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UG-CBCS Regulations of GU (2019)

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(AS AMENDED ON 8/11/2019)


The Choice Based Credit System is the logical next step in a credit based semester system
becoming more learner-centric. A CBCS offers the student a diversity of courses to choose from
and the autonomy to decide on the place, pace and time of learning. The UGC has recommended
that it is desirable for all institutions of Higher Education in the country to move to a CBCS and,
together with it, implement a uniform grading system.


The undergraduate degree programme in the CBCS will have courses spread across six-
semesters. A typical semester will comprise a minimum of 15 to 18 weeks of academic work that
will translate into 90 actual teaching days. Two consecutive (one odd and one even) semesters
will make up an academic year. An UG course shall be of Six Semesters covering three
Calendar Years (Academic Sessions – June to May). The duration of the Odd Semesters (First,
Third and Fifth) shall be ‘June to November’, and that of Even Semesters (Second, Fourth and
Sixth) shall be ‘December to May’.

The dates and duration mentioned in the academic calendar concerned will be in consonance
with the above schedule as far as practicable.

Each student must take admission in three consecutive Academic Sessions starting with the first
semester. Students who do not enroll in the Second Academic Session will not be eligible to take
admission in the Third Academic Session.

The minimum time requirement to acquire an undergraduate degree will be three years. The
maximum time allowed to complete the programme will be six years.

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Structure of courses and credits of the UGCBCS programmes:

2.1 The term undergraduate degree programme denotes programmes like B.A., B.Sc., B.Com.,
B.Voc, BCA, BBA and all other such programmes where the requirement for award of a degree
is the successful progression of the student through six semesters of academic work.

2.2 The academic work in each semester will require the student to engage with chosen courses,
the content of which will be described in detail in the syllabi. Every course will have defined
learning objectives and may be designed to comprise lectures, tutorials, laboratory work, field
work, project work or any other activity that addresses the learning objectives of the course.

2.3 Each course will have credits, assigned on the basis of course related activities, which a
student will earn through satisfactory fulfillment of the academic requirement of the course.

2.4 An undergraduate degree program with Honours in a discipline will have a course credit
requirement of 148 credits while an undergraduate degree program without Honours will require
a student to earn 132 course credits. Students in a Honours program can opt to earn additional
credits by undertaking additional Elective courses subject to the condition that the total number
of course credits does not exceed 160 credits. For a student in a Regular program, this credit
ceiling will be 140 credits. The credits earned beyond the mandatory program requirement will
not be taken into consideration in computation of the student’s grade but will be recorded in the
grade sheet.

Note: Wherever the University requires that an applicant for a particular M.A./M.Sc.
/Technical/Professional course should have studied a specific discipline at the
undergraduate level, then obtaining 24 credits in the concerned discipline at the
undergraduate level may be deemed sufficient to satisfy such a requirement for
admission to the M.A./M.Sc./Technical/Professional course

2.5 The medium of instruction and examination will be English and/or Assamese,
except in language courses.
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3.1 The UGCBCS requires mandatory Generic Elective Courses which involves intra-
institutional (inter-departmental movement). However, at the operational level, colleges are
expected to face constraints in teaching, spatial and physical infrastructure. Hence, initially,
colleges may offer limited intra institutional mobility in the form of restricted combination of

3.2 Inter Institutional mobility may not be possible in the same semester. However, a student can
access off campus courses online in the SWAYAM platform, if and when, they are endorsed and
adopted by Gauhati University. In that case, credit and grade point earned will be transferred and
reflected in the Grade Sheet.

3.3 Gauhati University may allow a student to migrate, along with the credit earned, to another
affiliated college/a different university in a particular semester of a UG programme, but only
after completion of the previous semester. Similarly, it may allow students of other universities
to in-migrate, with their credit and grade points earned, to any under- graduate programme of the
university, provided they have completed the previous semester.


In line with the UGC’s guidelines, the courses are categorized as Core courses, Elective
courses or Ability Enhancement courses

4.1 Core Course. A Core course is a course that has to be compulsorily studied. A student in
an undergraduate degree programme with Honours will have to take up 14 core courses, each
of 6 credits. In a Regular undergraduate degree programme a student will need to take up 12
core courses, each again of 6 credits.

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4.2 Elective Course: An Elective course is to be chosen by the student from a pool of such
courses on offer and will essentially be of three types:
4.2.1 Discipline Specific Elective Course: An Elective Course which is
offered by the main discipline. The discipline offering a Discipline Specific
Elective course may also offer discipline related elective courses that are
interdisciplinary in nature. A student enrolled in an undergraduate degree
program with Honours will have to earn 24 course credits from Discipline
Specific Elective courses. For a student enrolled in a non-Honours
undergraduate degree program in science, the course credit requirement from
Discipline Specific Elective courses will be 36 credits. For a student enrolled
in a non-Honours undergraduate degree program in Arts and Commerce, the
course credit requirement from Discipline Specific Elective courses will be 24

4.2.2 Generic Elective Course: A Generic Elective Course is offered by an

unrelated discipline and has the objective of broadening the academic
experience of a student. A student enrolled in an undergraduate degree
program with Honours can acquire 24 course credits from Generic Elective
Courses. A Core Course offered in a discipline may be allowed as an Elective
to a student from another discipline. This course will be treated under the
category of Generic Elective Courses. Generic Elective Courses are not
available to students in a non-Honours undergraduate science degree program
while other non-Honours undergraduate programmes require enrollees to take
up two such courses.

