, several methods are proposed to represent this physical phenomenon
by mathematical models:

A. Ignore the dynamics of inductor current to form a First-Order System[5],[6],[7].

B. To include the dynamics of the inductor current, Generalized Average
Model is introduced[8].

Phase-shift modulation needs to be considered to finish the model building.

Phase-shift modulation (PSM), Extended-phase-shift (EPS), and Triple-phase
shift (TPS) are introduced to increase the degrees of the modulation[9].
Apply the 4-Degree-of-Freedom Modulation Strategy, zero reactive power,
minimum tank-current, and complete soft-switching can be achieved, which
can greatly increase transmission efficiency.

Based on the model including modulation methods, the control of DAB can
be implemented through the following control methods.
A. Feedback Control with a proportional-integral(PI) compensation is the
simplest method to stabilize the voltage. The PI compensation is used to
minimize the steady-state error[10].
B. To eliminate the nonlinear terms in DAB, a linearized control method is
proposed, which can reduce the sensitivity of the system stability to the load
condition and enlarge the stable margin.[11]

In the above content, the advantages, applications, model-building methods,

and control design of DAB have been introduced. In the real case, there are
some practical issues such as voltage ripples, input-output voltage operation,
topology modifications, and device selections, which will be introduced in the
Introduction | 3

following part.
Output voltage ripple analysis and its alleviation in different applications is a
problem that is urgent to be solved. One ripple suppression technique has been
proposed, which can reveal the exact output voltage ripple. The parameter
analysis can be applied to the parameter design of the DAB converter to
decrease the amplitude of the voltage ripple[12].

Although DAB has impressive advantages and relatively developed research

implementation, there are still seldom products of DAB found in the industry,
which is caused by the large circulating current and loss of ZVS under
unmatched gain and different load conditions. Recent progress for DAB on
circulating current suppression and ZVS-on is listed in the review[13].

In the literature study part, DC-DC converters, DAB converters,s, and control
methods are introduced in detail.

1.2 Purpose
The purpose of the thesis is to design a 10kW DAB converter that outputs
380V to 500V DC voltage. Controller design and simulation are performed
in Simulink. Specific details such as filter design, MOSFET selection, and
leakage inductor are introduced. Finally, the loss of switches and transformers
is estimated and efficiency is simulated in PLECS.

Through this thesis project, the student should be familiar with the process
of how to design and build a power electronics converter. The method of
performing a background investigation and research literature review should
be mastered. After the project, the student should be able to conduct a research
project individually and have the ability to perform the converter design and
modeling of the power electronics converter. The simulation should provide
solid theoretical support to the future work of lab experiments.

1.3 Goals
The goal of this project is to design a 10kW DAB converter. This has been
divided into the following four sub-goals:
4 | Introduction

1. Have a comprehensive literature review to summarize the technical

indicators of a DAB converter, circuit models, transformer design, and control
2. Build the model of a DAB converter. Give details and mathematical
equations for each part of the circuit. State the operation modes of a DAB
circuit under different circumstances.
3. Build the controller of the DAB circuit. Derive the relationship between
controller output and input signal. First, do an open-loop simulation and
design parameters for the PI controller to test the closed-loop performance.
4. Calculating the switching loss based on the simulation results and verifying
the efficiency in PLECS

1.4 Research Methodology

The research methodology is mainly a combination of a literature review,
modeling, and simulation.

The literature review provides solid information from both theoretical and
experimental aspects. Simulation provides a fast possibility to check the
assumption of the proposed models.

Control and circuit simulation will be conducted in MATLAB and Simulink.

The platform is convenient for implementing control methods and processing

PLECS will be used for loss analysis and thermal simulation to calculate
the power losses. PLECS has a fast simulation speed and is useful in power
converter simulation.

1.5 Limitations
The modeling of DAB is a complex problem to be investigated. Some
simplifications are taken to obtain the reduced-order model of the converter,
such as the current dynamics of the leakage inductor. Besides, the modulation
of DAB has many control variables. However, only the external phase shift
ratio and internal phase shift ratio are considered in this report. Another
Introduction | 5

limitation of this project is the hardware design problems. It takes a long time
to prepare the components that we’re going to use.

1.6 Structure of the Thesis

Chapter (1) presents relevant background information about the DAB
converter. Section (1.1) gives the background information of the program.
The research purpose, goals, methods, and limitations are elaborated in this
section respectively.

Chapter (2) investigates the possible DC-DC converter topologies. Different

topologies of DC-DC converters are compared. The advantages and
disadvantages of the converters are studied. Finally, DAB is chosen as the
ideal topology for the converter design. Section (2.1) introduces the DC-DC
converters. Section (2.2) briefly introduces the DAB converter. Section (2.3)
introduces the phase shift modulation method and gives definitions to the
phase shift ratios.

Chapter (3) presents the analysis of the converter and design of the parameters.
The operation modes of the circuit are analyzed in section (3.1). The
design details and considerations are elaborated in section (3.2), such as the
leakage inductance, soft switching, output capacitance, switching frequency,
transformer, and MOSFET selection.

Chapter (4) set up the model of the converter and build the controller for
the voltage loop. The characteristics of the SPS modulation scheme are
derived in section (4.1). The model of SPS modulation scheme model is
built and a closed-loop PI compensation is designed. Section (4.2) gives
the characteristics and advantages of EPS compared to SPS, mainly from the
perspectives of reactive power and current stress.

Chapter (5) presents the simulation results to verify the theory. The simulation
results of SPS, EPS and efficiency are listed respctively in section (5.1),(5.2),
and (5.3) respectively.

Chapter (6) gives conclusions based on the former chapters. Chapter (7)
presents the work that will be implemented in the future.
6 | Literature Study

Chapter 2

Literature Study

This chapter presents the background knowledge that is going to be used in

the design of the DC-DC converter. First, different topologies of DC-DC
converters are compared to select the most appropriate topology for designing
the required 10kW bidirectional converter. Different factors are taken into
consideration, such as the modulation method, power density, efficiency, and
controller design. Finally, the DAB topology is selected to be the converter
for the design.

After determining the topology, an investigation of the DAB converter is

performed from different perspectives. A brief introduction is given from
the operation characteristics, such as the current stress and reactive power.
The control of DAB converter is more complex compared to other DC-DC

Finally, an introduction to the modulation scheme-phase shift modulation is

given in this chapter. DAB provides more degrees of freedom for the design
of the controller. The definitions of each phase shift ratio are given in this
chapter, which lays out the foundation of the DAB mode analysis of the next

To draw a conclusion, the DAB converter is selected from the comparison

to other DC-DC topologies by its high power density, high efficiency, and
high scalability. Information on the problems of the DAB converter and the
modulation scheme of the converter is given.
Literature Study | 7

2.1 DC-DC Converters

Bidirectional DC-DC power converters are increasingly employed in diverse
applications whereby power flow in both directions is required. From the
topology perspective, these converters can be divided into two parts, which
are isolated DC converters and non-isolated power converters[14].

First, the non-isolated DC-DC converters are introduced in the following part.
NIBDC (Non-isolated bidirectional DC converters) are converters that don’t
have galvanic isolation, which means the input and output are connected only
by electrical components. Figure (2.1) listed eight classical NIBDC power
converters that are widely used in both academic and industrial fields. A brief
introduction will be given to the Buck-Boost converter, Cascaded converter,
and Interleaved converter.

Figure 2.1: NIBDC Converters

Buck-Boost is the most classical DC-DC converter that has the least number of
power devices. Figure(2.2) shows the topology of the power converter. There

Figure 2.2: Buck-Boost Converter

are two switches S1 and S2 in the circuit. An input capacitor C1 and output
8 | Literature Study

capacitor C2 are set in the input side and output side as the rectifier to stabilize
the voltage.

V2 = − V1 (2.1)
The inductor L stores energy from the left side when S1 is on. And then the
energy is transferred to the right side when S2 is on. The circuit proposes a
simple method to achieve bidirectional energy transmission. However, the
power level is limited as the inductor cannot store too much energy. And
the output voltage has the opposite direction from the input direction as the
direction of the inductor current is opposite.

Figure 2.3: Cascaded Converter

The cascaded converter[15] is the combination of two buck-boost converters,

which has four switches. If the energy is transmitted from the left side to the
right side, S1 and S2 are first conducted to charge the inductor. Then switch S2
is turned off and S3 is turned on, and the converter works in the boost mode.
To derive the relationship between the input voltage and output, we give the
equation of the inductor in one switching cycle as follows:
V1 D + (V1 − V2 )(1 − D) = 0 V2 = V1 (2.2)

Compared with buck-boost topology, this converter has a higher voltage gain
ratio with the same duty cycle of the switch. Besides, the current ripples
and current stress of the inductor, switches have been reduced. An auxiliary
capacitor Ca can be used to reduce the output current ripples.
Literature Study | 9

Figure (2.4) shows the topology of an interleaved bidirectional DC-DC

converter that has four switches and two coupled inductors. The interleaved
converter has a similar topology to the cascaded converter, which is the
H-bridge structure. Benefit from the Interleaving technique to cancel the
switching frequency current ripple leads to a smaller EMI(Electromagnetic
Interference) filter. The interleaving technique can significantly reduce the
filter size, and have a better dynamic response and thermal management[16].
In the interleaved converters, the coupled inductor can be placed in either
direct or reverse, in order to reduce the current ripple and improve the
dynamic response. Three typical DC-DC converters are introduced to draw

Figure 2.4: Interleaved Bidirectional Converter

a short conclusion about the NIBDC(Non-Isolated Bidirectional Converter)

The non-isolated topology doesn’t have magnetic isolation, which has a
simpler topology and less complicated control implementation. Also, the
weight of NIBDC is relatively lighter as there isn’t a transformer in the
converter. However, the voltage gain and power level of NIBDC are lower than
the IBDC(Isolated Bidirectional Converter). Based on those characteristics,
NIBDC can be used for certain circumstances, such as mobile phone chargers
and small-size DC motor drives.

Although the design of NIBDC converters is easier to realize, the design

requirement of the DC-DC converter is 10kW and 800V input. Hence,
galvanic isolation is very important for the design. The principle of IBDC
is mainly to convert the DC voltage to AC voltage waveform which passes a
high-frequency transformer and then is rectified to DC waveform. However,
the leakage inductor and high-frequency transformer need to be designed. In
this part, several IBDC converters are compared to select the best topology
for the project. Figure (2.5) proposes eight topologies that are widely used,
10 | Literature Study

Flybacbk, LLC(inductor-inductor-capacitor), and DAB(Dual Active Bridge)

will be introduced in the following content.

