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Banking Law

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ililil|I1flilillilililililil 4A22

Fourth Semester 3 Yr. LL.B. Examination, April/May 2022 (Dec. 2A21)


Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks : B0

lnstructions : 1. Answer any five questions from group (a) and

five from group (b).
2. Figures to the right indicate the marks.
3. Answers should be written either in English or
Kannada completely.

Q. No. 1. a) Explain the growth and development of Banking

lnstitutions in lndia. Marks : 10
qndddO_ zmdoEoif io#d Ljddsdri *4
d:od: ado::. "p{qoJrq

Q. No. 1. b) Write a note on :

u3i$ udouro:
Supervisory role of Reserve Bank of lndia. Marks : 6
qnd8eo:: odrr zmrosd C:ee)oz^rodc6" m9.
Q. No. 2. a) Discuss the functions of commercial Banks in lndia. Marks : 10
qDddd0$ EDtd% zrorod;rld ao$rddd1 dzsrxr.

Q. No. 2. b) lDBl. Marks : G


Q. No. 3. a) Explain the general principles relating to secured

loan. Marks: 10
d{Oo* sa*r* douot'dg -drq ddddddl adoa.

4022 .2- llllilililllllllllllllllllll

Q. No. 3. b) Write a note on :

s{ed udoo:o:
Ancillary Services of a Bank. Marks : 6
zmro8d dpdd deddq;b.

Q. No. 4. a) Describe the objectives and major features of the

Deposit lnsurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation
of lndian Act 1961 . Marks : 10
qndeeod: dede6 adr $d: msd qJdd iod uao31,
1961 d erQ0o$aild gr:ded ab$ d::al, od*eadddl

Q. No. 4. b) Write a note on :

Ei{cd udouo:
Priority sector advances. Marks : 6
udrao de:c1>d dr:odddd;.

Q. No. 5. a) Define Bill of Exchange. Explain the distinction between

Bill of Exchange and Promissory Note. Marks : 10
e&#Jo$ dgdq Drds%nfto. ap*o$ dq drQ ddd
d$,d dd:ad drarddddl adot.
Q. No. 5. b) Write a note on :

u3{ed udc:o:
Endorsement. Marks: 6

Q. No. 6. a) Who is a holder in due course ? Explain the privileges

of a holder in due course. Marks : 10
c:{ 9* oaoBdcdd cDdr ? otud $c:6aotsd
J-J--J-J.JJ- ^Jq"
\i/NJ cJcJU{.

Q. No. 6. b) Write a note on :

r"3i$ udo::o:
Noting and protesting. Marks : 6
ffi-qrd $d: dedeid.
lllllllllllllllllllllllillllll '3- 4a22

Q. No. 7. a) Discuss the banker's obligation to maintain secrecy of

customer's account. Marks : 10

ryddd sodod: nadddo$d1 maacdodgd zmrodCd

zmdeo*d1 CaSr*.

Q. No. 7. b) A cheque written infavour of XYZ's Co. a partnership

firm is sent by one o{ its partners Y, requesting the banker

to credit the amount of the cheque to his personal account.

Can the banker do so ? Decide. Marks : 6

XYZ anq:naod dode diod0&d dd*q dod&od: me-uoad

Yd {o$id mdrl z3{d draddl dnaroudw droed:od.

mroddd: dr OeB dndz^:d:de ? Cdroruo.

Q. No. B. a) Who is a Banker ? Explain general relationship of

Banker and Customer. Marks: 10

emrodcn ;odd o$Edr ? n3ddd $Q *roded mdnd

J^^.^JJ!- -.-.?qe.
.JUir.,UqiJcdC0J, c^Jcru"r.

Q. No. 8. b) Mr. Shankar couldn't present the cheque received from

his friend due to busy schedule. The period of limitation

is about to expire on a day which happens to be a holiday.

Advice Mr. Shankar. Marks: 6

doddd: dq debdeod idd dd*Q deid z"$dd aadra

z,ro oEn dOnde,:. dzsc addo* rto doa:e erd6

doddpri dsd &eG.


Q. No. 9. a) Explain E-Banking Remittances. Marks: 10

E- zrcro8on' mderlddl .)do:ro.

Q. No. 9. b) Write a note on :

Ei{r5 r^:doero:
Gyber Evidence. Marks : 6
c^raldo)gN -J
Q. No. 10. a) Examine the grounds under which the banking Ombudsman
may reject the complaint. Marks : 10
dodJdddl zroro*onr iloua" u$d" oJDd u6addd d:ee3
eqoiud:dou zurl doe*gto.