4.2.3 Dissertation/Project: Engaging students in a Project/ Dissertation work,

which requires knowledge application and problem solving, is considered to be
important in the learning process. All students enrolled in an undergraduate degree
program (Honours and non-Honours) will have the option of choosing to undertake

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Project/Dissertation work for 6 credits in lieu of a 6 credit Discipline Specific
Elective course in the fifth semester only.

4.3 Ability Enhancement Courses: Ability Enhancement Courses which are to be

taken up by students in an undergraduate degree program will be of two types:
4.3.1 Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses: These 4 credit courses are
mandatory for every student enrolled in an undergraduate degree program. A
student will have to take up 4 credit course in Environmental Studies and a
second 4 credit course in English Communication/ MIL Communication.
4.3.2 Skill Enhancement Courses: Skill Enhancement Courses will be value-
based or skill based and there will be a pool of courses on offer. A student
enrolled in an undergraduate degree program with Honours will have to take
up a minimum of two SEC courses of 4 credits each as part of the program
requirement. For students enrolled in non-Honours undergraduate degree
programs the credit requirement from Skill Enhancement Courses will be 16
credits. It is desirable that the university will prepare Skill Enhancement
Courses for various disciplines from the list of SEC provided by the UGC
template. However colleges are free to develop their own SECs independently
which must have prior approval of the Academic Council.



Gauhati University has adopted the under-graduate Choice Based Credit System subject to the
UGCBCS Regulations, 2018, Gauhati University. The university has to the best possible extent
attempted to conform to the Instructional Template disseminated by UGC. The programmes
offered by Gauhati University will conform to the following guidelines.

5.1 Gauhati University will adhere to the common minimum curriculum and syllabi of
the core papers as framed by the UGC. The permissible deviation in the content in the
core papers is 30 % at the maximum.

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5.2 The university through their Under Graduate Committee of Courses and Studies
(UG-CCS) will design their own syllabi for the elective papers. The UG-CCS may adopt
elective courses from the list provided by the UGC or alternately frame courses
independently as per their specialization and available infrastructure.

5.3 Two categories of Ability Enhancement Courses will be offered:

5.3.1 a) English Communication (for BSc) and English/MIL Communication

(for BA) and Business Communication (for/BCom) will be offered in the 1st
Semester and
b) Environmental Studies will be offered in the 2nd semester.

5.3.2 Skill Enhancement Courses will be offered by affiliated colleges from

the UGC list. Alternately colleges may develop these courses on the basis of
local expertise and market demand and these courses must have prior approval
of the Academic Council.

5.4 5.4 For the purpose of computation of work-load the following mechanism is to be adopted:

1 Credit = 1 Theory period of one hour duration per week

1 Credit = 1 Tutorial period of one hour duration per week
1 Credit = 1 Practical period of two hour duration per week

For ODL learners admitted in GUIDOL, a 4 Credit course involves 120 hours of learner
study while a 6 credit course involves 180 hours of learner study. Learn Study comprises of
learning activities like reading and comprehending the print material, listening to audio,
watching video, attending counseling sessions, teleconference and writing assignment

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The following table indicates the requirements for successful completion of under-graduate
degree in Gauhati University –


Undergraduate Degree with Honours • 14 core papers in that discipline
(all disciplines) • 2 Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses
• 2 Skill Enhancement Courses ( minimum)
• 4 Discipline Specific Elective
• 4 Generic Elective papers

Undergraduate Degree • 4 core papers each in three disciplines of choice

(in science) • 2 Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses
• 4 Skill Enhancement Courses (minimum)
• 2 papers each of Discipline Specific Elective papers
based on three disciplines of choice selected above,

Undergraduate degree in Humanities/ • 4 core papers each in two disciplines of choice

Social Sciences/ Commerce • 2 core papers each in English and MIL/Alt English
• 2 Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses
• 4 Skill Enhancement Courses (minimum)
• 2 papers each from a list of Discipline Specific Elective
papers based on the two disciplines of choice selected
• 2 papers from the list of Generic Electives papers.

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Adopted from UGC Instructional Template for Facilitating Implementation of Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)

7.1 Credit Allocation (B.Sc. Honours)

Theory + Practical Theory + Tutorial
I. Core Course (6 Credits)
(14 Papers) 14X4= 56 14X5=70
Core Course Practical / Tutorial*
(14 Papers) 14X2=28 14X1=14
II. Elective Course (6 Credits)
(8 Papers)
A.1. Discipline Specific Elective (4 Papers) 4X4=16 4X5=20
A.2. Discipline Specific Elective Practical/ Tutorial* (4 4 X 2=8 4X1=4

B.1. Generic Elective/ Interdisciplinary (4 Papers) 4X4=16 4X5=20

B.2. Generic Elective Practical/ Tutorial* (4 Papers) 4 X 2=8 4X1=4

Optional Dissertation or project work in place of one Discipline Specific Elective paper (6 credits) in 6th Semester