Figure 2.5: IBDC Converters

The Flyback converter is widely used in the industrial field which combines the
advantage of galvanic isolation and relatively simple topology. Figure (2.6)
shows the topology of a flyback converter. The flyback is adapted from the
non-isolated buck-boost converter. The only difference is that a transformer
is used to change the voltage ratio by the factor of n : 1. When the switch S1
is on, the transformer is charged and the switch S2 is turned on to discharge
the inductor energy. Because the direction of the coupled inductor is opposite,
the output voltage V2 has the same direction as the input voltage V1 .Give the
equation of energy conversion of one switching duty cycle:

nV1 D = V2 (1 − D) V2 = V1 (2.3)

Figure 2.6: Flyback Converter

With the implementation of the transformer, a voltage with a higher

transmission ratio can be achieved. Besides, the isolated topology provides
Literature Study | 11

safety insurance from the user side and protects the circuit. However, because
the input current is discontinuous, the circuit isn’t fully used to transmit the
power. The main usage of the flyback converter is UPS(uninterruptable power
supply) and,low-medium power application[17].
Owing to the advantages of high frequency, high energy density, electrical
isolation, low electromagnetic interference and harmonic pollution, and wide
output ranges, LLC resonant converters are widely used in various sectors of
the electronics-based industries.[18]. Figure (2.7) is the topology of a half-
bridge resonant converter. The most important part of the converter is the
resonant tank, which has a resonant capacitor Cr , resonant inductor Lr , and a
magnetic inductor Lm .
The half-bridge converter acts as an inverter that inverts the input DC voltage

Figure 2.7: LLC Converter

into a high-frequency pulse signal. S1 and S2 are driven with 50% duty
cycle signals that are frequency modulated, which forms a square wave with
changing fundamental frequency. The resonant tank acts as a band-pass filter
that only leaves the dominant fundamental frequency component. Then the
diodes on the second side act as a rectifier that rectifies the AC voltage into
a DC signal with the output capacitor. By changing the switching frequency,
the impedance of the resonant tanks is also changed, resulting in a higher or
lower tank circuit current depending on the fundamental frequency. Finally,
the output voltage can be regulated by simply modulating the PWM frequency.
To be mentioned, there are two resonant peak frequencies in the LLC
converter, which are shown in the equation (2.4).
1 1
fr1 = p fr2 = √ (2.4)
2π (Lr + Lm )Cr 2π Lr Cr
12 | Literature Study

Table 2.1: Comparison of BDC converters

Topology V1
Switches Characteristics Isolation
Buck-Boost 1−D
2 Negative output voltage NIBDC
Cascaded 1−D
4 Higher voltage gain IBDC
Interleaved 1−D
4 Smaller EMI filter NIBDC
Flyback 1−D
2 Discontinuous current IBDC
LLC PWM frequency 4 Frequency modulation IBDC
DAB Phase shift modulation 8 High power density IBDC

According to the operating principle, the relationship between the input

voltage and the output voltage is written as equation(2.5)
8n 2
V2 L
π2 m
= (2.5)
V1 C r + Lr + Lm
Equation (2.5) can be written either in the frequency domain or Laplace
domain, then we get a gain function changing with the frequency. Figure
(2.8) depicts the gain curve of an LLC converter. Adjusting the fundamental
frequency, the converter can track the input reference signal.
LLC converters are widely used in automotive on-board charging applications

Figure 2.8: Gain curve of LLC converter

and bi-directional converters in electrical vehicles. The power level is usually

around 1kW. TI proposed a good design reference for a 500W resonant LLC
Table (2.1) make a brief comparison of the bidirectional DC converters that
we have introduced before. From the literature review of bi-directional DC
converters, we can draw the conclusion that the NIBDC is used for lower
power level DC-DC transmission. Buck-Boost, cascaded converter, and
Literature Study | 13

interleaved bidirectional converter are three of the typical NIBDC converters.

Considering the safety and efficiency factors, IBDC converters should be used
to design the DC-DC converter of the Electric Vehicles(EV) charging problem.
DAB and LLC converter has a higher power density compared to the
Flyback converter. As the design goal is a 10kW DAB converter, the DAB
converter is finally chosen for its high power density and convenient control

2.2 DAB Converter

DAB converters have several attractive features including auto-adjust
bidirectional power flow, wide voltage gain range, and zero voltage switching
(ZVS) capability. Figure (2.9) shows the topology of a DAB converter. The
primary side and secondary side bridges have a symmetrical structure, which
is made of 4 switches. The input DC voltage source provides power to the
converter. The high-frequency power transformer provides magnetic isolation
for both sides. Compared with LLC converters, the symmetrical structure of
a DAB converter simplifies the difficulty of designing the converter and the
PCB. The scalability of the DAB converter is more flexible compared to other

Figure 2.9: DAB Converter schematic

However, DAB converters haven’t been widely used in the industrial field
so far, which is because the control algorithm is more complicated and the
complexity of converter operation. Besides, the reactive power can impact
the efficiency of the converter. The high-frequency operation also brings
challenges to the power devices, such as MOSFETs and the transformer. In
the design process, these issues need to be considered.
14 | Literature Study

Table 2.2: Different modulation techniques of DAB

Modulation Technique Phase Shift Ratio

SPS D1 = D3 = 0, D2 ̸== 0
EPS D1 ̸= 0, D3 = 0, D2 ̸= 0
DPS D1 = D3 ̸= 0, D2 ̸= 0
TPS D1 ̸= D3 ̸= 0, D2 ̸= 0

2.3 Phase Shift Modulation

The control method of DAB is implemented as phase-shift-modulation(PSM).
PSM is a power electronics control strategy used in DAB converters to regulate
the power and achieve bidirectional power flow between the input and output

The phase shift is defined as the time delay between the switching events of the
primary and secondary bridges. By tuning the phase shift, the DAB converter
can control the direction and magnitude of the power flow.

Phase shift modulation can be achieved through different control techniques,

such as pulse width modulation (PWM) or frequency modulation (FM). By
modulating the width of switching pulses applied to the primary and secondary
bridges, the desired phase shift is modulated. The time delay between the
bridge switching events can be controlled, leading to the required power
transfer. In the FM-based modulation scheme, the frequency of the switching
signals between the primary side and the secondary side is controlled. Both
PWM and FM provide flexibility in the control of a DAB converter.

Dividing by the controlling phase shift angles of either the primary side or
secondary side, PSM can be different modulation schemes such as single
phase shift control(SPS), extended phase shift control(EPS), dual phase shift
control(DPS), and triple phase shift control(TPS). Table (2.2) defines different
modulation scheme of a DAB converter.

D2 is the external phase shift ratio, defined as the phase shift ratio between
primary side voltage Vp and secondary side voltage Vs . D1 is the internal
phase sift ratio of the primary side, which is caused by the phase shift of the
primary side H bridge. D2 is the internal phase shift ratio of the secondary
Literature Study | 15

side, which is caused by the phase shift of the secondary H bridge.

Figure 2.10: Phase shift ratio definitions

SPS only has 1 degree of freedom, which is the external phase shift ratio D2 .
EPS has 2 degrees of freedom, which is the external phase shift ratio D2 and
internal phase shift ratio D1 . DPS has 2 degrees of freedom, but the two
internal phase shift ratios of both sides are the same, which is D1 = D3 .
TPS has 3 degrees of freedom, which is the most complex PSM method of the
DAB converter. Figure (2.10) gives the definition of phase shift ratio. To be
mentioned, the value of D1 , D2 , D3 is the ratio between the phase shift and
half of the switching cycle, which is T2s .
If the internal phase shift ratio of the secondary side is 0, DPS modulation
scheme becomes EPS. In this project, the modulation scheme of SPS
modulation and EPS modulation are investigated and simulated.
16 | System Design Theory

Chapter 3

System Design Theory

DAB converter is a complex system that has many components, such as

switches(S1 − S8 ), leakage inductors(L), output capacitors(Co ), transformer
ratio(k), etc. To set up a robust model of the DAB converter, the converter’s
design details must be considered. The influence of each component on the
converter is carefully analyzed and the values of components are verified in
the equations.

First, the operation modes of circuits are analyzed to derive the model of the
DAB converter. Based on the waveform of the inductor current, the operation
of the DAB converter can be divided into 6 states (8 states in EPS). The
relationship between inductor voltage and current is obtained.

The leakage inductor is designed from the transfer power perspective and also
satisfies the ZVS operation of the current. The capacitor is selected based on
the output voltage ripple requirement. With a certain switching frequency,
the transformer is designed and silicon carbide MOSFETs are chosen as the

Finally, the loss of the converter is analyzed by combining the switching loss
and transformer loss. The efficiency of the converter is estimated, which
satisfies the design requirement.
System Design Theory | 17

3.1 Circuit Mode Analysis

3.1.1 SPS Mode Analysis
DAB converter is made of two H-bridges, which act as inverters and rectifiers
respectively. The input of the primary side is a DC voltage source that provides
power to the secondary side. Depending on the design requirement, the
secondary side load can either be a resistor or a voltage source. In this thesis,
the load is chosen as a load resistor. Figure (3.1) shows the topology of the
DAB circuit.

Figure 3.1: DAB topology

Ii is the input voltage, Io is the output current and L is the leakage inductor of
the transformer, which is the most important component in the DAB circuit.
The transformer ratio is n : 1(n > 1). S1 , S2 , S3 , S4 are the switches of
the primary side, each one is anti-parallel connected with a body diode and
a parasitic capacitor. S5 , S6 , S7 , S8 are the switches of the secondary side.
Vin is the input DC voltage source and Cin is the input capacitor.Vo is the
output voltage. Cout is the output capacitor and R is the load resistor. L is the
leakage inductor, and the voltage across the inductor is VL . Vs is the voltage
of the secondary side of the transformer, and Vs′ is the voltage converted to the
primary side. Vp is the voltage of the primary side.

To derive the voltage transmission equation of the primary side and secondary
side, the voltage and current of the inductor are analyzed. Figure(3.2) shows
the waveform of the inductor voltage VL , which equals the difference between
Vp and Vs′ . Vs′ is the secondary side voltage that multiplies the transformer
ratio n. To be mentioned, Vo′ is the value of output voltage Vo converted to the
primary side.
18 | System Design Theory

Because of the phase shift of the primary side and secondary side, there are
three values of the inductor voltage waveform. Equation (3.1) illustrates the
three values of inductor voltage under different cases.

 Vin + Vo′ , Vp = Vin , Vs′ = −Vo

VL = Vin − Vo , Vp = Vin , Vs′ = Vo (3.1)

−Vin − Vo′ , Vp = −Vin , Vs′ = −Vo

Figure 3.2: Voltage and current waveform

The circuit mode can be divided into 6 working modes. The analysis is
performed in a steady state and all the switches are anti-parallel connected
with a body diode.

Mode 1(t0 − t1 ): Figure (3.3) shows the current flow direction of mode 1.
Before t0 , switches S2 , S3 are conducted, and the current of the inductor flows
in the negative direction. At the time of t0 , S1 , S4 are conducted which leads
to the positive value of Vp . As the current of the inductor is still negative,
diode D1 , D4 are conducted to freewheel the current. The reactive power is
produced from time t0 to t1 . As for the secondary side, switches S6 , S7 are
conducted. The current of the inductor is negative and gradually increases to
System Design Theory | 19

0. The voltage between the inductor is (Vin + Vo′ ).

Mode 2(t1 − t2 ): Figure (3.4) shows the current flow direction of mode 2.
At the time of t0 , the current of the inductor increases from 0 to a positive
value. Primary side switches S1 , S4 keep conducting, secondary side switches
S6 , S7 keep conducting, and the voltage across the inductor is still (Vin + Vo′ ),
which is the same as mode 1. The expression of the inductor current of mode
1 and mode 2 is shown as equation (3.2).

Figure 3.3: Mode 1 Figure 3.4: Mode 2

Vin + Vo′
IL (t) = IL (t0 ) + (t − t0 ) (3.2)
Mode 3(t2 − t3 ): Figure (3.5) shows the current flow direction of mode 3. At
the time of t2 , S1 , S4 are still conducted, secondary side S5 , S8 are conducted
and S6 , S7 are switched off. The voltage across the inductor is (Vin − Vo′ ). The
current is stated as equation (3.3).

