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Words & Images Brief

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Words & images in Graphic Design

Programme: Project: Unit: Cohort: Issued: Deadline: Schedule: Extended diploma in Graphic Design Visit Wales 41 Words & images in Graphic Design Graphic Design year 1 ? ? 4 weeks?

Lecturers :

The aim of this unit is to develop learners technical and creative skills and understanding required to produce graphic design work that incorporates words and images whilst developing the underpinning knowledge needed to produce work to given themes. It is essential that you appreciate the history and development of historical and contemporary artists work that will inuence your knowledge of the subject, prior to production of your own ideas. Your ndings will then be concluded with the production of material that will promote Wales. Your promotional material will utilise primary sourced images and literature with the use of industry standard software. You will be marked on creativity, uniqueness and execution of your own meaning, and the nal piece is expected to appeal to your chosen target audience.

Tony Newbury Simon Lewis Kyle Moreno-Gray I.V Dan Perkins Contact Us :

Coleg Glan Hafren Trowbridge Cardiff: Stop Motion IM Year 2 / Author: Simon lewis / September 2011

Type to enter text Words & images - Week 1

Programme: Project: Unit: Cohort: Issued: Deadline: Schedule: Extended diploma in Graphic Design Visit Wales 41 Words & images in Graphic Design Graphic Design year 1 14th September 2011 21st September 2011 4 weeks

Primary Research In order to complete the primary research you will need to use a digital camera or a good quality mobile phone to take photos for your primary research. Graphic Design and typography is everywhere. You are required to take pictures of graphic design and interesting typography. You can nd them in magazines, leaets, packaging, buses, signs, the high street and many more places. 1. You have to take 20 photos of good and bad graphic design and typography. 2. You need to put these into a sketch pad and write brief comments on why you like or dislike them. Secondary Research In order to complete the Secondary research you need to collect examples of what you consider good and bad design from magazines, television, internet, packaging, and any other sources. 1. Collect at least 20 examples of good graphic design and typography from various secondary sources. 2. You need to put these into a sketch pad and write brief comments on layout, message intended, meanings, use of words & images, and audience aimed towards.

Lecturers : Tony Newbury Simon Lewis Kyle Moreno-Gray I.V Dan Perkins Contact Us : Useful Information

Assessment Evidence: tick the following once complete

Primary Research (x at least 3 pages) Secondary Research (x at least 3 pages)

Deadline: 21st September 2011

You will be working towards Unit 41 Learning Outcomes [1, 2]
Coleg Glan Hafren Trowbridge Cardiff: Stop Motion IM Year 2 / Author: Simon lewis / September 2011

Words & images - Week 1(Continued)

Programme: Project: Unit: Cohort: Issued: Deadline: Schedule: Extended diploma in Graphic Design Visit Wales 41 Words & images in Graphic Design Graphic Design year 1 6th October 2011 6th October 2011 4 weeks

Historical art movements

Artist 1- Richard Hamilton
(Just What Is It that Makes Today's Homes So Different, So Appealing?)
Lecturers : Tony Newbury Simon Lewis Kyle Moreno-Gray I.V Dan Perkins Contact Us : Useful Information

What is the style and genre of his work? What does the painting mean? Comment on: Layout Overall design (colours, composition, etc) Use of Words & Images Style Message intended? You are now to create an A4 poster in the style of Richard Hamilton, using digital images and words reecting todays society. You are also required to analyse your production
Assessment Evidence: tick the following once complete
Analysis of work Own production in style of Richard Hamilton & Analysis

You will be working towards Unit 41 Learning Outcomes [1, 2]

Coleg Glan Hafren Trowbridge Cardiff: Stop Motion IM Year 2 / Author: Simon lewis / September 2011

Words & images - Week 2

Programme: Project: Unit: Cohort: Issued: Deadline: Schedule: Extended diploma in Graphic Design Visit Wales 41 Words & images in Graphic Design Graphic Design year 1 13th October 2011 13th October 2011 4 weeks

Contemporary Artists
Artist 2- David Carson
Lecturers : Tony Newbury Simon Lewis Kyle Moreno-Gray I.V Dan Perkins Contact Us : Useful Information

Artist 3- Stefan Sagmeister

On separate pages: What is the style and genre of their work? Select examples of their work and comment on: LayoutOverall design, Use of Words & Images, Style, Message intended?
You will be working towards Unit 41 Learning Outcomes [1, 2]
Coleg Glan Hafren Trowbridge Cardiff: Stop Motion IM Year 2 / Author: Simon lewis / September 2011

Words & images - Week 2 (Homework)

Programme: Project: Unit: Cohort: Issued: Deadline: Schedule: Extended diploma in Graphic Design Visit Wales 41 Words & images in Graphic Design Graphic Design year 1 ? ? 4 weeks?

Historical art movements

Museum/ Library research
Lecturers : Tony Newbury Simon Lewis Kyle Moreno-Gray I.V Dan Perkins Contact Us :

Along with the research you have carried out you are now required to visit libraries/ museums, exhibitions, etc. Select an artists that uses words & images. Illustrative evidence can be photographed, scanned, etc. Comment on: Layout Overall design Use of Words & Images Style Message intended?