III. Ability Enhancement Courses

1. Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses (AECC) (2 2 X 4=8 2 X 4=8
Papers of 4 credit each)

Environmental Science
English Communication
2. Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC) (Minimum 2) (2 2 X 4=8 2 X 4=8
Papers of 4 credit each)

Total credit 148 148

* wherever there is a practical there will be no tutorial and vice-versa

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7.2 Programme Template (B.Sc. Honours)

Ability Enhancement Skill Elective: Elective:

Semester Compulsory Course Enhancement Discipline Generic (GE)
(AECC) (2) Course (SEC) (2) Specific DSE (4) (4)

I English Communication GE-1
II Environmental Studies GE-2

III C6 SEC -1 GE-3
IV C9 SEC -2 GE-4
C 10
C 11 DSE-1
C 12 DSE -2
C 13 DSE -3
C 14 DSE -4

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7.3 Credit Allocation: B.A./B.Com. (Honours)

Theory + Practical Theory + Tutorial
I. Core Course (6 Credits)
(14 Papers) 14X4= 56 14X5=70
Core Course Practical / Tutorial*
(14 Papers) 14X2=28 14X1=14
II. Elective Course (6 Credits)
(8 Papers)
A.1. Discipline Specific Elective (4 Papers) 4X4=16 4X5=20
A.2. Discipline Specific Elective Practical/ Tutorial* 4 X 2=8 4X1=4
(4 Papers)
B.1. Generic Elective/ Interdisciplinary (4 Papers) 4X4=16 4X5=20
B.2. Generic Elective Practical/ Tutorial* (4 Papers) 4 X 2=8 4X1=4
Optional Dissertation or project work in place of one Discipline Specific Elective paper (6 credits) in 6th

III. Ability Enhancement Courses

1. Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses 2 X 4=8 2 X 4=8
(AECC) (2 Papers of 4 credits each)
Environmental Science
English/MIL Communication
2. Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC) (Minimum 2) 2 X 4=8 2 X 4=8
(2 Papers of 4 credits each)
Total credit 148 148
* wherever there is a practical there will be no tutorial and vice-versa

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7.4 Programme Template: B.A./B.Com. Honours

Skill Elective:
CORE Ability Enhancement Elective:
Enhancement Discipline
Semester COURSE Compulsory Course Generic (GE)
Course (SEC) Specific DSE
(14) (AECC) (2) (4)
(2) (4)

C1 (BA,hons)

I GE-1
C2 (BCom-hons)

Environmental Studies

III C6 SEC -1 GE-3
IV C9 SEC -2 GE-4
C 10
C 11 DSE-1
C 12 DSE -2
C 13 DSE -3
C 14 DSE -4

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7.5 Credit Allocation (B.Sc. Regular)

Theory + Practical Theory + Tutorial
I. Core Course (6 Credits)
(12 Papers) 12X4= 48 12X5=60
04 Courses from each of the 03 disciplines of choice
Core Course Practical / Tutorial*
(12 Practical/Tutorials*) 12X2=24 12X1=12
04 Courses from each of the 03 disciplines of choice
II. Elective Course (6 Credits)
(6 Papers) 6X4=24 6X5=30
Two papers from each discipline of choice including
paper of interdisciplinary nature
Elective Course Practical / Tutorial* 6 X 2=12 6X1=6
Two papers from each discipline of choice including
paper of interdisciplinary nature
Optional Dissertation or project work in place of one Discipline Specific Elective paper (6 credits) in 6th

III. Ability Enhancement Courses

1. Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses 2 X 4=8 2 X 4=8
(AECC) (2 Papers of 4 credit each)
Environmental Science
English Communication
2. Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC) (4 Papers of 4 4 X 4=16 4 X 4=16
credit each)
Total credit 132 132
* wherever there is a practical there will be no tutorial and vice-versa

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7.6 Programme Template: BSc (Regular)

Ability Enhancement Discipline Specific

CORE Skill Enhancement
Semester Compulsory Course Elective
COURSE (14) Course (SEC) (4)
(AECC) (2) (DSE) (6)

DSC- 1 A

DSC- 2 A English Communication


DSC- 3 A

DSC- 1 B
Environmental Studies

DSC- 3 B
DSC- 1 C
DSC- 3 C
DSC- 1 D
IV DSC- 2 D SEC -2
DSC- 3 D
V SEC -3 DSE-2 A

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7.7 Credit Allocation (BA, B Com. Regular)

Theory + Practical Theory + Tutorial
I. Core Course (6 Credits)
(12 Papers) 12X4= 48 12X5=60
Two papers - English
Two papers - MIL/Alt English
Four papers - Discipline 1
Four papers - Discipline 2
Core Course Practical / Tutorial* 12X2=24 12X1=12
(12 Practicals/Tutorials)
II. Elective Course (6 Credits)
(6 Papers) 6X4=24 6X5=30
Two papers - Discipline 1 specific
Two papers - Discipline 2 specific
Two papers - Inter disciplinary
Two papers from each discipline of choice and two
papers of interdisciplinary nature
Elective Course Practical / Tutorial* 6 X 2=12 6X1=6
(6 Practical/Tutorials*)
Two papers - Discipline 1 specific
Two papers - Discipline 2 specific
Two papers - Generic (Inter disciplinary)
Two papers from each discipline of choice and two
papers of interdisciplinary nature
Optional Dissertation or project work in place of one Discipline Specific Elective paper (6 credits) in 6th