Vin − Vo′
IL (t) = IL (t2 ) + (t − t2 ) (3.3)
Mode 4(t3 − t4 ): Figure (3.6) shows the current flow direction of mode 4.
At the time of t3 , primary side switches S1 , S4 are turned off and S2 , S3 are
conducted, and diodes D2 , D3 are conducted to maintain the current flow. As
the primary side voltage and current have opposite directions, reactive power
is produced. Switches S5 , S8 of the secondary side are kept conducting. The
inductor current continued to decrease to 0. The voltage across the inductor is
(−Vin − Vo′ ).

−Vin − Vo′
IL (t) = IL (t3 ) + (t − t3 ) (3.4)
20 | System Design Theory

Figure 3.5: Mode 3 Figure 3.6: Mode 4

Mode 5(t4 − t5 ): Figure (3.7) shows the current flow direction of mode 5. At
the time of t4 , the inductor current decreases to a negative value. Primary side
S2 , S3 are conducted, secondary side S5 , S8 are conducted. The voltage across
the inductor is (−Vin − Vo′ ). The current expression of mode 4 and mode 5 is
shown as equation (3.4).

Mode 6(t5 − t6 ): Figure (3.8) shows the current flow direction of mode 6. At
the time of t5 , primary side S2 , S3 are conducted, and secondary side S5 , S8
are turned off. Switches S6 , S7 are conducted, and the current flows across
diodes D6 , D7 . The voltage across the inductor is (−Vin + Vo′ ). The current
expression of mode 4 and mode 5 is shown as equation (3.5).

−Vin + Vo′
IL (t) = IL (t4 ) + (t − t4 ) (3.5)

Figure 3.7: Mode 5 Figure 3.8: Mode 6

Assuming Vp is greater than Vs′ , the current through the inductor will change
depending on the voltage across the inductor. According to the relationship of
the inductor current and voltage, the following equations are obtained:

L = VL = Vp − Vs′ (3.6)
System Design Theory | 21

In the first interval, equation(3.6) can be rewritten as equation (3.7).

I1 + I2 Vin + Vo′
= (3.7)
D2 T L
In the second interval, equation(3.6) can be rewritten as equation (3.8).

I1 − I2 Vin − Vo′
= (3.8)
(1 − D2 )T L

Because the waveform of the inductor current is half-wave symmetry, the

third and fourth interval is just the opposite process of the first and second
interval. Hence, only considering the former two processes can simplify the
calculation. Adding equation (3.7) and equation (3.8), the expression of the
inductor current I1 and I2 can be formulated as equation (3.9).

Ts Ts
I1 = (Vin − Vo′ + 2Vo′ D2 ) I2 = (2Vin D2 − Vin + Vo′ ) (3.9)
4L 4L
From the geometry relationship of the output current Io waveform, the
relationship between I1 ,I2 and t1 ,t2 can be formed as equation (3.10).

I1 t1 1
= t1 + t2 = D2 T = D2 Ts (3.10)
I2 t2 2
Substituting I1 and I2 by equation (3.9), (3.10) can be reformulated as:

Ts Vin − Vo′ + 2Vo′ D2 Ts 2Vin D2 − Vin + Vo′

t1 = ( ) t2 = ( ) (3.11)
4 Vin + Vo′ 4 Vin + Vo′

Finally, calculate the input and output current by integrating the area of
the current waveform and time, the input current and output current can be
formulated as equation (3.12).

D2 Ts ′ D2 T s
Ii = V (1 − D2 ) Io = Vin n(1 − D2 ) (3.12)
2L o 2L
If the load of the secondary side is a resistor, based on Ohm’s law Vo = Io R,
the transmission ratio between the primary side and the secondary side can be
written as equation (3.13).

(1 − D2 )D2 Ts Rn
Vo = Vi (3.13)
22 | System Design Theory

The output power equals the product of the output current and output voltage,
which is equation (3.14).

Vin Vo D2 (1 − D2 )Ts n
Po = V o I o = (3.14)
In the special case, if Vo′ = Vin , the RMS value of the input current, output
current, and inductor current are the smallest, shown as equation (3.15).

Vin + Vo′
I1 = I2 = D2 Ts (3.15)

3.1.2 EPS Mode Analysis

Introduced in the literature review, one of the advantages of DAB converters is
that the topology can provide four degrees of freedom to design the controller.
EPS control has 2 degrees of freedom which leads to a more complex circuit
operation mode.

To derive the voltage and power transmission equations of EPS control, the
figures of inductor voltage and current are depicted as shown in figure (3.9).

Figure 3.9: EPS voltage and inductor current waveform

Different from the SPS controlling, there are six stages of the inductor voltage,
which are Vo′ , (Vin + Vo′ ), (Vin − Vo′ ), −Vo′ , (−Vin − Vo′ ), and (−Vin + Vo′ ). D1
is the internal phase shift ratio of the primary side and D2 is the external phase
shift ratio between the primary and secondary sides.
System Design Theory | 23

Figure (3.9) shows that the inductor current waveform has half-wave
symmetry. Hence, only analyzing half of the current waveform can reveal
the whole process. The operation modes of EPS control can be divided into 8
modes, depending on the shape of the inductor current waveform.

Mode 1(t0 − t1 ): Figure (3.10) shows the current flow direction of mode 1.
Before time t0 , primary side switches S2 , S3 are conducted, and the current
flows in the negative direction. At the time of t0 , switch S1 is conducted,
the current is still negative, and switch S3 and diode D1 provide the current
with the freewheeling path. On the secondary side, D6 , D7 are conducted.
The voltage across the inductor is Vo′ . The current of mode 1 is expressed as
equation (3.16).

IL (t) = IL (t0 ) + (t − t0 ) (3.16)
Mode 2(t1 −t2 ): Figure (3.11) shows the current flow direction of mode 2. The
current at time t1 is −I1 , switch S3 is turned off and S4 is turned on. On the
secondary side, diodes D6 , D7 are conducted. The voltage across the inductor
is (Vin + Vo′ ). The inductor is discharged and the absolute value of the current
decrease to 0. The current of mode 2 is expressed as equation (3.17).

Vin + nVo
IL (t) = IL (t1 ) + (t − t1 ) (3.17)

Figure 3.10: EPS Mode 1 Figure 3.11: EPS Mode 2

Mode 3(t2 − t3 ): Figure (3.12) shows the current flow direction of mode
3. The inductor current increases from a negative value to a positive value.
S1 , S4 , S6 , S7 are conducted, the voltage across the inductor is (Vin + Vo′ ),
which is the largest positive voltage. The inductor current has the steepest
increasing slope. The current of the inductor is written as equation (3.17).
24 | System Design Theory

Mode 4(t3 − t4 ): Figure (3.13) shows the current flow direction of mode 4.At
time t3 , S6 , S7 are turned off, S5 , S8 are turned on. The voltage across the
inductor is (Vin − Vo′ ), and the inductor current will keep increasing as mode
3. The current of the inductor current is written as equation (3.18).

Vin − Vo′
IL (t) = IL (t2 ) + (t − t2 ) (3.18)

Figure 3.12: EPS Mode 3 Figure 3.13: EPS Mode 4

Mode 5(t4 − t5 ): Figure (3.14) shows the current flow direction of mode 5.
At the time of t4 , switch S1 is turned off and S2 is conducted. On the primary
side, D2 , S4 are conducted. On the secondary side, D5 , D8 are conducted.
The voltage across the inductor is −Vo′ . The current of the inductor gradually
decreases. The current of the inductor is written as equation (3.19).

IL (t) = IL (t4 ) + (t − t4 ) (3.19)
Mode 6(t5 − t6 ): Figure (3.14) shows the current flow direction of mode 6. At
time t5 , switch S4 is turned off and S5 is conducted. Diodes D2 , D3 , D6 , D7
are conducted. The inductor has the highest negative voltage, which is (−Vin −
Vo′ ). The current at time t6 is 0. The inductor current is written as equation
−Vin − Vo′
IL (t) = IL (t5 ) + (t − t5 ) (3.20)

Figure 3.14: EPS Mode 5 Figure 3.15: EPS Mode 6

System Design Theory | 25

Mode 7(t6 − t7 ): Figure (3.16) shows the current flow direction of mode 7.
The current becomes a negative value at time t6 . Switches S2 , S3 , S5 , S8 are
conducted, and the voltage of the inductor is the same as mode 6.

Mode 8(t7 − t8 ), switches S5 , S8 are turned off, S6 , S7 are turned on. D6 , D7

are conducted. The voltage across the inductor is (−Vin + Vo′ ), which charges
the inductor. The current of mode 8 is written as equation (3.21).

−Vin + Vo′
IL (t) = IL (t7 ) + (t − t7 ) (3.21)

Figure 3.16: EPS Mode 7 Figure 3.17: EPS Mode 8

The reactive power of EPS is produced from time t1 to t2 and time t5 to t6 .

Adjusting the internal duty shift ratio D1 , reactive power can be eliminated.
The value of the inductor current can be expressed as equation (3.22).

 IL (t0 ) = −I1 = − 4L [k(1 − D1 ) + (2D2 − 1)]
nTs Vo

I (t ) = −I2 = − 4L [k(1 − D1 ) + (2D2 − 2D1 − 1)]

nTs Vo
 L 1
IL (t3 ) = I3 = − 4L [k(2D2 − D1 − 1) + 1]
nTs Vo

Equation (3.23) gives the equation for the three inductor voltage and current
 I1 −I2
 D1 T
= nVLo , 0 < t < D1
I2 +I3
= Vin +nV o
, 0 < t < D1 (3.23)
 1−D1 T
I1 −I3
Vin −nVo
1−D2 T
= L
, D2 < t < T
26 | System Design Theory

Figure 3.18: EPS output current waveform

Table 3.1: Design Requirements

Design Requirements Symbol Value

Output power Po 10kW
Primary voltage Vin 800V
Output voltage Vo 380V-500V
Switching frequency fs 100kHz

3.2 Design Considerations

DAB is a complex power converter that has many crucial factors to be
considered. The most important issues are the leakage inductor, output
capacitor, soft switching range, switching frequency, and MOSFET selection.
Table (3.1) gives the design requirement conditions of the DAB converter.
Based on these requirements, the design criteria of the parameters are
introduced in this section.

3.2.1 Leakage Inductor

The leakage inductor is the component that conducts energy conversion
between electric and magnetic in the DAB converter, which is the most
important issue to be considered.
Equation (3.24) gives the expression of output power. The leakage inductance
System Design Theory | 27

has to make sure that the desired 10kW is less than the maximum transfer
power. If the inductance is set as 35µH, the maximum power is 52.24kW,
which is obtained when the external duty shift ratio D2 = 0.5.The design
requirement of the power level is 10kW, which is much smaller than the
maximum transfer power. Hence, the phase shift ratio can be set as a small
value, leading to less reactive power.

Vin Vo D2 (1 − D2 )Ts n
Pm = = 52.24kW (3.24)
The leakage inductance value of 35µH is capable to transfer the 10kW power
from the primary side to the secondary side.

Figure 3.19: Output power

Figure (3.19) shows the output power varies with the duty shift ratio D2 . The
maximum value of output power is obtained when D2 = 0.5, which means the
duty shift ratio that obtains the maximum power is one-quarter of the switching
period. From the figure, it is inspected that the output power curve of the
SPS modulation scheme has a symmetrical structure. For one output power
operation point, there are two duty shift ratios correspondingly. The selection
between these two values leads to different values of current and losses.
28 | System Design Theory

3.2.2 Soft Switching Range

An important issue to be mentioned is the zero voltage switching method of the
DAB circuit. As it is elaborated in the literature review, one of the advantages
of a DAB converter is that it is easy to achieve zero voltage switching on both
the primary side and the secondary side. With a certain leakage inductance
value, the ZVS of switches can be analyzed. Figure (5.4) illustrates the
principle of ZVS implementation.