Assessment Evidence: tick the following once complete

Analysis of work

Deadline: ???
You will be working towards Unit 41 Learning Outcomes [1, 2]
Coleg Glan Hafren Trowbridge Cardiff: Stop Motion IM Year 2 / Author: Simon lewis / September 2011

Words & images - Weeks 3-4

Programme: Project: Unit: Cohort: Issued: Deadline: Schedule: Extended diploma in Graphic Design Visit Wales 41 Words & images in Graphic Design Graphic Design year 1 ? ? 4 weeks?

Design Brief
Lecturers :

You have been asked to create a poster, t-shirt and A4 brochure promoting Wales. You have free reign to design what ever you want but it should promote Wales as a tourist destination. You must include the following: 1. 2. 3. The Welsh tourist board logo (Pre-supplied) The welsh tourist board strap line Holidays Unpackaged Images of Wales

Tony Newbury Simon Lewis Kyle Moreno-Gray I.V Dan Perkins Contact Us : Useful Information

Think of what encapsulates Wales and create a mood board. This will help when it comes to design your promotional material. You need to create three different hand drawn design proposals of the brochure, poster and t-shirt. You will then pick the one that promotes Wales the best. Special attention should be made to producing artwork that uses Words & Images together.

Assessment Evidence Tick once complete:

3 Design Proposals (Sketches) - T-shirt 3 Design Proposals (Sketches) - Poster 3 Design Proposal (Sketches) - Brochure Produce a nal: Poster, A4 brochure, and T-Shirt Evaluation (Comment on the overall design, evaluate the visual relationship between your use of words & Images, techniques used, message intended, materials used, target audience, costs of materials, successes/ improvements to be made?, etc.

You will be working towards Unit 41 Learning Outcomes [2, 3, 4]

Coleg Glan Hafren Trowbridge Cardiff: Stop Motion IM Year 2 / Author: Simon lewis / September 2011

Stop Motion
Programme: Project: Unit: Cohort: Issued: Deadline: Schedule: Extended diploma in Interactive Media Stop Motion 46 Digital Story Telling, 59 Stop Motion Animation Production Interactive Media Year 2 Tuesday 13th September 2011 Thursday 3rd November 2011 8 Weeks (Inclusive of Half Term)

Unit Objectives
Words & Images in Graphic Design (Unit 41)
Words and images permeate the contemporary visual world, from the urban environment of signs, symbols and commercial messages to our television screens and computers. Art and design practitioners have both inuenced and reected their era through the use of cartoon and illustration, as storytellers commenting on political and social issues of the time. The rapid development in mass production of printed material encouraged designers to target their ideas to specic audiences. They recognised the potential for images and words across the commercial, political and wider cultural world and in order to compete in a highly competitive market. More recently, artists and designers have employed digital means to develop increasingly innovative ways of communicating their ideas. This unit is about developing learners skills in the use of graphic visual language and employing words and images in their work in a rich variety of ways for different purposes. In this unit learners will be taught to recognise the potential for words and images across a broad range of media, from printed matter, animations and the internet to traditional media, TV and photography. This will involve developing learners technical skills as well as their ability to generate ideas that could result in original, exciting and thought provoking nal outcomes. Art and design practitioners have recognised and used the partnership words and images in their work, producing visually stimulating solutions to commercial and noncommercial briefs. This unit should combine creative thinking with practical, workable solutions. Learners should be guided through the benets and pitfalls of producing work to a client brief for possible commercial use. Through this unit learners will develop an understanding of how to respond to given themes or assignments and how to develop appropriate ideas using carefully selected words and images that can communicate either literal or abstract outcomes.

Coleg Glan Hafren Trowbridge Cardiff: Stop Motion IM Year 2 / Author: Simon lewis / September 2011

Grade Criteria:
UNIT 41: Words & Images in Graphic Design

To achieve a Pass Grade the evidence must show that the learner is able to:
1. 2. 3. Identify how words and images are used in the work of others Explain the visual relationship of words and images within own ideas Explore the potential of words and images within own work.

To achieve a Merit Grade the evidence must show that the learner is able to:
1. 2. 3.

Describe how examples of others words and images work together in a design context Analyse the relationship between words and images used within own ideas Produce individual and considered nal outcomes that incorporate words and images.

To achieve a Distinction Grade the evidence must show that the learner is able to:

Dene how examples of others words and images work together in a design context and use judgements to inform own graphic design ideas

2. 3.

Evaluate the visual relationship between words and images used within own ideas Produce innovative ideas and exciting nal outcomes that fully exploit the use of words and images.

Coleg Glan Hafren Trowbridge Cardiff: Stop Motion IM Year 2 / Author: Simon lewis / September 2011

Stop Motion
Programme: Project: Unit: Cohort: Issued: Deadline: Schedule: Extended diploma in Interactive Media Stop Motion 46 Digital Story Telling, 59 Stop Motion Animation Production Interactive Media Year 2 Tuesday 13th September 2011 Thursday 3rd November 2011 8 Weeks (Inclusive of Half Term)

Notes & Formative Assessment

Formative Feedback:

_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________

Areas to develop:

_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________

Formative Grade:

Student Comments:

_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________

Student signature:

Tutors signature:

Coleg Glan Hafren Trowbridge Cardiff: Stop Motion IM Year 2 / Author: Simon lewis / September 2011

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