III. Ability Enhancement Courses

1. Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses 2 X 4=8 2 X 4=8
(AECC) (2 Papers of 4 credit each)
Environmental Science
English/MIL Communication
2. Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC) (4 Papers of 4 4 X 4=16 4 X 4=16
credit each)
Total credit 132 132
* wherever there is a practical there will be no tutorial and vice-versa

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7.8 Programme Template: (BA, B Com. Regular)

Skill Discipline
Ability Enhancement Generic
CORE Enhancement Specific
Semester Compulsory Course Elective
COURSE (12) Course Elective
(AECC) (2) (GE) (2)
(SEC) (4) ( DSE) (4)

English-1 English/MIL
Communication (BA)

DSC- 1 A /
DSC- 2 A

Environmental Studies

DSC- 2 B
DSC- 1 C
DSC- 2 C
IV DSC- 1 D SEC -2
DSC- 2 D
V SEC -3 GE-1
VI SEC -4 GE-2

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9.1 To be awarded credit in Core Courses, Elective Courses, Discipline Specific Elective (DSE)
Course, Generic Elective (GE) Course and Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC) [comprising of
Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses (AECC) & Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC)],
students must have at least 75% attendance. The attendance of all courses including the Skill
Enhancement Courses shall be counted and accounted for in full while determining if the student
has met the minimum attendance norms of Gauhati University.

9.1.1 Attendance means attending direct instruction hours, i.e., theory classes,
seminars, workshops, practical, internships, educational trips, field works, project
works etc.

9.1.2 Learning in distance mode or self learning by library works or by internet

hours will not be counted as attendance, unless it is specifically identified and
prior approved by the University.

9.1.3 Basis for calculation of attendance: The basis for the calculation of the
attendance shall be the number of hours of contact prescribed by the University.

9.2 In case a student fails to have at least 75 percent attendance, he/she will not be allowed to sit
for the end semester examination and hence have to repeat the concerned semester after the
successful completion of the subsequent semesters.

(For example, if a student fails to secure the necessary credit in the first semester, then
he/she can register in the second and subsequent semesters. And only after the successful
completion of the sixth semester, can he/she repeat the first semester to earn the deficit

9.2a Provided that the above stipulations of at least 75 % attendence shall not apply to ODL
learners admitted under GUIDOL.

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A student having less than 75% attendance will not be allowed to appear in the End-
Semester Examination (ESE) except in the following cases:

9.3.1 Medical leave: Any student securing less than 75% due to medical reasons will
have to apply for medical leave in a prescribed form (within seven days from the date
of absence) accompanied by clear reason(s) for absence to the authorized
functionaries. The completed form will have to be supported by a Medical Certificate
from an authorized medical practitioner. The principal will examine each case of
medical absence individually and decide whether it merits exemption. However, the
minimum attendance after accounting for medical leave granted will still have to be
75%. Under no circumstances will a student be allowed to appear for the end
semester examination or continue with the programme if his/her attendance, after
consideration of medical leave, falls below 75%. Such consideration will be subject to
the condition that the student must have a minimum of 60% attendance.

9.3.2 Prescribed co-curricular activities (CCA): For absence due to participation

in prescribed co-curricular activities (e.g. NCC, NSS, Youth festivals, sports etc.),
the claim for CCA leave will have to be made in a prescribed form and supported
by authenticated certificates from the concerned authorities. Only those students,
whose names are on the list of students made available by the principal as being
allowed to participate in such activities, will be considered for CCA leave. The
principal will examine each individual case of such CCA leave applied for, and
decide whether it merits exemption. However, the minimum attendance after
accounting for CCA leave granted will still have to be 75%. Under no
circumstances will a student be allowed to appear for the end semester examination
or continue with the programme if his/her attendance, after consideration of leave
for co-curricular activities, falls below 75%.
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10.1 Examinations
Examinations, whether internal or end semester, theory or practical, would be counted in
totality for the purpose of considering a student passed or failed.

10.1.1 If a student does not appear in a paper (internal or external, theory or practical) in an
examination, the student will be considered failed in that paper. Any paper where a student
fails will be called an ‘Arrear’ paper of that student.

In case a student fails in any one or more papers in an end semester examination, she/he can
appear in all the papers in which she/he failed.

10.1.2 A student having ‘arrear’ in external examination, either in theory or practical

papers, shall be allowed chance to clear the same in the next available end-semester
examinations, with the following restrictions:

10.1.2a No student will be allowed to appear in the first and fifth semester examinations
10.1.2b No student will be allowed to appear in the second and sixth semester
examinations simultaneously.

10.1.3 The first and the fifth semester examinations will be held simultaneously, while
the third semester examination will be held separately. Similarly, the second and the sixth
semester examinations will be held simultaneously, while the fourth semester
examination will be held separately.