Figure 3.20: ZVS principle

Taking switches S2 and S3 as an example. At time t2 to t3 , S1 and S2 are

conducted, Vp = Vin . At time t3 , S1 , and S2 are turned off, the parasitic
capacitors of S1 and S4 are discharged and S2 and S3 are charged. Then the
body diodes of S2 and S3 are conducted, which limits the voltage across the
MOSFET to almost 0. At this time, the gate driving signal is input to the gate of
the MOSFET. S2 and S3 are turned on at zero voltage switching. The condition
of primary side ZVS is that I1 > 0 during the switching process. Similarly, the
ZVS condition of the secondary side is that I2 > 0.The boundary condition of
ZVS is expressed by voltage transmission k as equation (3.25)

k−1 1−k
D2 > D2 > (3.25)
2k 2
Figure (3.21) plots the boundary curve of the load and the ZVS condition.
The two black lines depict the ZVS working area of the DAB converter.
Putting L = 35µH, which is the value of the leakage inductor, the DAB
working area is plotted. The figure proves that it is possible to achieve ZVS
under the output voltage from 380V to 500V by setting the leakage inductance
as 35µH. The operation inside the black line area makes sure the positive value
of current I1 and I2 , which achieves the ZVS operation.
System Design Theory | 29

Figure 3.21: DAB working area

3.2.3 Capacitor Selection

The output voltage should be a DC voltage with voltage ripples smaller than
the tolerance. To suppress the output voltage ripple, the output capacitor is
designed as follows:

The principle of the output voltage rectifier is to determine the capacitance of

the output capacitor. The voltage ripple is caused by the unbalance of electron
charges during one switching period. A large capacitor can maintain the output
voltage as a constant, which is usually an ideal assumption in the analysis of
power converters. However, it is not possible to manufacture an infinitely large
capacitor because of the size and cost of the converter. To select an appropriate
value of the output capacitance, the following calculation is performed.

Figure (3.22) is the voltage and current waveform of the inductor at k = 1.

The output capacitor Cout = 2∆V o
, dQ has two parts, which are the red and
blue shaded area. Equation (3.26) calculates the area of the shaded area, which
is the energy stored in one switching cycle.

I1 Ts 1 D2 I 1 I 1 − I o 2
dQ1 = ( − Io )( − D2 ) dQ2 = ( I1 ) (3.26)
n 2 2 2 2 n
30 | System Design Theory

Figure 3.22: Output capacitor calculation

Vin D2 Ts n Vin D2 (1 − D2 )Ts n Ts D2 Ts Vin D22 Ts2 (1 − D2 )n

dQ1 = ( − )( − )=
2L 2L 2 2 4L
Vin D4 Ts2 n
dQ2 = (3.28)
Equation (3.27) and (3.28) gives the expression of the two pieces of the
capacity energy. The total energy is the sum of dQ1 and dQ2 , which is equation

Vin D22 Ts2 (1 − D2 )n Vin D4 Ts2 n

dQ = dQ1 + dQ2 = +
4L 16L (3.29)
nVin D22 Ts2 D22
= ((1 − D2 ) + )
4L 4
To design the capacitance of Cout , the maximum value of dQ should be
derived. Calculating the derivative of dQ with D2 , the peak energy is obtained
at the largest output power operation point, which is D2 = 0.5.

3.2.4 Switching Frequency

Switching frequency is an important issue to be considered in the design of a
power electronics converter, which affects the efficiency and power density of
the DAB. The input and output voltage levels determine the type of switches
used in the power stage. The usage of SiC MOSFETs in the circuit provides
the possibility to operate the converter to a high-frequency range.
System Design Theory | 31

Operating at higher switching frequencies can reduce the size of the magnetic
components, thereby improving the power density of the converter. The
selection of switching frequency is a trade-off between the allowable heat
sink solution and transformer size for a given efficiency target. Besides, if the
output capacitance of MOSFET is very high, the selection of high switching
frequency leads to high switching losses at light load and affects efficiency.
The selection of switching frequency also affects the control loop bandwidth
implementation. Based on these factors, 100 kHz is used as the switching
frequency for this application.

3.2.5 MOSFET Selection

The MOSFETs of the DAB circuit should be able to operate at 800V for the
primary bridge and 500V for the secondary bridge. As the switching frequency
is 100kHz, an N-type SiC MOSFET is selected for the fast switching. Figure
(3.23) shows the principle of a traditional N-type MOSFET.
The substrate of an n-channel MOSFET is of P-type that is doped with +3

Figure 3.23: N-Type MOSFET

material, such as Boron. If there’s a positive voltage signal applied to the

gate, an inversion layer can be formed which forms an n-doped region. Then
an n channel is formed that connects the source and the drain, the MOSFET
is conducted. The turn-on and turn-off of MOSFET is the process of carrier
transportation which takes time. Hence, the switching time of MOSFET also
needs to be considered when selecting the components.
32 | System Design Theory

Different from the traditional MOSFET, SiC MOSFET is chosen for the
following reasons:
The switching speed of SiC MOSFET is faster that can operate at 100kHZ.
The reverse recovery charge is significantly smaller in the SiC MOSFET for
the DAB application, resulting in reduced voltage and current overshoot. SiC
MOSFETs have lower state resistance that can reduce conduction loss. The
SiC switches can operate at high voltage levels without breakdown. Because
the secondary side has a lower voltage compared to the primary side, two
different types of MOSFET are selected for the two sides.

For this design, 1200-V Cree devices with on-state resistance of 16mΩ are
used on the primary side, and the 900V, voltage-blocking Cree devices
with on-state resistance of 30mΩ are used on the secondary side. The
actual conduction and switching loss calculations are shown in the following

3.3 Loss Analysis

MOSFET are the most important power devices in the circuit, the loss of
MOSFETs are estimated, and the device details such as body diode, parasitic
capacitance, and conduction loss are discussed.
Transformer is another important issue to be selected. The leakage inductance
is usually obtained by adjusting the gap width of the core. To prevent magnetic
saturation, the core of the transformer needs to be selected. Also, the proper
copper wire needs to be chosen to maintain the flow of magnetizing current
and decrease the copper loss.
Table (3.2) shows the values of the converter at the 500V output point. Finally,
a loss analysis is performed in the PLECS with the parameters from the
datasheet at k = 1, (Vo = 500V ), k = 1.3, (Vo = 380V ) operation point.

3.3.1 Switching Loss

C3M0016120 silicon carbide power MOSFET n-Channel enhancement mode
is chosen for the primary side H bridge. Drain to source voltage VDS = 1200V,
ID = 115A, and drain to source resistance RDS is 16mΩ.
C3M0030090K is chosen as the switch for the secondary side bridge. ID =
73A and RDS is 30mΩ. Figure (3.24) shows the switching waveform of gate-
System Design Theory | 33

Table 3.2: Values of 500V operation point

Variables Value Definition

Vin 800V Input voltage
Vo 500V Output voltage
k 1 Voltage transmission ratio
Ims 15A Current stress
fs 100kHz Switching frequency
Io 20A Output current

source voltage VGS and drain-source voltage VDS . In the time interval tr the
current ID rises and the switch is on and VDS drops to 0.
Figures (3.25a) and (3.25b) show the switching curves of the MOSFETs.

Figure 3.24: Switching time definition

The peak current of the primary side is 15A. The RMS and average values of
currents through the switches and diodes of the primary side are calculated as
equation (3.30).
1 2 Ts Ts Ts
Iswitchp RM S = (Ip tzero + Ip2 (D2 − tzero ) + ( − D2 ) × (Ip2 + Il2 + Il Ip ))
3Ts 2 2 2
= 10A
The diode conducts only during the switching period the dead time causing
ZVS. The average current of the diode is as equation (3.31).

Idiodepavg = 0.26A (3.31)

34 | System Design Theory

(a) C3M0030090K Loss Curves (b) C3M0016120K Switching Curves

Figure 3.25: Loss curves of C3M0030090K and C3M0016120K

According to the datasheet of the SiC MOSFETs, the value of drain-source

resistance Rds is approximately 20mΩ. The forward voltage drop across the
body diode is 4.2V. The conduction losses of the switches on the primary side
are calculated.

Pconp = 4 × (Iswitch
p RM S
Rds + Idiodepavg Vf p) = 12.36W (3.32)

The conduction losses of the secondary side are calculated similarly to

the primary side. The state resistance of the secondary side MOSFET is
approximately 33mΩ.

Iswitchs RM S = n ∗ Iswitchp RM S = 16A (3.33)

Using equation (3.33) and the conduction loss of switches, the secondary
conduction loss is calculated as equation (3.34).

Pcons = 4 × (Iswitch
s RM S
Rds + Idiodesavg Vf p) = 41W (3.34)

As it is stated in Chapter (3), the switches are operating at zero voltage

switching mode. Hence, the turn-on loss is almost 0. Besides the conduction
loss, what needs to be considered is the turn-off loss. From the datasheet, we
know the turn-off loss is almost 20W for the primary side and secondary sides.
The total loss of the switches is 77W.

3.3.2 Transformer Loss

The copper wires are selected based on the current capability and the power
loss. There are two kinds of losses, which are DC power loss and AC power
System Design Theory | 35

loss. The DC power loss is easy to calculate, which is determined by the

conductivity of the material and the length of the copper wire. Assuming the
DC resistances of our transformer are the same as the manufacturers. The DC
loss is calculated as equation (3.35).
PDCloss = Iswitch p RM S
∗ Rdcp + Iswitch
s RM S
∗ Rdcs = 8.5W (3.35)

There are two physical phenomena that affect AC resistance, which is the skin
effect and the proximity effect. Figure (3.26) shows the figure of the skin depth
of a copper wire.
The skin effect has a huge impact on the AC resistance of the high operating

Figure 3.26: Skin depth

frequency. Because of the decrease of the cross-sectional area for current flow,
the AC resistance is increased. From equation (3.36), we can obtain the skin
depth of copper wire at 100kHz, which is 0.21mm.
" 1/2 #!1/2
1 1 µϵ σ2
δ= = 1+ 2 2 −1 (3.36)
β ω 2 ϵω
A good way to mitigate the skin effect is to use Litz wire instead of single-
strand copper wire. Litz wire consists of multiple individually insulated
strands that are twisted together. This arrangement helps to equalize the
current distribution among the strands and minimize the skin effect. Litz
wire of 800 strands is chosen for the windings. The parameters of the Litz
wire are provided by the manufacturer. The cross-section area of 800 strands
of copper wire is 6.28mm2 and 1mm2 can overflow 3.5A current. The 800
strands of copper wire can maintain a 22A current, which satisfies the design
36 | System Design Theory

Figure (3.27a) and figure (3.27b) are taken from the datasheet of the SIFERRIT
material N87.
The volume of the core is 118cm3 , and the core loss at 100kHz is estimated

(a) Relative core losses versus AC field (b) Relative core losses versus temper-
flux density ature

Figure 3.27: Relative core losses

as 300mW /cm3 . The total core loss at 100kHz is given by the equation (3.37).

Pcoreloss = Ae Pv = 35.4W (3.37)

The core loss and transformer loss together contributes to 43.9W of
transformer loss. If we add up the switching loss and the transformer loss,
the total estimation loss will be 100W of 10kW output power. The estimation
efficiency of the converter is 99%. To verify the estimation efficiency of the
converter, a model of the converter in PLECS is built.