Q. No. 10. b) Write a note on :

tJ{rd udowo:
/^,^^li+ t\ r^.t.^ ct,
\rt riutt f\^-A
\/cu u. tvtd.l l\D

gao,r' 606trr.
I lilfl llllr llill lllllllll llll

lv semester 3 Year LL.B. Examination, oct./Nov,2021


Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80

lnstructions : 1. Answer any five questions from group (a) each

question carries 10 marks.
2. Answer any five questions from group (b) each
question carries 06 marks.
3. Answers should be written either in English or
Kannada comPletelY.

Q. No. 1. a) Discuss the functions of Commercial Banks in lndia. Marks : 10

qD dddeJf aro edx, zm, o$ dd ro o$ r dddl de^: rn'

Q. No. 1. b) Write short notes on : Marks :6

e-rfio t^l{ed udou:o:
AgencY Bank.
Q. No. 2. a) Explain the ancillary services of a Bank' Marks : 10
mrosd dB dd dedrlddl adoxr'

Q. No. 2. b) Write short notes on : Marks : 6

e,r$u t:{ed udou:o:
State Bank of lndia.
*[,r *rod eJQ"'aoao$E.

Q. No. 3. a) Explain the main features of Banking Regulation Act,

1949. Marks : 10
mroEonr Oo$o$eo uaob , 1949d dDa)d od;nrlddl adoxr.

Q. No. 3. b) Write short notes on : Marks: 6

e;{u t^:{td udolro:
DePosite lnsurance CorPoration.
dm n uf 'adordq ro{P e r dedo'.
Q. No. 4. a) Discuss the powers of Reserve Bank of lndia over non-
banking comPanies. Marks : 10
uo^,odedd dodprld d)eOd;d z,ndBeo$ oias"r zrorodfd
elqrrdddi dzsrr,. P.T.O.
4022 -2- IililItil[llilililtilill

Q. No. 4. b) Write short notes on :

Marks : 6
e.t$c zodouo:
Bank Rate Policy formation.
?Ddo6f dd pee ddd.

Q. No. 5. a) Explain the duties of a banker to honour customer,s

cheque. Marks : 10
ry ddd d6" dddl nE dat'od zo, oddd dd r d, dddl cdo,R).

Q. No. 5. b) Write short notes on :

Marks : 6
e.tfiu r^lird udouo:
Pass book.
1-..i-A=i6' o
wgru \\=f,
q.(Jo -

Q. No. 6. a) Discuss the banker's obrigation to maintain secrecy

customer's account.
Marks : 10
p 1r: an d oJ: rp dd d o$ d1 m c dro d* d
u-D zo, od d d zm
d u oo d1
q, (r a AJ.

Q. No. 6. b) Ram, Rahim and Robert are partners in a Rthree

firm. They
informed the bankers that Ram and Rahim wilr
operate the
firm's current account. can the banker honour the
signed by Ram and Robert ? Marks : 6
cDdc, daedc d.:dj o.J ?JB6r scf ge aozJ jod^C:e)
msroadoand:acd. oaab ab* deeabcb dodoj: **d
a1d: oia-ddori dD&3 dgd
&ea&od. sdd oad:" *dl oouo,:er ib draad iodoi>
asu"dddlanrodcn d,nd, dndatd:de ?
Q. No. 7. a) what is endorsement ? Exprain types of endorsement.
Marks : 10
aodded> ? oad oeso$ er$doedddddl

Q. No. 7. b) Write short notes on :

Marks: 6
ofiu o^:{ed udobo:


. lfilmffilf,lE
Q.No.8.a)Definecheque.Bringoutthedistinctionbetweenacheque Marks : 10
and a promisory note' , ,- ^-.,;
d"di;Ju*' $Q aga:no doet'r (dt3@ ) d&ad 4'-'i
Marks : 6
Q. No. 8. b) Write short notes on :
e-:{o o,s{ed udos:o:
Noting and Protesting'
rt$Piodld' d>* d'Bd u3ii']d

Marks : 6
Q. No. 9. b) Write short notes on :
c;fio u:{ed udou:o:
PrinciPles of sound lending'
xae; &e&d ao{d dddrl$'
Marks : 10
Q. No. 10. a) Briefly explain E-Banking facilities'
q- ?trd oEon" tro e?.lddd u{no$m R adotu'
Marks : 6
Q. No. 10. b) Write short notes on :

o{o u:{ed udooo:


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