10.1.4 A student may be allowed once to reappear in any one of the honours theory
courses in each of the first, second and third semesters for betterment of grades if the
candidate secured ‘pass grades’ in all papers. Students will be allowed to reappear only in
the next similar examination. Grades obtained either in the earlier examination or in the
subsequent examination, whichever is higher, will be awarded to the student.

10.1.5 No betterment will be allowed in internal and practical examinations in any


10.1.6 A student must pass all her/his semester examinations, including ‘arrear’ and
‘betterment’ chances within six years from the date of admission to the first semester. In
this context, six years means six academic sessions. In the event of a student failing to do
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so, she/he will have to take fresh admission in the first semester. Subject to the said
condition, a student (with necessary credit/attendance) who could not appear or who
failed in any semester examination will be allowed chance to clear the same as follows:

i. First semester with regular third semester examination.

ii. Second semester with regular fourth semester examination.

iii. Third semester with regular fifth semester examination.

iv. Fourth semester with regular sixth semester examination.

10.1.7 There shall be no scope for a student to appear as Private Candidate in any course.

10.1.8 Schedule: The schedule for examinations will be as per the concerned Academic
Calendar. The exact dates of examinations and related information will be notified by the
office of the Controller of Examinations, Gauhati University

10.2 Evaluation: A student’s performance will be evaluated throughout the year based on
continuous assessment. Evaluation of the student’s performance in each semester for every
course will be based on the following:

• Internal Assessment (IA)

• End Semester Examination (ESE)

For a student to pass in a course, she/he has to pass on the basis of the marks secured in
TOTALITY in both Internal Assessment and End Semester Examination.

10.2.1 Internal Assessment (IA): IA will ideally account for 20% of the total marks allotted to a
course/paper. For evaluating the performance of the students in a continuous way, the following
measures will be adopted for distributing marks earmarked for IA.

10.2.1a Sessional or mid-term examination will be conducted for 50% of the total marks allotted
for IA of a course/paper. (For example, if 20 marks is allotted for IA of a course/paper, then 10
marks will be kept aside for assessment in sessional or mid-term examination. The sessional
examination will be held for 30 marks for the convenience of setting questions and covering the
syllabus and the marks secured by the students will be proportionately converted to be out of 10
marks. Duration of the examination will be one hour. The question papers of the sessional or mid
20 | P a g e
term examinations will be set by the concerned teacher(s) and the evaluated answer scripts will
be shown to the students and corrections will be made, if any.

10.2.1b 20% of the marks allotted for IA will be awarded to the students based on class
attendance. If the total marks for IA is 20, then 4 marks will be awarded to the students based on
class attendance. The following criteria will be adopted for awarding marks under this category:

a) Class attendance from 76% to 80%................. 1 mark;

b) Class attendance from 81% to 85%................. 2 marks;

c) Class attendance from 86% to 90%................. 3 marks;

d) Class attendance from 91% and above........... 4 marks.

10.2.1c Rest 30% of the marks allotted (i.e. 6 marks) for IA will be distributed and awarded on
the basis of performance of the students on the following criteria:

i) for Practical Courses: Practical (internal practical including practical copy)

ii) For non-practical courses :

Home assignments; Seminar/Group discussions; Field work; Performance in co-

curricular and extra-curricular activities.

10.2.1d Internal marks will be scaled up/down to ensure a maximum permissible

deviation of 20 percent from ESE marks. Thus, internal marks can deviate only within the
mark band of % marks secured in ESE plus /minus 20 percent.

10.2.1e In case of ODl, learners admitted under GUIDOL, IA will ideally account for 20
% of the total marks allotted to a course (in a manner similar to conventional mode students) and
will be distributed as follows

i) Sessional or Mid-term examinations will be conducted for 50% of the total marks allotted for
IA of a course ( in a manner similar to conventional mode students)

ii) Rest 50% of the marks allotted for IA will be distributed and awarded on the basis of
performance of students on the following criteria ( in a manner similar to conventional mode

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• Home assignments

• Seminars/Group discussions

• Field Work

• Performance in co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.

10.2.2 End Semester Examination (ESE):

The ESE will comprise of 80% of the total marks earmarked for a course. The ESE shall be of
three hours duration for a course whose ESE component exceeds 50 marks. For a student to pass
in a course/paper, her/his marks in both Internal Assessment and End Semester Examination will
be accounted for in totality

For Courses with Practical, ESE will be conducted as per Theory (60 marks) plus Practical (20

For courses without practical the ESE will be conducted for 80 marks.

For odd semesters, ESE will be held in the month of November and for the even semesters, the examination will
be held in the month of May.

10.2.3 Pass Marks

The conditions for successful completion (Pass) of a course is as per the Grading
Template indicated in Section- 10.3.7

10.2.4 Number of Attempts

10.2.4a A student who has completed a semester may be allowed to proceed to the next
semester, irrespective of the number of papers in which she/he failed.

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10.2.4b In order to complete an UG degree, a student must obtain passing grades in all
the papers prescribed.

10.2.4c A student having failed to fill in his examination form in the first semester may
be allowed to appear in the second semester if all other eligibility criteria are fulfilled.