3.4 Design Parameters

Based on the design criterion of DAB parameters listed above, the design
parameters of the leakage inductor, output capacitor, and MOSFET selection
can be determined to satisfy the design requirements of the converter. The
certified parameters of the converter are listed in the table (3.3). After defining
the parameters of the components of the converter, the mathematical model of
System Design Theory | 37

Table 3.3: DAB parameters

Parameter Symbol Value

Input voltage Vin 800V
Duty shift ratio D 0.125
Leakage inductance Llk 35µH
Leakage resistance RLlk 23mΩ
Output capacitance Cout 128µF
Output resistance R 25Ω
Switching frequency fs 100kHz
Transformer ratio n 1.6

the DAB converter can be derived, which will be elaborated in the chapter (4).
The input voltage Vin is set as 800V to meet the demand of the input DC bus
voltage. The duty shift ratio varies with the controlled output voltage and the
modulation scheme of the converter. Leakage inductance is decided by the
transferred power level and the soft switching operation range of the converter.
Output capacitance is chosen based on the requirement of voltage ripples.
The switching frequency is selected based on the consideration of power
density and switching losses. The transformer ratio of the power transformer
is selected depending on the best operation point, which is 500V.

To be mentioned, the output power of this DAB converter is designed as

10kW, the output resistance will change with the output voltage to maintain
the constant output power.
38 | Modelling and Control

Chapter 4

Modelling and Control

Based on the literature study and design parameters introduced above, the
model of the DAB converter is built up and a voltage closed-loop control
method is implemented in this section. Analyzing the steady state of the
inductor power flow, the voltage transmission ratio is derived, which is decided
by the circuit parameters and the duty shift ratio.

First, SPS and EPS control methods are selected to perform the modeling
and controller design. Different operation modes of the DAB converters are
analyzed to get the mathematical model of the DAB converter. Transfer
functions are obtained by using the small signal modeling method. The
reduced order models of SPS and EPS are built.

Second, PI controllers are implemented by modifying the open-loop bode

diagram to get the desired closed-loop bode diagram.

Finally, the EPS control algorithm is designed to eliminate the reactive

power and suppress the peak current, which provides an optimization method
compared to SPS. The PI controller is used to compensate for the inaccuracy
of the system and maintain the output voltage when there’s a load step occurs.
Modelling and Control | 39

4.1 Single Phase Shift Modulation

A DAB converter with a 800V input voltage and a 380V-500V output voltage
that implements SPS closed-loop control is built. Open-loop calculation,
circuit parameters design, and closed-loop control are discussed.

4.1.1 SPS Characteristics

From the circuit operation modes of DAB SPS analysis, it is inspected that
there’s reactive power existed in mode 1 and mode 4, the energy stored in
the inductor flows back to the primary voltage source. As the design goal is to
implement a 10kW DAB converter, more total power is required to compensate
for the reactive power, which leads to the switching loss of both the switches
and the transformer. Reactive Power Analysis

Defining k as the voltage transmission ratio, which is k = nV o
. Equation
(3.14) gives the expression of output power. The range of external phase shift
ratio D2 is between -1 and 1. If D2 > 0, the power is transferred from the
primary side to the secondary side. If D2 < 0, the power is transferred from
the secondary side to the primary side. The converter works in reverse mode.

In this project, the secondary side is a load resistor leading to D2 > 0. The
energy is transferred from the primary side DC voltage source to the secondary
load resistor. To better illustrate the problem, the maximum power of SPS is
taken as the base power, which is obtained when the external duty shift ratio
is 0.5. Equation (4.1) gives the expression the base power. The unified output
power value of SPS is given as equation (4.2).

nVin Vo Ts
PB = (4.1)
Po ∗ = = 4D2 (1 − D2 ) (4.2)
The reactive power of SPS control is calculated based on Mode 1 and Mode 5
by multiplying the primary side voltage and inductor current. Equation (4.3)
and (4.4) gives expressions of the reactive power.
40 | Modelling and Control

nVin Vo (k + (2D2 − 1)
Prs = (4.3)
16fs L(k + 1)
Prs (k + (2D2 − 1))2
Prs ∗ = = (4.4)
PB 2(k + 1)
Figure (4.1) plots the relationship between the external phase shift ratio D2
and the reactive power of SPS reactive power Prs . From the figure, it is shown
that when the duty shift ratio D2 is fixed, the reactive power is increased with
the increase of voltage transmission ratio k. If k is fixed, the reactive power is
increased with the duty shift ratio D2 . Hence, it is recommended to design the
voltage transmission ratio k as 1 and decrease the value of the external duty
shift ratio.

Figure 4.1: Reactive power of SPS Peak Current Analysis

Peak current is the maximum current that flows across the inductor during
the whole switching period. The peak current influences the selection of
components such as switches and capacitors. The peak current of SPS is
I1 which is obtained at time t3 . Substituting the input voltage by voltage
transmission ratio k, equation (3.9) can be reformulated as equation (4.7).

nVo Ts
Ims = I1 = (k + 2D2 − 1) (4.5)
Modelling and Control | 41

To calculate the unified value of the peak current, the base value of the current
is chosen as the maximum output current of SPS, which is equation (4.6)

PB nVo Ts
IB = = (4.6)
Vin 8L
The peak current of SPS in per-unit value is equation (4.7), which has two
variables that are voltage transmission ratio k and external duty shift ratio D2 .

Ims ∗ = = 2(k − 1 + 2D2 ) (4.7)
Similar to the reactive power analysis method, the figure of peak current and
duty shift ratio is plotted with different values of k to illustrate the factors that
influence the amplitude of the current. Figure (4.2) plots the figures of unified
current stress curves varied with k and D2 .

From the figure, it is inspected that if k is a certain value(i.e.the output voltage

Figure 4.2: Peak current of SPS

is specified), the peak current increases with the duty shift ratio. If the duty
shift ratio is specified, peak current increases with the voltage transmission k.
If k = 1, the converter has the least current stress, which gives the least loss
of components. Hence, the transformer ratio n needs to be well-designed to
make sure k has the optimized value.
42 | Modelling and Control Output Characteristics

The converter is designed to output power from k = 1 to k = 1.3, which
corresponds to the voltage from 380V to 500V respectively. According
to equation (3.13), the duty shift ratio D2 is calculated by putting Vin =
800V ,Vo1 = 380V , and Vo2 = 500V , Po = 10kW . The corresponding duty
shift ratio is D21 = 0.175 and D22 = 0.125.
It is shown in the figure that there are two values of the duty shift ratio of D2
for one certain output power. However, the large duty shift ratio will lead to
more reactive power, which decreases the efficiency of the converter. Besides,
the current stress of the larger duty shift ratio value is also higher. Hence, the
smaller value of the duty shift ratio is chosen to give the desired output power.

If D21 = 0.091, the peak value of the inductor current, input current and output
current can be calculated as (4.8):

Ts (Vin − Vo′ + 2Vo′ D21 )

I11 =
= 28.91A
Ts (2Vin D21 − Vin′ + Vo′ )
I21 =
4L (4.8)
= 6.28A
(1 − D21 )D21 Ts Vo′
Ii1 = = 16.44A
(1 − D21 )D21 Ts nVin
Io1 = = 26.31A
Similarly, if D22 = 0.125, the peak value of the inductor current, input current
and output current can be calculated as (4.9):

Ts (Vin − Vo′ + 2Vo′ D22 )

I12 = = 14.29A
Ts (2Vin D − Vin′ + Vo′ )
I22 = = 14.29A
4L (4.9)
(1 − D22 )D22 Ts Vo′
Ii2 = = 12.49A
(1 − D22 )D22 Ts nVin
Io2 = = 19.99A
The positive values of peak currents I1 and I2 ensure the ZVS switching of the
switches. Besides, there is less current stress at the operation point of k = 1.
Modelling and Control | 43

4.1.2 Modeling of SPS Control Controller Design
To maintain the output voltage when there’s a load disturbance occurred and
increase the corresponding speed, a voltage-loop controller is designed for the
DAB converter. Figure (4.3) shows the controller block diagram of the DAB
converter. By controlling the duty shift ratio, the output voltage is controlled.

Hence, the first step is to obtain the transfer function Gvd of the output voltage
and the duty shift ratio. Gvd is the voltage transfer function of the duty shift
ratio and the output voltage.

Figure 4.3: Voltage control block diagram

The small signal modeling method is introduced to build the reduced-order

model of the converter. Based on equation (3.12), add a small disturbance
signal at the steady state and rewrite the current as equation (4.10).

ip = Ip + iˆp is = Is + iˆs (4.10)

is is the small signal of the secondary side current. ip is the small signal of
the primary side current. Is , Ip are the steady-state value of the secondary
side current and the primary side current. iˆs , iˆp are the disturbance signals
superimposed on the steady state. To get the small signal transfer function,
equation (4.10) is expanded at the steady state working point and an equivalent
small signal DAB circuit is obtained shown as figure (4.4).

Equation (4.11) shows the parameters of the small signal equivalent circuit of
the DAB circuit.
44 | Modelling and Control

Figure 4.4: Small signal equivalent circuit

îp = K1 · D̂2 + K2 · v̂o

îs = K3 · D̂2 + K4 · v̂in
∂ip Ts nv2 (4.11)
K1 = = (1 − 2D2 )
∂d P 2L
Ts n nv1 Ts
K2 = K4 = D2 (1 − D2 ), K3 = (1 − 2D2 )
2L 2L
Finally, the transfer function of output voltage and duty shift ratio can be
written as equation (4.12):

vˆo R
Gvd = = K3 (4.12)
d 1 + sCout R
The controller parameter is obtained as equation (4.13).

Kp s + Ki
GP I = (4.13)
According to the rule of thumb of power electronics converter controller
design, the gain at the crossing frequency is 1 and the phase margin should
be larger than 45◦ .
( Kp s+Ki
Gvd (s) =1
s=jωc (4.14)
̸ Gpi (s)Gvd (s) ≥ 180◦ − φ
Modelling and Control | 45

Choosing a crossing frequency significantly lower than the switching

frequency ensures a sufficient phase margin and stability margin in the closed-
loop system. Also, the crossing frequency lower than the switching frequency
ensures the closed-loop system can adequately track changes in the reference
input, such as a load step or input oscillations. Another reason to choose the
crossing frequency as 10% of the switching frequency is the high-frequency
switching noise and harmonics can be suppressed.

Figure (4.5a) is plotted based on the transfer function equation (4.13). Without
the PI controller, the crossing frequency is around 100kHz, which is almost the
same as the switching frequency. Setting the crossing frequency wc = 0.1ws ,
and the phase margin as 45◦ , the modified bode diagram with PI controller is
shown as figure (4.5b). Kp = 0.089 and Ki = 5.60 are the parameters of the
PI controller respectively.

(a) Bode Diagram (b) Modified Bode Diagram

Figure 4.5: Open loop and PI modified closed loop bode diagram of SPS
modulation scheme

The modified closed loop bode diagram is a second-order system combined

with the reduced-order model and the PI controller. The PI parameters are
slightly tuned according to the simulation results of the converter. Integration Separation

The integration separation method is a technique used in proportional integral
controller design. The main idea is to separate the integration part from the PI
controller, which avoids integral saturation.
46 | Modelling and Control

In a common PI controller, the integral part is used to accumulate the error

over time and eliminate the steady-state error. However, if the initial state
is 0, there’s a huge difference from the reference signal. The huge input to
the integration controller makes the PI controller saturate, which leads to an

In the controller loop, the output is the output voltage. The power devices
and output capacitor might be destroyed by the voltage overshoot. Hence, the
integral separation method is implemented to solve the problem. Figure (4.6)
gives the block diagram of an integration separation block. The integration
controller is disabled at the start point because the voltage difference is larger
than the threshold value. The proportional controller works to track the
reference. Once the output voltage is larger than the threshold, the integration
controller works to eliminate the steady-state error.

