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Apr - May 2022 Contract 2

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lv Semester 5 Year B.A.LL. B. (Maj.-Min.-system/B. B,A.LL. B.lB.Com. LL. B.
Examination, AprillMay 2A22 (Dec. ZAZ'I)
CONTRACT - I (Law of Generat Contract)
Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80

lnstructions : 1. Answer all five Units.

2. One essay type question and short note/problems
is compulsory from each Unit.
3. Figures to the right indicate marks.
4. Answer should be written either in English or
Kannada completely.


Q. No. 1 . a) Define acceptance and what are the rules of acceptance ? Marks : 10
ercfleu;ddQ q".rr&&o ebd: uofteadd &cbaJ:rlqndd; t
Q. No. 1. a) Explain the essentials of a valid contract. Marks : 10
z"cei: aadoai:a;d dmod std"d ,ucdrlsJd.: cdotro.
Q. No. 1. b) E-Contract. Marks : 6

Q. No. 1. b) Consideration. Marks : 6
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Q. No. 2. a) Define fraud. Distinguish it from misrepresentation. Marks : 10

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Q. No. 2. a) Discuss the effect of minor,s agreement. Marks : 10
JJJJ d"6otu dr&uecd ldcdC dOco-aabrl#d:
(, C! r F.

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Q. No. 2. b) Undue influence. Marks : 6

ed;z3g dz,Dx.
Q. No. 2. b) Contingent contracts. Marks : 6
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Q. No. 3. a) Explain the different modes of discharge of contracts. Marks : 10
65Jd) .txartol: aad aFdrlsd] DdbR,o.

Q. No. 3. a) Explain the provisions relating to appropriation of

payments. Marks:1O
oca o3: d ( aa dg o1> ) && clo e zldo i cz,r c Q,Ad Cu cddd#d>
(eroiuod) ildotu.
Q. No. 3. b) 'A'agrees to pay 10,000 Rs. to 'B' if 'B's house is destroyed.
'B' has no house. ls it a valid contracl? Marks : 6
'z3'd t)d oadoadd, 'z$'rl 10,000 dnmetrlclab m*3is)
a r! a i,-J .66r7p IBJ:-)
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Q. No. 3. b) Chethan promised to marry Kavya after the death of his
father. But he married Suma when his father was alive,
Kavya wants to sue Chethan for breach of contract. Advise
Kavya. Marks : 6
iegc 3d so6f$ e6&d ilcgo Edrqd:. ild)ncDTlrocDR
erd9n CCd dod:od. erdd e,d& dd dcc zJd:Scbmrlere
rr*r*e* *.b;cr"e-. *moJ iqJ+--rr oodrrb redc
td:dAj0mo anaw uqtxba$. ad^q;ri {e-:a &eGo.

Q. No. 4. a) What are the remedies available for a breach of contract ?

Explain. Marks : 10
docod we;_cf,dnaFr aindd;C doaadrlqadd ? adotu.
llllllllllllllllllllllffillllllillllllillfillllllllfllllllllllllllt .s- saszrcoz1naz1
Q. No. 4. a) what is Quasi-contract ? Explain the different types of
Quasi-contracts. Marks : 10
srd-?"dcuGd ocdded: ?
aa6 orgo$ eJd_udcuadd*d)
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Q. No. 4. b) Write short note on : Marks : 6

e-rfir: t^:d,$ udog:o :

Liquidated damages and penalty.

&drod dd doaad 6"rtro dod.

Q. No. 4. b) 'A'contracts to supply goods on a specified day to ,B'. ,A,

does not suppry on that day. As a conseguence of it ,B, has
to close the factory. what are the remedies available to ,B, ?
Advice. Marks : 6
s"cd) cl0ri Oancddcd: ,dddb dpo.xbdmn .e,d) ,u,d
d,aEioso-Eoocbd>Gd;a*:ao. e:co (J oddcd: '(i'd) idddl
{po, X:d10 o_. .ado c d, D, d) roa"ro rCol:q fu qdeuarbd d.
'u'&i1 ciDd o€go$ doardrlc;: draddJdd Z ne;a d6E.

Q. No. 5. a) what is meant by specific performance ? who can claim
it? Marks: 10
ear{ dddeod acdoed: ? qd$ o$}& defud)el] ?

Q' No' 5. a) Discuss the provisions relating to recovery of movable and
immovable property. Marks: 10
do d)d) td {gili aaia:dJav:nd,ddo Xouce&d
wiucfrlcjc.$ .)do&o.
Q. No. 5. b) lnjunctions. Marks . 6
Q. No' 5. b) Contracts which are not specifically enforceable. Marks : 6
&Or{ deddeOdo$.t znOrl.,ovi€Drld dcnd:iig.:.

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