10.2.5 Procedure for conducting Sessional examination:

10.2.5a The sessional examination as part of Internal Evaluation will comprise of 50% of
the marks earmarked. Since Internal Evaluation component will be of 20 marks,
Sessional examination will be held for determining students’ performance out of 10
marks. For the convenience of setting questions and covering the syllabus, the Sessional
examination will be held for 30 marks of one hour duration and the marks secured by the
students will be proportionately converted to be out of 10 marks. The sessional
examination for a paper will be conducted by the teacher(s) who teaches that paper. The
setting of question paper, invigilation duty, evaluation of answer scripts for each paper
will be done by the teacher(s) concerned as part of his/her normal duty without
hampering regular classes as far as practicable.

10.2.5b The teacher(s) concerned will fix the date of the sessional examination in each
paper. The students shall write their answers in the sessional examinations in proper
‘additional answer scripts’ of Gauhati University.

10.2.5c After evaluation, the answer scripts shall be shown to the students and
corrections in evaluation, if any, shall be made. After this, the answer scripts shall be
collected back from the students. The entire process of evaluation in the sessional
examination should not take more than two weeks from the date of examination.

10.2.5d Scrutiny of answer scripts of sessional examination will be done in the college
by an Examination Committee formed by the Principal in consultation with the faculties
of the college. During scrutiny, if any discrepancy is observed in the evaluation certain
questions, the same should be re-evaluated by a teacher of that subject appointed by the
Examination Committee.

10.2.5e Answer scripts of sessional examinations shall be submitted to the University

after one year of the examination concerned.
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10.2.5f Before the end of the End Semester Examination, the Colleges shall compile the
marks obtained by the students under different heads of Internal Evaluation such as
Sessional examination, Class attendance and from other criteria mentioned in 10.2.1a,
10.2.1b & 10.2.1c. The compiled marks will be submitted to the Controller of
Examinations through online feeding.

10.2.6 Procedure for External Evaluation

10.2.6a The Controller of Examination, Gauhati University will make necessary

arrangement for announcing the date of examinations and other necessary procedures as
per the University Rules.

10.2.6b The End Semester Examination shall be of three hour duration.

10.2.6c The affiliated colleges shall send the answer scripts of the external examinations
to the Zonal Officers as directed by the Controller of Examinations, Gauhati University.

10.2.6d The Evaluation Zone shall arrange everything needed for the evaluation and
scrutiny of the answer scripts. After evaluation and scrutiny, the answer scripts are to be
sent to the Controller of Examinations, Gauhati University along with the mark foils and
the scrutiny sheets.

10.2.6e Scrutiny will be carried out at the zones by teachers who qualify to be
examiners, as per this regulation, in the subjects concerned. The scrutinizers shall go
through each answer script to detect the following mistakes during scrutiny – wrong
entry, omissions, under-marking, over-marking, and wrong calculation of total marks.

10.2.6f In case a candidate is not satisfied with the grades obtained by her/him in a
theory paper in the end semester examination, she/he may apply for reevaluation (with
photocopy) and reevaluation (without photocopy) of the answer script by depositing the
prescribed fees. Alternately the candidate may seek the photocopy of the answer sheet
(without evaluation) on payment of the prescribed fee.

10.2.6g In case of gross damage or missing of answer scripts due to any unforeseen reasons
beyond the control of the university, special examinations shall be held within a stipulated time
and attempts shall be made to declare the results of such examinations at the earliest, so that the
students concerned get proper justice.

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10.2.7 Who can be an Examiner?

To become an external examiner in any UG examinations, the following conditions are


10.2.7a For Honours course, a teacher must have taught the subject/paper for a minimum
period of four years in an affiliated college of a university.

10.2.7b For Elective course, a teacher must have taught the subject/paper for a minimum
of two years in an affiliated college of a university.

10.2.7c A scrutiniser of any subject/paper must qualify to become an examiner of that


10.2.7d A person who has ‘close relative(s)’ appearing in a particular university

examination shall not be associated with it in any capacity. In this context, ‘Close
relative’ means husband, wife, son, daughter, father, mother, grand-children, son-in-law,
daughter-in-law, brother, sister, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, father-in-law, mother-in-
law, nephew, niece and first cousin. It shall be the responsibility of the person involved in
an examination in any capacity to declare that none of her/his close relative(s) is
appearing in that examination.

10.3 Grading:

Gauhati University has adopted the grading system recommended by the UGC which will ensure
uniformity with the rest of the country. This is expected to facilitate student mobility across
institutions within and across countries and also enable potential employers to assess the
performance of the students.

The University, accordingly, will follow the Grading System under which the marks are
converted to grades based on a Grading Template indicated in Section- 10.3.7. The following
definitions and explanations are used in the Grade Sheet design –

10.3.1 Credit: A unit by which course work is measured. It determines the number of
hours of instructions required per week. One credit is equivalent to one hour of
teaching/tutorial or two hours of practical per week.

25 | P a g e
10.3.2 Letter Grade: It is an index of the performance of students in a course. Grades are
denoted by O, A+, A, B+, B, C, D and F.