Figure 4.6: Integration separation block

4.2 Extended Phase Shift Modulation

SPS control has only one degree of freedom to control the output power flow,
which can not meet advanced design requirements. Especially, if the voltage
transmission ratio k ̸= 1, the reactive power, and current stress can be great
problems that affect the efficiency of the converter and components selection.

Extended phase shift(EPS) modulation has 2 degrees of freedom for the

controller design, which brings more flexibility to the control and optimization
methods of the DAB converter. The extended phase shift ratio can be used to
eliminate the reactive power and suppress the peak current value.
Modelling and Control | 47

In this section, the modeling, design, and controller implementation of EPS

are elaborated. The output current Io can be expressed by integrating the value
of the output current with time. The output current is calculated by adding the
area from S1 to S5 as shown in figure (3.18).

nVin Ts 1
Io = (D2 (1 − D2 ) + D1 (2D2 − D1 − 1)) (4.15)
2L 2

In the special case, if the voltage transmission k = 1, and internal phase shift
ratio D1 = 0, the output current Io = 2L Ts
D2 (1 − D2 Vin n), which is equation
(3.12). Finally, the output power Po is obtained by multiplying output voltage
Vo .  
nVin Vo 1
Po = D2 (1 − D2 ) + D1 (2D2 − D1 − 1) (4.16)
2fs L 2

4.2.1 EPS Characteristics Output Power
To better illustrate the problem, the maximum output power of SPS is used as
the base value to calculate the per-unit value in EPS. The base power is the
maximum power of SPS control, which is obtained when the external phase
shift ratio D2 = 0.5.

The output power of per-unit value of Po ∗ is written as equation (4.17), which

has two control variables, primary side internal phase shift ratio D1 , and
external phase shift ratio D2 .

Po ∗ = 2(−D12 − 2D22 − D1 + 2D2 + 2D1 D2 )PB (4.17)

If the output power is 10kW, which is 0.20PB . The contour plot of D1 , D2 and
Po ∗ is plotted as figure (4.7).
From the figure it is inspected that there are different combinations of D1 , D2
that can provide a certain amount of power. The maximum output power is
obtained at the center of D2 , where D2 = 0.5 and D1 = 0. The maximum
power of EPS is the same as the maximum power of SPS. Hence, the same
value of base power and base current is used to simplify the calculation.

Compared Po ∗ = 0.9PB and Po ∗ = 0.25PB , it is shown that the lower the

power, the more combinations of phase shift ratio there will be. If the output
power Po is close to the base power PB , SPS can be implemented to simplify
48 | Modelling and Control

Figure 4.7: EPS output power

the controller design.

The figure of the per-unit value of output power is plotted as figure (4.8). From
the figure, it is inspected that if the internal phase shift ratio is 0, the 3D figure
becomes a figure (3.19). By adjusting the value of D1 and D2 , different output
power can be obtained. Hence, one more degree of freedom is provided to
optimize the DAB converter.

Figure 4.8: EPS output power

Modelling and Control | 49 Reactive Power Elimination

In the DAB converter conversion process, there is reactive power produced by
the opposite direction of primary side voltage Vp and inductor current IL .
From time t0 to t1 , S1 , S4 and S2 , S3 are turned on. The voltage of the primary
side is 0. From time t1 to t2 , IL increases from negative value to positive value.
Switches S1 , S4 are turned on and S2 , S3 are turned off, leading to the positive
value of Vp . The reactive power is produced when the current is negative.
The two green shaded areas in Figure (4.9) are the reactive power. In the SPS
control, the only way to eliminate the reactive power is to make the converter
works around k = 1, as the controller only has 1 control variable. However,
the reactive power can be minimized by adjusting the internal phase sift ratio
D1 in the EPS control. The math equation of reactive power is derived from
mode 2 and mode 6.

Figure 4.9: EPS reactive power

The reactive power is calculated and transferred to unified value by equation

(4.18) and equation (4.19).

nVin Vo [k(1 − D1 ) + (2D2 − 2D1 − 1)2 ]

Pr = (4.18)
16fs L(k + 1)
50 | Modelling and Control

Pr [k(1 − D1 ) + (2D2 − 2D1 − 1)2 ]

Pr ∗ = = (4.19)
PB 2(k + 1)
Figure (4.10) plots the 3D figure of reactive power changing with internal
phase sift ratio D1 and external phase shift ratio D2 . The x-axis is the external
phase shift ratio D2 , the y-axis is the internal phase shift ratio D1 , the z-axis
is the reactive power of unified value. For each value of D2 , there is a certain
value of D1 to minimize the reactive power. Combining figure (4.10) and
figure (4.8), the value of D1 and D2 can be determined.
The output voltage is required to be designed at 380V to 500V, which leads

Figure 4.10: Reactive power of base value

to k of 1 and 1.316 respectively. D2 is always larger than D1 in the analysis,

which corresponds to the right half plane of the figure (4.11). The base value
of 500V output voltage leads to less reactive power compared to 380V output.
Besides, the reactive power increases with the increase of the phase shift ratio,
which means it is important to set the phase shift ratio as small as possible.
Equation (4.19) gives the expression of reactive power under EPS control.

Figure 4.11: Reactive power of 500V and 380V

It is inspected that the reactive power is decided by three variables, which are
Modelling and Control | 51

the voltage transmission ratio k, internal duty shift ratio D1 and external phase
shift ratio D2 .The reactive power can be suppressed by setting the numerator
as 0. Equation (4.20) gives the expression of internal phase shift ratio D1 .

2 k−1
D1 = D2 + (4.20)
2+k k+2
The voltage transmission ratio k is set as 1 at the 500V output point. If k = 1,
the relationship between the phase shift D1 and D2 is that D1 = 23 D2 . The
controller design will be introduced in the modeling section. Minimum Current Stress Design

Another important issue that needs to be considered is the current stress of the
inductor. The current waveform of the inductor is a symmetrical triangle wave
that is decided by the inductor voltage V = L dt .

In the DAB converter, the transformer leakage inductor is usually used as the
energy storage inductor. By minimizing the peak value of the inductor current,
the copper loss of the transformer windings can be decreased. Besides, the
conduction loss of switches can also be decreased. The peak value of the
inductor current is suppressed by tuning D1 and D2 . Figure (4.12) shows the
current waveform of EPS control.

Figure 4.12: Current stress of EPS

52 | Modelling and Control

The maximum value of current I1 is obtained at the time of t4 , Equation (4.21)

gives the expression of current stress, which is the value of current I1 .

Ts nVo
ILmax = [k(1 − D1 ) + (2D2 − 1)] (4.21)
In the EPS control, the peak current is decided by both the internal phase
shift ratio D1 and the external phase shift ratio D2 . Equation (4.22) gives
the equation of EPS maximum inductor current. As the efficiency of DAB
converter is usually higher than 95%, an assumption is made that the output
power amount is the same as the input power amount. (i.e. the converter is an
ideal converter). Substituting the output voltage of the current equation, the
current is formed as an equation that is decided by the input voltage and duty
shift ratios.

nVin Vo Ts 1
Poeps = [D2 (1 − D2 ) + D1 (2D2 − D1 − 1)]
4L 2
nVo Ts
ILmax = [k(1 − D1 ) + (2D2 − 1)]
Vin Ts n2 Vin RTs
Imeps = + (2D2 − 1)(−D12 − 2D22 − D1 + 2D2 + 2D1 D2 )
4L 8L
From the equation of equation (4.22), the equation of current stress of EPS
control is obtained. If the internal phase shift ratio D1 is fixed, the peak current
value will increase with D2 . Also, the peak current changes with the voltage
transmission ratio k, and the minimum value is obtained when k = 1. The
unified peak current expression is written as equation (4.23). Figure (4.13)
shows the current stress Imeps ∗ changing with D1 , D2 and k.

Imeps ∗ = = 2(k(1 − D1 ) + (2D2 − 1)) (4.23)

From the figure it is inspected that the current stress is proportional to the
voltage transmission ratio. The minimum value is obtained at k = 1. Hence,
to minimize the current stress, the value of D1 and D2 are calculated. The
external phase shift ratio D2 is calculated by the desired output power from
equation (4.22).
1 + D1 − 1 − Po ∗ −D12
D2 =
2 q (4.24)
Imeps = 2(k − (k − 1)D1 − 1 − Po ∗ −D12 )
Modelling and Control | 53

Figure 4.13: Current stress of EPS of D1 , D2

1+D1 − 1−Po ∗−D 2
The value of external phase shift ratio D2 can be either 1
√ 2
1+D1 + 1−Po ∗−D12

. As it is discussed in the above part, the duty shift ratio
should be as small as possible. Hence, the value of the external duty shift ratio
is chosen as equation (4.24).

To minimize the value of the peak current, calculating the derivative of Imeps
with D1 and the minimum point of peak current is obtained.

dImeps D1
= −2(k − 1) + p
dD1 1 − Po ∗ −D12
Po ∗
D1 = (k − 1)
4(k − 1)2 + 1
s s
1 − Po ∗ 3(k − 1)2 + 1
Imepsmin = 2[k − (k − 1)2 − (1 − P o ∗) ]
4(k − 1)2 + 1 4(k − 1)2 + 1

If k = 1, the minimum value of current is obtained by setting the internal

phase shift D1 ratio as 0. For a given output power, the minimum current stress
increase with the increment of k. When the transmission ratio k is settled, the
minimum current with an increase of output power Po .
54 | Modelling and Control

The current stress of SPS control is calculated as equation (4.26) by

substituting D2 with the output power. Figure (4.14) shows the comparison
of the current stress of SPS and EPS.
Imspsmin = 2(k − 1 + 2D2 ) = 2(k − 1 − Po ∗) (4.26)

From the figure, it is clearly shown that the minimum current stress of EPS is

Figure 4.14: Current stress of SPS and EPS

always smaller than that of SPS. If k = 1 (i.e. the output voltage is 500V) the
current stress curves of SPS and EPS are the same. If k = 1.3 (i.e. the output
voltage is 380V), the current stress of EPS is slightly smaller than that of SPS.
If k = 2(i.e. the output voltage is 250V), the current stress of EPS is much
smaller than that of SPS. Hence, it is concluded that the current stress of EPS is
always smaller than that of SPS, especially under a high voltage transmission
ratio k.

4.2.2 Minimum Reactive Power Control

The first step of the controller design is to build the model of the DAB
converter. Ignoring the dynamics of inductor current IL , the reduced order
method is introduced to build the model as the SPS controlling scheme model.
Modelling and Control | 55

Figure (4.15) below is the reduced-order model of the EPS converter. To get
the transfer function of output voltage and external phase shift ratio D2 , small
signals are added to the equations of the output current. iˆo , dˆ1 , dˆ2 are the output
current signals and input duty shift ratio signals disturbance respectively. In
the reduced order method, the average input and output current values across
one switching cycle serve to explain the properties of the current. Finally, the
DAB is transformed into a first-order system by ignoring the dynamics of the
inductor current. The reduced order method is much easier and more accurate
enough to get the transfer function of the system.

The reduced order method is shown in figure (4.15). On the input side, the
input DC voltage source and capacitor are shown together with the average
input current. On the output side, the average output current from the converter
and load resistor are shown in parallel connection with it.