10.3.3 Grade Point: It is the numerical weight allotted to each letter grade on a 10-point

10.3.4 Credit Point: It is the product of grade point and number of credits for a course.

The grading of ODL students shall be done separately

10.3.5 Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA): It is the measure of performance of

work done in a semester. It is the ratio of total credit points secured by a student in
various courses registered in a semester and the total course credits taken during that
semester. It shall be expressed up to two decimal places.

SGPA (Sj) = ∑ (Cij X Gij) / ∑ Cij

Sj = SGPA of the jth semester
Cij = number of credits for the ith course of the jth semester,
Gij = grade point obtained by the student in the ith course of the jth semester.

10.3.6 Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA): It is a measure of overall cumulative

performance of a student over all semesters. It is the ratio of sum of the product of the
SGPA of each semester and the respective credits earned divided by the total credits
earned in the programme.

CGPA = ∑(Cj x Sj)/∑Cj,

Cj = credits earned in semester j,
Sj = SGPA in semester j
∑Cj = Total credits earned in the programme
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10.3.7 Conversion of marks (%) to Letter Grades and Grade Points:

Note: A student obtaining Grade F shall be considered failed and will be required to reappear
in the examination.

27 | P a g e

Adopted from UGC Instructional Template for Facilitating Implementation of Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)

10.2.8a B.Sc./B.Com./B.A. (Honours Course)

Grade Credit Point
Course Credit Grade Letter (Credit
Point (Credit X Grade)
Semester I
C-1 06 A 8 48
C-2 06 B+ 7 42
AECC-1 04 B 6 24
GE-1 06 B 6 36
Total 22 150 6.8 (150/22)
Semester II
C-3 06 B 6 36
C-4 06 C 5 30
AECC -2 04 B+ 7 28
GE-2 06 A+ 9 54
Total 22 148 6.73 (148/22)
Semester III
C-5 06 A+ 9 54
C-6 06 0 10 60
C-7 06 A 8 48
SEC-1 04 A 8 32
GE-3 06 0 10 60
Total 28 254 9.07 (254/28)
Semester IV
C-8 06 B 6 36
C-9 06 A+ 9 54
C-10 06 B 6 36
SEC-2 04 A+ 9 36
GE-4 06 A 8 48
Total 28 210 7.5 (210/28)
Semester V
C-11 06 B 6 36
C-12 06 B+ 7 42
DSE-1 06 0 10 60

28 | P a g e
DSE-2 06 A 8 48
Total 24 186 7.75 (186/24)
Semester VI
C-13 06 A+ 9 54
C-14 06 A 8 48
DSE-3 06 B+ 7 42
DSE-4 06 A 8 48
Total 24 192 8.0 (192/24)
Grand Total 148 1140 7.7 (1140/148)


Semester SGPA
Semester 1 Credit: 22; SGPA: 6.8
Semester 2 Credit: 22; SGPA: 6.73
Semester 3 Credit: 28; SGPA: 9.07
Semester 4 Credit: 28; SGPA: 7.5
Semester 5 Credit: 24; SGPA: 7.75
Semester 6 Credit: 24; SGPA: 8.0

CGPA = (22 x 6.8 + 22 x 6.73 + 28 x 9.07 + 28 x 7.5 + 24 x 7.75 + 24 x 8.0)/ 148 = 7.7

29 | P a g e
10.3.8b B.Sc. (Regular Course)

Credit Point SGPA

Course Credit Grade Letter Grade Point
(Credit X Grade) (Credit Point/Credit)
Semester I
DSC-1A 06 B 6 36
DSC-2A 06 B+ 7 42
DSC-3A 06 C 5 30
AECC -1 04 B 6 24
Total 22 132 6.0
Semester II
DSC-1B 06 B 6 36
DSC-2B 06 B 6 36
DSC-3B 06 C 5 30
AECC-2 04 A+ 9 36
Total 22 138 6.27
Semester III
DSC-1C 06 A 8 48
DSC-2C 06 A+ 9 54
DSC-3C 06 A 8 48
SEC-1 04 A 8 32
Total 22 182 8.27
Semester IV
DSC-1D 06 C 5 30
DSC-2D 06 B 6 36
DSC-3D 06 B+ 7 42
SEC-2 04 A+ 9 36
Total 22 144 6.54
Semester V
DSE-1A 06 B 6 36
DSE-2A 06 A+ 9 54
DSE-3A 06 A 8 48
SEC-3 04 B 6 24
Total 22 162 7.36
Semester VI
DSE-1B 06 B+ 7 42
DSE-2B 06 B 6 36
DSE-3B 06 C 5 30
SEC-4 04 C 5 20

30 | P a g e
Total 22 128 5.82
Grand Total 132 886 6.71 (886/132)


Semester SGPA
Semester 1 Credit: 22; SGPA: 6.0
Semester 2 Credit: 22; SGPA: 6.27
Semester 3 Credit: 22; SGPA: 8.27
Semester 4 Credit: 22; SGPA: 6.54
Semester 5 Credit: 22; SGPA: 7.36
Semester 6 Credit: 22; SGPA: 5.82

CGPA = (22 x 6.0 + 22 x 6.27 + 22 x 8.27 + 22x 6.54 + 22 x 7.36 + 22 x 5.82)/ 132 = 6.71

31 | P a g e
10.3.8c B.A./B.Com (Regular Course)

Credit Point SGPA

Course Credit Grade Letter Grade Point
(Credit X Grade) (Credit Point/Credit)
Semester I
English-1 06 A 8 48
DSC-1A 06 B 6 36
DSC-2A 06 A 8 48
AECC-1 04 B+ 7 28
Total 22 160 7.3
Semester II
MIL-1 06 A+ 9 54
DSC-1B 06 B+ 7 42
DSC-2B 06 B+ 7 42
AECC-2 04 B 6 24
Total 22 162 7.36
Semester III
English -2 06 B 6 36
DSC-1C 06 A 8 48
DSC-2C 06 B 6 36
SEC-1 04 A 8 32
Total 22 152 6.91
Semester IV
MIL - 2 06 B+ 7 42
DSC-1D 06 A+ 9 54
DSC-2D 06 A 8 48
SEC-2 04 B 6 24
Total 22 168 7.63
Semester V
SEC-3 04 A+ 9 36
DSE-1A 06 A 8 48
DSE-2A 06 A+ 9 54
GE-1 06 A+ 9 54
Total 22 192 8.73
Semester VI
SEC-4 04 A+ 9 36
DSE-2A 06 B 6 36
DSE-2B 06 A 8 48
GE-2 06 A 8 48

32 | P a g e
Total 22 168 7.63
Grand Total 132 1002 7.59 (1002/132)


Semester SGPA
Semester 1 Credit: 22; SGPA: 7.27
Semester 2 Credit: 22; SGPA: 7.36
Semester 3 Credit: 22; SGPA: 6.91
Semester 4 Credit: 22; SGPA: 7.63
Semester 5 Credit: 22; SGPA: 8.73
Semester 6 Credit: 22; SGPA: 7.63

CGPA = (22 x 7.27 + 22 x 7.36 + 22 x 6.91 + 22 x 7.63 + 22 x 8.73 + 22 x 7.63)/ 132 = 7.59

33 | P a g e
10.3.9 Grade Sheet Design
The Grade Sheet will be designed by the University to optimize the grading system

The Grade Sheet would not indicate the actual marks secured by the student in the
Examination. However the following conversion formula to obtain a standard
percentage would be indicated

CGPA x 10
This practice will be followed until the UGCBCS is implemented in a
comprehensive manner in the country and the CGPA is accepted as a standard
indicator of educational attainment across the nation.

11. Coordination Committee for Undergraduate-CBCS (CC-UGCBCS)

The Coordination Committee for Undergraduate CBCS (CC-UGCBCS) will facilitate the roll out
of UGCBCS in the university and in general, administer the UGCBCS. The CC-UGCBCS will
act as the nodal agency to liaise with the affiliated colleges on a continuous basis. Its scope of
activities will include

11.1 Facilitating the UGCBCS Regulation and receiving it if and when it is approved by
the Honorable Academic Council
11.2 Dissemination of the regulation among affiliated colleges
11.3 Facilitating the preparation of UGCBCS syllabus and receiving it when it is ratified
by the Honorable Academic Council
11.4 Dissemination of the approved syllabus among affiliated colleges
11.5 Grievance Redressal:
The CC-UGCBCS shall be the final point of redressal in matters of grievances
pertaining to the UGCBCS courses. The CC-UGCBCS will address attendance related
issues brought to its attention by the affiliated colleges and concerned students (as a
further appellate for students subsequent to the intervention of the concerned Principal
of the college) and other such matters relating to UGCBCS programmes.

34 | P a g e

The CC-UGCBCS shall be constituted before the implementation of UGCBCS in Gauhati

University. The Committee shall be constituted by the following members:

1. The Vice Chancellor of Gauhati University (Chairperson)

2. The Deans of the Faculties
3. Registrar, Gauhati University
4. Academic Registrar (Convener)
5. The Controller of Examinations
6. Deputy Controllers of Examinations
7. Secretary, University Classes
8. Coordinator IQAC
The following members will have a term of three years -
9. Five teachers from Gauhati University
10. Five Principals of affiliated colleges
11. Five teachers of affiliated colleges

The CC-UGCBCS will constitute an Executive Committee (a working committee) from among its members to
look into the day-to-day administration of the CBCS, matters requiring liaison between affiliated colleges and
the Controller’s office, and so on.


35 | P a g e
Committee for framing the Under Graduate Choice Based Credit System Regulation:

1. Prof. Nissar A. Barua (Chairman) Gauhati University

Gauhati University
2. Prof. Tarani Deka
Gauhati University
3. Prof. Anup Kumar Talukdar
Gauhati University
4. Prof. Anup Saikia
Gauhati University
5. Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Nath
Gauhati University
6. Mr. Anshuman Barua
7. Dr. Hiranya Chaliha Principal, Kaliabor College
Principal, S B Deorah College
8 Dr. Dharmendra Nath
Principal, Guwahati College
9. Dr. Pranab Sandilya
Principal, Handique Girls’ College
10. Dr. Utpal Dutta

11. Mr. Biswajit Bhuyan President, ACTA

12. Mr. Himangshu Maral General Secretary, ACTA
13. Dr. Anupam Dutta Assistant Secretary (Academic), ACTA
14. Academic Registrar, GU Convener

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