Figure 4.15: Reduced order model of EPS circuit

nTs Vin
Io + iˆo = [(D2 + dˆ2 )(1 − D2 − dˆ2 )]
2L (4.27)
1 ˆ ˆ ˆ
+ (D1 + d1 )[2(D2 + d2 ) − (D1 + d1 ) − 1]
The square of the small signal disturbance can be considered as 0. Eliminating
the steady state value, the small signal of the output current is written as
equation (4.28), which is the equation of the control variables, duty shift ratio
of both sides. The small signal of output current iˆo can be written as the
equation of dˆ1 and dˆ2 . The sum of these two parts makes up the output current.
iˆo = 2(1 − 2D2 + D1 )dˆ2 + (1 + D2 − D1 )dˆ1 (4.28)
56 | Modelling and Control

Separating the equation (4.28), the transfer function for current and external
phase sift ratio D2 is written as equation (4.29).
Gd2i = 2(1 − 2D2 + D1 ) Gd1i = (1 + D2 − D1 ) (4.29)
Figure (4.16) gives the reduced order control block diagram of EPS control.
The gain of the transfer function Gd2i and Gd1i is added together to get the

Figure 4.16: Reduced order model of EPS control

output current. The output voltage is obtained by multiplying the output

current and output impedance. From equation (4.29), the transfer function
of output current io and duty shift ratio D1 , D2 is written as equation (4.30).

iˆo = Gd1i dˆ1 + Gd2i dˆ2 (4.30)

Putting D1 = 32 D2 and dˆ1 = 23 dˆ2 ,equation (4.30) can be rewritten as equation

iˆo = (21 − 23D2 )dˆ2 (4.31)
Hence, the open loop transfer function of output voltage and external duty shift
ratio D2 is obtained as equation (4.32).

1 R
vˆo = (21 − 23D2 ) dˆ2 (4.32)
9 RCout s + 1

Figure (4.17) illustrates the control block diagram of the EPS modulation.
To be mentioned, the aim of designing a closed-loop voltage controller is to
modify the inaccuracy of the circuit parameters. The resistor and inductor
might be different from the set-up model which leads to the miscalculation of
the duty shift ratio. To maintain the constant output power, the closed-loop
controller is implemented. Besides, the closed-loop controller can stabilize
Modelling and Control | 57

Figure 4.17: Control block diagram of reactive power elimination modulation

the output voltage under load-step or input oscillation cases.

Implementing the PI controller to modify the bode diagram of the PI controller,

the switching frequency is set as 10% of the switching frequency, which
is 10kHz, figure (4.18a) and figure (4.18b) plotted the figures of the open-
loop transfer function and closed-loop transfer function. The PI controller
parameters are chosen as Kp = 1.777e − 05, Ki = 1.68.

(a) Bode Diagram (b) Modified Bode Diagram

Figure 4.18: Open loop and PI modified closed loop bode diagram of EPS
modulation scheme Minimum Current Stress Control

The principle of minimum current stress control is to calculate the value of D1
at the steady state to minimize the current based on equation (4.25).
Under different output voltage Vo and voltage transmission ratio k, the internal
phase shift ratio can be calculated as different values of D1 , which leads to the
minimum current stress in the steady state.

k = 1, k = 1.3, k = 2 are calculated as 3 steady state operation points

58 | Modelling and Control

respectively to get values of D1 . If the value of D1 is specified, the closed

loop of EPS only has one control variable, which is D2 . The controller of
D2 tunes the external phase shift ratio to follow the reference output voltage
signal until the steady state. In the steady state, the current stress will be the
minimum if the controller is designed correctly.

Figure (4.19) shows the control block diagram of minimum current stress
control. The parameters of the PI regulators of minimum current stress control

Figure 4.19: Control block of minimum current stress modulation

are similar to the SPS control scheme. If k = 1, Vo = 500V , it will be exactly

the same as SPS control, which leads to Kp = 0.089 and Ki = 5.60. However,
if k ̸= 1, the optimal value of D1 is calculated first. With only one control
variable, EPS becomes SPS controlling scheme.
Simulation Results | 59

Chapter 5

Simulation Results

In this chapter, the theoretical equations and models are verified via the
simulation models. First, the figures of SPS working under 380V and 500V
operation points are plotted to satisfy the 10kW power demand. Figures of the
closed-loop control are plotted under the load step test to verify the design of
the controller.

Additionally, the reactive power elimination control and current stress

suppression control schemes are verified in Simulink as well. Comparisons are
made between EPS and SPS modulation to show the influence of the optimized

The power loss is simulated by inputting the datasheet of the power devices
into the circuit. The power device loss like conduction loss and switching loss
is calculated. The copper loss and magnetic loss of the transformer is also
considered. The efficiency of different operation points is simulated.

Finally, power loss such as switching loss, and transformer loss is taken into
consideration in the simulation. EPS increases the efficiency of the power
converter compared to SPS control.
60 | Simulation Results

5.1 SPS Simulation Results

The simulation results of SPS control verify that the converter can transfer
10kW power from the primary side to the secondary side from 380V to
500V, which proves the correct parameters design. The results of open-loop
simulation and closed-loop simulation are shown respectively to verify the
theoretical calculations.

5.1.1 Open Loop Simulation

First, set the Duty shift ratio D2 = 0.175. Figure (5.1) shows the voltage
waveform of the primary side Vp , secondary converted to primary side voltage
Vs′ , and the inductor voltage VL . Vs′ = 380V ×1.6 = 608V , Vp = Vin = 800V ,
then the inductor voltage is obtained. From figure(5.2), it is inspected that
I1 is around 28A and I2 is around 6A, which proves the correctness of the
theoretical calculation.

Figure 5.1: Voltage waveform of 380V

Also, the figures of the output voltage and output power are plotted to verify
the desired requirements, which is shown in figure (5.3).
Figure (5.4) shows the waveform of the inductor current and primary side
voltage. To combine those two figures, unified values are used. It is inspected
Simulation Results | 61

Figure 5.2: Current waveform of 380V

that when the switches S2 and S4 are turned on, the current still flows in the
same direction, which means the voltage across the drain to the source is only
the voltage drop of the body diode. ZVS operation is realized.

Figure 5.3: Output power

Then the duty shift ratio D2 is set as 0.125, which gives the 500V output.
Same as the 380V output voltage, figures of voltage, current, output power,
and ZVS operation are plotted. Figure (5.5) shows the voltage waveform of
500V output. As it is stated in the theoretical part, the 500V output voltage is
62 | Simulation Results

Figure 5.4: ZVS of primary side

a special operation point that leads to the value of k = 1.

Figure 5.5: Voltage waveform of 500V

If the output power is 500V, the converted secondary side voltage is 800V,
which means Vp = Vs′ , and the peak value of the inductor current is the same
as shown in figure (5.6). The inductor’s voltage only has two stages, which
are 0V and 1600V correspondingly. Figure (5.7) shows the output power and
Simulation Results | 63

Figure 5.6: Current waveform of 500V

voltage of 10kW and 500V.

Figure 5.7: Output power

The results of the open-loop simulation prove that the model of the converter
can give a 10kW output power of the output voltage varied from 380V to
500V. The design of the voltage loop works as expected leading to the current
and voltage values. The mathematical equations can describe the energy
conversion process of the DAB converter.
64 | Simulation Results

Figure 5.8: ZVS of primary side

5.1.2 Closed Loop Simulation

The closed loop PI controller can decrease the signal tracking time and tracks
the settled reference voltage signal. A load step test is performed to test the
performance of closed-loop control.

Implement the PI controller parameters as given in the theoretical calculation

part, and simulate the model to get the output voltage Vo . First, the load resistor
is set as 25Ω, which leads to a 10kW output power. Figures (5.9) and (5.10)
show the waveform of the relationship between the duty shift ratio and the
output power. From the controller output, it is inspected that the duty shift
ratio reaches the maximum value to start the circuit. At the steady state, D2
oscillates around 0.125. (From open loop simulation, it is known that D2
should be 0.125 to output 500V voltage.)

A load step simulation is performed to verify the closed-loop design of the

PI controller. First, the DAB converter works under a half-load circumstance,
which means the load is 50% and the output power is 5kW. At the time of 0.1s,
there’s a load step that makes the load resistor become 25Ω. In this case, the
output power increases to 10kW. Figure (5.11) and (5.12) shows the waveform
of the output voltage, controller output, output current and output power.
The closed loop simulation results show that the voltage has a faster speed
rising to the setting value because of the input of the PI controller. The output
of the PI controller reaches the upper limit at the start of the converter.
Simulation Results | 65

Figure 5.9: Close loop output voltage and controller

Figure 5.10: Closed loop output current and power

However, both the closed-loop simulation and the load step simulation have
one common problem, which is the overshoot caused by the integration
controller. The initial state of voltage is 0, leading to a huge difference between
the reference signal that saturates the integration controller.
66 | Simulation Results

Figure 5.11: Load step of output voltage and controller output

Figure 5.12: Load step of output current and power

To solve the overshoot problem, an integration separation block is designed

for the PI controller. The principle is that the Integration controller is disabled
at the beginning, as the start point of the output voltage is 0.
Simulation Results | 67

The integration controller is activated when the voltage difference enters

the 50V threshold to eliminate the steady-state error. And the proportional
controller operates all the process. In this way, a PI controller without
overshoot is obtained, which is shown in figure (5.13) and (5.14).

Figure 5.13: Integration separation block

Figure 5.14: Integration separation of output voltage and controller output

68 | Simulation Results

Figure 5.15: Integration separation of output current and power

From figure (5.14) and (5.15), it is shown that the overshoot is totally
eliminated. The figure of controller output has a narrow width that leads to
less output of the controller. In the steady state, the controller has the same
output as the normal PI controller, which tracks the voltage reference signal
Simulation Results | 69

5.2 EPS Simulation Results

5.2.1 Open-Loop Simulation
The DAB converter should be able to output the voltage from 380V to 500V.
To minimize the reactive power, equation (4.19) is set to zero. The relationship
of D1 and D2 is that D1 = 23 D2 . Solving equation (4.17), D2 = 0.2 and
D1 = 23 D2 is obtained to output the 500V voltage.

The simulation waveforms of primary side voltage Vp , secondary transferred

voltage Vs′ , inductor voltage VL , and inductor current IL are shown as figure
(5.16) and figure (5.17). The difference between Vp and Vs′ is the inductor
voltage VL , which leads to the current waveform of IL . From the figure of
the voltage waveform, it is verified that the primary side voltage has 3 stages
caused by the internal phase shift ratio D1 .

Figure 5.16: Primary and secondary side voltage of EPS control

The next step is to verify the results of the 380V voltage output. The voltage
transmission ratio k is calculated as k = Vin /nVo = 1.316. When the external
phase shift D2 = 0.175, the output voltage is almost 380V, and the output
power is 10kW. Simulation waveforms are shown in figure (5.18) and figure
(5.19). Caused by the unbalance of voltage of both sides, the inductor voltage
has 4 levels, which leads to a higher value of inductor current.
70 | Simulation Results

Figure 5.17: Inductor voltage and current of EPS control

Figure 5.18: Primary and secondary side voltage of EPS control (380V)

From the waveform of EPS current and voltage, it can be verified that the
problem of reactive power and current stress can be solved by adjusting the
internal phase shift ratio D1 .
Simulation Results | 71

Figure 5.19: Inductor voltage and current of EPS control (380V)

5.2.2 Closed Loop Simulation

First, the load step test at 380V and 500V output voltages is performed to verify
the response of the closed-loop controller. Figure (5.20) shows the simulation
result of a load step occurring at 0.1s of the 380V output voltage.
Figure (5.21) shows the figure of 500V output voltage. The output voltage
and current have an overshoot caused by the PI controller. From those two
figures, it is inspected that the closed-loop controller of EPS control satisfies
the design requirement of the output power. The closed loop of EPS control
satisfies the basic design requirement of the DAB converter. 10kW power is
transferred from the primary side to the secondary side. The closed-loop PI
controller stabilizes the output voltage from 380V to 500V of a 10kW output
power. Reactive Power Elimination

The second step is to compare EPS with SPS from the reactive power
elimination perspective. As it is introduced in the theoretical part, the reactive
power can be decreased by setting the internal phase shift ratio D1 = 32 D2 .
Figure (5.22) shows the primary side voltage and inductor current under the
500V operation point design parameters. Figure (5.23) shows the figure of
380V output voltage.
72 | Simulation Results

Figure 5.20: Load step of EPS of 380V

Figure 5.21: Load step of EPS of 500V

From the figures, the conclusion is that the reactive power of EPS can be totally
eliminated when the voltage transmission ratio k = 1. If k = 1.316, EPS
control still produced less reactive power than SPS control, which proves the
design is correct. Current Stress Suppression

Another optimized performance of EPS control is the suppression of peak
current as discussed in equation (4.25). First, the inductor current is compared
Simulation Results | 73

Figure 5.22: Reactive power of 500V

Figure 5.23: Reactive power of 380V

between SPS and EPS of the output voltage 250V. D1 = 0 is the SPS
modulation scheme, and D1 = 0.3 corresponds to the minimum current
value of EPS modulation. (250V voltage is only selected to draw an obvious
comparison. The design operation range of Vo is from 380V to 500V.)

From figure (5.24), it is inspected that the EPS control can greatly reduce the
current amplitude if the voltage transmission ratio is k = 2.
Different from the triangle wave of SPS current, the EPS current waveform
has 3 peaks, which are caused by the multi-levels of inductor voltage. The
maximum peak value of the inductor current is greatly reduced in this
modulation scheme.
Then, the control scheme is tested if the output voltage is 380V, which leads
to k = 1.316. Setting D1 = 0.2, the current is less than 20A, which is also
reduced compared to the SPS modulation.
74 | Simulation Results

Figure 5.24: SPS/EPS current of k=2

Figure 5.25: SPS/EPS current of k=1.3

Finally, the results of the inductor current are compared when the output
voltage is 500V, which corresponds to k = 1. At this operation point, D1 = 0
leads to the best efficiency. The minimum current stress is obtained by the
SPS modulation scheme. However, to make a comparison between SPS and
EPS control scheme, D1 = 0.2 is picked as a random value to modulate
the converter of the EPS scheme. In this special case, the optimum point is
Simulation Results | 75

obtained when the internal duty shift ratio is set to 0. (i.e. SPS control). From
figure (5.26), we can inspect that the minimum current is obtained by the SPS
control modulation as expected.

Figure 5.26: SPS/EPS current of k=1

Compared figure (5.24), figure (5.25) and figure (5.26), several conclusions
can be drawn.
1. The inductor peak current increases with the voltage transmission ratio k,
the minimum value is obtained when k = 1.
2. EPS control scheme can greatly reduce the inductor current if k is much
greater than 1 by tuning the internal phase shift ratio D1 .
3. To minimize the inductor current, the designer should set the voltage
transmission ratio to operate around 1.

5.3 Efficiency Simulation

Loss simulation is an important issue that needs to be considered in the design
of a power electronics converter, as it evaluates the efficiency and thermal
behavior of the system. PLECS is a specialized simulation platform that is
suitable for modeling and simulating electrical circuits with power electronic
components and devices. PLECS implements piecewise linear models that
76 | Simulation Results

allow for efficient simulation of switching behavior and non-linear effects in

power electronic systems.

Based on the discussion of Chapter (4.1), the simulation and modeling of

a 10kW DAB circuit have been set up from the open-loop and closed-loop
perspectives. Values of the inductor current, input, and output current are
obtained. Based on these values, the switches are selected and the transformer
is designed. The loss can be estimated by combining the parameters on the
datasheet and the results of the simulation.

Based on the simulation model of Simulink, the parameters of switches,

transformers, and other components are input to the model of PLECS. It
is specially designed for the simulation of power electronics systems and
controls. Compared to Simulink, PLECS has a much faster convergence

The parameters are the same as the Simulink. Thermal models of MOSFETs
are imported into the Simulink. A measurement subsystem consisting of
switching losses of primary FETs, switching losses of secondary FETs,
conduction losses of primary FETs, conduction losses of secondary FETs, and
transformer copper losses are taken into consideration. Figure (5.27) shows
the schematic in PLECS. The reference voltage is set as 500V, and the load

Figure 5.27: Schematic in PLECS

resistance is 25Ω, which leads to a 10kW output power. Figure (5.28) shows
the output voltage, output current, and output power of the DAB converter. A
500V output voltage, 10kW output power is set as the output power level.

The power loss is divided into switching loss of primary FETs, conduction
Simulation Results | 77

Figure 5.28: Output waveform in PLECS

loss of primary FETs, switching loss of secondary sides, conduction loss of

secondary sides, and transformer loss of 5 parts in the PLECS. Figure (5.29a)
is the turn-off loss plotted based on the datasheet. Figure (5.29b) shows the
conduction loss curve of current and voltage varied with temperature. Loading
these files into PLECS simulation, the loss is simulated in the solver.

(a) C3M0030090K Turn-off loss (b) C3M0030090K Conduction loss

Figure 5.29: C3M0030090K loss curves

The efficiency of the DAB converter is tested at 380V and 500V to compare
the efficiency of the circuit. Table (5.2) and table (5.2) show the simulation
78 | Simulation Results

Table 5.1: Efficiency of SPS 380V 500V

Input power(W) Output power(W) Output voltage(V) Loss(W) Efficiency

11274.8 10834.6 378.2 440.1 96.41%
10103.0 9974.6 500.3 128.34 97.7%

Table 5.2: Efficiency of EPS 380V,500V

Input power(W) Output power(W) Output voltage(V) Loss(W) Efficiency

10688.0 10399.5 377.1 288.6 97.3%
10240.0 10004.9 500.8 235.0 97.5%

From the table of simulation results, it is inspected that the maximum

efficiency is obtained when the voltage transfer ratio k = 1. The efficiency of
500V is 97.7% which satisfies the design requirement.
EPS can alleviate the current stress of the power devices, which decreases the
power loss of the switches. The simulations of the minimum current stress
modulation scheme are performed to verify the loss and efficiency.

In the EPS modulation scheme, the efficiency is increased if the input voltage
and converted output voltage are unequal. The value of the internal phase
shift ratio D1 can be calculated through the derivative of the inductor current.
Setting D1 to the optimized value, a closed-loop PI controller is built to
maintain the output power. In the steady state, the converter will have the
optimized performance as expected.

To be mentioned, as we can see from the table, the loss of 500V of the
EPS modulation scheme is much higher than that of SPS. This is because
the optimal point of EPS control at 500V is obtained when the internal duty
shift ratio is 0(i.e. SPS control), which is shown in figure(5.26). To make a
comparison, D1 = 0.2 is picked as a random value to simulate the EPS control.
As it is expected, the efficiency drops compared to the SPS control caused by
the conduction loss.
Conclusions | 79

Chapter 6


The aim of the thesis is to design and build a high-efficiency, high-power

density 10kW DC-DC converter that is capable of operating within a voltage
range of 500V to 800V. Initially, the literature study investigates the topology
and modulation scheme of the DC-DC converter. DC converters are
categorized as isolated and non-isolated converters. Non-isolated converters
have a simpler topology and less complex modulation scheme, making them
suitable for lower-power application scenarios. On the other hand, isolated
DC-DC converters, such as LLC and DAB, can handle a wide range of input
and output voltages by utilizing a high-frequency transformer for magnetic
isolation. The DAB converter employs phase-shift modulation, providing
greater flexibility for controller design, and is therefore chosen as the topology
for this converter.

In the System Design Theory chapter, design details are presented. The DAB
converter is a sophisticated system comprising 8 switches, a high-frequency
transformer, an inductor, and an output capacitor. The circuit modes of
the SPS (single-phase shift) and EPS (extended phase shift) are analyzed to
facilitate better converter design. SPS has 6 operation modes based on the
waveform of the inductor current, while EPS has 2 additional states due to the
added internal phase shift ratio. The crucial component of the leakage inductor
is calculated to ensure zero-voltage switching (ZVS) operation of the power
circuit and efficient power transfer from the DC source. The output capacitor is
determined based on the requirement for output voltage ripple. The switching
frequency, transformer, and MOSFET are selected by considering the trade-off
between power density and efficiency, with calculations performed at the 500V
output voltage working point. The calculations primarily focus on switching
80 | Conclusions

and transformer losses, which are the most significant losses, to estimate the
overall efficiency.

Next, the modeling and control of SPS and EPS are addressed. A comparison
is made between the SPS and EPS modulation schemes based on reactive
power and current stress. By introducing a small disturbance to the steady-state
model, reduced-order dynamic models for SPS and EPS are obtained. Open-
loop bode diagrams are plotted, and a proportional-integral (PI) controller is
designed to compensate for system behavior, resulting in modified closed-
loop bode diagrams that provide the values for the PI controller. To address
the issue of integration saturation-induced overshoot, an integral separation
method is implemented in the closed-loop controller.

Finally, simulation verification is conducted using Simulink. Both open-loop

and closed-loop simulations are performed for the SPS modulation scheme,
demonstrating the effectiveness of the PI controller in system startup and load
step tests. The simulation of the EPS control scheme successfully eliminates
reactive power and reduces current stress as intended. Moreover, the efficiency
simulation for EPS improves the overall efficiency of the DAB converter,
particularly under light load conditions.
Future work | 81

Chapter 7

Future work

Limited by the time and components, the hardware verification hasn’t been
finished. A 10kW DAB converter should be produced in the lab with the
ordered PCB boards and components. The control methods should be verified
on the hardware platform. Figure (7.1) shows the system overview of the
The DAB converter can be divided into 4 parts to ensure the flexibility and

Figure 7.1: System overview of the converter

scalability of the converter. The primary and secondary sensing cards collect
the voltage and current signals from the primary bridge and the secondary
bridge. Then those signals are converted to the range that the MCU can
process. The control card receives the signals from the sensor boards and
calculates the control signals to follow the reference value. Four control cards
are installed on the board that drives the four legs of the converter. A DAB
converter with the structure shown above will be produced.
82 | Future work

The control card will use the launch pad of Texas Instrument TMDSC-
NCD280049C or TMDSCNCD28379D. An HSEC 180pin connector is used
to connect the control card to the power board.

The control scheme will be verified based on the hardware platform to give
a more reliable conclusion.

Another interesting issue that needs further investigation is the controlling of

the DAB converter. Extended phase shift modulation only varies the internal
phase shift ratio of the primary side. However, it is also possible to change the
secondary side phase shift ratio, which is the DPS(Dual Phase Shift) control.
The modulation scheme of the DAB converter can be analyzed to improve its
efficiency of the DAB converter.

Finally, the power transformer should be simulated in the magnetic simulation

software to better understand the working process and optimize the design. A
multi-physical simulation can be conducted to finalize the project.
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86 | Appendix A: Simulation Schematics

Appendix A

Simulation Schematics

A.1 Simulink Schematic

Figure A.1: Schematic of DAB converter

Appendix A: Simulation Schematics | 87

Figure A.2: Schematic of DAB modulation

88 | Appendix A: Simulation Schematics

A.2 PLECS simulation

Figure A.3: Schematic of DAB converter


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